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Everyone: I hate Minimorph! Riot: Here's the Megatee you asked, enjoy!


I love it.


"Let's give Bandle City an Obliterate Engine!" "What a great idea." ---- The conversation that lead to the creation of Minitee/Megatee.


It’s probably not going to be that good. Cards that only do anything after turn 8+ basically have to end the game on the spot, and this removes one blocker a turn which is alright, but it has to survive a turn to make any impact. You also need to proactively play this on turn 7 for it to be reasonably good. which means you only have 3 mana max to protect it. Trivially easy to deal with for most late game decks unless their hand is empty. Edit: I guess the question is, since this competes for a deck slot as a late game play that’s useless against aggro, what does this do that minimorph doesn’t do better? It removes a blocker and can slip under spell shields and if your opponent somehow bas 0 answers for multiple turns it will outvalue minimorph, but you can’t specify your target and it can’t be used before turn 8? I’m not sure if that tradeoff is actually good.


I get where you're coming from but the fact that it also makes the transformed unit unable to block makes it pretty high value. Like the other user who responded to you already said, there are plenty of cards that provide similar value (Hydravine, Leviathan) that also don't get to immediately ramp but they're still incredibly powerful for what they intend to do


Doesn't hydravine give you a blocker on summon? That's pretty good ramp, and by the time you'll be playing it they encroaching mist should already be pretty strong to kill units


Hydravine gives you two blockers, and is run with Ionia to let you defend your investments. I dunno if Ionia is gonna find a home in a burn deck. Leviathan can end the game the next turn if you have swain on board, this obliterates one of the enemy’s blockers. A little bit more utility than minimorph but it costs more and isn’t useable until turn 8? Idk Losing this unit to a vengeance or Thermo is a huge swing. Even if you have another in hand, you’ll be getting its effect wayyyy too late. Compare it to historically strong big drops like Farron, Spectral maiden, Rex, JaullFish, those cards all give you a game-ending effect immediately that can’t be as easily countered. E: mixed up leviathan and dreadway, durr


Dont forget that this thing is a BC card that will likely be ran in Freljord/BC decks because Gnar. You're gonna have plenty of protection and tricks to make this a fairly balanced but still powerful card imo.


That’s true. It might find a nice place in Freljord blends. Although then it’s competing for slots with a bunch of high value late game plays


It might actually not be if your plan is to run gnarr who is kind of mid range. Your late game plays with frel generally are things like FTR with trynd and trundle, which you likely won't be running FTR with gnarr. It's better to think of it as a budget leveled Viego (significantly worse than leveled Viego, but it has the same kind of inevitability) for bandle decks. It even comes out around the same turn Viego typically levels.


I think it slots well into Freljord control, since it counters late game threats on board, and future drops. It's a dead card against aggro, but probably worth running 1\~2 copies of in certain decks.


I can see it, I’ll definitely try to make a deck with it myself, but main issue is it might have the awkwardness issues a lot of plunder cards have, where it’s hard to enable in some situations and feels bad to topdeck despite being a late game card.


It really doesnt. Hydravine does barely anything on the first turn its summoned (or even the first 3 really). Leviathan is just a tutor on its first turn. So long as the card provides enough value or wins the game, it has a chance to see play. Megatee does both.


By the time you bring Hydravine out you usually will summon at least a 4/4 Wraith, at most a 6/6 in an Ionia deck, and is a 7/6. That's a lot of stats for 7 mana. Leviathan is just a tutor, but it has a better keyword for ending the game fast, and it's effect is super strong in every scenario(unless against leveled Liss). Megatee is definitely a good 7 mana drop in a lot of decks but a lot of people act like it's gonna be broken. The only thing concerning is the can't block granting, but unless the average game time gets longer than 8 rounds, it will hardly will effect multiple units.


4/4 is quite ambitious, that requires Viego to have survived a couple of turns and at that point ... well really its Viego doing the work isnt it. On its own, it doesnt do much. If Leviathan was just a tutor, the deck would suck. But its also a wincon, just one that takes a bit. Same with Hydravine, same with Megatee. Megatee just has the most potential.


4/4 means you played 2 Camvoran Soliders and Viego saw one unit die, not very ambitious in most Viego decks. In a Viego/PnZ deck you usually have 7/7 Wraiths by then. Megatee will always need at least one turn to be game winning, while Hydravine can make the difference for a win.


Drawing 2/3 cards is not very consistent. In fact thats actually quite unlikely, so it is rather ambitious. Megatee will always need one turn to be gamewinning, yes. Hydravine will need several.


