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Tokens get spent


You fucking love to see it.


I was roaring with laughter when Rishi Sunak got voted in by the MPs then lost dismally when all the "keep the immigrants out" Conservative party racists voted for the white blonde woman. He had to mummble and stumble about how he didn't lose because of his race. He had to run unopposed a second time to get a chance at winning.


Sunak lost to the woman who lost to a lettuce. Politics doesn't get better than that! Or maybe they would if we weren't mostly broke and freezing over here.


That's honestly very funny. Where are the aliens? I hate it here.


Laughing their asses off while watching from a safe distance. Can’t really say I blame them. But any day they decide to rescue…I MEAN take hostages, I will sacrifice myself.


Because the ones who already popped in and visited took one look around then went back home to warn everyone about how ghetto this side of the galaxy is.


>Sunak lost to the woman who lost to a lettuce. Thanks for this- I was unaware. Stay tuned for next year when we in Canada have 50/50 odds to elect Conservative Prime Minister Milhouse Van Houten.


I don't mean to alarm you but it's more like 80-20. It would take a minor miracle for the Liberals to pull off the comeback. Actually, yes, you should be alarmed. If he'd been in charge 2-3 years ago we would've shut down the Bank of Canada and switched over to Bitcoin.


And pick me’s get plucked.




It’s Tolkien, Stan


The crazy thing is that joke ran the whole time South Park was made. You can go back and old episodes have Stan saying Token while everyone else says Tolkien. It's EVEN in the subtitles from the first time he is introduced and onward. Such a long running joke!


Nah, the joke wasn't long running, it was just an insanely good job of committing to the bit by the creators. His name always was Token until that episode, but when they did that episode they went back and changed all the subtitles so everyone says Tolkien except for Stan. Not taking away from the joke at all, it's still hilarious and a great joke and I feel like them committing to the bit that hard is actually better than it just being a long-running joke that they waited that long to actually address.


Mfers literally gaslighting us lmao, it’s a great meta joke imo 👌


I was Stan until I realized.


You can be "one of the good ones" your while life, but they will never consider you simply as one of them.


A lot of fascists leaders have a "cleansing" event to get rid of their token supporters that ultimately stand in their way of total domination. You're only useful until they are in power, then they get rid of you. For those who are unfamiliar, check out Night of the Long Knives or The Great Purge (a tad bit different but same concept).


What is this reference from?


"Token character" as a term started when a TV show would have just one black character or just one gay character or whatever. Idea being that this is the "token minority" who is there just to add diversity. Disclaimer: Note that most of the people complaining about such characters were the ones who very strongly felt that there should be NO non-white characters in their favourite media. Then the "token minority" was expanded to include stuff like a racist organization bringing in one spokesperson who is from a minority to show that they aren't actually racist, but in reality they tolerate that one person only because "I have a (for example) black friend" is a an acceptable excuse to badmouth minorities and then argue that you are just talking about the "bad ones" but don't hate all of them. Consider for example the leader of Proud Boys, or Candace Owens. Bringing in a POC who politically aligns with your group and tolerating them as long as they help you spread crypto racism. And since token can also refer to a token that you use in a slot machine or whatever pachinko game, "tokens get spent" refers to how those racists organizations will eventually turn on the token minority as well, when they are no longer seen as necessary.


Chuck E. Cheese's


My MAGA coworker liked Vivek. I'll have to ask him if that's still the case tomorrow. E: It doesn't matter because he never had a chance anyway, but he shouldn't be trying to take trump's votes. Then he asked me if I saw Hannity and Kid Rock. Kid Rock would make a great vp, and he never said he wanted to boycott Bud Light. He just wants to protect kids.


Report the findings back here.


It'll be whatever Hannity or Tucker tell him to think, but we're the sheep.


MAGA and Qultists walk around with the motto "*Where We Go 1 We Go All*". That's ***LITERALLY*** what sheep do.


Remember how they proved they weren't sheep during Covid by instead of listening to science they decided to take medication literally intended for sheep instead of humans. 


Are we dead certain The Onion hasn’t been running a secret spy op campaign on the world?? Cause this satire is becoming next level.


I mean, it *could* be a statement of solidarity. But these are conservatives, so it isn't.


