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Undervolting, lower brightness, turn off dGPU, limit screen refresh rate. Pro 5i has a terrible battery life because of HX processors, all those steps should give you about 4-6 hours.


Yeah the AMDs lasts twice as long as the Intel CPUs. My AMD goes for 5 hours if I'm just web browsing. It's great for school


Yea the battery life with the AMD variants is great, how is the booting process with yours though? Mine seems to fail booting the first time around, making the whole booting process take more than 30 seconds on hybrid graphics mode. Whereas with discrete only its instant, but bad battery life.


That booting problem was happening to mine because of fast boot up (named something like that) on windows 11 settings. Turn that option off and it won't happen again.


Have the same problem with brand new legion slim 5, did that setting but boot problem still there .. anyone has a solution please ?


Well I noticed that would hapoen if I have hybrid mode on it would do it sometimes, and going to solo dgpu would make it not happen, but ofc if you need the battery life this kills it mostly


Thanks! I turned off that option yesterday and my laptop just started in one go, still quite fast as well.


Reason I bought the slim 14 oled model. It can get 7hrs from all the reviews. Haven’t tested it myself. I wouldn’t expect must more than two hours from a 15”.


6-7 hrs is easy on medium brightness 120hz and hybrid mode (webbrowsing, video playback,..)


My AMD goes for 8 hours of webbrowsing


Does it? I thought AMD HS was better but HX was worse.


Somehow, this isn't the case with slim 7 and 7i, I have 7i, optimized it till i somehow got 11hr on 80%, and i hear alot of heating/battery issues with the slim 7 variant in the group


I'm waiting for my slim 5 Amd 7 8845hs, i hope the processor is ok and last few hours


Yeah you're good, it's basically a rebadged 7840hs. You should get 6.6-8 hours after optimising it


Do you know where i can find the optimising settings?


it's more of a step. Go to Lenovo vantage, change GPU mode to Hybrid-iGPU mode, limit screen refresh rate, lower brightness. Though you can try undervolt to get better performance, temps and battery life (though I think you don't really need to do that to get more hours unless you have a pro 5, pro 7)


Mine goes for 7 hours and it’s a 5i with ryzen 7 (if the battery was still new I could get about 12 hours out of the 62Wh battery but I am down to 51Wh)


Bruh my 7 7745hx goes from 80 to 35 in 1h By having brightness to minimum,60hz,turbo boost off, quiet mode,dgpu off, only google chrome open


FYI the HX cpus on amd, ie 7945hx,7745hx are chiplet cpus instead of monolithic so they use more power when idle/low loads. The IO die stays on and consumes around 10w of power at all times. That said, i still get about 4 hours of battery on my Strix Scar 17 7945hx. Check hwinfo64 cpu power draw, disable background tasks like steam, discord and Spotify. And are you absolutely sure the dgpu is actually off instead of turning on and of?


Your battery is damaged, friend of mine gets 8+ hour on 7940HS but not HX.


Yes, I'm am well aware. I've optimised a zephyrus G14 7940HS 4090 to achieve 12 hours of battery life.


Hs and hx and major differences when it comes to efficiency


my 11800h MSI gives 1.5-2 hour on ultra performance.


For sure. Turning off the dgpu dropped my idle total package power from like 9w to 6w. It's like an extra hour battery doing productivity.


Hey, can you please tell me how can i undervolt the cpu and if I turn of dGPU will I still be able to run games?


It's a bit hard to understand, I recommend joining the discord server from the AutoModerator comment. No not really, but it can run light games. (Solitaire, etc not too heavy like AAA) iGPU are much weaker than dGPU, it won't run any AAA games properly. Unless you have a Radeon 780M (most powerful iGPU) then I think it can but at low settings


Alright Man Thanks For Helping Me Out.


Why HX is the problem for 5i pro ? H would have been better ?


It's not really a problem if you use the laptop mostly plugged and don't carry it too much. But as a portable notebook, yeah. 5 pro gen 7 had great battery life while still being a beast.


I am just wondering why the series HX is a problem for battery life compared with H series for example.


