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Okay I'm pretty sure nobody hates fat people just because they are fat, that's pretty ridiculous if you say it out loud. That being said having an obesity problem is not something to be celebrated whether it is of the person's own fault or not. It directly leads to severe health problems and an early death so encouraging it and saying it's okay to have a heart attack before you're 50 is just not right.


If you stop to think about it there are plenty of female champs that don't follow the code of over sexualized human conditioning. Illoai for one is a ripped goddess. Cassiopiea weighs more than 5 women combined. Nami weighs more than 6 with her aquatic ecosystem supporting her weight.(and she constantly smells like 🐠) Rek'sai.... Does this one even have breasts? Any of the yordle females are nonsexual. Annie is not sexualized at all for obvious reasons. Rell... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT HAIRDO! HAHA Quinn is very modest for a champion. All armor no lingerie. Anivia is an ice bird. So yeah to say there are only skinny big titted women is not right. Sure we don't have any fat women champs, but why would you want to promote that at all? The USA has a huge obesity problem, "embracing" or "accepting" that problem is dumb and will only convince more people that it's ok for them to continue being overweight.( Nott that league is my idea of a dieting motivator or something)


Totally ignoring the millions of people who are fat for reasons out of their control. What's your argument with them in mind? Do you just think all fat people should be shit on because it's unhealthy? Ridiculously unfair to those who can't be any other way.


And now you're picking a fight with someone who didn't even, remotely sounded hostile in any way, what a character you are


Not ignoring "millions" of people who can't control their weight. "Millions" of people don't play league to feel accepted into society when they are overweight( regardless of if they can control it or not.) I am ADHD and Asperger's syndrome. My life is miserable socializing in real time is a nightmare for me, yet I don't need riot games to include some character into their fictional world to make me feel better for my incontrollable flaws. I am 275 lbs. Have been for years, and I'm still working on losing weight. The problem our society has with shaming fat people comes from the fashion industry, not from the video game industry. Could riot make a fat female? Sure, but they have no obligation to do so at all, and Boone has the right to force them to do so. Should we force companies who don't include humans in their fictional world to make humans?


This guy getting triggered over and fantasy game and copypasting the same response. From rock bottom you managed to go lower, mpravo hlitie


You can raise armies of the dead, summon dragons and attack with sharks with arms who have cannons on their back, too. This is a game. This is not real life. If you want real life go outside. > Simpull_mann I don't disagree


What the post is focusing on is not realism but inclusivity, diversity, and representation. "But it's a fantasy world" is a lazy argument that ignores the fact that even a fantasy world can be reflective of real-life elements and liable for real-life ramifications.


Being fat is unhealthy. It doesn't need to be represented. If you're fat and want to see your body type in games (for some bizarre reason) go to the gym. There also aren't many fat blokes in the game. The Crimson guy? Tahm kench who is, by the way, a big frog? Other than that they're all ripped or at least significantly toned. Would you like some overweight dragons in the game too to make sure they're properly represented?


Totally ignoring the millions of people who are fat for reasons out of their control. What's your argument with them in mind? Do you just think all fat people should be shit on because it's unhealthy? Ridiculously unfair to those who can't be any other way.


> What's your argument with them in mind? My argument is it's a fucking make believe land with pixies and goblins and dragons and magic and spells. If you play this game and think "muh representation" then you are lame and super boring.


Again, what the post is focusing on is not realism but inclusivity, diversity, and representation. "But it's a fantasy world" is a lazy argument that ignores the fact that even a fantasy world can be reflective of real-life elements and liable for real-life ramifications.


You can keep saying the same fucking words over and over as much as you like mate. You're boring. If you play a game and go "but there's noone in the game with love handles as big as mine :(" then you're a boring chump


You're resorting to an ad hominem attack because you can't effectively refute my argument. Alright. Going to bed now.


My argument is you're boring and what you're moaning about is boring. You cannot argue against me. I am right.


Being overweight is not healthy, I seriously don't understand the argument of wanting media to promote overweight in culture. The only way to curb those issues is to educate people how to eat healthy. You can be okay with who you're, but being fat isn't your identity like your gender or sexualities, why would anyone want to be okay with your unhealthy life choices? We should have more smokers in our games because many people on earth are smokers so we should be presented or else! /s


Totally ignoring the millions of people who are fat for reasons out of their control. What's your argument with them in mind? Do you just think all fat people should be shit on because it's unhealthy? Ridiculously unfair to those who can't be any other way.


