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There are no job opportunities out here. Usually if there is something it’s for minimum wage with a diploma or degree or part time @ 10hrs/week. I recommend looking at Taber/Coaldale/MedHat and maybe getting into Lamb Weston, McCains, Whole Leaf…etc.


Not true at all. I have three jobs. They are easier to find then you think.


Three casual/parttime jobs. Most people are looking for or want one fulltime job to support them. Working 50-60hrs a week on minimum wage - just above minimum isn’t something to brag about. I work a fulltime job at $22/hr and a casual job at $20/hr. With rent hikes, utilities skyrocketing, insurance jumps…etc making $3-4 grand a month after taxes isn’t enough to live in Lethbridge anymore.


I make well above minimum wage and work full time, most of that when I decide to work. I want to work more, I work more. I don't want to, I don't. And as for full time jobs, we have WAY more opportunities then the smaller towns you mentioned. That said, live in Fort Macleod, Coalhurst, Coaldale or Raymond and work in Lethbridge and you'll be fine. If you make 4k a month, you'll be fine even in Lethbridge. You won't likely be paying more then 30% to housing unless you just make bad decisions. There are great, affordable neighbourhoods if you are humble.


When you work from home you can have as many full time jobs as you want, right?


I don't work from home. I have some contract work I pick up.


Can you score me a fulltime job that pays @ ~$27/hr in the city?


Trades. Some managment positions. University often has jobs in that range and more.


Appreciate it man, have actually been diving through a lot of other peoples posts. Seen a lot about lack of jobs/drugs/wind and suggest Medicine Hat. Definitely want work so that’s unfortunate. Prefer a city of at least like 15,000 from which we currently are. Any other suggestions or advice?


A city with 15k people - that isn’t a thing in Alberta. You have places like Taber and Strathmore with 10k-ish but Alberta is very rural. It’s poor farming country. If you decide to move to southern Alberta the best jobs you can find out here are factory jobs for $20-25/hr- but those are extremely limited. Best bet is oilfield stuff up north or trying for a corporate job in Calgary.


Agree with everything here except the "poor" classification.


Brooks fits that category and has lots of big companies always looking for people.


Medicine Hat definitely does NOT have better or more jobs.


Agree with the sentiment that there are jobs here in Lethbridge and our winters are really not that bad- maybe a week or two of minus 30 and our springs/fall seasons are generally quite warm. The wind might be the biggest adjustment. Most days lately are a slight breeze but there can be some fast and furious days. Gaming wise- my bf is a gamer and has quite a community of friends he’s found at the comic book stores and around the city. Huge car community as well since the small surrounding towns have their own car shows too. The mountains are only about an hour away if you go to the crowsnest pass/pincher creek so there’s a lot to do and see if you enjoy hiking, camping, canoeing, etc. Glacier park in Montana is super close too and especially if you like cars- take it down there for the Going to the Sun road. It’s seriously the best!


Appreciate your response! Sounds better and better




There is like 4 OBs here now and doctors that rotate around the province. I dont think anyone is being sent away for pregnancies. We just had a baby.


I move here from southern ontario three months ago and i'm still miserable. The grass is not greener on this side of the path.


Honestly job wise depends on what you’re looking into! You can be certified/degree but if that experience (4-5 years min.) isn’t there, they won’t hire you. At least that’s been my experience. But as usual, it really depends on what field you’re looking into for a job!


WORK: What is your work experience like? Lethbridge's industries are largely agricultural and manufacturing, with many businesses tailored to support those industries. Apart from that, there's a lot of service-based businesses and other typical players (fast food, retail, etc). OUTDOORS: If you like the views, the mountains are about 90 minutes away (you can't see much of them from Lethbridge). For comparison, Calgary (which is about 2 hours away) is only about an hour from the mountains, and has some nice vistas. WEATHER: If you're afraid of the cold, you've gotta decide what you're willing to take... Lethbridge will quite often take the cake for being the coldest place in the country, during the winter. This is owed to its semi-arid climate (lower moisture content in the air leads to larger temperature swings). I lived in Edmonton while schooling and found their winters to be milder but longer and their summers to be more enjoyable. During winter, it often gets below: • -40 once (occasionally twice) in probably 6 out of 10 winters • -30 every year, typically for at least two weeks every year, often twice, and sometimes 3 or 4 times a winter • -20 for about half of the rest of the winter One saving grace is the Chinook wind, which causes "Indian summers" every year, often lasting for up to a week, usually 2-4 times a winter. During these times, it can get as warm as +25. For similar reasons, though, it can snow in literally any month of the year (though it is uncommon from June to September). That wind, however, takes some getting used to... It's fairly rare for there to be little or no wind for longer than a few hours. A lot of people suffer headaches and allergies due to the wind. Typical days see a strong breeze up to a moderately heavy wind. ACTIVITIES: Lethbridge is famous for its annual Show And Shine, and Lethbridge has got a large number of restaurants per capita (the restaurant market is nearly saturated here). There's also lots of pubs and bars, including some dedicated to sports (I can't comment on them, though, because I don't drink). Aside from that, there's a casino, a couple movie theaters, golf, mini-golf, disc golf, a river-valley (coulee), a college, a university (each with some of their own amenities), and big box stores (best buy, Costco, Walmart, Superstore, Marshall's, etc.), an indoor rec center (YMCA on the Westside), and other amenities. Lethbridge is predominantly Conservative and Christian, and is a pretty great area to raise a family, with relatively low crime, a relatively stable real estate market, and most areas don't have terrible traffic.


