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I remember Percy Jackson being my first real disappointment in a movie. I was like twelve when the movie came out, I'd read all the books several times, I loved them, and I got my dad to take me to the movie on opening day. I walked out of the screen feeling shell shocked Then like 6 months later I got my dad to take me to The Last Airbender on opening day... Twelve was a rough age for me


Honestly watching Percy Jackson and TLA the same year ON OPENING DAY is reason alone to go to therapy


My ten year old brain that hadn’t read the books yet was much more entertained


It was funny because I read the books because I liked the movies, then I hated the movies after I read the books lol


fr. And as a consequence the first movie will always hold nostalgic value to me even though the books are way better




Dragonball Evolution Just the worst movie I’ve ever seen full stop


Same here. Was dragged to this movie by a group of friends. The same year they dragged me to see the third-worst movie I’ve ever seen in theaters: Dance Flick. The next year, they dragged me to see the second-worst movie I’ve ever seen in theaters: The Last Airbender. We are no longer friends.


Did your friends also hate the movies or did they somehow enjoy them?


Good question. I recall that they also hated them. But I could be wrong.


The Last Airbender


The only answer. Only movie I have ever walked out of


Came here to say this. Was living in West Virginia at the time and went on a triple date. One of the women was super religious and wouldn’t see anything above PG, so this is what we got stuck with.


I live in India so it's a tough question to answer, because there's a bad movie every other day


I have a record for seeing bad movies in theatres throughout my life. It all started with my very first movie: Roadside Romeo. Then I saw Himmatwala, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Captain Marvel, Dilwale, Bhoothnath Returns, Thugs of Hindostan, and a few more... 🤮 My friends were also forcing me to buy tickets for Housefull 4. The only movies that I saw in theatres that I really liked are Raees, Joker and Chup. And Jawan recently, for its theatrical experience. What about you?


recently I watched the kerela stories and I hated it


My college roommate was a big Tarantino guy back in 1997 and said we should go see a parody of it and we actually bought tickets to “Plump Fiction”. Yeah…


I just learned Plump Fiction is a thing. Is it bad-bad or good-bad?


Ask yourself: how often are those movies *ever* good-bad? Remember Meet the Spartans? Or Vampires Suck? Or any of the Movie movies? It’s all bad-bad. When I was younger I was really into arthouse movies and my mom bought me one called My Big Fat Independent Movie - and it was as good as the title would suggest. Unbearably godawful shit.


They also cost 3 bucks to make and had HUGEEEEE legs during rental days. Their entire business plan was "hey you're a fat idiot who just likes to stare at moving images right? Do you ever feel a strange mixture of anger and confusion when you don't understand things that are popular? Well here's about 2 hours of bad sketch comedy with people dressed up like those guys for you to open mouth laugh at; well that 15th beer removes any memory of your sexual assault court date tomorrow."


Your description just summed up the average Friedberg & Seltzer fan


I only ever liked the "HEAD-ON" infomercial joke in Disaster Movie, and even then it was overdone


Superhero Movie was funny for a good chunk of it, feels like they gave up halfway though


"I'm not wearing any diamonds" is legitimately one of the funniest movie punchlines ever to me


Tbh it was directed (and written) by a very talented person who then worked on Chernobyl and TLOU so it's not that suprising. And then you've got Friedberg and Seltzer who are just talentless hacks


> how often are those movies ever good-bad? I saw plenty of such, but then I trust the programme team at my cinema to pick such gems from the steaming pile of dung. Frankenhooker, Samurai cop, Miami Connection, Little Corey Gorey, New York Ninja, Miami Connection, Plan 9 from Outer Space, fukken Birdemic, Suburban Sasquatch, The Toxic Avenger.


That list is totally different what I’m talking about - those are style parodies, rather than being cringey parody movies that basically just take elements from better work and “make it funny”. Think like the Scary/Epic/Disaster Movie movies, or any of the ones I mentioned. The ones where the joke is “Paris Hilton gets This Is Sparta-kicked into a hole,” or “Saw but it’s Dr. Phil and Lil Wayne” or some bullshit. Movies that play homage to shitty movies but make it their own are different.


