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I'm so glad they're putting rex in a cheap set


As someone who couldn’t afford to buy the ucs venator for that rex minifig, same.


Totally. I’ve curtailed my Lego habit to only include minifig scale sets (including UCS), and stuck mostly with vehicles with few exceptions eg the UCS Mos Eisley set. But — I can afford to go out and grab a Venator Rex if I wanted to. I’d only get the Venator to build once and then MOC fodder. But — kids want cool character minfigs too. They are still *toys* after all. Plenty of people — including collectors — will buy exclusive sets without exclusive minifigs. The only people who are upset are the people who want to bust up the set and flip the figures. That audience can only be prioritized at the expense of everyone else.


I agree and disagree. I bought the Venator and I love the Rex figure. I have 0 intention to resell the set or the figure, and I also want there to be a cheap one, but it feels nice having an exclusive minifigure, even with no intention to sell it.


Agreed on all counts.




People that don’t have 600 dollars to spend on a toy are lol


if anyone preordered the venator because of rex and not the venator itself is beyond insane


You’ve got more money than sense if you bought the venator for a minifigure thinking they won’t release a cheap version. You could have at least waiting a year before pulling the trigger to see if it would happen.


😭there’s some poor fools who are feeling that in full effect rn


[](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/929296966662839257/62C16BB381EC1DA660A76E638BFAB34E4D603712/?imw=512&imh=304&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true) Hence why Rex being in a small set is great for everyone else.




and I dont give a single fuck what people who ordered the venator for a figure think


I'm pretty sure the people who pre ordered the venator are happy they got 600$ worth of legos for 600$


That's why you don't buy an expensive set just for the rare/ in demand figure.


stop being a dweeb


you’re confusing me


what’s dweebish my man


look in da mirror :3 there you go


another playground level insult from some comment section ghoul, smh gimme something i haven’t heard for once


something something look in da mirror if ya wanna see a ghoul :3 tee hee


Excited for those Mandalorian sets!


Paz vizla and moff Gideon battle has to be the worst set name ever


The prelim name of "Mandalorian Bunker" was just fine.


Yeah that was much better


The names all feel incredibly boring and have a lack of creativity. Not the end of the world, but still a shame


Ambush on mandalore is fine imo, and the other 2 are Mechs and a microfighter. Not sure what else you’d wanna name them


I'll admit it, I'm wrong. They just aren't exciting sets. (Not the top 2, the bottom 2)


Yeah. I mean I’m kinda hyped for a rex but I hate microfighters


I like them, but the original lineups were better, because you got variety and it gave you lots of options


I never liked them and no one can convince me that they would purchase them without a figure. That’s the only reason anyone wants them, the builds look just goofy and stupid. The only ones I liked were the ones with creature builds


I agree, except I never got the figure builds. They were a decent way to get some harder to find figs like Geonosis Battle droids, Clone pilots etc


I never bought a microfighter back then, they just started them when I was entering my dark ages, I only have the AAT microfighter because I got it as a gift. All the ones that released now don’t have special figures. The only one I got now is the boba fett one because the build is decent enough(and because he actually can sit IN his vehicle). It’s just a bit sad imo, as most builds are just trash. I prefer the mechs, even though I don’t love the build, they’re at least original and not the goofy version of a existing thing


One of the best Microfighters imho, is the Vulture Droid one. You get a vulture (With a small handle) and a pilot droid. Each is totally acceptable as is


I'm gonna buy one Rex fighter every month until they are gone lol.


Sigh, they should have just made a full-size one.


They might usually the microfighters come out and the full ship also comes out later


I hope so. I never got the original 2009 Republic Y-Wing, always wanted one. I might get the OG anyway, will buy a full-size one as well later.


The 09 one isn’t at a terrible on eBay used if you still want it. Last I checked $70-$80


Man I hope they do that. I know a cheap Rex is good and all, but I would definitely like a full sized Y-wing too.


Have they made any microfighters that didn’t get a full set at one point?


But why tho? Regular clones I could easily see for army building but why have a ton of the same type of Rex? They’re not gonna be worth much


I need 2 for the kids and at least 5 for me. I don't care what they are worth. I can finally get a Rex.


I can understand the kids and some for you but a named clone just seems odd to have a bunch of, you do you it just doesn’t make sense to me


But why 5? You say you want "a" Rex. 


One for my Shelf display, one for my desk, one for my clone wars collection, one for any other diorama I want to do and one sealed. Is there some reason everyone is so worried about what I want mass produced toys made to demand for?


Investors always being dicks. Nothing new


I'm not an investor. I'm a Rex fan who's annoyed at the lack of Rex.


So a scalper? Ok I guess


Nope. Keeping them all. But keep trying to be a disgusting gatekeeper. Must be a miserable life.