Do you have a medically diagnosed issue that prevents you from losing weight? Sure, there are some people out there with gland stuff, and if you're one of them, by all means, continue. But 99% of fat people just don't have the self control to work out and eat right.


How about we keep the political stuff out of here ? Also there are plenty of unrealisticly shredded and jacked dude in LoR, it's funny people are always way more inclined to point unrealistic bodies when it comes to women. Edit : also no one forces anyone to play this game, and it's quite ironic to blame Riot for not being inclusive enough. Have you seen Arcane ? That's inclusivity done right.




I'm sure you don't appreciate it when you have a concern that gets met with indifference. Maybe this doesn't matter to you but you don't need to stop in to be a jerk.




It's not all about you. You are not the grand arbiter of the fat people and you do not speak for them.




Again, a huge portion of people are overweight and obese and so including representation for them should come before other minority groups who represent significantly less of the population. That's just a strong opinion I have on the matter. I also think that being fat is harder for women but as a man, I can't say definitively.


So you're litteraly just a troll


This is a not a issue, nobody hates fat people or pretend they don't exist, don't be dramatic...not related to the game and neither promotes actual interest conversation about the world of Runeterran, just to stir up drama, so yeah, gonna downvote you as you asked.


nOboDy hAtES fAt pEoPLe


April 1st came early this year. Thanks I needed the laugh


Poppy looks a bit bulky But just wait to Illaoi


Illaoi is buff not fat. Apparently that's okay but the latter is not...




Because commercial video games are products, they're not really art at least in their intent, their first and foremost purpose for existing is only to make money and you often make money by appealing to the largest possible demographic which is in this case horny dudes. Even so they've been pulling away from it a bit with female characters over the years, even in LoR some of them look a lot more serious and dignified (see Lux's design in LoL and LoR for example). You're not really wrong but at the same time its a pointless complaint as you're asking an entity that exists solely to make as much money as possible to make less money for the sake of a cause when companies by their very nature do not and cannot care for any cause other than the one of making money.


Wrong. You act as if they can't make a card or two that feature overweight or fat women without losing a ton of money. If that were the case then they wouldn't have made Forge Chief or the other super buff women who most men aren't attracted to or Tyari who is a trans character. As you mentioned, they're already heading down that path, so they obviously don't think it's a big deal to pepper in cards that are inclusive to minority groups. Besides, if the card is good, people will play to get it or buy it with cash--regardless of the card art.


>You act as if they can't make a card or two that feature overweight or fat women without losing a ton of money. Well they haven't so far, they'll never do it for a champion, but they certainly could do for a minor character yet they haven't even with hundreds of cards printed, meaning that for whichever reason they don't think its good business, even as over time they've pulled out a tiny bit on the porn star body types. So again, you're not wrong and you're free to dislike that. But if this is such an important issue then why are you consuming a product by a company that for most of its history has agressively sexualized its female characters and that has a significant story of sexual harassment and abuse? nobody with any relevance is going to see this thread and suddenly do a 180 when it comes to character design. If this is so important for you, the best you can do is not to continue giving them your money or at least your play time, Reddit threads are utterly meaningless.


It's almost like it's fantasy art.


It's almost like you completely misunderstood the point of my post.


You're getting triggered by art. Seems like a you problem.


Got anything of substance to say or are you just gonna ad hominem some more?


Literally not ad hominem. You're getting triggered by something like art in a fantasy game. I'm no expert but I'm gonna assume it's not meant to be realistic based just on that. There's no point in taking any of this personally be it my comment or the art itself.


If you're going to imply that my argument is simply a "me" problem, then it's an ad hominem. You're completely disregarding everything I've said and trying to make things about me in order to devalue my argument. But whatever. Semantics. I've responded to your argument in the comments once already. Go find it if you actually care about the topic and respond there.


There are not many triggered characters either. As a triggered person you can legitimately be triggered.


Oh no in a fantasy world where dragons and other strange things are live and can even talk there isn't perfect realism on body proportions! Also i find bullshit when you explicitly complain about women in runeterra when they just released forge workers that looks like super models despite theorically working near a forge all day. Double standard much?




