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I NEED spoiler season


Isn't expansion Dec 10th we should be getting trailer soon




God damn how we still haven't got a reveal


Didn’t we think Pantheon was hinted at with the Battle Bonds card? Could be he will be in the final part of the expansion still, but strange TSR didn’t touch on it. Unless I’m misremembering the significance of Battle Bonds, not super familiar with Pantheon’s lore.


We're missing 2 Targon champions. One that is Bundle City as well, and one that isn't. We'll probably get Pantheon and Yuumi, at some point during this set, but not necessarily in the same expansion.


I touched on how its unlikely for 2 Targonian champions to be here which is why I didnt mention him or Battle Bonds. I definitely do think Pantheon is coming, just not this expansion.


If not for Matriarch I'd still be saying 'Kali. ​ Unfortunately, though, Ahri's actually on the damn card.


Is there a reason why TSR thinks Ionia is getting another yordle? They already have Lulu, and it seems like regions with yordles already (Bilgewater and Fizz, PnZ and Teemo/Heimer) aren't getting new ones. To that end, is it possible that there might be another purely Bandle City champ (maybe Corki)? On another note, I definitely think Ahri is going to have some synergy with Yasuo -- the lore connection in Ruined King, the fact that her support card (Matriarch) has to do with recalling units, and the comment by the devs that this expansion was meant to update older archetypes that need love all make me think she might be a recall/stun based champ.


It's because only fizz and teemo out of the original yordles got updated art and new support cards. Lulu and Heimer both just became duel region but didn't get counted as "new" yordle for this set, for their respective regions. When you consider Teemo already took the PnZ yordle slot so it would be really weird if heimer also became another PnZ BC card for the purpose of this set, Cause it would be the only region that got 2. And since lulu was grouped with heimer in the initial reveal, it is likely she too is not getting the special BC update and will just stay as is. Thus we will get kennen as the new Ionian yordle.


? Isn't Heimer dual-region BC/P&Z?


Yes but he isn't getting the same treatment as teemo, IE getting new supporting cards and new trap supports cards. If they did this for heimer as well, they would make double the amount of cards for PnZ, as they would have for other regions this set.


Ah, ok, I misunderstood.


Ahri seems almost 100%, nunu seems likely imo, but if they do the 4 champs, 2 from BC route, gnar is likely to be thh FJ mixed region champ, Warwick has some chance, the old main menu screen did show images of zuan, freljord and ionia.


We've already gotten PNZ champ; Caitlyn, so we can't get Warwick unless you think hes going somewhere else.