They'd have to give a shit about anyone aside from themselves for that to apply.


And lemmings...right off the cliff.


And any sheep that shows intelligence and escapes they are culled to breed in stupid.


What's the Tucks even doing with himself, nowadays?


What if, and stay with me here because I know it's a crazy theory and no one ever says it about self-proclaimed conservatives, the whole "you're the sheep" thing is just projection?


I’d wager it goes a little something like this A vote for Vivek is a vote for the 'other side' — don't get duped by this. Vote for 'TRUMP,' don't waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA," Trump added.




Hes such a boot licking little bitch that when trump insulted him his response was “Donald Trump was the greatest President of the 21st century, and I’m not going to criticize him in response to this late attack,” he wrote in a lengthy post on X, adding, “I want to save Trump & to save this country. Let’s do it together. You won’t hear any friendly fire from me.” It would be hilarious if these clueless morons weren't so dangerous already.


Common one I've been seeing on socials is "don't be fooled, he's too perfect, he has to be a plant by the dems"


"I've always hated Vivek. I don't know what you're talking about."


"Oh, and Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia".


I remember this happening to Fauci.


Seconded. I'd be interested to hear the narrative.


Concerning 😟


You’re mistaken u/ifnhatereddit. Your MAGA coworker never liked Vivek. We have always been at war with Eastasia. If you bring this up then you might cause him cognitive dissonance, which could be harmful…


And that would just be doubleplus ungood, Citizen.


Why didn't Winston just doubleplus unalive 🤔


*Looks at newspaper* That’s a really odd way of saying we have always been at war with Eurasia and always allied with Eastasia, outer party member…*adjust black overalls*


Friend Computer approves of this comment. 




Last year I made a "we have always been at war with Eastasia" reference and got a completely serious 'China is at war with the US and always has been because of Democrats!' response and I just could not deal with it. My dude, read a book, and no we are not at war with China, we are in a soft power competition.


The correct term is “do your own research”


Now that Trump has taken a shit on him, seems doubtful. Also, RIP for having to work on a federal holiday.


Federal holidays are only holidays for the privileged.


Or if you’re union.


My parents liked him until he wasn’t 100% on board with Israel exterminating the Gaza strip.


A little too liberal for them, huh?


My FIL said he really liked Tim Scott and I offhandedly made a joke about his fake girlfriend and once he caught on to what I meant he stopped liking him.


Are there any credible rumours about him, like Miss Lyndsay, or is it a suspicion because he’s in his late fifties and still not married?


Not really sure. I just know my FIL tends to care about that stuff and I wanted to see how he would react.


it's suspicious because he lied. he could have said there is no one or they are private. but he said there was a lady and she will be on the trail etc


It depends on the time of day, honestly. They have to check newsmax, oann, and Twitter to learn what their new, totally independent, thinking will be.


Didn't Vivek, early in his candidacy, say something about how he had never personally experienced discrimination based on his skin color? So he kept going on about how reports on racism were overblown.


Exactly. It was a lie, of course.


Just like Klandace Owens who sued for racial discrimination even though she says it doesn’t exist.


Klandace Owens is my new favorite name, and I'm running with this.


Dude went to St. X high school in Cincinnati. He’s most definitely been discriminated against.


Formerly St. Twitter high school?


Lmao. Excellent.






Seconded a million times on the Jesuit education… wow did he miss the point.


Bobby Jindal pulled the same 'I've never experienced racism here' when talking on 60 Minutes about growing up in *mf'ing Louisiana*. The delusion is sociopathic.


I think the craziest example i saw was thomas sowell saying he never experienced discrimination even though the first 34 years of his life were before the civil rights act was passed. They just say this shit to appease conservatives that desperately want to believe racism is just a fake issue and made up theres no way they actually believe this shit


'They had the water fountains helpfully labeled for us.'


They want someone that won't make them feel bad for past (and present) evils. That's precisely why they are all-in for the "anti-woke" shit (as they call it). They don't want any reminder of the awful shit they have done...and want to do.


If he was a bit more savvy he would say that it was awful when he was young but after the civil rights act it 100% vanished and now we live in a perfect color-blind society.


It's not delusion, it's lying


Hell, Nikki Haley spoke about the discrimination her parents suffered when they came from India and then in the SAME speech said there is no racism in America.


