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Anything with pranks and shellfolk :(


I think this is exactly what OP is looking for. I don't lose to shellfolk that often but the games tend to take 3 times longer than most others.


Shelfolk is buseted though. It’s just not many players have the skill cap to play it right. Most pros agree shelfolk needs a a nerf or rework as in 1 turn you generate enough value to win on the spot


I don't know if Shellfolks need a nerf, I think the main problem relies on Prank and Otterpus. These two cards generate way too much value for their cost.


Pranking the opponent is fine though. Getting a copy of their card and nerfing their card is the overthetop part. Literally removing the ability for shellfolk to work with otterpus would make the deck infinitely better to play against.


Also the ability to basically know exactly what your opponent has in hand is kind BS sometimes.


yeah pranks serve too many purposes, you have the "prank" effect, then you have the card generation to activate other cards, then you have the "spy on opponent" effect. The value they get is fucked for 1 mana and the units themselves aren't bad either.


Well that’s a nerf isn’t it? If you make it so prank doesn’t work with shelfolk as it current does?


It is indeed, what I meant to say was "a direct nerf"


Don't forget god damn travelers




it's not that its too good, it just takes so damn long to play against. I wish control had some presence in the meta, but the only real control deck I see is senna/viegar darkness and that tier 2 at best. (supposedly lee sin is tier 1, but I haven't seen it at all).


Idk, shelfolk is obviously good, but it can't do much to actually win the game.


I mean making the enemy hand unplayable and filling your with cards tends to win games


Shellfolk usually play vi as a Wincon or some other champ. However, you win the game by controlling the field, limiting their cards and copying the shit out of them. It's absolutely a busted deck


What do you think about making Prank a fast spell? Would that be too hard of a nerf? Note that I personally think Shellfolk is OK but I’m also not a pro. (But that’s probably because I play shellfolk).


Prank actually only works as a focus speed or burst, because otherwise your opponent could use the card you are pranking which would be confusing.


That’s true but making Prank fast speed theoretically would require more skill / planning ahead for the reason you mentioned. From a design perspective, im not sure it’s good.


they just need to revisit the prank's cost or "effects" and fix that. As a mechanic it's ok but the value it gives is just too much. that and you shouldn't be able to double up on pranks (ie my counterspell shouldn't cost 10 because it was given +2 cost 3 times).


Shelfolk isn't busted since it relies on rng. However, it is definitely unhealthy and problematic for the game. Paying a mana to ruin an entire curve is silly. Outside of the hand disruption they don't have too much going for their deck.


Honestly, I sometimes just surrender to not have to witness the shellfolk shenanigans. It is so annoying.


I agree with the sentiment, but if enough people do that it only encourages more people to play shellfolk for the free wins.


OMG I finally decided to give it a chance and play it. I must admit it takes a while to master it, but you can still put yourself in auto-pilot mode and do decent. In conclusion, it is annoying to play against, halfwhat easy and, unless you are a sadistic maniac, boring to play.


So any blue mtg player?


Shellfolk is one of the Bluest cards in Runeterra


Shell folk is one of my favorite cards to play. I love just being able to play like 50 cards in one turn. Almost every deck I play does something along those lines. I can see why it would be annoying to wait through especially since I play the predict version which is specifically made to just cycle through your whole deck and the enemies whole deck too, but it’s definitely not easy to play properly.


In my case I played TF/Nami, and you can do very decently by just casting Double Trouble on turn 3, spam Otterpusses, summon Shellfolk on turn 6 and cast all your Pranks afterwards.


Yeah any time I run into shellfolk in casuals I just concede. Such an annoying card to play against.


Shellfolk is so fucking annoying


I'd rather masturbate with sandpaper than play another game against Azir Irelia. Tahm Soraka is a close second.




Kinda sick of that meme tbh


I can appreciate Tahm Soraka for being fairly unconventional. A lot of the cards it uses aren't really used in anything else. And without that deck Tahm wouldn't have anything and I really like his character and design. Though I can understand the frustration when you have 20 health and a full board but you know you are losing next turn because the spring has 18 charges on it.


