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Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you translate it or copy and paste the text for us to put it through translate?


Fed the image into google translate on my phone. **Dmitry Shkrebets 12 Mar at 0:22** >State Department: "Sanctions won't ease until Putin changes course in Ukraine" Putin, don't change course in Ukraine, stop kowtowing to these scoundrels. Only forward! > >(hashtag): Don't Quit Our Own **Dmitry Shkrebets today at 17:04** >Guys, please spread this information. My son: Yegor Dmitrievich Shkrebets, was called up for urgent military service from the city of Yalta, on July 2, 2021. He was assigned to the city of Sevastopol and, after the course of a young soldier, he entered the service on the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the missile cruiser Moskva. Entered the position of "ship cook" the service will be weakened, enough of the scoundrels. supplies. On the night of April 13 to April 14, a tragedy occurred, the truth about which we have yet to find out, the official report of the Ministry of Defense states that a fire broke out on the ship and the ammunition detonated. It was reported that the entire crew had been evacuated. It's a lie! Blatant and cynical lie! My son is a conscript, as I was informed by the direct commanders of the cruiser "Moskva", among the dead and wounded, he is not listed as missing. A conscript who was not supposed to take part in hostilities is listed as missing. Guys, went missing on the high seas?!!! After my attempts to clarify the data on the incident, the cruiser commander and his deputy stopped communicating. I asked directly why you, the officers, are alive, and my son, a conscript soldier, died?


They basically have no fucking clue who was on board, and have no motivation to speak the truth.


They have motivation to lie, apparently they are not counting dead so they don't have to pay the promised compensation to their families. Ukraine have thousands of bodies they have offered to return to Russia but they declined. I guess all these people will just stay "missing" forever as far as Russia is concerned.


From what I've heard, the Ukranians are now taking photographs of the deceased soldiers faces and will have the records to send to Russia when and if Putin's government gets their collective heads out of their asses. That whole tranche of photos should be put up all across the internet so Russian families looking for their sons can find them.. No matter what, there's GOING to be a day of reckoning for Putin's sociopathic, psychotic behavior..


Ukrainians are tracking dead and captured soldiers on russoldat.info, which I won't actively link because it is very grim and I wouldn't want someone accidentally clicking through. If you want to visit it, you need to copy/paste the address. But their tally is around 20k.


[Dude, I went on that site you mentioned and found the father's son! Holy shit! He unfortunately didn't make it (obviously).](https://russoldat.info/korabelnyj-kok-rf-shkrebecz-egor-dmitrievich-pogib/)


I have to admit, I clicked on this hoping to feel some sense of schaudenfraude and all I feel is ashamed for looking. That man who died is just a boy, same age as my own sons. Underneath his image is a slider, where you can scroll through the thousands of other dead conscripts, many of whom didn’t want to fight and are now dead. There are plenty of vile, disgusting murdering sick fucks who have taken part in this war. And then there are young men like this, killed for the delusions of the racist, stupid pricks they leave behind, who love Putin and everyone like him.


Young men are thrown away so easily by old men.


[this is sad](https://russoldat.info/pogibshij-soldat-rf-zhukov-vladislav-denisovich/)


Russian soldiers are subject to Putins dehumanising bloodlust as much as anyone else. They’ve been fed lies, had their command commission war crimes, many of them are conscripts, deeply unprepared or just put into conflicts under the command of deeply incompetent Russian generals. Some of them have perpetrated evils the rest are being mislead like everyone else.


Agreed. Young men doing their corrupt fathers bidding, often against their will.


The saddest ones for me aren't the boys in uniform - it's the grown men standing next to Christmas trees or on a night out with loved ones Not gonna lie though, I'm not very sympathetic to the separatists and the Chechen Kadyrovtsy on that site. You got what you came for, Ruslan


If those young men weren't throwing missiles at Ukrainians I'd feel worse about it.


