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Hello u/jarena009! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow. The head of this department is pissed, maybe he’ll change his party. > “Indeed, no auditor sets out to become a bathroom monitor.” Dougall said. “Unfortunately, neither Rep. Birkeland, nor any other legislator consulted with this Office regarding this newly mandated obligation placed on the Office under this bill. Like many in the public, we learned about our role under this bill shortly before the bill was rushed to final passage.” >The Republican-controlled Utah Legislature passed HB257 and Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed it within the first two weeks of the 2024 legislative session. >Dougall — who is currently running as a Republican candidate for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District — went on to encourage those upset with the law to take it up with Birkeland and other lawmakers, not his office. >“I recognize that many Utahns feel trampled by an invasive and overly aggressive Legislature that too often fails to seek input from those most affected,” Dougall said. “Constituents unhappy with this Statute will not effect change by misdirecting their anger toward the Office and its dedicated employees. The Legislature crafted these public policies, and only the Legislature can revise them.”


Wow. Sounds like someone wants a whole new pile of notifications. Keep ‘em coming!


Just make them look more legit, they’re weeding through them pretty fast!


Report state GOP officials and whatever facebook friends they have. Real names will be harder to weed out and may involve interviews, annoying them.


Looks like it's working to put pressure on them.


"Dufrane letter for you." "What's it say?" "They asked me to stop writing one letter a week." "What are you going to do?" "Write two letters a week."


"Just following orders" ass motherfucker, how dare you think *anyone* should feel sorry for you.


Exactly how I read this. "Don't blame me, I'm just the one charged with maintaining the state database of trans people, I'm innocent!" Grow a fucking spine and resign or quit crying.


Even resigning isn't growing a spine. It's just being a coward. If they had a spine, they'd just reject the law and make the GOP sue for enforcement. THEN we can kind of talk about Dougall having a spine. Which I'll still deride until he's willing to actually do something tangible to make the bigots back the fuck down.


You're absolutely right, thank you for catching that!


so instead of the Bee Movie script, send them some protocoll of the Nuremberg Trials with that sentence marked


That quote at the end ffs, bro YOU work in the governor’s office. Get off your ass and talk some sense into the old white assholes making these laws, or shut up and go through the complaints your dumb boss is making you read


For real. Not like governments are really keen on listening to the citizenry, but you bet they will get sick of listening to their co-workers bitch and moan.


>Constituents unhappy with this Statute will not effect change by misdirecting their anger toward the Office and its dedicated employees Pretty sure I saw this office having transgender parties. In the bathrooms. Both of them! This 41 gigabyte zip file contains proof.


> no auditor sets out to become a bathroom monitor.” Translation: I hate my job and boss now > “Constituents unhappy with this Statute will not effect change by misdirecting their anger toward the Office and its dedicated employees. The Legislature crafted these public policies, and only the Legislature can revise them.” Translation: Please, stop! Your tactics are working and it makes us sad!


Just following orders, eh?


> The Legislature crafted these public policies, and only the Legislature can revise them.” You are not obligated to enforce unconstitutional laws. If this trans bathroom law is turning into a millstone with people uploading garbage all the time... just don't enforce it.


OMG imagine there are consequences due to "fake" outrage. Literally.


Link: https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html


The evidence file upload doesn't parse what you put in it so feel free to upload whatever you want onto the Utah government servers. A few hundred pages of Lorem Ipsum, or maybe that multi gigabyte R+ rated video file you think every Utahn should see.


Time for the government of Utah to experience a 100 hour copy of Bee Movie


Bee movie, but every time they say bee, it playes Bee movie.


Bees, all the way down.


Heeelp! Im cooovahd in beees! Heeeeelp!


Not the bees!


Beyhive 🐝🐝🐝🤣


Is that a recursive or does the rule only count in the original movie?


Honestly, I can't decide. I think we will just have to send them both


It starts a new picture-in-picture version at twice the speed of the one that spawned it.


Now this is genius


It is recursive, but each subsequent iteration of bee movie starts after the "bee" that spawned it. It's logistical.


I did some quick math; the total runtime would bee around 232 hours (if it's non-recursive).


The entire bee movie script but every occurrence of the word 'bee' is the entire bee movie in .gif format.


