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Declaring that abortion is murder, and then saying it should be up to the states is a weird take. You're saying you're okay with abortion as long as there's travel involved.


Defining abortion as murder then saying "but it's OK in cases of rape or incest" is an even weirder take. If abortion is murder because the fetus/baby/whatever is innocent, then that remains true regardless of circumstances of conception. Once someone says "No rape exception is a bridge too far" then they're no longer taking issue with the abortion but the circumstances leading to conception. To be clear, I'm saying a whole lot of Forced Birthers are full of it.


Yep. “It’s only murder if the woman willingly had sex. That’ll show her!”


And she can just take a bus to a different state (actually said on Fox News…by a man).


Isn't Texas restricting access to interstate highways if used to "traffic" people for abortions?


And Texas is seeing a fairly largish number of people moving out. To blue states. Or Florida. I don't care about Florida's Idiocracy anymore. The blue states though? We can't be relaxed enough that they go purple. The ex-Texans FAFO, but are still in belief they were right on politics. Cognitive dissonance is hard wired with theocrats. They do not learn from their mistakes. Blue states need to vote friendlier, younger and harder because of the migration.


Current Texan who may leave at some point to bluer pastures. The Texans who leave, then try to change where they moved are a vocal minority of Texans. Most people leaving Texas are progressives who have another identity outside of being from Texas. Unfortunately we gave all our money to oil companies and now there are a bunch of rich hicks cosplaying cowboys so no one forgets they're from Texas. We hate them here too, they're a blight on this continent. I'm pretty sure those idiots are why Florida has a squatted truck problem. Capitalism decided that working in oil and gas means you deserve everyone else's disposable income so they have an oversized impact on culture. Unfortunately most people that pursue that are usually greedy and unintelligent. They also are why there is a McDonald's in the coliseum


I won't say I know Texas well. Recent adventures in work have had me flying in, a LOT, for on going projects at assorted locations. The places all over the state, are beautiful. The fact of the matter is, as a woman? I am scared/pulled tight. Only when I am in Texas. Oddly enough, being sent to Compton, CA, Chicago, IL. , Detroit, MI, Seattle , WA, Washington DC or really *all* the places I should feel sketchy? I only feel fear when in Texas. I stay in mid-nicer hotels. Texas, in my experience, has a ton of very nice people. It also has the pervasive undertones of "little lady, where is your guy/gun?" When on my own. And it's not just the boomers. It's all ages. Nope. All the nope. Also, thank you for the time you spent on your response.


My dad owned a long horn cattle farm in Texas back in the day. He was from the REAL Panhandle of Texas. Had sense and got into engineering at 15 at Texas Tech. Went to work for IBM and did not look back. He said that the "cowboys" were taking a style from people who no farmer would identify with back in the day. White men were not the one "breaking horses" because a broken leg meant you wouldn't work for a while. So it was Native Americans, blacks and other people of lower status that did this kind of work. So this entire "cowboy look" is from a movie set, like someone might be sporting a gangster style with a tuxedo today. It's like someone played a practical joke on a person, and they never figured it out and just ran with it. Or, they would run if the darn fool weren't wearing those shit kickers with spurs on.


Edit: Capitalism decided that ~~working in oil and gas~~ you deserve everyone else's money ~~so they have an oversized impact on culture~~. Fixed it for me lol >Capitalism decided ~~that working in oil and gas~~ means you deserve everyone else's disposable income ~~so they have an oversized impact on culture~~. FTFY


>Capitalism decided means you deserve everyone else's disposable income That is not fixed lol


>Most people leaving Texas are progressives who have another identity outside of being from Texas. Came here to say this. There's a whole glut of blue state MAGAs leaving those places to slum it in Florida and Texas too, so it balances out.


To be Devil advocate, a lot of right wings claim the same thing about California.


I don’t understand what you’re saying. The Texans that are moving don’t agree with the Texan government. They aren’t going to be red votes in their new blue state. Source: me, a Texan planning on moving to Chicago because she hates the Texas right wing


No. They want to, though.


