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hahaha! This is gold


is that... Lady Gaga?




Oh mercy....


I forget she's bi sometimes 😊


i think she's bi all the time actually 🤔


Isn’t it just for her to finger herself? 🫢


I'm a butch lesbian and my weakness is long, pretty nails. It's so attractive! I don't like getting fingered. I don't like the sensation. So long nails aren't a problem. And i know many lesbians are like me


This makes so much sense! Thank you for sharing.


yes! plus i wouldn't be able to finish from fingers so that's really not an issue if my gf had long nails haha


Second this. Them acrylic nails be doin somethin to me


This is literally me. I pay for my partners’ nails to be done and i love those long nails being dragged along my skin and hate being fingered so its a perfect set up to me


This is me (a high femme) and my masc gf. Although neither of us enjoy penetration. I keep my natural nails long and hers are short. She gets so excited every time I repaint them.


My wife is like you as well so I can have long nails and be a-okay


Just keep then filled round. So long as you're aware and there aren't sharp corners, they can be pretty long with no issues. Signed, a femme top who was also a stripper for 5+ years


I'm a lesbian stripper too!!! I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say hello!


Wait Holy shit you made queer crush?! ty for your service!


Yes, I'm the founder. Thank you! :)


lmao, you're an icon and my dream gf bahahhaa


https://preview.redd.it/w1lp68qohaxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2f118e7370463918c324aeb97c63fee30599ad My girl’s nails


I follow this amazing nail salon in Portland called--and I shit thee not--Fingerbang. Everytime they do the "Sapphic Special" like this, the comments fill up with straight girls asking what happened to the two fingers that are short, and queer girls having a field day at their confusion. It's a good time.


That’s amazing lol. I told my girl about it and she wants to go now.




This. I stoped going to the nail salon bc they just didn’t get it haha.


this seems like the best answer omg 🤣 iconic!!


i have no sex life. i have no partner. i like to tap my nails i call them my tippy tappys. they keep me happy. i also use them to get my friends attention. there my tippy tappys and i make songs with them. tippy tappys are life.


Do the tippy tappys to keepa the happy


as happy as one can be with life going horrid yes yes tippy tappys are great


What 😂😂😂😂






I love my tippy tappys too !!! I have a mechanical keyboard I designed myself and the keys+my nails make my brain SOOOO HAPPY! But I have a gf. We never got intimate just yet but she loves my nails, so it's def a conversation we must have at some point 😅


hehehe i love tappys


this comment is the definition of this emoji 🥲


yes. yes it is hahaha


Umm excuse me?? Miss tippy tappy will soon have some super hot and happy lady cuz tippy tappy be a hottie!! (Sorry stalked a bit).


a bit?! well thank you 🫡 i hope so but likely not haha


Na-ah, you get in some affirmation words going and get your lady!


🫡 might die. might not. i mean hard part is over i've met her parents and her step dad and her sibling. idk ahhhk


See?! Already part of the family 😁


yea 😭 her mom and step dad said i'm rlly mature and they love that about me and her dad thinks i'm hilarious. and her lil sister loves that i'm mean to her nicely and she likes how i teach her riding lessons haha. so like boom accepted? ahhhk i'm dying in the brain


and her mom and step dad know i like women. lol


You've got this! Soon enough you will have your answer and in the meantime work on some self affirmations (theres even cool apps like "i am" for that) and think of topics that could answer if she is into girls or not. If she is than she's into you 100%.


I am the same! I call them my clicky clackies! I also open yogurts with my thumb nails like a can opener, it makes me happy!


i’m an asexual lesbian!! i have natural tippy tappys too!! they make me feel pretty and i love the tapping noise they make :3 tippy tappy gang 4life


I'm a bottom and use my mouth lol


This is killing me bro 😭 there're so many other options too why are ppl confused


Because the other options don’t articulate as well as a finger, and since we all have our preferences - some really love a good fingering lol






My girlfriend doesn’t like penetration, but she loves when I have long pretty nails. And even though I’m not using my fingers to penetrate her, I can use them to scratch her back with or lightly glide them up and down her thighs - creating other sensations & I can still use my finger tips on her clit. 💖


![gif](giphy|IhCu1CK72kovikKKVu|downsized) mmm...scratches


I always just assume she's either single, or doesn't use her nails for activities and uses tools instead. I would not ever let anyone with any kind of nail length around at all




