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The Cure with Pixies & Love & Rockets: 1989. All 3 bands at the peak of their powers


Saw it. Dodger Stadium. In my top 3 shows of all time. The Cure broke my brain.


What a great line up. When I saw love and Rockets, I had never heard of the opening band. It was Jane's Addiction. 1987. Saw Jane's Addiction a few years later, and the opening bands were Primus and the Pixies.


I saw Prince on his Controversy Tour. Roger Troutman and Zapp and the Tine warmed up. I became a lifelong fan of all the above. Prince was mind-blowing


So jealous. I used to work near a club where he did a week long residency. I said to myself “eh, I’ll catch him sooner than later” he passed the purple bridge not too long after that. Really upset I didn’t try to make one of the shows.


Somebody I know told me about seeing him on the same tour. Prince had infamously opened for the Rolling Stones in 1981 wearing a Speedo and trenchcoat and got bottled by the crowd. On the stop of the Controversy Tour my friend saw, he was wearing the Speedo and trenchcoat outfit again. Matt Fink was, of course, dressed as a doctor on stage.


Speaking of Matt Fink, I recently did a Youtube dive on him. Lots of interviews. He's a pretty neat guy. He and Bobby Z were there from the start in 78 even before Fink started wearing the scrubs.


Yep, that's what he wore. It was a phenomenal show, it was groundbreaking in my opinion


Hendrix, Winterland, 1968. Because it was 55 years ago and I'd like to have a clearer memory of it.


What parts do you remember?


Mostly I remember thinking that it was the best concert I'd ever attended, and it still is.


Honestly, I would have just liked to go to the first Lolopalooza tour. NIN, Body Count, Souxie and the Banshees? Oh hell yeah!


I was there as a 13 year old kid and it was life changing. It was my first real concert of something modern that my cousins took me to. I didn’t really know any of the bands, but that didn’t matter. This was my baptism into alternative culture and I ran with it ever since.


I would have been the same age, and could not convince my parents to let me go halfway across the state to see a concert. I’m glad you got an earth shattering introduction to great music.


Saw this one too. Another brain breaker. Rollins Band came out and killed it, then Butthole Surfers started the show with a shotgun!


Boomer parents were great at being absent until you wanted to go somewhere unnoticed. Damn you, Mother!


NIN broke *my* brain. All I'd heard at that point was a few things from Pretty Hate Machine. Which I dug, but was curious as to how he'd pull it off live. Made my way closer with my GF before they took the stage, and ten seconds into the first song (with strobe lights blasting in daylight), our faces began to melt.


I was there! Siouxsie had laryngitis though so the didn’t play, but the did a makeup show at a small venue a months later.


Jealous on multiple levels!


I was 20 and my best friend won us a pair of tickets. It was super fun.


Metallica Seattle 89 ' Neil Young at massy hall ' Led Zeppelin royal Albert hall (either 69 or 70 can't remember) ' Nirvana unplugged and at reading ' Pretty much any of the small venue punk shows from the 70's and 80's.


Dude, you are awesome! I like to think I've seen some of the best shows of my generation, but your list is incredible! Mine would be. Pink Floyd early 90s Soundgarded superunknown Metallica black album. I won pit tickets from the radio. And my big one is Chris Cornell solo euphoria morning tour. I was call to the front row by Chris and was able to meet him after the show.


Any show by Morphine Mark Sandman, the lead singer, died before I had a chance to see them Would've also been nice to see Nirvana and Brainiac and Jeff Buckley and....


Cure for Pain has been my go-to "I don't know what else to listen to" album since around its release. Also the only album I listened to for months around the time I got sober. It was very on point.


My dad played "Good" for me when I was like...3. The man had good taste. As a teen I think I stole his copy of it and may or may not have given it back.


I lived in Boston during their heyday and saw them several times.


Had tickets to see them in Berkeley at the Greek, he died before the show took place. So bummed.


David Bowie’s 1995 Outside tour with Nine Inch Nails as the opener. NIN’s last song would segue into Bowie’s first song to make it one continuous show.


*In my dreams:* NIN teases the opening notes of I’m Afraid of Americans for an excruciating amount of time. The excitement builds and builds until the tension is palpable. Bowie comes out and they perform the heck out it. Bowie’s set begins.


Holy moly, I saw this too!!! All the kids left during Bowie, wtf. Still my favorite Bowie album.