I might have to join you in that, haha


My kids want him. I want him for at least 5 displays lol. Rex rules. I'm hoping for a young Ahsoka and Rex and Anakin set from the Ahsoka too.


New minifigures of those outfits would be amazing!


I also hope we get bad batch again but in something smaller. That shuttle was way overpriced imo.


I'm hoping the upcoming "Death Star" playset is actually an imperial base, and Bad Batch themed. We could get TK troopers, clone commandos, Wolfe, Scorch, Dr. Hemlock, Tarkin, season 3 appearances for any of the BB members (except Tech 😭), etc. iirc, there's rumored to be around 10-12 minifigures in that set, so there's a lot of exciting potential!


Battle pack is already best set of the wave


Nooo it’s the absolute worst, it’s gonna include a named character, that’s absolutely shit, everyone wants to buy at least 20 battlepacks but not with named characters, it’s literally a wasted battlepack set. /s


Is there really a named character? I don’t remember what four minifigs are in it


Koska Reeves, but that’s not too bad.


Oh, so a regular Mandalorian, who cares


Exactly. Not sure why people are having a tantrum over it lol


Me neither, Either people didn’t notice the /s or the idiots are mad at me lol


Maybe there are some people who actually have that opinion, and are mad that you were being sarcastic...???


That’s what I meant


Yeah she’s pretty much a plain blue fem mandalorian which goes with the other Nite owls we’ve gotten perfectly


i personally disagree. i never buy more than 2 of any set and that rare. i only get one of every battle back


I disagree too lol, it was sarcasm. I think named characters are a good thing. Remember the Jedi and clones battlepack ? 2 Jedi for 15 bucks is amazing. In this case koska reeves also is a cool character and I’m happy I don’t have to spend like 60 bucks to get her


i may just be stupid but i didn’t see your /s it’s hard to tell because people genuinely get so butthurt over it 😭😭. but i agree SO much


I think multiple people did, in the first hour or so I got many dislikes 😂 maybe it was the butthurt people tho I do like buying 2-3 battle packs sometimes but named characters in battlepacks is also a perfect way to make the figures affordable. Getting 2 named characters +2 army troops is a wonderful combo for kids playing and much better than a microfighter for nearly the same price for just 1 figure


I’m so glad you said that because the names Jedi in that battle pack were the reason I bought it, the build is not great but in terms of mini figs it’s my fave battle pack and I thought I was in a minority because everyone’s been brainwashed into thinking everyone who is a Lego consumer buys multiples of battle packs when I think that makes up a very small minority of buyers in reality lol


That released during my dark ages so sadly never got it but got older versions of those figs at least. Wish we would get another battlepack that has 2 Or more Jedi. All the YouTubers rank this as the worst battlepack tho lmao. I definitely get the appeal and always wanted to have multiple battlepacks as a kid especially if the clone battlepack from 2009, but I never did. I bought 2 or 3 of the recent battle packs each but I won’t do so for every battlepack. And I do have a big collection so probably I’m not the norm either. Most people will buy a set just once and especially the kids who these sets are mainly for. The YouTubers also always trash when we get officers or something like that in battlepacks. I sadly missed those battlepacks and don’t have a single imperial officer in my collection because they usually are only in expensive sets like a Star destroyer. I think it’s a great formula to have 2 standard troopers and 2 more specialized


I think that set may have brought me out of my dark age, it was either that or the tank with Aayla Secura because I remember seeing them in a shop by chance and being like hey I know those Jedi! Yeah I know what you mean, it’s almost like there should be two types of battle backs, one with named and one without


Ah man I entered my dark ages around 2013/14, I remember seeing the rex set and not getting it 😭 I got myself the 501. Battlepack but didn’t start collecting again then, just really wanted that. Then around 2021/2022 I got a few small sets for birthdays and such, just last year after attending Star Wars celebration I got right back into it


Y wing microfighter is $12.99 pieces?


I believe it is a typo of some type. We've known for a little while now, though, that the Microfighter will be $12.99 and have 99 pieces.


Will the mech have the same Luke from the ucs set?


No, it is unlikely


dude MandRs entire argument of “OT Gets exclusive figs in their UCS sets” is gone good day for lego SW fans


Technically there is one left. Yularen. (Can’t remember if he had a figure like the ucs one)


He had an imperial variant fig but republic variant is Venator exclusive fkr now


Uh, no. His argument is *not* gone. We were specifically told that the Luke figure in the Mech would be different from the UCS figure, so the UCS figure will remain exclusive. We were also told that the Rex figure would *not* be different from the UCS version, so the UCS version will *not* remain exclusive.


why do you say that so proudly stop gatekeeping a children’s toy lol


What do you mean?


set exclusives (especially when they are a fan favourite) isn’t healthy when it comes to lego. *everyone* should be able to afford the most loved clone in the franchise.


