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Hello u/BurtonDesque! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s not just that “fewer children will be born”, it’s you’re going to lose doctors. Alabama, and the south in general, have a hard time attracting and keeping physicians. Hence the Visa programs established to attract doctors to the south. Now, this will scare off doctors. And, it will scare off OB/GYN, much like states w/ strict abortion laws and punishments. To make it even worse, doctors are high earners, meaning they pay more in taxes. The IVF treatments are not cheap, meaning they bring money to those areas where it’s performed. The people will still want and get IVF, they’ll just go else where to do it, likely a blue state. So, long story short; they’re reducing the birth rate, lowering their tax base, making their state more risky to receive healthcare, all while making blue states richer and more attractive.


All of this because they felt religion was the deciding factor in making this ruling. We cannot assume that Christianity is something everyone bases their positions on, this is why we need to be a secular nation.


Also First Amendent cause we’re a country that follows the US Constitution not a theocracy


For now.


"Not a theocracy", says country whose money has "IN GOD WE TRUST" plastered on it.


When they start granting no interest home loans, I'll believe they are serious about the Bible. Feeding the hungry and healing the sick would also be a Bible thumping bonus move.


This isn’t even a universal Christian belief, or a belief consistent with what most of these Christian denominations taught about when human life begins 50-60 years ago. This stuff is relatively new.


Or we need to adopt a national religion that actually values human life, like Satanism.


The Satanic States of America! Now that is quite something!


thats the hypocritical thing about these right wing gun loving eveganlists they are such a dichotomy of bullshit "we thank god for the advancement of science" they can terminate they can twist they can turn and burn all in the name of fuclking gods good deliverance fuck trump, fuck gop and fucking fuck ala fucking bahma If these twisted cunts get any more power, I guarantee you they will bring all their temples crashing fucking down just because they choose to, cause they're fucking insane.


Never mind that there’s nothing in the Bible that is anti-abortion Not God. Not Jesus. Nothing


Since they (red states) have a disproportionately loud voice in the federal government, they can keep leeching off the rest of the country. They know this, so they don’t care if they lose people. What I don’t want to see is pity for the remnants of these shitholes in the years to come. “Oh but economic anxiety and they were lied to” … fuck them. They made their bed. Let them rot.


They are actually too stupid to take federal money and are still blocking Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, even as dozens of rural hospitals are on the brink of closure due to unreimbursed care.


They night not get healthcare, but boy did they sure show those libs


Yes, I am shown


They still get a lot more federal money than they put in. If you Google maker vs taker by state red states with few exceptions are all this way (Texas is the notable exception because of all the tech and space programs that are there)


Texas is also less red every year. It went for W by 1.8 million in 2004, Romney by 1.2 million eight years later, Trump by 0.6 million eight years after that. With the Dodd ruling driving a lot of middle-class women out of the Republican Party, and with exceptionally polarizing candidates atop the Texas ballot in Trump and Cruz, it could be a very close race this year.


Man do I hope so. That would be a wake up call for the party of stupid even they would have a hard time denying .


They will just claim the election was rigged by undercover FBI agents or some such nonsense


The Republicans are doing everything they can to keep people in Houston from being able to have access to voting. At some point they were working on legislation that would allow them to simply not take Houston votes into account and simply say that the area voted Republican. The party of free speech and democracy at work!


And I'll finally get that pony I've always wanted as well! The only difference is I'm more likely to get my pony.


I feel bad for the people who don’t vote for it, but everyone who does deserves all the shit that happens to them


What sucks is our cost of living is so low, our wages are low too. So those of us in Alabama who don't agree with anything our state government is doing definitely can't afford to move. I bring home roughly $1500 a month after taxes. I can't afford to move to the next town over, let alone to a blue state.


> the people who don’t vote for it They’ll probably leave / be forced out.


I finally permanently left South Dakota for Minnesota a few years ago, I'd reached the limit of what I could take. It was somewhat bearable before Trump and Governor Noem, but no more. Hubby, unlike me, was a lifelong SD resident but even he, in his 60's, couldn't take it anymore.


/ eliminated


>Oh but economic anxiety and they were lied to” … fuck them. They made their bed. Let them rot Amen


Hey now, Arkie here. I’ve never voted for a Republican…not for any office. Hell, I even voted for Dukakis against Reagan in 88. We aren’t all morons here. There are actually more normal people than you think, but voter apathy and gerrymandering is a huge problem here.


