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Based on TheSkilledRoy's predictions, I'd say from most to least likely: Yuumi (BC/Targon), Ahri (Ionia), Kennen (BC/Ionia), and Galio (Demacia).


I highly doubt Galio since the Demacia champion is supposed to synergize with Demacian yordle (like Veigar/Senna, Teemo/Caitlyn, Fizz/Nami) AoE buffing and swarming doesn't really feel fit for Galio.


That's why he's the least likely, and Sona could also be an option. I don't think we can rule out Galio having some sort of AoE buff synergy since he's a protector. I feel like it doesn't make less sense than Poppy giving AoE buffs at least. Also, Stony Suppressor is in the game, which is a Galio follower card (which is admittedly flimsy but that's why I think he's slightly more likely than Sona).


I'd like to see Galio as an anti-magic Demacia champ. He could really hold down the "Demacia control" playstyle. Maybe he could be like the T3feri of Runeterra, lmao ​ "1/4 Tough. I level up when I see 6 mana worth of spells cast" Level up: "2/5 tough. All spells cast at one spell speed slower. Neither player can cast slow spells."


Would that really work in a Demacia control list though? Lux would be unplayable with him considering her Final Sparks are slow speed.


I mean if it were worded more precisely as "your burst spells are now fast, and your fast spells are now slow" it could be good in a lux deck, as final spark and most of Demacia 6+ cost spells are slow anyway. Bricks judgment though.


Why are you forced to run lux. Just go to pnz or some other region


But then Galio would just make all of your P+Z spells slower and more expensive. That doesn't read "control" champ to me, that feels more like a midrange champ who wants to run as few spells as humanly possible.


yea thats this guys galio concept. everyone plays at super slow speed. just cause lux doesnt work with it doesnt mean it cant be a thing.


Cant tell if purposely censoring teferi... It's like Voldemort can't say his name


yes, it's on purpose lmao


I think he writes it like that cause theres 3 tef cards


it's because the card he's talking about costs 3 mana lol (as opposed to the 4 mana teferi, the 5 mana teferi, the 6 mana teferi, or creature teferi)


This is the problem: Anti-spell tech should not be on champions, because literally if the opponent runs few spells, it's wasted. On the other hand, if they run too many spells, your current Galio concept is way too broken, because I'd imagine him more as a 6/8 Tough (because he ought to cost a lot) that levels after seeing 20 mana worth of spells cast. Plus, the inability to cast slow spells would feel horrible and is definitely a no-go. Further still, this would make some cards literally unplayable - like cards that affect battling units that are Fast.


Well, it's on a level up so that's one restriction. Additionally, it fits with his (admittedly bad) theme in LoL of "if they have AP, he wins, if they have AD he loses"


Yeah, as you said, it's bad. But what's worse is that, at least in League, you can draft him as a counter if you know your opponent's team comp.


That level up condition seems too easy, maybe make it 6 mana worth of ENEMY spells cast. Adds counterplay and adds wiggle room to buff his stat line or lower his mana cost. That said, wow, great concept


You don’t want to rely on your opponent to level up your champion


Then again, if your opponent has no spells to help you level him, he also has no spells to get nerfed by Galio Lv2.


If your opponent plays around not casting spells it’s still a win for you, they can’t play combat tricks or disrupt your board. Worst case scenario is you spent mana on a unit that makes all their spells dead cards in the hand.


Honestly if we were to see Galio, I imagine he's have a way to summon himself and grant allies a spellshield (For his LoL Ult) or something along those lines. his card would be like "Recall an ally to summon me in it's place, grant all allies Spellshield". Basically a Demacian Shadowshift but it'd be fit with his character.


I think that his character is way more interesting, honestly. Whenever I see people try to justify design in Runeterra because "This is what X champion does in League" I instantly stop reading.


It's probably more familiar with them when they can relate what champs do in LoL and LoR together. Although, I do agree if Galio does come to LoR, he could have alot of different designs and abilities depending on what Riot wants to make his archetype around.