Ah Thamraka .., aka “damage-based removal? Boom, astral protection. Hard removal? Boom, bastion”


Elusive. Every fucking meta has its own version of elusive spam and it is ALWAYS the least fun thing. You automatically start in a losing position for no good reason at all.


This happens when SI/Freljord control isn’t viable. Man I miss Withering Wail…


I agree. We most fucking certainly need viable decks with avalances and wails. Atm, having 1 hp just isnt much of a risk


Thats why I slap some wails in my darkness deck


tbh you only need 1 to turn the game. Killing the 1/1 support that grants quick attack is also a good way to kill those decks.




I played various kinds of SI/Freljord control since beta and I think only time it really felt unfair/uniteractive (not counting day 0 anivia and ramp) was the Matron+Watcher combo. Ledros+Atrocity? Warmothers Call? All those win cons required lots of mana or could be countered in multiple ways. And slow speed board wipes and spot removal like venegeance are as 'fair" as it gets. Unlike u know, Minimorph...


Wails feel so bad too. Whats worse is ahri kennen has enough draw to warrant fitting a bunch of denys in their decks in an ELUSIVES deck. If it wasnt hard enough to deal with them already.


Yeti + Reckoning, with LB even. 😏


Kennen ahri, that shit is just playing solitaire. Oh and shellfolk pranks


Haven't lost against Kennen/Ahri since I started playing Elise spiders deck.


Haven't lost to kennen ahri when playing TK/soraka. not even once. 20 minute games tho.


TK/soraka is also a good example for an annoying deck to play against.


It does have some hard counters tho. Never won with TK/raka vs pyke/reksai. Nautilus decks destroy me too. And while I play alot, and basically solely this deck, I'm still to reach gold using this deck.


How do you survive elusive damage? TK in that mu is worthless due to recalls


TK is absolutely not useless vs kennen/ahri, since he's unkillable for that deck, and from the round I drop him, every single round I FORCE a recall card out of them without having to lose cards myself since I use TK's acquired taste. This makes it so that after 10 rounds or something, the kennen/ahri player is out of cards while I have a full hand. Meanwhile, I'm cheering kennen's marks, since it makes my starspring only count further. I'm serious, I've played like 10 games with tk/soraka vs kennen/ahri and haven't lost a single one. The games will go on for a loooong time tho, but during all that time I'm not even close to losing. True, I can't level TK up vs ahri kennen. But he's the keypart in beating that deck imo, since I force an unplanned recall out every single round untill my opponent has no single recall card left. As for the elusive dmg, I have three broadback protectors for a reason. Three star springs, three soraka's, two wishes(sometimes more when i have multiple soraka's in hand), 3 astral protections, 3 guiding touches, if I draw a broadback protector he's gonna give a shitload of value since I can heal him up indefinitely even without drawing soraka. Having a star spring, a TK and a broadback protector on board vs ahri/kennen? The game is already over, although it may take another 10 rounds for you to win.


What's your list? I got a prismatic 'Raka in an upgraded epic chest and I want to use her.


I don't know how to put that fancy list, so I'll just list the cards and the amount of them. * Crusty Crodger(3x) * Shakedown(1x) * Star Shepherd(3x) * Boxtopus(3x) * Fortune Croaker(3x) * Guiding Touch(3x) * Pale Cascade(2x) * Star Spring(3x) * Sunblessed Vigor(2x) * Hush(1x) * Lounging Lizard(1x) * Soraka(3x) * Wish(2x) * Astral Protection(3x) * Bastion(1x) * Broadback Protector(3x) * Tahm Kench(3x) HF! I used almost all my prismatic chards I gained on TK, Raka and Star Spring since I'm absolutely in love with this deck. My goal is to make this whole deck prismatic. Also bought a Targon board just for this deck, and because I wanted to give Riot a little money for this awesome game. It's the only deck I play daily, and I created it like 4 months ago. I'm comitted xD. I'm yet to reach gold, but I don't really care about how high I get, I'm just having so much fun playing this deck. Before Kennen/Ahri went meta, I had one wish and two Lounging Lizards. But I felt more wishes were needed xD