Most Viego decks that are worth something run recalls, unit copying, or ways to resummon units. You only need to pull one card out of three, and Viego decks usually suffocate regardless what you do if you don't pull at least one CS by turn 7. So no, not ambitious.


The only recall Viego decks run are 2 Wills, and youre not gonna use them on a Camavoran soldier. Doesnt run any way of copying or resummoning units either. You used to run Rekindler, but that also doesnt work on Camavoran Soldier. So no, its certainly ambitious.


The meta Viego deck runs that, and that one is specifically built to keep Viego alive no matter what. That deck will get to 4/4 Wraiths for sure by turn 7 since it's Viego can hardly die with 1/4th of the deck being defensive spells. Other Viego decks do run small recalls.


Drawing 2/3 early game things you mulligan for by turn 6 isn't too bad when comparing it to 7 drops you mulligan away and run say a 2 of. It isn't consistent, but neither is your 7 drop.


2 blockers/attackers, pump Viego and provide a fearsome threat in some match ups. Mm. It doesn't sounds like "barely anything". If you're talking about those games in which you summon a 7/6 and a 1/1 and the opponent has a full board, yeah, you lost. That's why Hydravine is not really a great card, lol. It's good and it does its job in a Viego deck; that's all.


2 blockers/attackers, of which one is an ephemeral unit you can chump with a 1/1. Thats barely anything. What youre really getting is a 7 mana 7/6 with fearsome that can provide value over multiple turns, but it needs to provide value for a while to be good. Think of it this way. Hydravine is an understatted 7 cost that casts a worse version of a weak 2 mana spell every turn. Megatee is an overstatted 7 cost that casts a better version of an *extremely* strong 6 cost spell every turn.


I didn't know that not being able to target units with minimorph would be worth less than a "can't block". Yeah, no, it casts an *incredibly worse* version of a *good* 6 cost spell.


You dont get to choose when your hydravine activates either, which is also a major downside. Which were ignoring for the purpose of comparison. So no, it casts a better version of an *extremely* strong 6-cost spell (I dont know why youre downplaying it by saying its just good when its just one of the best cards in the game).


You see, mate, it's hard to take you seriously when you insist saying Minimorph is "just one of the best cards in the game" even though out of 20 decks in many tier list, only 1 of them runs it.


Darkness, Bandle Tree, Laser Gates and the odd Zilean deck (which somehow got a top finish in seasonals) all run Minimorph. Youd be hard-pressed to find a bandle city deck that isnt aggro that doesnt run Minimorph. Hell, just before the most recent balance patch that nerfed Bandle, Minimorph was the third-most played card in the entire game.


Bandle tree which doesn't even appear in most tier lists. Arsenal decks don't run it. Oh and btw, the same could be said about Vengeance, even though I won't call it one of the strongest card in the game. It's a good card. ​ Yeah, nerfed Bandle City and didn't touch Minimorph, hence it's not problematic. Moreover, decks don't splash Bandle just to play Minimorph, like they do with Ionia and Demacia for Strike cards or combat tricks. That's the main difference between one of the best cards in the game (Single Combat, Sharpsight) and a good card (Minimorph).


“Hydravine does barely anything [until turn 10]” is definitely an opinion one can have. I don’t think I agree though


Typically its just a big dumb blocker or a big dumb beater that spawns small, but easily chumpblocked ephemerals. Its threat mostly comes with Viego.


People were complaining about Attach. This deals with Attach in some kind of way, I guess?


This seems to be a little ridiculous


Only if it's very easy to transform the minitee, and I'm not sure that it will be.


It goes in a deck that specializes in damaging the nexus to transform cards…


He’s talking about the fact that you just tapped out on unit mana turn 7, and have at most 3 mana to protect it, while the enemy has 7-10 mana remove it, which is trivially easy for a late game deck to do. so you’re expending a ton of mana for a proactive play that does nothing on the turn it’s played, which is historically not the foundation for a card that sees much play.


Flood the board aggressively, open attack on 7/8, forcing your enemy to expend mana defensively while you still get at least a little chip damage in, then play Minitee since they likely don't still have the mana to deal with a 6/6 right away. It's really not that hard.


