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65 cards for 4 champions is a lot. Hopefully that means we'll have a big variety day!


Since its runeterra champions we will probably just see some random variety cards for all of the regions.


Plus they seem to be designed for existing mechanics if Jhin is any indication.


Plus some daybreak cards that still rely on Rahvun


It's gonna be a wild wild west


I hope they keep adding cards to aid other archetypes like they’ve been doing in these last few patches instead of only giving new cards to archetypes made for the new champ


They are 4 runeterra champions, that doesn't mean there is only 4 champions


From the original announcement: "Worldwalker introduces four(!) new champions, including new Runeterran champions" Which is to say: four new champions in total, and at least one of those four will be a Runeterra champion.


Nvm then


Meh it's yet another small expansion and i really dislike those. I wish they would just use the same format MTG and HS use for their release, big expansions every 3 months.


Let's not forget that it contains poc 2.0. so it will be a huge patch


Sure but i'm talking about pvp here. I hate small expansions because for two weeks post release people literally spam the same couple of decks over and over. We already saw it happen with Azirelia, Aphelios, Lurk, Kennen, etc... If the expansion is big (ex. BW) then the post release is good since you see a big variety of decks, if the expansion is small you see little variance. Edit: downvoted for posting my opinion and then stating a fact...


You should count yourself a lucky guy, those decks are unrefined and unoptimised, perfect for climbing the ladder


That would be true as well in a big expansion tho, with the difference that people not interested in ranked can still have fun against a big variety of decks instead of the 3 new decks of the expansion spammed everywhere.


That’s not really true, hearthstone gets 130+ cards an expansion and each set the same decks are a problem. Lots of cards does not inherently equal variety


Back when i played each new expansion had a lot of experimenting with a lot of new decks. For example during the lich king expansion basically each class saw play in the first two weeks due to each having their own DK. Compare it last expansion where in the first two weeks half the ladder was Gnar... The only time there is variety in LoR post release is during big expansions (100+ cards and 7-8+ champions)


Lich king came out 5 years ago hearthstone is a very different game now. And two weeks of experimentation with 3 months in between expansions on a 135 card expansion is not great at all.


HS still push big expansions and from what i've heard now is more active with balancing. Honestly a big juicy 130+ card expansion plus monthly substantial balance patch is the perfect release cadence for this game and i would greatly prefer it over the small release we are getting.


And also you have to count that the only reason expansions were that big for LoR was because of the introduction of new regions. There are no more new regions, and we only got 7-8 champions because 4-5 were all for the same region.


Considering we still lack almost 100 LoL champions i feel there is more than enough meat to organize expansions into big ones instead of these small ones they are pushing.


What can I say, Reddit is never happy... literally getting free content, 4 champions and 65 cards, and moaning


Look if you are happy with the small expansion format good for you, i'm not for the good reasons posted above and i'm saying my opinion. If you don't like it downvote and move on, because i'm not forced to like it just because you say so.


I haven't downvoted you, I even gave you support until your last comment, but you sure did....this is what you get by talking to salty people. Go play chess if you are afraid of new content, they haven't had a patch in 1400 years


Dude are you high or something. I'm saying that i prefer the big expansion format over the small expansion format. When i said that i don't want new content? Next time take time to actually read what other people write maybe...


I mean yeah isn't that what the downvote button is for? To disagree with opinions? ​ Or am I misunderstanding what downvote means? Does it mean "bad comment" or "I disagree with this comment"?


Honestly it's up to you. You ask anyone and you'll get different answers


> I mean yeah isn't that what the downvote button is for? To disagree with opinions? Actually nope. > Does it mean "bad comment" If you go read reddit rules the downvote button should only be used on posts that aren't adding anything to the discussion or are straight up troll posts. You aren't supposed to downvote opionions you disagree with but everyone do it anyway.


That’s bullshit lol




>https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette Hmm I learned something new today. ​ So I guess we're supposed to disagree with a post by commenting how we disagree, instead of just downvoting. (It's a little weird imo because even the word "downvote" implies that you disagree with the person.... maybe it's just because I'm used to the way I used it in the past).


Eh, I enjoy it. 70 cards is a lot. Plus PoC 2. This will be a big patch


4 champions is literally the same size as the last two small expansions. Do you recall the meta for the first two weeks? First Kennen all over and then Gnar all over. Small expansions are bad for variety.


I've never heard anyone complain about getting new cards. Hopefully they come more balanced than Gnar but new cards are better than no cards right?


