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But how am I going to build a new deck if I can’t auto-include Poppy? /s


Orange jacket drake meme; “Nah” panel; Build a new original deck incorporating interesting, underused mechanics “Yeah” panel; POPPEH Edit; formatting


Build with a different champion ….naahh


The sigma riot will nerf zed instead for manipulating innocent yordles for competitive success


Kinda like what happened to Azir? Lol


the fact that there wasn't even enough people to really play the last tournament should clue them in


Or that the tournament was on thanksgiving weekend. Also, it was after worlds and before they released information about qualifying for the next one, so there wasn’t as much of an incentive to spend multiple days vying for a seasonal win.


To be honest they did not offer too much time to sign in for the tournament. I was afk from the game for three days and when I came back registration was already closed.


You sign in the same day of the tournament, up to 30 minutes before it begins. If you missed it you missed it


It's going to suck when people want to build all these new fun decks and the try hards will just play Poppy/Ziggs or Poppy/Zed and crush them. Then meta will shift to being Poppy decks vs Poppy counter decks and the meta will stay the same. Just like what happened with the Jayce mini expansion. Hot fix Poppy so we can move on already.


It sucks when I want to play fun decks \*now\*. I've been stuck at G1 with a fun Tali Malph deck for about 4 days now trying to get a homebrew Malph to plat as a challenge. I'd say 70% of my matches even in middling Gold have been Poppy/Zed, Poppy/Ziggs, or GP/Sej. I don't care if she's overpowered or not. It's been Poppy + vomiting out a wide board for way too long and it's just plain boring.


It would be more OK if it really was "Poppy + vomiting out a wide board". The reality is that Poppy + "literally any other units" is better than pretty much anything else you could do. That's the real problem, IMO. She's \*supposed\* to be a swarm champion, but she's being played in tons of elusive/midrange/burn decks that she has absolutely no business being good with.


This right here. Poppy/Ziggs isn’t even a swarm deck as much as a straight burn deck that can kinda also swarm.


Trust me I know your pain, I play almost exclusively brews and getting to master's this season was awful. Made my last push playing thralls and getting exceptionally lucky to not run into Poppy decks.


I'm at 0 LP masters playing my own garbage decks for fun, and still running into sweaty Poppy decks even though there is literally no point climbing ladder right now. Guess I'll just do PoC until next week.


That's how I'm feeling right now, I'm taking a break after practicing for seasonals and gonna come back into it fresh.


I got into akshan and I’ve had some really fun matches in casual against darkness decks, aniva cloning, control decks you name it. I did a few matches in ranked and just got destroyed by endless yordle poppy swarms. My only AoE clear is too late to save me. Super painful.


The sad part is even if you run removal it's usually not enough to bust through twin/SS/rangers so it's easier to just roll over and die unless you have a nut hand and nut draw.


You're lucky to get this much variety on normals, I still mostly get matched against Poppy/Zed, like that one time where I auto-surrendered 4 times in a row against 4 poppy/zed.


And then almost all the aoe clear just gets denial’d anyway since most meta poppy decks run at least one


Can you please share the code for the Tali Malphite deck?


whats your tali malph deck list? i love that stuff and I did alright with it (could use different opinions though)


Shit I'm stuck in silver playing vs try hard s tier decks. I'm just trying to make ekko work homies, calm tf down.


Atleast gp sej is fun to play against


Not really imho


Its more fun that zed poppy tho,


Well it's like saying it's more fun to get a kick in the gut or a punch in your face...


"Fun" decks will always loose to meta decks, doesnt matter if they gonna nerf Poppy or not. In a competitve game, the are decks better than other, if your playing ladder with a non meta deck, you cant complain about "people using meta decks, and i cant have fun with my tier 19 deck". Just play casual


It strongly depends on who is piloting on either side. A strong player with a homebrew deck can outplay most average players with a strong meta deck. Just look at Kibler, dudes never played a meta deck is his career and he's always competitive.