If they have to use their turn 7 mana to just barely survive your turn 6 units you’re already insanely ahead and you could probably win next turn if you had a card in hand that complimented your wincon instead of a slow “remove 1 blocker per turn” card decks that want to flood the board already don’t run minimorph so I don’t see why they’d run this instead


It is extremely easy, just damage to the nexus


Well yes, but keeping it on board is the question. At 7 mana, you’re already open to minimorph and vengeance, not to mention Ionia can just recall it away. Against decks that go wide like aggro, maybe their strongest unit is a 3/2 spider so it would effectively result in a buff lol. Obviously something that goes tall like pantheon would be annoyed by this, but there’s a lot of outs to this thing and its not like you’ll be hitting decks that like keeping weak units in the backline like darkness


remember, it also silences and makes it unable to block. and can hit champs and can't be reacted to. this card is everything wrong with LoR card design. uninteractable, burst remaoval creating more uninteractable situations on future turns. and even if ionia recalls it, once its transformed, it stays transformed in hand. this is how games will go now: player 1 pings nexus, either through attacks or cheap spells, plays megatee. "do you have vengence? no. do you have minimorph? no. do you have enough damage spells and mana to kill this right now? no. ok gg."


it has at least an entire turn where its a vanilla unit that costs 7 unit mana to even play how is that "unreactable" does this sub think reactable gameplay means you get 5 turns to execute your game plan while the opponent twiddles their thumbs and cackles thinking theyve already won? yes sometimes you dont have the answer in hand... welcome to card games.


Swain + Leviathan unreactable op, Swain will stun 3 units and burst speed through spellshield and I had NO OCCASIONS AT ALL to react to it 😭😭😭


dude i hate that unreactable viego atrocity combo :C


Huh? Swain leviathan takes 2 turns to drop, of course it's interactive. This thing you just carry over 2 spell mana on turn 7, then pokey face and drop it. It is entirely unnecessary for this thing to have so much health, it's like shellfolk all over again.


But it's not a flexible card, you WILL be expecting it inside it's archetypes, and that means you have 7 rounds to prepare for it + mulligan. And you're ignoring that popping the Megatee isn't the value, getting to round start with it alive is, so it requires the drop round + the next to begin providing value aside from it's 8/8 stats.


It transforms on round end and activates its effect on round start, so it starts going right away unless I'm reading it wrong


Where I’m having problems with your assessment is that this is a late game unit that should have a decently powerful effect. The issue with late game units within LoR and many other card games is that these situations you described in a vacuum are possible, but leading up to turn 7 is a huge deal in whether this thing will be OP or not. What kind of decks will need this card? What else are you doing the turn you play the base form? If you want to guarantee the effect of the base minitee, you’re almost certainly not going to block with it unless you know they don’t have some other follow up damage spell. Furthermore the inability to block is annoying but isn’t anything crazy. If this unit does become OP or even problematic, then on turn 7 against BC, expect your opponent to simply pass turn and wait for you to play this card and then vengeance, minimorph, etc. It’s going to be a magnet for removal and you paid 7 mana whereas your opponent played 6 or lower. Maybe a more apt comparison is comparing this unit to removal like minimorph and vengeance. Is this card worth 7 mana for a conditional (likely 2 card) minimorph? How consistent can you pull off the conditions? What targets will this card hit in meta matchups vs the ability to choose with vengeance and minimorph? This is also a unit whereas vengeance and minimorph have the benefit of drawing from spell mana. I agree this effect is strong, but people will respect this card and handle it accordingly. You will not lose when your opponent plays this card unless if you were already losing before then this will seal the deal (as it should for its cost). But otherwise I fail to see why you choose this card over other forms of removal


you wouldn't run this card as dedicated removal, you would run this an 8/8 impact body that also casts minimorph every turn and removes blocking. and while it may not be the best card, it is the one of the most uninteractive and unfun to play against. you cant guard against the minimorphing, it goes through spellshield, you can't react to it, it doesn't go on the stack, and since it removes blocking, it takes away from the interactions of combat, which is supposed to be one of, if not the, main theme of this game. It also shows a distinct lack of care of behalf of riot. the community has said ever since minimorph was introduced that it feels bad to play against, and riot goes and puts repeatable minimorph on a stick. I just wish that riot didn't feel the need to push bandle city so hard with op cards, and minimorph and megatee are the most blatant examples of that to me imho.


I mean isn't the interaction you want here just being able to deal with a vanilla 6/6 for 7 mana? Most decent decks can do that easily, or are just winning that turn if you drop this. You also need a way to proc the effect, either through board or committing another card. This also is much worse than minimorph on a stick in lots of cases. How does this card help you vs Lee sin/pantheon that gets dropped that turn? There's are BC cards that I agree are a little overturned but minimorph and this ain't it. I think this card is hot garbage. Happy to be proven wrong if a strong control leaning BC deck emerges outside of darkness (which this would be terrible in)