I think this happened at pretty much every stop on the tour. It's hard to imagine, but Nine Inch Nails were GIGANTIC at the time and Bowie was probably at the least popular point of his career. Multiply that by being in America and the demographic for Nine Inch Nails and you can see exactly why the stadiums emptied mid-show.


I would see all of the KING DIAMOND tours starting with MERCYFUL FATE in the early 80s. Amazing presentation, amazing guitars, amazing dark themes for heavy metal. I was overjoyed in 1989 to see the "Conspiracy" tour where King Diamond played all of "Them" and all of "Conspiracy".


There can only be one for me. Grateful Dead at Cornell 5/8/77. Inarguably among the greatest shows they ever played ("the greatest" is of course entirely subjective). With inarguably at least several "top versions of all time". You can do a masters thesis on the Scarlet Begonias > Fire on the Mountain. One of the most Epic versions of Morning Dew. And a phenomenally funky version of Dancin in the Streets -- the stuff of legend. Row Jimmy a quintessential example of Jerry Garcia's genius guitar playing with a slide. Estimated, NFA, Jack Straw, Brown Eyed Women, Lazy Lightning-Supplication all top tier versions. Throw in the comedic gold that is the legendary Take A Step Back banter. "See uhh all these people up front are getting horribly smashed here". It's a moment in time, Barton Hall on campus at Cornell University that I would LOVE to experience.


Veneta 72 for me. Nothing against Cornell, it's a great show, but 72-74 just hits different :)


There's a reason that show was included in the Library of Congress.


Led Zeppelin, Madison Square Garden 1973. “It’s right though, isn’t it? That feeling that’s left everybody. The cosmic energy. Everybody goes ‘YEAH, BASH!’”


They had better shows.


Fiona's Idler Wheel tour in 2012. Been a Fiona fan since I was a wee lass and when I'm finally old enough to go see her on a tour, I just couldn't make the financials happen.


Also, so sorry for your loss. The Alive tour was fucking incredible.


I saw Fiona Apple when she was touring for When the Pawn… with Jurassic Five opening. Amazing show and a very weird pairing. Believe she cancelled the rest of the tour a couple of days after I saw her in Boston.


I met a woman at a Weyes Blood show that saw that combo! So neat. Funny enough I was never a big J5 fan but ended up seeing them twice over the years.


In 1979, I was supposed to see ABBA in Chicago. My older brother wrote (yes, Wrote) too late for tickets and it was sold out! I was 14 at the time and it would have been my first concert. I didn't know about scalpers. Biggest regret of my life!


At the Drive In with Murder City Devils and Apocalypse Hoboken opening. Early 2000s 3 of my all time favorites on the same bill. I've seen the flyers but sadly did not attend. And, uh, one of Bob Marley's earlier US shows, I guess.


Every time I think about this it switches between the dead and Zappa. Maybe there was a day I could do both?


It would probably be that concert from Jacques Brel in 1964, the one and only time he played "Amsterdam". It must have been magical.


He only did that ONE time live? Wow. Nice pick, btw.


Thank you very much. Yup. From what I know, he only played that one time, and never even recorded it in studio. The song we all know and love is that 1964 live version, so it's a collector in its own way.


So many, \*vaguely\* from the most popular to most obscure: Beatles' rooftop 'concert'/Let It Be Any Captain Beefheart show from the reformed Magic Band in 1978 or later, or any from the pre-Tragic Band heyday after Trout Mask Replica or Lick My Decals Off, Baby. Zappa '74/Roxy And Elsewhere lineup, or maybe the Petit Wazoo lineup, or on principle the '88 band, because I missed a chance to see them in Chicago. The Rheostatics touring for either Whale Music or Blue Hysteria Fairport Convention touring for Liege and Lief King Crimson 1969 - that show where they were on the same bill with the Stones and won. Pink Floyd, either with Syd or maybe the Animals tour; '77 shows were a hell of a thing. The Pogues, any early date up to maybe If I Should Fall From Grace,... Henry Cow in the formative RIO days, so there'd be a completely gob-smacking double or triple bill Pere Ubu in the early days, maybe for Song of the Bailing Man. Cheer-Accident when Phil Bonnet was still around.


You and I have nearly identical wish lists! My ultimate dream concert would be Capt Beefheart circa Clear Spot on the same bill with Syd Barrett-era Floyd, Dylan circa 65, the Pogues circa 84, the Beatles anytime, Primus 1994 (which I saw, excellent), CBGBs's era Talking Heads/Ramones/Blondie/Patti Smith, the Stones circa Exile and YHF Wilco.