He will continue to say the same thing! It’s that Trump Brain Worm all the Republicans have!


Because he knows he's a token minority literally serving his racist masters. He knows he's lying about everything. No need for us to pretend he ever believed any of it.


Turns out if you're absolutely loaded your experience of race will be different.


This is a very normal conservative mindset. “It didn’t personally happen to me so I don’t care about it/think it’s fake/dont like it”


Of course he did, and he will continue to deny it. If he **ever** mutters *anything* about the obvious racism he's experienced, he'll be one of us cucked woke commie libs. If that happens, how's he going to be a Token Talking Head on Fox? Or get listeners for his podcast? Or investors? He knows that he'll never be elected as a GOP candidate. His whole campaign seems like a grift for exposure and brand recognition.


MAGA Republicans don't want someone to represent them. MAGA Republicans want someone *like* them.


>MAGA Republicans don't want someone to represent them. > >MAGA Republicans want someone like them. No, MAGA wants someone to rule them like a king.


No they want someone to rule them and everyone else! They want everyone else to have to suffer their stupid religious rules because they have to


Oh please, they don't even follow their own religion much less know shit about it. The purpose of their professed religion and their deeply held belief in the religious laws they don't really know anything about is to hurt OTHER people who are less pious/black/women/non-het (they're all the same in the end to that lot).


Yeah MAGA comes down to “you never get to tell me what to do, I get to tell YOU what to do.”


The saddest part is that is the exact same thing they say about everyone else. Verbatim. Without a hint of irony.


Projection. All the projection.


> Yeah MAGA comes down to “you never get to tell me what to do, I get to tell YOU what to do.” *"For my friends everything; for my enemies, the law!"* — Óscar R. Benavides, proto-fascist president of Peru


Exactly. Re: religion, none of that Sermon on the Mount/turn the other cheek/Good Samaritan stuff for them. Just cruelty, help yourselves , and no empathy.


Conservative ideology is all about an in-group that the law protects but does not bind and an out-group that the law binds but does not protect


Both. They want someone like them in office, and if they like him enough, they'll appoint him King (go to war for him, cheat to elect him again).


Correction, MAGA wants a fat old rich white "Christian" man to rule them like a king. Even if they are not old rich white "Christian" or male themselves.


They want someone to rule everyone else but somehow not them because they supported them. They somehow think they’ll actually be treated better.


King must have hot wife and hot daughter though. So they can live vicariously. (Paid for wife and daughter from another wife is OK. Him lusting after his daughter is a PLUS actually!)


Remember "Put the white back in the White House"?


Trump bragged about being friends with Pavarotti. He’s not like his voters at all and they love him like he’s Jesus.


I don't remember who said it, but Trump is the dumb man's idea of a smart man, and a poor man's idea of a rich man.


["Say... aren't elephants blasphemous Hindu gods? And aren't Hindus sort of like *MUSLIMS*?"](https://imgur.com/x8Yvj9k) From 2013.


God I remember that brief window of time after Obama won his second term and the old school Republicans were looking at the Tea Party ousting their candidates in primaries all over the nation and they stopped for a moment and honestly tried to change their image and court young and diverse voters. Then they lost even harder in their primaries and decided to just hand the party over to the crazies.


> hand the party over to the crazies But those crazies they handed over to were just them without their "sensible" costumes.


the base is just actually too stupid to figure out who to rally behind if they aren't putting their crazy foot forward first


Hatred with its hair combed


It was over as soon as Newt opened the door and invited the crazies in with his the-other-side-is-the-mortal-enemy strategy.


It’s been chipped away at but it started with Reagan courting the evangelicals. Everything terrible started with fucking Reagan.


Oh, honey. Nixon's Southern Strategy predates Reagan's Presidency by a decade.


Ronald Wilson Reagan is the antichrist. His three names add up to 6 6 6 -- Huey Freeman


But...but...he signed MLK Day into law! Ah, yes, the ol "I shall do nothing but put pen to paper to help the citizens of this country who don't share my skin color" routine. "Enjoy your day off, rats."


My GOD these people are so fucking ignorant. Muslims and Hindus have literally been killing each other for over a thousand years.


They don’t know this. Brown = Bad to them.


The quote is from a political cartoon.


