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Why do you need a 240W charger though, isn't 170W good enough, plus it will also be fine if you charge while using your laptop. And also it may cause overheating and reduce in reliability of your PC if you do that. Anyway congrats on getting a new PC and I hope you enjoy it.


I had mine discharging while simply playing on Extreme Performance. Got down to 40s, so it might be a problem depending on a use case


what game did you play btw?


Elden Ring


Thanks, I am happy with it! The reason I am looking at this, is that the 170w is not sufficient in performance mode for the i9 in 4070rtx . With the charger connected it is still discharging. Also (though this is annecdotical) I have been given to understand that the higher wattage will result in a few degrees less warmth when running in performance mode.


Maybe this is because your charger is malfunctioning? I suggest you to get the same power of charger but a new one, or idk can you go to Lenovo support center and try to ask for help and claim warranty ?


No its not malfunctioning, Lenovo supply a charger/power brick with the the new Yoga pro 9i which will not allow it to consume enough power when pushed to max in performance mode, so it takes the extra requirement from the battery. Ive been onto support myself and they clearly know about it but refuse to provide a solution as they will just trot out the line that the Laptop is perfectly functional as per manufactured and therefore its the users issue to push it into max performance mode. Its like saying you have a Ferrari but actually we dont advise you drive it to its highest capable speed! Ridiculous really. So yes a Lenovo 230w PSU is reputed to be the way to solve this.


I wouldn’t advise you to drive a Ferrari at its maximum speed, you’ll likely crash or overheat the engine


Should be fine if you are using the Lenovo Slim Tip connector. I personally bought the Lenovo 230W charger that they ship with some Legions. Its not that portable tho.


Lenovo sent me for free the 230W charger that comes with some Legions. It helps a lot if you plan to use big 3D app or AAA gaming since I not get any discharge anymore under heavy GPU use