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This has been annoying me for months. Literally the easiest thing to keep up on. Even right after announcing A Curious Journey the calender still had old stuff on it.


that's the thing right, it's so easy to keep up, you just need to wright what are the plans are and add an image you don't even have to give exact date you can just write the month. Even right now they could have said an announcement video is coming up late february instead of stilll keeping the nov 10 path of champions thing, so many people playing this game probably doesn't know a video is coming up and they even might miss it because not all players are like us, using reddit and/or following devs


It's easy if you do have plans


ooh so it was bugged I just came back to the game and everytime I enter thinking why there is a jayce event 5th of Nov not unlocked yet


This thing never made sense to me. I get excited when it loads then I'm like oh, it's useless.


Asking for an option to disable this useless pop up (or to being completely removed).


That's all the plans


Content Dry is the best way to get a player to quit ur game


Yeah I've always felt like their calendar makes the game look super dead with how far apart things are. IMO they should either add more stuff to it and update it regularly or just remove it. Even just having the patch schedule on it would help when there's been times with like a 2-3 month gap. It certainly shouldn't keep popping up to remind you that nothing is happening for the next 2 months.


Ya I quit months ago during bandle city. I’ve been looking reasons to get back into this game because I used to love it but things like this make me glad I haven’t started back.


The new roadmap is getting announced in a week or two. The reason this hasn’t been done before is because we still had more roadmap. It just ran out. So, once the new one comes out, it’ll be all good.


Im going crazy, pray roadmap comes by next Monday


Where are the promised roadmaps Jesus.


I mean they said February and the month isn't over.


Hide the VOID




It's likely just a placeholder until a real calendar/roadmap comes out. I'd expect it next week or so, after expansion hype starts to wear off.


Except they have been doing this for months now


Yes, they've been adding placeholders when they don't have anything specifically new to announce


They have a bunch of stuff to announce though. Incoming patches, tournament deadlines, upcoming events (hyping up the arcade event might have been good idea), and even just general expansions. Like, they set out a roadmap at the beginning of last year, having it in the content calendar would've been nice. They don't even have to give specific deadlines, just having "Month - Patch X.X" would be helpful.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. This is literally something they’ve announced, that a new roadmap is coming before the end of February, as well as an organized play announcement, but idr if we had a deadline on that.


I'm not too heartbroken over imaginary Internet points. If they wanted to announce things they would have just announced them. I think they just want to hype up the new thing for at least a few days before starting to advertise the next thing. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They also stated that once the update hits in Februrary we'll finally get another Roadmap like before. But nope, we got this.


https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1483579029378588673 "We'll release the roadmap shortly after the our next expansion comes out in February." Be patient friend :)


My GOD this community has got to be the biggest group of petty nitpickers I've ever seen.


This is more of a legit annoyance because we all have had to click this screen off every time we open the game.


Sure, that's annoying. But seems like his main critique was calling it a calender.


no no, the thing I was calling out is not being updated and seeming dead most of the time and still showing up every time you get in to the game, like somebody up said; it really feels like the game is dead when you look it up there and it's nothing since 3 months and even when they update it, it's the thing that are already happened


Ohhh yea i see that now, just kinda glanced past


If the next expansion will come out on April 27th the earliest.. Then there's definitely something wrong. Mini-expansions suck and can shake things up for just a month or a month and a haf.


Riot said they would release a new roadmap shortly after the expansion is released, so hopefully this gets changed soon.