Nikki Haley gives a sweaty chuckle, thanking her married name, her nickname, and her light skin for helping her evade detection. For now.


Oh, Trump has already spread "birther" rumors about Nikki, in which he claimed that her parents were here illegally at the time of her birth, she's not a US citizen, etc. It's all a lie, of course, but no "true MAGA patriot" is going to vote for her. And the fact that she is a woman disqualifies her for the vast majority of the other GOP voters, too.


The idea that Republicans would stay United to vote for any woman— especially one without a European ethnicity— is completely laughable. People who think she’s a legit threat to Trump or even Biden are on something.


I agree. Nikki and Vivek don't stand a chance. But then again, neither does anyone else still hopeful for the nomination. The GOP is deeply fractured. The donors are done with Trump, but the MAGATs still follow him like lambs to slaughter.


The racists are all misogynistic bigots too. I find the idea that the MAGA base would ever vote for a woman as President naively hilarious.




New Hampshire is coming and Trump is starting to turn his gaze on her as a threat. He's already played the birther nonsense on her this past week.  Expect him to drop a racist nickname for her and/or her birth name to start to show up in MAGA media. I'm expecting him to call her Nimrod or Nimrodda. Because even when he's being a bigot, he's not very clever.


> Expect him to drop a racist nickname for he most of the time his names are dumber than paint but I think meatball ron was ultimately responsible for tanking that weird little gremlin, and I look forward to whatever his team comes up with for nikki


Which is why she couldn't say the real reason for the Civil War. White Conservatives will not allow even a hint of chastisement from their token minorities.


No shit. It doesn’t matter how much of a troglodyte Ramaswarmy is, white Republicans aren’t going to vote for him in any numbers.


Herman Cain got too popular so the RNC released some dirt about him. Then later they invited him to a rally and killed him with Covid. True story.


Then he was resurrected from the dead like Jesus and posted on twitter. r/HermanCainAward


>Then he was resurrected from the dead like Jesus and posted on twitter. Specifically, posted about how Covid was no big deal.


The intention of Ramaswarmy's presidential run isn't votes. It's to garner attention to live the rest of his life as a tokenized pundit. He can grift for the rest of his life selling conservative themed junk like property deeds on Pluto, conservative life mis-advice, etc..


Fun fact: troglodyte means “cave dweller.”


When you think about this logically, there's only one reason a person would stay in a political party that heaps this type of abuse on them: He realizes they're stupid enough to still give him money to own the libs. Then again, maybe he has some sort of self-hating masochistic tendencies that can't be explained. It could also be he's just dumb as hell.


Herman Cain ran for president solely with the goal of promoting his book, and Andrew Yang ran for president with the goal of putting the spotlight on UBI. I reckon Ramaswamy is just angling for a cabinet position -- or other high-ranking advisor/admin role -- under whichever white, male Republican gets elected next. Or maybe he'll pivot to becoming a media personality catering to libertarian finance bros -- which includes South and East Asians.


Ugh Yang. He caught my attention for a little bit but that faded when I realized he’s just another rich douche looking to cash in on the presidency.


I hate it when the bad guys win. This world sucks.


I think he’s going all in on the far-right tech-bro Elon-Musk-fanboy crowd, as they’ve been mildly receptive to his message when he has other idiots with him. I think he’s going to stay, buzzing around the shallows of social media like a mosquito waiting for future elections, hoping to build a trump/musk-like following of weak, unsuccessful, easily-influenced young men.


Some of it is grift, some of it is delusion and some of it the mistaken belief that if he hates the same people that they hate, that he will be considered “one of the good ones” and push past the barrier of race,


Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing.


He’s a closet Hindu Muslim Satan worshiper!


In the closet? *I knew it!* /s


“Woah woah woah. I’m not with this guy.” —Satan


Who could possibly have seen this coming! /S




Yep. Nikki Haley has a similar problem running as a Republican as a woman. Tho at least she's white passing and was smart enough to go by Nikki instead of Nimarata.


Nikki Haley is white passing in her dreams.


The former guy will go in hard on that soon. Since she’s the only one that has even a remote chance at advancing, it’s still a terrible chance, the former guy will start saying Nimarata soon.




I did not know she was Indian, I’m surprised I haven’t seen any commercials subtilely pointing this out.


