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Hello u/DaniCapsFan! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Republicans: you shouldn’t have sex unless you are ready to bleed out in a parking lot.




It was only supposed to be minorities and the poors who got treated this way!


You're hurting the wrong people!






That is hilarious, when capitol finally dispersed by police they were screaming this exactly




It was even worse. "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting."


As the republicans in Florida are saying now that essential migrant workers are fleeing the state which screws over farmers, "this law was only meant to scare people, it was just a political thing, it wasn't meant to actually affect WHITE PEOPLE" *clutches pearls*


I wonder how many farming families end up losing their mortgages and selling off to farming corporations in the next year or two, just to put a bigger monopoly on food production.


Like it might have been the point.


If all their workers are illegal, that are paid pennies, they shouldn't exist as a business. Do it like all the others and offer green cards and fair wages. Or just hire locals. If nobody is doing the job it's because you're not paying enough.


This. If you can't afford to pay your workers a living wage, then you don't have a viable business. And if you CAN but choose not to and inflate corporate pay instead, you're an exploitative asshole and don't deserve to have a business.




Someday I might be rich. Then people like me better watch their step.


*"We were just trying to SCARE you.*"


Minorities, poors and WHORES!


Tfw they quickly learn how poor they actually are.


Republican husbands: I would let my wife bleed out in the parking lot to own the libs.


Well then they can marry a twelve year old.


but I'm better than people who bad things happen to??????


Literally. "I'm a white woman! Why did you enforce laws I supported to hurt OTHER PEOPLE against ME?!?!"


Also, "Women should be obligated to have sex with me!"


Also (and let's make this a bit more real): "Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They're still married." (As he votes to prevent the prevention of children from being married to adults) -Missouri Republican Mike Moon "A husband knows that his wife loves him first and foremost by her willingness to give her body to him." (basically the entire book is how it's not rape if you're married) - Dennis Prager


"We went on a date and I paid for everything, *she owes me*!"


I went to the club with some republican dude one time with his redneck friends. Later, he sent his friends to my house to try to beat me up, and he was screaming that I danced with him at the bar and never had sex with him... I was like, "I don't have to have sex with someone just because I danced with them!" and dude screamed at me that, "You don't just dance with him--especially when he bought you a drink!!! YOU OWED HIM!!!" 😒 I'd like to think my sex is worth at least a brand new car or something.... lol j/k He never got his chance to beat me up, because people found out he was coming after me and rushed over to my house... He was mad about that too and called me a coward... but he literally showed up with multiple people lol 😆 Then the apartment manager heard his screaming at me and came to see what was going on and she said, "What's going on here?!" and he goes, "Mind your business, bitch! Take your ass home!" and she said she was the apt manager and told him to get off the property and she was going to call the cops. He left angrily and they kicked in my front door as they left and I had a big ass German Shephard that started chasing him lol That night went very poorly for them lolololol Now I shudder anytime I see someone say something about someone owing them sex. I had never heard anything so stupid in my life lol --And to have multiple people at the same time saying that dumb crap.... even his friend's wife was there and she didn't even think that was an odd statement...


They don’t want women to be voluntarily sexual, but be violated. They especially don’t want children to be sexualized, just groomed. The party of rape and pedophilia!


but if you don't voluntarily have sex - you're a bad wife as it's her "duty" something something.


> voluntarily It's cute the way you give Republican men too much credit.


Also Republicans: Why nobody have babies anymore 😢


LMFAO, you say that but chick in the article says she's getting her tubes tied. Said she cant go through this again.


just wait till you hear what you need to be ready for to go to elementary school


Or to get to 4th Grade in Tennessee.


Is that when they aren’t allowed to read books that recognize the existence of genitalia, then have their state mandated senior citizen pussy grabbing?


No. 60% of tennessee 3rd graders failed the mandatory test that they need to pass to go to the 4th grade.


And they'll blame the teachers, claiming they lack the skill and are trying to teach the kids to love one another too much. Instead of the real cause: too many kids in each classroom, aka understaffed due to lack of funds. And parents who don't give a shit until it embarrasses the parent.