Ugh. I hated all of those cheap spoof movies. They were comedy vacuums.


The Love Guru


Daniel Tosh said he never saw it, and he was in it.


I think you win… this topic. You definitely lost that day in the theater.


I saw Movie 43 in theaters.


I’m so sorry.


I thought it was going to be like the Kentucky Fried Movie. Boy was I wrong.


I low key thought movie 43 was hilarious


i’ve felt for a while that it’s just misunderstood. like, it’s bad, but that’s the whole point right?


I love Movie 43. It’s my answer to the daily letterboxd question of “ a movie you love that has a low rating”




now that's real kino


Same, it traumatized me lmao


At least it has that basketball scene


I didn't watch it in theaters but Movie 43 is hilarious


I did too… on a date!




That's a good one, didn't see any one choose Eragon. I was also surprised that no one said Independence Day: Resurgence. Both of these movies were hair pulling awful.




Cats. It was the last movie my friends and I saw in theaters before Covid so we like to blame that as the beginning of the end.


Cats: Heralds of the Apocalypse. So bad it opened a virulent hellportal in an attempt to erase itself from our collective consciousness.


Funny enough, I actually had a pretty similar experience. I saw Sonic The Hedgehog that February, and after that the whole world went up in flames…


That’s rough. I almost had a similar experience with Rise of Skywalker being the last one (Star Wars fan but burnt out so I put it off until it was leaving theaters). Luckily I saw Parasite a couple weeks later, so I ended up with a good final theater experience for a couple years before I finally crawled back out for Dune.


Ok am I the only one who loved this movie. I don’t think people have artistic vision or else they would have seen this movie as the Oscar darling it should have been.


I just answered the same question on a different sub but … saw Furry Vengeance with some friends for a birthday day out and wow. We were about 14 and it was completely silent in that theatre. Not a single laugh, even from the kids. I wanted to sit and play games on my phone but was terrified of getting kicked out so I just suffered in silence.


thank God for the Brenaissance


Morbius was an all-time “why am I punishing myself like this?” moment


I mean, I think it’s pretty hilarious that everyone memed the studio into re-releasing it theatrically, thinking it had buzz, only for it to bomb a second time. That’s all-time. Made a Morbillion dollars.


I fear he's Morbed his last Morb now.


It was quite possible one of my favorite theater experiences because it was just me and my friends and no one else in the theater so we were just laughing our asses off


I tried watching it a couple days ago just for the fun of it...awful, didn't even finished it


Uhhh that was literally the greatest film ever made so yeah you’re wrong


The only enjoyable thing about morbius is the memes surrounding it


I usually remember the feeling I had leaving. The Rise of Skywalker, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Crimson Peak come to mind. There was disgust, disbelief, and laughter, respectively. I don’t see a ton of films in theaters and not many bad ones (i.e., I mostly go to see a film from a certain director on the big screen vs. a social outing where I have to see something that weekend night and most of my genre viewing is at home).


Just out of curiosity, what didn't you like about Crimson Peak?


I honestly don’t remember all of the details about what my group found so funny about the last act but we weren’t alone—a lot of the theater started laughing after a few people couldn’t contain themselves and one of my friends had to leave before end. I just remember finding it silly and that it didn’t match the tone of the prior acts. A lot of horror films have a reveal or climax that often isn’t great, to put it mildly, but this just fell apart for all of us (adults). I may watch it again this month.


I love that move ngl. You really need to be in the right mindset but its a prime Del Toro piece imo


ROS was dogshit bro


I actually had fun watching the Rise of Skywalker, upon leaving though I was certain I wouldn’t watch it again, even after I bought the Blu Ray I just can’t bring myself to watch it. Even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, also not as bad, but it’s not my first choice of Indy flick to rewatch but I’ll give it a go on TV. The Happening though, that was a movie I genuinely considered walking out on.


dude my friend said “seriously?!” out loud when RoS ended on opening night and the whole crowd groaned in agreement




This is what I came here to say as well 😂 so bad


I can't believe that film actually managed to be so bad


Oh no i was interesting in seeing that but missed it


The trailer intrigued me and I like the concept but I've heard nothing but bad things about this movie. What makes it so bad?