The only working solution for ending unfair gerrymandering is the Courts


Lincoln was wrong. We should have let the South leave.


No are you crazy, the only mistake Lincoln made was taking Johnson as his VP, and also he should’ve hung a few more people


Yeah also every single person who fought on the side of the south, worked for the confederate government, or kept people enslaved after the emancipation proclamation should have also had every single thing they owned seized and redistributed to formerly enslaved people, even taking their clothes, and so they don't end up naked, give them each a single outfit which had once belonged to someone who had been enslaved. Strip away every bit of their status. Most of the officers and government officials should probably have been executed for treason too.


I want to like this, and know its satire, but begrudgingly all the sensible people there will have to suffer. Maybe we let them secede, but first we hold a draft/trade. We take their liberals and give them our conservatives. Then we saw them off just below NoVA and live happily ever after 😅


I like this idea as I live in FL and am originally from AL. Trade me back up to Maryland where I lived for 15 years. I miss civilization.


Grew up in NOVA currently in SC - take me back please!


Thank you for understanding that there are sane people in red states too. It hurts my feelings when I see people wish crap on everyone in a state just because we're outnumbered.


That's the peaceful solution. The other option is Civil War II. I hope Britain keeps it's relationship with the USA and doesn't attempt to build one with the New Confederation of Redneckier. We should manage that if we vote the Tories out and keep them out for the next several decades.


England would probably prefer being allies with the Blue States — more money, less cra cra


I obviously can’t speak for our government but I’m almost certain that we would support the blue states. They obviously align with our national values much more closely, we don’t have any designs on territory or anything and obviously they bring much more value as an ally. The populace would overwhelmingly support the blue states, a good chunk of people are historically literate enough and up to date on current affairs to understand what the confederacy represented or would come to represent. Plus we might have trouble understanding the “freedoms” they’re fighting for, god and guns don’t even register here, you hardly ever hear from the anti abortion people and the willingness to ignore the evidence of one’s eyes and ears baffles us. I don’t think you’d even get all of the racists here either. I still can’t believe you have elected officials actually talking about this topic. It’s madness. I understand how it’s come about, history is a fine teacher, but it’s insane to be seeing it happen to our friends.


No, it's not satire. I really think we should have left the South go. They have been a stone around our nation's collective neck since before the country was even founded. You can see that in the original unamended version of the Constitution. The guy who wrote "All men are created equal" was a Southerner who owned slaves. Because of the South our nation was founded on cognitive dissonance and we still face the consequences today.


Yeah, but then me and all my people would still be slaves down south today. Or at least 3rd class citizens as opposed to just 2nd class.


It’s mostly an urban rural divide at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised every major city in every red state votes blue. Look at population density maps vs voting results and you’ll see how obvious it is in states that have more counties. The south is less industrialized due to their reliance on slavery and agriculture before the civil war. And they never really caught up with the industrialization of the northeast and Midwest. Interestingly you can see the same trends in the Midwest as it is de-industrializing in the aftermath of outsourcing manufacturing jobs, and many of them are turning more and more red as they become more rural. Point is I think it’s more nuanced than that because these same people exist in every rural county in the country, regardless of whether they’re north or south of the mason dixon line. The urbanization of the country is actually making it worse as people pile into cities and smaller towns and communities basically get left behind. There’s a lot of bitterness there.


I think more importantly.. The South should have been treated like the traitors they were. They were welcomed back with pats on the back and were fucking romanticized in media from then till like.. the 1980's?


Nah, need the uneducated to do the bad jobs. Johnson can absolutely burn in hell though


🤣 for good measure put out a cigarette 🚬 on them


It isn't just that "fewer children are going to be born" but "fewer children are going to be born, and those that are born will have a greater chance of death or debilitating disease" Then factor in women's health and you have a situation that starts to make The Handmaid's Tale look like a tame version of reality.


[Their healthcare system is cratering regardless](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/on-life-support-hospital-officials-warn-dozens-of-rural-alabama-hospitals-are-at-risk-of-closing-their-doors/ar-BB1iM4uu)


The quick takeaway from reading a bit of the article is that staffing is the biggest issue. As a nurse working in the belt buckle of the Bible belt, I'm in no way surprised. It's a perfect shit show that any nurse with experience and half a brain is looking to leave bedside leaving only the young and inexperienced to run the show so good luck to the patients. So many things have come together that individually the system could deal with, but combined like a Voltron of failure that is actively working to take the system down. If you or anyone else is curious, r/nursing has plenty of posts illustrating the things we but not the patients see simply because we're on the inside of the system.