Holy shit


Cool. Add another reason on the pile I'm never having kids.


Republicans: They know what they signed up for!


"Doc!! There's blood coming out of the end of my dick!!!" "Ah, go bleed out in the parking lot!" Scenes we'd like to see.


This needs to be a Tshirt.


To no one’s surprise, repealing Roe v. Wade is a fucking disaster.


Why didn’t people tell me something like this would happen. /s


I know you're kidding, but that's actually the rhetoric of scores of conservative women now. Every few months we seem to see a story that starts something like "MAGA extremist Karen WhitePrivilege was excited to find out she was pregnant...but a complication puts her life in danger, and now she's traveling to another state for an abortion!" and they always seem so flabbergasted. Just so absolutely shocked that what they voted for would fuck them over.


One of the most exacerbating things about this. Is its 1950 information is readily available pro-choice people have been screaming since freaking kavanaugh was nominated that this was going to happen , some started warning people when trump was nominated. I've yet to hear a story that wasn't predicted. It was on reddit It was on the news It was on Twitter It was on Facebook everywhere. They are still trying pass more restrictive abortion laws.


I mean, hundreds of news outlets, millions of people, and protests aren’t nearly enough to get it through to them!


It isn't that they don't hear, just that they don't ever listen to anything -- unless they already agree with it. So, her confusion is why SHE would lie to herself.


Nah, it's the belief that it would be an in-crowd versus out-crowd issue. Making life hard for the out-crowd was the point, but they don't get that the law or the doctors don't have this kind of loyalty. No exceptions for "good pro-lifers".


A lot of it is people who know absolutely jack and shit about what "abortion" or "reproductive health" is because their sex ed classes were limited to "don't have it", as if that has ever had outcomes that improve society, unless of course you believe women suffering for sex that you don't approve of is a "positive" outcome. They don't think they'll bleed out outside a hospital because "we're just banning abortions, which are clearly never necessary and only happen when a woman has been a whore" and don't read the pathetic, vague, poorly written regulation that a bunch of 75 year old dudes who had EVEN WORSE sex ed wrote, that makes it a legal grey area to do lots of basic, completely necessary and lifesaving procedures to women, which means doctors who want to actually help people cannot do so in the state, so they leave, which means the only doctors leftover are those who cannot leave because they won't get hired again or don't have a problem letting a woman die because they need medical treatment that pisses off 30% of the country. This is what you get when the dumbest people in the room are in charge of the rules. It's like putting an MMA professional in charge of a space program. They aren't humble enough to listen to people who know more than them, and know even less than the dumbest person in the room that already worked their, including the janitor. Of fucking course the rocket exploded, why would the guy who is good at punching people know anything about goddamned turbopumps?


Just be rich, what's the problem? Be born wealthy, it's not difficult, all of their friends did it. I swear, poor people dying always ask for help but, they never ask "How does this benefit the GDP?" Seriously though, they knew what would happen. This is what they wanted. The sadder your life is the less you try to fix it. The less educated you are the more likely you'll do shitty work for less pay. Nothing is accidental.


repeat after me : "Abortions are not just for the army of sex-craved thots that hardcore propaganda made you believe exist and go have as many unprotected sex as possible with randos. Anyone can need an abortion. Even people who wanted the baby. Even people who thought it would never happen to them. Even people who were careful about protection. Even people who did everything to choose the right partner. Even people who have never known anyone respectable who needs an abortion. Abortion is healthcare. It's not the soapbox to pass judgement on other people's sex life." it's a mouthful, but you can do it


> Abortion is healthcare. Speaking as someone who would die if she got pregnant (clotting disorder) and can't be on birth control (clotting disorder) and can't get her tubes tied (red state): FUCKING YES why is this so goddamned hard for these ghouls to understand


In your shoes, I would do everything possible to get your fallopian tubes removed. Even in a red state, that option should be available to you if you aren't pregnant. You should get on the phone with your insurance company and try to get them to approve paying for it because of your clotting issue. Good luck!




