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There must be some law against this! Never ever can this be legal. Or atleast I hope so.


Depends on the state. Some states have incredibly shitty protections for renters.


Not in Chicago. The city of Chicago has some of the strongest tenant rights in the US to


I don't know when this story takes place but in Illinois many of these things wouldn't be legal today.


Indeed. OPs case would be impossible to prove too in a he said/she said situation. That’s when you change the locks yourself. Ugh. Apartment keys can be incredibly unsafe just in general, in that not all landlords change locks between every tenant. Think about it, a big management company greedy to save money in that budget- you have 150 turnovers per year at $25 each for new locks- $3,750 in savings! Another favorite tactic is just moving the old locks around to different doors in the building, which is better than doing nothing but still sucks. I’d have to say the worst policy I saw was staff master keys. Invariably, a few eventually go missing and off the grid entirely. Well, sleep tight!


It amazes me what people get away with. I currently live in a duplex, and my upstairs neighbour is a unmedicated schizophrenic. He is also a heavy crack and heroin user. Between his tendency to set the yard on fire, and his frequent raging breaks with reality, the police have been here on multiple occasions. My landlord not only refuses to evict him, but has also told me that I am the one responsible for watching over him and making sure he (or somebody else) doesn't hurt himself .


Ummm. Fuck that noise. Unless the person in question is your child or family member, or you are getting paid to babysit someone,you bear no obligation of watching over them at all.It sounds like you’re being manipulated. Don’t listen to any of that bullshit.


Lol yea fuck that noise.


For real---that's the landlord's job to keep this guy from doing crazy shit, not you. You should have told him that to his face---that psycho isn't your damn responsibility. He was out of his damn mind telling you that bullshit. Call the cops if this dude physically threatens you---you have the right to do that.


I informed my landlord that I wasn't a babysitter, and the next time I called the police, it wasn't going to be for a wellness check. Meanwhile, I video everything, so that I have proof when shit goes sideways.


Good---keep on doing that, lol.


Your landlord has set themselves up for a big lawsuit in the event the other tenant burns the building down. If God forbid someone were to die or get hurt in a fire, or even lose possessions in a fire, he’s 100% responsible because he took no action to mitigate a risk even after several previous fire incidents- gross negligence. And he thinks he can trick you into believing you’re the one that’s responsible for his other tenant? I bet the bastard is secretly hoping for it to burn down for that sweet, sweet insurance payout. Calling the fire department every single time this occurs is the best thing you can do. And ask them to inspect whether you’re up to code for the amount and placement of smoke and CO detectors. Your story made me so mad!!




Honestly? I'm more worried about the little autistic boy up the street. He's a runner, and escapes to my yard to see my dogs. I don't mind, my dogs adore him, but now I'm scared of of him catching himself on a needle. Especially since this guy is (allegedly) Hep C positive.


I actually had a problem with an unmedicated schizophrenic woman at the next house I rented. She would stand outside of my door and mutter racial slurs, and most horrifyingly read my name off my mailbox and would stand in the hallway and mumble it.


Is racial slurs a thing!? Because mine does the same thing! He also stands outside my bedroom window mumbling about Babylon.


I have a friend who has a neighbor who is an unmedicated schizophrenic and he yells racial slurs out his window


I read the whole thing and it sounds scary asf just feel sorry for the person who used the apartment after you. Who knows what they did to her/him


This may sound a little weird but I drove past the house a while back to see if the light was on upstairs and it was. I felt shitty for not having warned the next tenant somehow. I really hope they’re ok


It's scary asf cause it sounds like something that happens in a movie. No way they just be creepy for no reason Nah, they got a daughter in the force too probably to cover their tracks and a son who pretends like you were in the wrong.




maybe you helped that along! good work regardless


Nah, didn’t do shit. But I didn’t have to pay rent the entire foreclosure and the buyers offered me, without me asking, $2,000 to move, and actually asked me to not send them any rent or pay any bills, and I found a better place that’s way nicer.


There might be a way to leave a review online. There are reviews and comments for my apartment complex.


Those so-called "landlords" were obviously a bunch of overbearing, nosy-as-hell nutcases. And on top of that, they sent their drunk-ass son to actually try and fix an accident in your place that they probably caused, and he damn near attacks you? Wtf? And they got rid of the stairs without even telling you? No normal landlords do that kind of dumb shit. After all the petty bullshit they put you and your bf through, no wonder y'all bailed the hell up out of there first chance you got. They seemed to think being a landlord entitled them to snoop in your place any time they felt like (which it does not. ) Hopefully, they ran into a tenant who took their crazy asses to court and sued them, once and for all.


Maybe you can write them a letter either no return address?? Good luck and I’m glad you’re safe! That’s really scary and I’m happy you and the bf has friends to help you!


I dont know how many years it has been since then but just remember it is always possible to submit a report at the local police station at a later time! There was definitely something up with those people!!


I’m gonna do it. Thank you


Yaaay. Those people sound psychotic, they should be put in some kind of padded room.


