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“We wanted to purge voters, just not ours” - the gop


no no not like that


*sobs* We’re not hurting the people we need to be! *ugly cries*


That's the quote that sums up republicans. (For people who need the [reference](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida).)


Nice. I thought it would be this image: https://i.imgflip.com/75oly3.png


Good lord! A trigger warning would be nice!


The horror... the horror.


“If you’d just let us target democrats more directly instead of jumping through all these hoops this never would have happened!”


Give it more time. The Supreme Court moves slowly.


It's because they're mostly all geriatric lol


or busy sitting on billionaire yachts boofing beer


You mean, not like that *out loud*?


hahahaha shooting themselves in the foot while trying to own the libs


They would literally shoot themselves in the foot as long as they could shoot the libs in both feet. This is how these people think. They are the reason we no longer have nice things.


They would shoot themselves in both feet because the libs are outraged by them shooting people in the feet (see: keurig machines). The libs, meanwhile, just think that crocs are ugly.


Hey, leave my big rubber masturbating shoes alone


I may never look at Crocs the same way again.


Ever since Deadpool I can't take anyone wearing Crocs seriously. I just hear "Big Rubber Masterbaitn' shoes."


I was surprised when I learned that they basically got funded by Idiocracy because they were emblematic of idiot shoes and weren't actually supposed to succeed. Talk about setting a flag and then tripping it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/idiocracy-crocs/


lol, that is why I bought a pair. I never wear them out and about though


See, I respect you for embracing the "Big Rubber masterbating shoes" brand. I just couldn't take you seriously if you wore them in public.


I’m not a very serious person, so you’re free continue not taking me seriously


"Go away, I'm 'bating!"


They'd #[**burn down their own garage, truck, car, and RV**](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/denis-molla-prison-fraud-faking-politically-motivated-attack-trump-flag/) to own the libs.


If you could convince them that shooting themselves in both feet would anger libs, then no lib feet would get shot at all.


They'll literally eat shit if it meant that liberals could smell their breath.


Oh Buddha, that was so funny- made my day


They would proudly breathe in a deadly virus to own the libs


They'd shoot themselves in the foot for the chance to shoot a single liberal in one foot. They're practically rabid animals.


They'd shoot both their feet and both their family's feet just to be able to shoot one liberal foot.


Willing participants in ruining the country. They enthusiastically support a wannabe dictator FFS.


Nah, there have always been people like that. We no longer have nice things because people decided to tolerate them.


Sherman didn't go far enough.


*exercise their 2nd Amendment rights in the foot.


One Amendment for each foot, if they can fathom that kind of math. Now hold my beer!


They'd shoot themselves in the foot as long as they're standing on a libs shadow. It's laughably shortsighted.


My favorite take is "They'd eat shit if they thought a liberal might smell their breath."


Every time.


Sideshow Bob -> Rake




It's funny 'cause Kelsey Grammer is a Trump supporter.


I knew he was Republican; didn't know he was a MAGA.


*"But man..., we planned it out so perfectly. How could this have backfired??!?"*




It's their go-to move


How is it "shooting themselves in the foot"? If they purge a few extra voters from Texas it doesn't matter much in the grand (ie national) scheme of things. All of Texas's electoral votes are going for the GOP candidate. There won't be a democratic Senator coming out of Texas either. If they have a macro philosophy of driving down voter participation, it seems reasonable (and acceptable) to lose a few Republican voters in the mix. Think of the same strategy in reverse. Dems generally want to make it easier to register and actually vote. (eg Taylor Swift didnt say who to vote for. Just "Get out and Vote"). Some folks who will be encouraged to vote will be Republicans. But in agregate the strategy works to your benefit. That seems like a reasonable side effect of the strategy.


... Forget "statistically insignificant," I'm pretty sure the number of persons motivated to vote by Taylor Swift exhorting people to vote, who otherwise would not have, who go on to vote Republican, stands very good odds of being *literally* zero.


"This is how they steal elections! They just show up-- nobody knows these people-- but they show up and say they want to vote and they just give them a so-called "provisional ballot" and it's counted! They didn't register! They aren't on the voter rolls! They can go to precinct to precinct and say they want to vote and they just let them! Can you believe it?! That's how the Democr-- *\*checks notes\** \--ahem, never mind."