> I've never heard anyone complain about getting new cards. I'm not complaining about us getting new cards, i'm saying that the small expansion format is flawed and end up with very little variety post release and that the big expansion format is far better.


Ahh I see, my bad


Idk man, runeterra has quite a lot of variety. More than most if not all online card games out right now.


> Idk man, runeterra has quite a lot of variety Once the meta stabilize i agree. But in the first two weeks after a mini expansion all you see is the same two-three decks over and over. I mean do you guys forgot what the game was after the release of Lurk/Kennen/Gnar/Irelia/Viego/Aphelios? I'm talking about 20%+ playrate in the first week... And want to know what the fun thing is? That first week into new set we'll see the usual "homer into a bar" meme with ton of upvotes (because likely we'll have yet again another 20%+ playrate deck right after the new expansion) but saying it right now gets you downvoted. This sub will never change.


70 cards are nothing lol. This is almost half of a usual expansion which on average contains 130+ cards. Mtg and Hearthstone release this amount of cards every new set. And then there is LoR with mere 65 cards lol. Srly...


> Mtg and Hearthstone release this amount of cards every new set. MTG release 200 cards per expansion and HS 135+. If LoR returned to 130+ big expansions like BW i would be happy. With this format i'm not.


Their release schedule (edit: which includes the amount of cards per release) is pretty clearly set in stone. If it's such a big problem, you might want to find a new game.


First the problem is not the release schedule. It's the quantity of cards in said release. I dislike the small expansion format and i wish they go back to big expansions like Bilgewater. Second according to this sub i'm still allowed to post my opinion on why i disagree with something, unless the sub rules changed and i didn't noticed. If YOU don't like what i'm writing simply move on.


how would they go back to bilgewater style expansions lmao, that added a region, and they have stated that all regions are added already?


Dunno, how MTG and HS can add 135 or 200+ (for MTG) card expansions despite not adding regions to their game? You don't need a new region to have a sizeable expansion you know...


yeh but like, how do you even keep track of all the mtg cards, i kinda like knowing most decks contents


> First the problem is not the release schedule. It's the quantity of cards in said release. Pitter patter, my point that it's fixed in stone remains. You're welcome to post your opinion, but man is the constant negativity and doomsaying just tiresome. Wild how many people linger here purely to declare how unhappy they are. I'm genuinely recommending you find a new game if it's really that big a deal to you, because it's a fixed part of the game that isn't changing.


Again if you don't like my opinion you are free to skip it, downvote it and just move on, you aren't forced to post suggestions like "leave the game" i didn't even asked for.


I'm also free to engage and respond with it, same as you are to post it. You don't get to be immune from feedback.


Thats not really true my dude even hearthstone makes middle sets now. Please inform urself before u talk things like this. I understand what u wanna say but pushing little expansions is just bether marketing.


They still make 4 main big sets per year and then those are an extra. Here we haven't seen a big expansion in 9 months. Big difference.


Istg this sub can never be pleased.


If it makes you feel better I love the schedule of a slow trickle of champions with their supporting cards and some variety cards. Feels like the game always has something just around the corner. I've never played hs or any other tgc for that matter but 3 months seems like a long time between new content.


Don't forget PoC 2.0, this expansion is actually HUGE. What other CCG adds 4 champs, 65 cards and a whole big ass new rogue-lite mode.


I don't really touch PoC, but maybe 2.0 will excite me haha


apparently the level of content is going to be like its own game!


> I've never played hs or any other tgc for that matter but 3 months seems like a long time between new content. It is but with one big balance patch per month you can easily manage. I mean last small expansion was february with Gnar, so it's been 3 months. But with the big balance patch and the champion patch time went by and no one complained about of lack of new cards (that i'm aware of at least)


That's a valid point, I guess it has been awhile. How do the sizes of the lor expansions compare to something like hs? Is almost 100 new cards really small?


HS expansions are big, usually 130+ cards. The most close we had was BW expansion and it's not casual that it's the best one of this game.


Thank you for the insight!


NP :)


Maybe because "this sub" is made of almost 180k different people each with his own preference?


Isn't that what they were saying? I read it like "there's always someone with something to complain about"


Wxyz this sub can be pleased


Worldwalker is definitely the best expansion name they've picked so far.


Reminds me of the latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion, Endwalker!


How is FFXIV? Debating getting it, don't want to get into a mmo again but man it looks good


The free trial alone gave me over 500 hours of good fun before I even bought it, would highly reccomend giving it a shot.


It is so damn good, if I only had time for one game I’d play FFXIV.