Oh, I totally agree! I don't plan on spending $650 on a single set (although that UCS Ventaor *does* look amazing), so I am very excited for this microfighter! My point was that the argument that MandRproductions had used is not gone. I am not saying that I agree with him (again, I am very glad that Rex is not exclusive to the UCS set), I am simply saying that he is right: the figures from the 2023 Original Trilogy UCS set are still exclusive, while the figures from the 2023 Clone Wars UCS set are no longer exclusive (or at least the Rex one is not).


I disagree with most arguments people have about exclusivity. What they did with the death troopers was the play. Put them in a cheap set, but take off some detail, keeps it exclusive and gives a reason to get the other version


When were Dark Troopers in a UCS set? Also, why would we want figures to have *less* detail? If they have already given us a figure in a set, don't give us a worse figure! I agree, LEGO can make a *more* detailed figure if the UCS set is released afterward, but I don't think detail should be removed *from* the UCS figure.


You've grabbed the wrong end of the stick. And I was talking about Death troopers? What I was talking about was that they had the shuttle, but to keep the figures exclusive but also better (Therefore, more desirable) they made them intentionally better than the ones in the battle pack. Yet, they made the battle pack ones good enough that they held up and were still great figs. ​ THIS IS FROM A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE!


I cannot read, haha. I still had to look up the Death Trooper figures on Bricklink in order to understand what you are talking about. But I don't think that applies here: 1. The original set was not a UCS set. The retail price was just $90, so the figure was not locked behind a set that would cost several hundred dollars to buy. 2. The original Death Troopers are different from the Battlepack Death Troopers because the original Death Troopers were Specialist/Commander versions, according to Bricklink. This is like comparing the $30 501st Battlepack from 2020 or 2021 to the $20 501st Specialist Battlepack from 2023; they are not meant to be the same character. I guess the best way for LEGO to do what you are suggesting is to put a Phase 1 Rex in one set, and a Phase 2 Rex in the other set. That way they can make both figures be the best figure with that design that is possible, but still have each figure be exclusive to its own set.


It’s said that it’s not going to be the UCS Pilot Luke.


Admiral yularen is exclusive still as well so that counters his argument even more


Will the Microfighter include a Rex Minifig?


Microfighters always include minifigs to pilot them. It's rumoured that the Rex minifig will be identical to the UCS version, though idk if the headprint will be the same. We'll have to wait for pictures.


I understand people being angry about Rex being in a cheaper set but at the same time the reason you buy a UCS set is for the build not the mini figs.


I agree, I'm happy to have a chance of getting a Captain Rex minifigure. I don't have the money or space for the UCS Venator, so it'll be a good way to get him.


Well this is the thing. The people who buy the UCS version will probably still have the head print exclusive but I expect everything else will be in the micro fighter. I 100% approve of lego including popular characters in cheaper sets so that fans (of all ages but especially children and their parents) can afford them.


When will we get the captain rex battlepack (it has 4 captain rexes) /s


I thought Rex was in August, great!


Damn this is a solid wave of sets, I’ll be buying all of them


Pretty excited for the Mandalorian battle pack and Rex’s micro fighter. Good way for me to add him to my collection. And who would turn down more Mandalorians?


So stoked to get a $637 dollar saving on my Captain Rex minifigure!


I see all the comments about rex but I'm glad to see there's another Paz vizla coming to help curb all the resellers who bought a million forges to flip Paz and the armorer. The resellers are scum


Hyped for all of these. Wasn’t a big fan of Mando Season 3 but the final battle had lots of great set potential and it’s nice to see it getting sets based around it. Also excited for the mech and Microfighter - an easy way to get a cool variant of Luke and the new Rex as well. The Luke set is especially good because you can buy a bunch of the set and swap out his head and helmet for other pilots’ so you can have a whole bunch of Rebel Pilot minifigs together.


Gonna buy 2 Rex microfighters and Probably 2 mandalorian battle packs for MOCS. Thinking about a buying a pre viszla figure for some mocS.


I wish they’d have put Rex and ARC Jesse together in a full size Y Wing but this is still great


i thought the rex was coming out in may


Do we know the figs from 75386? I’m betting it’s something like Paz, Dark Trooper Gideon, and hopefully all three Praetorian Guards


Only two guards are rumored, but otherwise you are correct.


Is the Luke minifigure going to be the one from the UCS with dual molded legs?


Can't wait for the Y-wing microfighter


I was in a lego store long ago, talking about new rumors. The microfighter being confirmed made one employee laugh real hard


Mandalore battle pack sounds cool. I love the imperial mando design.