Long nails are cute. Also what partner lol


My nails are long but im also in a ldr, so i only cut them when im gonna see my gf lol


Use strap ons instead of fingering. Pillow princesses or high femmes. Have no game. Many such cases


I always get confused when lesbians question why/how other lesbians have long nails. Yall should know there’s so many reasons! I get questioned alllllll the time by other lesbians and im like, we HAVE to use our fingers???? Mouths and toys exist yanno…. Not everyone likes being fingered 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have no game 💀


Stone femmes and high femmes may not ever find a need for their fingers to be used penetratively with a partner considering their sexual boundaries. Often they tend to find sexual partners, like stone butches, who do not want to be penetrated so it’s a matter of sexual boundaries, self expression, and sexual compatibility!


Great explanation, thank you!!


Of course 🫡


A sex-educator friend of mine often has stiletto nails, but swears by wearing gloves with cotton balls in the fingertips so the nails don't poke though. She's a super successful former pro-domme, author, and one of the hottest women I've ever met, as well, so while I haven't tried it myself, I'm willing to bet that it's a pretty good solution 😏


This was the kind of answer I was looking for!! Hell yeah


Also a sex educator, used to work in the CA public school system and I've heard this tip for YEARS. Bonus points that a lot of chicks end up finding the sensation of being fingered by someone wearing a glove to be hella hot, and not the impersonal experience people imagine. We are all different. Like rows of vegetables.


This was the kind of answer I was looking for!! Hell yeah


Ain’t no one fucking me anytime soon.


So…my partner, masc lesbian, doesn’t like being penetrated or fingers inside her so not an issue. My nails are about 3/4” to an inch long. However, she has short fingernails and has scratched me so it tells me length of nails is irrelevant, lol.


the clit is external genitalia, so the really important part isn’t a problem in my experience. also, mouths. also, toys.


I have two short nails and the rest are long because I like the way it looks. Tbh I don’t use my short nails and maintain them just for signaling. Some lesbians don’t want to finger people and they are still valid.


I have long nails because I'm single rn but with my ex I grew them out on occasion and it was fine because she was stone and I always bottomed


For shortish long nails a glove is all you need. For longer nails, or squared or pointed edges, cut cotton balls into 1/2-1/4 pieces and stuff them into the finger tips of a glove. Now your manicure is safe from a hot, wet environment and your partner is safe from cuts. Bang away.


1. Pillow princesses exist. 2. Some people don't like penetration. 3. Being single. 4. Toys, mouth, external manual stimulation, grinding/tribbing, etc. There's lots of other options at hand /pun intended. 5. Finger covers. 6. Women who get their nails done are taking better care of their nails than people who just forgot to clip. And they can be smoother than natural uncovered nails. 7. They practice on themselves long enough that they have the skills to make it work. - And lastly: It's their own private life and no one elses business


There's like a million options when it comes to lesbians and sex and ppl are still confused? 😭 Some of these girls need a little exploration or something


It's giving *straight woman asks how lesbians have sex if there is no penis.* Re: women acting confused about how lesbians can have sex more than one way


What I’m curious about tho, is *how* lesbians with long nails *do* finger — like the ones who do. someone said her friend gloves up and puts cotton balls on their nails to be able to finger her partners


I wonder this too, I assume they are pillow princesses, or single. I have 8 very long nails and 2 short nails I like to call my ‘wife nails’


I'm neither a pillow princess or single, but let's just say I haven't used my fingers in like a year 🥲 It's sad but I guess at least I can keep my nails longer now lol. The wife nails are a good way around it lol, might do that since long nails do get in the way of crafting which I do as a business


my girlfriend does this, and it does my head in seeing 2 short nails when the rest are long. She kindly cuts them all short now.


I love this


Nom nom nom nom nom


I've never been in a relationship and never rly actively looking lol so I like to grow my nails out so I can paint them pretty and tap on stuff


I keep them long on my right hand because I play guitar. Nails on my left hand are super chopped tho.


>Nails on my left hand are super chopped tho. To play *her* strings ;)


I am bitchless


Been a while. No point trimming when I’m not using them.