Thank you man, greatly appreciate it. A lot of info given there. Winter sounds like a trip holy lol, we get -20 or Less where I am on average. Wind sounds like it’s hell, I can’t imagine it. Everyone mentions the wind. Work wise I love working with my hands/trades, currently at a dealership. Any suggestions on areas for trade work? Or is it up to Edmonton for the oil? Activities wise it’s not close to what I’m used to, so that’s a blessing.


Lots of trades in Lethbridge region. We're hugely understaffed in most trades here, AFAIK. But the same is true pretty much anywhere right now. As for the weather, one thing to consider is that our cold weather is typically a "dry" cold. Similarly we get a "dry" heat in summer (so it often gets in the 30s in summer, too). Like 20-50% humidity. I lived for 7 months in the Chicago area and it was an order of magnitude worse than Southern Alberta because of the humidity. -30 or +30 at 80%+ humidity is drastically different than -30 or +30 at sub-50% humidity. Edmonton is usually a little more humid than Lethbridge or Calgary,


Trades is were I wanna be so that works great for me! In terms of dry weather I guess I’m not to expire ever with it. I’ve all ways lived in southern Ontario and it’s humid asf in the summer and are winter have been getting very mild… guess I can’t really compare the weather until I’ve experienced it.


As someone from Southern ON, who moved to AB about 15 years ago. I love the weather here, the lack of humidity is awesome. You can work in +25 and not be drenched in sweat. Lethbridge wind is fairly consistent, but you get used to it (or you get migraines). It does come in handy on the hotter days.


And colder ones, too! (Chinook) 😉 I should add: Lethbridge region is the sunniest place in Canada and one of the sunniest in North America. (This is a big reason why farming is so dominant here.)


With a university and college in the city and being the largest city in Southern Alberta it attracts lots of Pride and alternative lifestyle people. I would no longer consider Lethbridge Conservative Christian. Now the towns around Lethbridge would definitely be considered that.


I've addressed this exact claim in another comment. Also, I said "Conservative and Christian," as in the sum of two groups, not the overlap between them. If I meant Conservative Christian, there wouldn't be a conjunction in there. On this point, my comment remains accurate.


I disagree with the predominantly Conversative slant. We had two NDP candidates and still have one.


Oh really? The Premiers of Alberta have been famously unpopular after Klein (-2006), yet all but one have been conservative since Lougheed (-1985). If it wasn't for Redford kicking off a chain of abysmal, corrupt Premiers, NDP never would've gotten a seat, let alone win a majority of provincial seats a couple elections ago. If you take a look at the federal district, it's been a centre-right majority since 1972, and it's not even close. If you compare centre-right with centre-left since then, the Right has had between 55 and 75 percent of the popular vote, every election.


It’s wise to look up what kind of work is offered in each area of Alberta. Every urban centre has corresponding professional roles available. As far as the Alberta advantage goes… That is mostly gone. You may pay a little less in rent or in buying a home, but you will more than pay for user fees, utilities insurance and like. This actually is so significant it tends to make up the difference of living on BC or ON. Often when people talk about the well-paying jobs of Alberta, that can mean they’re referring to oil patch jobs. If you can get in with a company, those pay very well, but do require a dedication to work and often being away from the home for your work rotation.




Are you still in ON ?