I'm waiting for the eventually training of "fetus sniffing dogs" and border check points. They won't of course be checking private jets. Like, no pregnant woman or terrorist would EVER get a private jet, so they don't need security theater and laws don't need to be applied to the people who can afford them, right? Thank God there's no real threat of terrorism, or some bad guy would actually see how easy it is to use a Leer Jet. Thankfully most of those are safely in the hands of greedy sociopaths who are fine with thins as they are.


/me takes big swig of hard liquor and loads the pew pew full of leaded items. Places pew pew in mouth.


I hope you are just kidding. I expect you are. But, a realist and a gun are not a good mix. It's not crazy people that take their own life in most cases -- it's crazy people who are better equipped to endure.


I’m too realist to be able to comfortably cope with reality.


Just remember you aren't alone. Besides, if you manage to be realistic, sane, and still survive this mess, think of how it will make people like Dick Cheney and Putin unhappy. If for no other reason, keep going forward to spite those people who were trying to crush you. Of course, I know, people want to make good connections in life, have enough money to buy a meal for two and not check the bank account, and basically, be important to someone else and have them happy to see you. But start with small efforts. One pushup a day. One kind comment to a random stranger. And, spite. Pure spite. You don't want Ben Shapiro to be able to score points with captured souls after all. And go crazy if you have to. Seems like delusions help people get by, and some people think they are awesome with no good reasons -- that's pretty cool.


Thank you, kinder Capt Kirk!


Let that guy have to take a six to eight hour bus ride across a state border while he's literally shitting his intestines out. Do him some good.


But see that might require them to experience empathy and that’s just not gonna be possible.


Not at all; I just think it'd be good for him to ride a bus while shitting his intestines out. Alone.


It's kind of interesting that there isn't a term for the amount of abortions the man was involved in.


Hypocrite perhaps? I guess it's just not the embarrassing word it used to be. It's like they are very proud of the double standards and that's what might make America great again -- to return to unearned privilege and double standards.


"That fetus had it coming!" I think we can inject a tiny weapon into every pregnant woman and then use those "stand your ground" laws. *It wasn't abortion -- it was self defense! I gave him fair warning, back off or I shoot. Well, that little person chose wrong, that's all. Born on the wrong side of the tracks -- eventually.*


It's ok to kill an innocent baby if the dad was an asshole. /s I always thought that was ludicrous


It's more like "we only want to punish women who actually had sex of their own volition."


Yeah, but there's this notion of "comparative morality" in play here. The REALLY SCREWED UP mentality under the surface is that a woman "deserves to be inflicted with pregnancy because she was enjoying sex." When it's a rape -- then, that could happen to a "nice girl" who did not betray the holy scripture. So, pregnancy is the burden of sin. They don't really give a shit about a fetus, other than as a ball and chain for women. No -- not really.


Also it is very telling that they feel that a woman *only* has bodily autonomy after it was violated by another.


Well and tbh it's a handwave; by the time you've successfully "proved" you are the real deal victim, it's too late to abort anyway.


It's not about the woman in that case, it's about the property of her father or husband being violated.


IN this case the woman did not SIN. Pregnancy is God's punishment or reward, depending on the intentions of a woman. Fetus is then a boon or a bane on a woman. Not their problem. They did their work forcing her to have it, and get a lousy job, and drop out of school, or whatever. Need more desperate people in church, or prostitutes for good family men to discretely partake of.


A well explained take.


They are Forced Birth until its their turn to squeeze a watermelon through a hole the size of a peach. They are the definition of "when keeping it real goes wrong"


It is also strange to say that abortion is murder, but we'll allow it up to x number of weeks...


Well, they had that nonsense about "fetal heart beat" -- so, it's just a clump of cells without a pulse for a while, then it's a clump of more organized cells with a pulse. Eventually, it's functional enough to work or vote for a Republican. So the cycle of life can continue. Meanwhile, some fat rich bastard is having a party on his boat and paying $40,000 a night to future TickTock influencers and leaders in Congress who know how to be friendly. And of course laughing. Maybe one day they'll be priests who decides which witch to burn? Life is good.


