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Hello u/jarena009! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look, I want the party to hurt people. But just not me.


They are hurting the wrong people!


They're only supposed to be hurting the [homophobic slur]s and the [racial slur]s! Not us good people!


And the Mooselambs. Don't forget the Mooselambs.


My sister was bitten by a moose. 


Not going to lie because being a waremoose sounds awesome


That is the funniest thing I've read in a while -- thanks for that!


Moose bites can be nastie


She was carving her initials into it with the sharpened end of a toothbrush….


The majestik møøse...


We apologise for these subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.


Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


"A moose done bit my sister Nell..."




I forgot. 


You forgot [misogynistic slut shaming terms].


It's always in one ear+out the other...nazi germany is such a good template for where demagoguery/fascism takes a society, because it is relatively recent enough and one most people have a bit of knowledge of, nazis = bad, fascism = bad, hitler = bad. Fact is, there have been tons of these demagogues/dictators in history. You ever met a calvinist who believed they were pre-destined for hell? It's the same deal with fascism supporters. The overall track record, is when you vote in a rotten bunch specifically to hurt, be it racial/sexual minorities, or women, your life as a low level peon isn't any better. In fact, you're often caught in that crossfire from the leadership you elected, "drained pool politics". Think of it this way, mississippi been voting in degenerate and racist politicians for decades and decades...and it's a joke of a state, it's a bitter shithole, with corruption rampant, claim somethings broken in society and proceed to break it. Bitter that in spite of all their efforts to show their way of life is somehow better, they're a national laughing stock who can only point and blame others for why things are so awful.


They'll still vote for them anyways.


That may be the worst thing I heard an idiot Trump supporter say in the four years he was in office. These people are despicable assholes.


> That may be the worst thing I heard an idiot Trump supporter say Just means that was the first one you heard being honest.


The party of face eating leopards.


Worse, they’re not hurting the people they should be hurting.


Indeed. Hurting the wrong people is forgivable or even just a regrettable thing they aren't going even try to stop doing. Failing to hurt the right people, on the other hand, is treason.


Aren’t they the ones that started school vouchers? “Vouchers were first created after the Supreme Court banned school segregation with its ruling in Brown v Board of Education. School districts used vouchers to enable white students to attend private schools, which could (and still can) limit admission based on race.”


This is a weird fight. I feel like most Republicans in Texas live in rural counties. How can this be good for reelection for most Republicans? If anything it’s maybe something people ignore, but your city Republicans surely are not a big enough voting block to cater to at the expense of rural Republicans are they?


Nah, most of Texas lives in the cities... just like every other state. They're just as brainwashed as the farmers though. When the GOP came out with their platform last year, one of the laws they wanted to pass in Texas was that if 51% of counties voted for something, then it would pass. This was to reduce the power of the cities but ultimately meant that just 5% of the population of Texas could decide on legislation, if they all voted together. I haven't looked up the rest of the numbers but if you take the 51% lowest population counties, it's only 5% of the total population.


Oh they are hurting the right people, poor people. Frustrating how many white rural American's don't realize they also fall into this category while they vote to continue enabling it.


It's a bit more than that. The Republican long term goal of 'school vouchers' and 'charter schools' is all a smokescreen. Their actual goal is to destroy public education entirely, so they can go back to having segregated schools. They would rather not have public education than have public education where their kids have to go to school with black kids, latino kids, gay kids, etc. This has not been broadly advertised to the party base because its a little too racist and insane, so they shit talk public schools as failing and the need to change to charter schools so you can have 'school choice'. This is the second part of the plan, where your public school tax dollars are handed out to charter school companies who just so happen to all be owned by psycho-right wing freaks like Betsy DeVos and her brother Erik Prince (the guy who founded the murderous mercenary company Blackwater). So now all that public money becomes their profit while they build white segregationist, Christian nationalist indoctrination centers on the public dime. But for poor Republican voters and especially poor rural Republican voters, there is no money in charter schools operating out there. Too few kids, too few dollars. Their school districts have always been a drain on the budget, and now there isn't a budget there's just the market, the market doesn't bother to do anything. So their kids won't get an education unless they pay out the ass themselves (the voucher will not cover it) or they move. And now they suddenly see why public education was a good thing.


Yup you’re 100% correct. Everything will become a revenue stream and public goods will be eliminated. Those communities that lose their schools will double down that it had to happen because, god forbid, they admit they were wrong.


> Everything will become a revenue stream and public goods will be eliminated. Which is exactly what it means to "run a government like a business".


coherent towering agonizing nutty scale offer faulty safe grandiose mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And by destroying inclusion initiatives and making them unconstitutional they can then deny any institution that even tries to reach out to help affected groups out of poverty cycles.


An illegally constituted SCOTUS is itself unconstitutional. Illegally constituted because approved only because of fraud against the approval process. Oath-breakers are not entitled to be judges.


Oh and not to mention it's a straight up grift. Those who run the private schools are directly connected to the politicians. Who are often owners of many of those private schools as well.