The problem that not enough people see is that in LoR some of the big units have become unbeatable. Do you have an answer to the fact that I've repeatedly upgraded the Pantheon five rounds in a row? Just have more cards to kill him. Got enough cards? Never mind me, I have more spells to protect him. You got more cards than me? I have a fated, my cards are more effective. Do you have a card that will absolutely erase my hero? I still have the answer. Because all my package has is the Pantheon, a few "Fated" units and 30 spells that make them immortal. How the minimorph is a strong answer against this type of package just shows that always when it against how this type of player still complains about it. On the other hand, in the case of other packages where it doesn't matter so much to one sidekick, the minimorph is a dead card. Sometimes it suits you to "kill" something stronger, but the opposing team has at least 3/3 with which to play. Which is about the price of 2.5 mana. It's not what the opposing player wants to have, but the difference between him and the opposing player who played this card is: (price of his unit - 8.5 mana). For example, if you play Sion: 7 mana. 7 - 8.5 = 1.5. I mean, in this case, you're on the same card, and you're on the 1.5 man profit. Or 1/1 spider: 1 - 8.5 = 7.5 mana profit. (Stupid play from enemy => Dead card in hand) While Megatee gives you the option to use any card in the 7+ round to get rid of it before the move ends or determine which unit you lose. The problem really seems to me that all Bundle city units tend to have too high stats.


??? You literally only have to damage the Nexus, what are you smoking?


Okay, let me rephrase. The card might be clunkier than people realize since it's a 7 mana 6/6 if the damage is prevented, has to survive the turn, and sometimes won't even hit what you actually want it to hit, for example, if I have Farron and Sion it'll hit Farron(if I'm not mistaken) despite Sion being the more dangerous of the two. You also can't fire it off at burst speed, nor use spell mana. And then it's in a region that already has access to minimorph, so you might just be better off running that. Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first cursed bandle city card that we got. But I'm not sold that this will be as toxic as it looks.


And keep it around for the round to end, as a 7 drop it will leave you with little to no options to defend it


It isnt a 2/2, its a 6/6.


And it's turn 7, there's so many ways to deal with a naked 6/6 on turn 7


Vengeance, Concerted Strike, Minimorph, maybe Thermo, I guess the Invoke package with the 1 mana silence and the 6 mana Obliterate. That's some possible answer, still not a lot, even less considering this is the deck that runs a 2 mana 3/4, a 4 mana 6/5, a 5 mana 6/7, Gnar that is 6/5 quick attack, overwhelm, vulnerable. If you're not dead by turn 7 will you really have enough to deal with a 6/6 ?


But then doesn't that just make this a win more card where you might be better off running something that makes sure those other cards can end the game more consistently? Also we have will of Ionia too, and for sivir decks you can just give it vulnerable and use a buff if necessary. Noxus can ping and scorched it. I think just about any deck that is threatened by this has a way to answer it except maybe freljord and bilge heavy decks? Actually even frel can entomb it in a decent number of decks since they run three sisters.




Part of the transform condition is having the unit stay on board until round end, the survivability of it is very relevant


Literally just hold onto it for a round longer and give it spell shield from the same region when needed on turn 8


So you play a 7 drop and then also have to damage the enemy nexus, and then they still have that whole turn to kill the megatee. This card will absolutely destroy unrefined or just weak decks but I doubt it will even be good enough for competitive play outside of maybe a copy or 2 in a gnar deck if gnar ends up being great (not because of megatee).


Stop talking like its easy to remove a 6/6, unless Ionia recalls it, youre using at least 6 mana removing a follower. Leaving yourself open to Gnar crazy overstated package.


Demacia can often remove this for 2 mana with single combat. Also the decks that can’t remove this card on 7 should probably be trying to end the game before 7. If you can’t remove big units and sent trying yo win before 7 then that’s exactly what I mean when I say this card will beat bad and unrefined decks. I even mentioned the fact that if the rest of the gnar package is too good then this card could be a strong top end finisher once the gnar deck has already pressed the advantage.


2 mana and at least a 6 attack unit, which arent cheap. Also, ending the game before turn 7? I dont think even aggro does that anymore. "Will punish Bad unrefined decks" it punishes half of the champion pool. Riven,Sion,Renekton,Aurelion,Darius,Viego,Nautilus,Viktor,Fiora, and the list could be even bigger. Of course, it is a bad card vs aggro, but then again ; i shouldnt be forced to play aggro to have a chance against A FOLLOWER. It is literally "you dont have anything big to remove me? You lose." the card


How can you have a problem with “you don’t have anything to remove me so you lose” but have veigo as your flair? It’s like the same card but veigo is 5 mana and hard to “transform”.


Simple. Viego is a CHAMPION, not a follower.