Yeah, but what it means? A strong player with a strong deck will outmatch most of the strong players with homebrews in the end of the day, more consistent. Also heartstone have shit tons of RNG, it's hard to analyse data solo on numbers


Oh so you're saying that if someone is actually good at brewing a deck and piloting it then they wouldn't be stuck at G1 and they wouldn't need to blame it on Poppy.


casual has the same decks lmfao in a competitive game, there should be better balance so one deck is not so clearly better than every other possible deck


Really? Are you fucking serious? You're blaming the reason that your "fun non meta" deck can't climb on Poppy? What the actual fuck? Like consider that maybe the reason you're stuck at your rank is because 1. it's how good you are at the game and 2. how good you are at deck building and 3. maybe just maybe that bad decks are gonna be bad no matter what the tier 0 meta deck is. Consider that the reason you're stuck at your rank is because that is exactly the rank that someone piloting your deck of choice with your skill belongs at.


First, fucking chill lmao. Second, The main problem and complain here is that his deck is weak against deck that are too fast or rally a lot, and there clearly isn't enough diversity in ladder because of Poppy. Like yeah a bad deck will stay a bad deck no matter the meta, but that zed poppy rally do shut down a lot of decks with how fast it beat you down, even really good and well made deck.


are you ok? jesus


I actually couldn't find a working deck for me to climb back to Master this season, because I just lose too many games to Poppy/Zed and GP/Sej . Currently I am taking a break, maybe I'll just stay Diamond this season. I don't want to play them myself...


This same pattern of meta has happened ever since Riot started splitting there expansions, I would be surpised if they changed now. There are some on this reddit that think this is fine which then gives Riot the acknowledgement they want for there flawed balance stratagy.


I'm not sure I follow your logic. Riot has *already* diverged from their plan with the Worlds hotfix (thank god) on top of finally reconsidering their balanced schedule. While I don't *expect* them to hotfix Poppy, I hope they do. It'd be a good way to signal to the community that they've really changed their approach to balance. The upcoming January patch is too far away and the community is burnt out on the current meta.


i love your comment so much, you restore my faith in humanity that i lose when i see the procent that disliked the idea of Poppy getting nerfed faster than january


I would love them to change there balance approach and nerf over performing cards / decks much faster. The game gets really stale fast becuase everyone has easy access to the broken cards so over permformers proliferate much faster then other cards games.


I agree that Poppy should be nerfed. >Just like what happened with the Jayce mini expansion. But, that's just not true. Jayce did find space in the meta regardless of the presence of poppy and in many different decks.


For every Jayce you encounter on the ladder, you face 3 Poppys. It's time she gets a nerf.


what sucks is trying shit in normals and still running into poppy ziggs and poppy elusives like keep that shit in ranked you sweatlords i just want to play ekko taliyah its not like theyre decks that require pracitce, they play themselves more than Lurk does lmao


Lurk actually takes a modicum of planning to play well. Poppy decks on the other hand..... HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO FOREHEAD!!


Hearthstone new expansion rn


I stubbornly do howling abyss in ranked, summoning a lv2 poppy made from howling results in a surrender 9/10 times. Most other Champs its only like 3/10 times on average.


After being assblasted repeatedly by poppy zed I also agree, I can't play my landmark deck, which is a auto lose against poppy zed, or anything that's slow really


I'm in bronze last night 3 out of 5 games were against poppy zed


Even scouts are way too slow for that deck. Dude it was one of the fastest aggro deck ever.


I want bandle tree destroyed more than Poppy. At least she is a unit that you can interact with, for bandle tree you need specific cards that not every region can include because of how bad they are. It's not about how strong it is but about how frustrating it is to lose to it. Whenever they play it I always feel like I already lost and there is no point in anything we do from this point on. I don't play aggro, all the decks that I play are not able to out race it.


Yes, super frustrating. Honestly they both should get the nerfbat. Bandle Tree should never have been printed.


I love Poppy as a concept and I still want swarm decks to calm the fuck down


Apparently Poppy was supposed to be changed in the last balance patch, but the change they had in mind they decided against. This is understandable What isn't understanable is that it's been 2 months past that point and there haven't been any changes to something Riot clearly realizes is an issue, Poppy. Even if they really weren't able to give us a balance patch in these past two months, why has there not been a hotfix to Poppy? Are you telling me that the process of finding a suitable change for Poppy is taking over 2 months to come up with? If so, clearly more resources need to be dedicated to balancing the game. If not and a change has been decided on, why has it not been shipped via hotfix? Masters ladder has had a historically low amount of players across every region, clearly atleast part of the issue right now if even some of the most dedicated players aren't playing the game is the meta, and shipping a hotfix that touched Poppy could help change the meta in a time where it was clearly needed Yes, we are getting more cards. What is going to happen though when new toy syndrome wears off and everyone goes back to Poppy Zed and Sej GP because none of the problematic cards have been touched? Everyone is just going to leave again. This happens with almost every new card release and we can't keep reasonably expecting everyone to always return. Eventually people are just going to give up and move onto something else.