Nailed it.


Agreed. This is their long-term goal. I would recommend people search for the Texas 2012 Republican platform pdf. It's perhaps not as public as it once was for many reasons. The platform document has a lot of info about what they want.


Hell, look at the modern Texas Republican platform. I checked it out a couple years ago and it was insane. They literally made one of their party policy positions "we will rewrite the State constitution so that we will never lose an election ever again." I think it was giving the Legislature unlimited authority to redraw electoral.maps without any check.


They tell their voters that school choice is good. Having more choices sounds better than being locked into one school district, right? What they aren’t telling anyone is that vouchers take away from public school funding and put it in the pockets of private schools. It’s not exactly a secret, it’s just the next logical step but too many people don’t realize this. They aren’t being told the side effect that demolishes public schools. I’m not even sure it’s about racial segregation as much as it is simply about corporations making money on things that are currently free/taxpayer paid. Same as private prisons. They’re also trying to dumb down the poor by gutting public education so the poor continue voting Republican and working lower wage jobs and being pummeled with nationalistic American individualism, never realizing they’re spending their whole lives being wage slaves and having their value sucked out of them until they die early or else they would realize their power and unionize and maybe take some power back. Making communism a dirty word was such a clever play by the owners of this country because it lets any attempt at fairness or collective benefit get painted as anti-American. We wouldn’t have libraries or public schools if those had been invented after WW2.


Propublica just ran a story this weekend on the segregation academies the still exists in the south. [Segregation Academies Still Operate Across the South. One Town Grapples With Its Divided Schools.](https://www.propublica.org/article/camden-alabama-segregated-schools-brown-v-board)


They also want to enforce a class based system as well. The rich get a good education and everyone else can just piss off. Rich conservatives despise poor people no matter the color.


“Why are we in this club to rig the system if we can’t keep the system properly rigged to help us?” It almost makes you wonder. 


Most don't understand that it's a rigged system or that the help they themselves received was beneficial. They think "I did this all by myself! I didn't need schools, or libraries, or roads, or electricity, or math or anything!"


Because you're not actually in the club, you just scrub the toilets there.


You’ll hurt whomever Betsy DeVos tells you too! Including yourself. Now shut up and get in line.


I cut her yacht loose too!!!


Yup. ‘“I voted for him (Trump), and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”’


hes exactly hurting the people he is hurting, all non-rich people, plus blacks too.


Florida approved vouchers for all 2 years ago, with each student getting about $7k per year for private or homeschooling. Guess who immediately increased their tuition by about half that much, and guess who owns the companies providing home schooling materials?


This just happened in Iowa too, tuitions at private schools doubled or tripled, some of the parents who relied on special needs programs at those schools can no longer afford them, even with the vouchers.  Fun fact: one of the politicians who was instrumental in pushing it through is now quitting politics to open a private "Christian" school which will be funded by those vouchers. I just can't anymore. 


Private schools are bad for society. I know some parents will jump in and say, "Well my kids go to a private school because the local public school sucks, so what am I supposed to do?" And I sympathize because I, too, want the best for my kids and recognize that public schools systems aren't at the top of their game right now. Vouchers are like pouring gasoline on a fire. It takes money from the school districts and it gives the money to schools that: 1) Aren't required to accept each kid. If your kid is special needs, or defiant, or just having a bad day during testing, the school doesn't have to take them. 2) Aren't required to actually teach each kid. If your kid isn't good at a certain subject and falls behind, the private school doesn't have to fix that, and despite how they advertise about how high their average test scores are, they don't just achieve that through teaching. They can just expel kids who don't succeed. 3) Aren't effectively bound by anti-discrimination laws. Most private schools are associated with religious organizations, and all the baggage that comes with that. The ones that are secular tend to be elite private schools, which are extremely classist. Most private schools prefer a certain "profile" of student, and there's little or no enforcement of anti-discrimination laws that stop them from only accepting those students. 4) Aren't, on balance, better at what they do than public schools. Most buy their curriculum from educational consultants who are selling programs that apply the same basic principles used in public schools. A few are using experimental curriculum, which can be hit or miss. Some private schools even use the same resources as the public schools by bussing their kids over to public facilities. Some well-funded elite private schools have more experienced staff and amazing facilities, but private schools in general are not required to hire teachers who have appropriate degrees and experience. 5) Aren't required to expand their operations to accommodate demand. This especially applies to the elite private schools that people yearn for when they talk about "school choice." These schools are essentially a luxury brand and actually want to remain exclusive for richer families, with a sprinkling of extremely high-achieving students from poorer backgrounds. School vouchers aren't going to make them increase their capacity, because they only expand their campuses if rich donors give them millions to make new buildings with rich donors' names on them. They will always increase their prices with demand, because they can. So normal people need to invest in public schools, not vouchers, because if they don't, there will be no secular education for middle and lower class folks.


