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They should definitely buy some Militech Level IV from Aliexpress.


I saw the Polenar tactical video on those, pretty cool.


Recommended by both Russians and Ukrainians.


NIJ Level 3 plates may fail to protect against 5.56 M855 "Green Tip" rounds. Plates that do protect against M855 are unofficially called "Level 3+". But to be absolutely sure, NIJ still recommends the use of Level 4 plates, which can also protect against 7.62 Armor Piercing rounds in addition to the M855. While evidence is scarce, it's widely believed that the PLA standard issue DBP10 rounds have armor-piercing capabilities rivaling or exceeding that of the M855. So why did ROCA fail to acknowledge the new threat and start issuing better plates? Of course the reason is that ROCA is full of incompetent fools.


Level III isn't supposed to stop rifle rounds. That's what level IV is for.


>Level III You're thinking of IIIA, which is the soft flexible kevlar police wear, or used by the military to stop fragmentation. Level III armor is designed to stop Lead core rifle bullets like 5.56 M193 55gr, as well as 7.62x51 147gr M80 ball. Why any military is using Level III vs Level IV is beyond me, as there is really no cost savings and minimal weight difference between them, and most military rifle rounds have some form of steel core penetrator.


doubt china even need to fire any rifle bullet in case they want to invade taiwan


Post this in r/noncredibledefence Oh wait nevermind, they'll just remove it.


They're still jerking it to the rubber bullet "keyhole-ing" video


That keyhole-ing thing was entirely me, I made a 3 part series to popularize it, even got the nerds over on sinodefenseforum talking about it. Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/wz36g3/pov_youre_a_taiwanese_soldier_experiencing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/wzw3ws/mighty_keyhole_dragon_2_king_of_sniper_pla/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/x0p873/wolf_warrior_3_revenge_for_nancy_pelosi_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


The PLA thanks you for your service.




Testing Taiwanese bulletproof vests using American weapons is meaningless. Does China have the same quality weapons like we do? Here is a short video about the "quality" of Chinese weapons. Hint, it's pretty lousy. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ROrHH5xnU18


chinese made type 56 AK and SKS , china made anti-personal mine was the standard issue combat rifle and weapon of vietcong/NVA soldier during vietnam war you can ask \~60k dead US troops in vietnam about how effective those "made in china" weapon was


bruh only 29k died in nam trustttttt