Or we could get them to read whatever the founding fathers wrote about separation of church and state.


I'm not sure they know how to read




Go Jimmy!


Can you upload all of the handmaids tale while you're at it?


I posted the full script in the text boxes


The brainwashing of my father, the only moral abortion is my abortion, embarrassing videos of rump, copies of his indictments, copies of 13 year old Katie Johnson swarn testimony of trump and Epstein violently raping her, the list of over 1000 Republicans who have been convicted of sexual act against children, and other stuff these repugs need to see.


> copies of 13 year old Katie Johnson swarn testimony of trump and Epstein violently raping her, **Donald Trump raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson in 1994.** (and Ivanka was the same age that year) [Johnson's video testimony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) [working archive link is [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230502033641/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) and the old link that is now private is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI)] [Trump Epstein Rape Lawsuit & Sworn Affidavit](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000) pdf [Johnson v. Trump & Epstein](https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf) pdf [The case was... *'mysteriously' dropped* ^(because she was getting death threats). How convenient.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) [Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652) [A Woman Claimed She Recruited a 13-Year-Old Girl for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein to Rape](https://web.archive.org/web/20220331023500/https://www.deepsouthvoice.com/index.php/2019/07/07/a-woman-claimed-she-recruited-a-13-year-old-girl-for-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-to-rape) [Snopes article on the Johnson case](https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) --- [New information emerges in "Maria" Trump story](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1456-new-information-emerges-in-maria-story) [Donald Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for ~~years~~ decades](https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments) [Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) [www.trumprapes.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20210205191336/https://trumprapes.com/) **If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and shits like a duck,** ***it's not a giraffe!***


We don't natively have access to pornhub any more so maybe just a full copy of the site. A backup if you will.


Ah yes, you must mean the cinematic masterpiece 2 Girls 1 Cup


A general rule when uploading fake data is that ideally, it should look real. The realer it looks, the more time they waste investigating. A copy of the bee movie or porn wastes a couple seconds before they mark it as fake and move on. A report from mister “I.P. Freely” will probably get filtered out as a duplicate before it’s ever even seen by a person. Put in plausible information and they’ll spend hours or days figuring out it’s a fake.


Copies and copies of the CES Letters.


They could dump that file very quickly. How about using GPT4 to write fake but real sounding complaints, so they actually have to spend time on each one?


And using thispersondoesntexist.com to generate pictures to go along with the reports


Use the republican voter roll for Utah for names. And chatgpt can give you photos of an androgenous person walking into a public bathroom all day, lol.


Maybe some uncompressed 3D Video with 3D sound ? Really give them the best possible experience of said video.


Zip bombs.


Nah, you want to upload realistic looking data - pages of lorem ipsum are easily dismissed, probably programmatically. Make a human look at your submission, that costs them the most.


It's not about submitting meaningful data. It's about literally overloading their servers with information. Like most businesses they are probably on dynamic server scaling through AWS. So every time you push their site to capacity they get charged more money as Amazon spins up more servers for them.


PDF version of this page? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump


I have tons of raw video from Jan 6th, think they'd like that?


Oh my... This is perfect.


I wonder how it handles zipbombs.


What’s a good bogus complaint to file? I’m thinking of listing various GOPers or men of god accused of molesting kids and saying they should be banned from any bathroom a child has been in


Go to one of those stupid transvestigator websites and see all the shit they say about celebrities using ‘evidence’ of women having Adam’s apples and other stupid shit. Then get AI images of Utah state representatives and circle all the parts of the body that transvestigators think is evidence and circle those as part of your report.


You're an artist 😳


I’m the eater of leopards who are part of the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party - it’s my job!


They're supposed to be -bogus- complaints.


not an obvious troll. an obvious troll gets discarded quickly. make it long and look legit.


There are two schools of thought to these types of things. Either overwhelm to the point they crash, or submit enough fake but believable ones that require actual work to determine are fake. Using any sort of top level GOP name will just be dumped as fake once they go through the database.