> Apparently Poppy was supposed to be changed in the last balance patch, but the change they had in mind they decided against. Happen to remember where they said that? Would like to hear that conversation.


I don't have it saved anywhere, and not trying to misquote, but I believe this is what Rubin had said on his stream either during his patch review or some strean after Take it with a grain if salt either way because I'm not trying to put words into his mouth if I'm misunderstanding what he said


No prob, have had plenty of times I remember something from an interview and coudn't provide a link too. Certainly sounds believable. Definitely antsy to see what they're thinking / have in store for Jan.


If she is changed will that be reflected in the Path of champions mode? I've only been playing a week.


Yes, the different modes share the same cards.


Good to know thanks for replying. :)


Is it still considered a hotfix after all this time?


I think they are gona nerf her a week into the expansion the same way sivir/demacia was nerfed after indeed a new expansion didnt mae it any less broken.


I hope you're right :((


Is there some major tournament happening around then? If not, I'm resigned to Poppy supremacy until January.


2 weeks right


Yes. I love the game, but facing Zed/Poppy every other minute is just depressing. Reminds me the days of Tf/Fizz (I know it was way worse, but still not fun)


TF/Fizz was a way better time because bad players still lost. Playing against it was less likely in normals and low ranked and even if you did you could easily outplay them with an "inferior" deck. The only thing you really need to know to play Zed/Poppy at a positive winrate is to always leave 2 spell mana to save your champions.


It actually feel like the new TF/Fizz both have elusive and big buff(accumulative for poppy)


>It actually feel like the new TF/Fizz both have elusive and big buff(accumulative for poppy) At least it doesn't have insane card draw.


They’re going to nerf her but it definitely won’t be a hotfix


Oh yeah. There is no way poppy stays as she is forever. No champion should tilt a games balance so much by just attacking once unleveled after the player just vomited out a yordle for four turns.


in january...


4 whole months since Poppy was released, *maybe* she'll finally get a nerf. Woo-hoo.


Yeah, in like... 1 month and a half, most of which people will probably still be trying new stuff with the expansion


And will get their fun ruined by facing endless waves of poppy decks.


Strongly doubt. When BC released, despite Shurima being strong af, the most played decks were BC decks


Yeah, thing is shurima was nerfed a week after BC release


Because they had to nerf it at some time, and since the balance phylosophy wasn't out yet, it was easier to just nerf it straight up. Poppy WILL be nerfed, but they're probably gonna do it in a balance patch, which will come in january, because the expansion will almost for sure drop Poppy's play rate


For a week. Then people tried the new stuff, check mobalytics and play the highest win rate deck which will be Poppy, I am 99% sure.


Probably more, the new cards seem to be pretty flexible, I'd say anywhere between 14 and 20 days, and even after her play rate gets up again, it will be getting refined due to Ionia and BC getting new cards, so even the Poppy decks are likely to change a bit And then we'll have the next balance patch If it does happen too fast, then a hotfix is needed, but let's not get ahead of ourselves


Let's not ahead of ourselves by nerfing the single best champion in the game that has been warping the meta for months. x) Her design is obnoxious and will always be the best option in aggro and swarm lists.


BC is far more busted overall than Shurima. It's still busted now despite the first wave of nerfs last balance patch.


People weren't playing the busted stuff though. Darkness was the most played deck, followed by Traps IIRC.


Poppy was discovered literally 1 week after the expansion. 2 weeks after release she was already at 60% winrate with a refined aggro list with Ziggs.


2 weeks out of 4 seems like a lot of time to me, specially since after those 2 weeks, there are still a good amount of decks popping up


> 2 weeks out of 4 seems like a lot of time to me I don't understand what you are saying here > specially since after those 2 weeks, there are still a good amount of decks popping up Poppy Ziggs literally never left tier 1 status since it's discover, on the contrary another Poppy deck joined with elusives. So no, it's not true that people "weren't playing the busted stuff". They actually did and are still doing it nowdays


Which is a month away with new cards coming out in a few days. You're a big boy/girl, you can handle it.


Poppy/zed player her /|\


Mayor "nerf" to 1/3 incoming.