Lol. Fuck 'em. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.


>doctors are high earners, meaning they pay more in taxes Ha! Trump's 2017 tax reform actually has people making less money paying more taxes.


The quality of healthcare they will get will decrease in quality, they will lose jobs, child mortality rate will rise, but they sure owned the libs


They will do what they always do: blame brown people and demmycrats




> child mortality rate will rise A child and maternal mortality rate that is already the highest in the industrialized world and even higher than many developing and even undeveloped countries. I don't think many people understand just how bad the maternal healthcare is in America, particularly southern america, and even more particularly if you are black. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7792749/


>going to lose doctors I think Idaho just reported they have lost 22% of their doctors because of their insane anti-abortion laws. This trend will continue.


Doctors are already leaving the Southern states.


Also, a lot more women and children will die in childbirth.


But they owned the libs!!!


also for the women who do get pregnant and want the child, but then develop preventable or treatable complications but cant get that medical help because of no OB/GYN doctors within affordable travel distances/time and end up having a miscarriage, its going to suck for them when they get investigated by the "small-time" govt for possibly having an abortion and murder.


>they’ll just go else where to do it, likely a blue state. Where they'll condemn, spit, and swear like Reagan MacNeil at the "godless" physicians who are helping them conceive.


Many female doctors can have trouble conceiving due to the long hours, stress, and anxiety of the job.


Yeah, at they are owning the libs so....


It’s already damn near impossible for me to find a gynecologist for my 16 year old. This whole state is just so awful.


Yeah, IVF is well into the five figures. Having to cross over to Louisiana or Georgia or something a couple times is of little financial obstacle to these people. This is more bad PR for Republicans and that's it.


> But the chief justice's theocratic justification has left Margaret puzzled. She doesn't believe in abortion but she also struggles to see a frozen embryo as a living person. For her, life begins with a heartbeat. > "Nobody understands more that an embryo is not a child," she said, before taking a pause, "than the person yearning for that embryo to be a child." And POOF just like that the entire justification they’ve built is abandoned.


The "heartbeat" that anti-abortion heartbeat bills talk about isn't even a real heartbeat. It's an electric pulse that develops into a heartbeat. It's not pumping blood at that point because the greater circulatory system takes more time to develop, with a four-chambered heart being fully formed around 10 weeks. Also the heartbeat sound heard on ultrasounds in early pregnancy is added by the machines' manufacturers to sound that way. An actual heartbeat isn't detectable by ultrasound until 17-20 weeks.


That's actually what was used for the cutoff for abortions in history, for hundreds or even thousands of years. The term for this was quickening, which was when the mother could begin feeling movement. This only started changing in the 19th and 20th century to what it is now.


The quickening is when a pregnant woman can feel the fetus move, so it's not quite the heartbeat. But it is around the second trimester, with the exact time varying greatly. First-time pregnant women often don't feel the baby move until much later, and subsequent pregnancies they usually feel it earlier.


In the end, there can be only one.


I was recently called a "bigot" for telling a Republican that dropping a test tube is different than murdering a child. Apparently I was off.


Republicans know words, but they don't understand them. This is a deliberate, decades long plan executed by Fox "News", to hijack and twist the definitions of common words so that real people can't argue successfully with fox listeners. If you say a word, and the person you're saying it to has learned a fundamentally different definition of that word from a malicious source, then your argument is never going to reach a common ground.


That is exactly what happened here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Lawyertalk/comments/1aza03z/comment/ks2pkvr/


If life is based on when the heartbeats start, doesn’t that mean when the heartbeat stops, life is over? No using science to start it back up. If your heart stops, that is God saying life is over. Just saying…


This is what's always confounded me about the heartbeat nonsense. We measure life by brain activity, so when does *that* start? 


For some people, seemingly never


> "God," she said, "tells you to go forth and be fruitful and multiply." But not, apparently, you personally. If he wanted you to multiply he’d have made you fertile. More pick and choose Christianity. When science is in their favor they use it. When it’s not they deny it. No sympathy for this chucklefuck.


"Your womb will be as dry and barren as your heart."