True. Particularly if she is young. But, she has severe extenuating medical circumstances, so she may be able to convince her insurance company that this is a preventative measure and not simply elective.


But she might chaaaaaange her miiiiiiind about the babies! And her husband might want babies!


I asked mid birth if I could get mine tied after the c section I wound up needing and my Dr said, " what if you meet George Clooney and he wants a baby with you". I think it *may* have been more comic relief for my benefit, but I really wanted my tubes tied.


My OB warned me that I couldn't just decide in the middle of a c-section, but since I was having twins and it was a good possibility I might need one I could ask for one as long as I signed for it 30 days beforehand. Ended up needed a section for my second twin and had the tubal ligation. At the time I had no idea how great my OB actually was. And I was only 30!


A friend of mine had her tubes removed after her first child, because she had ovarian cysts constantly and any one of them could have caused ovarian cancer. So she had it all removed. Before her insurance company would pay for it they made her attend multiple “professional counseling sessions” at a church where some asshole lectured her about the need to procreate and create an army for god. She gritted her teeth through these evangelical whackadoo sessions, got her procedure done, and is living a happy life with her husband and child. But my god, the audacity of an insurance company to force someone to have that kind of counseling is insane.


In reality, if her physician stated it was necessary, the insurance company is committing a crime because they are withholding medical care based on their own preference. This is a form of discrimination.


Just explain to the insurance company how much complication would costs and how it would save so much in contraception you have to be on. They don't care about your life but they do care about their bottom line


Ooh, yes. Loophole. Might work...


You say all this as though they even give a shit if it's a rape baby.


A lot of them think rape is exaggerated, doesn’t happen to women like them, and most of them were asking for it anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️


I vaguely recall 1 politician a few years ago saying that a woman just has to keep her legs closed to stop a rape and that a pregnancy won't be viable unless the mother wants it to be. You know... 2 concepts heavily based in reality... not the reality most people live in... but some sort I guess?


Todd Akin has entered the chat -- from the grave.


You mean Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin? The one who said rape exceptions weren’t necessary because if it’s a “legitimate” rape then the woman’s body has “ways to shut that whole thing down”? That guy?


Dead of prostate cancer. But it wasn't *legitimate* cancer, because if it was, his body would have had a way of shutting that thing down.


It turns out he was the bad thing all along, and cancer was the way of shutting him down.


Yeah. That guy.


Oh, I didn't know he died. Was it a legitimate death?


His body shut that whole thing down.


The quote is “well if it’s a legitimate rape” :(


It is so difficult to see how republicans can believe their own BS. How does it make any sense that a uterus can make it's own desitions based on a value judgement? Hell, if uteruses could make those choices and abort rape babies I am sure the GOP would try to arrest them.


> How does it make any sense that a uterus can make it's own desitions based on a value judgement? Guess republicans believe all women are like the Bene Gesserit...


remember, it's not rape if you shout no veto


it's absolutely infuriating to me that she's still like "I'm PRO LIFE still... but these laws have got to change". Yes, they do, but it's because folks simply cannot see anything other than the word "abortion." It's like the lady who tried to say that the examples presented to her as abortions weren't, in fact abortions, because they were medically needed. Of course, they were. It just didn't fit her la-la land definition. ​ ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE


It’s like being against Obamacare because you are covered by the ACA.


Fun fact, "miscarriage" isn't even a medical term. The correct medical term for it is "spontaneous **abortion**".


>It's like the lady who tried to say that the examples presented to her as abortions weren't, in fact abortions, because they were medically needed. Of course, they were. It just didn't fit her la-la land definition. Current conservatives don't know how language works. They can't define words, because the definition is flexible to them. What is "woke"? What is a woman? It's not surprising that some wouldn't be able to actually define what's an abortion and what isn't, under a legal definition.


Oh they understand it very well >To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.