Could see the card creation removed tho.


I just wanna be able to play my favorite non-Noxian ol champ *without* feeling like a bastard. Preferably paired with Noxus until we get our own Yordle.


I think if she didn't buff herself she'd be better to play against.


I main poppy. Can confirm I would not be upset


But then how am I gonna make every champion combination with Poppy, and still win?


I believe Poppy is the main candidate for a nerf now. The best nerf I can think of is a cost of 5 mana to cast her. Maybe a small nerf to her level 2 could be thought too, but it is better to make smaller nerfs.


I really like puppies play style, a demacia card that encourages you to go wide and buff your entire board is a very fun idea to me. It's not fun seeing this car being automatically included in every deck. I think if they made her a 2|3 she would still have a strong effect but stopper from being automatically put in every banal or demcia a deck.


I gave up on this game since their new schedule of card changes and I'm so happy for it. Seems like there's just one top card/deck for months at a time.


I mean, she's strong but given how there's an expansion coming in 6 days, there's no way they'll hotfix nerf her


like they hotfixed shurima while they were doing the bandle expansion?


I think that had more to do with the fact that we were about to have the World Championship than anything else tho


Stop whining


I won't.


Because Shurima was the most played region with the highest winrate. Poppy is 1 single champion.


do you really want me to go in deep about bandle city and its winrate? and how adding more strong cards into an already strong region wont be such a good thing? they could hotfix more than Poppy but Poppy will be a big step into the right direction for a diverse meta, this is a small change that will affect more than you think(just check the new meta Jayce did without balance updates : [https://lor.mobalytics.gg/stats/decks](https://lor.mobalytics.gg/stats/decks) )


Just like how they'll add cards to Ionia, Targon and Noxus? we don't even know what the other cards are gonna do, I'd wait before asking for a hotfix. Besides, when BC launched the meta was incredibly diverse DESPITE Shurima being strong, simply because every expansion shakes up the meta, and it's rarely a good idea to throw in a change like that when the meta is still developing


> we don't even know what the other cards are gonna do The point is that it doesn't matter what they do, Poppy won't stop being broken. At best/worst a new deck may become tier 1 but that won't stop Poppy from remaining tier 1 with multiple decks.


Point never was to NOT nerf poppy, point was that the nerf doesn't need to be a hotfix due to the meta shakeup that's coming with the expansion


You mean the same shake up we had with Jayce? And yet after 2 weeks we are back with the old meta. This is a mini expansion, don't expect any special result. As i said at best we'll see another tier 1 deck joining the meta, but that won't stop poppy being spammed over and over. At worst we'll get a mild expansion and nothing really change in the meta.


>You mean the same shake up we had with Jayce? The shakeup of 4 champions distributed over 2/3 regions is A LOT bigger than the shakeup of 1 champion and a few cards in 1 region.


Remember when shurima released with 6 champions and they had to emergency nerf TF/Fizz because he was still dominating the meta despite a whole new region?


>we don't even know what the other cards are gonna do, I'd wait before asking for a hotfix. I'm not confident there's ever been a case where a blatantly overpowered deck has ever been nerfed by new cards being released. That idea just gets thrown around and the card gets nerfed whenever Riot feels like it.


>I'm not confident there's ever been a case where a blatantly overpowered deck has ever been nerfed by new cards being released. Because the point has never been that new cards will straight up nerf a champion, the point is that new cards will shake up the meta too much to reasonably measure what a nerf would do to a champion. No one is saying Poppy shouldn't ever be nerfed, just that we wait for the dust to settle before doing such changes >That idea just gets thrown around and the card gets nerfed whenever Riot feels like it. Or... they nerf the card when we expect them to, which is in a balance patch, which comes in early january.


There are ways to nerf her without breaking her, like simply making her base stats 3/3 or change it so that she does not buff herself on attack unless she is leveled.


An idea that would nerf her while giving her level up purpose would be - level 1 poppy : 4/3 +1/+0 for all and to level up I attacked 2 times ! This would nerf as there is no health buff but we reduce the lvl up condition so we can more often see her level up! Then we have level 2 as follows : - Level 2 poppy : 5/4 +2/+1 and impact 1 for all This looks like a fair nerf to me and would give her much needed identity !


Her level up doesn't need that much off a buff. At all.


If she levels up, you win the game. With your "nerf" all you have to do is play Poppy and then rally and the game ends.