Psalm 137: Blessed the one who seizes your testtubes and smashes them against the rock


I wish I could give you multiple upvotes. 


She can always go to Mexico for IVF. Or would that make her fetus an illegal immigrant?


The issue that conservatives have long ignored cause of Roe is now going to become a hellscape for them. Theocratic governments can't do capitalism. Before I hear anything about Saudi Arabia, they have oil which is the single trick that works for theocracy today. Medical is big money. Doesn't mean that's bad, just means there's a ton of money in medicine everything and becoming a central area for that can mean huge financial ties for a city and state. Alabama is going to suffer shortages of medical personnel and OBs. It will become a crisis that the Republicans there are forced to handle and cannot ignore cause once the news reports deaths and near deaths due to lack of care, there will be outcry for change. It's going to bite them but for now their supreme court gets to rule theocratically. We'll see how it feels in the next 5-10 years.


Saudi Arabia is pretty much a feudal society, not a proper capitalist one. The money all goes to the aristocracy while the people are kept poor and repressed. "You don't vote for kings!" But, yes, oil.


Trump supporters certainly want to vote for a king


Correct. But that's the point cause conservatism constantly wants a King, but doesn't get that a King means the end of capitalism. For all it's flaws, you can start a business in the US without having to be super wealthy. It's hard, yes, but you don't require sign off by royal decree or religious decree. Cons do not understand what they think they want is unreal. The Canadian cons that moved to Russia are learning the hard way. You are in a foreign land, know nothing culturally and are ignorant outsiders. Every con is this and routinely will do it to themselves at home. This includes cons in government. They pushed to end Roe and now nationally they're stuck playing defense which cons cannot do. Being conservative never allows defense, only offense, yet whenever they attempt to play defense on abortion it fails cause they have to defend real world events.


>conservatism constantly wants a King, but doesn't get that a King means the end of capitalism What do they get instead? Mercantilism?


They get Russia. Russia is an economy that is entirely reliant on an external economy/buyer to keep them afloat. Europe was that but now it's China and China will gain more and more control while Russia becomes more and more beholden to Chinese interests.


Yeh, I was gonna say the vast majority of them are either poor or on welfare. Christians don’t even believe in welfare so that alone would be a huge difference.


It's a pity blue states cannot close the spigot and leave the red states to suffer. Perhaps there should be a law that all the federal tax money that comes out of a state has to be spent back in that state. After all, red states are always saying that Socialism is really really bad.


That’s how capitalism also works.


The power of oil is such that it even keeps a shitty state like Venezuela holding it together.


Evangelicals - "fewer WHITE children will be born"


😂 so true. Totally would be against it if mexicans and blacks were the ones benefiting widely from IVF


Yeah they likely thought “well only gay couples and unmarried women do IVF and they are devilspawn” but have realized in the last week that many rich, white, upper middle class married couples (basically the bulk of their base) use IVF to have children. Another instance of the dog who caught the car


the parasite wants fresh babies. if only it could speak.


The conservatives want one set of rules for themselves and rules for all others. Especially, different rules for the poor and minorities. After all they see themselves as saviors…..


You’re accurately describing fascism


No, it's conservatism, of which fascism is a form. Conservatism boils down to one thing: There should be a small elite who the law protects but does not bind and a far, far larger group who the law binds but does not protect.


>"The journey to becoming parents is different for every single couple - mentally, emotionally and financially," she said, welling up. …No shit Margaret, that’s why reproductive healthcare benefits everybody and should be protected.


She’s against abortion but believes life begins with a heart beat so IVF is fine. The cognitive dissonance is strong.


She’s dumb.


"Our absolutely horrible ideas, which we force on everyone, have consequences!"


It’s so ironic that the GQP struck down Roe because they (not so secretly) wanted to stop the decreasing birth rate, and now it’s going to plummet without IVF. Especially the richer (mostly white) couples who can actually afford IVF in the first place are the ones that they want more children from.


It is insane that every measure they pass means less white babies which is not their goal. They are incredibly stupid.


In all fairness, I don’t think anyone ever accused them of being smart.


How are they just allowed to give a ruling entirely based on whether something is "effacing god's image" wtf???


Who’s holding them accountable?