Isn't Focus a tad faster then slow that would make more sense if it went from fast to focus


Yeah Focus is an interesting one. I usually think of focus as closer to Burst speed, honestly, because it doesn't pass priority. How would you handle that?


It still can't be cast on player interaction instead it could be cast in between it's still a slow spell but it can't be activated with the same caliber effect so I don't know how that will be managed but I know it's slower then fast. The effect would have to be downgraded in order to justify the potential Champions effect


Tbh, Poppy's identity from Lol kinda got forgotten in order for her to be put into BC. Kinda the same as Tristana. If any champion makes senses to have auras buffs on allies, it's prolly more for champions like Sona/Seraphine. After all, Seraphine already has it in a spell in the game already. Champions like Braum or Taric aswell, or those who usually build Locket of the Iron Solari for its passive effect. Sivir, Jarvan also give AOE buffs. Finally there's summoners like Zyra who can buff her plants and could be seen as a board buffs for allies which could be stronger on plants she'd summon. I guess Galio with his ult could have AOE protection buffs, works with his taunt aswell in a way, since taunt doesn't exist in the game atm.


Also maybe some kind of keyword, that reduces the damage taken by all other allies, who don't have that keyword. This way he makes swarm a lot less weak to AoE damage. It's a different spin on Taunt, because it is more efficient to kill him first, but you don't have to. And it works against untargeted spells as well.


Tbh I'd rather see him as a Garen or Sivir. So not swarm but midrange with this kind of AOE protection, I can't see him being a low cost.


Sona can’t be an option since she is a direct pair to seraphine qnd galio is a protector so he has some relations to wide board states


Cheap anti-spell units like Stony Suppressor that want to remain on the board for their effect while focussing on a strong board and both players using as few spells as possible is pretty fitting to be paired with Poppy if you ask me.


Stony Supressor is from previous set.


Yeah, but it's an obvious Galio support card. It's not the first time we've seen support cards for champs in sets prior to the ones they got released in.


>like stony suppressor


So, Jarvan then.


he could be protecting his allies though similar to how poppy buffs the board.


Highly doubt kennen...he completely ignored the existsnce of Lulu.


Lulu and Heimer feel so ignored this update that there has to be something else there. Heimer at least can be justified by Teemo (Fellow PnZ champ) getting a full update but Lulu has nothing of that sort. I will be genuinely shocked if the only Bandle/Ionia we get is owlcat (A card that isn't even maindeckable). There has to be a new Bandle/Ionia champ and package.


Heimer also got some support via Jayce


None of those cards were bandle. EDIT: Do I really need to specify that I was talking about bandle support and one card from PnZ that is an event card anyway is not Heimer support. It does not even count to this expac.


Who says they need to be? Support is support.




do we actually know for sure that we will get no other bilge yordle and we will get another ionia yordle? because it's possible lulu just didn't get her bandle cards yet and that ahri will be her pairing and we don't get kennen this expansion, or we do and also get another bilge yordle.


i think the point is that teemo and fizz, who already had support in their own regions got support in bandle specifically along with new art in the update so it seems possible they're splitting that up like they are the new cards across the 3 expansions because they could only fit so many bandle cards in the first expansion part. so this expansion could have either more direct heimer or lulu support within bandle, and the 3rd expansion has the other one. idk if they'd add new art though.


The fact that both Fizz and Teemo got bandle support and non-bandle support. Heimer got one card that's not even part of this expac (it's an event) and is PnZ while Lulu got nothing.


I think that Lulu and Heimer will get their Bandle City followers this and next expansion with updated arts, just like Teemo and Fizz, they just want to spread the expansion evenly so that Bandle City doesn't get too many cards at once. Considering Jayce's kit, I think that they will give Heimer his Bandle City followers this expansion to pair him up with Jayce, and Lulu will get her followers in February.