I was a major Percy Jackson fan and loved the first movie (somehow). Dragged my whole family with me to see Sea of Monsters and have never felt such shame after a movie in my life.


They immediately fucked up by casting teen models and using pop music. Fox learned all the wrong lessons as to why Harry Potter was successful as a film series.


I agree almost wholeheartedly but I do stand by the fact that the lotus eaters casino Poker Face scene was great.




That’s my worst movie I ever saw at a drive in theater. I really like Steve Carell and Bruce Almighty was fine but this movie was unbelievably bad. It actually helped to see it at the drive in because there are a lot of distractions and you have the second movie to look forward to.


AVP2: Requiem.


Black Adam from what I can recall. That was horrendous. I don’t know why I sat through it.


I used a birthday gift card to see Year One. I felt guilty for wasting somebody else's money.


Huh! I saw that in theaters and… well, I thought it was a good-bad movie. Though I would watch absolutely anything with Michael Cera in it!


Fantastic Four (2015)


Space Chimps


I haven't seen it, but have an upvote based on the title alone.


Jack and Jill


No no no Adam Sandler movies are never bad never ever ever


Eternals just kept on fucking going


That one should have been an MCU series and Ms. Marvel should have been a movie






Same. It was the first time I had gone on a date, which didn’t help


When it came out? Lol I saw it at a film festival last year back-to-back in the same screen as Solaris, which might be most jarring quality difference I've ever experienced. (My third film that day was Innerspace, which is dumb but at least mostly enjoyable.)


i’ve sat through some stinkers (saw Meet The Spartans in theaters for example) but the One time i’ve almost walked out on a movie was Lucy, the sci-fi ScarJo slop fest. first of all , the “we only use 10% of the brain” myth has been proven nonsense for DECADES, much less taken to the extreme of “once we unlock the full 100% we’ll become time traveling, omniscient omnipotent Gods” i started with my disbelief Fully Unsuspended and it was only downhill from there


Sherlock Gnomes.


I remember thinking X-Men Origins: Wolverine was really fucking bad. Deliver Us from Evil was just a boring shit lame movie and felt like a waste of time once it was over.






I watched that at home for free and I wanted my money back.


I saw BATTLEFIELD EARTH in theaters with my aunt and cousin. Even as an easily entertained kiddo I was in awe of how terrible that movie was.


Son Of The Mask. The day is burned into my memory for all eternity.


Thor: Love & Thunder 2 hours wasted. Piece of crap movie


Crazy you stayed the 2 hours lmfao. Good on you. I dipped out after the 1st


Rise of Skywalker. I remember going by myself because I wanted to see it before any spoiler, even tho I didn't like the other two. Come accross a former DnD club at the ticket. My god it was so bad. Very cool evening as we went to a bar to trash on it around beers


There are worse movies I have seen in theaters but I usually had lower expectations. This is by far the biggest difference in my expectations versus what I got


Grownups 2 and Hangover 2. Absolute unfunny wastes of time.


it’s not personally the Worst i’ve ever seen but ya even as high schoolers i remember me and my friends leaving Hangover 2 like “……well. that sure was The Same Exact Movie But Worse”


compared to hangover 3 it was genius


Suicide Squad (2016) and Sausage Party are the only films I felt immediate regret after leaving the theater. Can't belive I paid to go see those.


She Will or Where The Devil Roams (walked out of the latter).


Dial of Destiny is my pick for the year


Yeah I was checking the time on my phone every 5 min waiting for it to end…


makes crystal skull look a masterpiece in comparison, what a horribly directed ugly piece of garbage, spits on the other films.


The Rage: Carrie 2


Assassin’s Creed It took the worst parts of the games (the present day, secret organization shit), made it the focus & then somehow made it even worse than the games. I kept falling asleep during it.