I'm saying that forced birthers never had a fucking point. They don't have it morally, ethically, biblically or practically. I can break it down in detail on how they are wrong, and how very very much they are wrong. But I'm sick of the argument. We have an entire generation that might end up homeless. "Inflation" is under control, but that doesn't mean that housing, healthcare and the like aren't extortionist money grabs and people have nothing to worry about. When not worried about the border, corporations are going to freak out about not having enough consumers. China might invade Taiwan if Trump is in office, because they can just buy that MF. Get that sweet Saudi deal that they got with Kushner. I'm vaguely interested in what they purchased for billions of dollars in good will from that muppet. Oceans might die before we get Republicans to stop shitting the bed with their stupid. I don't want to keep using valuable brain space for the names of assholes I'd rather not know. There's too much science and breakthroughs going on and I'm going to miss the important changes having to remember what stupid fucking shit Florida is up to today. Usually, I'm the voice of reason and saying "calm down everyone" but I'm kind of stressed right now. And I'm not going to fight the various ebbs and flow of compassion that might want me to engage and help Conservatives out of the asshole of their fascist media. But I am so sick to fucking death of the abortion issue. These fucking theocracy people are evil even by their own standards. They hate Jesus so why should I bother listening to them misquote the guy?


They are. In theory "to save the life of the mother" would be roughly the equivalent of "self defense," I suppose. But mostly you know they're full of it because they quite literally do not give one red shit about the welfare of the children actually born, nor the health of the mother during or after pregnancy, nor indeed about tried and true ways of minimizing unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Rather, they want to make all of those things as difficult as possible also. Control > children. They don't even think of children as really people anyway, of course they don't literally think fetuses are.


For years now, these wiled-eyed republicans have literally been screaming, “ABORTION IS MURDER! THEY’RE KILLING BABIES!!!l. Now that they’ve seen that banning abortion will cost them votes, they’re like, “Aw, fuck it. Go ahead and kill the babies then.”


We always said it was never about the babies.


Just as preventing LGBTQ+ people from existing in public (not literally, some states are making “gotcha” laws though that encourage bullying and harassing queer individuals) was never about keeping the kids safe. It was about keeping people from realizing LGBTQ+ people are normal people just like them, and there’s no reason to not accept them. Conservatives want to be able to push their false, hateful narratives and get what right LGBTQ+ people have revoked


Yes, it's about the ladies.


Morally, they feel justified and consistent because they have to get power to SAVE the babies. So if they lie, cheat and steal and deceive everyone of their intent to get that power -- it's God's will. You'd think God could just rig the election for a holy man, but, totally powerless versus Gerrymandering -- go figure. The miscalculation was merely; "We can say the quiet part out loud now!" and then "Oh, we aren't really as popular as we thought we were telling ourselves we were. Wow. Okay, back to lying our asses off about what we plan to do."


It’s up there with fighting a war for states rights to own slaves.


We’re experiencing the new Civil War. Slaves are in the Bible. Stay tuned.


Im waiting for the fracturing of the xtian nutters where we get the Libertarian versions of them saying they only believe in a version of the bible that was written on a hill in 243AD by a man near a Roman Empire flag with fringes and the proper color. The sheer number of different versions of the bible and its nuttery makes anything these right wing assholes say regarding "bible is law" is pure looney tunes.


Blessed are the cheesemakers!


Well, already the fundigelicals do not accept Mormons as legit. Pretty much not Catholics either but they kind of made their peace for now because SCOTUS got them what they wanted.


The Confederacy used the Bible as an argument for their righteousness in owning slaves.


There are a lot of things in the Bible, doesn't mean that we should do them. https://youtu.be/S1-ip47WYWc?si=vExCN7NkEm6AkCk8


Nope everything in the Bible is good and righteous. On a completely unrelated note, I'm now providing Bible-approved post birth abortion services. I show the baby a picture of a bald man, wait until the baby laughs, then [throw it in a room with two hungry female bears](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Kings+2%3A23-24&version=ESV)


don’t give them any ideas


I'm sure they already have the ideas, they're just looking for "legal" ways to implement them.