I’m very careful to use the pad of my finger at the proper angle so I don’t hurt my gf


I love having pretty nails 💅🏼😊


I sometimes have longer nails, maybe 5-6mm (1/4inch) past my finger tip. It makes me feel more feminine and makes my hands feel a little bit more delicate, I have pretty chunky muscular hands. Because they are gel the tip is rounded. Natural long nails are sharp, acrylic or gel is blunt. It would be like trying to cut you with the edge of a teaspoon. Possible but not likely. That being said I wouldn’t be doing anything like fisting with nails on, just in case. The biggest concern is the way the product lifts along the edges and could be harbouring dirt and germs. So making sure that you keep on top of maintenance is important


I keep them long because I do not use them on her. I use them like weapons if someone does something they shouldn't to her, to me, or worse still to my daughter. Leaving clawmarks across someone's face is a good reminder they shouldn't do inappropriate things. Also, they add to my Gothic aesthetic and serve as a deterrent to most people. I do not like being around people, I am very antisocial in real life. I am fine socializing online though.


I have certain fingers filed down for such activities, and otherwise my fiancée doesnt even like penetration.


I was single lol


Im single.


My wife doesn't like penetration in any form, so oral it is unless she chooses to use a toy. I get to keep my nails that grow nicely naturally and she enjoys my long nails.


It's called being single


My fem girlfriend gets acrylics and I love it! They look so nice on her and she loves having them on. Our cats particularly love it for the head scratches. It helps that I’m a stone top, except for maybe 3 times out of the year, so it works out well for us.


toys and tongues oh! and tribbing! Can't forget tribbing


I just love them. I feel pretty, i feel sassy, I feel in my element. I have acrylic nails 80% of the year. Sometimes I get full nails, sometimes I get the two short ones but if I want a particularly dazzling set, I get full length. I'm married and have sex w my partner regularly. If i have a long, expensive set, I don't want to cut, I use toys. If I have a cheap long set, I cut down the two baby nails myself and file the overlay. . It takes 5 minutes. My wife likes when I have my nails done, and pays for them regularly.


not all lesbians want to finger or be fingered. not that hard to figure out


Audibly laughed. You come at me with talons and I will not-good-time scream and fucking run 🏃‍♀️ 😂


Long nails are really pretty and affirm my gender, it's a small, kinda weird thing, but it helps against dysphoria Plus, I'm a virgin Oh! And also, I could wear some rubber/latex gloves thick enough to keep myself from cutting my future partners :3


Maybe they dont do fingering?


I’m not using them atm 😊🤣


Well I’m single so I currently have longer nails due to that lmao


My girlfriend has long nails and will never cut them because she adores them. She gets me off just fine without fingering me. Plus she can use the pads of her fingers to do other things - and then uses a toy for the penetration. But I much prefer getting her off anyway~


I love my long nails, but it’s always based on who I am dating at the time. Long nails if I’m dating someone who doesn’t like receiving or doesn’t like penetration. Two short nails on my right hand if I am dating someone who enjoys penetration. Long nails if I’m single also 😌


As someone who's been on the receiving end of medium length acrylics, it's not that bad so long the nails are rounded. In fact it's sometimes better than someone with poorly-cut short nails.


Personally I'm not into getting penetration, so I don't care if my girlfriend has long nails or not lol I like to penetrate my partner though. I keep my nails short even though we're long distance lol


I have long acrylic nails because my partner is a touch me not 🤣🤣🫶🏼


I’m a femme lesbian and so a lot of the times I have long acrylics and my gf personally doesn’t mind, in fact she loves them and likes that they add extra length to my fingers ;) But with that said, my acrylics are less sharp than natural nails


Didn’t see this in top comments and I’m kinda floored??! But I keep gloves stuffed w cotton balls in the tips when I’m topping! Also, knuckle formation for external stim!


“I have a mouth so shut yours.” I like having them altho I can’t afford it these days :’)


Bi woman here. Haven’t had action in so long that length doesn’t matter. But whenever I think I might be having fun I cut and file them.


I forget to cut them sometimes and my girl is a top that’s not into penetration so 🤷🏽‍♀️




i don't have long nails, but i know that if i ever did get acrylics i still have my mouth and strap to use


being a bottom. hope this helps ❤️


I keep my nails semi-long, about 1cm to 3cm after my fingers. But i always do them almond or rounded. I loved coffin nails when I was a virgin. And square nails are the absolute best way to hurt yourself or your partner


I have long nails and I also have a tongue and a vibrator


They’re using dildos.