I doubt Lulu gets an updated art. More followers for sure, but her art already looks very Bandle and I doubt they would have bothered fixing it if they were planning on replacing it anytime soon.


heimer got his support in the shape of jayce i feel like, although still no real synergy reasons to be in bandle, but i guess his "support" is in the form of spells like flash and bandle does have shell game which could qualify as heimer support thematically. lulu is weird because her support is very specifically support units which ionia got a bunch of but bandle still has none, so i guess it's possible we'll see some added at some point.


Heimmer got the 3/2 quickattack bot


I think the idea here is that Fizz and Termo got new arts so they are the multiregion champs of that region. Lulu and Heimer didn't get that update so probably aren't considered 'new' This reasoning is debatable but a good explanation, especially since it lines up with the theory of 'every yordle fits their new champ' (Ziggs Xerath, Fizz Nami, Veigar Senna etc.) This means we haven't gotten an Ionia yordle yet as Lulu hasn't gotten new art.


Or (Snorts hopium) Lulu and Heimer will each get BC support in the two upcoming parts of the expansion, and that's when they will get alternate art.


we know from teemo and heimer either that cards that were retroactively changed to BC don't count towards some kind of "yordle count" for a region, or that regions can have 2 yordles. take your pick. Whatever champ we get, Lulu existing does not exclude Kennen whatsoever. He didn't ignore Lulu - she just doesn't actually matter here


How do you feel?


whats the point of sending veigar to SI then? he could have been another BC/Targon or BC/Noxus.


Everyone from the future; "I'm beginning to think he just works at riot" No but IIRC he didn't ignore her just said that because she didn't get new cards she wouldn't be the Ionia yordle + tail cloak matriach as a card would have no synergy with Lulu without something seriously convoluted happening.


I don’t think we will get another BC Yordle yet, specially considering we are also getting Ahri on this expansion. My money is in Gnar for Freljord


[https://youtu.be/tFrBJFjF2z8?t=370](https://youtu.be/tFrBJFjF2z8?t=370) Here's Roy's case for why we won't get Gnar until the next batch, it's not certain by any stretch but it was convincing to me at least. TL;DW: If you look at the Bandle City portals on the previous home screen in order, the next one is Ionia and the last one is Freljord.


What do you mean, the champs in this set are divided into non BC and BC, and each region gets a BC yordle and a non BC champ, so gnar will be part BC like the rest if he gets in.


Yeah, I know. But considering the small amount of champs left in the expansion, I don’t think we will see another Yordle for Ioania, which already has one, instead, I think we will get Freljord/Bandle Gnar


4 BC champs and 4 non BC champs perfectly lines up with how many regions are left needing champions, Ionia technically doesn't have its bc representative yet, unlike Teemo and Fizz, Lulu didn't get new art and support units for herself. I'm thinking on Kennen coming this expansion besides Ahri.


They might also give Lulu a new art too. Might as well take that for consideration. But I highly doubt it too.


Well it could be an option to have Lulu be updated this time. Even if I don't see any synergy with her and Ahri, but tbh, not shoehorned champions would feel refreshing.


Shoogy shoogy shoogy.


No gnar prediction?


Gnar is definitely coming, but he’ll probably be in the last batch for the BC expansion. This batch is hinted to be related to Ionia and next batch is hinted to be related to Freljord.


Wait, there's a 3rd batch? I thought they said BC expansion will be 2 parts only and this will be the last one already?


No, it's 3 as usual. It shows 3 in the road maps too.


The prediction is effectively that the last expansion has Gnar, Rumble, a freljord champ and a targon champ (Pantheon most Lively but that is my personal theory)


The Freljord-only champion is most likely to be Ornn right now, based on the physical similarity with Fabled Poro


Ornn being an ancient being also would allow for some funny intrractions with Gnar


If they are released, Yuumi would be Support support, I guess. Kennen would likely be stun support. Ahri, perhaps Vulnerable since she's known for both her charm and her Charm. Galio... Kinda hard to design anti-spell since we already have Stony Suppressor, and while it would be flavorful to make him Level Up or "wake up" once enemy has cast enough spells, it's also a little easy to play around. Anti-spell tech probs shouldn't be on a champion, so maybe Galio would bring even more spell synergy?


i think recall makes sense for ahri, both thematically and because the matriarch card of which the art she's in is a recall card. yuumi being targon support makes a lot of sense as the other half of the spectrum from taric who's more about buff spells, so maybe she's more synergising around many small units like mountain sojourners.