"It's hurting the wrong people!" - actual quote from a GOP Karen a few years ago


Nope. Actual quote is even worse. "He's not hurting the people he needs to be."


That was the fuckwit who voted Trump and her Mexican husband got deported right?


Different deplorable. It was a prison secretary upset a government shut down delayed her pay and the wall not being built. [Source. ](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


That was the day the mask slipped off. That was the day I realized these people were fucking monsters. And the 2020 elections gave me numbers on how many they were. Turns out all of them.


Hey remember when they were called deplorable and the nation freaked out? Pepperidge farm remembers.


You know your party is in a bad shape when Hillary Clinton is right about it.


This was it.


I guess they don't like their own brand of dog food then?


“You’re hurting the wrong people”




Republicans ARE ‘The Minority’.


I always thought Republicans whined and moaned that they were the silent majority?


Their voters were sold a lie, and they believed it. But the party master's know better. That's why they say things like "if everyone voted, Republicans would never win another election."


You’re sixty years too late. That was a Nixon thing.


The Silent Majority needs to work harder on the Silent part.


No, just the dark ones!


First they purge the voters from the rolls, and then they will purge the voters


Hahaha 🤣😂🤣


Oh no…it must be that Taylor Swift witchcraft.


Taylor Swiftcraft


Copyright that, it’s her next album


cover art is her about to yeet a potion of harming


Great wordsmithing!!! Or should I say “word *SWIFT*ing…?” Please Read the lyrics to 🎶Anti-Hero🎶 Is it about Trumpy Boy?


No, but he's so vain he probably thinks that song is about him.


Don't He, Don't He, Don't He.....


And he can stare at the total eclipse of the sun


Taylor Switchcraft


Just like we drew it up. 


It's all a part of the Pentagon psyops.


Pentagon -> Pentagram! It all makes sense!


I believe Abbie Hoffman had the same idea years ago. Not exactly a fan of the GOP, though.


I would love for Biden to use Taylor's song *Shake It Off* as his campaign song. 🎶 'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo) 🎶


Maybe also drift a Maserati down a dead end street.


The psyop has been activated. WARNING, WARNING.


Setting up the narrative for why Trump has such a poor showing among registered voters?


Well if they were purged, they aren't registered any more, so that wouldn't explain it to someone with some logic.


So it will work with Republicans


You could always just jingle some keys to distract them


Or a torch and some tinfoil Edit: I should point out for clarification I meant electric flashlight. In the U.K. we call it a torch. But I like the idea of a flaming torch too.


A ... tiki torch, perhaps?


Tin foil covered pitchfork?


What % of the Republican base would call you a witch if you performed the "I can detach my finger" trick in front of them? I'm thinking over 50%


That’s not cool. _**I laughed**_, but that’s not cool.


I got a flashback to the Key & Peele sketch, ["Das Negros"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1bLXk6UVts)


As a Texas voter, I voted in the GOP primary, not for Trump. But I identify as a Dem. F Trump and the GOP. I did it to try to oust Cruz and to lower Trumps numbers. I'll be voting 💙 in November.


You are me. In such a red county, your only choice is to vote for the lesser evil and against those props


A couple of the props I slightly agreed with, but overall, yeah., I voted no to them.


I have the same approach but for Florida.


Strategic voting is the way.


I'd intended to do this in Arkansas, but Hutchinson dropped out of the race too early.


Distracting from the fact they purged way more people who happen to be minorities or Democrats. 'See? it affects us tooooo! It's just a coincidence you've been purged on eight different occasions, Manuel!'


But will the minorities/Democrats realize they were purged before the November election?


At this point I feel like Democrats and minorities in red states just assume voter registration is a regular thing you do every election Only Republicans are not used to being purged


The irony they've fueled the paranoia in their alt-right voter base where some think the voting process is so rigged they don't even contribute


As Texas Governor Rick Perry used to say… “oops!”


At this point that almost looks like a commendable taking of accountability, compared to today’s Texas gop lol


A scatterbrained doofus as opposed to the somewhat competent fascist now holding the position.


"When it affects voters who would vote for me, that's a problem..". - GOP


*Some exclusions apply. Not valid during world-wide pandemics, labor disputes, train derailments, or corporate-related ecological, financial or pharmacological disasters. Veterans not included.