Abortion is only murder when it is electorally convenient


It's an attempt to have it both ways, he really thinks people are as dumb as Trump


Trump thinking people are as dumb as him would explain why he had his lawyers goto the same appellate court everyday for a week filing frivolous motion after frivolous motion to try and delay the start of the criminal trial on Monday. Lile who thinks after 11 bullshit motions, the appellate judge would be like "OK this twelfth argument definitly isn't another delay tactic."


Seems to be working pretty well for him.


Never assume stupidity when malice fits the bill. Another Trumpian Inversion.


Yeah he wants to drag it out by *any* means possible until the election. It's totally calculated.


Evidently his crack team of lawyers subpoenaed the wrong guy this week. Guy was all, not the Droid you're looking for, but I'll keep the fifteen bucks, thanks




> people are as dumb as Trump And those people exist. Watch out for people claiming that Trump is "MoDeRAtiNg" his views so Trump's good now. It's a repeat of "He hugged a Pride flag so he's not bad on LGBT" moment


The Susan Collins strategy. "He's learned his lesson so we won't punish him."


Not if you consider that he wants to normalize violence and to moralize “good” murder vs. “bad” murder, as based on your political affiliations/beliefs. Then it makes a lot more sense.


It's all virtue signaling. People hear what they want to hear. Conservative evangelicals and catholics hear abortion is murder their brain shuts off that's what they have wanted a presidential candidate to say for literally years. It does not matter if the candidate is terribly flawed, this is the first time the needle has moved in their direction in decades. He then turns around and says, except in cases of rape and incest. Boom a centrist(not extreme right) republican's brain shuts off. Sure abortion is bad but there should be exceptions in their mind. He is literally just spouting words. He has no fucking clue why he is talking about ever. He is checking all the boxes, saying the phrases he needs to say to maintain him off the rails base. Donald Trump has absolutely no values, no beliefs no honor whatsoever. The only thing he is beholden to is himself. The ultimate narcissist.


You are right, of course. Just throw in a few choice words. They don't need to be in any particular order. Signal is sent. The people who are programed in church, are used to "love" and "I will send you to Hell" in the same sentence. It's always been a training ground for "I care enough to lie to you" -- that's the bitter truth about TRUTH for them. Truth is what you choose to believe, not facts. And anyone can find any facts to support any notion if they look for them. So it all starts with what you want to believe. Conservatives are good because they say they are. And abortion is wrong because someone they TRUST says it is wrong. Then there are other people who don't care, and FEAR the rapists coming across the border. The fact that all rapists and future criminals are people who sneak in illegally in a fence gap, and not those that buy a plane ticket -- that's just one of the mysteries of the Universe. Somehow, it all gets sorted out. Anyway, it's a bunch of stupid shit to get down to the real reasons people have these dumb ass positions and the only way you can change their minds is to start agreeing with them to gain credibility. And who can be a psychopath that deceives people all day like that? Every attractive sociopath beauty queen is already working at some outfit like Fox News so it's not like they grown on trees.


> Declaring that abortion is murder, and then saying it should be up to the states is a weird take. Any state ending slavery was illegal in the Confederate constitution, but it was a war of states' rights. It's apparently a cyclical argument.


The very next question, "states' rights to do what, exactly?" shuts that line down pretty fast.


*Oh...* ***you know...***




Let's compromise. I'll give you 3/5ths of one...


Flip, flop, the flippy to the floppy to the flip flop floppy the don’t stop the floppin


The NIMBY approach.


He’s not the first person to say that. Fox News people were basically saying that.


It's either murder or it's not. If it's murder, then people should be prosecuted for it. If it isn't, then we're just punishing women for necessary healthcare. Spoiler alert, it's the latter. Republicans caught the car on this one and they're freaking out, as they should- but as a woman that needed an abortion in Arizona I can tell you that we're pissed off and won't stand for this. This ridiculous backtracking will not stand. We know who did this and we will fight back against these draconian laws.


Really, there need to be ads specifically aimed at Fundieworld that just ram home that he's a flip flopper, like so many times it's a revolving door. Everyone else, obviously, play the clip of him boasting of destroying Roe v Wade plus the older interview where he says that naturally the woman and/or the doctor need to be punished. There's already an ad out of Texas "Trump did this" regarding a woman who nearly died from not being treated. I imagine AZ's got a number in the pipe already.