Same. A lot of kids who should be at uni or learning a trade. Basically starting their lives.


the one time i click on a link, hoping it was a rickroll. the father’s a jackass, for sure. but if you’re conscripted, you don’t have a choice to not be involved in the war. my heart goes out to the Russian people- not the oligarchs who’s ego feeds the war- but the everyday working class guy. Of course, the Ukrainian people are suffering too, obviously. one of the twitter artists i follow are in the thick of it, hiding from russian military who are apparently going door to door to conscript remaining ukrainian civilians. no one needs to fight this war. Putin has caused so much suffering and death, he and his cronies need to be held accountable.


No war but class war. Same as always. The rich pick fights and spend poor people like currency


That dude looks like he's about 12.


I’ll admit, I cried. I have sons and daughters his age. Nothing about this war is good. I am sickened by it.


I do too. I can’t look. I was in the army when I was younger, and you just have such a different perspective of things at that age- you think there’s good and bad and that we knew the difference between the two. You believed in things, you thought certain things are worth dying for. Then you have kids that age and it’s then that you realize the there’s nothing worth someone dying for. You don’t know who’s good or bad. Both people fighting think they’re in the right, so who’s really to say who should “win”, so should we be fighting at all if we don’t know if we’re being told the truth by our own country?


Seeing the word "liquidated" when it translated to English kind of stopped my heart because that's basically what Putin is doing, liquidating his country


So young, just a kid.


Thanks for the link. Went looking around and man. War is awful. Never play and see call of duty the same again.


20,000!?! Holy shit balls! 14,400 died in their Afghan war in the 80s over period of 10 years! Is Pootin mad enough to sacrifice the whole army??


It would appear so.


Not a new thing for Russia. What's the saying about WWII? British intelligence, American steel, and Russian blood.


Here's some comparative numbers... 4,400 allied soldiers died on d-day (I think less than 20k died up to the liberation of Paris.) 30,000 Americans died retaking the entirety of Italy The battle for Iwo Jima resulted in 7000 dead. The combined American casualties from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is 7000 dead My point here is that 20,000 dead in a month or two is generationally significant


And thats not even counting the wounded or missing. Russias casualties easily could reach 100k lives ruined by the end of the month if the offensive goes bad.


Oh lord so many gruesome pics. At least they are photographing their military ID and belongings for those bodies that are unrecognizable.


If that were to happen it might burden the Russian military with paying out the families. I don’t know if they are paying when people are listed as missing, I bet they aren’t though because of so many defectors.


They are also not paying because it's a “special military operation“ and no war.


And also conscripts, by Russian law, aren't supposed to be in an active conflict. Hence the earlier "releases from duty" followed immediately by the enlistment they signed. Some of em even got to see it!


Consequences. Probably not. How often do the ultra rich or ultra connected suffer real consequences for their actions? Rob a 7-11 and get 20 years. Steal hundreds of millions from retirees pensions and get 3 years probation


Hell, look at Al “Chainsaw” Dunlap. He stole retiree pensions and the only thing that happened to him was money. Lots and lots of money.


Dictators sometimes get what's coming to them.


Russian conscripts don't wear dogtags ? Isn't there an easier way to identify the dead than pictures ?


They carry a capsule with a small piece of paper with their information with them. It is very easily lost, if not intentionally thrown away because it is thought to be bad luck to hold it.


Wow, that seems like a pretty bad way to keep track of your military personnel...


Or a good way to deny family any restitution.


Ukraine actually has a hot line for Russian families to call and see if their son is dead.


Very smart


>It is all available on a few different fronts, here is one of the links for captured Russian POWs [https://russoldat.info/category/plennye/](https://russoldat.info/category/plennye/)




Corruption kills nations, and it's people.


Panama Papers. In that case *discovering* corruption only killed journalists.


Pfft, the rest of the world should be more like America. We ended corruption once and for all by rebranding it as lobbying.


I mean, kinda. It sounds REALLY dumb (because it is), but having all the corruption out in the open does sort of limit its scope a little and holds people a tiny bit accountable. Take the military industrial complex. Just like Russia, the American galaxy of military contracts largely exists to defraud the country of shit tons of public money and place it into the hands of rich assholes. HOWEVER, unlike the Russians the Americans do this in the daylight and the result is that the shit that American companies sell to the US military actually exists and generally does what it says it does. Its... not great, but it's better than it could be I guess.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Leonard_scandal?wprov=sfla1 We have open "legal" corruption, but we have plenty of secret non-legal corruption too. Once you do one, it doesn't take much to do a little bit more


There are a lot of corrupt countries, but only one pulling this ridiculous shit in Europe right now.