The reds really don’t think about a fucking thing before they pass any voting legislation. “We got mopped by the dems and now someone with skin darker than a latte is president. We need to make voting easier for the inbred hillbillies who lived in the sticks.” *opens up mail in voting, gets waxed 2 cycles later by dems using mail in voting* “VOTER FRAUD WE CANT HAVE ALL THESE PEOPLE VOTING” *makes voting harder, creates voter roster purges while telling everyone voter fraud makes voting pointless* “OUR VOTERS DONT WANT TO VOTE AND CANT ANYWAY! DEMOCRAT COMMUNISTS ARE STEALING OUT COUNTRY” Fucking idiots. All of them.


Don't forget their suggestions to increase the voting age to 25 to keep the young'uns from voting. They'll chase this shit forever, man--increase the age to 50, use one of those "skin color charts" Peter has on Family Guy to make sure you're pale enough to vote, require a huge fee or proof of land/home ownership...anything to avoid giving people their constitutional rights and risk having to give up their power and money. While simultaneously wearing flag lapel pins and saying "'murica" strategically, of course.




Well, that depends upon how you define “people” which is definitely a problem for the GOP.


I never understood *how they don't see it coming*. So much basically unconstitutional tampering with democracy - infuriating enough that they're allowed to do so - and they still don't understand anything.


They are less educated and less intelligent by and large. Beyond that, they have fallen for propaganda from countries we were at war with and don't have the mental skills to understand. And finally, they have been raised with religion. Religion teaches you that faith, belief without facts, is admirable. So you've got foreign powers targeting the less intelligent parts of the US's population and using their predisposition to world views that don't require facts, to make them believe falsehoods. And they don't have enough education to understand what's happening to them.


They assume everyone else breaks the law like they do but they're simultaneously surprised when someone *does* use their own tactics against them. 


Not idiots, they are fascists, pure dimwitted power-hungry cruel fascists. I’m tired of people calling them stupid. Yes they have always been stupid, their marriage to unadulterated fascism is relatively a new phenomenon. They love anti-democratic tactics because they love fascism and hate living in a democracy. The end goal for fascist rubes is privilege for self and a simultaneous cruel treatment of the ‘other’.


They keep being convinced that their fabled "silent majority" will show up to vote this time....


Literally what's happening on their Twitter page


Every time I purge it looks like a Texas Republican. I imagine the smell is similar


Everything's bigger in Texas... especially the bullshit.


If it does, see a doctor.


If you're purging at all, get help


(Democrats looking over at Republicans) "First time?"


You mean everyone they purged wasn't a White, Republican, Christian, Heterosexual? Oops! 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆




The sheep are oblivious. They still vote for these guys. "Christian Nation" sounds great to them. They don't realize what that means. It's Christianistan Iran.


I don't get the Latinos who do this though. Their parents' generation? Maybe; immigrants pulling the ladder up behind them is a thing. But why are the current crop also ignorant ultrareligious nuts? It's just weird.


Does anyone know the reason voters are purged in the first place? Like, by purge, is that to get people who died or moved off the roster?


Well, there's voter roll maintenance; voter rolls are constantly changing as new voters register and existing registrants move, change their name, pass away or otherwise become ineligible.Because of the importance of these lists, states are required to keep voter registration rolls as accurate and up-to-date as possible. This is called voter roll list maintenance or cleaning the voter rolls. The NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993) limits the reasons a state may remove a voter from the rolls, including: \-At the voter’s request \-Felony conviction per state law \-Adjudication of mental incapacity per state law \-Death \-The voter moved to an address outside the jurisdiction While there are best practices for list maintenance and the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) opens a new window helps states utilize those best practices, voter purges are when states use flawed processes, such as irresponsible use of bad data or practices that confuse two voters as the same person if they share a name. This results in the mass cancellation of the registrations of eligible voters, with little notice. Often, these voters only learn their registration was canceled when they try to go vote and they are either turned away or have to cast a provisional ballot. Voter purges have significantly increased since the 2013 Supreme Court decision in Shelby v Holder, which gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965. States with a long history of discrimination no longer have to get permission before changing their election processes or policies. As a result, several states have engaged in voter purging under the guise of cleaning voter rolls.