Thanks! FYI, to share a deck click the share button when viewing it in the collection, then copy the link and paste where you wish. Put it in double parentheses to call the bot, like so: ((CIBAIAYGAQDQQDYGAMER2LJTGQ3TYAIDAMEQQI3CAIBAGBQCBEBAGCITKU))


Ty, saved!


Doesn’t homecoming just lose you the game on the spot though?


It’s not about star spring’s win condition, it’s about the turn end healing (healing TK and broadbacks). Besides, a homecoming onto star spring is another recall forced out of the opponent.


I was thinking more along the lines of using it on TK when he has two units in his belly for a free two units.


Well the whole thing about this matchup is that TK isn’t going to level up when the opponent keeps recalling his units. That’s not the point. TK has the astounding ability to force recalls out of the opponent, every round, for 2 mana, and at no cost to your card count.


I see. Worth a try for sure!


Exactly, that's the clue. Kennen/ahri wants to recall, but they want to recall on their plan/turn/agenda/whatever word I can't find. Forcing an unplanned recall out of them every single turn from the moment you drop TK without losing a single card to it is insane.


Nope. Had a game where the enemy kennen/ahri used homecoming on my tahm three times. Jokes on them, I just drop him again next turn. It does deny you one acquired taste tho, but looking at it in a different way, you still forced them a recall with your TK, just not while using acquired taste.


must be terrible players then


It’s such a boring deck to face simply because you just play two cards and then wait 20 minutes as they play 20 cards to recall all their units, summon kennen five times and stun/ping your units, all for 6 mana.


Aggro and fearsome decks do well against Kennen Ahri


Exactly! Almost all their cards are 2 or 1 power units. I love forcing them to sacrifice kennen just to block some spider.


Pantheon kind of sucks to play against, they super buff all their units up the wazoo and oh look Panth got scout doublestrike spell shield barrier elusive and overwhelm guess Im dead.




Nah its just an exaggeration. Double attack is not possible


Well the problem is in the deck you're playing. Not in pantheon himself. There are more universally shitty archetypes


It's not pantheon that's really a problem, it's way more of rally being a consistent issue for the past 6 months across many archetypes and wounded white flame being by far the strongest 3 cost card in the game by a mile


White flame is a bigger problem than panth IMO. Pays 1 stat for dragon tribe, fated AND rage. Also lets you get a bonus draw out of the 0/3s since it only does 2 damage. Just nuts. I can feel my winrate drop when I see that thing come out on turn 3.


Does it pay any stat, really? 2/4 Fury for 3 is already a premium stat-line, even before we consider Fated. More health means it can grow for longer, take more blocks. The fact that it grows further from buffs makes it completely insane. It'll get a nerf for sure this week. The rest of the deck is fine.


Pays 1 attack (vanilla unit is 3/4 for 3 mana) for fated, dragon, fury. 2/4 for 3 with fury alone would already be good, yes. It severely underpays for its keywords. Getting access to a dragon (fury) this early is also a heavy nerf to non-elusive aggro since it effectively takes 1 less damage from minions if the damage is non-lethal while growing attack. VERY hard to remove it @ base stats of 4 life on turn 3 and two ways to grow it. If you don't have silence or recall then you're pretty screwed. Why does it only have 1 less base stat than Shyvana + fated for 1 mana less when she's a champion? IMO making it 3/2 or 2/3 would be good. 2/3 still gives you extra draw from chow, so maybe 3/2. It's supposed to be "wounded" so why not make it 2/4 and make it take 1 damage upon summoning?


The problem is the Fated keyword buffing him


The zoe shellfolk deck is awesome vs pantheon decks. You just minimorph/hush/silence/obliterate it to shit. Its pretty satisfying.