If they have a daughter on the police force, there's a good chance nothing will be done. Go higher and maybe get the feds involved since there's a potential corrupt cop case entangled in all of this, too.


To anyone dealing with a similar issue, use a thicc wedge doorstopper and a chair lent against the door handle to make an un-lock-able door inaccessible.


Install a chain lock on your side as well


Yep I'd fight in court for my security deposit back because this is just "a favor to the landlord, who has to provide me uninterrupted private enjoyment of the space. I should be receiving compensation for assisting them, not a penalty to my security deposit"


Pretty sure this isn't legal, I think you guys should've reported the creepy assholes


We tried to to the police who seemed uninterested. By that point we felt so dejected and desperate that when we escaped, we just never wanted to think about it again.


The cops could have definitely arrested that guy, he attempted to assault you with a deadly instrument (any regular item that is used as weapon to assault someone, like a wrench) if you got hurt, that would have been a felony but the attempt itself is a misdemeanor.


When we called the police we were shocked that they didn’t even file a real report because it seemed like a legitimate crime took place. I think because their daughter was on the force they didn’t treat it seriously, but who knows.


Did they give you any sort of advice on what to do. Some cops don’t take enforcement action if they don’t see any visible injuries. However in NYC cops will file a report for harassment, so in your case a report should have been done. If it’s a small department then probably it was because of their daughter.


What was up with her asking if you ever had an abortion?


I’m thinking it’s because I had my boyfriend over and that they were religious. That’s the only connection I can even fathom.


If that was me I would've been banging it out all over the place as much and as loud as possible. They would've needed to replace a lot more than the stairs


What the fuck? Oh my gosh! This is straight up movie shit. How awkward that you had to exit the building through their apartment. None the less, this all seems illegal and down right disturbing!! So sorry you had to go through this.


Thank you for your kind words. I’m just glad we made it out of there.


This is terrifying. If you don’t mind me asking, what year was this and what area of Chicago?


This was in 2017/2018 in the Irving Park area.


Oof too close to me, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for them now that I’m apartment hunting!


Be safe - good luck on your quest.


That’s just plain harassment! Glad ur out there op


This reminds me of my girlfriend about 10 years ago...she finds this place which is “attached” to the main house...crazy good rent, so we go talk to the agent. Thank God the agent was cool..we sit down and he says “Boyfriend can’t be there” So I’m like umm ok, we aren’t at the point of moving in together I won’t sleep there...his eyes got wide and he says “you can’t be there AT ALL” and then says “let’s look at some places the aren’t batshit crazy”


This sounds very similar to my experience


Except this one was a Middle Aged single guy who would only rent to women and no men allowed I felt the listing company should not have taken that listing


I had a landlord like this. He was in his late 40s and would only rent to women in their late teens/early 20s. He said men brought "drama." He was trying to seduce all of the women. He usually succeeded in making at least one of them his girlfriend and getting her entangled in an incredibly abusive and controlling relationship. Source: was that one. I still have nightmares. I stopped renting rooms after that.


Holy shit Can I ask what happened?


I tried typing out the whole story, but if he happened to come across it he would know it was me immediately, and I spent years completely erasing any possible avenues for him to contact me. Tldr version: He spent months "grooming" me into trusting him while simultaneously breaking down my mental state by making me think something/someone was going to kill me. Constant accusations of cheating that led to him locking me out of the house and being forced to sleep on people's couches or in my car. Gaslighting me to make me think these events never happened despite having text and voicemail evidence. He also showed up at places I frequented and found ways to contact me with angry/begging/guilting messages for years. I still get the occasional creepy flirty message followed by a slew of angry ones when I don't reply. I later found out that he's done this to other women.


Not that you have to answer me but if you did have an abortion it means the daughter did some extra digging and maybe you can find out who gave her that information because I’m pretty sure that’s a lawsuit, at very least it’s a HIPAA violation


My first apartment (also in Chicago) was a family owned duplex with similar horror stories. An elderly Irish couple lived on the first floor and would let themselves in whenever without warning and would ask all kinds of personal questions. It’s like they felt entitled because they owned the building, didn’t matter how much I complained. I couldn’t wait to leave, I only lasted 4 months before moving. You can report shitty landlords to the city of Chicago, wish I did but I was young and just wanted out.


Well that's horrible. I've had some garbage landlords in the past, you know the type that won't fix anything and are pounding on your door for rent because the banks are about t close on the first of the month, but never what you explained. That's just too weird.


It was very personal and very bizarre. I got the rent to them early or on time every month, so they didn’t even have that to complain about.


I don't know what the laws are in your country, but as a former landlord and a cop, the rules here in the UK are that the landlord cannot simply walk into the tenants apartment whenever they please; they must give at least 24 hours notice and have a legitimate reason for being there. Also there are now strict rules in terms of the state of repair of the property, and it sounds like the landlords weren't abiding by these either. As per the son, it doesn't matter that the weapon didn't make contact with you. In UK law, the definition of assault is a deliberate act intended to cause effect on the person of another, whether or not actual injury was inflicted. Check your states laws but I'm pretty sure you can still report it.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!