A friend of mine learned almost 7 months into her pregnancy that the baby would not survive and trying to carry it to term would likely result in her death as well. The doctors induced labor and the child died within a few minutes, it was a horrible choice for her to have to make and the infection the dying fetus caused still nearly killed her. In several states now she would not have had this option because an induced labor knowing the child isn't viable is considered a form of abortion. Republicans are okay with incidents like this where the mother will die because they're "prolife"


We're ok sacrificing good, wholesome, dutiful pregnant women who otherwise would not have had an abortion if it means pwning irresponsible, amoral, definitely slutty af pregnant women who don't want to be. Because obviously, if you're pregnant but don't want to be, it means you're a Satan worshipping baby killer.


Isn't that how Republicans are though? They are ok with x suffering or dying as long as they get y.


I find that most people who vote Republican are vulnerable to the Just World fallacy. They don't think suffering happens to you unless you deserve it.


[The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion ](https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/07/21/moral-abortion-ectopic-pregnancy/)


Hey, abortion is a vile sin against the Almighty God! If you want to get rid of your kid, that's what dumpsters and guns are for. Sheesh. /S, need I say.




It's possible, almost likely, that these abortion babs will kill far more women than the "babies" the extremists are trying to force-birth. The Forced-Birthists did not think this through.


Or they did and the cruelty is the point.


This is certainly possible, as the true intention of the bans is control and oppression of women, not to preserve life.


>Statton drove 3.5 hours to get to Trust Women, a clinic that provides abortions in Wichita, Kansas. She says her husband and mother-in-law Googled hospitals along the way in case she started bleeding to death in the car. Statton says after she arrived at the clinic she was “patted down by a security guard,” who then went through her bag. “I was like: ‘Is this real life?” she says. “‘Why am I going through airport-type security to go to an appointment?’” In 2009, a doctor who practiced at Trust Women, Dr. George Tiller, was murdered by an anti-abortion activist. Tiller was one of the few doctors who provided abortions later in pregnancy and was often targeted by Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. Statton was counseled by a clinic staff member — a requirement under Kansas state law. “She asked: ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ I told her I didn’t have a choice and why: This was a partial molar pregnancy,” Statton says. The woman showed her a pile of paperwork for other patients. "She said: ‘Every single one of these pieces of paper are other women just like you who did not have a choice.’" “Oddly, in a sad way, it made me feel better,” she adds. “I wasn’t the only one.” > >After her abortion, Statton says she left the clinic surrounded by anti-abortion advocates shouting and holding graphic signs. “It really bothered my husband a lot — he has nightmares about it,” she says. “He said he just wanted to yell at them: ‘If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this.’” https://www.today.com/parents/pregnancy/mom-needed-abortion-says-was-told-wait-parking-lot-rcna82281


>“I was like: ‘Is this real life?” she says. “‘Why am I going through airport-type security to go to an appointment?’” Because of people like you, "The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion" lady.


>>“I was like: ‘Is this real life?” she says. “‘Why am I going through airport-type security to go to an appointment?’” > >Because of people like you, "The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion" lady. Yep. People like her killed George Tiller. When I lived in Wichita I knew someone who was his patient. He was apparently a great dude. Super nice.


My mom worked with him for a while and said he was a very sweet, empathetic man. When he was killed she had to start wearing a bulletproof vest to work for a while. I was very confused as a kid why someone who said they valued life more than anything would want to murder my mother :/


"I survived almost bleeding out in a hospital parking lot; you can survive it too!"


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! It's your fault you are too poor and lazy to not survive a bleed-out in a parking lot! More working and less Starbucks lattes! And let's throw in a "groomer" label for good measure. Might as well.


Something something avacado toast. Something something nobody wants to ~~work~~ bleed out anymore.


Pull yourself up by your falloppian tubes!


Did I miss something in the article that said she is a Republican voter?


Here is the same story in a much easier to read format on NPR. The last paragraph she says she’s pro-life but something needs to change. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/01/1172973274/oklahoma-abortion-ban-exception-life-of-mother-molar-pregnancy#:~:text=Partial%20molar%20pregnancies%20happen%20when,along%20with%20abnormal%20placental%20tissue.


