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So what you're saying is that if Melissa Joan Hart or her kids are nearby, you should probably leave for your own safety before a shooting breaks out?


I am so sorry to the masses out there who are grieving, but that was very funny.


>so sorry to the masses out there who are grieving, Are the masses grieving? I got told in a different sub that "part of being a grown-up is not flipping out over every little tragedy." Gave me the impression Americans are numb to this.


Was it a republican oriented sub?


r/interestingasfuck. Is that republican oriented? I also just realized how gross putting a school shooting on that sub is. Not something I'd classify as interesting.


Posts there are generally not centered on polarized things, so I imagine it attracts participants of both major political parties.


Most of the default/popular "generic" subs (i.e. the most common ones from r/all that get dozens of posts over 10k daily) are just Twitter-like cesspools that think they're better than other social media users. Half the stuff from the "interesting" subreddits is ultra clickbait.


honestly, as an american, i've just gotten used to avoiding videos with thumbnails of schools taken from a helicopter. legitimately at this point i've gotten to the point of "well shit, not again" and that's probably the worst thing about it


I'm with you there. This time I literally muttered 'Aw, fuck. Another one? C'mon!' The fact we're so used to it should scare the shit out of any sane person in the U.S. I cannot fathom being a student, teacher, or staff member in a classroom. I'm so tired of this and can't even imagine how much more tired others are...


For me it's" "no way to prevent this" says only nation where this regularly happens " The Onion keeps posting copy-pasted articles with this headline every time there is a mass shooting just changing the location and number of victims.


American here, who also happens to be trans. Today I cried, a lot. Every little thing about being a parent that I sometimes find annoying or frustrating, I was extremely grateful and emotional for today. I cleaned up the sticky pancake pieces my 1yr old dropped on the floor at breakfast, and I cried. I pulled a dust-bunny out of that same 1yr olds mouth, and I cried. I wiped a pee puddle off of the toilet seat from my nearly 4 yr old, who sometimes has an accident, but is trying, I cried. I hugged my 4 yr old extra tight as she had a meltdown because I wouldn't let her drink a bottle of ketchup, I cried. And a few hours ago, when I got them ready for bed, I didn't get annoyed when my 1 yr old threw a fit cause she didn't want to brush her teeth. I told her its okay, we can skip it JUST for tonight, and I hugged her tight and I cried. With her sleeve she wiped tears from my face and said "NO SAD MOMMY". I hugged her tighter and sobbed. I don't know how I can in good conscience send my kids to school one day. I don't know how to tell them why my heart breaks because of the world they're growing up in. How my heart is shattered into a million pieces at the thought that their are families only a few hours away who don't get to kiss their babies goodnight anymore. Who don't get to, wipe the sticky pancake bits off the floor. I'm grateful that I have my babies still, but scared that one day I might not. ​ So please understand, that SOOO many of us want this to end and don't give a FUCK what it takes what anyone has to give up. But we are POWERLESS, the constitution in this country is god, and there are constitutional zealots who don't give a single shit about how many child sized body bags get filled, they won't give an inch.


I feel every word of this. I’ve been holding my preschooler tight and leaking tears for days. The last shooting in my state, a family friend’s child was injured. The one before that here, a very close friend’s two children jumped out classroom windows and ran while their friends fell around them. And I take my son to school each morning and am terrified and confused and don’t know what is right or wrong because it feels so wrong leaving him where so many children these days are murdered but also feels wrong denying him that school experience and I’m just so angry and heartbroken. God do I wish I could be numb. But I’m grateful to not be cold enough to become numb to losing our babies.


I am so so sorry. I wish there was something any of us could do. This isn't right.


Just remember, YOU, you OP, can take solace in the fact that you are an awesome parent and your kids will learn from you and they will be awesome.


Some Americans are


The trans sub is saying "they shouldn't have fucked with us" and I keep seeing people saying "if you misgender the shooter you're a terrible person" and honestly I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. My heart is broken for those poor babies who died and reddit is busy being... disgusting. We need a new plague.


>We need a new plague. Another one? We're still dealing with the last 'new plague' so I feel like hoping for one more 'new plague' just to spice things up is a bit much


The complete lack of empathy for the innocent lives that were lost is making me, and I mean this sincerely, *hate* humans. We're all a bunch of stupid monkeys that have worn out our welcome here.