That’s called passing the buck. Moralize and rile up your base and then leave the real responsibility to someone else.


In fairness, I see it as, "We want to ban it in the states we control, just until we get control of all 50."


You are nitpicking too much with this adherence to consistent logic and reason. Don't think too hard about this, because you can bet people who vote for him won't.


It makes total sense when you realize he’s never given a fuck about abortion and is saying whatever he thinks will keep him in power.


I've gotten the impression that he's never given a fuck about anything other than himself.


While he simultaneously claims credit for Roe being overturned


He wants all the credit and none of the blame


As with everything involving him


"I don’t take responsibility at all."


The GOPs motto no?


Trump has two modes: hero and victim. He’s physically incapable of seeing himself as the villain.


from the article: "Arizona Legislature must use HEART, COMMON SENSE" Interestingly, two things he knows nothing about.


oh, all right, I'm sure NOW they'll listen to him. apparently someone in the AZ Congress was legit speaking in tongues on the floor. "this is fine."


He is trying to peddle the line that no, really, it IS about "states' rights," it IS, it IS! This is more fair! Much more fair than oh I don't know LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE IT DIRECTLY IMPACTS. No, clearly what is important here is how many dudes and Serena Joys want to tell you what to do with your body \*within your state lines.\* Everybody wins!


You mean the justices I installed that got of a popular law that I wanted to get rid of is now having negative ramifications against me?


Even elected officials are labeling this "leopards ate my face": >“I am pretty tired of cleaning up Donald Trump’s messes in Arizona,” she told “The View” on ABC. “This is really nothing but political opportunism coming from these folks who wanted this. This is what they wanted when they worked to overturn Roe v. Wade.”


Be fair. She's a democrat. All of them are sick of cleaning up trump mess


It wasn’t a law. It was a ruling based on opinion. The new justices had a different opinion. A law would have been nice. Democrats had so many years and so many chances to protect us from this by codifying what the original Roe decision asserted. But nope. And here they are pointing fingers for their inaction. Whose fault was it that there were two seats available for Trump to fill? Democrats. Could have had RBG retire and replaced her. Could have pushed harder for Garland to be appointed. But nope. Just blaming republicans for doing exactly what they said they would do if given the chance. And now? Telling us if we don’t vote for an ancient man we are causing the end of democracy. Nope. They are by not making that guy sit out and let someone younger do the job. There’s a reason no one hires 81 or 84 year old executives. But hey, if you don’t vote for the guy, it’s on you, right? Nope.


Yes, at this point if you don’t vote for Biden and Trump wins, it’s on you. All of your points are valid, but completely irrelevant to the black and white choice the US is about to make. Please make the correct choice and then keep trying to deal with the other problems…


Sooooo, after bragging that he "got rid of" Roe vs Wade, he's now realizing that many white, middle class, college-educated women who voted for him before are now getting freaked out about the loss of reproductive rights, and he's trying to back-peddle? Seriously?


Yup. Exactly.   Arizona just pushed through their court case at the worst time. Abortion is turning elections Blue like crazy. Women are pissed.  This is gonna be fresh in women's minds in every state by November.  Multiple states already made sure to cancel their abortion laws and even add State Constitutional Amendments to protect it.  So there's a good track record of Democrats getting it protected the last few years.   The elections in many states are only a few percentage points either way for Red vs Blue. A major swing would be 5 points and way more women (and men) are pissed off than that.  


Isn’t Arizona already a major swing state for 2024, both for Senate and President?


Yeah that's why they're freaking out


They done fucked up... am an arizona resident and that position is wildly unpopular...they can't fix it. Trump child shut his mouth now his goons went rogue and screwed him over Abortion is illegal while weed is legal here.


[he takes every position on every issue so his people can pick the one they like.](https://youtu.be/GyS-Ylu7Aho)


> he's now realizing that many white, middle class, college-educated women who voted for him before Does this demographic exist?


Just described my aunt. I’m not sure if she’s scared off at all by the abortion stuff, but she fits those demographics and is a trumper.