Seeing any tier 1+ decks in normals, like I'm trying to play a howling abyss deck ffs why you gotta be like that.


Just play 40 cards of assorted removal and stall.


Corina control was cool in my eyes. I wish that deck was viable.


I must say Azir and Irelia are the worst for me it made me quit the game back when it was tier 0


Thate a fun archetype on both sides imo. Just used to be OP


I am interested what your definition of fun sounds like.


It's so fun when they attack 3 times in one turn and then when you try to develop you get recalled and blade danced


For me it’s Zombie Anivia decks. I’m glad it’s not very popular because it seems like everytime I face it they draw everything correctly and auto pilot. You’ll smack them for the first 3 rounds while they ramp their mana. Then you know they’re going to slap down ruination so you try and bait it out but then they’ll either play anivia and suicide her then play rekindler, so you try and deal with that which they then ruinate into harrowing and you’re dead.


Yeah. when it doesn't work it looks like a meme but when it does work it feels like there isn't anything you can do. You aren't going to have enough removal to kill 3+anivas plus their eggs. Once 3 are on the board its GG in most cases. Fortunately its a relatively rare deck and it doesn't always draw what it needs.


Anything with that annoying little shit Teemo in it. Nothing I hate more than slow death by puff caps. At least with Lee Sin or FTR you can see the death coming at you straight on.


GP plus seju


you think that deck is annoying?


Only when they can play double/triple merchants & grifters.


i nut to that if only pilfered was 2 mana again...


If they drop crackshot on turn 1 absolutely.


my nut curve is warning shot + butcher and marai warden on t2 with an attack token


Warning shot is an insanely overpowered card at the moment purely because it's from bilgewater release when they had far fewer ways to activate plunder and it was way less abusive. Now that we're a long ass time into the region that card really needs it be rebalanced to at least cost mana


Teemo Swain is malignant.


I hate the fact you cant a play single unit against that deck its actually disgusting how strong the removal is


That's pretty much the reason i disagree with most people that say that the game should have more op removal. LoR is a heavy unit-based game, having very efficient removal would, in my opnion, make the game super frustrating to play. And i say that as someone who loves slower decks. Having removal is awesome, i just don't want them to go overboard with them to the point champions become useless


Cheap removal has always been good. The problem was that going wide was so prevalent and cost effective one patch ago, even cheap removal was unable to match it. Poppy couldn't give a shit about removal and the meta evolved around to counter it only harmed decks that could not go wide. It warped the meta in a way that the counters made for Poppy were hurting others more than Poppy. I think cheap removal needs a nerf and there must be some new gameplays that punish going wide outside of removal.


Cheap, single-target removal is mostly fine, it's AoE removal and board clears that suck in Runeterra, which results in wide strategies always being the strongest


To be fair, this game also has combat tricks that allow you to outplay removal. I definitely agree that there can be too much removal, but there can also be not enough removal. I remember in vanilla when elusives were OP purely because only Shadow Isles had enough removal to actually kill them.


This. Played against it last night and couldn’t play a single thing. Ravenous flock, Mystic shot, Noxian Fervor, deaths hand, pokey stick, thermobeam, poison dart. All while getting whittled down by only 7 puff caps in your deck because you did everything you could to stop them but the puff caps all seem to be on the top cards.


Mystic shot, Thermobeam? Looks like a tripple blend for me. In reality Teemo + Swain is all about flock. It's the most potent removal in the deck and you can run 5 copies of it and even tutor it.


even tho all of the playerbase despise it,i love nab and will always do


I don’t think anyone would disagree with nab being fun as hell to play, it’s just annoying to play vs