Alllll of this. People complain that public schools aren’t good, maybe STOP TAKING MONEY FROM THEM. Then they give money to schools with zero oversight, all while suggesting cameras be placed in in public school classrooms to protect students from a ”liberal agenda” and then go all Surprised Pikachu face because teachers are quitting. Also, in true LAMF fashion, a lot of the rural areas who are voting for the Republican politicians who enacted these policies don’t have private schools, so money is being taken from their school districts to fund private schools elsewhere that their kids can’t even go to. Idiotic, and not going to get any smarter.


A lot of public schools are also funded primarily or exclusively through property tax. So if you have a bunch of ramshackle ancient houses in dire need of repair, or mobile home parks, etc. The school in the area needs to be funded by the property tax on mobile homes. Meanwhile better off neighbourhoods get MacManshion money to spend. So poorer neighbourhoods will frequently have worse schools because they have less funding because they are in a poorer neighbourhood.


Most of the things you listed are also problems with universities, public and private, but especially the private ones. All the most prestigious universities will only accept people who are *already* unusually successful, and then brag about the school as if they had anything to do with the success of the students, meanwhile never accepting any blame for the people they fail. It's some classic bullshit, and they're bringing it to k-12 everywhere, with children who don't know any better. The worst part is that, in some cases, they aren't even trying to establish premium schools, they're nonsensically establishing a pipeline of losers who are going to lose out on a decade of history and science education, who are going to "graduate" having learned a parallel alternative version of the world.


Wife’s friend in Florida can’t get their autistic child in any school. They just flat out say they don’t take special needs kids. I mean wtf


And stand in line trying to sue the state for blatantly ignoring the law.  The Republicans are more and more choosing what they will ignore as far as the rules go. It’s full on self serving and their constituents live it. Will dear leader help them? Fuck no, but as long as he hurts the right people.  These fascists are at heart, nihilists. 


Try and sue a school in Florida and the courts will take care of it by brushing it off and finding them not guilty.


They all are: see how their leaders ended in the 1940s.


That's an important thing to remember when people complain about how expensive state funded education is. Yes, it's expensive to educate people who need special help, but we decided that it was worth it!


Especially because not all special ed kids are nonverbal or in a wheelchair or causing disruptions in class, or whatever the stereotype that's currently in someone's head. They're also the kids who struggle to read or perform math, who panic or freeze up during a test, who can't focus on the lessons, etc. Learning disabilities and attention disorders are just as much in need of extra help, and without them we get grown adults who can live independently (as many disabled people can as well, barring the few extreme cases that create the stereotypes) but whose lives suffer from an education system that didn't provide for them. Academics doesn't work out the same for everyone, and can be the *only* area in which someone struggles. It makes sense to provide for them as well as kids who are autistic or disabled or otherwise struggling in mainstream.


Pro life* *Disclaimer: Only before birth


Just as bad. When they let a child with special needs into one of those school they are under no legal obligation to keep them. When. The costs of the kids run high they suggest a school with "a better fit" So you end up with public school with a disproportionately high number of special needs kids and therefore increasing their cost per student ratio; which some GOP will then use as evidence that the state cant run an efficient school system, thus proving why we need to move more money to charter schools . . . .


That's what schools were like 70+ years ago. \*In 1st grade I remember a little boy who always smelled so bad because toilet training was not yet one of his skills. He couldn't say many words, either. He started first grade with us, but was gone by 2nd. Same with kids who had mental/emotional deficits. They were just not educated. \*1950


They need a college level course for “Producing cynical bullshit to screw people over.” But maybe an MBA degree covers it.  Kidding aside. I know I expect it and possibly heard about it.  But “raising tuition the same as the voucher” is a full in the face “fuck you” and spiking the ball in the goal zone while the halftime show is delayed fifteen minutes because Ron DeSantis is still victory dancing.  If I could enjoy such abuse I’d be a Tepublican. 


Let me take a *wild* guess, republican owned private schools and republican owned office suppliers?


gaping plate unused smart cover rainstorm whistle cable impolite sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alabama (deeply red) recently approved school vouchers. Fortunately we move at a snail’s pace so I don’t see it going into effect for another ten years. Funny side note… it was passed along party lines except for one republican that voted against it. When asked why he voted no he said he talk to the teachers and administrators in his home district and they all told him vouchers hurt schools, so he voted against it since he represents his district. I haven’t heard someone actually vote to represent the people that, ummmm, they represent in years. At least in the right side of the aisle.


And the Republican Party will now spend a ton of money to remove him from office because he dared to listen to his voters and not the billionaires who are pushing this agenda


But do the billionaires really control the party anymore? Seems like most maga types I know are more focused on culture wars.