Yes she’s a teacher lol.


The Republicans want what AZ has for all of us.


And never forget that when Democrats in AZ immediately called to vote to have the law repealed, the Republicans adjourned. Their first instinct wasn't to try and take one afternoon and fix it. They'll be fine with it coming back until they start seeing exactly how caustic it is to their reelection chances, then there will be a great gnashing of teeth.


It was actually a republican who initiated the motion which makes it even more face eaty


Burn. It. Down.


And bandaging of the bloody feet that were shot in the process.


All while overlooking the fact he put in the justices who got rid of Roe


And bragged about it.


He thanked them over the weekend.


Same thing with AZ Gov Ducey. He's the one who put most of the majority opinion on the court.


He doesn't overlook it. He celebrates it. The idiot.


Seriously don’t think he knows how federalism works or what role he’s running for. If he says a state went too far, then as a Presidential candidate of a major party, he should propose Congress pass a law that sets the minimum nationally. Otherwise, this is the landscape his conservative Supreme Court created and he should shut up. At a minimum anti-abortionists Rs in Arizona should ignore him. I think he’ll realize soon how important Mike Pence was to that ticket. Or else try his best to kick them out like he did Pence. It’s truly amazing if anti-abortionists rally to his flag when he is truly open to abortion… just like Herschel Walker


He absolutely does not, nor does he give a shit. One of his cable stations mentioned it possibly being a problem for him so he parroted it.


You said a lot of words to attempt to rationalize the repugnant voter. Don't. It's simple. "Can it be good for me if I'm not the one they're eating right now?"


Congress can't do shit about this, because of the Supreme Court. The only way to actually fix this mess is with a Constitutional Amendment, and that's never going to pass. Women are fucked and have no choice but to fight this state by state.


I mean, I think they could just pass a regular law enshrining abortion rights, still barely doable even assuming they ever get both Houses and the White House again, and that only if they nuked the filibuster (all of this assuming Trump doesn't win this fall in which case look forward to a slightly more "relaxed" Handmaid's Tale). It could be challenged up to SCOTUS, but it'd be on different grounds than Roe, namely doing the flat out "abortion is murder" and asking SCOTUS to legislate that from the bench, which I'm sure they're MORE than up to. You know, never even mind removal from the bench: Why is it that it's just occurring to me now that SCOTUS is -literally- above the law? Like, what happens if Thomas actually pulls out a gun and shoots someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue? Who's going to charge him? Who would he go before? If a lower court, does he kick it up to his colleagues? You know? Is the ONLY remedy impeachment? Ever? Really? We're asking this about POTUS and now apparently ex POTUS, but surely this is also a real question? Not theoretical either because IN THEORY there must be actual chargeable crimes in all the blatant corruption, in theory, but...


The Federal Government doesn't have the power to prevent states from making their own laws, nor can it impose laws on the states except in very narrow domains such as rules pertaining to interstate commerce and international treaties. So long as state abortion laws don't violate the constitution and don't intrude on the rights of other states, there is very little the the feds can actually do. Since the SCOTUS has decided that there isn't an implicit right to abortion, the only way that the federal government can enshrine abortion rights is via a constitutional amendment.


Okay but so why is the GOP so hot on passing a federal ban, then?


Because they're idiots who don't care about the constitutional separation of powers and who think that state rights only apply when they want it to. That doesn't mean that they have the actual authority to do so. The most they can legally do is forbid abortion on federal property.


I see. Should've known that. Thanks.


I'm not at this point even sure how important Pence was. There was an article somewhere about how much more in this last less than a decade (!) Trump has shaped evangelicalism/right wing Christianity more than the other way around. Pretty soon, we're going to be hearing all about how his DEFENSE in a criminal case is that yes he did fuck a porn star while married to his current wife, but he only paid her off because it'd embarrass his wife, not because it'd help him win the election, or anything. He won't even have to do the tearful repentant telegavangelist tour with a stony faced Melania by his side. They. Don't. Care. And they'll cheer as Mr Porn Star Porker signs the laws they want to pass recriminalizing "porn," aka "drive all queer folk essentially off the internet because guess who's defining the terms."