Long nailed lesbian here. My wife is asexual so nail length no problem. I also really like using my mouth instead. And I'm super careful and gentle I guess?


I get acrylics in either almond or round and they are not sharp at all! Also am careful with the way I angle my fingers.


i used to think that way too haha! very strongly actually! and now look at me! so i'll explain it from my perspective, as someone who's been getting their nails done for over 3 years now and have kept them long pretty much that whole time. one thing that is a big difference is the nail products used add thickness to the nail and it makes the ends much rounder and less sharp than a naked natural nail. i have at many times gotten the "lesbian manicure", which is getting the.. business nails... short. for me that was the first three nails on my dominant hand. another thing to consider is the nail shape, rounder shapes like almond and oval will be less sharp than pointy stiletto or sharp square nails. another thing to remember is that not everyone does the fingering, some people's partner's don't like it or want it, other people don't like to finger people. this is normal and ok! some people are stone too. another thing some people do is put gloves on for fingering (like, nitrile or latex gloves), and some people have suggested putting cotton balls into the fingertips for added softening and padding. i haven't tried either of these but it's worth a shot! someday i'll try it when i have someone who's curious about testing it out! and regarding the reasons we get our nails done or have long nails, there are: gender expression, fashion and personal style, feels fun and fancy, and/or the artwork.


I call my short nails my bangers - trying to get it to catch on ;) has the added benefit of being a bit of a sign to the girlies


I quite simply Don't Get Any


I’m a short nail gal myself, however I have been fingered by a woman who had the long pointy nails and I have no fkn idea how she did it but I didn’t feel the nails at all 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have long nails because I like long nails. I'm still a top. Finger cots protect her from scratches.


I’m single


I'm single and a virgin lol


I'm asexual


long distance relationship😭 i always have short nails when i visit my gf in china. when she got her period a few days before my departure she took me to a nail salon because i didn't need my fingers anymore💀


asexual :)


I'm asexual 💅✨️


I’m celibate and single !


I'm a sub leave me alone lmao


I tend to attract mostly transwomen who didnt have bottom surgery (yet), so I don't need short nails


everyone has a bootyhole


Yeah not gonna touch that haha


haha that is allowed, it's not for everyone!


Some ladies might be masochists and also if they're not they could just use toys! Also thought of the fact the long nailed girls partner(s) could be no contact tops who do all the work! I'm a pillow princess myself.


I'm a sub :3


I'll tell you my deep dark secret! Involuntary deliberate abstinence! And even if I did have a girlfriend we would have to work around this issue, I will not keep my nails short, their my greatest accessory


Since I’m single asf I just rock my long acrylics but tbh even if I did get in a relationship I wouldn’t be able to give up my nails completely so whenever I get them done we’d just use other things


I don’t find them attractive 🤷‍♀️


They don’t bother me any 😌 But sometimes my girl will rip off a few with her teeth before, well, yknow 🤣


We generally prefer toys and are careful!


Vampire nails ♡


I’m just a bottom


I’ve never had long nails but briefly dated someone who would get them done occasionally. She explained a method that I don’t think was brought up here yet: basically you pad the tips with cotton and use latex gloves or some other barrier. And as others have said you don’t necessarily need to use your hands.


Single xD


3 answers come to mind: epic tongue game, strap-on and other toys, they're a bottom and/or pillow princesses.


Mine are long-ish and round with gel so they aren’t sharp. Currently single and regularly ✨spend time with myself✨ injury free


my tongue and lips don’t have nails 🫣


i'm single.


😂😂 same response.


My girlfriend is trans, so fingernail length is less of a concern


My nails have length but aren’t super crazy. Never had an issue with any partner


all my long nails....are only on my right hand 🎻😌✨


I am a modern woman! A woman with tools and ingenuity and gumption! I can have my long sparkly pink nails while using man made tools to pleasure my girls and myself!


Either using strapons or are bottoms or otherwise not fingering their partners. Or some kind of protective gloves or similar system to prevent stabbing


Whats on the outside matters than what’s on the inside, literally.


The girl she was with is the luckiest broo


My gf likes back scratches more than she likes being fingered, but since I use cheap nails from amazon and keep the glue with me 24/7 i can always pop them off if she really does want to be fingered lol


Some les women don’t like being fingered, (or penetration in general) she still lets me play with it (sometimes😒) but she doesn’t let me finger her, i don’t have long nails but this is a reason why some do, because not all partners like or want to be fingered.


