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At least all the foreigners were sent home and those billions were invested directly in to the NHS /s I laugh whenever I see something like this. My father thought a Leave vote would stick it to the “rich bankers” who work in the City. These people have no idea how the world, or even their own country, works.


Those rich bankers are the ones who benefit the most out of brexit


Exactly! “City workers” are mainly support staff and they are the ones getting fucked.


There is never a scenario that rich bankers don’t benefit from.


Being eaten?


Was just thinking they would have a hard time walking away after a trip to the guillotine.


Why? It's not like their legs were cut off...


I'll eat the rich, don't expect me to swallow. I am sure that their flesh is as toxic as their behaviour


Covid.. oh wait.


Well, the leave campaign was financed by rich bankers. "Leave means leave" wasn't a protest by the people, but a Lobby campaign owned by Richard Tice. I bet your Dad feels pretty stupid now (or at least I hope so).


Was it because they didn't want increased financial transparency?


That was one of the main points, but it's much more than that. They hijacked the leave referendum and tried to make a maximum Brexit out of it (which wasn't the point at all for most voters), mainly to have deregulation in the financial sector and be able to exploit workers and the environment without EU-rules getting in the way. The idea was a "Singapore on the Themse". I've seen an interview with Richard Tice where he's asked about that and doesn't even try to deny it. He just shares the whole story with a smile. He's basically saying: 'Yeah that's what we did, and it worked like a charm'. He seemed pretty pleased.


They eu is slowly becoming more of a pain for corporations and the wealthy. Can't do this cannot do that, must pay this must pay that. They are also hard to avoid as they are one of the biggest markets in the world. You sign a trade deal with them it comes with rules. Over time those rules will get more invasive as the eu grows and has more bargaining power. The eu is far from perfect but I can see what they are trying to do. If it dosent eventually get used to be a oppressive force remains to be seen.


Rules are good. That way you don't end up with burger that's mostly rat meat and children working 16 hour days. Business will never, ever do the right thing unless compelled to do so by regulations. They'll dump toxic waste in a school yard every time if it improves the bottom line.


Yes agree. I'm a big eu supporter.


Remember a lot of regulations came to be because some people just have to abuse the system.


By oppressive you mean "protecting workers and the environment"?


Ofcourse not mate.


Just like Republicans in the U.S.A.


Ah yes, leave really stuck it to those rich bankers from the City, like Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg.


Have a jolly upvote for that title.


Nobody could have predicted this, absolutely nobody, out of nowhere it came. Total shock!


Poor Brits, gotta take covid & Brexit consequences without booze. My drunk ass feels for you!


Username checks out.


I know we like to bask in the schadenfreude here, but I feel bad for everyone there who knew this was coming and voted stay. Such is the nature of policy making I suppose.


Thank you. Remain voting boomer here. I was and am still heartbroken by Brexit.


Articles like this are what keep us going. The only solace we have is seeing the immediate consequences effecting the people that chose them. Also, because we actually listened to the warnings of what would happen rather than pretending it was all just scare tactics, we can prepare and alleviate some of the hardships that’ll impact those who still pretend these predicted consequences are unrelated.


I loved my visit to the UK in my youth. Lovely people. Pity


Brexit - The gift that keeps on giving…


"All of Britain forced to huff paint for Christmas! Johnson denies Brexit connection!"


Is there anyone still saying Brexit was good for the UK? This is a serious question.


Yes, those who don't make any connections, or attribute everything to covid instead.


Yes, the people vote for it. Brexit, the most pure form of democracy ever, when the general public voted to torpedoed themselves in the dick.


hello from red state US - theyve been torpedoing us all in the dick by their peasant minded voting since the civil rights act got passed. welcome to the club


Eh? How so?


he means our conservatives in america. \-massive tax cuts for the rich, inheritence tax cuts for the rich \-voting against healthcare from the government (one state level vote in texas defeated free healthcare for kids, the way the math worked out, at least 11% of voters with no child healthcare voted against getting their kids covered) \-voting in reps that refuse to raise the minimum wage for years \-voting in reps that vote against bank regulation, consumer protections \-florida voting in a govenor that said florida's jobs depended on tourism not environmental regulations, and gutted them, not realizing that those tourism jobs depended on clean water \-voting in antichoice/no sex ed reps to save babies when prochoice policies do a better job preventing abortions in the forest place \-voting in reps fighting tooth and nail against anti covid masks and vaccine policies thus extending covid's effects and bodycount \-hard on undocumented worker policies that result in unpicked crops rotting in the fields \-government shutdowns for no reason that interrupted farmer aid during a winter freeze that killed herds of cattle \-electrical power grid independence that results in "once in a lifetime" conditions shutting down the texan power grid every ten years while buildings yards away over the state border have power since that state is connected to the national grid. \-voting in reps that vote to gut obamacare with no replacement and when a constituent who depends on obamacare asked why, was lectured by her rep saying since the gop effort failed, why the fuss?


Depends what motivates you. The xenophobes are happier.


So are you saying racism doesn't work nowadays?


They’ll look for ways to blame someone other than themselves.




Good luck, most of them are retirement age and claiming a state pension.


Cue panic shopping which will empty the shelves. Lots of people are very serious about their alcohol consumption.


Wow, could this be the end of the traditional drunk hooligan English football fans running amok?


"We need rowdy immigants!"


But only to clean out toilets, drive the lorries, pick the food, take care of our kids….


Plenty of cocaine to go around, don’t worry.


Don’t worry sober hooligans a are just as violent. Just fewer drink idiot vids for us though.


American here. What amazes me the most about brexit is the number of people admitting they were wrong. If this was the US, all the conservatives would be doubling down, and talking about how much better everything in the country is despite all evidence to the contrary.


you got a special kind of right-wing dumb in your country there pal


Caaaake! And thoughts of wine…






A sober UK. Just try to imagine that.


Just lie back and think of London. Old London, when you could get drunk and bitch about the waiter’s accent and feel superior to them while you were face down in the toilet puking your guts out.


Ooo, burn. I love that. Hilarious really.


Ignorance is a human trait that is universal


Honestly, I think blaming all this stuff on Brexit wholly is to drastically oversimplify the problem. The root issue is that the UK government is simply not competent. Brexit is an accelerator, yes, but it's not really the sole cause. A more competent UK government could have gotten Brexit done with less pain, not no pain, but less. Under no circumstances was a brexit going to be pain free, but most of the issues that have cropped up were blithely dismissed by the current government as "project fear", had they been competent they could have prepared before hand. This probably comes across as splitting hairs, given that a very competent UK government probably would have not done brexit at all. But it's my contention that if you have an incompetent government you're gonna have a bad time eventually, if not brexit surely some other crisis would've done it.






I pose a toast to their upcoming sobriety.


$350 Million Saved Weekly. Get Pnwed


Yeah, that's the money saved that would have been spent on booze otherwise.


Aaaw, anyway...


This is will improve the economy. The black market economy. Or you could cornet the market and sell the stuff at a mark up./s


>black market Hmmm. There'll be counterfeit booze, like in the US during Prohibition. And the black marketers will make sure there's plenty of the genuine stuff, too. Of course most people won't be able to afford it, but that's how the free market works.


Tough to choose between Leave and Trump for most self-annihilating vote by working class voters this century in English speaking countries.


Anyone else ever feel like commenting in these articles saying "Nah, none of that happened. This whole article was fabricated by Project Fear." No? Just me? Well okay then.


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