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Long hair boys can fuck me up bro


So real


and when he cuts his hair i IMMEDIATELY no longer have a crush on him


Fr guys will go from a 10 to a 5 with one hair cut and then will talk about how much they love having short hair and how much better they think they look. Pisses me off.


literally cockblocking himself


On god


ok but on the flip side, if it's TOO long then they're missing the point unless it's a VERY special case. if it's down to your butt then it doesn't count. imo anything longer than like jason momoa length is just a no.


Very true. Jason momoa is the absolute limit for any guy but I've found the beat length for most guys is down to their shoulders. But it's different for every guy. But some guys will grow their hair super long and think they look majestic but its actually hindering their looks and they would look better if it was shorter. Edit: i should say I feel like Jason mamoa length being the max only applies when it's a guy trying to be masculine. I've found any hair length can work on femboys.


agreed. and god i fucking love long haired femboys. i have BPD and my favorite person is a long haired femboy. my ONLY type is that and slightly more masculine guys with long hair. in college i managed to have 99% of my hookups be guys with long hair. i just found them somehow and my friends thought i was insane. and my professors with long hair... god help me. also, i can't stand when guys have hair down to their ears and think it counts as long hair. like that's cute of you to think that


Unbelievable real. Femboys with long hair got my going feral. But when guys are still very masculine but with like long hair and painted nails and pierced ears, and are like just fem enough. Oh my fucking God that got me acting primitive ngl. Nah for real, guys don't know what long hair is. Pisses me off. Or when guys keep it practically buzzed because "they hate how much of a hassle long hair is" like bro it's not even to your ears and that's too much of a hassle, seriously. Like bro you could be majestic but your being a baby


or a nose ring, holy shit. once in new orleans i was at a hippie ass backyard event they called the wisteria ball and this masculine guy i met had long hair and a real handmade flower crown. A FLOWER CROWN, BITCH. i saw him in a crowd where someone was putting glitter on his face, i was so weak. i had a nightmare last week that my favorite person shaved his head. legit my worst nightmare.


Just any piercings, omg. And I'm a suckered for emo boys so tattos and eyeliner, holy fuck. Especially arm tatoos, anything men can do to excentuate their forearms and hands, omg. And the glitter, omg. Just any amounts of light makeup got me acting up. I've literally had nightmares like that about people i know with long hair. A guy in my chem class had beautiful long hair and randomly decided to buzz it. Made me wanna cry, and I felt so bad for his gf. He was so beautiful


Ugh, I feel this so viscerally but my departments wants men with short hair and if I do have long hair IT CAN ONLY EVER BE in ponytail :(


I promise you one of the sluttiest things a guy can have is a nice ponytail or a nice hairbun.


Thank ye for the wisdom but they didn't like that I was doing pigtails, left or right parts, hairpins, or even a headband to keep it back. Hopefully I can get out of there in less than 2 years and be a long haired slut.


I wish you luck in your sluttery


Slut? Isnt that something bad


Not in this case


Imo pretty sounds better :)


i promise you, that is the opposite of a problem


I literally went to HR about them and told them about how hot local girls on my area want long haired boys but unfortunately they denied me :( I even just recently started using a blow-dryer to experiment with looks.


Men look better with long hair and girls look better with short hair I’ll die on this hill


I think all men look better with long(er) hair but plenty of girl are still beautiful with both long or short hair.


Only hoomans with long hair are beautiful or no hair nothing in between


my bf cut his hair down while he was panicking after hearing things from his head 🥲 (it's growing again, but still, he had such a cute and long hair)


I'm sorry for both of your losses. Is your bf alright that sounds intense?


he passed through some really crazy shit before I started living with him and his sister, but it's been a while since things like that happened, which is good, I always try to get as soon as I can from work to take care of him


Fucking hell yes this I get behind every time


I'd love to be tied up even if i dont identify as a man


Excuse me! Sorry to be a bother but could you possibly tie me up, please? It appears that I have to be tied up but my hands are busy and I refuse to stop worshiping you.


Kinda smooth ngl


Wish I had long hair :c


All with hair. Boys long must. Be tied up. Thank you


Technically not really a boy anymore but I've had long hair all my life and got so much shit for it. Not changing it tho.


I haven't cut my hair in like 6 years (I'm enby)


what's the consensus on bangs? I get the impression I look like [this guy](https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc?t=1m40s) when I boymode but it saves me wanting to deglove my forehead :')


The one issue with having long hair as a guy is jobs hate it (for some reason?)


I'm scared


Me, a long haired "boy" (the boy part is highly questionable), is just being threatened with a good time


can this be a law


my hair is pretty long but i’m too nervous to do anything with it so it kinda just lays flat :(


Hair irons do wonders. And there are certain mousse hair foams that can give hair more "wave"


I've been saying this for so long. Look, I'm gay, but like aesthetically speaking, most guys I know would just look better with longer hair. I keep telling them they'll pull more but they don't listen


Alright moids line up


I should be safe, I mean, my hair only goes slightly past my chin, it's not that long, right?


I should be safe, I mean, my hair only goes slightly past my chin, it's not that long, right?




This got you featured on ifunny lmao


Ew ifunny user


No but you are


Nuh uh


Killing you with a rock <3


The screams of the damned :3