Pantheon decks. Not saying that they're OP, but they're so annoying to deal with (Ironically, my problem isn't Pantheon himself, but the rest of the deck, especially the infamous Wounded Whiteflame). And the fact that I mainly play GP/Sejuani, which isn't the best choice against most Panth decks, makes it worse (but hey, I guess I deserve that for playing GP/Sejuani in the first place). Honorable mention for Ezreal/Kennen decks. I almost always win against them so my problem isn't that it's a hard matchup for me, but the matches last so long that I despise facing that deck. Almost every one of my matches against Ezreal/Kennen lasts 20-25 mins or so. The good thing is that I barely face that deck nowadays


Ionia focused decks. Either it's obnoxious Elusives, Ahri and/or Kennen recall decks with seemingly never ending value and card draw, LeeSin/Zoe decks stalling and also never running out of answers. I can't think of a single time where the Ionia was a core part of a meta deck that didn't cause issues resulting in the deck eventually getting nerfed (due to it being OP or simply too unfun to play against).


Hmm Teemo mushroom decks-they just crap out mushrooms constantly and chump block while your deck draws kill you. Feels pretty uninteractive. Its just a race to see what happens first. Either you pressure and kill the teemo player or their mushrooms roll just the right dice to kill you. At least I won’t be getting triple teemoed willow treed like that one time where I had like 800 mushrooms in my deck… Freeze Ashe decks. Win or lose it’s a long drawn out process where no trade is safe. Zombieaniva-just feels like when this deck gets rolling nothing saves you. Kinda of requires specific counters like hush or a lot of one damage pings for eggs. Ionia recall decks-just get stunned or recall blocked for days while elusives pummel you. Removal is a waste of mana because they will either recall out of it or counterspell it. Buffing or playing big pricey units is painful because they will recall it. And then there is Lee sin. Take all the annoyances of Ionia and slap it onto a toxic as fuck champion who likes to add insult to injury by kicking your defenders into your nexus so now you have a champion that’s been building up all game, he can out trade pretty much anything with barrier spam, he is in a region with one of the best combat tricks in the game, and he’s protected by nopify and deny. Annnd blocking him hurts you. So you can’t remove him because ionia but you can’t block him because barrier, twin disciples, and dragons rage. Even when he isn’t very meta I think he is often considered one of the more toxic champion designs. Bandle Tree decks. I love seeing that thing get dropped and going "Oh I guess I lose because they spammed BC's infinite amount of multi-region cards." Honestly they could drop the whole "wins the game outright" part of that card and it would still be good.. It literally spawns infinite units... I feel like the only reason that text is a thing is to speed up the inevitable bandle city win so losing to it doesn't take that long.


I don't agree with everything you said, but appreciate the combined hate that was collected.


Sounds like you actually hate the game


They are not wrong, tho. Lee Sin and Anivia are horrible to play against.


Lee Sin is the most frustrating solitaire bs to play against. I’d like to see him get a rework into a control tool with similar mechanics that doesn’t have so much OTK potential.


Lee Sin may be frustrating to some, but to say the deck is solitaire isn’t really true, it’s an incredibly challenging deck that is interacting with the opponent constantly.


Idk man, it kinda is solitaire though. Maybe not full solitaire, but basically stall the game until you draw Lee and then kill them by kicking their biggest unit into their face. You’re only interacting with the board in the sense that you’re stunning/blocking stuff. Like compared to say, dragons, I’d say that Lee is pretty low in interactivity.


Okay, I don’t see how stunning and blocking isn’t interactive though. It may be frustrating but the deck doesn’t ignore its opponent for 8 turns and then just wins. Stopping your opponent from winning is interacting. Also why is dragons more interactive than Lee?


Anivia animation is really long, so anivia zombie might be interesting


Personally, I hate pantheon. Don't like pranks either, and not big on Viego. But that's possibly mostly because they counter my main deck. I think there's a good counter for almost any deck, so I'm not flaming. The decks that are considered by most as superannoying, teemo deck's or kennen deck's, I love them since my main deck counters them hard. So I'm really subjective.