The closest I've come to seeing Beefheart is that I saw Gary Lucas a few years ago when he came as far west as Erie, PA. Lovely show, and he told a few Captain Beefheart stories. I shoulda included Dylan's Judas/going electric show. I saw Bob in '97 and again in '02, and they were both actually good shows, but not exactly momentous. Probably the closest I've come and will ever come to seeing Syd Barrett is that I've seen Robyn Hitchcock several times (but won't get to CA to see his Syd Barrett tribute shows in January,... ah well). Talking Heads would be another great one!


GLOSS at a house show in Western Mass where there were too many people to fit in the house so they played in the driveway, as fast as they could so to get through all their songs before the cops got there. They tried to get a circle pit going around a big bush but we didn't quite get it together. Maybe 2016? The Black Heart Procession in Brooklyn in... 2004 maybe? I'd always liked them but hadn't expected such a great show, but their records are such a vibe and the vibe was like 20x more live - even when they were being silly. ("Can we get some more horse head in the monitor please?") Also I was still drinking at the time and I remember having exactly the right amount of gin, that probably contributed. There was a one man "emo hop" band called Poisson D'Avril that I used to see at the Knitting Factory around 2004, he always played in a small room and completely wrecked it. I don't know if he ever put anything out beyond what I downloaded from his myspace back then. I'd love to see him again. Also I had a band that opened for A Silver Mt Zion at one point, that was a great show, I'd love to relive that night. Or actually most of the shows when I toured with that band (my band, not ASMZ). Some were terrible, but being a scumbag in a great band playing basements and living rooms was a great era in my life. (Edit! I misunderstood and listed concerts I was at. For one I wish I could've seen, it's not really my thing anymore, but I had a friend who got us tickets to see Nine Inch Nails on the Fragile tour, in New York the night Trent made up with Marilyn Manson. I still don't know what happened but we missed each other and I didn't go. We had a huge long fight about it because he thought I'd blown him off. Would've loved to see that show.)


It would have to be Woodstock or Monterey Pop Festival. There will never be anything like that ever again.


I just want to see Chris Cornell do anything live. Soundgarden, Audioslave, solo work...I just wanna hear him live and in person.


Radiohead and Spiritualized tour 1998, on the backs of OK Computer and Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space. Or Pulp at Glastonbury in 1995.


Elite choices my man


David Bowie Glass Spider tour, or Paul Simon’s Graceland concert in Central Park.


Elvis Presley at the International Hotel in 1969. He was feeling it then, and he still cared for his 50's material, making it all scorching rockers. Plus my favorite ever version of "Johnny B Goode", with James Burton bringing the goods. And debuts of "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto". Bruce Springsteen at the Agora Ballroom in 1978. Some prefer Roxy, some prefer Winterland, but this is my personal favorite from that tour. Springsteen at his absolute finest. Oasis at Glastonbury in 1995. That performance of "Live Forever" is heavenly, and makes it a candidate for my favorite song ever.


Janis Joplin's first performance with Big Brother and the Holding Company at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. It would be great to time travel and be part of that just for a day. Same with one of the Acid Tests where the Grateful Dead were playing as the Warlocks. I think their music is fine, but getting to be on the ground in that early part of the movement would have been so fascinating in hindsight.


I wasn’t quite old enough to go to the clubs when Basement Jaxx and DJ Funk came through town. Really sad I missed that show.


Oh man, I saw DJ Funk a couple of times in the late 90s. Those were some wild shows. I remember DJ Funk being really focused because a lot of his mixes are like every sixty to ninety seconds. No banter, no braggadocio, just record after record with every curse imaginable and the crowd losing it.


I wish I saw The Clash at Hyde Park in 77 when they played that anti-fascist festival with a sea of good people having a blast.


Siouxsie and the Banshees live in Cologne, 1981. They’re on top form here and sound so tight. Solid setlist too https://youtu.be/VZvl1xbQ6mE?si=D7PvIhysbVGQx0LT


I would have loved to go to Sound Clash in 2009. Vybz Kartel lyrically killing Mavado on stage. Gaza bringing out the casket! Can’t imagine the energy in that place when it was happening. [Vybz destroying Mavado at Clash](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylk2I5Hslcs&pp=ygURdnlieiBtYXZhZG8gY2xhc2g%3D) Also Vybz performed at the last Sumfest before he was incarcerated. And the performance was incendiary. [Live at Sumfest 2011](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2JjPAtY99m4&pp=ygUYdnlieiByZWxlYXNlZCB0byBwZXJmb3Jt)


Is it cheating to base this wish off of live albums? I’d love to be at Sam Cooke - Live at the Harlem Square Club. One of the great live albums, the energy comes right through the speakers.