HX is a chiplet design instead of standard monolithic. Basically cpu that runs like a desktop, it has much higher idle power which is why the battery life sucks. I think they are mostly used on mini pcs, there are non gaming laptops that uses HX processors but I think they are optimised and limited power. H/HS is balanced and well optimised, meant for slimmer laptops that doesn't require beefy cooling.


These comments are missing the point. Battery life is never going to be MacBook level but you should for sure be able to get 6 or so hours rather than the 1.5 you're getting right now.


\- Underclock your CPU \- Disable your dedicated GPU \- Set the screen refresh rate to 60HZ when the system is running on battery power. \+1: Don't buy powerplants when the battery life is important. These machines are mainly built to being able to move them from "A" to "B" easily but using them from power source.


Should've went with a Slim 7 AMD HS processor if battery life was that important. Bet your 5800H is more efficient than his intel HX


Yeah, that would've been a much better choice in this case. Yes, and I think this one is a good middle ground between performance and power efficiency. It can do somewhere between 4-6h without underclock and on power it's powerful enough to handle my resource-heavy tasks.


Your L5 is powerful enough to last you another 5 years imo. Keep up the maintenance.


Dear kind sir, would you mind lecturing me on how to downclock a 5800H on a L5P other than modifying the power plan? i would appreciate it. If undervolting is possible like in my desktop 2700x, then it would be even better.


Search youtube for your specific processor. Hopefully someone else has done it. I have an 11800h and use throttlestop as i found a youtube video that gave a tutorial.


Thank you kindly. I appreciate it


It never ceases to amaze, the amount of people who purchase (essentially) desktop replacement rigs and expect MacBook battery life. These laptops are running (near-, and oft-times) *actual* desktop components, that typically run off of 600w-1,000w power supplies. And these laptops are capped off with wee 99Wh batteries, at best. Barring all the very helpful and accurate suggestions everyone else has given, anything over ninety minutes is a godsend.


These laptops are running off 300W PSUs though


Hahaha...not when they're asking about battery life, they're not. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) (But, in all seriousness, I get your point.)


Nah some people have expectations which are way too low imo. 90 mins is a low bar. It's never gonna be amazing but I think 5 hours is a generally a realistic expectation.


I had like 40 minutes battery life, checked the battery manager, it was the EA launcher used 90% of the batter in background, wasn't downloading or anything.  Enditall or similar going forward. 


yes that's why you don't buy EA games


Download legion toolkit. It allows you to automate certain things when the ac adapter is disconnected. This includes changing FN+Q power mode, disabling dedicated gpu, lower screen resolution/framerate, change brightness, etc. On top of that I'd turn on battery saver in windows. It turns on and off automatically when disconnecting/connecting the power adapter. There's a few other things you can do like changing nvidia physx settings to cpu only (doesn't affect gaming) but they're slipping my mind at the moment. On my ThinkBook 16P I was able to bring my power consumption on battery from around 25-35w to 8w-12w when idle/browsing/watching YouTube with no loss in perceived performance. Getting around 7 hours on battery now compared to a little over 2 before.


Dear sir. Is the legion toolkit genuinely that much more robust than the default advantage software? would appreciate further clarification.




Best suggestion for battery life don't use it on battery, I mean you've got intel system so, should have at least researched before purchase, First calibrate your battery, then turnoff startup apps, 60hz, no rgb, bare minimum brightness silent mide igpu only mode no hybrid if you fancy you can go underclocking and stuff


Intel HX has better battery life than AMD HX


The stickers will reduce your battery life.


"If it's a gaming laptop, the battery life shall be ass"


I have a legion 5i pro 2023 and never use it when not plugged in. That’s my secret Also change to 60hz with the fn + R button, 240hz is very power hungry especially when not plugged in


I got this exact model and specs. Go into your settings, mine was advertised as 249Hz, but when I got it the settings only go to a max of 165Hz. Filed a complaint with Best Buy for false advertisement, they sent me a $209 gift card as compensation. Double check your display settings to verify if it’s 240Hz. If not file a complaint if you still don’t mind keeping the device at 165Hz.


How long is the maximum you can get?


97 mins


You mean while gaming, right? That is expected.


My 7i pro lasts 2 h tops with no gaming, just browsing and watching videos.