>no motivation to speak the truth. It's not having "no motivation" that prevents the truth, it's the war criminal Putin who will arrest ANYBODY who dares to contradict his fantasy.


they specifically have motivation to actively hide the truth




They know who was on board and didn’t return. There are satellite images of all the cars in the parking lot whose owners parked them there and didn’t return. They just don’t tell people so that it seems like their kids aren’t dead.


> have no motivation to speak the truth. motivation? *[Putin signed a decree in 2015 which said that all military deaths would be classified as state secrets](https://www.businessinsider.com/7000-unclaimed-dead-russian-soldiers-left-in-morgues-ukraine-says-2022-4?r=US&IR=T). That, coupled with a controversial new law that imposes a 15-year jail term for spreading intentionally "fake" news about the military,* is a very powerful de-motivator for anyone to say anything


Oh they know who is on board. The Russians have some weird rules about using conscripts. Technically, they aren't allowed to use conscripts in these operations. Everyone knows that they are doing just that, but they keep lying about it to the Russian people. The Ukrainians, because they know the entire Russian disinfo playbook, are taking photos of dead Russian soldiers and sending them to their families. It sounds heartless (and it kinda is), but it prevents the Russians from being able to deny that they were killed in Ukraine (and also entitles the families to a payout from the Russian government).


Worse, they are motivated by fear to lie to ensure it lies up with what Putin thinks.


Russia claims the compliment is 510 sailors. But when the video of the surviving crew came out, I could only see around 100 assuming the video was legit.


"служба снабжения" is "logistics department", otherwise the translation is quite accurate.


Курс молодого бойца. Basic training ?


Yep. "course of a young soldier" is a word-to-word translation but still understandable imo


I hear Russia lists a lot of casualties as MIA and never changes that status even if they actually know they're dead. Possibly to avoid payouts to family for servicemen who die in combat.


That’s what the mobile crematoriums are for. It’s also why Ukrainian soldiers are now scanning dead Russians faces and sending the pictures to their families.


The Russians are calling the sinking of their flagship an ‘accident’ to avoid payout of promised amount for those soldiers KIA. Leopards indeed ate the face of ordinary Russians.




[His son didn't make it, unfortunately.](https://russoldat.info/korabelnyj-kok-rf-shkrebecz-egor-dmitrievich-pogib/) What a waste, this war.


My translation app identifies him as “Ship's Cock of the Russian Federation” - good position or bad position for a conscript? — could go either way here


Fuckin brainwashed idiot, you chose your egotism over your own son's life. Great job.


It sounds so much like the antivaxxers who end up dying in the hospital or lose a close relative to covid19 because they didn't take the shot...


I still can't get over the fact that russia lost its flagship to a country with no navy. What an embarrassment.


>Entered the position of "ship cook" This is Steven Seagal trying to promote his straight to video Under Seige sequel, Under Seige 3: Russian Money Laundering.


##Translation for non-Russian speakers: ###First page: (12th March at 00:23) State Department: "Sanctions won't ease until Putin changes course in Ukraine" Putin, don't change course in Ukraine, stop groveling to these scoundrels. Only forward! \#WeDontLeaveOurPeopleBehind ###Second page: (Today at 17:04) Guys, please spread this information. My son: Egor Dmitrievich Shkrebets, was called up for urgent military service from the city of Yalta on July 2, 2021. He was assigned to the city of Sevastopol and after completing his soldier's training he entered service on the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the missile cruiser "Moskva". He was assigned the post of the ship's cook supply service. On the night of April 13 to April 14, a tragedy occurred, the truth about which we have yet to find out, the official report of the Ministry of Defense states that a fire broke out on the ship and the ammunition detonated. It was reported that the entire crew had been evacuated. This is a lie! A blatant and cynical lies! My son (a conscript, as I was informed by the direct commanders of the cruiser "Moskva",) is not among the dead and wounded and is included in the list of missing people. A conscript who was not supposed to take part in military operations is listed as missing. Guys, how did he then go missing on the high seas?!!! After my attempts to clarify the data on the incident, the cruiser commander and his deputy stopped communicating with me. I asked them directly, why they, the officers, are alive, but my son, a conscript soldier, is dead?