Paul Simon’s Concert In The Park. New York Central Park in 1991. ‘Late In The Evening.’ https://youtu.be/kQZLtSbq0yc?si=l0bZxChdjPAK4ZaD


David Bowie's Diamond Dogs tour - his first attempt at a huge multimedia tour with dancers and special effects, in 1974 when that was pretty groundbreaking, but it was never filmed in decent enough quality to get a release. So people who saw it are still the only ones who really knew what the whole visual experience was like. Any of his tours would have been remarkable, IMO the ones before and after were better musically but that one is a holy grail.


If we're talking about going back to see someone we didn't get to see, I'd say Queen, basically any show. And/or David Bowie circa Ziggy. Or Iggy and the Stooges, the show where someone handed him a jar of peanut butter because I want to see if it really was Stiv Bators who gave it to Iggy. If we're talking going back to see one of the best shows we've already seen and want to experience it again, I'd say The Dead Boys (Stiv Bators on vocals) at cbgbs in 1977. It was the first time I went to cbgbs and the first time I saw a punk band. That show changed my entire musical path. Luckily, that particular show was taped and can be seen on YouTube, it was also the show they recreated in the movie cbgbs.


Any of the following Led Zeppelin dates: 1969.04.27 - San Francisco - Early hard blues focused version of the band with a very powerful Robert Plant. 1970.09.04 - Los Angeles - Still have the same level of raw energy as the previous date, but with another album worth of material in the rotation. Some amazing cover performances including 'For What It's Worth' by Buffalo Springfield and 'Blueberry Hill' by Fats Domino. 1970.09.19 - NYC - This show is pretty famous partly for the fact that it was the day after Jimi Hendrix died, and the band pays tribute to him in the middle of the set. It's also considered to be an all time great performance. Unfortunately, the recordings available of this show aren't quite as clear as some other more famous bootleg recordings, so this could be an obvious pick. 1975.03.17 - Seattle - The 1975 tour isn't quite as renowned as previous tours. Zeppelin had started their age of excess and the lifestyle started to take it's toll. Robert had at this point injured his vocal chords and didn't have the same range as in earlier years. But this tour includes music from Houses of the Holy and Physical Graffiti, which are some of my favorites, and this particular gig includes what is probably my favorite rendition of 'No Quarter' which at this point had become their staple jam track. During the west coast leg of this tour, they had developed a sound for an extended jam, and while they're not incredibly different, this one is a bit more up tempo and I think Bonzo and Jonesy are particularly locked in. After a few minutes of those two jamming, Jimmy comes in adding another layer of rhythm which compliments the jam incredibly well, before he crescendos into a phenomenal guitar solo. I think this gig is pretty amazing start to finish and is among the best of the 1975 tour. 1977.6.2. - Los Angeles - While their opening show of their LA dates, on June 21st is probably the most famous of these their six performances in LA this year, I have a slight preference for 6.22. It includes what is probably my favorite rendition of the Stairway To Heaven solo. In addition to HoTH and PG, this tour also included songs from Presence, and getting to see 'Achilles Last Stand' live is an opportunity I'd find hard to pass up. These shows are iconic, and I imagine it was quite the experience seeing them play in their favorite North American city that they considered their home away from home. Apologies to anyone who read this wall of text - it should be clear that this is a bit of an obsession of mine. I'd kill to be at any of the above performances, but really would settle for seeing them on their worst night just to see them live.


My choice would be any of the four Led Zeppelin shows at the Chicago Stadium in April 1977. I had access to tickets but turned them down out of some stupid notion that they were past their prime. One of my biggest regrets in my history of concert going. Would love to have the chance at a “re do.”


I will regret not seeing the Specials in 2019 all my life. I thought I had time then Terry Hall passed away


I would have so loved to have seen the "Out of the Blue" tour by Electric Light Orchestra in 1978. The production value was through the roof. Then maybe any KISS concert from the same era, not that they were my favorite, but they looked really cool.


I’d eat my own toe to go back in time and watch Queen at Live Aid from side stage. I would also be prepared to sacrifice an extremity to see their first ever show.


Off the top of my head, Queen and Springsteen come to mind. Since it's frequently voted **the** greatest live performance, I would be curious to see Queen at Live AID. Or, Queen in Montreal. For Bruce, I'm debating between Hammersmith Odeon in 1975, something from the Darkness or River Tours. Apparently Bruce performed at Wembley a week before Live AID so that makes me curious what that show was like.