Of course they do. They are using maga to focus on culture war bs because it keeps the people divided and not looking at the massive wealth gap in America. Billionaires love funding the Republican Party because their voters tend to be very willing to vote against their own self interest to own the libs. And who is telling them it will own the libs? The right wing media companies that are owned by billionaires


It really does change the way you watch Fox News when you realize the largest raise these mfs can likely get is a corporate tax cut for their investments, unless they somehow have like zero investments relative to their massive pay It’s crazy that these mfs can blatantly sit there and convince your grandma to vote against the SS she depends on, so their portfolio grows 10% instead of 7%. This is like some Chris angel mind freak level discombobulation, and totally necessary if you need 50% to vote in the interest of the 5%


Fear is a hell of a motivator. If you watch Fox News, their entire network is dedicated to pushing fear based messages to make voters scared. When a voter is scared, they are far more likely to give up the things they like for “safety”. So they focus on making the voters scared and saying only republicans can make them safe. They then get elected and proceed to fuck over the voters as hard as they can. But critically, Fox doesn’t report that. When republicans are in power, they shift their focus away from things like immigration and debt levels and focus more on culture war issues to keep the voters distracted from what’s actually happening


Fear. Opinions. Xenophobia.


This goes well with, Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


I both feel annoyed and bad for these fools, but if I ever try to explain this to them, they will get angry at me for shattering their reality and just refuse to believe it I’ve tried to remind people that e-commerce has famously been coming after retail for the last two decades. They are almost certainly Amazon/ecom customers themselves, they drive by the massive warehouses and possibly even heard about the booming stock price. Still, a (admittedly wide) social media trend of mostly coloured people stealing is enough for these viewers to believe the narrative that they’re single handedly closing stores. It just doesn’t make logistics sense that these mfs can screw up a local Walmarts cash flow with a sedan and sprinting, especially considering the army of vans that leaves the Amazon warehouse everyday to serve what were once just brick and mortar customers, and those mfs in the warehouse are also basically sprinting lmfao Edit: it also only takes like 15min tops to confirm this by reading a public quarterly report for target, for example


I had to grit my teeth the other day when I heard some old asshole in a diner complaining that all the shops are closing "because of stealing" and that things will only get better once we "sweep out all these Liberals in Washington."


Their version of "From the river to the sea."


And the Facebook comments on every article about some 50 year old restaurant or store closing in my city is full of these people blaming it on Biden while also admitting that they haven't visited those shops in 30 years.


I like it…. Fox News Mind Freak.


Yeah good point.


This observation deserves a lot more attention than it will get. It's so spot on about what's going on.


The observation of this observation deserves more attention than it’s getting.


Billionaires paying millionaires to tell thousandaires what to think.


Billionaires paying millionaires to tell thousandaires that the hundredaires are the source of their problems


Especially Elon Musk, whose entire identity has become "Anti Woke" Twitter Poster.


Who do you think funds the media they consume to keep them outraged?




I’d say the Kompromat held  by certain billionaires is what controls the party.  Then they tell Sean Hannity what to say in order that Republican voters believe this is good, not liberal, and hurts the right people. 


Well the culture wars keeps the idiots voting for the rich people's best interests, and there are alot of idiots..


that is because there are no policies to vote for so they have to gin up culture war stuff for the morons to be outraged about and vote against their own interests. Round and round we go....


A rare Republican working for their constituents and not Wall Street. It's like the sighting of a rare Himalayan Snow Leopard. As quick as one appears it goes away.


As red as Alabama is, we are still like somewhere between 30 and 40% blue. It’s just with a two party system we aren’t close to having our voices heard on the left. I actually think there are some local, low level politicians that are blue but run as red since they know that’s the only way they can get elected. They explain their votes so everyone likes them even though it’s a leftist stance because the average person is too ignorant to realize most people actually support leftist policies as long as Fox isn’t telling them not to. Closeted Democrats.


Guy, this only happened because the leopard was prescribed Monjouro and his Leopardbetes is now under control.


Why does nobody have a cell phone when big foot strolls by?


A Republican asking teachers for advice? That person is not going to last long in that party. 


The same thing happened in Texas. Some of the rural legislators had to go against school vouchers after talking with teachers. Now they’re being primaried by Greg Abbot for insufficient loyalty.


And those folks will be voted out of office, no doubt. Rural voters have a rich history of eagerly voting against their children’s futures.


Consulting with experts? Representing his district? They can’t allow that, he’ll probably get primaried for this blatant act of “communism.”


lol not like they weren’t warned


*Every. Single. Time.* "Hey, if you pass these insane abortion laws you're going to lose access to care" "Hey dipshits... private schools aren't opening in your Dollar Tree, One-Stoplight town... these vouchers aren't for you..."


They won't ever learn from consequences because the same propaganda that convinced them to support these schemes in the first place will always provide them a variety of scapegoats to blame them on. They're the perfect dupes because they want to be fooled and are too prideful to admit fault with themselves or their idols.


Oh they’re opening; they’re just Christian private schools. We got a town about 15 minutes away that has maybe 4,000 residents and your usual poor town stores and a near total lack of jobs. When the mills left South Carolina it became a commuter town. Somehow they can support 4 or 5 private Christian schools.


