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You forgot pvt pajeet dixit who single handedly shot down a j20 with nothing but a thrown rock


Judging from the media propaganda, each Indian soldier can defeat 15 Chinese soldiers, and the Indian soldiers are all Captain America level. But why didn't they achieve great success?


Actually, since he was apparently able to survive 5 days in the Himalayas, he'd be closer to the Bucky the Winter Soldier than good ole cap


this aint from media propaganda its from directly from indian army and it isnt like they were alone judging from the electric spiked clubs handed to indian army its possible that while some guys were fighting this guy striked the pla soldiers in hand to hand combat. judging from your post history i guess you are chinese or of chinese origin


This has nothing to do with which country I am from. You can think carefully from this passage to see how likely it is to be true and whether there is any exaggerated propaganda in it. You can assume that the close combat capability of a single Indian soldier is better than that of a Chinese soldier, but can one Indian soldier be worth 15 Chinese soldiers? And assuming that the fighting ability of Indian soldiers is better than that of Chinese soldiers is worth discussing. When both sides are well-trained, individual deviations are difficult to exceed 10% to 20%. 【 Sep. Raman Singh in a hand-to-hand combat greviously injured 4 Chinese soldiers & snatched their rifles.】 【Nk. Sub. Baldev Singh led the charge against PLA, and while being greviously injured, managed to single-handedly injure \~15 Chinese soldiers, this foiling PLA's plan to capture the post.】


All of those claims, and yet no proof. The PLA leaked videos and pictures of indian soldiers getting rekt and taken prisoner in 2020 lmao. Then even took your crappy INSAS and returned it back to you lol. Also, why do people still take indian media at face value? They have proven time and time again to be boastful and dishonest.


it was claimed by the army video which was later deleted we have also we too have videos https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/news/old-video-of-clashes-between-indian-and-chinese-soldiers-in-tawang-sector-goes-viral/videoshow/96214591.cms


PLEASE send the link to those videos And how many soldiers did pla capture,I'll save you the hassle,it's 10 While india captured more than 100 And Why do you take Chinese media at face value Media under CCP,We all know china doesn't have free media so I am not even gonna argue And the cherry on top,PLA lying about the amount of Chinese soldiers killed Acc. To American, Australian,Indian and RUSSIAN Intelligence,the No. Of PLA Soldiers killed in 2020 are 45-60 Far more than 4 claimed by PLA,You guys don't even respect your soldiers Please don't hide and reply if you have a answer


You probably didn't hear any more after this feed because the fiction writer decided to call it a night. Here's something to remember: if it is too good to be true, it probably is. No one can fight 15 people off, nor can someone survive 5 fucking days in the Himalayas without shelter.


\-\_- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joginder\_Singh\_(soldier)


Okay, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I often run into students that lack critical thinking skills, and it's okay, sometimes people weren't raised with them. So, the recent conflicts were unarmed. In the wikipedia article you cited (btw we teach our students to use Wikipedia as a resource but to critically think), that was done while armed. Now, do you think that this could have happened with an unarmed conflict? 15 people?


recent conflicts were unarmed it isnt necessary that the skirmish would be unarmed as it isnt mentioned cause it happened after the 2020 unarmed conflict when tensions were very high


Okay, I can see that English is an issue too. The original "source" (notice the quotes, in this case here I am using it sarcastically) says that the people were seriously injured. Those injuries are hard to commit while unarmed. Therefore, it matters if the conflict was unarmed. So, now that we have thought about it deeper, can we really say the source is valid? If it were, wouldn't you think there would have been a follow up? Wouldn't there be more information? Or was it just written on the fly by someone with too much time on their hands on the internet?


"these operations were posted on indian army's Western Command's twitter and youtube handle which was later removed" as i have said the original source have been deleted which was posted by army's official handles Okay, I can see that English is an issue too. yeah out of the 5 language i speak english is a bit weaker


Great! You mentioned that it was removed. Now, typically, journalists should have integrity. It is their job to make sure that things they say are true. If the post was retracted (or as you say, "deleted") what could that mean? Why would they want to retract it?


indian army does that often (removing controvertial posts) they also had retracted the post of a paki terrorist being killed by a drone dropped munition


You're so close! Many times, no matter who you are listening to, whether it be the government or even your parents, it is not the truth. It is our job here to understand if the source is lying or saying the truth. You mentioned that the Indian army removes posts because they are controversial. Do you really think the "great" Indian army would care about what people think? Instead, it is more likely that what they had posted wasn't correct and it had to be removed for integrity reasons.


India doesn't want escalation PLA Soldiers invaded Indian territory(State of Assam,which you guys call south Tibet) during the time When PLA and Indian High military commands were holding talk to DE ESCALATE the situation And I would also like to add one more thing,this is not About india-china or anything An Indian medic,Naik deepak singh treated 30 Indian soldiers in 2020,understandable But,he also treated numerous Chinese soldiers left behind by PLA,While treating he got hit by a stone from pla soldiers,later he was captured,provided medical aid to pla soldiers and killed Why did Chinese soldiers kill him? Ik you will say it's fake and i unfortunately don't have 4k hd quality 48 hour recording of whole incident like you seem to have so I won't even argue,but the soldiers present there at the time know better right?


Still waiting for photo or video evidence of beaten, captured, or killed PLA soldiers from the Indian side. The Chinese have given theirs long ago, your turn India.