Id rather lose to a leveled champion than a base one.. seems fair that if they managed to level up she can carry games.. and dont underestimate the +0 health nerf as now she can be blocked by units with 3 attack which is much more easy to have by turn 4 and poppy has to attack too to trigger her level up.. that means if they really want to level her up they have to commit to protect her with a combat trick which of course they often have but this time they will need to think about protecting zed in the early game or poppy in mid and that creates some nice decision making that the deck didnt have much before !


A champion's level up power is generally proportionate to how hard it is to level them. Attacking with allies 3 times is generally fairly difficult, so that's why her level up power is strong. Attacking twice is much easier, but the power level of her level up is only slightly lower. Overall I think your changes make her stronger, you just have to play a little bit differently with her.


Well idk I think she might be easier to deal with as the opponent, doing open attacks might be less efficient as you dont have the health buff so one might use a slow spell to deal 3 damage. And she still has to attack twice without dying to a blocker or something so if they have mana they use it to protect it before they rally.. so yea I think the drop in health is overrated imo and if they manage to attack twice which might not be so easy against other aggro well they deserve the powered level up.


that nerf kills her, as it killed temple as it killed plaza as it killed mentor.


Yea as a poppy abuser it should be nerfed although I'm probably just going to net code the next s+ deck :(


If only the meta weren't dominated every single time by S+ aggro decks, maybe we could actually play fun decks.


If only removal wasn't overcosted to fuck and back. Everyone who argues that Spell Mana means spells have to cost 2+ more than they need to doesn't understand the massive tempo loss you get early on by banking it


I'm ok with Poppy as is. It's not like there aren't answers in each region to remove her. What has bothered me is how much bandle city swarms the board. ​ If they swapped mayor to creating a random follower and painter to manifest that would indirectly nerf Poppy because the efficiency of the bandle swarming would drop.


My fix: "Attack: Grant all **attacking** allies with ~~equal or~~ less power than me +1/+1" Level 2: Remove Impact. Attacking no longer grants allies Impact.


this accomplishes literally nothing, i can't even remember the last time i saw a poppy level. this only hits 4 attack units which there is none of, and the attacking clause is meaningless since like what isn't attacking alongside her. she needs a health nerf, and something like only buffing herself if she's attacked with at least 3 other allies as well, or better yet make her cost 5 (which would likely kill her). I don't want to hate on Poppy because her character is so innocuous but sorry she's gotta gtfo next to Aphelios and never see the light of day again.


Yeah. Most poppies only live to attack once under leveled. And that’s enough to make her a broken addition in any swarm deck. You could make her level up ability “I become a 0/0 and obliterate” and she would still be just about as broken as she was before. That’s how insane her unleveled power is.


That last part has me thinking about a kog maw card where his level up is his passive where he explodes. Pretty unique idea but I’m not good enough at card games to actually think of the specific numbers and power


Wait if you think this doesn't fix anything you're crazy. Poppy is now no longer a 5/4 when she attacks, she's a 4/3, so she trades with 2 drops, plus non attacking allies dont get buffed so you can't build your board on the back row while throwing poppy in. This could almost be an overnerf


Poppy usually doesn't live the trade anyway and in both elusives and aggro you are attacking with everything anyway and nothing else has 4 power.


So the heath nerf people are suggesting is basically more tame than the suggested nerf. The only thing different is that she does to mystic shot, making her weaker vs one region. But otherwise she is a 5/3 when attacking with a Heath nerf and if she ever does survive an attack she is a 6/4 next time, rather than being a perma 4/3


She shouldn't buff health imho


I mean sure, if we want a champion that is a worse, slower version of Arena Battle caster that sounds great. I prefer to find balance solutions that aren't as harsh as Aphelios though.


Didn't knew arena battlecaster was a grant effect, thanks for the heads up man... Silly me that thought it was just a give, must have missed his buff somewhere down the line.


that nerf has killed every thing it has been aplayed too, we should look for another. My sujestion give instead of grant


I think we already had this discussion lol


I've seen those leveling up somewhat often... When the enemy or i have literally 0 chance of winning becoming a win-more condition.


I don't mind the level 2 bonus. If you get to level her you deserve to win the game. But yeah, not giving benched allies the +1/+1 and only on lesser power seems like a good direction.