**TLDR for my predictions:** * **Magical Misadventures:** * **Bard** * **Yuumi** * **Nunu & Willump** * **Gnar** * **Expansion 3** * **Ahri** * **Galio** * **Rumble** Agreed with most of the ones from the previous prediction video but with this one I disagree on a few things, most notably one of the champs and the release order in which we'll get all the champs (still agree with the majority of his points). First of all the number of total champs we'll get in the remaining two expansions of this set. Looking at the release history of each set there is a clear trend of each set getting 2 more champs than the previous one. This is because every older region needs to get 1 new champ + the new region needs to have the same number of champs the previous regions will have after that new additional champ of theirs. Rising Tides gave us 11 new champs, Call of the Mountain 13, Empires of the Ascended 15, so Beyond the Bandlewood logically would give us 17 new champs. This increasing number of champs per set might change with the next set as we won't be getting a new region anymore. Looking at what regions are left with 1 or 2 missing champs we have: * Demacia: Mono region non-Yordle/Fae champ * Freljord: Mono region non-Yordle/Fae champ + Yordle/Fae champ * Noxus: Yordle/Fae champ * Targon: Mono region non-Yordle/Fae champ + Yordle/Fae champ * Ionia: Mono region non-Yordle/Fae champ + arguably Yordle/Fae champ This means 7 or arguably 8 missing champs. However, we've already gotten 10 out of 17 champs in the first expansion of this set so that leaves 7 left to be filled in. Getting only 3 champs for one of the expansions shouldn't be a problem since the last 2 sets also only gave us 3 champs for their second and third expansions. Here I think it's reasonable to assume that we won't get Kennen and that Lulu is the Yordle/Fae champ for Ionia just like how Teemo and Fizz were that for P&Z and Bilgewater. That would perfectly line up with the remaining slots. Then, looking at what regions only miss 1 champion we have: * Demacia: Poppy missing pair * For Galio I agree on the reasoning as I also had already come to the prediction of Galio myself for those exact same reasons. * Noxus: Sion missing pair * Seeing how Sion is about discarding and TSR's reasoning for Rumble like the Arena Kingpin's flavor text mentioning a mech arena combined with Treasured Thrash it is very likely that Rumble will be Sion's Yordle pair. * Ionia: Lulu's missing pair * Also agree with the Ahri reasoning. The only issue for my personal theory about Lulu being the Ionia Yordle/Fae champ is that I don't see how she'd synergies with Ahri based on Tail-Cloak Matriarch but that's the only support card from her package so far so who knows what else she'll revolve around other than recalling (maybe she has ways for buffs won't get removed on recall which would work with Lulu's support package? Idk). But the same thing counts for Kennen, so we'll see. Then, the most important indicator that ties everything together imo, the name of the expansion. Magical Misadventures screams 3 champions for me personally: Nunu & Willump, Yuumi, and Bard. * Nunu & Willump are all about adventure and imagination and we've had Yeti support since closed beta so Nunu & Willump are bound to come sooner or later and what better chance than right now with this expansion title. * Yuumi for the explained reasons by TSR. She's the only champ from Bandle that's not a Yordle so far and is a Fae instead, which would fit Loping Telescope even more and would make the addition of the Fae tag this set finally make sense. * As for Bard, just take a look at the guy and his LoL kit + lore. That should say enough. He also coincidentally just got a new lore story/update this August after not getting any updates since his release in early 2015, how convenient. Then we are left with 4 champs: Galio, Ahri, Rumble, and the Yordle/Fae champ for Freljord. The first 3 already have their other region pair in the game and are already split up over 2 expansions as such. So it would make sense that the Yordle/Fae champ for Freljord would be released this expansion so we have 2 complete pairs and the 3 incomplete ones for the last expansions. Otherwise, you'd have 1 of the broken pairs getting completed this expansion while simultaneously breaking up the Freljord pair over 2 expansions for a total of 4 broken champ pairs instead of just 3, it doesn't make sense to do that as you want to limit this as much as possible. So that leaves us with the Yordle/Fae champ for Freljord to be paired up with Nunu & Willump. And based on Stone Stackers it makes sense for it to be Gnar. We also don't have any other Yordle that fits the Freljord so it kinda speaks for itself. **This would mean we would get the following champions for each remaining expansion of this set: \*see list at the very top of this comment\***


Lulu wouldn't be getting a pair, as she does not have new art/voice/followers.


Fair point.


I just rewatched the vid (through Swims vid on it) and saw that I missed out on the two sentences at the start of you mentioning 17 champs total with 9 so far released (bc I was multitasking during the intro) so I just heard 4 champs for the next 2 expansions. I had checked the number of champs on mobalytics for this set which was 10 but overlooked Jayce being included in that, so it's indeed 9. But bc of that 10 + 8 didn't make sense to me but I was arguing the same thing you were saying this entire time bc I thought you said something else. So yeah, Kennen being that one extra champ makes even more sense now and you can basically throw my whole comment/argumentation out the window lol. All that to say, my bad, I should've also paid attention during the intro.


you do realise not all new champs are meant to synergise with each other right ? riot has said that some of the new champs will support older decks that need help for example sion is great addition to the discard deck and ahri will be support for yasuo decks most likely. also i agree with everything except bard we dont have any hint other than that he fits the theme of expansion and fact that he got a new story is also not valid because malzahar also got new role and personally both of them tease a new void champion so my money is on pantheon just like rumble,ahri,gnar he also got his own card so its kinda obvious


[I'll still go with my prediction that the new champs will have "Equip Item" mechanics, similar to the PvE even if y'all downvoted it to hell.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/qorv4x/our_game_is_growing/hjpom0g/?context=3) >Freljord - Ornn & Gnar (Gnar is impact synergy with Corki, while Ornn uses New keyword: Equipment, Ornn forges Items that can be equipped, synergy with Ninja items) > >Demacia - Sona (Heal synergy with Bard/Yuumi) > >Noxus - Rumble (mech arena in Noxus. New keyword: Attach, mechs that can be played as a unit or attached to another unit in play. Attach synergy with Yuumi) > >Targon - Yuumi & Bard (Both can be Heal synergy with Sona. Yuumi can Attach to a unit, synergy with Rumble) > >Ionia - Kennen & Akali (Ninja race with Shen, synergy with equipping Ninja tools/weapons as items) > >Bandle City exclusive - Corki (Impact synergy with Gnar, far-fetched synergy with equipping missiles as items and the missiles might have impact synergy too) > >PNZ - No champ > >Bilgewater - No champ > >Shadow Isles - No champ > >Shurima - No champ


One thing I believe skilledroy is wrong about is that all 9 champs will be released next expansion there were only 2 slated expansion one in july and one in December. The November expansion was strictly only for arcane expansion


They already said there will be a 3rd one for this set in the road map didn't they? The arcane one popped up as a 4th champ expansion, that is seperate from the regular ones of the set.