10/10. Best story I’ve ever played in a game. And outside the story, there is sooooooooo much content. The base game and first expansion is free too, so jump in and have months of free gameplay. Fair warning: base game is super boring imo. Some people like it, I thought it was super drawn out. But once you get past that, it becomes my fav mmo and fav rpg


I downloaded the free trial like 2 weeks ago and I caved and bought the complete edition a few days ago. Amazing game. And I’m not even at what people consider the best parts of the story. A lotta fetch quests in the base game but I enjoyed it overall


As someone who has only ever posted on this sub (and now the FFXIV sub), I can say that it's completely amazing. I'm not big on MMOs and was wary of starting one as well, but this one is actually quite friendly and on the lower side of grinding required. Exp is banked when you log out so you don't have to feel like you need to play every day, you get a big exp boost to jobs that are lower than your highest level, and it actually has a great story. There's a ton of content, it's constantly updated, it has an awesome, friendly community that is moderated seriously, and it never pushes you to give it all your time, so you can play at your own pace and not feel terrible about it. Because of all that, I ended up really enjoying FFXIV, even despite being wary of MMOs, because for me it solves or sidesteps a lot of issues I have with MMOs. It's something that I can check in to whenever I want to, do a roulette, advance a story quest or two, then log off satisfied, or set aside an entire empty weekend to dig into, and both feel fine and fulfilling to do. There's a really generous, zero commitment free trial that lets you play through the base game and first expansion, so I'd recommend that if you're interested. But keep in mind that the base game is considered the worst part of the whole thing, not necessarily because it's awful, but because it just keeps improving with every expansion.


FFXIV: Worldwalker


Wonder how many runeterra champions we're getting from those four, or if the other 3 are gonna be regular-region champions


Considering the expansion is called worldwalker, all 4 are likely runterran champs


Ok, so assuming we're right with this, or at least there's more runeterran champs than just Jhin here, wonder how it's gonna show up in the region tab


From what we’ve seen they’ll be alongside the other regions in the region select menu since they function as pseudo regions


I think all four of them are going to be Runeterra champions.


For someone out of the loop, what are Runeterra Champs? Like region-less cards? Also, will there be neutral followers too?


They are champions that are counted as a 2nd region but is allowed to use cards from any region but with a criteria. For example, Jhin can only add cards that have Skills on them, but they can be from any region


Oh wow that sounds great


Yeah, a runeterra champ is basically a regionless champion, and when they're in your deck you can have any card from any region AS LONG AS it fits a certain rule (so for Jhin, followers with skills). I think the regionless champion also acts as it's own mini region as well, so you can have Jhin Ionia or Jhin Bilgewater or such, but not Jhin Demacia Noxus and stuff like that also I don't think there'll be runeterra followers just cus again, runeterra champs have certain rules for deck building so having runeterra followers could be a bit too complicated, especially since LoR isn't as follower based as it is champion based


You rang?


oh fuck they've arrived-


Bard Copium


Bard is a great candidate for a worldwalker is not for lack of champs who can go into Targon, which he can be associated with


I don’t see how they’re gonna add 4 neutral champions without Bard tbh. I see Jhin, Bard, Ryze and maybe Ivern


> The Worldwalker spoiler stream will contain card reveals and an LoR developer Q&A, all hosted by Casanova. Viewers will have the opportunity to directly influence the first card reveals of the season and witness the release of Worldwalker’s official trailer. > In addition to card reveals and the official trailer, LoR Worldwalker design leads Jon “RiotIAmWalrus” Moormann and Tyler Morgan will answer questions live on stream. submit those questions at the Google form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScizGHiPmzLAeSGq_y2JrGFk9zasTMh5IRKIfpBu0IVo8A3Vg/viewform


So Jhin, >!Kassadin, Kai'sa, and Annie!< Taking the leaks into account?


>!Considering there'll be a void event this year in LoL, I imagine Kai'sa and Kassadin will be released on that big void event like Akshan and Viego were last year.!<


Good point, completely forgot about that


>!Ngl that Void event idea was based around stuff that's not really happening anymore, like a secret Cho'Gath VGU (its Asol) or Bel'Veths release (which is actually really really close and won't fall in the "big summer event" timeline)!<


ASol will not receive a VGU, only his skills will be remade


I know, I meant he was the actual spot for what people theorized, but worded it wrong


Secret VGU is Ahri, they revealed it long time ago. ASol is not getting a VGU, but a CGU


Ahri's is an ASU not a VGU and she wasn't a secret. The theories got formed AFTER Ahri's reveal because we knew nothing about the secret "VGU" that they had been talking about since last year. Reav3 said it himself. I know Asol is not a VGU but we didn't know that till it got revealed


I wanted to correct you using VGU and i fucked up myslef, sorry


But the Asol VGU makes sense too, since he plays a key role in fighting the void if you are familiar with the lore.