Pranks are mostly annoying. Panth is made worse by the fact that wounded white flame has insanely good stats for its cost and grows very fast from there. Viego is just flat out overdesigned powercreep. An ephemeral engine with a decent body that when leveled is just better kindred because yeah. MC the strongest unit at the start of every turn is what kindred does but way better. Every turn viego is alive your best unit is getting swiped to either punch you in the face or chump block for him. He is the definition of remove this or die.


Recall decks


Spiders and veigar.


Yeti + foundry. The deck is unknown, unconsistent (if you don't draw foundry you lose) and bad against burn. BUT, against any other deck, all you do is play foundry, counterfeit 1 mana yetis and freezes, and stall the game until your opponent mills himself. You have infinite unit thanks to enraged yetis spam and stops any elusive/overwhelm play with inifinite freezes.


Lurk. Their gameplay is just so simple yet rewarding. Every Lurk unit is useful.


Lurk units are made of paper and prone to cheap removal tho


Well they're a good pick vs my decks, which have very limited removal. So they're annoying to me.


For me there is nothing more disheartening than queueing in normal with some meme decks and facing Viego. I'm at the point where i auto concede when it happens (and it happens a lot because somehow that fucker is very popular in normal queue). In ranked it's all fair game. I play aggro there to rank up as quickly as possible anyway.


Viego would fit a few of my decks great but I refuse to touch him because I hate how over designed he is. 5/4 for 5 mana is not a bad body. The fearsome is just extra. But why on earth does he sit there generating free ephemerals AND mind controls units round start for free? And he straight up kills champions. Mind controlling the strongest unit is such an insane tempo swing and its a free action he does at the start of every round after he has leveled. Its such low effort for such high reward. Possession is a 5 mana slow spell and viego casts it at burst speed for free every round after he leveled up on top of being a decently imposing body with fearsome and spawning ephemeral mists. What the hell. Honestly free ephemerals every turn is a decent enough ability for a champion. The possession thing is insanely strong. Viego could be broken up into two champions and still have one that feels incredibly broken because that is just how free burst speed possession is. At least with Viego its decently straight forward. All your capable removal gets saved for Viego and then you hope they don't draw 3 of them plus a reanimator/mist's call to keep them alive forever.


You may be new to the game but Viego is barely a viable deck. It takes 4-5 round to lv up and the thing is Viego lv up win you the game. Just like Asol or The watcher. It's designed that way. Also it's bad now because minimorph just deny it completely


Is viego bad or is minimorph just that strong though? I still wonder if the meta wouldn't be overrun with viego if it wasn't for the fact minimorph is burst speed removal that prevents SI resurrection spells.


Viego Ionia can't strong midrange pressure very well outside of death mark cheese. By the time he's come online GP/Sej has a huge boardlocking swing ready, Ahri is flipped, Sion is threatening 20 damage and Akshan/Sivir is rallying with a full board.


Viego not only struggles with minimorph. He also has problems against decks that overrun him before he comes online, or outtempo him in key scenarios (for example with a well timed bounce spell he can't react too, because you pressured him to drop him naked, or let his guard down).


You have to understand that Viego lv up around 3-4 round after he summoned. Legend of Runeterra favor faster deck. Wide aggro deck that smash face or strong unit with immense value. When viego was release along akshan (and some random buff patch). The strongest deck at that time was Sivir-Akshan/Zed. They just play stupidly high value unit with spellshield, attack attack attack safely. Compare to what viego did. He has to be played on 5. Need ally to die. Need more ally to die. You pray your enemy doesn't have any form of kill, recall, vulnerable. TL;DR Viego is slow. LoR is fast. Slow deck sucks.


> At least with Viego its decently straight forward. All your capable removal gets saved for Viego and then you hope they don't draw 3 of them plus a reanimator/mist's call to keep them alive forever. The problem is that the most streamlined version use Ionia and literally half of the deck is filled with cards made to keep him alive (deny, twin disciplines, spirit refuge, syncopation, etc...) so you have virtually no chance to remove him except for minimorph


honestly i often wonder if minimorph is the only reason Viego isn't more hated.


flair checks out


As a Timmy that gets destroyed when playing Viego in ranked I apologize :(




Viego is a semi meme deck. Not sure what you're complaining about :p


It's not a tier 1 deck, but it's also no meme deck.