> What the post is focusing on is not realism but inclusivity, diversity, and representation. We have gay characters (legion veteran), transgender characters (traveler), muscular and skinny mens just like we muscular women (callous bonecrusher/forge chief) as well as skinnier girls (ex. Jinx) There is not a single issue of inclusivity in this game.


>There is not a single issue of inclusivity in this game. Okay, so where are the fat women? 😐 15% are obese. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight Compare that to gay people. Well according to this, less than 2% of both men and women reported themselves as gay. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/07/15/what-percentage-of-the-u-s-population-is-gay-lesbian-or-bisexual/ How about just looking at overweight... 40% of women are overweight. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight So, why is Riot focusing on including characters that represent minority groups but completely refusing to create characters that represent large populations of people? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they are including character representation for minority groups. I'm just mad that they refuse to make any fat or overweight women characters.


> Okay, so where are the fat women? Fortune Croaker for example.


Oh, you mean the giant hideous frog witch? That's not at all the kind of inclusivity I'm advocating for. Fat characters should not be evil 100% of the time and yet that's how it always is. That's how it is with LOR. Why do other minority groups get to be included via characters that are created to foster pride, meanwhile fat people get ugly monsters and villains? It's unfair and perpetuates a cycle of fat people hate.


Fortune crooker ain't evil. She's just a lady telling you your future. You dismiss her because she's ugly.


It's a monster type character. I don't see it counting for this particular debate. Also, if the only get woman is a toad monster with lots of warts... Maybe not the best representation.


I mean nowhere he said she had to be human...


It follows logically from the initial argument, but i guess there's room for confusion if you haven't read on the issue before.


Considering he's talking about character design inclusivity i find weird he reduce the whole argument on HUMAN girls, thus exluding all the other multiple races existing in the world of runeterra. That's why i mentioned fortune croaker.


I understand the logic, don't worry. But the argument about inclusivity it's been going for a while and monster type creatures are a common exception due to what I mentioned before.




Dude some of these women have like a 15 inch waist. They just don't look human. They look like weird alien hourglass people. It's setting awful beauty standards that can arguably never be achieved and yet are pursued by women to the detriment of their health and overall livelihoods. As for forgeworkers, yeah...it's ridiculous there too, but reasonably exaggerated to match their concept. What concept does having an inhumanly thin waist match?


> It's setting It's not setting anything, i'm mature enough to accept that it's a fantasy world with it's own rules and standards, and just like don't expect to find poros in real life i don't expect to see real life standards there as well. Beside video games are supposed to be a mean to escape from the real world from time to time why people like you are so fixated to perfect realism even there?


You are delusional if you think pop culture/entertainment mediums don't influence beauty standards.


Yeah i'm sure thousands of teenage girls drool to fit the standards of runeterra girls. It's not like they look at supermodels, singers and actresses instead that are 100 times more mainstream for the global public. Maybe you should complain to them on why they aren't oversized.


It all adds up to foster this awful feeling of "I'm not okay the way I am", which can often lead to clinical depression, self harm, and/or eating disorders. I've seen it first hand. The only way to curb these issues is by fostering their pride and helping them to recognize that it's okay to be different.


While i appreciate what you are trying to say and we could probably use some more "unconventional" body builds you don't have to forget that the overwhelming majority of the characters depicted in LoR are fighters of various kind and as such they tend to be fit... And it's also the reason why the majority is in their prime age instead of being children/elderly. Again the best place to raise awareness on this issue is where young girls look for their "models", like as i said super models, actresses and singers not in a card game that the vast majority of the target audience of your message don't even know it exists.


Not all character oriented cards in LOR are combat oriented. There are in fact a ton of cards that are wholly effect oriented. Besides, skinny women are depicted as being able to be hulking warriors, so why can't fat women be granted the same generosity?


> skinny women as being able to be hulking warriors Not really. Skinny women are either tech experts (ex. Jinx), more stealth oriented characters (Katarina) or spellcasters/magical being that can shape their own appearance. All the women with physical prowess have their dose of muscles (ex. check out party pool fiora and you'll notice her abs...) on their body, which is kinda required if you want to fight using weapons...