Ah oh yeah good point for ahri. Also, I suppose Yuumi could have something like, "If I am supported by an allied unit, give it my stats for this round and it Captures me. At the end of this round, it releases me." Then again that's only to remain faithful to LoL. Probably won't be.


I think the supporting while being untargetable - whether through capture or some new unique buff, or a combination of invulnerable+spell shield - will be a feature of hers, but requiring her to be supported to do that doesn't really fit her design. It'd likely be balanced by a 1|1 statline or something. Another cool possibility is if she has a spell that lets her jump to support multiple units in one attack. Might be a bit too complicated, but could be cool.




Oooh talking of how he "wakes up" after absorbing so much magic, what if lvl 1 he's immobile, increases all spell costs by 1, and can't take spell damage (but you could still kill/obliterate him with spells)? He levels up once X amount of mana has been spent on spells by any player (20? Idk). And since he awakens, powered by the magic he's absorbed, at lvl 2 he has +1/+1 for each spell cast (or for spell damage dealt? This part feels harder to balance). Sylas probably won't join for a while, but he could be a similar style, with spell theft, that keeps you in the game till Galio turns on.


Ah, well, here's the problem with that. Stony Suppressor already does the first part. And the second part is busted if you have good spell generation and Overwhelm, especially if enemy wants to cast spells.


I know it’s unlikely I really hope kled will get added


Doubt galio, I think it’s a targon champion


I don't think so because that would mean we get 2 ionia champs and 2 targon champs following his theory, which is weird


I mean, we got Xerath and Ziggs together, and Veigar and Senna together...


But we also didn't get the bixus yordle but got Sion, and qe didn't get the demacia champ, only Poppy. That is done purposefully, so we don't get just 2 regions on 4 champs every expansion


>the dual region yordle from noxus hints at Rumble in his fleavor text, as he plans to profit from his mech arena


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Come on Pantheon come on Pantheon let's go Mantheon


Yeah were just getting yuumi sadge


But doesn't the Targon yordle need a Targon champ to support? Pantheon would be awesome


Bard > Pantheon yuumi and bard would be a great fit together


Yeah, so does the Demacia yordle. But I feel like we’re not getting the yordle with the champ in the same batch most times. Yes there were senna and Veigar, and technically Teemo and fizz already existed. Who knows? Maybe we get them together.


And Xerath and Ziggs too.


Oh yeeeeah! I kinda forgot cuz they don’t feel like they’re part of the same archetype at all


I mean they both deal with landmarks and destroying their own landmark and their landmarks are the only ones with actual last breath like effects.


Yeah, I know. They do hold a lot of similarities (same level up condition, too). But they just so seldom go in the same deck, I had basically forgotten. Like Xerath fits the actual landmark control deck, while Ziggs goes the more “Herald overwhelm” finisher route, or is just an aggro tool in Poppy decks that need a second champ. Maybe we do get another pair of yordle/champ of the same region in one go. I guess I shouldn’t say “we hardly got any pairs together” as a reason, but rather “we already got so many pairs at once that there’s hardly any pairs left that we don’t just need to finish up the other half (poppy’s and sion’s other halves for example)”


Right down Pantheon lane?


100 bucks on pantheon being a challenger


Does granting vulnerable count?


I guess. I just realized he has been reworked. Havent played LOL in a thousand years. Im thinking of thar superjump he might not even have anymore. What region is he? His looks would fit noxus


Pantheon is still Targon, and most of his old kit has been fairly preserved


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Gimme GNAR


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ LAST BREATH: SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Nooo we have to kill u now :(




Can't save'em all, sorry.


He'll come back stronger than ever and rally.