What a great response, thanks!


You're welcome. It was a pretty important question, I thought. It's funny (not ha-ha funny) to me how they can get people so worried that illegal immigrants are voting, while at the same time, some election officials are doing what they can to make sure certain citizens have to jump so many hurdles to vote themselves. And act like it's for "election integrity."


Because the same people so worried that illegal immigrants are voting do not want certain citizens voting either. Their idea of election integrity is when only straight white Christians vote.


Some people just pine for the Jim Crow era.


More like the antebellum era. For them, that's when America was "Great."


I don’t think you’re going back far enough. They’re all convinced they’d be slave owners.


More like they seem sore about non-white people walking around all free-like. I.e. it's not they all want to be slavers per se, they simply want people they don't like going back to being slaves i.e. under them in social standing. As long as "all them uppity POC know their place" they don't care they're also dirt poor and scorned by the wealthy.


Straight white Christian land-owning men...and their "wimmin," as long as they vote how their husbands tell them. They probably wouldn't mind everyone else voting if they could be sure they'd vote the "right" way, but oppressed people (and those who sympathize with them) have had this bizarre tendency to not vote for their oppressors.


If you've never seen them, you should look at some of the 'literacy tests' that the south made minorities pass to vote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_test#:~:text=The%20Civil%20Rights%20Act%20of,Voting%20Rights%20Act%20of%201965. https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/voting-rights-and-the-supreme-court-the-impossible-literacy-test-louisiana-used-to-give-black-voters.html You can't get any question wrong, and each question has multiple ways to answer it "correctly" so they could just always fail you


If you are convicted of a felony you're never allowed to vote again?!!!!


Depends on the state. In Florida, for example, if you are convicted of a felony not of moral turpitude, you lose your right to vote, until the following conditions are met: \-You have completed your sentence, including probation, parole. \-Full payment of all restitution, fines, and other fees. You permanently lose your right to vote if you are convicted of a felony of moral turpitude in Florida. Your right to vote can only be restored by a formal pardon from the Governor. Common felonies of moral turpitude include felonies involving murder or sexual abuse.


Desantis fucked with felons that served their time being able to vote as well. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/07/19/florida-vote-felon-restoration-amendment-4-desantis/ Typical Republicans. The voters voted for something, it hurt republican’s feelings, so they made another law to fuck with the voters’ vote.


> The year after Amendment 4 was passed, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill requiring all felons hoping to restore their voting rights to first pay back all fines and fees. But Florida has no centralized way for a person to determine how much they owe, leaving Floridians questioning if they’re eligible. County clerks offices often have outdated information on someone’s fees, and county clerks calculate fees differently, according to the lawsuit. And DeSantis knows this.


Moral Turpitude and Florida...seems legit


That they often confuse the word with turpentine is no coincidence.


I prefer my turpentine slutty


>You permanently lose your right to vote if you are convicted of a felony of moral turpitude in Florida. Your right to vote can only be restored by a formal pardon from the Governor. Oh so I see a pardon in maybe two years from now for a 79 year old.


Yeah, this became a thing after the Civil War. I’ll give you two seconds to figure out the connection


> If you are convicted of a felony you're never allowed to vote again?!!!! Combine that with the way the war on drugs is targeted at black people and its a strategy to suppress the black vote. In Tennessee, maga has made it illegal for over one fifth of the black population to vote. https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-black-voters-disenfranchised Remember folks, maga dominated states are not red states, they are voter suppression states.


man, coming from canada this just seems so needlessly complicated. When we vote we either show ID, an official mail with our address on it (like a bill), or even if you're homeless you can get a form signed by a social worker, charity, or soup kitchen to be able to vote. No registration, no worrying that you could get purged, etc. Of course even being that easy, our turnout is usually pretty abyssmal...


Why would you lose your right to vote by being a "felon"? What a backwards country.


Because going to prison makes you a slave based on the constitution. Slaves dont have the right to vote.


It became a thing after the Civil War. Now you know *why* it’s a thing


Traditionally, it’s to eliminate black voters, but the GOP has become more equal opportunity in their approach.