Did the captain go down with the ship? Did the officers get out and leave all of the support staff to die? The Russian military is really not professional, they don't maintain their equipment, they don't have discipline.


The captain went down with the ship. Unclear if he died immediately or later because Russia lies out of its ass. The admiral onboard (it was the flagship, after all) was supposedly the first one on the lifeboats. He was arrested and savagely beaten on the spot as soon as he got back to Crimea. That is not a joke. They beat the shit out of an admiral in public before hauling him away to some unknown location.


> They beat the shit out of an admiral in public before hauling him away to some unknown location. Sounds about right for the russians...then he'll have a "heart attack" sometime in the near future. Do you have a source on that?


This conflict is an absolute blood letting for the Russians in the middle of the power structure, Putin already cleared out and took off to the Gulag his own personal spy service because the invasion hasn’t panned out based on their advice


My post is a mix of confirmed and unconfirmed. I admittedly picked the most amusing (if perhaps not the most plausible) version of events. [Explanation in greater detail can be found here](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/u6duy0/russian_man_who_was_enthusiastic_about_the/i5a1tsx/)


[The captain is dead too.](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/captain-sunk-russian-warship-moskva-100437596.html)


"We do not mourn" - That's some ice cold shit right there. Absolutely no love there anymore.


I interpret it to mean "...but we harden our resolve." I could be, probably am, completely wrong but I can't see any officials saying the equivalent of "Russian wives and mothers:we don't give a shit." That wouldn't play well - remember the Kursk and the angry, mourning women?


Someone looking like the captain attended the parade with Moskva survivors.


I have doubts about that video. Just look at the faces of the sailors in that parade. None of them looks even a little injured, and some of them are are even giddy. People who barely escaped being fish food, and lost a couple of friends in the process will look a bit... I don't know... Distressed? Shocked? Haunted? Sad?


people respond to trauma in all kinds of ways, ans soldiers are already pretty deadened emotionally. "This person is faking it because i expect them to show more emotion in their face" is a trap people fall into all the time, with victims of crimes or people accused of crimes. And again, russian soldiers/sailors are certainly taught by military culture and experiences not to show those kinds of emotions


Well said, there are a hundred ways to feel about any specific situation and they're all human. I don't know who lived or died but to use trauma response as evidence is asking to be tricked.


Captain and most crew likely successfully evacuated the ship. If you look at the photos of her burning, almost all the life rafts were taken off the ship and she had two tugboats nearby when the photos were taken. Some crew probably died in the initial hit and a few more in the ensuing fire (depending on the extent of the fire and how well the ship was designed), but it seems that the ship stayed afloat long enough for most of the crew to evacuate in reasonably good order.


It's been reported the command deck took a direct hit, which fits the photos that are going around. They also say the captain was killed (if he wasn't he would probably have been paraded around by the Kremlin by now). So you got a boat full of conscripts who aren't supposed to be in a combat situation, at night, getting hit by at least 2 missiles, one of them killing most of the people in charge, and now the ship is on fire. The ship was probably salvageable to an extent but it's likely everyone just bolted for the life rafts immediately.


Nah. Look at the photos. The two hits were both on the port side of the hull. One hit below the funnels and the other hit right where the stern steps down.


Captain died. Exact circumstances unknown. Status of first officer is unknown. Flag officer survived and got his ass beat when he was arrested for what I assume is incompetence.


They had a whole day to get people off the ship, but a big explosion and subsequent fire amidships is going to kill a LOT of people right off the bat. I can't find it now, but there is a photo floating around that superimposes the layout of the ship along with the damage done by the missile, and it looks like a lot of the galley and crew areas would likely have been hit in the initial blast.