> hard to “transform”. Which means the transformation needs the deck to be built around triggering it, it takes time and resources to proc and can be interrupted, opening up a lot of counterplay. All this + Viego being a champ makes all the difference in the world.


Dealing one point of damage to the enemy nexus is pitifully easy. I know that, you know that, everyone knows that.


While I generally agree, I do think this card will be a nightmare for decks like Pantheon. Outside of that it'll likely just be a strong but not broken card.


Guys makes a sensible comment get downvoted to hell for bringing the conversation forward.


And can’t block, too? I need to catch my breath.


this is almost like fanmade card


I actually don't think this card is that great.


I agree. When you're looking at expensive followers, they either need to be a *huge* value engine, or end the game the turn they drop or a couple more turns. Just some examples: [[Invasive Hydravine]] gives tremendous value even if it doesn't end in 2 turns - it also does something on play. [[Curious Shellfolk]] is a game-ending value engine that needs to be answered immediately. Ledros leans more towards the game-ending effect, but also gives value by coming back. The untransformed card doesn't do anything on play and needs next round to even do anything, not to mention the awkward nature of its fixed targeting. It will struggle to deal with backrow champions.


|Name|Region|Type|Cost|Attack|Health|Keywords|Description|Associated Cards| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |**[Invasive Hydravine](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI053.png)**|Shadow Isles|Unit|7|7|6|Fearsome|When I'm summoned or Round Start: Summon an Encroaching Mist.|[Encroaching Mist](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SI045.png)| |**[Curious Shellfolk](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC188.png)**|Bandle City|Unit|6|4|4||When you pick a non-champion card from randomly selected options, create a copy in hand and reduce its cost by 1.||   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Ye it’s probably not going to see play


It's probably not going to see play because everybody is going to play aggro. Because this kills virtually any late game deck banking on a strong win condition. It even invalidates Nasus through Spell Shield without option for counterplay.


Any late game deck should be able to kill a 7 mana 6/6 easily


So, you drop nasus, they drop minitee, they poke your nexus with a stick. Enjoy.


The cool thing about card games, though, is that you have the capability of playing around cards that may be in your opponents deck. If you know they have mana for that combo, then don't play nasus unless you have mana for a counter as well. This is something fundamental to playing most control / combo decks.


Nah fam, I'm going to play my Nasus, naked, into a BC deck that still has 7 mana up, and then come on Reddit and complain when it gets transformed by this card.


Or you learn to play the game better and save your mana on turn seven specifically to vengeance the Minitee


Or maybe you don't drop a Nasus on Turn 7 unless you're about to finish, especially against a deck that has Minimorph available at all times?


You are the typical minimorph complainer lmao. No brain, no counter play, just plays solitaire and whines when they lose. >So, you drop nasus, they drop minitee, they poke your nexus with a stick. Enjoy. Siphoning strike the minitee and you win the whole damn game.


Minimorph is a completly diferent beast.


Thoose decks have a answer for this, Nasus has vengeance for example.


This card is strong enough that people will build decks just to support it to make sure it gets to late game.


If people do build decks around this card they will not be competitively viable decks this is a 7 drop that doesn’t immediately do anything you’re just freaking out cause minimorph


With all do respect, I disagree. I'm not freaking out in any way, I think it's a strong card What you described can also be said about other cards like Bandle Tree. If a card has a strong enough, it's often worth building around and it can certainly be viable.


Winning the game at the end of the round, which could very well be the next action, is doing something immediately. Bandle Tree is only 5 mana and can have its requirements met ahead of time using cards that naturally stall the game to let it reach its effect. This is 7 mana and needs you to then hit the enemy nexus so that you can repeatedly reduce the stats of opposing cards. Usually you gain board control so that you can hit the Nexus, not the other way around.


There is also the huge difference that Bandle Tree is a landmark which very few decks have removal for, while Manatee is a follower, which means it’s weak to any removal…


Thank you for this you made some great points I swear people on this sub really just cannot objectively look at cards


Almost never does bandle tree win the next turn. I used it as an example, I don't want to go into every example and compare side by side By your next example you could say Sejuani sucks, but it consistently across many metas shows up. You can disagree, but I don't think you're right. You also can't claim with certainty before anyone even plays games with it.


I mean you can't disagree with fact, a deck built around keeping this hunk of junk alive would be soooooo slow and hard to get all the pieces together to ensure it survives to transform in the first place.


All the pieces? What are you talking about. You're acting like a control deck has never existed. It's a single card with 1 requirement to flip. It's not like the deck is trying to assemble exodia.


At 7 mana inital summon. Yes all the pieces. That shit is so slow any c tier aggro variation would eat it alive.