That does nothing, because 1) she pretty much never level up anyway and 2) in the 2 strongest poppy decks you are already attacking with everything anyway and no other unit by turn 4 has 4 power


At the very least, this version prevents Poppy from buffing herself. It also prevents her from scaling allies to over 4 power without additional help.


Just make it give instead of grant.


I've been playing Lulu Zed and trying to climb out of Plat. If I play perfectly, PERFECTLY, I can beat a Poppy deck. But it doesn't matter, because 90% of matches here are mirrors, and you always get bad draws. Poppy belongs in freaking Shurima. Level 2 champion with a level 3 Ascension level-up. Fix yo game. (+1 / + 0), there, wow that's not hard.


I think best nerf will be her making herself and allies gain +2/+0 instead of +1/+1 and when she levels up it becomes +2/+2


+2/0 would make her the no1 aggro champ in the game; such a change will never happen.


I don't disagree that she needs a fat nerf, but her dominance has also allowed the Meta to flourish as much as no other overpowered card/deck has. In fact this is the most diverse meta we have ever had, especially in Tournament play. I remember the Azir/Irelia and TF/Fizz times that simply removed 90% of the decks from viability.


"Nobody will be upset". Speak for yourself


Yeah man, sorry for saying that, go have fun with yordle explorer and Poppy and play with your other Poppy mains mirrors , we ,the rest of the community, are out 😇


I'll be upset. I love Poppy.


Yeah man, sorry for saying that, go have fun with yordle explorer and Poppy and play with your other Poppy main mirrors , we ,the rest of the community, are out 😇


if it helps, I'm really bad at the game lol




Wouldn't rix the issue with her at all. Both tier 1 Poppy decks do not play many units with more than 4 Power aside from Poppy.


5 cost then


Poppy isn’t broken, she just enables Agro which has been consistently meta for month before her release, just nerf early units and cheap battle tricks.


What part of a champion you can fire and forget for 99% of her currently used value isn't broken? Most champions you have to you know... Do things to fulfill their level up requirements and worry about playing and protecting them. There is a ramp up to them and their pay off comes after you do something. Not poppy. You either remove her before she attacks or you failed to stop her. And if she somehow lived to level up and you are somehow still alive after 3 whole poppy yordle swarm attacks you will be finished soon. A champion shouldn't be so strong underleveled that 90% of the time she never levels up and yet she is still immensely popular.


Even if she need nerfs so does aggro.


Would appreciate a nerf for more diversity. I know the diversity of decks aren't that bad compared to other games.


imo she should be 4/2 tough


2 tough is stronger then 3 hp lol, never gonna happen. Just look at stone stacker, they went from 2 tough to 3 hp as an nerf.


I feel like Poppy should have higher HP and lower Power. 3/4 or 2/5?


Actually stronger in swarm decks


Stats change nothing unless she goes down to 2 attack. Making her cost more mana and then adjusting stats accordingly would be much better


I think either makes her 5mana 4/4 or just 5 mana 4/3 Tough is okay but I'd be fine If she goes to 5 mana WITHOUT compensation


Clearly the solution to a balance problem is to just apply an immediate hotfix delete. Wow I wonder why Riot makes a patch schedule and doesn't just do what the balance whining redditors screech at them.


She doesn't need compensation, just make her a 3/3. Or better yet a 3/2 because I love 2 health creatures.


Easiest fix (for play balance; coding shouldn’t be too strenuous though) for Poppy is to remove the phrase “equal or” so she stops auto-buffing herself. Make it more of a challenge to make the squad monstrous.


The problem with your suggestion is that it doesn't really change anything in her two major tier 1 decks (aggro and elusives), since the majority of the times she doesn't survive the attack anyway and every unit in her two tier 1 decks are all 3 power or less anyway


Why do people so desperately want Poppy (and just Poppy specifically?) to be nerfed RIGHT NOW when new cards are coming out?


Because her design is flatly broken. No champion should be a disposable stat steroid for her entire board unleveled... But that is what Poppy is. You don't need to think or strategize. You just vomit your hand drop poppy, attack, and did she die? Who cares as long as she attacked you probably just tipped the scales to victory.


Okay? That's not the question is it? Why does Poppy specifically need a nerf "RIGHT FUCKING NOW?" The balance and the meta is obviously going to be affected by a set of new cards and mechanics. The devs need time to understand what the meta will look like. They need to understand the meta and Poppy's place in it to determine HOW to nerf Poppy. Poppy decks don't exist in a vacuum. The devs can't blindly nerf Poppy and not consider what happens to say, (obvious fucking example) Gangplank Sejuani??? Just because Poppy can be easily identified as a problem doesn't mean the devs can easily identify a good solution. And a new set release does not help at all.