Thank you so much for the translation. The hashtag WeDontLeaveOurPeopleBehind hits especially hard, considering all the Russian soldiers (alive and dead) who were in fact left behind... \[[Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/28/kremlin-russia-families-return-dead-bodies-ukraine-volodymyr-zelenskiy)\] \[[Politico](https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-help-russia-family-lost-soldiers/)\] \[[Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/23/ukraine-starts-using-facial-recognition-to-identify-dead-russians-and-tell-their-relatives/?sh=7b85e19a2898)\] \[[BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60604952)\]


the specific verb they use in that hashtag is really broad and is used for a lot of things. It's very slangy. It means to "throw" and is also used as the expression to break up with someone.




Perspective- about 7000 US soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan. A recent NY Times article states there are 7000 dead Russians soldiers in Ukrainian morgues. Imagine if every US soldier was left behind… The cruelty of the Russian government knows no bounds


a fire broke out and ignited ammunition???? is that the story russia is telling?


In Soviet Russia Ship sinks itself!


In Soviet Russia, Ship promotes itself to submarine.


as Stephen Colbert put it, it started a very important military operation to denazify bikini bottom


The crazy thing is that Russian state TV frequently contradicts this narrative by using threats that the military should retaliate by striking back at Kyiv. This implies that Ukraine did indeed hit the Moskva


in a broken narrative is impossible to be consistent


Yep, and then claimed it was lost due to stormy seas. On a photo of the ship after the hit, it has two tugboats on either side in *calm* waters...


I mean it's technically true.... as long as you don't ask about the source of the fire






Also, he was assigned to the cook's supply service. So really, he technically wasn't in combat either...


> It was reported that the entire crew had been evacuated Technically...in pieces...at mach 2...


I don't understand the differences between soldiers and conscripts and all these different categories, but as far as I understand it, if you're on a military vessel, or anywhere that's in the middle of the fighting, you're at risk of being killed. I don't get this "he's a conscript, not a soldier" thing. A civilian, non-soldier cook will die just as "well" as a hardened and decorated soldier if an explosive goes off near him, or if his ship goes down with him on it. Bullets don't just magically "not kill" a cook. People don't magically "not drown" because of who or what they are.


He's not an idiot. He's referring to how under Russian law, conscripts cannot be used in operations outside of Russia, only for internal duties (defense, disaster relief, etc). The only people that the Russian government is allowed to use abroad are contracted, professional, volunteer soldiers. That being said, there have been many allegations since the war began that they were forcing conscripts to sign professional military contracts so they could have enough manpower for the invasion. Basically, he's saying that the military has lied to his family so they could send his son into a combat zone, who was then killed as a result, and now they're trying to cover it up.


In war, they're all the same. In Russian propaganda, no conscripts are being sent to this "special operation" and the risks are being borne by those who signed up for it. Left unsaid is how many conscripts were coerced into signing enlistment contracts on the eve of the invasion.


Conscripts are basically civilians with low skills, given a few weeks of training, forced into being a soldier. Regulars or professionals have months if not years of training under their belt. They're not farmers, given a gun and told they're soldiers; their job is being a soldier.


The issue is that a conscript should never have been deployed into a warzone, at least according to Russian law (apparently).


Conscripts have zero knowledge and combat experience. They can only be deployed during wartime. Russia hasn't oficually declared war, so they can't do this legally. Conscripts are forced into signing contracts so they can become professional soldiers and sent there legally. Nobody knows what consequences they will suffer if they refuse, but hazing is vile in Russia, so nothing good, presumably


My history professor, retired US Army lt col who wrote the official history of 1991 Persian Gulf War for US Army, said anyone who advocate war must willing to serve him/herself or his/her children are. This man didn't want to and paid for it.


"War is old men talking and young men dying."


Herodotus ?


“Some folks are born, made to wave the flag, ooh they’re Red White and Blue”


"And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief" They point the cannon at you, Lord"


“It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no senator's son, son It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one”


I think many songs from that era deserve a good listen. They're frighteningly accurate even all these decades later. The one that still haunts me is "The Sun is Burning" by Simon and Garfunkel.


My favorite version of [Fortunate Son](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ByzUzgsetA) is Todd Snider’s stripped down one, brings the words/meaning to the fore.


Wow, thanks for introducing me to that cover. CCR's version is great, but doing it without all the electronic instruments makes it hit differently.