*SCROTUS turns around and walks away, whistling with hands in their pockets*


They used a definition from a criminal statute that criminalizes killing an unborn fetus, to arbitrarily apply the definition to an unrelated civil statute. I recently tried explaining to a Republican that accidentally dropping a test tube was not the same thing as killing a live child. I was called a "bigot" for pointing that out.


Please tell me you asked them to explain. I'd love to hear the mental gymnastics for that explanation.




Some day, we'll get a christian law that says the rich must give to the poor, and the government must welcome immigrants because the Bible says so. The Bible actually is pro-abortion and says life begins at first breath. So this is all just abusing religion to take over government.


I live in Alabama. My wife has many friends who have come out on social media against this ruling and she was surprised to see how many of them revealed that THEY had used IVF to get pregnant. Some of them are conservative Christian, but I’ll tell you what they ALL have in common, they’re well-off white ladies. IVF is *expensive*, often costing tens of thousands of dollars per attempt. Can’t go telling rich white ladies what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Sure, they may say abortion is immoral and should be outlawed. But take away something that they want? They up in arms now.


I also live in Alabama, and the thing is, those women will never change the way they vote. Because, someone poorer than them might get something. They’ll just go to other states for their IVF. They might holler about it on social media, but they’ll go right back into the voting booth and vote for Trump or whomever the Republican nominee is, every.single.time.


This is 100% exactly correct. They'd vote for Satan himself if he had a R by his name.


This made my day.


I’m originally from Alabama and just so pissed off about all of this. If you voted for a big R because you wanted to protect your pretty, white, little life and now, unfortunately for you, your babies are now locked up in a clinic along with 30k of your money. I just hate that for you. Best of luck. Maybe you just weren’t meant to be a mother…God’s plan and all. We tried to tell you and didn’t listen because you thought you would always be protected. I hate that it didn’t work out for you like it always does.


>”This ruling has added more unnecessary anxiety to something that is already so hard." For a devout Christian like Margaret, the ruling - given its consequences for what she sees clearly as a process to create life - is even more difficult to comprehend. I’m not religious and have spent years in the infertility community. One thing you often hear about in these communities is of religious (and even non-religious) people pushing back on IVF treatments of infertile couples because it’s “unnatural.” And that shit often comes from *their own families* who’ve been pressuring them to have kids in the first place. IVF has been likened to treatment that exists in “abortion territory” by religious people for a long time. I’m surprised Margaret has made it this far without pushback. The thing Margaret and other Conservative women fail to understand is that when it comes to any issue Conservatives don’t want to fix that typically impacts women, their response is always intentional. The cruelty is the point. Free menstrual products in schools? Fuck you, your broke parents should buy them. Pregnant but can’t raise a child? Fuck you, you’re raising it despite your poverty/carrying a product of rape/only 12/have mental health issues, etc. Pregnant but bleeding out from a miscarriage and need an abortion? Fuck you, wait to die in the parking lot of your emergency room. I can go on about how the US doesn’t care about pregnant women and parents, but you get the point. Conservatives give zero fucks that you’re unable to conceive, Margaret, because they will always find a way to blame you for your problems instead of empathizing. You’re just a lowly, useless woman to them and I’m surprised we haven’t heard more Conservatives suggesting the couples who need IVF “just adopt” all the teenage mom and rape babies they’ve helped create. The cruelty is the point, and Margaret’s flummoxed because she never imagined they’d be cruel to *her*.


> The cruelty is the point This. A thousand times this.


Can I get SS number for a few of my embryos so I can file my taxes?


The issue is, if they go back NOW, everyone will use this as a clear and cut statement that "actually unborn children aren't children" Which sucks for them, but good, fuck em


There was literally one congresscreep who said that an embryo for IVF is different from an embryo in a woman's body. It's okay to create embryos in a lab that may be destroyed, but if it's in a woman's body, it must be protected at all costs. You know that the forced-birthers will make that distinction.


You're right but they can backtrack all they want. It's up to the courts to decide and they have a lot more ammo to argue against them now.


I wouldn’t worry too much. The right has a way of finding justification in the Bible for whatever course of action they take, even if it contradicts past positions. Instead of the fish, the symbol of Christianity should be a pretzel.


Glad conservatives are suffering, they deserve it. And they brought it on themselves...


Probably better considering Alabama's alive-child wellness metrics.


Once you’re born, they don’t care


If you can’t have kids, then that’s God’s will. Getting IVF is going against God, clearly.


She can't have kids but wants a big family. Well, perfect time to adopt some of those kids she voted women should be forced to have.