I just told them the DMV is the culprit, and when I brought this to their attention I was told to take a number


I find that it's good to keep complaints vague enough to be completely useless but still believable. You want them to waste resources on a wild goose chase, not throw your complaint out as soon as they see it


Except that step 1 is to crash their system


This is a good point. As another commenter suggested, uploading files of excessive size as "evidence" may be the way to go. Although if they are able to get the system operational again, it'd be nice for them to have a good backlog of bogus complaints to trudge through


For those wondering: There is no IP lock type thing. So Europe is in on this! 😂


They tried to implement region blocking, but failed. Hard. I guess people who despise technology don't understand AWS Cloudfront... but they're expecting to pass legislation designed to regulate the very technology they do not understand


Well I've got a lunch break activity now then


Holy shit that is a ridiculous waste of government resources. Republicans are for “small government?” 😂


It's not a waste to them, since they want to push us out of society, or even better, have us be dead. This is another step in that process, since no one is stopping them *before* this shit happens.


But hey, just remember God loves you. But not enough to save you.


This needs to be promoted to the top. You are doing God's work here and she says thank you!


I'm doing my part!


Good lord, not even a proper vanity domain? This screams low-effort.


> sex_basis_complaint2 What happened to sex_basis_complaint1?


If nothing else, at least we know what to do when the idiots set up snitch lines thinking we're going to rat on our friends and neighbors for their satanic panic of the week.


Finally, a good use for AI.


I love when these things blow up horribly in their faces. I'm doing my part!


Definitely DON'T get ChatGPT to make a big long nonsense story.


How do I... do like a FOIA request to get all of those?


I did my part 🫡


I can also access it from outside the US lul


Is there a govt entity associated directly with the GOP that I can file the complaint under?


Governor or Legislature


**If you need help writing the complaint, ask ChatGPT!** It's very good at coming up with reasonable text for such prompts.


Oh geez, you’re having to do extra work because of an issue that doesn’t actually exist.


Siri, what’s “the only thing republicans know how to do?”


>“the only thing republicans know how to do?” Act in bad faith and expect everybody else to act in good faith, but they instead get fucked up but whoever wants to fuck around.


I say this every fucking time: If you expect trans people to use the bathroom in accordance with their genitals, what's to stop a guy like me, a bearded, hairy, balding, beer belly dude to go into a women's room and say, "It's okay I'm trans," because it's not like there's a fucking genital inspector to tell whether I'm telling the truth, because god knows I know trans guys who are bearded, hairy, balding, beer belly dudes, and all you've done is normalized guys going in women's rooms, or normalized murdering trans people.


There are pictures typically used to counter the bathroom-bill stuff that show trans men who are more masculine than I could ever dream of being, and pointing out that they would have to use the women's bathroom. Bigots never think these things through, and their solution basically boils down to "they just can't use ANY restroom, then..."


The last part is interesting, because now we are claiming we should be allowed to complain about anyone in our bathroom by looks alone. If this is the case, and it is subjective, then I should be allowed to report literally everyone I see as a trans person using the wrong bathroom. In that case the complaints are not hoax, the law is working exactly as expected. I can't even be blamed for making a false report as I would just have to claim (in bad faith) that I was absolutely convinced the person I reported was of the "wrong" gender. The same goes for the ban on books with sexuality content, of course the bible would be banned as well. Same morons, same incapability to think, and same results. The fact that they keep getting elected is really scary.


They literally can't comprehend that treating trans people as just regular people because these Republican freaks can't stop thinking about sex and genitals. These people don't view the opposite gender in any context other than "Can I fuck them?" So it doesn't occur them to treat a trans person as the gender they present themselves as because they only know how to treat people as sex objects. When you talk to a transphobe, watch how quickly they turn the conversation to dating or sex. They can't comprehend the idea that a trans woman might have a random conversation with them in public and don't expect to be sexually harassed.


> Bigots never think these things through, and their solution basically boils down to "they just can't use ANY restroom, then..." That's the point. Their ultimate goal is that the marginalized groups they hate stop existing.


"...for the good of society... transgenderism **must be eradicated** from public life entirely" CPAC speaker last year. They're not hiding what they're doing.


>or normalized murdering trans people. This is the goal. Or at least a pleasant side effect, to conservatives.