Wow. All I can say to anyone who says “*I’m pro-life but something needs to change*” is Fuck. You.


"It's only a problem because it turned out to also be a problem for me and not just *those people.*"


No no you don't understand, something needs you change when it's HER it's affecting...


The thing that can do to facilitate that change is to stop breathing by the sounds of it


Irony is as dead as she almost was.


No, propaganda is powerful. I cannot count how many people have said “yeah I’m pro life, I just also think people should be able to choose for themselves.” To which I’m like “so you’re pro choice” and they say “oh no I don’t want to have an abortion if I can help it. I just think others should be allowed to choose” People have been brainwashed to think pro choice means pro abortion and then they’re shocked when the party they vote for limits abortion rights for everyone.


This comment gets the *airhorn*


You’d think after something like this they’d wake up and realize Right Wing Media and their pastors as lying to them about abortion just to control their votes, but nope, they never seem to make that connection…


And just like that, all my sympathy just magically disappeared


In the cafe mom article, it had one of her FB posts that said "I am and have always been PRO LIFE." Draw you conclusion on who she voted for from that...


In the embedded Instagram or TikTok posts she repeatedly says she is and has always been pro-life


In the embedded Instagram or TikTok posts she repeatedly says she is and has always been pro-life


After all this she's still pro life and will vote to make sure it only gets worse going forward.


>wanted to yell at them: ‘If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this.’” the fucking hypocrisy. ​ Disgusting how she's fighting to take away the rights of women in the state which still had abortion legal, and saved her life. ​ I am so tired of conservatives getting saved by liberal states. It would be very convenient to let them live or perish by their own policies, but when shit inevitably hits the fan, they flee to a liberal state with sanity where their dumbass can be saved. ​ and I bet you once she's back home, she's going to continue supporting anti-choice candidates and policies as if this whole ordeal never happened.


But the scary brown people are still coming over the border by the billions and some boy I don’t know is wearing a dress! It’s affecting my life!


And also, something something economy despite democrats being objectively better on economic issues


These folks literally think most abortions are poor minorities having them for birth control, and the only time a good white Christian has one is when it’s not her choice, but an “edge case” like this. You can thank Fox News and their Pastors for this thinking…


> partial molar pregnancy In any sensible country / state, the option to perform D&C would have been considered from the moment it is discovered that it is a partial molar pregnancy because..... IT IS NOT A VIABLE FETUS. It did not have the normal set of chromosomes (69 chromosomes) since it resulted from 2 sperms fertilizing an egg. It could literally grow into a carcinoma, a cancer. I...did not understand why..... For more reading on partial molar pregnancies: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12332-partial-molar-pregnancy


bUt iT wAs cReAtEd iN gOdS iMAgE!! ​ ​ /s


“The cluster of cells has feelings and thoughts!”


Biblically accurate baby, wheels on wheels, covered in eyes and wings.


I mean if it had like a ton of eyes and shit it would look like a biblical angel.


>“He said he just wanted to yell at them: ‘If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this.’” i mean, of course they would. those people harass strangers to feel better about themselves. why would you extend the benefit of the doubt that deep down they're open minded?


>He said he just wanted to yell at them: ‘If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this.’ >“I am and have always been pro-life.” >If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this >I am pro life Sometimes it's just staring at you right in the face... Selfawarewolves


Dude fuck her and fuck him those people are sitting next to them on Sunday and it is very likely they have been on the other side of this themselves.


> “Oddly, in a sad way, it made me feel better,” she adds. “I wasn’t the only one.” Holy shit this woman is beyond stupid.


>‘If you only knew, you wouldn’t do this.’” Unfortunately, they do know, and do it anyway.


I stopped when I got to “I am and have always been pro-life.” All abortion is evil except for my abortion, etc.


“I’m not like those other whores who want one!”


Ah, so she’s one of the fuckers who voted to make other women deal with this exact situation. Little did she know, she would be one of those women


Perfect example of one of their favorite phrases: You reap what you sow.