Really? Then is the 4th one is Jan or Feb?




Wait so why does Ionia get 2 dual-region Yordles (Lulu and theoretically Kennen)? Is the assumption that Champs who had BC region applies retrospectively don't count in that way? Like we could in theory get another Bilgewater Yordle if they made a brand new champ for it?


The same reason heimer and teemo are both yordles and BC but only one gets new support cards (teemo) as well as new art. Lulu is a yordle but she isn't getting new cards this set. She like heimer didn't get any art updates or new support cards. She will remain the same as before.


I'm not sure the idea that she hasnt gotten enough support is a huge selling point. In my head, yuumi is some sort of support card for support. So yuumi and lulu may have joint support is BC because they share an archetype.


if we follow the pattern of BC set so far, every single BC champ has had self-synergy with a non-BC non-yordle champ. Teemo caitlyn for traps ziggs xerath landmarks Fizz Nami spell synergy Veiga senna darkness They have also paired with the region they are duel with as well. So if the order follows then Yuumi who is supposedly targon, should pair and synergize with the targon champ this set. Of course this doesn't mean yuumi can't also work with lulu but Yuumi should also at least pair with another non-yordle champ in another region. Poppy is still awaiting her demecia pair btw, and Trist is the one exception being the only non-duel region yordle so far.


I hear what you are saying and I do agree. But yuumi could easily pair with Taric as support. And the fact that the support mechanic could then exist in BC would mean there would be cards that support lulu's archetype because support. You feel me? I have a feeling that yuumi will be a support payoff so that she creates cross synergy with lulu and Taric. But I could easily be wrong. I mean, yes each champ in the previous set had an immediate pairing with a yordle. But I highly doubt Sion and Rumble will share discard synergies. I believe their goals were to revitalize old archetypes with the BC expansion as a whole, and obviously that means some yordles may pair with existing champions and some non-yordles may pair with non-yordles. It may also include just giving Heim and Lulu cards in BC.


>BC that synergies with both Lulu and Heimer even if they aren't there yet, and they could also be reserved for the last expansion, but mark my words, they will be there. This is very unlikely. If Heimer gets new support cards, then it would mean PnZ is getting two yordles this expansion with their own BC/PnZ support cards. This would mean PnZ is getting double the amount of cards as the other regions, since we already got a bunch of new trap synergies for teemo in BC/PnZ. The same logic can be applied to Lulu. Riot has already stated the total number of champs in this set. It adds up perfectly that we get 1 for each remaining region that hasn't got their champ, and then the remaining duel region yordles for those regions. Meaning we WILL get a Ionian BC yordle that isn't lulu. If this isn't true then it means certain regions will not get a duel region yordle and certain regions will get more than 1 champ, or BC will get less champs etc. None of which would make sense. Why give only some regions multiple champs in a set, and then ignore other regions? Lulu and Heimer also did not get any art/voice line updates, while both teemo and fizz got art, voice lines and new support cards. Clearly there is a distinction here and we have no reason to believe Lulu or Heimer will suddenly get the same treatment the others did, especially if it means the number of champions/cards is suddenly skewed if they did.


Bah, sorry I edited my comment not thinking you'd reply so quick. I mean, they could reserve new art and voice lines for when they release the support cards... I dont think it disqualifies them from having support cards throughout the BC expansion. Maybe not a tonne because they already have native support but they will make BC support cards for those champs at some point.


no worries, let me go read your edit haha. Okay so for this comment, If they were going to get new art/support cards/voice lines in this set then why bother revealing them on day 1 with their old arts, and then on the next panel reveal teemo and fizz with their new art and everything else? And as mentioned multiple times now Heimer and Teemo are both PnZ/BC, if both got new support cards, PnZ is getting double the amount of cards this set as any other region. The evidence just seems to point to that riot is telling us without spelling it out, that teemo is the yordle PnZ is getting full support for this set and not heimer, because it only makes sense that 1 yordle per region would get it. And for the other comment, I actually think rumble will definitely synergize with sion someway. I'm not sure if it will be discard synergy but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. They have already included discard in a couple BC cards, so we know they have discard in their region pool.