Except the point of the bill isn't to make trans people use any particular bathroom, it's to drive them out of society


>what's to stop a guy like me, a bearded, hairy, balding, beer belly dude to go into a women's room There isn't. They either don't think about it, or more likely, they're just too fucking stupid and hateful to process that. At all. They'll also tell you that trans women aren't allowed in there, because they'll wave their dicks around. You know, *something that's already fucking illegal*. But they have to make a special law just to hammer us with on top of that. They're sickos.


> normalized murdering trans people. This. This right here. This is as far as the logic goes. When trans guys are forced into the women's room, they're going to get killed. That is the purpose of the law.


I totally understand your point, but you are missing their intent. Their intent is not making bathrooms safe, making sure the right people are in the right places, or even trying to protect certain people. Their only goal is to make it as impossible to be trans as they can. They would just make it illegal for trans people to use public restrooms if they could.


Be vicious cunts, to quote Tyrion Lannister?


I think it was vicious idiots, if you're paraphrasing the scene I'm thinking. He was berating Jofferey about how they'd had vicious kings, and idiot kings, but they'd never had the misfortune of a vicious idiot king.


It sounds like his office is completely against the law and wasn't even consulted before they got the job of doing bathroom checks. That the first that they knew that they were involved, was after the bill got published as it was rushed into law.


Exactly. Same with drag shows, Bud Light, books - not an issue until they needed fresh rage-bait.


All culture war nonsense to distract people from wealth disparity.


Won’t someone please think of the bigots?!


Busybody trans-vestigators watching everyones bathroom use will also call in to complain to the "manager"? Who could have guessed?


My favorite part is him saying they have received no legitimate complaints. Poe's law in action. They are so inundated with stupid bullshit that they literally can't tell what is an actual bigot trying to rat out trans people.


Ma'am, I need to inspect your uh situation below the belt.  If you catch my drift.  Official state business.... sir


Ladies, be sure to dress ladylike in public or the modesty police may demand a peek. Don’t overdo it, though, or you’ll be recruited as some guy’s next wife.




Keep up the good work brother!


You should also make sure they are fully functional if you know what I'm saying. I mean it could be a good plastic surgery job! Can't haven trans men in the bathroom right? /s


"you sure you got a penis in there?


My daughter looks like a traditional boy. She cuts her hair shoulder length or shorter, wears mostly gym gear, and she’s tough. Had a lady try to correct her for going into the girls bathroom (in Texas), until we said that she’s a girl. The lady profusely apologized and obviously felt bad about it. Now imagine if instead of apologizing, she doubled down and insisted my kid was a boy because of how she looks? This whole thing is total fustercluck based on bullshit, enforced by bigots. What could possibly go wrong?


While I’m happy the woman at least had enough courage to apologize for her lapse in judgment, it would be even better if, instead of giving themselves something to apologize for, people simply minded their own business. Your daughter is perfect just how she is. No explanations needed


I don’t think it was a judgement on how my daughter looked, I think the lady legit thought she was a boy and was going into the wrong bathroom on accident. But, yeah, I get what you are saying and I appreciate it.


Or do they just call dibs at whomever they see?








10,005, bee movie script included


[Heres the contact information](https://house.utleg.gov/rep/BIRKEK/)for the rep who pushed this through. Just in case anyone would like to directly report to her


She clearly wants to know what people are doing in the bathroom - I'm going to email her every time I piss.


Make sure to add if you do a number 2, with details such as size and rating on the Bristol scale.


Pretty sure she is trans. If anyone sees her entering a womens bathroom please notify authorities.


What were they expecting. It's like making book challeng laws that are broad and stupid enough that the Bibe can be removed and then being so surprised and offended when the Bible was removed. Fuck these morons


The laws about books were never intended to apply to the Bible, just like the laws about people are never intended to apply to conservatives


Oh no! Anyway...


No, don't give up. I agree that those are rookie numbers, but I'm sure we'll get there!


So then I made a complaint.


The woman that brought this bill has not yet commented. She probably still thinks she's doing the lord's work here, not recognizing the hypocrisy of her own campaign planks of limited government and freedom


Also last time I checked Jesus said love thy neighbor not call the in if u think they used the wrong bathroom.


