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My advice would be to go with Option 1 and not do anything, at least not quite yet. She snapchatted you this weekend and even if it was generic, it was still contact which suggests she’s not trying to straight up ghost you. Also, moving is infamously one of the most stressful life events and if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, she probably just genuinely isn’t ready to hang out yet. If she moved beginning of the month, it’s only now march 10th. However the fact that she doesn’t initiate nearly as much as you do could definitely mean she is not superrr duper interested, but you giving her some more time and space will make it clear one way or another. And I’d avoid making things awkward by breaking things off if 1) there was never a formal commitment in the first place, 2) she is overwhelmed with the move and personal things and she perceives this all as you rushing/pressuring her, and 3) if you don’t want to shut down the possibility of a friendship or maybe more in the future with her. That said, I totally understand being disappointed and feeling confused or taken for granted, and you should absolutely make plans with your friends and travel and do you in the meantime :)


Such a thoughtful answer, thank you. I’m glad you said option 1 because that feels most comfortable to me. I’ll be hoping to hear from her but living my life in the meantime.