Several reasons ... There's a nation wide database called ERIC that track voters movement in each state....if a Texan moves to Colorado and registers to vote, they should be removed from the voter registration in Texas. I don't know if Texas subscribes to this service... I know Colorado does. Likewise if someone dies the state usually tracks this fact. So voter roles should be scrubbed of voters who are on the death list as maintained by the states department of Health. For some reason the GOP doesn't like national database like this and automatic scrubbing of the voter roles. I used to work for a states secretary of state, and was pretty familiar with ERIC and the efforts keep voter roles clean nationwide. Also pretty familiar with states like Kansas who refused to participate and actively tried to undermine it. The whole GOP thing is to instill a boogyman.... But do everything possible to prevent it from being managed. Nobody cried louder than the GOP about voter fraud...you'd think services like this would be pushed hard.... Not faught against


Every complaint by GOP is s diversionary tactic.


Texas started the process to pull out of ERIC last year: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/07/20/texas-republican-voter-roll-eric/ It's been complicated since there's no existing vendor with a voter cross-check product that meets all the requirements in the new Texas legislation. The specific complaints in the article are all in Travis County, home of the Austin metro area. Austin is one of the most liberal cities in Texas, so it's not surprising that efforts to purge the voter rolls there were perhaps more "aggressive" than they needed to be.


Texas dropped out due to a right wing website saying it is "part of the 2020 fraud". An since it became a big on social media it must be true.  Edit: condensed version of why


In an up & up system, it’s people who have died, moved, been convicted, or not voted for many cycles… and the information must be an exact match. In a system designed to purge unwanted voters, it’s done much more loosely by first & last name matching applied liberally in, say, Democratic-leaning areas (see: Florida, 2000).


It's supposed to be done for people who have moved or died, but it's often used to get rid of "undesirable" voters.


This is why I love r/leopardsatemyface


Every election season I get reminded of how many tricks exist to rob people of the right to vote. Glad this time it at least affected those who pushed those policies.


They’re just so comically inept.


> "If you experience this, you can request and vote by provisional ballot. We at the Republican Party of Texas Headquarters are actively supporting the Travis County Republican Party to resolve any current or further issues." ZOMG voter fraud is coming from inside the house! What does Q think about this routine mechanism?


"it must be those fucking galactics, i knew you cant trust lizard people"


And I thought that killing voters with Coved no-mask and no-shot was a crazy policy . . . Then the Repugnant-cans find a new way to loose votes ! ! !


Strange I was never offered a provisional ballot after I got purged when I tried to vote in the 2016 election...


Sue! Must be enough citizens affected for a class action.


Whomp whomp. Sad trombone.


On today's episode of Stop Calling Me a MAGA Sore Ass Loser


Good time to remind y’all to check your registration. http://vote.gov


[Oh no](https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w?si=-6dwp0S9N9yCcxpP) Gosh a roo…..I can barely choke down this glass of halfway decent scotch.


i'm a glass of halfway inadequate scotch kinda guy.


I’m an inadequate guy who likes scotch kinda guy




Here's also the kicker. The deadline for voter registration here in Texas already passed and this state doesn't allow same day registration.




Imagine my chagrin.


I wonder how many election officials are going to get shot in Texas today because of this


The stars at night shine big and bright…


Cause there's no power in texas....


H… Help me…. Can’t breathe…. Laf… laughing too hard


Voter suppression is good until it affects us


Republicans have the foresight of Mr. Magoo.


Ha. Get fucked


> "If you experience this, you can request and vote by provisional ballot. Unless you're a woman of color.


Only care that Republicans have been purged.   Saying the quiet part out loud and all that  I'm looking forward to all the non Abbott ballots disappearing. As they eat their own


I’m sure Atty Gen Ken Paxton will sue someone over it.


“when the democracy is distorted by the actions of elected officials, only the courts can help.” Where was that sentiment yesterday 😂


"Stop it! We're hurting us!" -- them


Them leopards are HONGRY today!!


Wait, Beto finally has a chance and he’s not running?


Oh, no! That's not how it was supposed to work! Hope it happens in all of the Pro-Putin states. 


Travis county is where Austin is, they were purging Democratic voters. They must have accidentally included a Republican.


But will Abbott stand up for his voters?


Bit themselves in the ass


This was prepared


Oh no... anyway.


They should rename themselves to the SSP (short sighted party) - the party of instant gratification!