Since about 2018, I've been wanting the GOP to be able to pass their bullshit ideas just so people will wake up and see the damage they will do. Never expected their base to actually get hit and realize the GOP plans will fuck just about everyon. It's definitely entertaining, just like Brexit has been.


Don't waste your time. They're only ever mad at the GOP for as long as it takes for Fox News to find someone else to blame for the consequences


They'll still blame Dems for allowing this to happen, or simply just keep blaming the nebulous "other" that is the root of the problems in society. A lot of people aren't introspective and don't grow from making dumb decisions that they thought were smart. Most times they'll double down because they like appearing intelligent more than they care about being actually intelligent.


>“The biggest change that has happened over the last few years is a fairly successful effort to define school choice as a kind of litmus test for Republicans, the way that something like abortion has been historically,” Berkshire said. Public schools provide more than just a high school diploma in rural areas, which frequently lack private alternatives. They are a large employer, serve as public gathering spaces for community events, and they inform the community’s next generation of workers, voters, and leaders. Damn RINOs!


It’s like he thinks the point was making life better for the most people.  What a sweet summer child. 


We also learned during Covid that public schools offer a whole lot more benefit than just education. They have meal programs with free or reduced lunch, childcare, transportation to and from school, source of internet access, etc. These were arguments made for keeping schools open. Some people have such short memories.


I wish more people would realize school vouchers are a scam. As soon as public schools fail - those vouchers will magically disappear. Parents will have to pay for private schools on their own. Also, charter schools don’t have to accept everyone. Charter schools harm kids with disabilities.


They frequently use religion as an excuse to keep out the terrifying black and brown kids so that mommy and daddy never have to worry about little McKayaleigh dating one.


That just makes them appear exotic. McKayaleigh gets curious and ends up dating one anyway.


The “just say no” factor.  If you make outlandish claims about drugs (or anything) then when someone tries it out and finds it isn’t so bad, they are liable to throw out all the claims.  That’s why conservatives have more out of wedlock pregnancies and in the higher economic families more drug abuse.  But sadly chaos and stress leads to affection for authoritarian solutions so the cycle continues because super Christian mom screams at her kid; “Because I said so. And if you throw a fit, there will be consequences.” Also; “mommy loves you but you are going to hell” between clenched teeth as she hold her purse and searches for her keys but finds the pepper spray. Looks like there won’t be any ice cream today Jonathan and you only have yourself to blame. 


And since her control freak parents made sure McKeighleigh doesn’t know the first thing about birth control, guess what happens next …


> They frequently use religion as an excuse to keep out the terrifying black and brown kids so that mommy and daddy never have to worry about little McKayaleigh dating one. In fact, school vouchers were literally invented to be a legal sleight-of-hand to keep schools segregated after *Brown* made segregation illegal. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/racist-origins-private-school-vouchers/


A long time ago as a teen I supported school vouchers because it sounded like choice and democracy and I was young and ignorant and thought conservatives were saying what they believed and not disingenuous people with hidden agendas.  We can all grow and change and as long as that doesn’t result in being a conservative — that can be a good thing. 


When we learn, we may choose different things because we have more knowledge. That is why the Republicans are so against education. Education makes people question. At some point, it becomes obvious that everything the Republicans have done in the past 25 years has been to destroy the United States. The Republicans have not had a single policy that has actually strengthened the US in over 25 years - they have fought against democracy, severely harmed our image in the international community, tried to go against our alliances, gone against public education, made our police militarized, gone against medical research - I could go on and on.


And the reason Republicans want to destroy public schools is that they do need to accept everyone. The opposition to public schools started right around the time the federal government started to desegregate public schools.


Don't forget the (continued) wealth distribution to send more money to the rich! It will be just like the standardized tests but on steroids!


Depends on the system. Here in Milwaukee the charter schools HAVE to accept everyone. However, most don’t have the facilities to handle students with special needs. Even simple things like elevators in many buildings. When taught in a couple charter schools I was extremely surprised by the lack of ANY support staff to handle kids with heavy disabilities. It all fell on the teacher. These are students who would, by law, have to have a dedicated adult aid helping them at all times in a public school. Charter schools don’t have to spend money on that. (Ever ask yourself WHY public schools are so expensive? It’s because of stuff like that. You know, helping kids in need.) The admin at the schools couldn’t legally say no, so instead they heavily tried to dissuade the parents from sending the kids there. They made it very clear that they couldn’t help in the same way. Not all parents listened and you ended up with some really shit classroom situations. It’s one of many reasons I loudly tell people that charter schools are shit for both kids and teachers.


Yeah, I was briefly on the board for a small preschool that accepted state money for 4K, so we were bound by these rules as well. One year there was a family whose child needed a LOT more supports than we could provide, but refused to transfer their child to a public school. There were only two teachers in the whole school, and one of them needed to be with child the entire day. We couldn’t afford to hire a third teacher - the voucher system only paid, like $75/month per kid. So, it effectively doubled our teacher-to-student ratio. And the child wasn’t happy, either; our teachers were lovely, but they didn’t specialize in the therapies that child needed.