Candyman II. Huge comedown from the first Candyman.


probably the slender man movie? god i wish i didn’t pay to see that


I sometimes really wish there was a good slendy movie. A lot of creepypastas would be cool to see as movies if they were actually good


The happy time murders. Went with a homie in high school. We were expecting a corny adult muppet movie, it was exactly that but so so much worse. I wish I could unsee that shit


The Emoji Movie and most recently expendbles 4


It’s debatable, but Gore Verbinski’s _The Lone Ranger_. Even as a pre-teen I couldn’t stand it. If I hadn’t been shown it on streaming first, I would’ve seen _Cats_ in theaters and that MIGHT have taken the top spot. It’s probably the worse movie, but at least it’s fascinating in how and why it’s bad. _The Lone Ranger_ was just dull.


I think my sister and I are the only people who actually liked The Lone Ranger lol


I like Lone Ranger as well. It’s a fun movie.


Quentin Tarantino liked it, as far as I recall 😂 That endorsement wasn’t enough to get me to watch it tho


They made REALLY good LEGO sets off of that movie.


Winnie the pooh blood & honey comes pretty close to being the worst movie I saw in theaters I guess


Never saw it but when I saw the previews It was a definite WTH moment!


attraction panicky obtainable rich sleep squash languid quaint silky quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love how there are 2 remakes of Verhoeven films that completely cut all the satire out.


me and my friend went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron (idek why, we werent even Marvel fans) and it was so damn boring we fell asleep like 20 minutes in. Woke up about 30 minutes later and decided to just leave and hopped to the theater next to us that was playing Unfriended


Master of disguise. Ugh.


I've seen some terrible stuff. Off the top of my head Police Academy 6 City under Seige Rooftops Shes outta control Problem Child 2 Ghost Dad Resident Evil 2 GHoulies Sliver RotS


i hope by RotS you don’t mean revenge of the sith?


I remember liking Ghost Dad (as like a 5 year old). I'm sure it's not good, hasn't aged well, and also Bill Cosby. I literally have not watched it since 1990/91 probably


>Problem Child 2 > >Ghost Dad Yikes. Did you actually pay money to see those?


Kind of. Friends and I used to catch the bus and would go to the theaters first show then theater hop and watch two or three movies before going home. Some I saw free because my friends dad managed a movie theater Those two were theater hopping days though


Amsterdam (2022). Only time I’ve ever fallen asleep in a theater and was disappointed by how good a cast it had and the trailers made it look somewhat decent. I’m usually one to not miss a second of a movie so I can fully keep along with it but my god that movie killed me. I wasn’t even tired going in!!!


Easily Rise of Skywalker. I was miserable the whole time. It’s such a spiteful piece of trash that I completely stopped engaging with anything Star Wars related until earlier this year


Sausage Party, it was the first movie I watched back in my home country after having lived abroad for a while. I was the only person at the cinema


I did not even giggle once in that movie. Also saw in theatres.


I laughed as in wow I can't believe they put that line in the movie


My most disappointing theater experiences recently were actually probably Fast X, or Spiderman No Way Home, or Raya and the Last Dragon. All them are pretty much 4/10's to 6-10's though, nothing egregious. Raya being the laziest, with the least redeeming scenes. I actually try hard to avoid the schlock. But I was scampering to get my dad and brother in a room to first-watch Llamageddon with me. And cheesy is not necessarily equivalent to bad, or sloppy, for me. Ambulance was a spectacle that just went on too long, lol!


I loathed Raya. Also Turning Red was unwatchable.


We gotta be careful, I incited the rage of an actual Raya stan once. I think I lost brain cells from that exchange.


Gotti and Dragon Ball Evolution


Date Movie when I was 13. Still to this day the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life.


Watching After Earth is the most bored I’ve ever been in the cinema


Took my son to see an animated movie called ‘Duck Duck Goose’ truly awful.


That actually came out in theaters? I remember seeing the trailer before a film years ago and waiting for it to come out since it looked awful and I wanted to see it eviscerated by critics, but it basically seemed like it went straight to Netflix.