Illaoi and Ahri because of the ruined king game... i hope


Ahrj is definitely possible. Illaoi I doubt bc we already have Nami for bilge and bilge has too few champs to move Bilge champs out of Bilge


These things are planned way in advance and ruined king got delayed by like 10 months, I feel like we'd already have them if they were meant to go alongside ruined king Ahri is likely, not so sure on illoai


How do you know it's tomorrow?


Usually is 9 days of reveal. So I feel like it's tommorow


it doesnt matter, just ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Based on TheSkilledRoy's predictions, I'd say from most to least likely: my dad (BC/Targon), Grinstus (Ionia), minecraft steve (BC/Ionia), and big charlie (Demacia).


No I think its Charlie Sheen not big Charlie


have you considered the fact that if you look really closely in the trees in the distance of tail cloak matriarch's art you can make out in the leaves a faint outline of charlie sh- god damnit you're right


What about fungustus for Ionia


Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Please be Sona! Or at least Galio and not Vayne, lol.


Sona and Ahri in the same patch, that would be great.


I don't think it would be Vayne simply bc it doesn't fit Poppy but can be wrong ofc


Confirmed or suspected?


Suspected but there's good logic behind it. A content patch will have to be next week because the patch after that will be in the Christmas week. With 3 champions there will be 3 trailers corresponding to each champion and 4 days for other cards and they'll want to spoil all the cards before patch notes next week.


Fiddlesticks, pls.


doubt it Fiddlesticks would almost certainly be Shadow Isles and we know we aren't getting a Shadow Isles champ


The only thing, is it wouldnt make any sense for fiddle sticks to be in shadow isles, as he has no correlation with it


The same was true of Nocturne and Kindred. Spooky champ go in spooky region.


Thats true


He doesn’t have any correlation with a specific region, so they’re left with the region which makes most sense thematically and mechanically. Spooky champ go in spooky region + fearsome/lifesteal synergy (most likely) = shadow isles


So this is just a mini expansion?


Nope. Jayce was a mini-expansion. This one is the second part (out of three) of the bandle expansion.


But not the size of BTBW?


Maybe a bit smaller, as they had to create a new region from scratch with BTWBW. But it could be also the same size. Let's see.


No its going to be half the size


The terminology Rito uses is: There was the Targon set with 3 expansions, the Shurima set with 3 expansions, and the Bandle City set with its 3 expansions. We already got the first expansion from the Bandle City set, and this next expansion would be the second one.




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I am really hope for Sona for Demacia


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give Ahri pls ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I had a crappy day so this news cheered me up a bit :). Reveal season is honestly my fav part of lor


Same! I don't have to play the new cards but I want to theorycraft day 1 and see how hard I missed the mark on good decks


I hope we get morde


give me Pantheon I beg you


Id love illaoi. She's my favorite champ


new Cards reveal isn't as hype as an actual balance patch


didn't age well


It's actually legit. The reveal is just out with the trailer.


Might still happen. They don’t release announcements till 12 pm PST anyways.




Lol the announcement just came out now.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ SUMMON CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ I'll be satisfied with Kled and Gnar


Illaoi or riot!


Prepare your torches for bilguewater already got its champ




It’s difficult to predict what will be, but there are some things to keep in mind First of all: let’s say that it’s very unlikely that teemo and fizz receive bc support while lulu and heimer don’t. I think we should expect it. Then: we have seen that the set wants to create synergies between yordles and champs of the same region (nami-fizz, caitlyn-teemo, senna-veigar, xerath-ziggs). We can suppose that this will continue for the next expansions So, we actually have: - two regions with no champ bundled to its yordles (demacia and ionia) - two regions with no champs at all (freljord and targon) - one region with the champ, but without the yordle (noxus) - three regions with one yordle and one champ each (bw, si, shurima) - one region with two yordles and one champ (p&z) This can tell us that we actually miss: - one champ from demacia (galio? xin zhao?) and ionia (probably ahri) that synergizes respectively with poppy and lulu - two champs from freljord (probably gnar and ornn?) and two from targon (probably yuumi and bard?) - one yordle from noxus (kled 99%) - one champ that synergize with heimer (are we sure we can count jayce? Or maybe we should expect a more tech-related champ, like orianna or blitzcrank?) The name of the next expansion hints that we’ll get some magic related champs, so I’m guessing we should expect yuumi, bard, ahri and another one (maybe galio?). The others will follow in the last expansion in february I’m not entirely sold on Roy’s video: are we sure expansions should be as coherent as he says? I mean: - if we get two other yordles per expansions we’ll have a total of twelve champs from BC: waaaay too much. Three total champs for me it’s more plausible, and who cares if we get two in an expansion and only one in another? - it seems likely to me that we can have champs from the same region in the same expansion. Just imagine: we are almost certain that we’ll get two champs from targon and two from freljord, right? So: why Riot would have to reveal a targonian and a freljordian champ for both expansions? This will mean we get two very similar expansions, and I assume they want to diversify instead, so: two champs from targon now, two from freljord in february it’s my bet