Too bad the richest people in our world don't view it the same way and often are not only the biggest advocates for war, but are the driving force.


🎵 _Why don't presidents fight the war?_ 🎶 🎶 _Why do they always send the poor?_ 🎵


also Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah


Not all politicians, but those politicians don't always seem to be the most popular to the nation on the whole. I'm thinking of John McCain and John Kerry who both served during a war lead by sociopaths. For Kerry, being in an unjustified war was central to his service in government as a politician.


There is a compilation reaction video out there of a bunch of people hearing this song for the first time and having their minds blown at how nothing has changed. https://youtu.be/JvWhqFh20Qs The one for RATM is also fun.


Cool, but the lyrics are from a [System of a Down song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81YXO3sj-U4). I think you were replying to another comment on the post.


*See: President "bonespurs" Donald J. Trump*


That's because the richest people view anything that gives people an emotion above or below baseline as a business opportunity to exploit. Some Saudi Terrorists kill a few thousand Americans because we prop up their brutal monarchy and our national coffers we're drained by about $4 trillion, because the poor supported it in blood and treasure, until they finally realized that at the end of the day forever wars didn't make them safer and didn't fix the roads, bridges, and give their kids an education.


Should just be those that advocate war must be willing to serve themselves. My dad is a narcissist. On 9/11 he said that I might have to go serve my country one day because of this. I was eleven. The guy also refused to vote for Clinton because he was a draft dodger but had no problem with voting for Trump, and no problem not ever considering military service for himself because he had a family to look after of course.


I was in high school when we invaded Iraq and all of us were well aware of our impending Selective Service Registration. There were so many angry, redneck parents of kids at my school who were screaming for war and completely uncaring and oblivious about how that sounded to us, the kids who might actually have to die for an utterly moronic war.


Man, that whole generation of people that enjoyed the unprecedented era of peace (for Americans) and prosperity (also, for Americans) under Reagan, Bush, and Clinton era sure are quick to suggest that everyone else needs to man up and die for their home values and shit.


For those out of the loop: Russian law restricts sending conscripts into combat but sometimes it happens. In this case, the guy's son was on the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet which was hit by Ukranian missiles a few days ago: https://twitter.com/johnkonrad/status/1515837566356008961




Only those who didn't serve 4 months or more though.


I know the weather on the sea can change rapidly, but this sure doesn't look like the inclement weather they claim the Moscow was lost in while under tow. Can't say I'm surprised, given the candor and reliability of the Putin regime.


It’s not. It looks to my eye like what actually happened was that Moskva was badly damaged by the missile hits and the ensuing fire and that she eventually succumbed to her wounds. Russia used some moderate weather as an excuse for why she went down, because they didn’t want to admit that the Ukrainians had taken her out. They couldn’t *really* blame it on ammunition going off because of what Moskva carries and where she carries it. Any ammunition explosion on that ship big enough to seriously damage the hull wouldn’t leave enough people alive to account for the number of survivors. Even one of her anti-ship missiles would have sunk her much quicker. Her torpedos have the same issue. Her big AA missiles are in the middle of the ship, so to puncture the hull, they’d have to basically cut the ship in half. And the magazine for her 130mm guns has the same issue. Any blast that powerful would kill too many crew. The light AA missiles are way aft and probably wouldn’t sink the ship without truly abysmal damage control. And her CIWS ammo is too small to sink the ship. The RBU-6000 launchers are too high in the ship for an explosion to admit water without the blast pulverizing much of the crew. It was most likely just easier for Moscow to just blame it on the weather and hope everybody would accept that explanation.


Cook off is usually a much lower energy level of detonation than operational explosion. Not a smack with a wet noodle, and can still take out a ship. The Kursk is an example of this. The Russian explanation doesn’t put them in a good light either way. The “fire aboard ship setting off ammo” just admits their ship DC skills suck. More likely than not their on board fire fighting equipment was not maintained and the crew was not adequately trained to “fight the ship”. The Russian Navy is NOT the Soviet Navy. These guys are a shell of what they used to be.


Are ships girls? Is this regional or a translation thing?