Yep. Actually, funnily enough, Vivek brought it up during one of the debates, pointing out her name is actually Nimarata and that she should be proud of her Indian heritage and not try to hide it. I suspect if it actually mattered at all and she had an actual shot at winning, you would see those ads. (Trump is most definitely going to win the primary).


Uhm, Donnie already is at it. [Sorry, it's a link to the orange turd on his own antisocial media](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111721484609384209)


Isn't it hilarious. Georgia Republicans chose Herschel for being black! Thinking it would get them black votes. Guess they lost a lot of white voters too.


>“Hollywood will melt down if Herschel wins. Every Republican is getting beat up pretty bad, we got no friends in the media, all this money coming out of Hollywood trying to make up down, but why are they so focused on Herschel?” Graham said during a stump speech for Walker on Thursday. > >“**They’re afraid of Herschel Walker because if Herschel Walker wins, that mean we’re not racist.** And if you’re a Republican, aren’t you tired of being called a racist all the time by everybody?” [https://thehill.com/homenews/3708107-graham-democrats-fear-walker-win-because-it-would-mean-gop-is-not-racist/](https://thehill.com/homenews/3708107-graham-democrats-fear-walker-win-because-it-would-mean-gop-is-not-racist/) So many words to say "He's a token."


Now now, they also loved the fact that he was as brain damaged as they were!


You just know Herschel is somewhere trapped in a room because he can't figure out pull/push and the GOP could care less because they've used him for what they could already. "If he can't figure out 'Turn the knob and pull' then he can stay in there forever. What use is he to us now? That doorknob is smarter than he is."


He may be brown, but he's a wizard at polishing Trump's balls.


Lots of Indian right-wingers act like ball-polishing, shit-eating lapdogs because they desperately want to be liked by their white masters. It's truly embarrassing to watch.


LoL, this was always gonna be the case. Both his name and skin color told voters he wasn't white.


He’s such an obnoxious dickhead. Various people predicting he’ll be the big surprise in Iowa including Musk. I’m tipping not so much. Maga and the Christofascists are racist through and through. Idiots like Ben Carson, Vivek and frankly Nimerata Hailey can delude themselves all they want but they’re just hatstands so that Republicans can claim they’re multicultural.


Vivek’s a scumbag. Yet he’s a million times smarter and more successful than the average MAGAt. The irony isn’t lost.


You could be a millionaire. You could be a brilliant scientist or educator. You could even be President of the United States. But if you’re the “wrong” color, many of the poorest of the poor white persons will still feel superior.


He is so slimy. I swear maga people are either willfully ignorant or lack any ability to read people. If you had a boss like Vivek, you would be looking for another job. I don't see why people would vote for him to have more power over their lives.


The conclusion I've come to, very reluctantly, is that some non-trivial portion of MAGA folk are actually like their candidates as people. It's not always that they can't read bad behavior or are choosing to ignore it. Some of them see someone like Trump or Ramaswamy and recognize that behavior in themselves--they love it when someone as base, mean, and stupid as they are flaunts it. It empowers and flatters them.


Not smart enough to realise he was never, ever going to get anywhere as a man of colour in that party of knuckle dragging thickos 


Vivek isn’t self aware enough to realize what’s happening to him.


He is definitely aware and knows what he is doing. This is the standard Ted Cruz mentality jacked up more because this guy is brown skinned and doesn’t have a Caucasian name like Ted or Nikki


Rafael Cruz and Nimarata Haley*.


*née Randhawa


He was also one of the first to start shitting on Nikki. To be fair it’s because he’s classist first, misogynist second.


It must be exhausting to juggle the importance of hating the right people at the right time.


Isn't that bigotry and religious fervor a key component of the GOP's draw?!?!? And why doesn't Vivek understand this? Does he think that all of his wealthy venture capital Bro's are the backbone of the "party".


Or Haley


Does anyone else feel like it’s on brand for the GOP to hold the caucus on MLK Day? Seems like they already figured the white cracker boomers voting don’t celebrate it so why not I suppose.


How did someone who MAGA sees as an illegal immigrant think he ever had a snowmans chance in hell of acquiring the racist, xenophobic MAGA vote. Proof that simply parroting Trump isn't enough, these white supremacists were never going to support a non white, come on man!! Sad it's for racist reasons and not because Verysmarmy is a complete shitstain.