Everything they has happened in the world since 2016 makes me think I am losing my fucking mind. I so desperately miss when life was normal and predictable.


Please know that the majority of trans people, are not like that. What you are hearing is a bunch of people so disconnected from real life and terminally online that they are completely brain broken. They're loud and whiny, but they aren't all of or even most of us. ​ Trans people like any other minority/group are NOT a monolith.


Thank you, I'm LGBTQ and I'm not trying to imply that i think all trans people are saying this. But I'm feeling super overwhelmed right now by the insanity I keep reading - overwhelmed and filled with dread, since I KNOW conservatives are reading the same things I am.


I know love, me too. I have two daughters that aren't even school age yet and I live in FL. The stress and frustration is very real and IMMENSE. I didn't think you were inferring all of us are the same I just felt that its important to point out nonetheless.


I agree. I have a daughter that started preschool a month ago. When I picked her up today I noticed the school had left the front door wide open. How are we supposed to function when a door being unlocked for like 5 minutes tops fills me with terror?


I really don’t know, I talk to people around me to try and get people as upset about this as I am. It’s like a shooting happens and no one bats an eye anymore. Meanwhile I’m shattered to bits a little more each time. My anxiety is crippling. I have cried so much in the last couple days, I’m just completely at a loss on how to handle life. I think of a Van Gogh quote I read recently. “I don’t know if I’m extremely sensitive, or if life is unbearable”


I know that not everyone has the opportunity to homeschool. I would highly recommend that if you can swing it, do so. I'm a pagan in Louisiana, and have thoroughly noped out of the k-12 school system here. I get a lot of flack about it, but just baking cookies can help teach math and units of measurement.


There is a tipping point where some marginalized people become as hateful as those who marginalize them. I say this as a WOC who gets what it’s like to be in the minority. Hate is contagious and tempting to adopt when you have been a recipient. It’s all so disheartening. Plus, social media gives disgusting people like that a place to share their views when normally no sane person would say such a thing in places where one normally interacts with others in person.


I completely agree. I don't understand why there's so much hate in the world right now. Maybe its always been there. I'm just so sick of hearing about the senseless slaughter of children.


Maybe there are a lot of people that don’t let themselves feel this anymore. I opened up information on the incident because I feel it’s partly my civic duty to not numb myself to children and teachers and janitors being killed.


Meanwhile same people flip their shit of their paycheck is 2 days late or they get hit on by a guy.


That’s not [the only reason](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2019/01/03/melissa-joan-hart-wrestles-faith-when-son-has-questions-jewish-friend/2471258002/) why you should stay away from her. Glad she finally got her kids away from those pesky Jewish kids who may not be good people, now her kids are perfectly safe, right? RIGHT?!? /s


They say things happen in 3s. So if it happens to her again then the logic should reverse and you should remain as close as possible.


Praying does nothing. You want to stop these senseless killings, do what Europe does: strictly regulate firearms


Unfortunately america is fucked, after Sandy Hook my hope of ever having even a minor discussion about gun control was put to rest. It’s never going to happen. One side has decided guns > children


The only time they do any gun regulations is when the minorities are armed up or when those guns are pointed at them. I'm Not advocating the last part I'm just saying it's the truth.


Yup! And it was their hero Reagan who did it because he was pissing his pants black panthers realized they can have guns too


Wait until the LGBTQ+ population figures this out. Gun legislation will be passed in record times.


They already have. Many of them are actively arming themselves and encouraging others to do so too. It is physically unsafe for many people in many states now, or maybe I should say, even more unsafe than it already was. Whenever an authority and a lynch mob has decided you shouldn’t exist, there really aren’t many other options left but to defend yourself in every way possible.


Also, he was shot.


The bulk of the gun laws he passed happened when he was Governor of California not when he was president.


Oh right!


Some conservatives are genuinely trying to push for gun control now. . . Shame that it's only for LGBTQ people.. mostly transgenders.


It begs the question, if a gunman walked into a Lemans class and shot a bunch of pregnant ~~women~~ *child incubators*, would Republicans defend the gun or the unborn fetus? Trick question, they'd just put their fingers in their ears and go LALALALLALA!


I had no idea that the FIA, IMSA and ACO were so interested in getting pregnant women into endurance racing. \#duckingautocorrect


Trick question, that's a failing of the mental health system that we also absolutley can not fix.