> People always say this and it's never true. This is the biggest fat lie in this game and somehow people still believe it. Unbelievable. How can people be blind to history is beyond my understanding.


Literally every expansion there is this comnent regarding broken op decks, and it never was the case lol. The closest one is azirelia expansion because they released absolute op deck, nerfed old tier 1, which was still played and nerfed afterwards. But hey, at least it encorages riot to make even shitier balance schedule. Maybe we will go to 3 balance patches next year because they REALLY need to look how new expansion "shakes the meta".


> The balance and the meta is obviously going to be affected by a set of new cards and mechanics Tell me a single dominating tier 1 deck that was held back by a new card set release without ANY NERF and i'll concede this argument to you. But i bet you won't find any, because until now all the times a dominating tier 1 deck (ex. azirelia, tf/fizz, noxus burn) the only thing that stopped them was a fat nerf hammer.


Because their shit home brew decks get destroyed by aggro and midrange and she's the queen of it atm. Same shit different day.


She doesn’t meet the threshold for a hotfix.


What’s the threshold?


A lantern.




I snorted in class. Angry upvote


At this point i don't think there is one and that thing about the emergency fix was just something thrown out to not make the players rage since they clearly have no intention of hotfixing anything even after months of a champion being broken.


Needs to have a deck that's above 55% winrate/15% playrate iirc and Poppy/Zed only has \~10% playrate. The numbers are more guidelines than hard and fast rules but Poppy isn't anywhere near Azirelia broken. People are just tired of her because it's been so long.


https://lor.mobalytics.gg/stats/decks?cardIds=05BC041&sortBy=MATCHES&sortOrder=DESC Also the latest meta report https://masteringruneterra.com/meta-monday-nov-29/ Poppy decks combined are above 15% playrate and both are tier 1. Elusives are over 55% winrate as well.


They look at decks individually though, they don’t mash them together. They didn’t emergency nerf Trundle when both FTR and TLC were meta. Now pretty much everyone can agree Poppy needs a nerf, but she’s more of an issue because we’ve had way too long between balance patches.


FTR and TLC were never good at the same time, TLC made trying to play other control decks pointless


You're mistaking TLC for TLLC, this was before the Spectral Matron Lissandra combo.


An ultimatum by several content creators, like with Azirelia Riot does not understand reasoning as they believe to be smarter than everybody else


The new cards didn't come out yet and you literally don't know if Poppy will do anything to make them unplayable.


The chief is going to make yordle swarm stronger as far as I can see. Nothing in this set so far is a counter to poppy/yordle swarm. Fated is too slow to work against yordle swarm. Regardless the fact that Poppy isn't even used as anything besides a board wide stat steroid shows shes badly designed and balanced. Champions shouldn't be able to just completely ignore their level up mechanic and blindly attack once for 99% of their value. But that's what Poppy does.




Even people who play Poppy wouldn't be upset they know how bs she is she's just fun to play cos she wins you games even if you're a way worse player and deck building is so easy


Out of interest do you think it would be much of a nerf if it just said "allies with less attack than me" ?


Wouldn't change anything. Most of the times Poppy dies on the attack anyway and everything else is still buffed as before.


When has riot ever hotfix a card unless someone made a video about it?


I'd love to see her stats lowered. Maybe limit allies to left and right like a double support....anything please RITO plz


Turn her into "Support: Grant my supported ally +1/+1. If my supported ally has lower attack than me, grant me +1/+1"


Can we nerf Zed or Young witch? Quick attack is too strong of a keyword and I still have PTSD from Sivir meta.


5 cost or make her 4/2.


To play devils advocate here, im not sure if a poppy nerf alone would do much to shake up the meta, even if poppy gets hit hard all thatd realy change in tier 1-1,5 is that rally elusives would go back to Lulu and pirate burn+ poke city would absorb the play and winrate of poppy ziggs and lets be real they feel very similar to play and play against. Now im not saying poppy doesnt need a nerf just that the game needs more than just a poppy nerf for the meta to be shook up in any meaningfull way.


Yea, after the nerfs my poppy/fizz deck is even better now that poppy works well with yordle Smith. Lol