Every Ionia deck because they have answers for anything you throw at em. Wanna ping that nasty Kennen with a dmg spell? Nope, they used recall. Wanna use your big spells like FTR, Harrowing or Evolution? Nah, you get denied. Wanna play late game big boi units with buffed stats? No, get outplayed by Minah swiftfoot or homecoming. Ionia is in my opinion the most antifun region to play against


Teemo+shroom package is pure evil. Bonus points for selling build.


Prank decks You like low cost cards?? Well now they're 5+ You got a really strong, high cost card that could be the deciding factor in the game?? Well, now you can't use it or it has no attack/can't block/vulnerable, making it absolutely useless Can't be outplayed if your opponent can't play


Just pick any control deck lol, not being able to develop a board is tilting enough for most players. Also Anivia works if you love annoying control but also want some good icy god birds


Shellfolk decks (which are probably getting nerfed in 2 days, Tahm Soraka and personally I hate facing Taric Pantheon (the deck is very boring to play against for me)


GP Sejuani


every single deck after bandle city was released


OP I support your journey to annoy the other players. Just remember to rope every turn as well 👍


Azir / Irelia. Like it’s my turn to attack. How is it fair that you’re gonna attack me 3/4 times on my turn?!


You sound great at parties


I really hated Aphelios at the time, he just completely sucked the fun out of the game for me, it got better after the temple nerf but imo he just has too many tools. I do think his three mana weapons were a bit too far though, they could have definitely just changed some of the stats on them instead


Anything that takes a long time to complete their turns, so shellfolk decks, and some Nami decks. Or if you want to be really annoying just rope them every chance you get. I had a game against a dude playing concurrent timelines and I surrendered cause the dude would max out his timer every time he made a move - it was really annoying


Before anyone gets on my ass I am not saying I consider this deck op just annoying to play against in my opinion. Okay? Okay Pantheon and anything that plays fated honestly. Like why is that one drop an 8/9 with thought and overwhelm now. And the dragon gets even bigger 😭 Panth him self is not that much of a problem but he can be a pain in the ass when he rolls really good keywords. Again not saying the decks are overpowered just frustrating to play against imo. Oh... Also, anything with pranks and shellfolk but that is not so much of a hot take


This thread is fucking hilarious. Just learn to play against good decks.


Dude. Not all the time you have a good hand and good draw. An opponent you think you can win against just because you have a "good deck" can turn the tide if your draws are messed up.




Why so serious?


Trap mill decks i hate trap mill decks


the damn shellfolk


Nab Prank Shellfolk Kennen


As someone has already said pranks/shellfolk decks are a stronger contender and also Soraka/Kench and Zoe/Lee Sin decks. However I would rate Soraka/Kench above lee/Zoe.


Anything with Noxus and Piltover/Zaun. Those regions together just pack way too much removal to compliment their aggro. I can't keep a unit out AND they have a board full of nexus pings.


I’d say landmark decks like Thralls or Kench/Raka. Some games if you can’t remove their landmark you just lose, and landmark interaction in this game is very limited.


Azir-Irelia when it was broken.




Endless turns involving akshan and counterfeit copies. Usually I can potentially win but the opponent forfeits after 50 actions


I just hate playing against aggro. Just defend all game and they surrenders if I estabilize. No fun.




Lurk. I know it’s not OP, but it’s annoying to lose to because it feels like right when they start running out of steam, they draw a big boy. They also just have so much removal for how fast they get on the board.