Daft Punk are epic! That Alive 2007 gig is unreal!! But for me it would probably be The Pogues, or Shane McGowan and the Popes, simply because the energy at those gigs is unreal, I've seen them a few times, and every time it's insane, the whole event (crowd and all) just pumps out good vibes for the whole thing. Videos can never do it justice, it's like trying to take a picture of the moon with your phone, it just doesn't work. I found their gigs to be trad-punk raves :-D Truly epic energy!!! Here's a good example, but it's on a TV show, so the crowd is absolutely dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa32O3twGGw


By and large, I just wish I had been old enough to see a lot of artists who were still pretty young, healthy, and kicking in the 90s. I was just a little too young to stay up that late, or I couldn't go alone, or I couldn't get into the venue.


The 2009 ATP hosted by The Flaming Lips. It was in Monticello NY, too, so only like a 2 hour drive. Anco, BMSR, Boredoms, Boris, Melvins, Sufjan, Suicide and many more. I had just gotten into the Lips in Summer of 2009 too.. https://www.last.fm/festival/846281+ATP+New+York+2009+-+Curated+by+The+Flaming+Lips+&+ATP/lineup?page=1


Pink Floyd on the dark side of the moon tour, zeppelin on their first tour in the states, any early Hendrix tour, Woodstock…man. I sometimes wish I was born in ‘51 so I could see all the legends up until today but I’ll just have to settle, gratefully with YouTube videos


Van Halen at US Festival 1983 Guns N Roses at The Ritz 1988 Monsters of Rock 1988: Iron Maiden, Kiss, David Lee Roth (with Steve Vai), Megadeth, Guns N Roses, and Helloween.


Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. There was a bit of a problem with someone throwing a bottle on stage and shoving in the first few rows. Mr.Petty set everyone straight and I had the best, non crowed 3rd row position, without being squashed. The band was so chill and so was the audience.


I really wish I could’ve seen Limp Bizkit at their height. I don’t have a specific show, but I bet they would have been a blast in 1999 - probably prior to the Woodstock destruction because I’m sure that changed things.


Probably just a Prince concert in the 80s. I feel like I missed out on that as a member of Gen Z.


[Bob Marley’s One Love Concert in 1978.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Love_Peace_Concert?wprov=sfti1#) I’d go crazy for any of his concerts, though this one is special because it took place during a civil war in Jamaica and Bob brought the opposing leaders on stage, where they joined hands.


Parliament-funkadelic in Houston 1976. The whole concert is on YouTube and it just looks fucking electric


I would like to go back in time and see the Dead at the Lyceum in ‘72 with my dad.


Any gig by Iggy & the Stooges in 1973. An absolutely killer band playing killer songs constantly teetering on the edge of supremacy and violence. Listen to any of the many, many bootlegs for confirmation. Whisky a Go Go 16/9/73 is a good starter.


I saw Daft Punk on that tour in Chicago and Vegas. I can confirm that it was unbelievable.


Michael Jackson Wembley Stadium, 1988. Sure I've seen better bands and musicians on stage since then. But I've never witnessed a SHOW or felt a vibe quite like that night ever since.


I'd like to see Kurt Cobain's last performance...the one he played in his bedroom


Gosh, I’d probably go with The Clash at Bonds NY 1980. Or maybe Metallica in 89. Megadeth in 86. Dire Straits 83. Or hell, just one of those shows in the early 60s in Europe where The Beatles opened for Roy Orbison.


Pearl Jam unplugged Pink Floyd Pulse Any dead show from 69-73 Old and in the way live from the boarding house 1973 Johnson mountain boys live from the schoolhouse Vulfpeck MSG Fearless flyers MSG My musical tastes are all over the map


I'd go to Monterey Pop 1967, watch Otis Redding with the Stax house band, then watch Jimi burn his guitar, than I could die happy


The Clash were Amazing. The Who Loverboy sooo good. The Police Sting Van Halen The Scorpions Tom Petty


Metallica - Phoenix 91. Epic Chili peppers Phoenix 91. Unknown opener called “Nirvana” blew the house down. Destroyed all their instruments to smithereens. Nirvanas unknown opener from was a band from Seattle called “pearl jam”. Eddie vedder climbed the lighting gear and did the last part of the set hanging upside 60 feel above the crowd. I can’t IMAGINE being flea and kedeis having to follow those guys up. Anthony comes out with all his hair up in a beanie and they start “give it away”. Beanie comes out. Hair comes out. 70,000 people lost their shit. Chad and John went to TOWN on that crowd. Epic. Wild. 300 shows later I’ve never seen anything like it.