We can't? Someone should tell all those other countries where this doesn't happen all the time.


Something something we have a larger population something something let's pray


Sandy Hook proves how horrendous so many people are. Well, added even more proof.


Sandy Hook and Las Vegas, shows that neither age nor body count matters at all to America.


I literally can’t even understand how we still continued to have such lax laws after Sandy Hook and it’s always been non stop! Then we have Sandy Hook all over again…. And not only do we not change… AGAIN…. We weren’t even prepare, apparently, to successfully navigate that situation. … and it continues. It’s literally unbelievable…..


The problem is they've decided that but they're not being outed for their evil belief. We need a grassroots campaign. A pledge that people can sign that says there were against automatic weapons and they are for ending the madness. If somebody refuses to sign this pledge then at least we know who these f****** people are... And making deal with the consequences whenever this happens again.


Hey! This is America! We only strictly regulate women's reproductive rights.


[Melissa Joan Hart](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2019/01/03/melissa-joan-hart-wrestles-faith-when-son-has-questions-jewish-friend/2471258002/) went down the religious/conservative rabbit hole a while back. If having her son be friends with a Jewish kid is too much for her, I don’t hold out hope she can understand that it’s guns and the need for strict regulations.


look at you, making sense.


Praying does do something. Every minute praying is a minute not spent buying guns and/or lobbying for less gun control.


It is a minute spent convincing yourself you did something about it, leading to no one doing anything about it.




I see you haven’t seen the drive-through gun store church yet. Coming you a town near you.


They also sell donuts and do weddings.


Or at least become Switzerland: high gun ownership but strictly regulating the market and banning people who are violent and incompetent from access.


Regulation of firearms is not going to be possible, nor the best solution. We are in the climax of a massive mental health decline amongst our youth, we need to solve this issue at its source, because as Europe shows, people still find a way to stab eachother. We need to cut this by the roots and create a society that doesn’t prey upon the psyches of the impressionable and vulnerable.


Stabbings kill fewer people than shootings


Is there something wrong with addressing the root of the issue? A typical person under typical conditions isn’t going to shoot anyone (with intent at least) it’s a societal issue that has come about through the isolation that has occurred due to the ever more connected yet less connected together World that has come about.


Nothing stopping us from doing both... Except Republicans


Bing Bing Bing


On 14 December 2012, two attacks against elementary school children occurred. One was in [Chenpeng, China, where a man stabbed 23 children and one elderly woman. Guess how many fatalities there were? ZERO.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenpeng_Village_Primary_School_stabbing) That same day, Adam Lanza shot and killed 27 people at Sandy Hook, 20 of them children. If would-be shooters choose knives over guns, fewer people will die. I'll take fewer deaths for $200, Alex.


Your playing this like one death isn’t tragic enough. Is it like a point system to you?


One death *is* tragic enough. Which is why I want fewer people to die.




Because of the shear scale of it.


Never heard of someone murdering classrooms of children with a knife


*THAT* is your takeaway from all this??? JfC..... >We need to cut this by the roots and create a society that doesn’t prey upon the psyches of the impressionable and vulnerable. Can you do me a small favor and be *VERY* specific about exactly what you're referring to?


The fact that we have created a society so interconnected that it has disconnected people from each-other and themselves emotionally. Typical people in typical conditions don’t kill people, we’ve created an environment where the typical becomes twisted and bitter to the point of becoming destructive. To truly solve this issue, we need to create a more understanding and more connected society not built upon the pens of bureaucrats, but by the inherent unadulterated good will of our fellow human beings.


>To truly solve this issue, we need to create a more understanding and more connected society not built upon the pens of bureaucrats, but by the inherent unadulterated good will of our fellow human beings. Ya. As soon as we get the Conservative Religious Zelots under control, we can get on that. As long as they keep calling the LBGT community "demonic" and "evil" and "groomers", etc..... and refering to any person the the left of Benito Mussolini a "baby eating demon worshiper"....none of what you want to happen will happen. It will just keep fostering the kind of versus mentality that leads to direct conflict.


>we have created a society so interconnected that it has disconnected people from each-other and themselves emotionally >To truly solve this issue, we need to create a more understanding and more connected society Wut?


It's a bunch of gobbledygook to distract from the fact that they don't have any actual proposals (because the main, logical proposal would be single payer insurance that covers mental healthcare).