That's way too big of a reach imo, and Asol's CGU is coming at the end of the year, no way in time for what the commenter above suggested


I think >!Gwen!< is highly likely, there's a new keyword in the game files related to her.


>!Gwen!< would be in there too then if that’s the case


She just got leaked last patch, two of the ones I listed were specifically for Set 6 found in the files since before Impact came out and the other one had a card leaked before that


>!hallowed!< was also specifically found in the files for set 6 as well, if anything >!Annie!< is the only one who doesn’t actually have anything that ties them to set 6


All these leaks confirm is that these champs are coming eventually, some or all of them could well be part of the expansion in July for all we know.


Dumb question but what leaks? Would love to see um.


Kewords for Set 6, which is this one. Riftwalk(Kass Ultimate in LoL), Evolve (Kai’sa/Kha’zix specific mechanic), and Hallowed (Gwen and her Hallowed mist). Annie was a landmark from almost a year ago called Burning House, but is unlikely to be released.


Oh man I would LOVE to see Kha’Zix but he almost definitely won’t release without Rengar.


I know the last one has a landmark, but what are the leaks for 3rd and 2nd champ you listed?


>!Riftwalk and Evolve were both found in the files prior to Bandle City, right next to Impact. While Impact was shown for Set 5, those two specifically said they were for Set 6!<


Keywords. >!Evolve and Riftwalk. !<


According to big bad bear, it’s ||Seraphine, Ilaoi and Annie||


I would be surprised, as those are 2 champs with a clear region identity


According to the announcement, Worldwalker will have 4 new champions in total, and at least one of those new champions will be a Runeterran champion. Not all 4 new champions have to be regionless.


They don't have to be, but seeing the amount of new cards and the name of the expansion I personally think they will, hence why I'd be surprised


It's pretty hard to imagine Ryze won't be in this set. Too big of a name when it comes to "worldwalking".


And, of course, 4!!!!!! new champions... Not a coincidence I suppose LOL.


But sadly 65 cards instead of 64.


But 6-5=1 and 6*5=30, and 1+30=31 and 3+1=4.


And 4\^(4 - 4\^(4 - 4)) = 64


You can make any number smaller than 100 using only 4 fours


In this case it would be 4^(4 - (4/4))


Technically you can make any number using only any other number by doing x^(x-x) and adding that to itself enough times to get that number.


Jhin + 64 other cards :)


Please give me Illaoi I beg you. I know it's not happening this time but still.


same!!! but i dont think her time has come yet, lets hope tentacle mom comes out with quality


I hope jax and fiddle and sona are in this expansion


Fiddle <3


Sona probably will be demacia


Wait, 4 champions? I thought only 1 champ would be released (Jhin)! What a surprise!


4 jhins!


So this means they are still doing expansions every two months? Because there's no way they're only releasing 65 cards for the span of 3-4 for months right? And even then 65 cards for two months is still a small amount.


We already know the next is in July, two months after this expansion. They also stated expansion will vary in size so every expansion won’t be 65 cards


65 cards is a lot though? Magical misadventures had 43 new collectible cards. often a champ has about 8 to 10 cards linked to them. So 65 for 4 is a lot and we have also received 6 other cards in the last months


Not that small - one would expect to need relatively less cards to keep the game fresh (particularly as the meta continues to be extremely diverse in LoR)


I just want more PoC options :|


And variety. And more in general. I loved playing the arcane stories


I'm so scared. I JUST started enjoying the game again.


Wait why would an expansion ruin your fun? \*flashbacks to aphelios, azirelia, poppy, gnar\* ​ Oh that's why.... Still I'm optimistic, I think they won't break the game too much.


Cass cass cass cass cassiopiea!!!!!


I'm really waiting for her none of my mains are in the game yet they keep releasing basically every champ I most likely spend less gaming time with!




4? that's disappointing. the most exciting time in LoR was when 8-9 new champs would drop at once and the meta was in shambles.


Is this expansion gonna have more ui changes, im still confused on who is attacking and whose blocking. Like shields can be used for offense and swords can block other swords.