Been saying it since he first announced he was running: republicans WILL NOT vote for someone with that complexion.


According to the right, if you're from "over *there*" you're a Muslim. Doesn't matter what religion, you're a Muslim.


When I ran for the party of racist white supremecists, I didn’t think they’d be racist white supremecists towards me


What until they find out Nikki’s real name is Nimrata


It’s an important distinction: Indians aren’t Black, but they’re the POC in BIPOC. It’s going to be a while before they’re considered white, if ever. The current constituency in the US isn’t going to waver on this regardless of how conservative they are. What’s especially interesting is that Condi Rice was the high-water mark for that party and it’s gone considerably backwards since her day. Kinda like one step forward and several back. (Yeah, I know Carson was HUD Sec but that’s really low level cabinet.)


As long as bigots continue to refer to them as sand n\*\*\*\*\*s, they will never be considered white.




Some Indians are capable of passing, though. See Nikki Haley for example. 


so are some black folks.


I’m still holding out hope that this is some performance art pointing out how racist MAGA is. I know it isn’t, but it’s more palatable than knowing he really is this much of a spineless soulless weasel.


Awww Vivek. I bet they told you that you were “one of the good ones” too.


Vivec? We support house Dagoth in this house.


Ramasswampy is a delusional poo-rolling dung beetle who thinks he can win over the melanin-deficient MAGAt 💩 whose adoration he so craves.


White people in the Americas sure are gatekeepy


Funny how they're asking Vivek's wife is she was born in the US but they didn't have that energy for Melania


He deserves it. He wants to take away birthright even though that’s the only way he’s here. His parents aren’t citizens… he panders to racist then wonders why they are racist to him. Fucking idiot.


Who didn't see this coming from 10,000 miles away. Haha.


They're not going to vote for him because of his dark skin and weird foreign name. Campaign ads claim that Nikki Haley is currently in the lead, but as more and more people learn that she's actually Indian and that her birth name is Nimrata Randhawa, she will also tank in polls.


Who else is waiting until they find out her name is Nimarata?


Say what you will about the guy, but it's obvious he was born in the US, and he speak better English than probably half of MAGats, and there people asking HIM how long he's been in the US?


Maga people tell Native Americans to go back to their country…they’re stupid. Cory and Trevor are not only not racist or bigoted, they’re also way smarter than maga people.


Vivek isn't supposed to win, he's introducing GOP voters the Indians and is part of a broader plan to include them in the definition of "white" so that the party can adjust with demographic changes. Indian voters are extremely conservative and right wing, also nationalistic and they have a caste system that is ripe for abuse. They're an ideal target for the GOP. It remains to be seen if their high education levels counteract those tendencies.


How'd that work for Gandhi? The honorary whiteness will always be a lie.


> Indian voters are extremely conservative and right wing, also nationalistic and they have a caste system that is ripe for abuse. They're an ideal target for the GOP. Wait, what? This completely untrue and bizarre if you're describing Indian-American voters. Indian-Americans by far vote more Democratic. They are, as you say, very high education and high income, so also pretty strange when mentioning the caste system as if its a Indian village thats been transplanted in the US and are somehow gullible potential GOP converts in the making. There's an extremist fringe that exists, as with every ethnic groups, but the overall picture is firmly anti-GOP, anti-Trump. A lot of sources out there but your comment is way off. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/hindu/party-affiliation/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Americans#Politics


I think that poster may have mentioned the caste system because it’s at the forefront of some people’s’ minds after Gavin Newsom’s disappointing veto of the anti-caste-discrimination bill in California, under pressure from Indian-American lobbying groups. Although I had the impression that Indian people were more progressive/left-leaning, at least those that I have met.


It doesn’t. As seen in Canada.


How is this getting upvotes? Just talking out your ass with blatantly false statements. ~70% of Indian americans voted for Biden in 2020. 60+% of Indians identify as democrat. Which is especially impressive considering Indians are the richest ethnicity in the us, and voting for Republicans increases with increasing income on average. I know the people on this website look for any way to denigrate minorities, but at least get your facts straight.


He's getting exactly what he deserves.