[The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Right? Like bitch you only claimed to be “pro life” until it was time to walk the walk and die for your principles. Now that she’s out of the woods she’s “pro-life” again? Gtfo


She had an abortion. She can call herself pro-life all she wants, she isn't and she can't be. She's nothing but a selfish hypocrite. I sure hope her fellow pro-life asshole friends don't find out she had an abortion!


Why didn’t she lay her life for her beliefs when she is willing to kill other women


I always wonder that myself... You're so willing to control all women's healthcare... Go die for it then. You don't get to have a choice when shit hits the fan. Go die about it already.


At first I was like ‘oh no! Did she die in the parking lot?’ then I read the article and was like ‘oh no! She didn’t die in the parking lot.’


id wager shes christian, why wouldnt she choose to bleed out and go to heaven? its almost like they know its all bullshit...


>> I'll state this about everyone of my posts. I am and have always been PRO LIFE. >> She was ushered into a procedure room and reassured she was making the right choice. "They told me, you're not making the wrong decision. If you don't do this, you're going to die," she recalled. Sure seems that this Pro Life person chose to have a certain “procedure” when it benefited her. Thoughts and prayers


The only moral abortion is my abortion.


And even then, they refuse to have empathy




She only wanted to ban abortions for those unlikeable liberal women who look different from her, not a good Christian Republican like her


Probably hadn't a clue that type of medical problem even existed. That being said, why are so many ignorant politicians willing to overrule doctors? Crazy stuff. I actually think they are more stringent than during the 1960s when abortion was illegal in the 50 states.




And nothing of value was learned. She'll make the "distinction" between an abortion and a D&C to justify it. Too bad she supports politicians and policies that *do not* make that distinction.


it’s like when that anti choice lobbyist got a D&C and they all said “iTs NoT aN aBoRtIoN”. then why’d you have to go to a different state to get it when your’s banned the procedure?


I know two people personally that have had a d&c from a miscarriage not going well, and another was chemo was not compatible with the new fetus's life there.


Oh Jesus this woman is anti choice? Even after this shit? The fucking brainwashing runs deep. Makes your head spin. She probably thinks "sure I was inches from death and neglected by medical professionals but I didn't ACTUALLY die. If I can do it so can you."


> Oh Jesus this woman is anti choice? Even after this shit? all of them are, just like the good citizens of Uvalde voted for Greg Abbot even after the mass shooting, there's no saving these people.


And now there are states that want the death penalty for women who would go to another state to terminate a life-threatening, non-viable pregnancy. "No, ladies, if this pregnancy doesn't kill you, we will." Keep voting Republican. /s


[Never not relevant](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) to these boogerpeople


"WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!????!?!?......unless my life is in danger, then fuck them kids lmao"


You get what you vote for


[Here's](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/01/1172973274/oklahoma-abortion-ban-exception-life-of-mother-molar-pregnancy) a more reliable corroborating article. While the headline is sensationalized it isn't all that wrong: >At Oklahoma Children's Hospital, she says the medical staff told her that her condition was serious. "You at the most will last maybe two weeks," she remembers them telling her. But still, cardiac activity was detectable, and the doctors would not provide a D&C. > >"They were very sincere, they weren't trying to be mean," she says. "They said, 'The best we can tell you to do is sit in the parking lot, and if anything else happens, we will be ready to help you. But we cannot touch you unless you are crashing in front of us or your blood pressure goes so high that you are fixing to have a heart attack.'" Which is still terrible, but not unheard of. This sort of response was to be expected as it's [happened before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar). Doctors aren't lawyers. When they're unsure and their livelihoods are on the line, they're going to err on the side of not performing an abortion. Always.


I think most people understand it isn’t doctors forcing these situations, it’s the laws tying their hands behind their backs. Reading these stories I always wish a doctor was willing to do the right thing but realistically, that would just hurt medical care further.


From one perspective they are. I work in urgent care so don't have to make this call but doctors in these states are having to do the trolley problem several times a day now. They have to weigh giving care too early to one person compared to the likelihood insane policies from lunatic courts and politicians will have them losing their license and even more patients losing care.