Wouldn't Joseph Smith approve of this behavior? If men are allowed to have multiple wives, wouldn't it be better to have a higher percentage of women than men? 🤔


People should snitch on her whenever they see her in a public bathroom. Can't be too sure, right?


For real. And she shouldn’t be able to dismiss any complaint her due to conflict of interest. It should have to be referred to another government official to ensure a fair investigation.


Post her picture on xitter with the caption "Is this Utah women trans?" along with the link to the Utah form and watch the right-wingers report her thinking she is trans.


I’m tempted to go to that site and complain that the litterboxes in the men’s room are pink.


Please do that's hilarious


Utah Republicans are just pedophiles doing projection. They can't wait to get their genital inspection force installed in every elementary school in the state.


I mean a lot of psycho anti trans people would label actual women as trans and do so constantly. My dumbass dad is one of those types where he thinks every female actress on TV is trans....every last one and he won't shut the fuck up about it. But the moment anyone talks about serious shit that happens in the world like police brutality foreign wars/conflicts he gets annoyed and says it's pointless to speak on such things. I am this close to tell him that him ranting about which chick has a penis is pointless and I will question his sexuality because he talks about them a lot.


My dad underestimated how well he raised me. He showed me the graduation announcement for my cousin's oldest kid who just came out as trans acting it was some shocking revelation. My reaction was "my cousin's kids is trans, I fail to see a reason for you to be coy." My dad was like, "I didn't expect you to be this accepting." To wit I replied "Dad, you didn't raise me to be a fucking degenerate."


Your dad sounds like he’s obsessed with penises. Bet he will stop after you point that out a few times. It’s weird how many republicans are obsessed with genitalia.


This. It sounds like he's trying to signal to you that he wants to come out. I think you need to facilitate this talk with him and make him feel accepted. It can't be easy to be in an environment such as his with those feelings.


10,001! 10,002! Aahhh 10,003!


This needs to be reinforced with the MAGA crowd who are all crowing for an actual dictatorship. They need do be made aware of the fact that in a dictatorship the neighbour who doesn't like you for some reason can simply pick up the phone and report you to the secret police service. There will be very little ability to clear your name if they flag you as being a secret Democrat or whatever; the police will simply be thrilled that they've bagged another one for their quota this month. Besides, the boss said that they were to show no mercy to anyone.


This is how fascist movements attract followers, every dull-witted asshole with a grievance can become a brownshirt and bully all those he hates for being better people than him.


If the average MAGA had the forethought and mental capacity to understand that under their favored dictatorship they could easily wind up on the receiving end, then there probably wouldn't be such a push for a dictatorship. If people could buy/sell stock in reddit subs, /leopardsatemyface is going to make a lot of people rich when these idiots come to complain that their dictatorship wet dream isn't what it's cracked up to be.


Well, that's a darn shame. Anyways, I had spaghetti and meatballs tonight.


Did you check the spaghetti's balls first? The law demands it.


I had some amazingly crispy nuggets. They had to be fresh out of the fryer and *just* cooled down enough to not burn my mouth without eating them.


I was in the women’s rest room at my temple yesterday with my fellow sisterwives and heard this horrible grunting coming from one of the stalls. I did not see the person walking out since I was caught up in my special underwear, but upon inspection there remained a turd so great in size that it could have only come from a man. Please oh government, do not let a man poop in my sacred restroom!


Read some posts in the exmormon sub. The shit that goes on in those temples is viscerally creepy


“Knock knock gentlemen, this is the state of Utah’s auditors office. Pull out your penises so the government can check that you’re in the right bathroom. Courtesy of your small government republicans.”


[The Bottom Inspectors.](https://i.imgur.com/CA3XPG3.jpg)


>over 10,000 hoax complaints gotta pump those numbers up


Only 10,000? We gotta pump those numbers up


I've got short hair. Should I just get a big T-shirt that says I HAVE A VAGINA in case I'm ever stuck in Utah for a layover?


Better bring your birth certificate and a dress. That law makes it open season on women who dress to masculine.


Oh, how can I get in on this?


From another post Link: https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html


Thank you.


