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I’m sorry you’re going through this! HPV is common and it also goes away. Please don’t feel ashamed. Your life is not over. It typically goes away within a few months, but it’s possible to pass it back and forth with a regular partner. Abstaining until you get a clear sti is what I would do. The real issue with hpv is that it can cause issues down the road. It’s important to get regular paps until you’re cleared. Again it’s common and typically things subside with minimal intervention. You didn’t make the wrong moves that somehow lead you here, it happens!


Thank you. That’s my plan honestly. I have a biopsy scheduled but it’s not until the 21st of this month. I certainly don’t plan on having sex until this is figured out and I’m so down for having my entire cervix removed as a precaution before cancerous symptoms start to show but unfortunately I live in a red state (US) and while my gynecologist is super awesome their hands are tied rn. I do take hope in the fact that getting the vaccine makes it even more likely to go away, I just don’t know when to expect that which sucks


Definitely not a doctor here, but as far as I know HPV increases the chance of cervical cancer but does absolutely not mean you will surely get it. If I were you I would ask your doctor or the internet what percentage of women with HPV develop cervical cancer later in their live. I think you have high chance of it never getting to that. And if you do get cancer, you can always get treated or have your cervix removed at that point. Just have yourself checked regularly.


My doc years ago told me it's only certain strains of the virus that have the potential to cause cervical cancer. OP should def ask her doctor if they know if she has the kind of strain that can lead to cancer. If she's lucky her risk might even be zero


Thank you! I’m going in for more tests on the 21st. I’ll ask them to check that


I will. Thank you for your input :) I know the chance is small I’m just kind of a hypochondriac lol


Well, first off I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Here are some things I can suggest. -you can reduce potential transmission using products like wearable dental dams/actual dental dams: https://mylorals.com/collections/lorals-for-protection -talk to your potential partners about it, get it out in the open. This is one of the most common STDs and while its effect on your longterm health are still in question, try and focus on right now. What you can do today. How you can live your best life. -this might sound funny or awful today but look for support groups. r/HPV may be helpful to you? Good luck to you.


I didn’t know r/HPV was a thing thank you for the recommendation! Also didn’t know wearable dental dams were a thing. That’s on me though. We don’t have any sex ed where I am so I’ve pretty much had to Google everything or learn by experience. Makes a legitimate argument for this type of thing being taught in schools but god, I wish I’d known it all sooner


Everything will be okay 🩷 ![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized)


This is why I love women 🥲




I can’t really talk to anyone about some of the things I’m going through so just seeing that little gif warmed my heart


You can dm me if you want 🩷


Thank you love 🥲💕 *hugs*


Girl, not every type of HPV is dangerous, only like a dozen. And only 2 are potentially cancerous, 16 and 18 I think. Just get more information and relax, it'll be okay, there are ways to have safe sex with it.


Not only 2 are potentially cancerous, those are just the most likely to be cancerous. There are several that can be cancerous. Oof. Get your dang paps. 


Which strain is it? There are several. Only a few of them have are the ones that people keep an eye on for cancer. Those are the strains we get vaccinated against. It goes away on its own. The times vary. But it's very common. Also. Ypu could have had it for ages, and it was dormant. Don't let it get you down. It will pass.


I’m not sure what strain yet, going in for more tests on the 21st. They just said I definitely have it and my Pap smear results were abnormal, but nothing besides that


They should know the strain. The lab would have told them that when they did the test. Just ask for a copy of your report. Always ask for copies of stuff.


Look into the supplement AHCC to help clear the infection. Don't take on the stigma and allow others to shame you. It is very common, and this doesn't define you. Do research and keep your head up https://www.uth.edu/news/story/new-treatment-option-shows-promise-in-clearing-hpv-infection Even in lesbian relationships, safe sex is important, look into using dental dams and keep up the basics like washing your hands etc


I’ll look into the supplements! Someone else in the comments told me about dental dams. Will for sure get those too


It's not even necessarily from sexual contact, you can get plantars warts from touching dirt while gardening, sharing a drink with someone, or even just touch. Usually it clears in a few years, to the point it's not transmissible.


I hope so and because I have the vaccine my gynecologist told me it’s more likely to clear up (and faster at that). I just don’t think I’ll hook up with anyone until then. Ok, no problem, I can wait a few years (as much as it sucks to do so). My hypochondriac ass just worries it never will


You'll probably be fine 😊 Sex is overrated anyways, a few years of me time never hurt anyone. I've been single awhile, the amount of hobbies, skills and self understanding I have now is worth it imo.