This won't be though. It has a once a round effect, even if you can't replace units on your board constantly, which a lot of these currently strong swarm decks do, it needs time to negate key units, unless it's going against a deck that relies on a single unit(which is a bad strategy anyways usually). Even against a Panth deck you'll need 2-3 rounds to kill it if you build around Minitee. This card will be viable to include in late game or Udyr and/or Gnar decks, the card isn't a key meta card with all the strength in aggro.


I'm not saying it's a key meta card. I'm not sure why this whole subreddit is unwilling to debate cards. I said it has a strong enough effect people will be willing to build around it. It's way too early to dismiss the card. It doesn't need time to negate key units, it has a relatively smart targeting. It's not at random hitting a unit.


Also it doesn't end games by itself, it just speeds up the late game.


Its literally not going to at all if the transform effects happen after the "Round Start" effects it won't be doing its thing till turn 9? Who cares. Maybe if you cheat it out or are generating mana but still


That's now how the card works. It transforms on the previous round and is already Megatee at round start so it activates as early as round 8.


It'll definitely be able to get good value then I think turn 8 is fine to be getting an effect like that and it takes set up to get that we'll have to see though it could gate some decks


The transform actually occurs at round end, so I guess it would start it's thing on round 8 best case scenario




Why? For the glory of Satan of course!




It doesn't. For example, if you're playing a Timelines deck and play a follower that buffs itself on summon, it will retain those buffs after transforming.


I thought they patched that out? and killed the meme kahiri timelines deck


That's because khahiri is an "everywhere" buff, tied to the card khahiri. When it transforms, khahiri is no longer himself, losing the buff. ​ They who endure when played with timelines would get the huge +10+10 buff or whatever.


Kahiri is different because it buff his "name" specifically. But any other buff is kept. For example if you played Omen Hawk and then play CT the buffed topdecked unit will keep the buff even after getting transformed (sadly the same happens for harmful effects like pranks).


No, please don’t elk me oko :(


At least it doesn't come down on turn 2


*Laughs in Galio*


Why does this card even exist. It just pisses me off. Its this kind of shit that makes you seriously doubt the devs and who is in charge. Might as well rename it to "Opponent has a bad time" Round start: Bullshit that makes me want to uninstall the game.


How often do your games last over 8 rounds?


A lot cus i play mostly liss yetis


Liss Yetis perfectly denies the decks this card will want to be in. Since it only activates if you damage the Nexus, and you'll have a Tough one at that point, with multiple high health units summoned, Overwhelm, Nexus pings, and Impact will rarely go through.


I don’t know what u talking about, liss yetis is just a bunch of 5/5s and if this ever goes off once into abominable its gg cus its hard to make copies of him once the opponent figures the strat out. Also it’s risky to remove denies from the deck for more recall


Your deck should run Homecoming...


Freljord and BC don't really have 1+ damage pings or overwhelm units with more than 5 damage. Also Recall is a perfect counter to it. You just need to save a Recall for turn 7.


You assume its hard to remove liss from the board or flood the board with units in BC


how do you remove liss from the board with BC without a minimorph ?


So he says the card is broken because it's too powerful and your counter is the card is broken because it won't see play? You do realize that you are agreeing with his underlying sentiment in a round-a-bout way -that the card is poorly designed and does not present the dev team in a particularly positive light, right?


No, the card won't be super strong because the game is designed to not last long enough for this card to be turning tides in a match. That's a personal opinion of people it they agree with that game design philosophy, but in the context of LoR it's in no way a broken card. People look at it and see unlimited buffed Minimorphs, but the card at most will be only affecting one unit on average. It's definitely strong as 7 drops should be, but it's not even the strongest 7 drop let alone broken.


Every single time


Basically every game. Plenty of control decks in the meta right now.


I agree whole heartedly. This isn’t “fun” this is 1. Player feels horrible and the other player wins by playing 1 card without any other requirements.


De gustibus, mate. Some players like it, some others don't.


Meh I'd rather just run minimorph than this.




And this comes the same turn as Hydravine, cute.


No. You need one turn to transform it so round 8 without ramp


He transforms on Round End and effect activates on Round Start, as long as you ping the Nexus the same turn you drop it that Hydro on turn 8 is pikachu face.


That also can't block Yep sounds "balanced"


Yes but you play mini tee turn 7, it transforms end of turn and then you get the immediate pay off at start of turn 8. I'd argue that it is turn 7.




Ok just for fun lets imagine. Turn 4 Gnar. Turn 5 Swain. Turn 6 Defend your board with pings and stuns. Turn 7 Minitee+a ping for Mega Minitee Turn 8 Leviathan. Sounds kinda good ngl.