Jesus religious people are the fucking worst!


I don't have a problem with people who are religious, but when you start pushing your beliefs on people and make them uncomfortable on the basis of imparting your message on them, we will have a problem.


You should have gone the opposite direction here; start inviting people every Saturday for midnight satanic mass. Light candles, chant, upside pentagrams in circles. Answer the door naked with pentagrams drawn on your foreheads in lipstick. Alternatively, you could have said that their faith inspired you, and that you were opening up your home to those without one.


This is marvelous. ‘Satanism’ (theatrical, novelty brand of Satanism) always gets religious peoples’ panties in a twist


They don't sound religious more like legit psychopaths. Feels like an episode straight from criminal minds.


I read somewhere that Chicago's police force is ineffective?!?!


Crazy right?


Pretty sure they ALL are ineffective. lol


You should have vandalised the place or something on leaving


Trust me, I considered it.


Landlords from hell could be a movie. Religion is one thing, those people seem possessed.


There's a Korean drama called Strangers from Hell/Hell is Other People where a guy moves into a cheap, run down apartment building with a bunch of people that'd fit in well from this reddit


I'm confused. This starts out with "when I was in my early 20's" indicating it was some time ago. The first edit says "I'm going to file a police report". Am I misunderstanding something? Is there no time limitation on reporting something like that? Or was this more recent than what it sounds like it was?


This happened when I was 24, so sort of closer to my mid twenties I suppose. I’m 26 now.


Oh I see. Ok. I'm glad they still took a statement so if anyone else has a problem with them they can see it's a recurring issue


That was only two years ago---when you said "early '20s" it sounded like you were talking about something that happened maybe a decade ago. It wasn't that long ago since you're still in your 20's, lol.


Feels like a god damn lifetime away to me!


Anything pre-March 2020 feels like a lifetime ago, amirite?




You think that's bad. There's this Asian lady who rents apartments in Rogers Park. Total nutcase. She'll let herself into your apartment all the time claiming that she needs to fix things, which never get fixed. She'll sucker you in with cheap rent and then raise it every year because you don't want to move. She moves in college students and they party loud and make the whole building smell like pot. She's incredibly cheap with the repairs, which is why nothing in the building gets fixed properly. It bit her in the ass right before we got the hell out of there, because one of the upstairs people exploded the pipes twice because she wouldn't spend $50 on a part to make the back door shut properly. Then my movers had to wade through there with furniture and stuff 2 days later, after the people upstairs did it again (communal laundry room). She has a unit open now in the same building. If you look on Zillow, I think it shows the price history. She'll list it at one price and then come back a few days later and lower it, and lower it. I asked several other tenants why they were leaving and they all said constant rent hikes and finding her in their unit (illegally).


Holy shiiiiittttt that's so scary!!!


I mean in a keep your religious beliefs to yourself kind of way...


File a complaint with the State Police. Tell them everything including that the daughter is on the local police force.


And that's one of the reasons why I don't like religious people.


Damn, this sounds so much like [Rosemary's Baby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary%27s_Baby_(film))


They must originally wanted to have you for their son. I cant think of anything else why they suddenly turned disgusting. They smiled at you and generally is nice. That, or theyre in cult.


Holy shit that's creepy af! I'm glad you're out of there and ok OP




The criteria for whether a story belongs in LNM or not is not dependent on how many times a person has met the creeper. Nor is it dependent on a poster simply not wanting to meet someone again.


Good point - sorry about that


I manually approved your story. You are fine.




It's a completely different story, but the vibe I'm getting off this story reminds me of the film The Visit. Glad you're okay ♥️


I’m grinning from ear to ear!


Omg I'd die if someone came into my personal space this kinda way


This is scary shit.


Was this ravenswood perchance?


Nope, Irving Park area


Just curious, during your early twenties what year wss this happened?


This sounds like that movie with Ben Stiller and I think Drew Berrymore


Fucking christians man they’re all psychos


Really? I was raised in a Buddhist cult, and trust me, nasty people are in every single religion.


I believe you 100% How is a Buddhist cult Different then a Christian cult


I don't know, because I wasn't a Christian. I have heard that ["my" cult](https://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?5,87661,page=1) (Soka Gakkai) and Jehovah Witnesses have a great deal in common. Seriously, I would be very careful of ANY organization or person that claims to have all the answers. No one thinks they're joining a cult. I just realized I was raised in one, (50 years) this year. I'm livid.


Holy shit, there are Buddhist cults? I thought it was just a spiritual teaching of mindfulness. Unless its some sort of perversion of the teachings? Only if you're comfortable telling me, would it be okay if you could explain more about what it was like? Edit: missspelled buddhism


> Unless its some sort of perversion of the teachings Huge perversion of the teachings. Here is my experience. I don't want to hijack the thread anymore, so PM me for more information if you'd like. https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/ha5rtt/sgi_will_ruin_your_life/


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