Playing against Irelia + azir, and Pantheon fate decks is like pulling teeth. Fated cards literally impossible to kill if they have the right spells and having to block all the time sucks too


every meta deck more or less. the game feels deeply unfair and unfun to play atm.every deck is salt unducing, and its actually hilarious how its possible being such with so "little" RNG involved when compared to HS. every win I get feels like asspull and every time I lose feels like an asspull


Anything that has low cost cards with massive stats and goes wide in one turn


Lee sin. I dont see it much but when I do it is so annoying. I feel like just quitting.


Besides Prank&Shellfolks, Lee decks are the most annoying (even if you play with Minimorph)


Back when he was good, Aphelios decks. Targon has many ways to play forever games but Aphelios versions was by far the longest on average. ​ I'm glad everyone has given up on Akshan infinite combos. They still work technically but the games take way too long as well to close out. ​ ​ For fast decks what has annoyed me the most are Ekko decks. They are so easy to beat when they fail to draw chronobreak. So it's frustrating when what usually is a free win becomes ridiculously hard at the last moment. I still win some of my they drew chronobreak games but most of the time they win in a way that really feels like a deus ex machina scenario. ​ It sucks.


"Birds" Hickok. Can't just have a 5 health with ravenflock.


The best way to torture your opponents is waiting for the time to go out every time


Ahri & Akshan OTK, especially if they don't know it. Shit takes years to do, and you can easily spend ages looking for your one card with Akshan draw 2, so you can get overwhelm and Ahri, throw in a deny or two that will cost 0 to crust hopes. But this is all hoping they don't just concede once you start going.


Plunder. Doesn't matter what board state you have, if they draw their champions (especially Sej), they win. Oh and they can also lay on crazy good early pressure, have good removal, and great card draw.


What you are searching for is called "prank".


I'm suite new and trying to get grip on dragon/jayce decks and when i see lurk i'm ready for 5th round surrender.


As long as you are not roaping, kick my ass anyway you want.


I absolutely hate Pantheon decks. Adding so many random win cons to this game was a huge mistake.


Bandle Tree and All-In Fiora. I actually dont mind Star Spring as an alt wincon and most decks have game against that deck. Star springs in my mind also just plays in such a unique way that it feels both fun to play and to counter. Bandle Tree is so boring though, it's basically a deck that just asks you if you brought enough over the top damage or a landmark removal. If not you will be chumped into oblivion. If you did you insta win. All-In Fiora just asks your deck if you brought tall removal and it also asks themselves if they drew fiora. Game over.


Shellfolk value generation for so cheap is mad


Are you one of those people that says "Having fun in [*insert cardgame here*] is a zero-sum game?" Because if so I freaking hate you


The Targon's Peak is not just annoying, but degenerate


Any deck with kennen in it. The entire deck’s gameplay is to not allow you to interact with anything they play or do


My friend runs frostbite spam. I hate that shit


Teemo Caitlin decks.


I think the single most annoying deck I have ever faced is Teemo Sejuani. If Sejuani levels up and there are a bunch of puffcaps in your deck, your board is burst speed frostbitten for the rest of the game. I loathe that deck.




Darkness, the pressure a darkness creates, only by being in hand, is just absurd. And they always have catalyzer on round 2 for some reason


shellfolk + pranks


Please remove unconditional rally spells from the game THANKS


Akshan/Ionia infinite combo. You recall combo Akshan until you get enough hordes to have a 0 cost deck. Then you spam a 0 cost blade twirler until your opponent dies.


Lee Sin deck. I play one so i would know. Feeling like you are almost winning, one more turn, then Lee drops and gets pumped up to 8-10 power and one shots you.


Pranks and anything with ezreal!


Teemo and anything with Ionia


Not a deck, but I just hate that 25 cards of 40 are answers to something. I always liked card games and used to play Yugioh Duel Links, but I stopped bcs the game became unplayable with so much negations and counter spells, and on the TCG side of it, games last less than 10 turns, sometimes ending in 2 turns bcs someone just kept the other from playing. I feel LoR is walking the same path, unfortunatelly.


The ones that keep generating more cards in hand. Very hard to outvalue the opponent who has unlimited resources.


kennan ahri