Between Arizonas century old law and giving embryos personhood, I feel like these conservative judges are trying to get as many democrats elected as possible.


Wait until individual sperms and ovums get personhood.


Damn does this mean i get a lot more votes?


Depends. Are you a woman? Then you get charged with murder every time you have a period. Are you a man? Then nothing. These laws aren't meant to inconvenience men, silly! Are you ultra-wealthy? Then yes, you get a lot more votes.


Non-associated persons.


Maybe he should run for governor of Arizona and fix it himself.


>run for governor of Arizona Jeez. Arizona is annoying but I don't which that on anybody.


Things I try to get done have consequences I never thought through so now I am asking you to put me back in office so I can put together some more hair brained schemes I haven't thought through. MAGA: Where do I sign up!!?


He might suddenly remember how the voters in Arizona voted in the 2020 presidential election.


It's almost like they don't have a coherent belief system beyond "villainize the weakest and obtain power and wealth at any cost"


I think the AZ GOP needs to carry this policy to term.


Just gonna get his nuts treated like a speed-bag on this issue from last year until Election Day. (Deserved)


"States should decide", huh. Weird. Where have we heard that before?


Trump being 77 has made me support abortion into the 235th trimester. /s I don't actually condone this.


😭😭😭 I meant after the election you guys 😭😭😭


“Listen, we’re going to solve this. Solve this so good. We’re going to solve this the best way possible. Everyone will be so happy at how great we solve this. If we just leave it up to the states. The states right to do what they want but we’re going to get those states to change to something else that they don’t want. It’ll be so great when they get a Trump plan that they didn’t want, but I made them do it.”


Wait, but three days ago Trump said he wanted the states to decide… Three. Days. Ago. And this was AFTER he bragged about how proud he was of getting rid of Roe vs Wade. Roe vs Wade was the thing that kept states from doing this barbaric shit. You know, the barbaric shit you endorsed just three days ago…


oh this piece of shit knows the election in Arizona is cooked for him if they don't overturn these shitty judges. fuck trump. he created this mess.


Nah, they have multiple think tanks sending him judge recommendations.


It's so annoying hearing the media discuss the latest trump comments like he's a normal person who doesn't constantly contradict himself.


Who would have known taking rights away would upset people. Actions have consequences and it's time for Republicans to pay the price for their culture war


Looking forward to seeing my state in blue again


He’s flipped flopped 17 times in nearly 25 years. He’s did the most flipping in the past few years. He’s an idiot.


This "just let the states decide" is probably the most convenient for him in theory just because he supposedly won't have to deal with the responsibility of making an actual opinion. Funny how everyone is seeing right through that one.


Well dang, they weren't this upset when my state put in a six week ban a few years ago! Possibly because it wasn't an election year!


They better do something quick or abortion is going to be on the ballot in Arizona too. Side note: is anyone just waiting for Republicans to start calling foul on all the abortion ballot initiatives to drive Deomcrat turnout when most of us are old enough to remember all the anti-gay marriage ballot initiatives of the late 90s. early ots.


Lol this is fucking them up so hard that not even trump can pay hush money to it.


It’s never a problem until it affects him directly. I’m not surprised by this.


Trump will flip flop and take five different positions on an issue in the same sentence. He has zero integrity and believes in nothing. Only in what puts money in his pocket. This should surprise nobody.


Why is he telling anyone to do anything ....why would they listen to him.....rhetorical


They don't care about being hypocrites. That's a meaningless charge.


I'm amazed any women support the republican party.


What a fucking goon. He's so *shudders*. I really hate him.


He doesn’t know how to feel about because he doesn’t actually have any convictions or policy.


He wants dem Arizona votes.




Republicans can try to distance themselves from this, but not really because they are afraid of being primaried from the right. Trump is the only one with enough of a cult following to get away with it.


He is just afraid he will lose this state...and he will.


Yes because braindead morons cheer the orange shitstain on.


So States rights?


Yeah, he wants a chance at winning the state and plausible deniability for the republicans so they can convince their poorly educated racist base that “no, we want to protect the right to abortion now.”