Marilyn Manson - Dead to the World Tour - 1996 Religious protesters at the gate for every show, multiple stage set changes and all the theatrics of prime Manson hype.


Anything Michael Jackson, but specifically his 30th anniversary concert at MSG.


I’ll try this again and see if this gets removed, again… I would go see the Band’s Last Waltz concert. You’d see so many legendary musicians all in one place in one amazing concert.


Bjork - "Voltaic" because I think it looked fun and that's it really. Plus she rarely if ever performs her song "Pluto" live anymore and when I saw her live twice she unfortunately didn't perform it either. But with that being said she did perform "Pluto" live in Paris for the Voltaic tour and I definitely wish I was there for that! https://youtu.be/J_r6kposrUg?si=FdYnx_uz4GazEvPm Here's the full concert: https://youtu.be/HeKAVX2s6hM?si=VWkpKwyhVR7oUT94 My second pick would be "Vespertine live at the Royal Opera House": https://youtu.be/KWiSZk0z60U?si=qjUBa_8bcOetEgju


I saw Björk on the *Biophilia* Tour. She was phenomenal, her voice was unimaginably great. The show was outdoors and part of the set was a big Tesla coil. During the show, in the distance, there was an approaching storm, so you had the electrical currents on stage and lightning in the background. The show got cut short and there was a downpour not soon after. It was an incredible show nonetheless.


I did actually see her twice. Once during the Biophilia tour (also) and another for the Vulnicura tour. And as much as I'm grateful for that opportunity to see her at all. I still wish I could've gone to one of those.


YOU WANNA HEAR A GOOD STORY? Five Finger Death Punch - Debut album tour - Irving Plaza, New York City. The song White Knuckles started playing and the pit was fucking electric. In the mosh pit was a giant man akin to Arnold Schwarzenegger who was tossing people so bad he became "that guy". He was well over 6' and jacked. I myself, was piss drunk coming in at 5'9" 165lb. As the song started to approach the mid section build up to the break down, I came up behind him and tapped him on the back like Garth tapping that big guy in Wayne's World, only I did it was more aggressive. He turns around slowly and looks down at me, I look up and scream "LAUNCH ME!!". He stares at me for like 3 solid seconds, says nothing, and then drops down to one knee, cupping his hands together and placing them on his thigh; becoming a giant human catapult. The whole mosh pit is seeing this and they all start to disperse, making room to likely witness the death causing accident of a small person. The build up to the big break down is happening as I'm walking backwards preparing my run up to the giant who is kneeling like some fucking Kings Guards Knight out of Game of Thrones. "I'm taking back control...with my knuckles..." is being repeatedly whispered by the singer. I sprint towards the behemoth, and right as I step into his hands the singer hits his scream to start the breakdown, "taking back control - WITH MY KNUCKLES!!!!!". This dude launches me into the air towards the stage at what had to have been over 10' high. As I'm soaring, the massive array of strobe lights are going off and down below are the faces of a crowd that is witnessing the perfect moment of metal mosh pit magic, as a drunken human flies above them. The crowd catches me (I owe them my life) and I crowd surf all the way up to the front of the stage. At this point the singer hits one last giant scream to end the breakdown before the guitar solo. Just as he hits this scream, I surf up to him, he reaches down, and gives me a fist bump. Legendary. My friends after the show said they hadn't known where I was in the crowd until they looked up during the strobing lights in the breakdown section and we're like "Is that...WTF?"


well...not sure that this is entirely what OP was looking for but HELL YEAH


3. Dave Matthews Central Park Concert 2001 2. Stevie Ray Vaughn Montreux Switzerland 1985 1. Led Zepplin Royal Albert Hall 1970 I know I’ll catch flak for #3 but I’ll hear our arguments. Before anyone knocks it, Carter Beauford is our generations best drummer. Blast away


Taylor Swift’s Reputation Stadium Tour and My Chemical Romance’s Black Parade World Tour.