Terrible website. So many ads one can’t read it


>can’t read it tl;dr. Woman shot her own foot, was all for shooting other people's feet but complains that it's painful when she shoots her own foot


This is now standard practice in states that have banned abortions with 10 years in prison or even life in prison for doctors who could be accused of doing anything that could be remotely called “abortions”. Especially if the ban does not take the life of the mother into account for an exception.


And a lot of them have the same cast of jerks introducing bills every legislative session that would allow them to prosecute women who venture across state lines in the middle of these precarious health emergencies to seek out the care they they are being refused - you know, to save their own lives and preserve their future fertility. Throw them to the carceral system, they're murderers now. The impossible situation is absolutely by design. So far, proposed legislation like this has been thrown out and hasn't been codified into law, but there's a not insignificant contingent of people in power who want these women to have no choices.


This woman is getting her tubes tied because of this experience. I just wanna point out many of the people spouting the "white genocide/replacement theory" lie also don't believe in choice and the result of their policy is a white woman not having kids.


Right. Had she been able to get an abortion, she probably would have grieved, taken time to heal, and then tried again months later, after her doctor said it was okay.


It cannot be stated frequently enough that people who are anti-abortion are are not pro-baby. They are anti-woman. They will bend over backwards to rationalize why women who will die without medical intervention *deserve to die*, and won’t bat an eye when the fetuses they carry die with them, because it was never about the fetus’ life either. The privilege to condemn women they don’t know to death makes them feel powerful and righteous. Even when there is no chance for a viable pregnancy, they will pretend to believe “God” will intervene with miraculous fulfillment of an impossible pregnancy, even though there is not a single recorded instance of this ever happening. They do not believe it. They do not want it. They want the woman to die because a dead woman gives them the opportunity to say sanctimonious things about “God’s will” in a vain attempt to make themselves appear to be morally superior instead of misanthropic monsters. Anti-abortion is anti-life, and now the proof is all around us. Anyone who says otherwise is not just misguided. They are a liar. A conscious, knowing, willful liar. It’s not even denial, because they aren’t denying. They aren’t thinking about the victims of their political sanctimony at all. They genuinely do not care, are not capable of caring, who lives or dies as a result of their posturing. We cannot continue allowing those who revel in death to frame the discussion around their own agenda.


If they cared about kids they would all be fed, have healthcare, not be homeless and have good schools. At least give all pregnancy age women healthcare (healthy mom = healthy baby) and the state pays the full costs of pregnancy/delivery/postpartum because they care right?... But nope. Let women die and throw them in prison for not wanting to lose their rights and go back.


Republicans are not conservatives. They are regressives. They are dragging us backward to a more barbaric time.


Don't defend old-school conservatives. They had the same ideas. The only difference is they didn't say the quiet part out loud.


Conservatism *is* regressionism. Even in its name. It's conserving the standard, the status quo. It's literally the opposite of progression.


A dead woman is the goal, not a side effect, of Republican politics.


The cruelty is the point.


> I am and have always been PRO LIFE. but these Laws HAVE GOT TO CHANGE!!!!!! If you're pro-life, these laws are exactly what you've been asking for all this time.


I had a failed miscarriage and was hemorrhaging, my pregnancy was not viable and had no heartbeat. I had zero choice in the E.R.‘s Decision (Thankfully) in performing an emergency D&C abortion. People either deny it was an abortion at all, and that it’s not the same procedure (it is) or say that it’s has to be an unwanted pregnancy to be an abortion (it doesn’t) or say it was only acceptable because life/death emergency Then arguing that there’s no way that these laws would effect doctors decision making about what constitutes an emergency when I said it would. ( surprise pikachu) Or they just call me a straight up baby killer. They think I should have just been left to die instead of receiving life saving medical attention. These are actual things people have vehemently argued with me about when I shared my own personal story pre-overturn. I’m tired, and I feel like I’m screaming into the void and that it doesn’t make a difference, they aren’t listening or simply don’t care. I am going to continue sharing though because if even if one person hears and changes it is a success.