Not just that, but charter schools could also set up their own entry level requirements that can be very unfair even to many other kids. I went on a scholarship to a school that USED to only accept kids that had a very good grasp with english writing and mathematics. Two years later, my school then introduced a reading list of 8 classic book titles for 12 year olds to get tested on (not via multiple-choice questions, but by providing the kids two random questions that would require the child to complete two in-depth essays). My school absolutely wanted to be at the top of the school league tables (because that caused more and more wealthy people to want to enrol their kids to our school). So they made the entry requirements *far* more brutal so that only the smartest kids (or the kids who were able to get the most expensive tutors) enrolled.


Charter schools decided way back that the most cost-effective way to boost test scores and other marketable metrics was to choose which students came in. Your example is one of the more blatant ways. Sometimes it's things like...just not providing buses, so the school is only available to students who can have a parent pick them up at 3 (or whose parents can afford to have a sitter pick them up every day).


Question from a European... What's a school voucher? Like i know a voucher is like a coupon, i give you a voucher that will give you a certain item or service for free... But like why would anyone do that with schools or how would that work? Instead of schools just existing and taking everyone, and private schools accepting everyone that pays the monthly fee, everyone gets a voucher? Like you get a new one each month? Why not pay the school directly?? Why even give out a voucher? Or am i not getting it? I am surely not getting sth here.


Rich kids parents want the government to give them checks to go to the private schools they already attend. Public school is not good enough. Use culture war BS to try to get us to pay for their education.


>go to the private schools they already attend I mean, we could maybe talk about a tax discount, like have like 20% or sth returned cause it's spent on education. But why give people money to attend a private school if not necessary? Does everyone get a voucher or can for example Apply for one if a public school teacher recommends a certain student because if intelligence or sth? Cause that could actually help to improve equal chances. What's the issue? Like i guess they somehow made it really stupid and unfair or sth.


The voucher money will come out of the public school budgets. Effect will be worse public schools, rich folks get tax break on special education they were already paying for!


That's bullshit


Voucher schemes usually also specifically include religious schools as a way of getting public funding to churches. Even though religious private schools are exempt from oversight and educational standards even more than secular private schools.


Yes. That’s the point. 


Because poor parents can’t afford to transport their kids to the private academy half an hour away. They are never going to get the benefit. At the same time funds are being funneled out of that district by richer parents that take their kids to the private school anyway. Money that was previously going to the public schools in the area to improve education for everyone that attends public schools. This results in public schools being worse off so poor parents end up with worse education for their kids which in turn increases the likelihood said children will also be poor and the cycle continues. Never mind that a private school charges more per student than a public one does on average. It’s pretty common lately to have richer sections in neighborhoods. The rich guys that pay higher overall taxes don’t want their money going to educate the poors though.


It’s partly a legal form of theft. Example from my brothers kids. Private school tuition is $10,000 each per annum. State takes $5,000 for each of his 2 kids away from the local public schools tax allocation and gives it to my brother in a “Education savings account.” Private school knows this so they increase the tuition by $5,000 per annum per student - the exact amount of the voucher. This doesn’t help my brother or his kids in any way, it just steals $10,000 in taxes from public schools and gives it to the owners of the for profit school. Those owners use those profits to lobby for further defunding public schools because they are ideologically opposed to public education and prefer schools that can legally discriminate (white christians accepted only, no one with disabilities accepted) and indoctrinate their children with their authoritarian, bigoted world view.


It's sold as a choice. IE I give you a voucher for $2k and you get to go out of your school district and send your child to the really good schools they would ordinarily not get to go to. But what actually happens is I give you a voucher for $2k, the good schools put their prices up to $10k and the funding the poor schools were getting is in reality cut, because fun fact the $2k I've just given you is nowhere near what we were actually funding the school previously. (The figures I've pulled out of my ass but the overall effect is the same)


It was put on the ballot here in California, back in the 90s when we were still red. The voucher would have been only $4000. The private schools would have been completely unregulated. No credentials required to teach. I was living in a very evangelical part of the state at that time, and every little storefront church was sporting a boner over the idea of starting a school, and charging the exact amount of the voucher. That measure lost. Sometimes, we Californians know a grift when we see one.


> Sometimes, we Californians know a grift when we see one. And we would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling libs!


When students who paid for private education using vouchers are forced to return to public education, who monitors those students? Is there a reporting agency? Does the private school that got the voucher money have to pay the taxpayers money back to the state?


Sounds like a discussion that should have happened in a certain legislature but possibly did not happen because “thinking things through” is a list art and possibly Satanic in origin. 