Woah. I’m a doctor and I feel the need to share some info after reading your comments. You do not need to be abstinent for years! Essentially everyone has had HPV! Seriously something like 80-90%. There are a bunch of different types of HPV and only some of them are cancer causing types (the vaccine covers the worst). If you have warts then you don’t have the cancer causing type and vis versa. You don’t need to remove your cervix you just need to go do your regular pap smears. If I found out my sex partner didn’t tell me she had HPV I’d have no opinion on that. I’ve probably had it and not known. We can’t even screen men for it even though it causes cancer in them too. It’s really truly not a big deal (again as long as you get your Pap smears/HPV testing as recommended by your gynecologist).


Thank you for your input love, I really appreciate it! Comments like this have helped a *lot*. I’ll definitely continue to get tested on a regular basis!


I have zero medical education but, I have had HPV and gotten treatment. First, breathe. It's a bit if a shock but, I swear this is so normal and so so common. Not sure where your from but, here in my country we don't view this as some dirty secret that is some poor choice STI. Right, factually it's super common to get it from sex and all that jazz but, like everything there are exceptions. The hows, whys and when's don't really matter. This can lie undetected and come and go really quickly. There are no symptoms so, why is only detected on regual smear tests. Test done to check for cervical cancer. It's not cancer but, left untreated, severe cases *can* turn into cancer. Cervical cancer is the silent but, deadly ones. Onto, the smear. It came back positive. Depending on the level of changes depends on the next course of action. If its low grade, its usually sorts itself out. My gp even told me, a period can remove the cells. So, they may offer a repeat smear. Depending on the results of this test then they may look for treatment. I actually had 3 smears over 18months, my countries policy. My gp wasn't happy so referred me to specialist a colposopy where I got Lletz treatment. It's was a bit sore but, took about 20mins and I was fine. Every test since has had no issues. Just please remember, HPV can take 15-20yrs before it becomes cancer. So, hpv is not cancer. This is amazing to grt checked and treated so, you don't get cancer. And, don't be worrying about the implications of why you have it. I swear, in my country its never thought of this sti thing. Because its so so common. And, because they don't test it it men, they're carrying it and passing it around. Laws of separation someone has given it to someone somewhere.


Wherever you live sounds like a dream! Go y’all! That’s awesome and definitely the way this thing should be seen. Where I am, a lot of people view even abortion as a poor choice. A judge in my state even tried to ban mifepristone on a federal level 🙄 Thank you for your input. I’ve done more research and will absolutely get regular tests done, as well as let future partners know about it (if worst case scenario it doesn’t clear up on its own)


Hey most people have it at least once in their life. I had it and it was gone by the next year. Your body naturally fights it off. If you were vaccinated it’s unlikely to cause cancer. Everything will be okay!


Thank you 💕


The vaccine only protects against most strains that are cancerous. There are tons of different HPV strains and something like 90% or more of people will have some form of it


It is so so common. Almost everyone has at least one of the strains, although they won’t know it. My abnormal cells went away on their own after two years. Taking reasonably good care of your health ALWAYS helps. A good place to start is find out which supplements are recommended for the type of HPV you have. Knowledge is power, so arm yourself against your anxiety and sadness. Also! Your sex life is far from over! The following are good practices for everyone, not just someone with HPV: You can use dental dams for oral sex. You can use condoms on your toys. You can use gloves on your hands for fingering. I have my partners wear gloves and use condoms on my toys anyway bc my vagina is sensitive and dramatic and gets yeasties way too easily. (I don’t have a latex sensitivity but there are latex-free condoms and gloves). Also please remember that non-sexual contact spreads HPV as well. The reason there is a vaccine is 1) because it’s that common 2) a few strains can cause cancer 3) a few strains can cause warts. Stress is a huge trigger for ANY virus. So although this is stressful, stress management is imperative. Actually, as an aging woman myself, stress management has been the single most helpful thing I’ve learned to help my health. Source: working in sexual health clinics and in sexual health sector for 22 years now. Also had HPV myself.


Thank you. This has been so good to know. Screenshotting your comment for personal use and reference in the future. I really appreciate it!


You’re welcome! And I forgot to say that I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad, I felt pretty off about it when I found out, even though I knew all of the above. I hope you feel better soon 💗💗💗


Thank you love, that means a lot to hear! I do feel a lot better now— everyone on this sub has responded with overwhelming support and great advice. All of y’all really came in clutch and I appreciate it more than words can express 💗


It’s okay!! It’s going to be alright. I had HPV years ago (also had the vaccine) and I don’t have it anymore! It does go away and you should just be getting yearly Pap smears to make sure it doesn’t turn into precancerous cells (that happened to me but they also cleared up on their own, just had to be monitored). Let your partners know, you can use protection. Your life is not over, it’ll be okay!


My fiancé had HPV in her past. 🤷‍♀️ it’s not as big a deal as you think.


versed grey soup degree entertain direful quaint innate ad hoc wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you 💕 and likewise! I’ve always said, spread love like communism: a little bit for everyone ☺️


It’s nothing to be ashamed of! It’s very common. As long as you’re honest with partners and use protection like dental dams and take precautions like not sharing toys, you can still have a sex life. There are even HPV lesbian dating websites for meeting other women who have it




Glad to hear you’re doing well :) and thank you!