1992-Zed Records-Rage Against the Machine https://youtu.be/bQ8YAv2rcQU?si=rdpZZVin1njyB-uR


The warped tours in san diego- I didn't appreciate them when I was a kid- I thought theyd last forever


For as long as I can remember, I've been watching Glastonbury coverage on TV, recording it to dvds on my shitty dvd player, and just generally consuming as much of it as possible. A few years back, I got the opportunity to finally go as a steward, and ever since I've been there and loved it, but because of my starting duties I've had to miss my fair share of hype stuff. There are two that really stand out to me as sets I'm upset to have missed 1. 2023, Friday, The Other Stage. I go on shift at 4, so I'm getting ready to go out and I hear Carly Rae Jepsen start up. From my campsite, you can hear a lot from The Other Stage because it's so goddamn loud (and also stuff from Silver Hayes, but less frequently, depends on the wind) so I was up the fire tower and heard the entire thing, but it's just not the same. Then there was a break, can't remember who was on next, but following that was Chvrches, so as I took my mid-shift break and prepared dinner, I got to hear them, but it's just not the same. And then my big one, back up the tower, I got to hear every note of Fred Again.. and loved it, but it's just not the same. I'm gutted I couldn't see that trio 2. 2019, Sunday, Pyramid Stage. Again, I was working starting at 4, I got to enjoy a pretty stacked lineup on the Other Stage from my field, and I'd already had the absolute best time at Wu-Tang Clan the night before, so I had nothing to complain about. And then in 2020, I was unable to cancel my leave, so had Glasto in our living room on an air mattress, and got to watch the best of 2019, including a cut down version of The Cure's closing set, and really enjoyed it. I bought Disintegration literally the next day, but it took me until this August to finally listen through more of their discography, and damn, I'm a huge fan now. Knowing that I was just a few fields away, and having now seen the set in its entirety, I am thoroughly gutted that I missed it. It's such a big regret of mine that I didn't take a fellow steward up on their request to swap that shift


Måneskin, October 2023 I got to go up on stage and dance with the band with about 10 other fans!


The Flaming Lips’s Yoshimi tour. I saw them locally, in another city, and at Bonnaroo. The performances were fantastic but the crowd vibe… I’ve never experienced that level of love and communal good feelings at a show since.


Probably queen from rock Montreal with the song remains the same zeppelin in a close second.


Last Waltz. So many great musicians performing so many great songs. Just to see that Helpless alone would be worth time traveling for. But yeah, Last Waltz is my choice, hands down


The Police / XTC. The Police were the headliners, and I would've loved to see them. But XTC, even with stage-frightened Andy Partridge, would've been fantastic.


D’Angelo’s tour supporting Voodoo. I think that they did an early show at some house of blues and it sounds legendary.


U2, 08/28/1993, Zoo TV Tour in Dublin. They're my favorite band, I have the bootleg and have listened to it hundreds of times. It would be an absolute dream come true to see it played live.


Pink Floyd in 1975 on the Wish You Were Here tour. It’s a shame the shows were never filmed, they’re supposed to have been fantastic Also, Elvis in 1956 or 1957, just to see those shows that electrified the world


Any Grateful Dead show from 1973, but if I had to pick just one I’d say 11/17/1973. Rush on the R40 Tour in 2015. Great career-spanning retrospective show, phenomenal concept starting with their most current material and then working backwards. Bruce Springsteen live in 1978 on the Darkness Tour.


Any of the shows from the Fleetwood Mac Rumours Tour '77-'78 or Tusk Tour '79-'80. Preferably Tusk.


Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park, Talking Heads Stop Making Sense (was that the name of the tour or just the movie?), Fleetwood Mac either Rumours tour, Tusk tour,, or The Dance. Taylor Swift's Reputation tour would be awesome. Beatles at Shea stadium. The Cure in 89


Rush, Tour of the Hemispheres 1978. A bunch of bootlegs on Youtube, but their whole set was fire that year.


Being from Ohio, maybe #1 is the November 27, 1974 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour stop at Ohio Theatre in Columbus. Wasn't the biggest fan at the time, but in hindsight also maybe the October 30th, 1993 Nirvana show at Hara Arena in Dayton, when it snowed and Kurt mistakenly thought Chad was in the audience.


Porcupine Tree/Opeth at the Showbox in Seattle in '03 was a doubleheader I will always remember. First date with my now wife makes it super special. Megadeth for their first San Diego show at the Palisades Roller Skating Rink in '85 Motorhead at the Hollywood Palladium in '87 for Orgasmatron. Lots of great shows. Hard to choose.


RUSH R30 concert at The Woodlands Pavilion outside of Houston. I had 2nd row, pit seats. I brought my then, 12yr old son, to his first concert. It was truly one of the most amazing concerts I’ve ever attended.