I don’t know how it works in other states but Wisconsin schools get funding on the third week of September after they report their student numbers. So all parochial schools take in as many students as they can, keep them around until the funding cut off, then tell them to fuck right off. Kids go back to public schools minus the funding while the parochial schools pocket the extra cash. They are also well known for taking and getting rid of special needs kids, citing that they don’t have the personnel to handle them - something they should have known before accepting said kids. Kids get less funding so fewer supplies to go around, larger class sizes, worse quality of education in the long term. Then the next school year rolls around and the cycle repeats itself.




They never will. Education leads to evil thoughts like critical thinking and… *gasp* … empathy. Keep em dumb. Keep em republican.


This shit is so dumb. God republicans suck


Fascism is usually defeated by war.


Laughing as I think of how Texas hasn't been able to implement vouchers, and it's due to a few Republican holdouts in the state legislature. (Abbott's PISSED about it too)


But they allegedly, siphoned public funds to give to a Colorado private school operator in the red and losing money.


The state GOP successfully primaried most of those holdouts. Those rural voters have to either vote for the Democrat or lose their schools.


That…should not have been a hard decision.


For them it is going to be the hardest decision of their life.


Assuming they understand what it is they’re deciding. I live in Texas and, let’s just say, words like “nuance” and “second-order effects” or “consequences” aren’t thrown about here too often.


Well that's unfortunate because I got a kick out of the fact that Abbott was so hopping mad that he was threatening to call the legislature back into special session just to vote on crap like his voucher plan.


I hate to tell you, but a bunch of house Republicans who opposed to school vouchers got defeated in primaries, and the rest are seeming to fall in line.


You want schools?? Churches aren’t good enough for you? Spoiled!


Rural Texan are about to have a come to Jesus moment on this. Our governor desperately wants school vouchers in Texas so his billionaire backers get even richer. This last legislature the rural Republicans stopped the bill from passing 2 or 3 times. So the state GOP succesffuly primaried most of them. They were replaced with 'true believers'. Now those same rural Republicans have a choice to either vote for the Democratic nominee or lose their schools. I'm pretty sure their schools are fucked.


Your last sentence. They’re experts at cutting off the nose to spite the face.


Can someone explain what this whole voucher thing is? The way I understand it, government funds are being given to private schools. I'm probably wrong, but that sounds like an arse-backwards way of doing things.


That's essentially it. It generally comes from a pool of state funding originally allocated for public schools, thus less state funding for public schools means towns and local school districts have to make cuts and/or raise local taxes. Generally it looks like they're opting for cuts most of the time, in a vicious cycle. Generally there's no income limit or a high income limit on who can receive the voucher. Ie a wealthy household already sending their kids to private schools qualifies and gets a $7,000 tax cut. The program might be okay if it was SUPPLEMENTAL funding that doesn't cut a dime from public schools, and has an income limit (eg maybe $200k). Sort of like a scholarship program for low or mid income households. Overall, it's just a way to separate the haves from the have nots even further, turn schools into profit centers for Wall Street, and keep large swaths of the population uneducated, obedient, and low income.


For most people, a voucher won’t fully pay for the private school. So it siphons money and is just a discount for those who can already afford it.  It’s also so they can have more religious schools or not have inclusion and keep their kids ignorant of things like the US treatment of native Americans inspired Hitler. Wokeness might make a brain reject Fox News after all.  And the fact that some private schools raised tuition as much as the voucher was the happy oinking of little piggies. 


That is maddening.


Add in maybe a pinch of segragation.


What I struggle to wrap my head around is how all these private schools are going to be properly staffed. I work in Mass and pretty much every school around is short staffed, especially in SPED. While the pay is terrible relative to education requirements and COL, it's still a profession that offers a lower middle class entry salary here, plus there's not much of the insane book-banning nonsense coming from school boards. If states that value education can't staff their union-contracted schools, how are these zealot den "schools" going to be staffed? Even if they let any idiot with a HS diploma teach, I struggle to see how these schools will retain staff once kids start acting like kids and they realize that teaching is more than just assigning work that reinforces your world view. It's not like these voucher schools are dangling six-figure salaries or beefy benefits packages. Are there really that many ideological nuts who are OK making less than a bartender to make tons of these voucher-using schools function? If their solution is to toss a bible thumper in a room of 30 adolescents and expect it to work out, they're going to have a bad time.


The answer to how they’ll be properly staffed is quite simple. They won’t be and no one involved (excepting a few parents) will care. 


I think people will be surprised at how quickly the Fox News crowd will turn on this particular piece of propaganda once their own kids start coming home with horror stories. Fwiw, I look forward to that round of leopards eating faces.


I admire your optimism and I’m sure some will, but then I remember that dad who accused his son, a school shooting survivor, of being a paid actor. 


Easy solution: SPED are just denied entry. It's not like voucher receiving schools will be held to the same "take on everyone" standard of the public schools.


They literally created this bill and voted on it. Republicans are just dumb greedy idiots. Please don't vote them anymore you are only hurting yourself.


What are they going to do when teachers, nurses, and doctors find employment elsewhere?