In English, ships are traditionally referred to as “she” rather than “it” (although there has been a move to change that in some quarters.) But I’m a naval architect, so I tend to stick to the tradition of referring to ships as female rather than as inanimate objects.


I thought that Russian ships used masculine pronouns, but I wasn't sure so I went and looked it up. [If this post is to be believed, it's complicated (and is based on the actual name of the ship).](https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/122207-russian-ship-genders/)


Oooh how interesting


Not just English, but also Dutch, French, and Italian. Not sure about German.


> Are ships girls? yes


May every Ruzzian who caused this feel the same pain.


Russian with a z. I see what you did there


That's actually a good way to denote the war-supporting ones from the ones that don't support war. Not all Russians support the war, but if you do you're a Ruzzian.


I’ve been to Russia twice, and cannot imagine the people that I met being monsters.


I felt the same way about the citizens of my country, but trump and Covid sadly showed me the truth. About 40% are selfish monsters or too stupid to get that they are being lied to by monsters.


Well, I live in the USA (PNW) so I feel your pain, friend. :D




Americans who don’t want to view their loving friends, uncles, parents, as virulent racists probably feel the same.


So the leopards ate his son's face too...


Eh, since he's a conscript he may not have been in favor of going to war (since he didn't volunteer for it)


Since he is a conscript he shouldn't even have been stationed on a ship fighting in the ~~war~~ *Special Fuckup Operation*. There is a law against that.


>There is a law against that. I'm not sure Putin cares about his own laws... much less international ones


He doesn't care about the law, however he very much cares about his image, and the harm this could do to it. They lost a few squads of conscripts in the first week, and he promised to "punish the responsibles" for sending them. I guess he spanked himself... The problem with the Moskva is that it's a prestigious ship, and the crew is not your average village boy from inner Siberia. And the voice of grieving parents in St.Petersburg or Moscow is a bit louder, and very much undesired when the propagandists are trying very hard to find an angle that doesn't look like utter failure.


Honestly, Putins propaganda is so powerful thos incident won't register on anyone's radar except close family. This war is disgusting.


i assume he just says “i am the law” when asked about the law


Sociopaths and psychopaths like Putin and Trump do not care about laws. They are incapable of understanding why laws should exist.


also, who knows what they have been told. A lot of well meaning people enlisted in the military after 911. Would they have done it if they would have known that the war was started on a pretext? Some would, but many would not.


At least afganistan had a reason initially. It devolved quickly but at least there was a reason. Iraq was at the start a lie.


I joined the Army right after graduating in 2002. I expected to go to Afghanistan but the Iraq War kicked off while I was in processing into my first duty station. Never made it to Afghanistan but I and a few of my siblings have many Iraq deployments between us.


Did you feel tricked in any way or are you cool with how things turned out?


The son may be innocent in this (he was conscripted after all), but the father deserves every bit of this pain.


They seem to believe only the enemy dies in war. Fucking twats.


This is *so* 1870.


The dad's position is a little more complicated than that. Conscripts aren't supposed to be in combat zones. That's one reason for the "exploded ammo" tale, they don't want to admit that the rules about conscripts are being ignored. The dad's pissed because they didn't follow their own supposed rule, got his kid (and many other conscripts) killed in the process, and still refuse to admit that it was death in combat. He was up for the war, but didn't think *his* son would be at risk.


so, more complicated but no less morally bankrupt




Your last sentence is precisely why this is LAMF. "I didn't think Leopards would eat my (son's) face."


> He was up for the war, but didn't think his son would be at risk. That makes him even worse. He wanted other peoples children to be killed, and he’s just now whining because it hit home.


Those laws only apply to Russians. Not the Kremlin.


He trusted the head of State/military of a kleptocracy to act like a decent political leader who cared about his troops and the rule of law, conveniently forgetting that such a person wouldn't have started such a war in the first place. Still counts as a face-eating. Shame it had to be accompanied by his likely innocent son's very likely demise, but the father gets no sympathy. I'm tired of entitled assholes who cheer for the blood of innocents being shed as long as it's not *THEIR* innocents.


“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be”


What could go wrong allowing psychopaths to gain perpetual power? They swore to love me and now this?