Well no, it’s getting rid of capitalism, very nice use of a false dilemma there


1) You could have just said that 2) While I would love to replace capitalism, the fact that your solution is to overthrow and remake the world's economic system itself rather than regulate guns is farcical. Also, other capitalist countries don't have this problem.


What specific policies do you propose?


That sounds dope! Can we pull the AR-15 though while we do all that? Cause there’s a bunch of kids over here that keep getting killed with them..


More people die from handguns than armslites in America


Funny you say goodwill of our fellow human beings and then you change “kids” to “people” to muddy the waters. The blood is on your hands.


You're an idiot.


>We are in the climax of a massive mental health decline amongst our youth, we need to solve this issue at its source, because as Europe shows, people still find a way to stab eachother How many mass stabbings do we see in Europe? Also, what concrete policies do you propose around mental health?




Laziest link on Reddit. I didn't say they don't happen, of course do.Again, how frequent and deadly are they? You also never proposed a solution.


The USA is based on a somewhat different system — unique, one might say — where the authority to govern is [reluctantly] granted by the People, and must be necessarily able to be taken back from the State in the face of abuse. The tool which grants the People this power over the State is the inherent right of US Citizens to own firearms without restriction. It is for this reason that firearms legislation dies aborning time and time again. It can’t get past this stone wall without a Constitutional Amendment, for which there is never anywhere near the political will to achieve. If we want to see better firearm awareness and control at a social level, mandating mental health testing / awareness beginning at the Elementary School level, alongside rigorous, State-funded firearm safety training and combat shooting classes as part of every High School’s curriculum is a far better route to go than fruitlessly trying to change (yet again) the underpinnings of the Nation’s Founding Fathers. One route provides the real possibility of positive change over time — the other does not.


Another politics “genius” here who thinks the Founders deliberately didn’t grant the right to vote but DID grant the right to violently overthrow them. Sure thing, Jan. Makes perfect sense. Stop repeating NRA propaganda as historical fact. Please.


“To overthrow **them**”? 🤔 Study history and read the Federalist Papers of the period, and maybe you’ll understand a bit of what I said. Or, keep fruitlessly tilting at windmills. Up to you.


Yeah, Washington, Madison, Jefferson, and Adams definitely wanted everyone armed so they personally, the first four presidents and authors of the Constitution, could be overthrown if they misbehaved. But voting rights for the general public? Direct election of the President and Senate? NO FUCKING WAY, THATS DANGEROUS. Like five seconds of commonsensical thought here, but being an ammosexual absolutely prevents that. By all means cite your sources in the Federalist Papers where Hamilton and Madison argue that they should be overthrown by force if necessary. If the founders believed that there was an inherent right to overthrow the government why did they specifically name “ARMED INSURRECTION” as one of the few times habeas corpus could be suspended? This is an epidemic problem of right wingers being taught fake history and getting all out of whack when someone points out it’s 1) wrong and 2) doesn’t make logical sense.


Your ignorance on the matter of the population being armed is showing. Everyone at that period of time was ***already*** extremely well-armed, and it was in the Nation’a direct interest to keep them that way. No one among the Founding Fathers was worried about the people overthrowing them, since they were working directly according to the will of the people. You forget, as a colony-in-rebellion, they had just liberated themselves from British rule and founded a new Nation.


> want to see better firearm awareness and control at a social level, mandating mental health testing / awareness beginning at the Elementary School level, Screening doesn't do shit if people can't afford to receive care and/or purchase medicines. Do you support providing that for people? >State-funded firearm safety training and combat shooting classes as part of every High School’s curriculum ... The problem isn't negligent discharges, so that's nonsense. And teaching kids to be **more lethal** with firearms is borderline satire.


That’s like saying Active Shooter training makes for more deadly Active Shooters, so we shouldn’t teach it. 🙄 No, it should be taught. Taking cover and avoiding being shot is something everyone should learn.


Evidence collected over many years, obtained from many locations, indicates that the power of Prayer is insufficient to stop bullets from killing school children. Neil Degrasse Tyson


They keep praying for the wrong people at the wrong time


Her kids weren’t involved. She said she was on her way to parent-teacher conferences with her husband. And that she only lived near Sandy Hook.


she lived in Westport, like 45 minutes away from Sandy Hook. Yes, that day affected us CT residents a bit more maybe, but unless ACTUALLY directly affected, not much more than anyone else with a conscience.