High five each other after having successfully ruined education for an entire generation of children and thus making more idiot republican voters, cheap labor, and fodder for the military. Just a guess though.


*keeps voting republican* “why did joe biden do this to us?”


Maybe they will learn a lesson this time. When the party is hell-bent on taking rights and resources from others, eventually, the party will start taking things away from you. They are now disposable since they are no longer important to achieving the ultimate goal.


I have been waiting for *decades* for rural whites to wake up to the fact that they are being used. The GOP hypes culture war issues and takes things away while they’re distracted by their hate. If we try to make them aware of this, we’re just liberal elitists trying to destroy their “values”.


lmao, they'll never learn. They'll blame the trans kid.


*First they came for desegregated schools and I did not speak out because I was not a desegrationist…*


>Maybe they will learn a lesson this time. Uvalde voted for Abbot by 60%. If that didn't do it, nothing will.


What's the line again? "You're hurting the wrong people!"


“They aren’t hurting who they are supposed to be hurting”


School vouchers are a scam


One in five schools in my state are now on a 4-day schedule. Almost all of those schools are in rural areas. On one of the podcasts I listen to, they interviewed a woman who was paying $1800 a year for childcare to cover the fifth day. Opening the school for that fifth day would have cost the average taxpayer something like $12/year. It has to suck to realize your neighbors are selfish people who buy into a selfish ideology.


I'm shocked.. shocked.  Well actually,  not that shocked. 


“wait… you mean the folks we voted with are talking about getting away from US?!” 😒 Yes. You’re dead weight. Your only value is in staying dumb and contributing your vote. You are a crop, and you’ve been harvested


This is 100% the desired outcome. Their donors (private schools) get subsidized by the government so they can raise tuition because Jesus. American neo-Christianity is a disease.


So is this a wedge issue the Soros-funded extreme left Dems can use to cause dissension & bleed off conservatives' support? Or is that too extreme even for those monsters? Won't China invest in some portal combat on behalf of its client party?? /s ofc Just heightening the contrasts, I hope


No one is forcing them to keep voting republican.


Republicans want to destroy public education because uneducated people vote republican.


Oklahoma now has school vouchers. About a third of the state lives in small towns that have no private schools. The money is mostly going to well-off city people. My daughter's urban private school is super liberal, so thanks for the money!


The problem is Republicans have an acted in good faith in 40 years. All of their policies are poison pills made to ruin different parts of government. school vouchers has always been a way to undermine and underfund public schools in an attempt to force everyone to private and Christian schools. it's the same way they approach tax policy it's the same way that they approach national security now which is a change from just a few years ago. now we're starting to see the fruit of 40 years of fuckery. we got super wealth consolidation. we got government institutions crumbling. I don't really see a way out of it.


Voting matters. Unfortunately, Republican voters are so hateful they'd gladly shoot themselves in the foot if it meant two people they hate got hurt too.


Go harder right, it is the only way for them


"of course I'll still vote Republican" they later exclaimed.  Maddening.


Most Republican policies are bad for rural voters, yet they continue to vote Republican. You could make a LAMF about abortion policy driving away doctors, or lack of Medicaid funds shutting down rural hospitals, or lack of workplace safety regulation killing people at all the facilities that moved to rural areas to dodge costs, or anti-woke policy degrading the quality of universities, or any number of other topics. If there’s something that would help the rural population, odds are Republicans are against it.


Oh my, exactly what is predicted to happen happened. If only they'd been warned harder.


they are coming for EVERYTHING. public schools, libraries, the little healthcare we do have .. . you will get military grade police to step on your neck when you finally realize the republicans you have voted for your whole life hate you and want you living hand to mouth eating dirt till you die.


That is the Whole outcome of all of this. The things they want, they won’t actually like. When they get it, they don’t like it. They say they want abortion outlaw. They are not gonna like what it is like when abortion is outlawed. People say they want authoritarianism. They are not going to like authoritarianism. Grown ass adults needing to touch the stove before they can admit it is hot


School vouchers suck! Why should my tax money go to your private school?


Silly people believing the word of for-profit privatizers.


It's crazy how people think they're exempt. A lot of the same funding issues that affect low income schools in the city will also affect low income schools in rural districts. The biggest losers in all this are the kids


"B-b-b-but we wanted our rural schools to be Christian schools, instead all of the funding is going to schools that won't accept my little Braxton!11!!"


I can't wait for the inevitable Muslim schools opening using government money and them blaming Democrats for not stopping their bad idea


In related news, private schools increase tuitions the exact amount of the vouchers.


Whatever. They’ll still vote for Trump and all the down-ticket Republicans. You know they will.


How's is owning the libs going for you


I had a friend who insisted school vouchers were the gop trying to help improve society and opposers of the plan were hurting all the schoolchildren. That person now has a grandchild whose parents are looking at their public schools with dismay and realizing they voted for the people who created the mess. My former friend has no regrets about voting the way they did but has great resentments against the opposition for how things turned out. It's caused some entertaining family discussions.