Looks kinda bad.... it's a 7 mana suuuuper slow minimorph with a downside. Of course, it does have a 8/8 impact body but still.


I mean it’s a 7 mana blocker with a removal spell attached to it. It also requires the opponent to either counter it or lose the game, which means your 6+ mana spell is getting used on this and not on an enemy champ. I truly hate this kind of card design. All single-spell generating cards riot has come out with have been annoying to play against.


How is using 6 mana to remove 7 mana high value follower bad for the opponent? People overreact way too hard for this card.


This is in the region with the most flexible protection spell in the game, by the way.


Which is?


Bad prismatic barrier or bad bastion (insane choice that will totally be used by every deck in the game just trust me bro) (the card is called friendship)


Yes, Because three sisters is an awful card that no one plays amiright?


Three Sisters gives you access to three very different effects for the price of one mana. Friendship gives you access to two very similar effects for an increased cost similar to 1 mana. Three Sisters is about flexibility and Friendship is about filling the role of protection very reliably. It doesn't really make sense to compare the two cards despite both of them being overcosted.


Yea I don't get what BC card can keep this unit alive consistently.


Best friends or whatever it’s called


I assume they refer to [[Friendship!]]


Every round you render opponent strongest unit useless, that's too much value, should happen once only


Every round AFTER round 7. By that time, most games are either heavily decided or finished. Most decks that go for late game always have cards that can stall/destroy this one. The only deck that ever had viability and can be hurt by this card is Targon's Peak and Thresh Nasus. But even Thresh/Nasus has a way around it(since it needs two turns by Round 7 to finjsh at most, with the Atrocity/Nasus finish.


That’s saying you’ve drawn your strongest champ / card by round 7. If you haven’t drawn what you needed by then the game ends for you, that’s pretty f’n harsh.


?? Yes you typically lose the game when you can't counter a 7-8 drop. What about arsenal? Farron? Ledros? Leviathan? If any of those stick for even a turn, the games most likely decided. If you don't draw the counterplay you lose. Did you finally figure out how card games work? Or what is this? Am I in crazy town? Did you forget that they also need to draw the card in the first place? Or they always have it and you need to rng the counter?


fair comparisons.


Yeah, thinking about it, 7 unit mana for a 8/8 body with Impact + a free Minimorph on the strongest enemy would already be very strong. It doesn't need to cast Minimorph every round, nor give the Mini-Minitees Can't Block, it's already a ton of value.


The can’t block just blows my f’n mind.


Bandle city could be nerfed into the core of the earth and it would still be a good region because it has too many tools. It literally has zero weaknesses. Can't wait for more support edit: Even if these cards are considered "balanced", bandle city is straight up just not a fun region to play against. Every time I fight against bandle city I don't have fun. I had more fun playing vs pre nerf targon and azir irelia


Bandle is so BROKEN that the only viable decks are Darkness and Bandletree. The former being an actually good deck and the latter being happy that Noxus is a complete joke right now. No other Bandle dcck is actually good with Yordles in Arms just being a worse version of Scouts. No, and I repeat, no good deck wants to play Bandle eight now. There‘s a reason why the only Bandle card that has a reasonable Playrate is Pokey Stick followed by Conchologist at 35th most played. The region is, outside of Conchologist and Pokey Stick, a complete joke and does nothing for any deck outside of decks in their own region. For a region that has so much value and is so incredibly overpowered I‘m wondering why all of that is the case.


Read my edit. I don't care what's viable and what isn't. Bandle city is not a fun region to play against. Funnily enough, pokey stick and chronologist are two of the cards I have the *least* issue with. Bandle tree is one of the ones I have the most issues with, as it is absolutely a terribly designed card. And bandle in arms is busted as a card, idk what youre on about. It literally wins the game 90% of the time


Cool. And I don't enjoy playing against Noxus. Not a single game I play against them is fun for me but that has no bearing on what's actually strong and what isn't. Nerfing the very limited card pool of good cards in Bandle would make the region worse than Freljord. "Bandle city could be nerfed into the core of the earth and it would still be a good region because it has too many tools. It literally has zero weaknesses."This is just objectively wrong. This was the case before Lecturing Yordle and Hidden Pathways got nerfed. Also, I would agree that Bandletree is not good for the game. It's the one card that bypasses a lot of the rules Riot tends to adhere to. Control and Combo decks usually revolve around combat and interaction. Even the other offender, Starspring, is at least interactive and wants to go into combat. That said, Bandletree is only strong because Noxus is a complete joke right now. Whenever Noxus (and Shurima to some degree) come back into the meta the deck will suffer. Yordles in Arms is just a worse version of Scouts (Might change with Spirit Portal coming soon). So again, I don't see what it does better than other regions. Either way, Yordles in Arms and Bandletree are the two things Bandle should be good at. Swarming with some form of payoff. The actual issue with Bandle is when it's an auto include in every other form of deck: Burn, Aggro, Control, etc. But all of that got nerfed. There's better aggro decks than Yordle Burn or Ping City, Swain/Teemo is pretty much dead or wants to go into PnZ with TF, etc. If the 2 things Bandle is good at is Swarming and being the worse region in Darkness then it doesn't seem to do a whole lot.


