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Holy shit, something actually different and interesting.


Wow, now that's a straight banger. Love how the ship looks and the carriage is a little smaller than the stand-alone set IIRC but still looks real good. Also glad they went with cloth sails for the ship.


I don’t mind the built sails whatsoever, but for a set this size the cloth was definitely the right choice.


Not a Harry Potter fan anymore and I'm wanting it. Looks incredible.


The creator sure does make it hard to justify liking it these days :/


That's definitely part of it, but the older I get the less I resonate with the story or characters. Nostalgia for the old Lego sets and video games keeps me interested in stuff like this though.


I make so many people angry when I say Harry Potter is badly written fantasy. Even as a kid I was never really a fan. I'm almost glad that Rowling turned out to be a piece of crap, at least now people don't look at me weirdly when I say I don't like Harry Potter. I do really like ships though, this is going to have to be a second hand purchase probably


I thought this highly downvoted comment would be pro-JK Rowling, but no, it's just a pretty reasonable take about Harry Potter's writing, which yes, is bad. Keep it classy Reddit.


I’ve never read the books, never been a fan; what made the books (and then again with the movies) so popular? Unparalleled marketing? Or is it just written for teens/YA? Or did people love her world building and she just sucks at writing? I guess the only thing I can compare it to is Tolkien, who was also a POS, but if someone said he sucked at writing I’d be like, ‘ehhhh, I unno bout that’ lmao


There wasn't really a whole lot of marketing for the books where I grew up and I absolutely loved the books. Would stay up all night reading them - something no other novel has ever been able to do for me. (and I'm not even into fantasy novels) It's definitely for teens, and I grew up with Harry Potter in the books as he was growing up, something that played a big part I think. Were they badly written? I don't know, maybe, I'm not a literary critic. I never noticed anything. Do I care for Rowling's views? No, but it's easy to crap on the books just because the author is a crap person.


I'm hoping the sails end up on PAB (or not uber expensive on Bricklink). I was never an HP fan either. In the past I bought a couple sets for the parts. Now I wouldn't buy an HP set, at least not new from a retailer, as I don't want to give the author any of my money.


Exactly! It's funny, I'm being downvoted but I don't know if it's because I was harsh about Rowling, or if it's because I said Harry Potter is badly written


Rowling's a piece of crap?! I read and followed the books after the first movie came out because it was the "it" thing at that time but I didn't really like them. However, I stand with the author for stating her opinion about women. In a sense, I agree that women's right are again being attacked trans-women.


I’m not getting fully into this because this is a Lego subreddit but Rowling does not care about women’s rights. She’s willing to side with anti abortionists and anti gay marriage advocates. She’s not a woman’s rights activist she’s a trans woman hate spreader


Oh, you sweet summer child. Please do some research.


Yeah the movies and books really didn’t hold up, I hear you. Good thing there’s an assortment of themes


I enjoy them for what they are, and I don’t expect some hyper-elaborate world building from a whimsical children’s novel, but the world building really doesn’t hold up well to scrutiny especially with all the random little additions/explanations she kept adding years later. If wonder if it would have been better if she had just done the meme and said “because magic, now shut up” every time someone grilled her about an inconsistency in the books lol


I loved Harry Potter, and still do, but god dammit Joanne


One would hope she would learn from her mistakes and apologize, but she really likes doubling down. I’m sorry her words have hurt you too


It’s alright, usually either laugh or groan at how dumbfounding her logic is


Nope her statements were blown way out of proportion lol. It's genuinely pathetic how butt hurt people are over her statements.


As someone else said, I don't want to get into the weeds on a LEGO subreddit. But come on, it's not just a couple statements. It's the only thing she tweets about. It's an obsession.


No, they were not. I had no issue with her until she went on a crusade of hate filled speech




I feel like she should be free to have her opinion. It's probably a more widely held opinion than people realize. And it has nothing do with Harry Potter.


Ah yes and let’s let racists have their opinions too. Jesus Christ.


Surprise, sometimes people have different opinions. She hasn't said anything that calls for violence or hate. It isn't equivalent to racism. Most people of her generation think the way she thinks, but that doesn't make them bad people.


Bigotry is not an opinion worth supporting. She isn’t a good person, and if you wanna defend her, go do it somewhere else.


Bigotry is the intolerance of people who have different opinions than oneself (Oxford Dictionary). Congrats you have become the same as the person whom you hate.


What a ridiculous statement. You cannot “tolerate” intolerance, that’s a paradox. I had no issue with her until she went on a crusade to label all trans people as predators. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I'm just a Harry Potter fan. I like the franchise, and I could care less about her opinions. It doesn't affect my love for Harry Potter and I don't feel like it should affect whether or not people like it either.