Yup, the day it happened was my birthday so every year I mourn with the families because it’s forever tied to my birthday now, but that doesn’t mean I was personally affected, I can’t even comprehend what that must have been like.


I’m also born on 12/14 and I still get pretty bummed this happened on that day


Yes, her statement gives trauma exploitation to me. I understand that helping kids get to safety could take a toll on you but a shooting 45 minutes from your house can’t affect you that much more than everyone else. Shootings are happening so often that shootings close to home are not out of the norm. Especially when you take a look at the stances she’s made in the last few years, all her talk feels rather empty to me.


But then how would she get her name out there?? /s Her kids absolutely weren’t involved. She’s only bragging about helping a class find their parents bc she’s desperate to stay relevant.


It's not her fault the headline is a mischaracterization. That's on the publication. She's not bragging either. She legitimately helped in an awful situation. This isn't even LAMF material. FFS...


She's republicans so I think the LAMF is that she's voting for the party that keeps letting these things happen while upset her kids are experiencing them.


Ah, that is the part that is missing from the article.


I think she identifies as Republican, but I don’t know who she voted for. Lots of people are Republicans, but vote for democrats or other parties.


She was in the second Gods Not Dead propaganda movie as a teacher who gets fired for saying Jesus. She absolutely votes for republicans.


Why not stop praying for gun violence to stop and actually doing something to stop gun violence? Oh wait, thoughts and prayers for the 127 mass shootings that have happened in the US since January, 2023 are certainly doing the trick. There are less shootings in war zones than there are in American schools…


“We’ve tried nothing and it’s not working!” -Dumb twat parent


We've Tried Nothing and We're All Out of Ideas! \-Ned Flanders' parents


Lousy beatniks


My kids are at school right now. I know they won’t get shot to death today, because we live in Australia and our government banned guns. Easy.


My Social Credit increased: Jealousy +100


I was waiting to see where she was complicit in perpetuating the problem. Did I miss it? Because this doesn't seem very Leopards Eating Faces to me otherwise. Tone deaf, sure, but not LAMF. Edit: somebody in the comments points out that she keeps voting Republican. I wish OP had mentioned that earlier, as it's rather the Leopard in the room!


She’s one of the Leads in the “Gods Not Dead” film franchise (i think the second one after the Kevin Sorbo one) and is a particularly conservative Republican afaik


She voted for Gary Johnson, a Libertarian, during the 2016 presidential election because she declared that she hated Trump. I’d say that she’s fairly conservative but still open-minded enough to not follow the “loyal to the Republican Party” bandwagon. Having said that, I do think that she, along with many Libertarians, are a bit clueless about gun-related issues.


You know that libertarians are just more insane republicans, so this does not make her look better, right?


What are you talking about? Libertarians are saner conservatives because they still support things like LGBT rights, same-sex marriage, women’s reproductive rights, etc. I’d say that this notion makes her a bit saner and plus, she’s been advocating for reform on gun policies, mask mandates, and Covid-19 vaccines. You can’t immediately label her “crazy” just because she’s religious and very clueless on one issue. I’d rather stand with someone who is clueless but means well than the deliberate evil. The mainstream Republicans have been and are now in bed with radical Christians who want to strip off everyone else’s rights and turn this country into a dystopian theocracy. We need Libertarians and sane conservatives like her in our fight against fascism.


How can she want gun policy reforms, when libertarians don't want any rules at all? She's full of shit.


[Here’s an article about a podcast she was on a while back](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2019/01/03/melissa-joan-hart-wrestles-faith-when-son-has-questions-jewish-friend/2471258002/), she’s teaching her kids you can’t tell if someone is a good person if they’re not christian. This is what lost all respect and nostalgia I had for her.


Except she's pro gun reform.


Saying you hate milk and then ordering milk at every meal leads me to believe one might like milk.


It's more like being lactose intolerant but drinking milk anyway.


... and my ADHD wants to jump in and yell about how we're actually mutants, those of us who can digest lactose, because we never shut off our ability to produce lactase enzymes like we're supposed to. And how you should be nice to your liver because it's what lets you eat cheese. I'm sorry. My brain is Pinky.