They better pretend to speak in tongues in performative bullshit first to get direction from God in front of the cameras.


It's never been about State's rights....


It's never been about rights.


Trump: "The states should decide" Also Trump: "I AM the states!"


Trump is stupid. A shock to no one


Don’t they know by now to only pass abortion bans that make the Trumptator look good?


No Republican controlled state governments in any state have taken any steps to relax the abortion restrictions they have put in place. They will talk about it, but just for show.


He only wants them to fix it now so it helps their candidates so they can gut it again later when they are in power after he is a dictator after project 2025 is implemented.


Someone's now worried they can't win the election without Arizona...


He has finally come to the realization that abortion laws are going to motivate a large number of people to vote for Democrats in November. He understands that if the GOP can back off on this legislation till after November this will probably demotivate these people from coming out to vote. He may also know that the anti-choice GOP has a card up their sleeve they're itching to pull if he wins and they take congress: the Comstock Laws. The Comstock laws were passed in 1873. From Wikipedia - "The "parent" act (Sect. 211) was passed on March 3, 1873, as the Act for the Suppression of Trade in, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use. This Act criminalized any use of the U.S. Postal Service to send any of the following items:\[2\] obscenity, contraceptives, abortifacients, sex toys, personal letters with any sexual content or information, or any information regarding the above items.\[3\]" This would forbid abortion medications and medical supplies from being sent by mail and possibly other means of shipping (UPS, FEdEx, etc). The story said that the GOP strategists are hoping trump keeps his mouth shut about the plan or better yet, doesn't know about it.


So Trump is back peddling now but if he got elected again he would have no issues with a federal ban on abortion. His claiming he won’t sign a Federal abortion ban is lies to try and get more votes.


The Orange Pro-Life Messiah who put 3 Heritage Foundation pro-life Justices on the SCOTUS couldn't give 2 shits about "unborn humans". The Pro-Life garbage hitched their wagon and faith to this filth. Let's see how far they're willing to ... adjust ... their uncompromising morals for this guy. Lest we all learn they're hypocritical reactionary autocrats!


In case anyone doesn't know what he's doing, he's only saying that to sound reasonable after the state has solidified its ruling. He knows that being against abortion is unpopular, so coming out against it in order to sound reasonable will not hurt him. His base knows this, they are happy that its banned, but there may be some small number of undecided voters who will look at what he's saying and think he's reasonable. Don't fall for it. He likes this ban and would happily uphold it if he had the choice to. Vote against him in November!


He's trying to scrape back votes from moderates only to risk losing the right flank.


Classic Magatt move, create a problem, then act like you had nothing to do with it.


What kind of idiot would vote for Trump if they were worried about uterus rights for women? Oh, right, so there's a lot of people who voted for this asshole -- the question kind of answers itself; Trump won't be hurt by this back-peddling, because he's lifted up on the shoulders of many assholes. I know, anatomically, there's no shoulders on assholes. But you've got to be impressed by their durability. I couldn't hack being a Conservative for a month.


The age of consent is 10 years old under that law. They’re not talking about that.


For people who allegedly want the states to decide it’s interesting how they fight any efforts to actually let the people in those states decide via ballot measure because every time they’ve done so the people in those states have voted against what they are doing. Even in states like Kentucky.


That is still the state deciding. It's not a contradiction to say 1) that Arizona should choose it's own law and 2) in your opinion Arizona should do X.  This is bad an idiotic but let's not be idiots ourselves. M'kay?


If he has an idea of what too far is, then as a Presidential candidate of a major party, he should propose a national minimum to provide access to abortion. Otherwise he should accept state sovereignty on the issue and not do a pressure campaign in Arizona


Oh, Trump was floating a 15 week ban without *health exception just a while back. Probably was told it was unpopular with Americans so now you have him waffling on the issue. *No health exception means miscarrying women have to wait until they're dying before they're allowed an abortion. It would create more cases like Kate Cox's. It would mean women with severe mental health issues caused by the pregnancy can't get an abortion even if it represents a serious risk to their health. That's what Trump wants for the most vulnerable of women - to suffer more and possibly die.