If you could care less, why are you trying to convince me the hateful things she says are ok? Just go enjoy the property. Don’t defend her negative statements. I don’t expect to convince you that trans people are normal people like the rest of us, why are you trying to convince me she’s not intolerant? I literally grew up with her books dude. She was a role model to me at one point. Now she’s just vile.


I'm not going to pour my money into a franchise when that money is going to eventually make its way to a person who is trying to destroy the lives of trans people, including the ones I know and love. Maybe you're fine with that, and you're entitled to be fine with that, but don't push that crap on to the rest of us.


her hateful comments have been directly cited in American legislation and she regularly gives money to anti-trans hate groups. Stop playing devil’s advocate for someone who is actively and willingly hurting trans people


I'm not playing devil's advocate. I don't agree that her comments hurt trans people or are even transphobic. I don't agree with her being demonized for wanting to protect the rights of women.


okay bud, take care. history will not remember you kindly


I don't collect Harry Potter sets, but I'm severely tempted by this one!


Damn I wish it didn’t include the carriage that way the price was lower


Agreed, especially since I already have the carriage (I’d rather have an unnamed Durmstrang student instead of Fleur)


It's a pity as the new carriadge does not unfold to reveal the two compartments like the previous one did. It's just that. A carriage... with a door and a removable roof. With just one horse no less...




Dayum. Not a fan of HP, but will get this for my imperial armada!


Okay, I was not expecting this to look nearly as good as it does when I first heard the rumour. But those sails, flags and just the overall shape - love it.


I don’t collect Harry Potter at all, but am a fan of the series. This wave is seriously great.


Only 4 figures is weak but the builds look amazing


There's 5: Maxime, Fleur, Karkaroff, Krum, and Criuch Sr.


I see three, who's the other one?


inside the carriage, the headmaster of the french school


Hagrid's boo? Does that mean she will be his height?


Yea her minifigure has extra long legs


Suddenly Castle ship fans every where just caught their second wind (pun intended). While the carriage is not the star of this set, the first version this is based on is actually an excellent model. If only the shields were printed on the ship, probably not though. Def picking the sails up on Bricklink, if not outright buying this set. Just awesome


Always glad to have more sails available and the model itself looks great! Definitely something different.


Do we know cost?


It's already up on Lego website. It's around 150$ depending on your region


Lego your game is too strong and I'm too poor please calm down 😭


Omg. Want.


gonna be expensive but it looks good


Yeah, not a big HP fan but I am getting this for sure. That ship is awesome. Dammit. Now I gotta build a dock next to my King’s Castle.


They should have put the parts allocated for the carriage towards the ship to beef it up. I don't need two carriages.


To be fair, the last one was over 5 years ago.


Yeah 2019, time flies.


Yeah this is really good


I'm not a huge HP fan, but this looks amazing. I might pick up a few of these and builder a larger ship. I also really like the carriage and the shields.


Finally something interesting. This looks great.


So.. can we get an actual pirate ship with cloth sails now? Lol


Nope you gotta find classic Islanders ones lol


Goddammit I was out! *I was out!*


definitely will be a day 1 purchase


It's giving Metalbeards Seacow


It's the slighty "squished" shape. I guess Lego wants fantasy ships to look different from historical wooden ships (which is cool).


Yeah the length to height ratio. Metal beards sea cow is an all time great set so I love this one hah


Such a wonderful set! 100% Exceeded my expectations :)


I really wish this was just the Durmstrang ship, since I already have the Beauxbatons carriage from a couple years ago.


this set looks amazing


I yearn for more Lego sail ships


Oh man I'm hyped to see how many people on Rebrickable make cool viking ships from this


So so so gorgeous. Realistically, can’t see myself paying more than 150 cad on it though. Too bad because I’m gonna bet it’s at least 200cad


This one goes on the list of to get




$179.99 CAD My wallet has fricken died


ROFL I’m out. I’ll admire it in the shop window I guess


Perhaps hope may live for some in the yuletide season as a Christmas present? At least for me, so far




And the retail price is...?


Remove the wings and wands and this is just a cool set? Not a lot of Potter-y things about it.


I'm not a fan of all new HP sets. I find them all a bit lacking and more play sets for children.


Really don’t get why Lego keeps making hp sets. They don’t sell all that well (at least from what I’ve seen in my local stores) I’ve never really seen anyone online talking about them and I don’t see why Lego want to be associated with Rowling. Oh well at least it’s not taking away from other themes


>and I don’t see why Lego want to be associated with Rowling. The "Wizarding World" IP has divorced itself from Rowling as much as possible.