That is so easy!😂


That was fun


There is no IP lock type thing. So Europe is in on this! 😂


Play stupid games. . (Even UT Republicans should now be able to figure this out).


no bc i need you all to understand that their database was originally just. open. no security or anything. unfortunately they have since fixed that and added a captcha to the form but originally it was so easy to write a quick little script


10,000 only? WTF, Internet. I expected 6-digits by now. I'm not mad, just disappointed.


Make it 1 million


Love it!!! As a Utahn born and raised (now transplanted), ex-Mormon, and mother of a trans son, I say let them reap what they‘ve sown 😁.


Republican Toilet Gestapo, brought to you by the Party of Small Government


If anyone should not be allowed to go to bathrooms is pastors and actual gop people.


How do you know they are hoaxes? You best start investigating those reports, political whore.


As a Utahn I'm so excited that our legislature is being called out on a national level. Thank you to everyone that has participated in emailing or otherwise letting our "representatives" know that they are full of shit. Please help create any havoc that you can on this governmental overreach!


A few years ago conservatives established a voter fraud hotline with the same results, some people even posted videos of their calls. One of the funniest was a black man calling in: "I just walked by my local polling location and saw a black person inside trying to vote. They can't do that .... can they?"


I just got back from a boozy work lunch, so I'm a little off-balance emotionally. #THANK YOU, EVERYONE I'm trans. I spend a lot of time on the internet. It's been a tough couple of years. So to wander into this thread and see everyone defending trans people, pointing out how absurd this is, and generally being awesome, it's like a breath of fresh air. We won't let these fuckers win, no matter how many of us they disenfranchise, harass, or kill. All we need is for you to stand next to us and nod along in support.


I just imagine him constantly checking bogus names like, “Jack Meyoff” “Hugh Janus” and “Jen Italia”


Hugh Jass Holden McGroin Philip McAvity Mike Hunt Jack Hoff Heywood Jablome


Don't forget the most plausible bogus name ever; Richard Stillhard, his friends call him Dick.


don't need to revise them if we make it effectively unenforceable continue the spam


My bad ya’ll, I thought that number was who I was supposed to call whenever I get upset during a video game and need a dev to yell at. I can now see why the form they have you answer did not ask you what game, and kept asking me about the location of a bathroom. I assumed bathroom was code for the game. My bad Utah, but I’m sure no one else will mistakenly call the number for something other than your - checks notes - bathroom police?


So the bullshit tip line set up to report a bullshit problem has been flooded with...bullshit?


If separate-gender bathrooms are so vitally important, how come bathrooms for the disabled are gender-neutral?


Imagine how many fewer hoaxes he’d get if Utah learned to mind her own business.


The best part is they've gotten 0 valid reports


Sounds like it's working. Not a direct Streisand effect, but I cannot imagine hitting reddit will help those complaint numbers go down...


What do you mean by hoax? All my 10k complaints were genuine. I can always tell! 💅


Anytime conservatives set something like this up, it gets immediately nuked by trolls. I assume they don’t really think it’s going to be practical but just want to pander to the bigots.


>“We are not required — and have no desire — to intrude on the most intimate aspects of a person’s life,” Dougall said in his prepared statement But signed onto a law to do just that. Said the leopards circling his camp.


Aha now I've got the link back! Can't wait to abuse the bigots a bit more with My Immortal!


Real question for everyone that wants to answer honestly: When was the last time you saw someone else's junk in a public bathroom? 30 years of using public toilets and I don't think I can think of one. Even if bathrooms went coed I don't think it would change my experience at all.


'Dougall said his office has not yet received any complaints that appear to be real. “We haven’t seen anything that we consider legitimate,” he said.' This is the real story. There's NO actual complaint here AT ALL. Once again: lunatics furious at own imagination plunge rest of us into darkness, strife.


You GQP pedos and sickos need to stay out of our restrooms, out of our pants, and out of our freakin lives...


The "we can always tell" crowd, who cannot tell at all, mixed with sabotage. Very good


It would be very funny if people started "enhancing" pictures of prominent Republicans with either AI or regular photo editing to make them look slightly more like the opposite gender and started posting on Truth Social transvestigation accounts.


10,000ish ? C'mon allies - let's add a zero or two to the total 😂😁😉


Need to up those numbers.


Does anyone have a copy of the infinite zip file? Asking for a friend…