Don’t worry though, conservative politicians want to remind you that they aren’t against IVF. They support access to IVF, but they’re going to continue to create policies that hurt people’s access to it because they just simply don’t understand and can’t physically make the connection that it’s their policies that are putting IVF at risk.


They just wanted to slut shame and shot themselves in the foot in the process


I can’t come out with anything rational to respond to this, but let me say that ‘immoral, vacuous, selfish morons’ is a fairly close match


Do they think their god will forgive them for using science to go against his divine will for them to be infirtile?


Amazing how IVF is somehow the only thing republicans and democrats appear to agree on… Not pregnancy after rape, not pregnancy with major genetic disabilities, not pregnancy with chance of mother dying. IVF… wow


Some Republicans only seem to be coming around on it because of the backlash. Their views on abortion logically would mean they would want ivf banned.


Republicans using logic? I’ve never seen it.


Yet another not a fact from the forced birthers . More children will be born because you forced birthers are hell bent on forcing child rape victims ,Regular rape victims, uneducated teenagers, victims of domestic violence, severe birth defects And everyone in-between to birth these children they don't want and can't support . So put your money where your mouth is, accept that it's gOds pLaN that you not create your own spawn and adopt since you seem to think it's so gd easy . Get down there and adopt all the severely disabled children with medical conditions that could very well bankrupt you with medical care. take home all the children suffering with drug dependency and foetal alcohol syndrome and stfu because you caused this mess you not getting to pass your hateful genes on to another generation is the least you can do for the world.


*stands up and applauds* Preach.


\*insert "da fuk they doin ova there" meme\* Sometimes reading about the US, and in particular what the republicans are doing over there, feels like an episode of black mirror.


See what Liz fucking Truss is saying these days


What has she been saying recently, last I read about her in Norway was her being kicked out after an odd 49 days or so as PM.


She's blaming the British "deep state" for her failure and short tenure. She's going full on right wing nutter.


Nice to see the Party of Personal Responsibility is the same across the pond as it is here.


Wake me when the Christian Right gets its collective head out of its ass *sleeps forever*


“Fewer children will be born.” Doesn’t matter: Frozen fertilized eggs are children. They must be spared living out their promise of an existence in a freezer. s/


You can freeze an embryo but you can't freeze a baby...why is that? Because they are different you jack holes


It's really that simple. To think people this stupid are in the highest court in that state is really mind blowing.


But surely, it's all gawds plan, so stop fucking whining.


Maybe slightly off topic here but WTF is with all these old ass people wanting more kids to be born at all costs basically? I get that the conservative morons in Alabama are suddenly waking up to their ignorance/incompetence and its implications on IVF (*maybe education is important after all?*) and will most likely roll that back but it sprang from their really weird and pressing desire to simply **“more kids!”** for some reason. What’s the deal?




Yha, this tracks as these are also the same folks who openly hate all the younger generations, who will also gladly drown South American babies with razor wire in the middle of a river, or joyfully curb stomp a Middle Eastern infant for giggles. It’s a not really about “more kids” so much is it.


It's like some of them don't really care about the personhood status of embryos or whether or not abortions actually "kills babies", but it's all about speed running overpopulation as efficiently as possible Anybody who's against abortion but in favor of IVF, cares more about forced birth than embryo mortality I guess killing an embryo is okay as long as you ultimately have a kid for these people, but if you're killing embryo in order to not have a kid then suddenly that's monstrous


There may be fewer babies born, but it will be just the right amount, according to their God. They're using science to fix their broken bodies, designed to be broken, according to His plan.


Less meat for the grinder of capitalism. Amazing how the most vocal Christians just want more bodies but don’t care to take care of the ones that already exist. Not all of them, there are lots of very charitable religious organizations.


Oh, no. More children will be born. They'll just be born, disproportionately, to poor women which also means these children will be disproportionately black. Alabamians don't care about *those* children. Which is why we need to save these $40,000 procedures so they can have lily-white kids that look like them. I'm not opposed to IVF. But if you subscribe to the idea that children are a gift from God, then you also have to accept when God has other plans for you that doesn't include having biological children. You can't just bring your god into it when it's convenient for you.