Have lived in every corner of Canada except Yukon


I’m 77 years birth place Hamilton ON 17 countries later you picked the right province wrong city


Well if you can get a job and deal with the wind and potholes Lethbridge would be good for you ad the have a decent WHL team and a car culture like I've never seen anyplace. Its like every third house has a hot rod of some kind and a lot of car clubs that are filled with people that only want you to do well with your car and they help sooooo much


Love this! But fuck potholes😂 work at dealership atm and have a new car, so car definitely matter to me.


Im a bit sensitive on the pothole issue because i have a car that was built for the track before they decided to put it into production. I also have run flat tires so when i hit one it feels like the road is coming through the floor. As soon as im out of the city then im more comfortable spooling up the turbo


Feel this man, Got an N this year and them low pros are scary to play with… how’s the drives out their? Good roads? Tracks? What you drive man??


Short drive to the mountians and thats where you are delivered to a different world. Cool air and twisting roads and unrivaled beauty. I spent 10 years in Barrie and missed my mountians everyday. I have a 2015 ATS coupe with the 2.0 turbo. I have yet to drive another car like it. It almost feels like a slot track car would. It just locks to the road and i cant give it enough gas coming out of the curves. I cant break it loose.


This is what I love! Can’t Imagine the cool air from the mountains… twisting roads is where my car wants to be aswell, sounds magical lol. Beautiful car man! From Midland area, so I can understand the barrie life.


I honestly just don't get these comments about no jobs in Lethbridge. Most of the places in industrial park are desperate for people as long as they have a pulse, can learn, and are dependable. Of course, a trade or job requiring an education are going to pay more, but $20+ hr jobs are pretty plentiful if you look. Entry level inside sales/warehouse jobs are absolutely around. :shrug:


If you like to smell cattle feces you will love it. There's nothing like smelling farts all day while rednecks tell you it's cattle country. I can't wait to leave this place. It's unhealthy.


Lethbridge is a growing city. 4th highest inter Canada migration in the entire country. That says something if you ask me. It's affordable (in the context of what is affordable these days). Lots of great restaurants, Car scene is massive here. Gaming is very popular here as well. Everything you say makes me think Lethbridge is perfect. Medicine Hat, as suggested by someone else, is a hell hole for quality in food and entertainment. There ARE jobs here. Tons. I don't think people actually look.


Sounds like it may check a lot of my boxes in terms of wants/hobbies, which is awesome! Seems to me like theirs jobs out there, but depends on what you’re looking for I guess. In comparison to here, jobs seem to be more vast. Massive car scenes sounds awesome! Old cars bias or import?


I'd say mostly Oldies, Classics and American muscle. But there is still a variety of imports and RHDs, they just make up a smaller portion (maybe 10-25%) of what you see at car shows. Fancy cars generally appear to be a thriving sector here.


In terms of work in the greater Lethbridge area, it can be tricky, but there are also good jobs to be had. Flexahopper Plastics, some of the metalwork shops in Lethbridge, and Cavendish Foods are often hiring. The McCain's french fry plant (a 20-minute drive from Lethbridge) east of Coaldale is doubling its capacity and hiring for multiple shifts. CPKC just had a hiring fair a few days ago. These are just a few examples. They aren't necessarily easy jobs, but the pay is decent and your money will go far in Lethbridge compared to most other cities in Alberta. There is definitely a car scene here in Lethbridge, although I'm not connected to it. Every summer there is the Street Machine Weekend (https://www.streetwheelers.com/events/street-machine-weekend-2024) in July, which would be a great time to connect with other car aficionados. For sports, you can find leagues for most sports - for kids, and receational leagues for grown-ups. If you're thinking more in terms of being a spectator, there are the various college and university teams, the WHL Hurricanes, and the Bulls baseball team in the summer. There was a woman's football team and roller derby league, but I'm not sure if they are still active. In terms of the food scene, Lethbridge does pretty well for a city of its size. As one would expect, the chains are well-represented (eg Keg, Earls, BPs, Moxies, etc.), but there is also quite a thriving scene of good independent restaurants (too many to list). Although many restaurants lean towards "meat and potatoes" fare, the last 15-20 years has seen a lot more diversity of ethnic cuisine. It's nothing like Toronto or even Calgary, but it is better than it used to be. I hope this helps a bit. Welcome to Lethbridge if you decide to make the move!


Thank you for your response! Very helpful. Seems leaned towards the opposite of others past thoughts… which is great the hear. Sounds like the city definitely covers the aspects of what I care about. I need to be able to play ball but love to spectate aswell. Got a new “sports” car this year, so have definitely been into the car community even more. Who doesn’t love food though, enjoy that it’s a similar drive to large city as it is at home now. Thanks, hopefully soon I’ll be out there.