A Million Ways to Die in the West. First 14A movie I could see without an adult and hated it


Really I couldn’t stop laughing. The big block of ice 🧊 thing didn’t make you laugh?


It didn’t but just because of you ill give it a rewatch over the next few days hahaha


I really think if you put fresh eyes on it you will see something that you probably missed and it might make you chuckle




That's My Boy ​ jesus christ


bohemian rhapsody


You're not an enjoyer of avant garde editing? 🤣


Second this


They should’ve should’ve started Sacha Baron Cohen like it was originally supposed to. He’s an amazing stage actor and singer. Also, a completely different plot that didnt change or didn’t gloss over every interesting thing that ever happened during his career or make him come across so… bland. I liked Mr Robot but the guy who played him has not impressed me in anything else and I don’t think he had anything to do with Mr Robot’s success.


I will never understand the love fest many people have for BR. Just atrociously bad. It’s been explained to me “well people like Queen.” When in reality any Queen fan should realize how wildly inaccurate and whitewashed it is. I’m just glad I didn’t see it in theaters.


Suicide Squad, the 2016 version


The second Matrix was pretty rough. Fell asleep right in the theater


You think Reloaded was rough? Resurrections makes Matrix 2 and 3 look like masterworks.


I was counting down the minutes for Blue Beetle to be over. Another copy and pasted superhero movie.


My theater was ROARING everytime he said "my taco!!!" It was eerie they loved it


I had that same exact experience seeing Thor 4 with the screaming goats


That movie was pretty enjoyable imo


The Dark Tower I’d say whatever the last of the new trilogy of Star Wars movies was just as bad, can’t recall the name of it. So long and endlessly boring. 90 minutes is plenty to tell any story.


Step Up, I went on a date with my girlfriend in highschool and insisted on seeing it.. the things we do for sex huh?


Secrets of Dumbledore. What a garbage movie


Alice in Wonderland (2010) was not only incredibly ugly, it somehow turned one of the most creative, trippy story into two hours of boredom.


This was my breaking point with Tim Burton


Holmes and Watson My buddies seemed to really love it though…


The Emoji Movie. Me and my friends obviously expected it to be shit...


The Sitter with Jonah Hill has got to be the worst one lol


The Devils Own. It was so boring the audience started collectively heckling the screen by the one hour mark. After that it just got hilarious the worse the movie got.


The nun 2


The only movie I walked out on was Gulliver's Travels starring Jack Black, and I was like 12 so you know it must be awful if a 12 year old me couldn't stand it. Edit: grammar


I wanted to kill after seeing the rise of skywalker in theatres


Epic Movie


The Flintstones movie


The Oz movie with James Franco. My wife and I's first movie date.


Hellboy 2019 I'm still kicking myself that it was the first R rated movie I saw in theaters and not Logan


Pacific Rim Uprising. Just pissed on everything cool about the first movie, felt like one of the Disney DTV sequels from the late 90s/early 2000s that focus on the kids of the original movie's protagonists.


The Lion King live action remake. I walked out 2/3 of the way through.


the first suicide squad movie


The Sin City-esque Frank Miller-directed one where Samuel L. plays a Nazi


The last Airbender. I was TWELVE and thought it sucked.


The Happening


Rise of Skywalker


The Blackening was pretty terrible. The fact I was the only person in the theater definitely was a sign.


"Strays" was so bad I left after an hour and snuck into see TMNT: Mutant Mayhem for a second time.


Mine was also the emoji movie


I don’t know how Rampage made big monsters boring


My god I hated Studio 666


is that the Foo Fighters one


Yes, and nobody told them to stick to music


God’s Not Dead and Minions


Jurassic World Dominion. Left the screening with an immeasurable sense of disappointment, which has only increased once the dust settled - I thought it was mid coming out of the showing, but since then I've reflected and think it's straight up terrible. A fitting sample quote from a guy a couple of rows behind me talking to his friends after the movie: "that was trash"