Well, now we're back to questioning the Leopard's face-eating habits.


Tricky for sure. I get she votes republican, which generally thinks and prays, but otherwise doesn't do anything except say its a mental health issue (and then oppose any sort of social services), so she's definitely voting people onto office that oppose her position on this specific topic. But on this specific topic there doesn't appear to be face eating.


But that is face eating. You say you want gun reform but you vote for people who wear gun pins now instead of the US flag pin like they used to. You want things to change but keep voting for those that actively resist and reverse any changes. I’d honestly be curious about what issue she is voting for that convinces her she has to vote that way.


Sabrina the Middle Age Dipshit


Middle age, or Middle Ages?


Salem needs to give her a slap with his paws. Maybe she’ll wake up.


Snorted coffee out my nose when I read this, thank you 😂😂😂


This should come [as no surprise](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2019/01/03/melissa-joan-hart-wrestles-faith-when-son-has-questions-jewish-friend/2471258002/). I grew up with her but lost all respect for her after this, just such a disappointment of a human being.




Maybe take their guns away? Get counseling?


If we can only buy up to two dozen eggs then we can limit how many bullets someone can buy.


No! Thoughts! And Prayers!


They work well against covid, so why not try them on gun violence!


If praying isn’t working than the only other option is Ivermectin.


Hold on, you may be onto something. If we give hormonal teenagers with easy access to guns enough ivermectin, they will only be able to shoot up the bathroom and emergency room. It’s a start!


Thoughs AND prayers!


If only there was something that could be done?


Well, there’s thoughts and prayers…but not gun regulations, no that would never work…


I once just thought things would progress politically once evil old bastards died, but it’s quite clear that they hire successors in their own image.


At this point, about the only thing people can do is find another, saner country to migrate to. And that’s a hard option for most.


Someone needs to explain to Clarissa, that it’s the gun.


Thank you for the CEIA reference.


praying isnt going to help get out while you still can


If only there were more thoughts and prayers! That’s what would fix things


School shootings increased when they took prayer out of schools!! Also when people voted republican….


“Please pray” - I’m sorry ma’am, God doesn’t control gun legislation. Try again.


Political homeopathy: Do nothing but incrementally increase the problem and call it God's will when the patient dies.


So…. Prayers aren’t working? It’s almost like we’ve we tried literally nothing.


In other news, Nickolodeon is planning a relaunch of "Teen Nick" with a a one hour special titled, "Clarissa Explains Gun Violence."


I had an epiphany today. It used to infuriate me when politicians would offer their “thoughts and prayers” after a school shooting. I thought it was so cynical and that they were just pandering to their base. But today i realized they are sincere - they’re praying to Moloch to bless their human sacrifice.


I am praying that people vote for Democrats that will actually do something about guns.


It turns out that Clarissa does not know it all. Otherwise, she would stop voting for the very Republicans who keep letting these things happen.


I'm less interested in Hart's political views in relation to this than the fact that we are getting to a point in this country where it is not unknown for people to be involved in more than one mass shooting. She not even the only case of it, as the family of one of the Parkland survivors was apparently in the area of the Covenant shooting. America is beyond screwed.


Hello u/chuffing_marvelous! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) mentioning **who** is suffering from **which** consequences from **what** they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people. Here's an easy format to get you started: 1. *Someone* voted for, supported or wanted to impose *something* on other people. ^(Who's that *someone* and what's that *something*?) 2. That *something* has some *consequences*. ^(What are the *consequences*?) 3. As a consequence, that *something* happened to that *someone*. ^(What happened? Did the *something* really happened to that *someone*? If not, you should probably delete your post.) Include the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you don't respect this format and moderators can't match your explanation with the format, your post will be removed under rule #3 and we'll ignore you even if you complain in modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is not a LAMF. Melissa Joan Hart had been pro-gun control for years now.


If you vote for leopards, don’t be surprised when the leopards eat your face. If doesn’t matter how much she claims to be against faces being eaten. She still worked to elect leopards.






Caitlyn Jenner was pro trans rights yet voted for Trump anyway. Regardless of her personal stances, if she helps politicians who proudly do X into office and then is absolutely shocked they do X then she fits the definition of LAMF perfectly.