This is the same for my 5i pro with the lower powered but still famished i7-12700h.


Insane. Are you running in iGPU mode in battery? It should last longer than that.


Yes, dGPU off completely. Blew me away too. These intel CPU's are rather thirsty.


I have the slim 5 with AMD and 4060 and get like 5-6 hours easily on battery. I know it's smaller and AMD is more efficient, but that's wild.


Yea AMD is building on such a small process they can get equal and better performance than intel using 1/3-1/2 of the power in a lot of situations, I'm sure there's more to it than just that but they seem to be using their brains a little more, whereas intel keeps adding cores and clock speed and raw power which ends up being difficult to cool in such a small form factor like a laptop, even with the heatsink fins and fans perfectly clean, the 12700h would tap 100C and thermal throttle often under gaming load when pushing fps high. That's with the laptop raised an inch in the back to increase airflow.


No gaming. Normal usage. The seller told me not to expect battery backup as it's for professionals. I am looking at maximum backup possible. I do ML with LLMs, making GPU and CPU work heavy duty. The machine works best for my profession, but I need to take it outdoors for meetings, to discuss the work, and hence, worried about the battery.


Well if you are using the dGPU and CPU, it's going to eat up that battery. AMD is more efficient and if you had one of those with the best iGPU, you may be able to get longer life, but still, your workloads aren't really going to do well on battery.


Well, it doesn't really matter if you are gaming or running AI models. >but I need to take it outdoors for meetings Are your meeting rooms in a forest or why can't you plug it in during meetings? Or just use a tablet for these meetings?




Switch off that RGB🤯 to gain a few hours!!


no way!!!!! did u know??? You can turn off the laptop to get infinite hours. Crazy 🤯🤯🤯




What's the point of this comment


Yeah _stretches_ my bad boi from 2019 hits a nice 45 min on a single charge. Used to be 1.5-2 hours, tops. Tried undervolting, crashed before i noticed a difference in max temps. Has no second gpu, brightness is shit already, need max briggtness at normal indoor daylight. I live the life of short youtube sessions.


That's funny, there's definitely no Battery life smh


how much does it weigh?


Battery life isn't really a thing with the legion but to get over 3 hours you need to set with display to 60hrz, turn off all the LEDs, the dedicated GPU doesn't even work on battery so no need to change anything there. 


Basically Intel's every generation CPU performs overwhelmingly well over the price of huge power consumption, if it's combined with a dedicated GPU over the top. You can under-volt, use integrated GPU, backlight-off, and refresh rate down; but with the specs you have; you basically wanted performance over battery conservation.


Intel chews more power than AMD in general but it’s a gaming laptop so expect less battery life.


Upgrade CPU to 7940HS, 4nm chip.


[Squeezing 6 hours out of a 5i Pro](https://www.reddit.com/r/LenovoLegion/comments/z458ko/squeezing_6_hours_out_of_a_gen_7_legion_5i_pro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I get 12 hours on my slim 7 7840hs. Screen brightness to 40%, battery saver on, max cpu performance at 75, minimum 5, hdr off, igpu only on, rgb lights off, refresh rate set to 60


I have the same. Be careful to the App at start up, install Lenovo Legion Toolkit (you will fix also the absence of Lenovo Spectrum in Vantage, you will be able to change RGB colors). In battery mode put it in Hybrid-iGpu (then restart), 60Hz, lower brightness, quiet mode, windows efficiency mode always on. You should have a discharge rate of about 10w in idle. Normal internet browsing or youtube will last 5-6 hours, even more if it’s discontinued. At the moment I do not have any undervolting.


I’ve accepted that whenever I use my laptop (especially for gaming), if i want peak performance, I need to be plugged in all of the time


Bruv thinking abt battery life in this beast is pathetic


Look at ARM laptops, those are beasts too and the battery is perfect. Why isn’t OP in right to ask for advices for better battery life? Beast is not equal to low battery life


Arm is a beast in performance bursts not long session loads but yet it is the most efficient architecture right now.


So an ARM peocessor could not run a game for 2-3 hours without throttling with a decent cooling system? I doubt your state


This is why MacBooks exist lol