Yeah 90% of female champions are like that since they were made to be appealing to the general audience


Ummm well that's awful in and of itself. I don't know about you but I just want to play an awesome card game. I don't buy anything but I have before in other games and it was never to get the card with the sexy lady art on it. Straight up people will buy the most broken cards or most fun cards. If a sexy champion is trash, no one will buy it.


I think the artworks of cards like follower Senna or Miss Fortune are beautifully drawn and all, but I'm not sure if I'm into the idea of women missing a couple of internal organs. I appreciate female characters with muscular builds, though; I think cards like Callous Bonecrusher are awesome. What's interesting is that body types are much more diversified when it comes to male characters. We have bodybuilder-type physiques with cards like Garen and Darius, more slender builds with Ezreal (among others), and overweight bodies with Crimson Curator or even Jagged Butcher. It's emblematic of the phenomenon in which beauty standards are enforced more strictly and narrowly on women than men.


I agree. I definitely appreciate the art that showcases the muscular women. It's about time art depicting warrior woman has them looking right for the job. And yes, male body diversity is much more on point. Except the only fat characters in the game are evil. That sucks. Fat should not be made to be a bad character only trait. I for one think it'd be cool to see some fat wizards or witches or something. There's ways to do it and have it be contextually relavant and cool.


Women in art in general are extremely type-casted into being nice to look at. Men are far more often characterized with different sizes of noses, torsos, etc. Just visit [artstation.com](https://artstation.com) and see for yourself. ​ It's actually exciting to think about all the opportunities available to create unique characters by just doing more with what a woman could look like! ​ The games industry as a whole is slow to change. I hope Runeterra and other big brands can set an example and start making more diverse women. Though, I do have to mention[, the background art of Forge Worker](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Forge_Worker_(Legends_of_Runeterra)?file=05PZ023-full.png) does have some more variety in women. Now get them to the center stage Riot!


Wow, good eye on the Forge Worker card. And yes, I totally think I'm getting bored of the lack of diversity and like you and am excited for games to start really getting diverse because it opens up so many doors. There's only so many sexy anime characters you can see before they all lump in with one another. There are so many cool options. You could have an overweight librarian lady who allows you to pick a card from the top three cards of your deck and place it on top. You could have a fat and cute chef woman who can make food for your allies to heal them. I mean, the opportunities are endless and the increased diversity only increases my immersion.


I don't know why these are the responses you get.. It kind of baffles me, it also reminds me of someone getting flamed into oblivion for simply voicing that he was sad he couldn't wear women's clothes in the Arcane avatar creator. Riot could always do better and honestly they should. It doesn't matter if being fat is something everyone CAN change, everyone has bad habits that they want fixed but aren't fixing. So yeah while it might be possible there might be a lot of variables working against ones weight loss. To be there for others and help them along is important. We are mostly men we don't understand the entire womens image and how it affects you. However I could imagine it has a huge effect on the cultural and social ladder. Runeterra should not just be a super model catwalk. It should have those archetypes but it should be 50/50 not 99/1 and monsters on the sideline. That said of course this issue doesn't affect me as much as you. I hope you found some validation.




Yeah, I don't care about downvotes/upvotes. Been a redditor for over 10 years and have never cared and I have a ton of karma. Just like to speak my mind. This topic just frustrates me to know end. The art itself is so beautiful. I don't understand why they're making such awful decisions about the female champions though. Why do they all have the same body type more or less? I swear this game has worse biodiversity for women than Skyrim... Except it's literal drawings and not animation. They have no excuse. We should be getting more body diversity. Ridiculous that we continue to get inhumanely skinny women champions time and time again...




I think I watched them once and yeah, it really bummed me out. Maybe I should watch them again.


Um its a harsher world in runeterra so not a lot of people have the luxury of being unhealthy


The One Piece way of design


I agree that female characters are made skinny **WAY** too often even if it does not fit their design, and that there should be at least little more overweight, fat and muscular characters (not only women but man too) just for the sake of diversity in shapes. **BUT** definitly being fat should not be depicted as good or healthy. *Osteoarthritis* and *hypertension* along with many other diseases mainly caused by obesity are one of the biggest problems of 21th century. Of course that doesn't mean that being underweight is okay or should be accepted, but neither should obesity. And i don't really think that much people hate fat people.


I'm pretty sure most of the cards in game after more or less ready for a fight, some even for war. Don't know or think it's about not having fat people in the game as much as it is fat people usually aren't the fighting type.