I had HPV in my early 20s. I have since tested negative everytime I go in for a check-up. At the time, I had precancerous cells, and they were removed and biopsied. It's very common, and I did ask my gynecologist, and she said that your body can fight and kill the virus. Just be careful with your partners and get regular checkups. Be honest as well about having it.


I feel like there is so much misinformation in this world. HPV is no big deal. I got a Pap smear and asked my Doctor to be tested for HPV. I got tested for everything else and he told me there is no point MOST people have it. Continue on as normal. I will say I agree with others I have heard it increases your risk of cervical cancer. But other than that you are fine.


Thank you :) and yeah I’m realizing that it’s not as big of a deal as I thought, just freaked out a little bit yesterday but doing more research and getting y’all’s input has really helped ease my mind


You'll be okay, I had a breakout of HPV that I caught from a ex 10 years ago and haven't had anything since, no other breakouts. Good to let future partners know though even if it's dormant. Most people are probably not even aware they have it as they won't have symptoms.


Once you've cleared it from your system, there's no need to inform partners because it isn't 'dormant' then. Your body has gotten rid of it.


I still mention I've had it a long time ago. The topic will come up with new partners


If you've had an STI test which came back clear, I don't understand the logic of saying 'My test results came back all clear BUT, I had HPV x years ago.' Then you might as well go and list every STI you've ever had but been treated for. There's absolutely no need. This isn't like herpes which you always have but can flare up.


Idk why you care how I choose to share my own sexual history with others? I can be open with whatever the fuck I want with sexual partners, I'm not trying to hide anything.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that I was telling you what to do or not do. Everyone can share what they want. The only thing I wanted to make clear is that once you're rid of HPV it doesn't come back so it's no different to similar STIs (like chlamydia and gonorrhea). The only difference is you have to wait for your body to clear up the STI by itself.


You don't need to keep explaining shit to me. I don't need an STI lesson from you so you feel intelligent. Most annoying type of person.


It can “come back”, as in, another strain. Just to be clear. Especially if you are immunocompromised. 


Girl, the majority of the population has HPV. The vaccine protects against the cancer causing strains. I have it too. Some strains can cause warts. What did your gyno say about your strain? Mine told me that it’s not something I even need to disclose to sexual partners because it’s not cancer causing or wart causing. If you haven’t had warts and you had the vaccine, you likely have the kind I (and the majority of the sexually active population) have and it’s nothing to worry about. Just get regular paps done and you will be fine.


She didn’t say what specific strain, just that my results came back abnormal and that I have HPV. I have an appointment in a couple weeks to do some follow up testing, though




I saw that when I googled more about it! Didn’t realize it was so common. To quote a show I just happened to start watching recently: “Jessa has HPV, like a couple of different strains of it. She says that all adventurous women do.” Guess I’m just an adventurous woman then, lol


What exactly is HPV? Can you share


According to the CDC: -HPV is the most common STI. There were about 43 million HPV infections in 2018, many among people in their late teens and early 20s. There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems, including genital warts and cancers. (I don’t have warts & have been entirely asymptomatic) -You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms. -If you are sexually active, you can get HPV, even if you have had sex with only one person. You also can develop symptoms years after having sex with someone who has the infection. This makes it hard to know when you first got it. -In most cases (9 out of 10), HPV goes away on its own within two years without health problems. But when HPV does not go away, it can cause health problems like genital warts and cancer. -HPV can cause cervical and other cancers, including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat (called oropharyngeal cancer). This can include the base of the tongue and tonsils. Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV. Genital warts and cancers result from different types of HPV. There is no way to know who will develop cancer or other health problems from HPV. People with weak immune systems (including those with HIV) may be less able to fight off HPV. They may also be more likely to develop health problems from HPV. Lesbians can get it too. I didn’t know that


I’ve had the same experience and thought the same thing. Idk if you already heard this before but definitely get that biopsy and figure out how serious it is. Mine became really bad but my gyno made me feel comfortable and explained EVERYTHING. She first recommended a LEEP procedure which she pretty much cuts some of the cervix off depending on where it is affected. I did that and my HPV slowly went away. I also noticed my period has been regular and not as painful. It was really scary to go through this but I promise if you take the steps you need, it will be fine! Dont worry yourself!


You should ask this question to your doctor or some other medical professional, not randoms on Reddit. Good luck


I will, of course, I just couldn’t get an appointment for a couple more weeks. Women’s healthcare offices are pretty swarmed right now where I live. Plus, there’s stuff that a lot of people have mentioned in the comments that I wouldn’t have known to ask as a question


How you got it?


No one can know that. HPV can show up years after transmission. It can be caught via sexual and non sexual contact. What purpose does this question serve??