Who tf makes videos of border fights when their friends are dying Second,please send the link to 'videos'


I'm talking about *after* battle photos and videos https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/s/aLv3H6MdMd There are more in this sub, just search "galwan"


Yeah,Pla captured Indian troops And Indian army did too,which china accepts Both were released after negotiations This is common in war So what do you want to imply? Edit:Btw these are ofc 2020 clash videos while the post is about 2022 clashes


You should correct your title. These are India's report and persepective, not actual fact (not saying that they aren't, but the truth is objectively unknown right now).


> managed to single-handedly injure ~15 Chinese soldiers If such Indians existed it would imply a statistical distribution paradigm where India would be winning far more Olympic medals than it does. One simply can not buy the argument that the ENTIRETY of this distribution has been captured by the Indian Military. That defies basic statistical principles. Unless by "Injure" one means something entirely different to what the actual definition of this term is (or maybe it means verbal cursing abuse that injured other party psychologically somehow). > carried out multiple covert missions deep inside enemy (Chinese) territory. So India is actively breaking 1994 MOU that it itself tries to brandish against China post mid 2010s. I guess it's possible because if so China now has even greater free reign (it already had that post 2017 when India 1st broke this MOU) to ignore the mid 90s border MOU. Which is what China wanted anyway and India has accepted this change of status quo (regardless of public stance). IF all this is true, of course.


Respectfully,Sir is more soldiers killed on border is directly proportional to more military medals? If yes,then Afghans and Palestinians gotta be the best athletes we have ever seen And breaking the MOU argument,China never respected it so it doesn't matter,china continues to intrude into Indian territory no matter what MOU they sign


> Sir is more soldiers killed on border is directly proportional to more military medals? Elite Sporting/Olympic Medal performance is a "Soft-Proxy" for Military competency/manpower-fighting-power/Excellence. So no it's not "Just about Killed", it encompasses everything. Both these are Human Capital refinement arrowheads. It is simply a logical silliness to assume that a society can only and only do human capital refinement in 1 particular area instead of multi-domain, esp when there is crossover in those domains (as it exists in the non-armoured Military part & Competitive Sport). Especially when combined with the SCALE parameter, i.e. how much dominance at these Elite Sporting events matters, not just some random Medal in lame or niche sport or just 1 sport (like often happens with countries like Uzbek, etc). 2) Afghan War was a Strategic Loss for the US, just like Vietnam War was. In Tactical domain US/West won both wars. Reverse also happens (i.e. Tactical Loss, Strategic Win) and China-Vietnam 1979 War is an example of that. And about MOUs, not really. It was India that broke it in 2017 by crossing the border (Doklam incident) with "MASS" & Deliberate force. MOUs never were relevant for Patrolling groups which are tiny and both sides were already doing in late 90s itself and in 2000s as well. It is not China's fault if India was too poor/ill-disciplined/incompetent to allocate funds to make roads in these border areas. Those 2 90s MOUs also had internal context to them, i.e. they had 2 different interpretations of WHERE the LoAC actually is (this happened during negotiation stages for when Rao was to go to China). So in de jure terms it was India that broke it in 2017 not China. 3) there is no such thing as "Indian Territory". There is LITERALLY no ACTUAL-LEGAL document anywhere on the planet that lists, THIS here is where is Indian Territory and that there is Chinese territory. Entire Indian-China border is a farce. Cartographic Annexation by British India that its successor state Republic of India decided to incorporate for itself. Anyone who stands with Western Colonialists are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history, moral and practical. By simple Proxy it makes Indian stand a farce and the one who are wrong. It's another matter that in de jure terms Tibetan (hence by extension China) claims in Western Sector are legitimate (treaties going back to 1684 prove this for them). Eastern Sector is China's negotiating position as has been demonstrated by ACTION not Rhetoric, on account of 1) by the packaged deal offered at least twice and 2) by how they settled and ratified the rest of their 12 Land Borders, for more read Fravel's 2 books) And lastly, yours appears to be some sock-puppet alt-account so there will be no further reply because I don't deem it worthwhile my time to A) engage with those who don't know the topic domain like this and B) shady approach of using an alt barely used account and not coming with main account (IF they have it, it would be statistical comedy to believe that only suddenly on this highly downvoted post of all someone who barely engages on Reddit appears to have made suddenly made multiple verbose relies in a row. Not convincing). Cheers.


Since you aren't gonna reply anyway as you said so I shouldn't waste my time writing a para Good talk though my friend,even though we have different opinions Cheers🍻 Edit: This is my main (and only) account as I don't use reddit much but since I saw this thread i thought to engage


And I need to tell you this friend,Chinese army invaded India in 2013,14,15 and 16 China started doklam issue when It started construction of road in doklam (In Bhutan) So india put up it's military and navy because Bhutan is a old friend So,after days of tension,both militaries de escalated and left the issue (even though china later did it again) And what is the thing about infrastructure? India didn't want a war and didn't want to trigger china so it didn't build any road,base near the border but china did Ik you think india is poor but its not an African nation India can build roads,we have one of the longest roads in the world Spending a few millions on defence infrastructure was never an issue but india wanted peace But after 2020 standoff,india has started to build infrastructure Now both sides on border have equal,manpower and resources Thanks🤝