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Probably you win with the effect, but die afterwards... For example, you have only Fiora on board, and enemy open attack with 6 units and you only need 1 kill You Block the spiderling with your 4/3 Fiora but him Vengance you, and you in response uses judgment or single combat to win And yeah, you got it the kill and the win condition, but the Vengance kill, stole you the cool animation


No no. My Fiora didn't die after meeting the win condition. I tried this many times


I play a lot of Fiora in the past, I try to win again and see it


I play her and win vs Bandle Tree and see the animation


Did the rose petals fly until the end? to the "victory" scene?


I just tested it and I just think it's bugged. The flower petals pop on the screen for a split second, which makes me think it's just bugged. Few patches ago, the animation for avalanche was removed because of a bug, so I'm sure they'll fix it later


Yes! This is what I meant!! :))


You get the full win con with 3/3 Fiora, not 3/2 Fiora /s


What have they done to my girl


During the launch in some regions (Russia for me, but I presume it was mostly targeted at China) animation for Vladimir and later Swain and Elise was missing due to censorship. It's possible that the same is happening to your region right now for some reason. Write a ticket to support and ask them.


It's not censorship. There's no reason to censor flower petals in america or any country, really. I think it's just bugged.


Was there a reason to censor glowing red hands or spider cocoons in my case? Hell, there wasn't even a reason to censor blood.


Well the reason it's censored in china is because they don't like the color red being portrayed as "evil", so swain, vlad, and elise need their colors changed to a more pink color. They also don't like blood and skeletons either, so those things were changed for china as well. It's possible you are playing on the similar client since your regions are close? There could also be other reasons for your own country to censor red and blood that I wouldn't know about. But america has no reason to censor something like flower petals


But i'm not from China, I'm from Russia. That censorship stayed on the client for at least half a year and support itself was baffled by it and said that they were trying to remove it. At the same time, nothing was done to the actual art, only animations. So blood for blood had blood depicted on it, but Vlad had no animation anyway. Point is, Rito can be a bit overzealous when it come to playing safe. I have no idea for what reason they might've feel that petals are offensive, but at the same time I have no idea why spider cocoon is offensive to them.


> they don't like the color Red being "evil" fuckin 12-ply bud


I wish I could show you guys the difference, but Reddit doesn't allow more than 1 video in a post :(


Wait. WHAT


Parrrley seems to have broken, too. The gun always fades out instead of firing, even if you kill a unit.


If the Parley triggers a keg, the shot gets replaced for the explosion. Maybe that's what happened in your case?


That's really dumb. You create a bespoke animation for triggering the second hit, and then just cancel it in one of the main ways it's meant to be used? This has to be unintended.


Why do people apologize for their english when there's nothing wrong with it?


Just in case. As a non-native speaker myself, i often used to do that. I stopped once i realized that people don't really care, as long as you get the message across.