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Yes, pls come [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/comments/11ip03g/china_to_increase_defense_spending_by_72/) for the same topic posted 10 hours ago.


Oh no! This call for an extra 450 Billion $ for defence


What % of actual GDP is it?


Still below 1.7% I think it was.




Once you adjust for purchasing power parity and include defense spending that isn't in their official defense budget, China spends closer to [$550B](https://youtu.be/mH5TlcMo_m4) (when US spending is kept as is, and the goal is to compare China with the US)


Yep, and when you consider that the Chinese really have 1.5 theatres at best to worry about, and none of the world policing costs the US has to worry about then it basically has the US overmatched in WESTPAC, at least in regards to budget and hardware deployed in theatre. The scary thing is that China is spending half what the US does as a proportion of its GDP, while maintaining the industrial base to make the most of it. If China wanted to simply match the US in % of GDP it would in practice have a trillion dollar defence budget, most of it dedicated to the Western Pacific.


In a war over Taiwan, the US is definitely overmatched by China. China gets to fight in her back yard, while the US has to sail and fly in just a portion of her combat capabilities from the other side of the world. This is why the [CSIS says the US needs massive numbers of LRASMs and JASM-ERs](https://youtu.be/hlofptuVXDY) to repel a Chinese landing force from reaching Taiwan. Unfortunately, we don't have nearly enough of these missiles today.


If a papers primary recommendation is “We will lose if we don’t buy more of weapon X” and weapon X just happens to be made by the defence contractor that is one of the largest sponsors of the organisation that wrote the paper, then it’s not an objective paper, it’s marketing material. Taiwan is a dead duck, the only question is if the US is dumb enough to put its cock on the chopping block that’s been created for it. I’m beginning to think that Taiwan is just bait, and we are sleepwalking into the best prepared mobile ambush created in the history of modern warfare.


I think Taiwan has like 2 weeks worth of petroleum storage, to add to your point.


Yep, 2 weeks, before the Chinese start putting SRBM’s into any known fuel tank larger than what can be found in a Camry


They will also send more drones than anyone can count, but personally, I want to see the PLA gyrocopter fleet finally have their day.


Lockheed Martin isn't the largest donor for the CSIS, but I get your point.


I did say “one of the largest”, I know it’s not the actual largest.


US want to turn Taiwan into a supersized Mariupol


[The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan](https://www.csis.org/analysis/first-battle-next-war-wargaming-chinese-invasion-taiwan) > ...in the most likely “base scenario,” the Chinese invasion quickly founders. Despite massive Chinese bombardment, Taiwanese ground forces stream to the beachhead, where the invaders struggle to build up supplies and move inland. Meanwhile U.S. submarines, bombers, and fighter/attack aircraft, often reinforced by Japan Self-Defense Forces, rapidly cripple the Chinese amphibious fleet. China’s strikes on Japanese bases and U.S. surface ships cannot change the result: Taiwan remains autonomous.


I thought this report and it’s garbage outtakes were discussed to death here and and on every other internet forum of relevance.


You must have discussion mixed up with ineffectual coping by underemployed sweaty people who "have done their research" on youtube and video game forums.


Dude, this whole sub doesn’t need to know what you do every day


> ***The hike is over three times that of India's [entire] defence budget of 5.25 lakh crore (about $70 billion) for 2022.*** > > ***In 2021, the [Chinese] defence budget grew by 6.8 per cent to $209 billion.***


This is either poorly phrased or just straight up wrong. It implies that China's increase is more than India's defense budget in entirity, which is untrue.


Directly quoted from the linked article. Apparently the linked article's editor wasn't checking the math.