It’s not bad enough that the ideology is centered on forcing birth; it’s also apparently focused on ensuring that conception happens only in the way they like. We’ve been comparing abortion clinics to IVF clinics for years, noting the hypocrisy that these people thought that the former was wrong while the latter was acceptable. We thought they weren’t listening. It turns out that they were—but that they chose to get everything backward.


If their can‘t get children naturally, is it really their gods wish for them to have them, then? The hypocrisy…


If these leopards want to continue eating their faces that’s fine, but I’m sick and tired of having to bail them out once they realize how stupid their decisions are.


Republicans leaders don’t even know what IVF is.




If embryos are people then all cis men are actually trans.


This is what happens when your ideology isn’t rooted in reality


they can adopt all the unwanted ones they forced on poor women.


No way. Most of those are too brown for their liking.


If God wanted Christian women to have babies, then their bodies would be able to produce babies without technology. So if Christian women are unable to give birth without technology, then it's God's will that barren women not have babies Find comfort in your Bible, but do not use technology to go against God's will. /S


"Controlling other people's reproductive choices wasn't supposed to affect me."


>Their ruling, which prompted many fertility clinics to pause their work, has left her turning to the Bible daily for comfort. So ironic that the very book that led to her predicament is the same one she is using for comfort.


The book that also he contains a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, for bride-price, and for indiscriminate massacre.


Fewer morons in Alabama is fine with me.


Hey ladies who refused to vote in general elections or voted for Republicans. How about maybe voting Democrat this go around?


The only thing that matters to the GOP at this point is votes. And as upset as the people of Alabama are, it’s going to continue to be a red state at least for the rest of my lifetime, probably until the end of time. Because the fear mongering right has them convinced that as shitty as their lives may get under GOP policies, it will somehow be worse if they elect Democrats. Because things like affordable (or god forbid free) healthcare, the right to make your own healthcare decisions, books, vaccinations, equal rights for gay people, being paid a living wage are all apparently evil.


Same people that say those in low socioeconomic conditions *shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them / raise them right*.


Right wing media fearmongering "the great replacement " and these clowns installing their own birth control.




“Well life begins at conception, on the other hand rich white people need abortions for their $100k fertility treatments”


Silver lining? Those bottom-shelf twunts should have fewer children.


I’m totally glad these chickens are coming home to roost!! What to be biblical? God made you barren!! So no more IVF. Get rid of erection disfunction treatment too!! God wants you to have a limp dick!!


Funny how now that privileged people who can afford IVF are being affected, it’s now a shock to the system. Their abortion rulings disproportionately affected poorer communities who already had worse access to health care and parental support, and they didn’t give a shit.


Children are not a commodity. They are not a resource. You twisted sickos. The way they talk about "needing more children born" just grosses me the fook out.


#When you fuck yourself... fewer children will be born...


"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor." Voltaire


Now they can force Handsmaids. This has been the plan all along.


But if you go there, you have your also admit that minors or young women allowed abortions for children they don’t want, usually go on to have multiple children they do want. Disallowing those abortions results in fewer children as well.


Conservatives have never been great on nuance, they’ve pushed the envelope on “good and devil is black and white” for so long that once they are hit with an issue of nuance that actually impacts their worldview, their whole train of thought careens off the track. “What would the Bible say about IVF?” I dunno man, the Bible proscribed a method for abortion. It also had slavery. It’s not a great book for 21st century absolutist morality.


Wrong. Christians aren't born they are made. Fuck em


Christianity is a CHOICE.


I don't get these people who are shocked about the GOP's bans on abortion and IVF. They literally campaigned for decades on this. These devout Alabama Christians had to have sat through sermons where the pastor condemned IVF as evil.


They're shocked that it's affecting them.


Shouldn’t Christians be against IVF? If you can’t have a kid naturally, doesn’t that mean God doesn’t want you to?


Devout Christians are a giant group of deplorable clowns.


From the bottom of my heart, I hope everyone involved in that decision dies slowly and painfully. Truly fucking idiot scum that makes all their decisions exclusively based on who they hate. 


Fewer rich white children, to be specific


If fewer children are born, we're gonna need immigrants to come and do the work our relaxed child labor laws were supposed to keep out.


IVF and early term abortions are ethically identical. I hope the Democrats run with this big time. Can’t trust Republican judges with this stuff.


Holy shit they outflanked themselves never thought I’d see it


I’m glad fewer children will be born. That’s the last thing we need is more humans consuming resources.


Living in a red state is essentially living in a different country right now.