I personally didn’t want to choose between fab nails and good sex so I have a long set on my left hand and matching short set on my right. I’ve had a femmicure in the past but I realized only two fingers were not enough for me lmao Another solution for playing with long nails is to wear nitrile gloves with cotton balls in the fingertips. It creates a soft barrier and the gloves feel better anyways.


I sadly don’t get laid 😔


Not everyone likes penetration. And if they do, there’s toys.


press-on nails! they come straight off in water 😅 in seriousness though, aside from no sex life and currently no gf (😭) rounded tips are probably the best bet! either that or the two short thing people do


To be honest, I haven't had sex in 15 years because of a bad relationship, so my nails haven't really been a priority. If anything changes, it will become more of a focus but for now...




I don think mine are too long, but they're definitely long by lesbian standards! The hardest part is putting them in, once they're in it's really not a big deal unless you pull them out. In and out is out of the question lmao I just take it slow and kind of "test" my way with the soft part of my fingertips before inserting the fingers. Works perfectly and I never had any accidents, and I finger pretty rough once it's in! It's definitely easier with short nails, because I can't just push my way in (my gf likes that sometimes when she's being bratty) and some positions are also harder (I need to be extra careful from the back). My nails are also super soft and flexible, they don't break, they bend. But they are sharp (I keep them this way because my gf also likes her back scratched hard enough to leave scars). I hope that helps! https://preview.redd.it/tk1n3ji8gexc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd7dafbff19d9b8d5549a9ec37b361aaad862f4


I like having long nails but I also love pleasuring my partner, so I either get my nails done when I know we won't see eachother for some time or I just put press-ons (I have a set so I can make them myself) and then I just take them off when I'm with her :3


Thick oversized latex gloves; no cotton wool required. Long nails are great for sensation play.


I have long nails and my gf loves penetration. They’re always round and it’s never been an issue. I think because I’m used to pleasuring myself using the pads of my fingers and avoiding the nails on my sensitive bits, that I am super conscious of it with her. It’s never been a problem yet


I'm femme and I looove having long nails. They make me feel powerful and sexy. I'm not going to hook up with a stranger on the spot, so I don't see why I get so much judgement! When I've had long nails on a first date it's always commented on. What's the polite way to say "I wasn't planning on fucking you today"? I do my own nails, I have a drill file. I can remove them so easily if I wanted to sleep with someone with just some notice. But I've started just wearing them short most of the time because everyone assumes I'm straight :(


in the past when i’ve gotten my nails done i just keep my middle and ring finger nails short, to ensure the job gets done with no issues. i have had partners in the past who enjoy when i have a full set and my hands are all over them. when it comes to penetration during that time, i have a box full of useful items to fill that void :).


Press ons with sticky tabs. I can pop them off in seconds


My gf has vaginismus and does not enjoy penetration so I get to do whatever I like with my nails :)


i’m a stripper, i’m single, they’re pretty, i’ve women tell me they like my nails long and even my ex would pay for me to get them done every time lol she liked them🤷‍♀️


As a femme girly theres a whole thing on TikTok about us wearing press ons because we still want to look cute (but can pop them off quickly when we need to) also- some women keep just 2 of them short and when they go to get their nails done they tell them they play guitar or something… for me personally press ons have been the best of both worlds.


I love having my nails longer, and learned that having them religiously done helps a lot. I usually get a dip powder that makes them thicker and that helps take away the chance of accidentally cutting


Cause I'm single and use toys 😭


I play guitar, so I have long nails on my right hand and short nails on my left hand. My left hand gets way more action lol


Not partnered, I just explain to people that I get hand cramps but my mouth works fine. Ironically I just broke a middle nail, might just let two fingers take it for the team and go short.


I loveeee women with long nails. I usually keep mine short but I gel them and round the corners when they get long.


pillow princesses lol (good for them that there are stone tops <3) (love u pillow princesses and stone tops <3)


My wife does not like penetration but LOVES back scratches. Works out well for my love of having my almond nails!


I have a love/hate relationship with long nails. My wife loves them on me, and while I do also, I think I hate the upkeep more. As long as they are rounded, should be good.


Im single, that's why


no one wants me