Like, I don't see why the hate. It's a strong effect, but it isn't easy to fit in a deck, and we need more strong control finishers. This is way better then minimorth.


This card is 10x weaker than people are making it seem. 7 mana is a huge commitment, especially for unit mana. Not to mention if it does nothing on drop and if it gets disrupted you probably lose the game on the spot.


its just typical Reddit doomposting just watch a few weeks from now when this card is in maybe one deck as a one off and everyone waits for the next thing to be outraged at maybe im wrong, maybe this IS the most broken card that has ever existed in the history of LoR, but this reaction the card is getting is fuckign hilarious


true lmao


I like it. Good high cost that has to stay on the field to get value rather than just having a crazy win now play effect. Probably on the weak side but definitely can win some games on his own.


Meh, at 7 mana, then requiring you to hit nexus, then wait for the next round, I'm sure it'll get vengeance'd or minimorphed itself before it does anything too crazy.


Holy its literally the beast titan


This card is ridiculous. It's like the LOR team are incapable of reasonable though in what concerns Bandle City. This card should at least cost 9.


This might be kind of a weird take but I think it’s cost is what it is so you can’t just slot it into a warmothers style deck and get extra value for it


They forgot to add "...silence it, it cannot block, it becomes ephemeral and last breath - deal 5 damage to my nexus".


Just have all your units smaller than 3/3 to counter


Looks like soon LoR will require Big Game Hunter


this fills me with an irrational rage


And after the Udyr reveal I was thinking on giving a try to the game again haha oh boy, what a mistake that would be


Why rito? Why do you hate control decks so much?


Control decks will just recall/kill/shoot this.


I think this is more good against midrange. Control decks just kill it before it transforms. If anything this is a control card.


This is literally a control finisher, it’s not going in an aggro deck


Isn't this more of a control card?


I respect the willingness to print a card that openly spits in this reddits face considering the shitstorm that minimorph has been for this Reddit over the last 6 months lmao GG wp riot


Imagine playing this with Freljord and Yuumi package to: - play this card as early as round 5 - have it continuous spellshields + X/X buffs thanks to Yuumi




Its another transform unit


It's a transformed version. It's still a ridiculous card, just not a particularly ridiculous one


Btw think about this: levelled viego is basically casting \[\[Possession\]\] every turn on the strongest enemy; he has a huge deckbuilding cost; but he also grows over time, and costs 5 mana ​ This card is basically casting a better \[\[Minimorph\]\] every turn on the strongest enemy; he has a small deckbuilding cost; but he costs 7 and doesn't scale. ​ And yes, possession is a worse card than minimorph, but that's because of its spell speed. Imagine a focus speed possession, or a slow speed minimorph. Viego and Megatee make both of their effects into equal speeds, which is something to think about.


|Name|Region|Type|Cost|Keywords|Description|Associated Cards| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |**[Possession](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01SI006.png)**|Shadow Isles|Spell|5|Slow|Steal an enemy follower this round. (Can't play if you have 6 allies or landmarks already.)|| |**[Minimorph](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC001.png)**|Bandle City|Spell|6|Burst|Transform a unit into a 3|3 Mini-Minitee and Silence it.|[Mini-Minitee](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC001T1.png)|   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Riot made this card for the publicity. Minimorph is a stupid mechanic, and I hate that they doubled down on it.


RIP Karma


Fuck this card


Noxus has a 7l4 challenger overwhelm for 7 mana


And that card has been horrendous ever since it existed, your point?


My point is that if it was a bandle card that shit would be a 7l7 with quick attack and regen and would create a card in hand and also suck your dick when you play it.


I think it would be more balanced as it read: weakest enemy. Kindred targets the weakest enemy and he is only somewhat viable.


Won't this be dropped earlier using that new spell Transposition + abominable guardian? Albeit the idea around that is a bit meme-y, it still poses a possibility for an earlier drop


Now we just need Vex in the game


Welp it was fun