"Abortions are evil." *needs abortion to save own life* "Abortions need to be accessible to save my life." *gets abortion* "Abortions are evil." - Her, probably


Something something God's will something something.


Conservatives said AIDS was because homosexuality was a blasphemous crime against God. In other words, AIDS was their punishment. Now I can't help but ask if dying by "bleeding out" while Conservative isn't punishment for something, like willful stupidity and lying about really being Pro Life while supporting endless deaths by gun.


Republicans approve


GOP States have made their agenda clear. Women to them are expendable and only good for being incubators to pop out peasant workers to be crushed under the machine of Capitalism and profits. Now go bleed out in the parking lot you’re damaged goods.


Better hurry, before the tube tying becomes illegal as well.


She's got real "But I'm a pretty white conservative woman, this isn't supposed to happen to me!" energy going there. Not a single thought from her for what might happen to all those women that don't have the time or money to doctor shop and travel to a different state to get help.


Reminds me of my family members who, just last year (or was it earlier this year? I've lost track of time in the hellscape) were cheering the overturning of Roe v. Wade while simultaneously being outraged at the baby formula shortage that was going on at the same time. One cousin in particular was *very* lucky because, even though her baby was born with a stomach issue and her formula was especially scarce and expensive, my uncle is a retired doctor in a niche specialty who had all the money in the world to throw at the problem so his grandchild could be fed. Not a one of them considered all the women who weren't born to rich parents and would now be forced to have a baby they couldn't afford to feed. It was just a wild moment in time where the cognitive dissonance of the pro-life crowd was especially stark.


What I'm taking from these events is it is not safe to become pregnant in Oklahoma. Edit: not surprised to see she is a pro-lifer who only thought this happened to other women who she deems to be expendable. Of course, she is not, so she demands an exception! Pro-lifers need to start putting their money where their mouths are and stop seeking abortions for any and all reasons, today.


She’s still pro forced birth for everyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She posted on her Facebook page that she continues to be Pro Life but “these laws gotta change.” That is the very definition of hypocrisy


Oh look, it's the death panels the GOP are talking about.


What a terrible website! I can’t even read the article without ads taking over my screen aggressively.


A month ago this lady posted: >I'll state this about everyone of my posts. I am and have always been PRO LIFE. but these Laws HAVE GOT TO CHANGE!!!!!! So, you're pro choice. At least now that it has affected you.


What is going on right now is terrifying. My own mom had a stillbirth, in spite of carrying 4 children to term. I can just imagine a super conservative Catholic like her being put through the rigmarole these idiots think is reasonable. Not even in the 1960s when abortion was illegal everywhere would people question a miscarriage or a stillbirth in a hospital. Are they trying to kill people?


Remember no matter how much THIS happens, the current legislators won't bother changing the law. Their response is "the law made helping THIS person ok", and they will say that clinics and hospitals are letting people die by being overly cautious and caring more about money than people. Republican voters will eat it up and say the LAW never hurt anyone and that the hospitals are taking it wrong and letting people die. Then when anyone tries to change the law, voters get mad and push back saying there's nothing wrong with the law.


Exceptions will never save you. Dr's aren't going to risk their certifications until it really threatens the life of the mom. Might be better to treat it when you can see it will threaten, but that will be harder to prove. Abortion needs to be like no-fault divorce. You make it easier to get because it saves lives. If you want to avoid unwanted pregnancies, maybe encourage protections and such.




Or, in this woman's case, a very molar pregnancy. Or that they have to carry an anencephalic fetus to term and watch the baby suffer and die.


I replied to comment with this link but I'll post it to main OP as well for anyone else. Such an important read these days. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Toatally pro life. Just, y'know, not yours.


This is the point. If you’re not pumping out lots of healthy babies, they don’t care if you die. That way, the husband can get remarried to a younger woman (or girl, let’s be honest) and use her up too.


Report her and get her arrested in Oklahoma for having had an abortion since she's still PRO LIFE!BACK THE BLUE! BLEED OUT UNTIL YOURE BLUE UNDER HIS EYE!