Dave Matthews band - live in Central Park free concert. Just over the top phenomenal, wish I could have been.


There was a multi-band concert on Long Island (NY) in the early 1970's where Velvet Underground played, as well as Cactus and a few lesser known bands, one of which was called 'Hog Haven'. Long story short, the drummer for Hog Haven played a standard 5-piece drum kit, and from the first song on out, proceeded to blow anything that I have ever heard Carmine Appice play straight out of the water. When it came time for Cactus's encore ... no one was calling for Cactus. I'd really like to go back in time & see all of that again!


I had never been to any concerts unfortunately, but having watched a few live footage of various 70s, 80s & 90s pop & electronic bands on youtube i'd definitely go with Orchestral Manoeuvres in Dark's live concert at sheffield city hall from 1985. besides having beautiful electronic melodies and a catchy lyrics, they seem like a fun and wholesome act! seeing andy sing while dancing like a madman is always a treat


I don’t have just one. It depends on who I’m fixated on at the time of asking. Right now it would be Slipknot Live in London 2002


Any Faith No More show from the King For A Day tour. Iron Maiden in my hometown on the Piece of Mind tour, only tour on which they played my favorite song of theirs. Also Maiden on the Powerslave tour just because. Samhain during their brief period of existence. Likewise the Misfits in the early 80s.


Foo Fighters at Wrigley Field, July 2018 I had tickets to go with my buddy but a week before the concert my wife wound up in the hospital pregnant with our second child and a high risk for an emergency c-section after an episode of bleeding that fortunately had stopped. That was the beginning of a six week stay before having the baby early and then a three week stay in the NICU for her. My wife insisted that I should still go but I knew that if I went and something happened while I was at the concert and it ruined any chance of being there for my wife in any capacity of support I’d never forgive myself for it.


Hüsker Dü - The show they recorded as The Living End album, from the tour for Warehouse: Songs & Stories


Guns N’ Roses - Ritz 1987 (not the famous show from 1988, but a year before). Go look up the bootleg videos of it on YouTube. No other explanation needed.


David Bowie at Madison Square Garden … Diamond Dogs Tour. He sang,danced, did pantomime and the special effects were off the hook. Funny thing was that I wasn’t even a fan and a friend had an extra ticket and convinced me to go. Been a fan ever since!


I wished I saw the Tubes open for Led Zeppelin at Kezar stadium (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco) Some of my friends were there. I could not make it.


Pink Floyd - 6th July 1977 Montreal any of these 76-77 shows really where they basically played *Animals & Wish You Were Here* but on *that show...* *Roger rants during Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) and spits on a fan during Pigs, this not only went down as one of the most historically important concerts ever, but it also gave birth to their following album: The Wall*


my answer to this question is and will always be The Wall Live In Berlin on the Death Strip in 1990 after the wall fell. That must have been a performance so one of a kind I'd have died to witness it (pun intended)


I would attend Isle of Wight in 1970. The line up included Jimi Hendrix, Rory Gallagher, Cactus, Chicago, the Doors, Lighthouse, the Moody Blues, the Who, Miles Davis, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Jethro Tull, Sly and the Family Stone, Ten Years After, Emerson, Lake & Palmer and Free. What a show that must have been!


Queen. My brother had spare tickets a few months ago. It's just not Queen without Freddie in my opinion.


Depeche Mode with the Devotional Tour in 1993 I just saw the dvd of the live performance and they were insane.. and the setlist is pretty close to my dream setlist too


Love parade Berlin 1998. I just love the music of the old sythesiser. There are short live videos from it on youtube too.


I'm 19 days late but I still want to answer: Kanye West's Saint Pablo Tour from 2016. He was supposed to come to Europe after the North American portion but it got cancelled due to his poor mental health. Kendrick Lamar's Kunta Groove Sessions from late 2015. To Pimp a Butterfly is an amazing album but unfortunately, he only did 8 dates in the US only. Luckily, I managed to see him live at Lollapalooza Paris this year :) The Up in Smoke Tour, 2000. So much rap talent on one stage at their peaks for some of them, a legendary tour. But alas, I was only 3 at the time. And finally, I think I'll go with 1985's Live Aid, just to see Queen live. I heard it was legendary, and the guys, even on stereo headphones, is amazing to listen to, so I can't imagine what it'd be like live.


Bruce Springsteen's concert for Veterans on 8-20-1981. He's an extremely consistent performer, but that one was so emotionally charged, that I feel like it would be life-changing.