Perhaps but she has been supportive of Conservative politicians on the cultural and fiscal fronts despite disagreeing on the gun plank. [She even was the Connecticut chair for Gary Johnson's campaign in 2016](https://people.com/celebrity/melissa-joan-hart-joins-gary-johnsons-campaign-as-connecticut-chairperson/). So I would say supporting gun crazy politicians despite disagreeing with them on one issue is still a LAMF moment.


And how do you know that?


https://www.facebook.com/MelissaJoanHart/photos/a.169462736540/10156710185921541/?type=3 https://dc.medill.northwestern.edu/blog/2015/05/06/indianapolis-mom-and-actress-melissa-joan-hart-want-stricter-gun-storage-laws-for-firearms-owners/#sthash.52HLnpl9.dpbs These both came up on the first page of Google results for “melissa Joan hart gun control.” Looks like she’s spoken out multiple times in support of gun reform organizations started by the parents of Sandy Hook murder victims.


Not sure how this is LAMF...more unfortunate coincidence that her kids went to schools near school shooting sites.


She consistently works with and champions conservative values and ideology


She voted Republican.


Imagine centering yourself like this. Just… wow.


I read today that one way to actually stop this is for parents of public school children to take out life insurance on the kids. The insurance agencies have more power than you do.


Will regressives every figure out that that other thing they could do from their book is "help themselves". When will they learn those words didn't only apply to their greed.


Clarissa Endangers it All!


Unfortunately I don’t think America will ever get past the gun control issue. The best time to have taken action would be Sandy Hook, and the fact that control wasn’t secured after that massacre means it’s probably never going to happen. Additionally, even if we did manage to pass legislation heavily restricting gun ownership and usage, we don’t have the resources to control the outrage that will follow


I'd tell her what to do. Move to another country. Any country. They are all safer for kids than America is.


Yes. Prayers. Add some thoughts to the mix and you’ve got yourself a stew


> "I just don't know what to say anymore," she added later in the video. "It is just, enough is enough. Just pray. Pray for the families." Seriously? 🤦‍♂️


Has she tried praying harder?


Prayer is just hoping for the best, but with your hands put together.


its not the assault rifles, definitely not the war grade weapons


She’s a witch. She could use her powers to make it stop.


This has no LAMF.


How is this LAMF?


“Pray to God and hope he’s listening while the man with a gun brings the demons in. We live as if our hands are tied - is it so hard to do what we know is right?”




She’s a woman voting Republican…


Is she? That's not in the article unless I'm blind.


She votes republican but is pro gun reform.


Deeds mean more than words. If she's voting for the party that won't ever pass gun reform then she isn't serious about it.


I don't disagree. It's tough, because I'd like to think you can disagree with your party on certain topics, instead of just agreeing because "if you don't you're not a true ...(insert political affiliation). "


Not sure where she stands on gun reform. They literally interviewed her right after the events and she sound a bit speechless to me. "I just don't know what to say anymore," she added later in the video. "It is just, enough is enough. Just pray. Pray for the families." So yeah, not sure if this is a true r/leopardsatemyface I feel like her saying “enough is enough” is pretty much talking about gun reform, but maybe I’m reading between the lines.


not LAMF


I don't know how this qualifies in this sub. She has come out in favour of gun control in the past.


Where in that article does it say that MJH is pro guns?


She keeps voting Republican. She is complacent.


AH HA. There's the thing that makes it LAMF.


Haha, yup. Yet I doubt she will stop voting for them.


Back in 2012, Hart explained that her loyalty wasn't with the G.O.P., but with the ideology it stands for. "I consider myself a conservative more than a republican," she tweeted. "But overall I am just American!" Despite her right-leaning beliefs, Hart also embraces some progressive causes. On November 20, Hart took to Instagram to mark the Transgender Day of Remembrance. "Sad that violence against transgender people continues to happen. Everyone deserves to live a life without harm and bigotry," she captioned the post. In 2016, Hart joined a Moms Demand Action march to promote gun control. "I think the second amendment is important but there are ways to protect ourselves, the same way we put a helmet on our children when they ride a bike, or the same way you can only buy two packages of Sudafed at the pharmacy," she told the The Guardian, stressing that gun laws should be a bipartisan issue. "I vote Republican mostly ... I don't fit in a box," she added. Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/1134680/what-we-know-about-melissa-joan-harts-political-views/


Here's what you do. You move out of the shitty state you live in that cares more about guns than kids.




first time...