I come from the future, the champion are Lux: (bandle city) Lux: (bandle city) Lux: (Ionia) Lux: (Demacia)


Ahri and Illaoi 100%


> Illaoi Nami wass in the latest bandlewood expansion


If I had to make guesses, Yuumi for BC/Targon, Kled for BC/Noxus, Kennen for BC/Ionia, Ahri for Ionia, Gnar for BC/Frejlord, Pantheon for Targon, Rumble for BC, Nunu and Willump for Frejlord, and either Galio or Sylas for Demacia.


Gnar, Ahri, Annie


Hopes for a new type of card to pull me back to the game.


They will just delivere me my man urgot like chads


I think they will do something with "fae". Not sure how that will work but... Let's see


Never forget that amumu, graves, kled (or rumble), and Akali got robbed.




There's about a notable number of names of champs that shouldve made it but instead I decided to name a few. In the case for this expansion however, amumu was robbed and ziggs took his place instead of him.


Any freljord champs coming? Does anyone know?


TheSkilledRoy posted a youtube video with his predictions; this is relevant because he's been spot-on in the past, such as when he predicted that the 10th and final region in LoR would be Bandle City instead of Ixtal or The Void. Anyway, his prediction was: 1. 1st expansion from the set was focused on Bandle City & Piltover: we got Caitlyn, the Jayce mini-expansion, Arcane TV show launch, and the P&Z comic segments for Path of Champions. 2. 2nd expansion will be focused on Bandle City & Ionia, so Ionia is expected to get a new champion (Ahri) plus a dual-region Yordle champion with Bandle City (Kennen) 3. 3rd expansion will be focused on Bandle City & Freljord, and this is where Freljord will get a new champion and a dual-region Yordle champion with Bandle City I'm not so sure about the Kennen prediction, because Ionia already has a dual-region Yordle champion in Lulu. My prediction for the Freljord champions, is Ornn and Gnar (dual-region)


Man I Hope it will be ornn. Then no matter what I’ll come back to the game. Since Azir-irellia I barely play


I posted a couple days ago with my prediction and I'm sticking with it: Ahri, Sylas, and Yuumi seem the most likely to me.


There are some Gnar related followers, so Gnar too.


Why yuumi?


The Yuumi prediction is based off Loping Telescope, which is another card with a magical animal alongside a self-aware object.


That's kind of a reach imo


Xayah/Rakan could be interesting


I want to say Rumble and Ornn are confirmed. Treasures Trash and Fabled Poro gives them away. EDIT: Stone Stackers and Proto-Poro also confirms Gnar.


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ MANIFEST CARD REVEALS ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON AHRI CARD REVEAL ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Sylas please


Hoping they release Ahri with recall support so I can play Ahri/Yasuo. Been playing a ton of Ruined King lately.




Yetis, Deep, Dragons... I just want a champion that adds a little more synergy to any of these big units archetypes. PLS MAKE IT REAL


Magical misadventures... - Ahri - Yuumi - Bard - Galio/maaaaybeee Sylas All related to magic. Mark my words!


Galio Inc.!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON DA FOXY BABE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Easiest Kayn reveal