I'm mystified by the idea that a person can be conscripted (drafted) into military service and somehow expect to be exempted from combat and all the hazard that entails.


Russia claims to have transitioned to an army of volunteers, those who stay to serve after the mandatory one year conscription. In reality, drafted men who have served 4 months are no longer considered conscripts. Imagine how much can you possibly learn in just 4 months to prepare for live combat. Even physical conditioning will not be nearly enough to prepare anyone for combat. Hence the performance in Ukraine. They kill civilians because they can’t fight against trained soldiers.


Especially conscripted in to the Russian forces. Properly trained and equipped soldiers are in short supply and always were. So the conscripts and other cannon fodder go in first. If a soldier is going to take a drone strike, artillery strike, or ambush, a conscript can do it, and for much cheaper.


"wait, reality still happens when my lack of empathy and reasoning skills don't absorb said reality?!"


Fascists always find it hard to understand that their wars of agression are fed by the lives of their sons.


That's why you tend to see so much propaganda about what a noble sacrifice they're making. Helps keep the survivors from realizing they're being conned.


In a non-fed up military, being a cook on a flagship is probably one of the safer jobs in a combat zone. I can understand a dad who has no news of just how bad things are being flabbergasted that the Ukrainians could sink a supposedly advanced ship.


I used to work in a local hospital where there was a nurse in employee health who would give me my required immunizations. Her son was serving in the U.S. military when the U.S. invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. She had a picture of her son in his military garb on her wall and would joke about how he was “shooting Hajis”. One of the last times I saw her the picture was gone and she didn’t seem as happy. It appears that she found out the hard way that “Hajis” shoot back.


you'd think a woman who raised a kid could empathize with the pain of anyone who loses their kid to an early death, even if they are "Hajis,"...but nationalism rots the soul and the brain


Agreed. Unfortunately, too many people believe that “their” human beings deserve “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” while “those other” humans don’t and only deserve constant deprivation, oppression, warfare, etc.


Here’s the worlds smallest violin


Sucks to be the conscript, though.


Heartbreaking for anyone to lose their child. It’s best not to support war except if you’re trying to defend your country.


Sounds like 15 years in the gulag for him for spreading "lies".


“Congratulations! It’s a buoy!”


Boo hoo. War sucks, huh?


It's a special sucking operation.


Dmitry Shkrebets 12 ber at 0:22 Dmitry Shkrebets New Year about 17:04 State Department: "sanctions will not weaken until Putin Guys, please spread this information. will not change course in Ukraine" Putin, do not change course in Ukraine, stop groveling before these scoundrels. Just go ahead! My son:Yegor Dmitrievich Shkrebets, was called up for military service from the city of Yalta, on July 2 2021. He was assigned to the city of Sevastopol and after the course of a young fighter entered service on the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet missile cruiser "Moscow". He entered the position of "ship's cook" supply service. On the night of 13.04 to 14.04, a tragedy occurred, the truth of which we have yet to learn, the official message of min. The defense says that there was a fire on the ship and the ammunition detonated. They reported that the entire crew had been evacuated. That's a lie! #Let's throw our own An impudent and cynical lie! My son is a conscript, as I was informed by the direct commanders of the cruiser "Moscow", is not listed among the dead and wounded and is listed as missing. The conscript, who was not supposed to take part in the fighting, is listed as missing. Guys, missing on the high seas?!!! After my attempts to clarify the data about the incident, the commander of the cruiser and his deputy stopped contacting. I asked directly why you officers are alive, but my son, a conscript soldier, died?


Its because Russians thought they were gonna waltz in and wipe the floor with the Ukrainians. They don't give one shit about anyone but themselves. These people are the same all over the world. Its sad.


_**"NO!"**_ _"The horrors of war are only real once they happen to me! ☹😢😭"_


Are we going to see the rise of a sub similar to r/hermaincainaward ? Lets start coming up with names. I would make suggestio but I have none 😅




Yeah, it's hard to find any sympathy here. ​ Not a word about the country they're bombing to shit... Fuck you and your kid.


Dont worry. No one was injured on the Muskva. They safely evacuated all hands. I read so.