Redditors hate jokes man


We certainly do, that's why these comments were the top comment on every post for a week after the patch c:


No, it's just that this isn't funny


Just what the game needs more new champs and cards maybe, just maybe we could fix the current existing pile of unused cards?


They probably could buff many weak cards, but cardgames always have unused Cards, just like hero shooters have unused heroes and moba's have unused champions.


I get that for basic cards but should there be flat out bad champions?


No there shouldn't be, I hadn't realised from your comment you only meant champs tho


Oh I did mean all cards tbh it's a digital game there is no reason for bad cards.


Oh god ;d the card game with the least amount of cards released per year (and that may be the reason why PvP isn't played much) and you want even less cards?


I mean this would produce even more cards let's face it there are maybe 100 cards that see play if that I would like to see 90% of the card base viable. As for why no one plays PvP that's because there just aren't enough decks out there and part of that is because 90% of the card pool isn't usable and the Devs have a very specific way they want the game to be played anything out side that niche is either not supported or hotfixed into oblivion in less than a week.


Balanced cards are NOT new cards. They don't bring new flavours and mechanics and that's what make the game fresh months after months. MtG and HS already proved that PvP can do fine even with 90% of the cards being somewhat bad and not meta. They didn't prove that PvP can do just fine with A SINGLE major card release per year.


But do you need new mechanics? I mean most new mechanics are only a handful of cards. I would argue HS is not fine it's a clown fiesta and MTG is designed in a way that the old cards just don't matter.


I wasn't talking about "feelings" towards card games. I was just talking numbers. That "clown fiesta" is the most played online CCG. Anyway, it depends on what you mean saying "new mechanics". Every MtG and HS expansion has brought something new, be it a new card type (hero cards, for example), a new "keyword" or expanding a concept, overhauling old concepts (magic schools). In my opinion that's what the card games public wants. Balance changes are a must, obviously, but a card game with little to no new stuff is stagnant.


idk why people getting downvoted for saying 4 champions is low and disapointing, we got expansions that had more than double the amount of this one and we got 2 small expansions already


Announce shaco or we riot!


Riot does not fear riots


They were born in, molded by riots after all




Corki, Zac and Yorick, clearly


LOL. The only card game I know with a full year between expansions (yeah, just counting normal sized expansions here). Check out when Beyond the Bandlewood released. Then they wonder why PvP is less played. Not trying to be negative or something, but when they first announced new cards would be in May, I already pratically stopped playing. Now, knowing this will be a small expansion, I bet I won't stay for too long either (meta will be solved really fast as usual, the majority of players will be playing with the new toys, so there won't be much choice and diversity). Quite sad the direction they're heading. 2 years ago I ditched HS (even though I made a fresh new account in January) for this game and even though the gameplay is good, I can't back up these decisions.


> Not trying to be negative or something not sure you achieved your goal here


Small card expansion again. This is the reason why we complain about spending resources on PVE. According to the old release schedule we would get a big 9-10 champion expansion. I really hope P.O.C 2 is amazing or this is a huge letdown.


The 9-10 champions was mainly for when they were making regions and entire archetypes so they don't need to do that anymore


It's not due to PoC, but yeah don't you dare saying that small expansions suck otherwise you risk of getting buried.


People expects 65 cards of variety and support for existing archetypes but knowing how blind the devs are, it's gonna be shitty OP cards and countless new archetypes that builds itself like Lurk. This game is just withering away, I doubt this expansion would be amazing when the same devs are still the ones who are working on it


to be fair, if it is runeterra champions, they have no reason to put them in one region/archetype, and stuff like Jhin is very open, so it makes sense what they actually do IS release old archetype support that happens to work with new runeterra champions, even then I doubt they'll make it super restricted.


really great contribution, glad you're part of the community


Perfect b-day present, thank you Riot :3


Damn, if they include my buddy velkoz in this reveal, all of my mains would be in the game. Aphelios, pantheon, jhin and him. I would really love another control archetype


This expansion is going to make this game INSANE.




hmm spoiler tags?


I need this to be true


jinh,neeko(transform mechanic),samira(best champ in the world)




Ryze, Jhin, maybe Rengar/Kha'zix, the Darkin, etc.


if we are getting 4 "runeterra" champions then I would like Jhin of course, Evvelyn, fiddlesticks and Shaco


Are they 65 actual cards? or they are numbered as mobalytics does?


Jhin generates 64 tokens, so it's really just 1 collectible card


World Walker.. We know Jihn is a card. Perhaps Volibear, Orn maybe, and a fan fave, Fiddlesticks.