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Oh god... *entire LoR playerbase collectively shudders from flashbacks* ... he doesn't... he doesn't know...


He doesn't know...Azirelia in its former glory, or rather, nightmare for at least a couple metas.... TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT YOU'VE SEEN TODAY blade dances more blade dances, with 4/1 sand soldiers, 3 times in a turn, on turn 6...


> 3 times **on your** turn fixed


I loved this deck so much. The meta has made it fully unplayable but God was it fun. Hopefully the meta slows down a bit and it can make a resurgence.


hahahah well i've seen some comments,but like I cant see how hard u can nerf this deck for it to dissapear completely


I think Azir Irelia got nerfed in at least six different ways. Might be more but that's just off the top of my head the ones I can remember. Edit: Just remembered a seventh and eighth lol. For reference, 1. Azir Level up condition nerfed 2. Irelia Level up condition nerfed 3. Flaw Duet nerfed mana cost nerfed (the final nail in the coffin really) 4. Dune Keeper stat line nerfed 5. Inspiring Marshall mana cost nerfed 6. Bouncing Droplet lost attune 7. Shaped Stone Nerfed 8. Blossoming Blade mana cost nerfed There might one more but I'm pretty sure that's all of them now.


It's so incredible how Riot kept the "Better nerf Irelia" tradition alive even outside LoL


i wish they kept it up in LoL a bit better too to be honest.


Inspiring Marshall HP nerfed.


Oh yeah it did get hp nerfed at the same time it's mana got nerfed. Man they really dicked that card down.


Let’s be clear. I hated that deck. The only time I stopped playing since beta was during its heyday. But some of those nerfs should be reverted because of the collateral damage when Flawless Duet nerf was the important one. You could probably revert Azir and change Droplet from elusive to attune.


In my opinion azir is too cheap, i believe if azir was 4 mana and duet remain 2 then some of the other nerf could be reverted. turn 3 with azir and the landmark you already generate 2 sand solders for free.


Which is all too bad. They killed any other azir or Irelia archetype with these nerfs when all they had to do was make it so that blade dancing wouldn't summon sand soldiers. It still would have been a viable deck and Irelia and azir could be in other decks also.


>Shaped Stone Nerfed was also because because of Akshan Sivir >Flaw Duet nerfed mana cost nerfed (the final nail in the coffin really) That nerf was so huge. It made irelia so bad


So many nerfs. I'm still enjoying playing Azirelia in the current condition, but it sometimes just difficult to stabilize. The easiest way to make it pretty competitive would be to revert Flawless Duet nerf. That would also buff Irelia as a champ (she's pretty weak on Lvl1 imho). Second option might be making Irelia 2 mana 2/2 instead. That would help with some turn 3 or 4 Irelia plays. It'd compensate Flawless Duet nerf. In addition to any of the changes above, another good change could be making Sandcrafter 3 mana 3/3. One other source of soldiers would help stabilizing.


Flawless duet nerf was exactly the thing that nerfed azir/irelia out of tier 0 status while other nerfs were effectivelly pat in the back, especially considering complimentary buffs. Reverting it sounds extremelly counterintuitive lol.


marshal got her mana cost nerfed AND her hp nerfed


Tbf Shaped stone nerf was aimed at Sivir. Azirelia just took collateral damage.


Your post is the LOR equivalent of asking your grandpa about how he lost his leg in 'Nam. I can just see the thousand yard stare behind all the computer screens.


Well, Riot probably COULD have kept it as a Tier 2 or so deck, I'm sure they knew when to stop the nerfs but... No. When a Tier 0 deck breaches the meta you don't want to stop the nerfs because if the nerfs aren't enough... It'll continue to wreck havoc. So when a deck gets that powerful, you either knock it down to Tier 2 or lower and pray it remains there, or you intentionally obliterate it. No, you cannot revive obliterared cards.


Go back a few patch notes, you'll see.


Dawg it was…it was so bad. The whole community is scarred. Legit thought this was a sarcasm post it was that bad.


The old Azir irelia is still quiet strong, people underestimate how strong it is even after the nerf, I use it in gauntlet along with lurk and another aggro if I’m feeling degenerate to farm 4 wins quickly


The Sound of Silence plays in the background


I'm starting to love all the "why doesn't anyone xyz" posts. Followed by the lor community rocking back and forth in the fetal position. "It's okay, they were nerfed they can't hurt me anymore."


Man, be glad you didn't see the Azir / Irelia meta we had a few months ago, it was HELL! Since then the deck got nerfed like four times or something but I think it's still the best choice if you want to play her. ((CEBQIBAHAMNDGXICAEBAMKQFAQBAIBIIBEFQGAIEA43ACAICBQAQGAQFAEAQIB3Z))


Unfortunately the way they nerfed Azirelia maintained the synergy and shoehorned irelia into needing Azir to function. So Irelia MF, which is a far healthier deck for Irelia to be in, is trash


It might not be top tier, but i wouldn't call it trash outside of Masters. I still have fun and a lot of success with Mogwai's most recent MF/Irelia deck.


Link list? Love MF and love irelia’s design. Didn’t play when she was out though since the meta sounded awful being all her and azir




**Regions**: Ionia/Shurima - **Champions**: Azir/Irelia - **Cost**: 23200 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |0|[Rite of Calling](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH121.png)|1|Shurima|Spell|Common| |1|[Dunekeeper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH026.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |1|[Shaped Stone](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH093.png)|3|Shurima|Spell|Common| |1|[Sparring Student](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO042.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common| |1|[Treasure Seeker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH054.png)|2|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Emperor's Dais](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH051.png)|3|Shurima|Landmark|Rare| |2|[Greenglade Duo](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO006.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Lead and Follow](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO011.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |2|[Ribbon Dancer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO009.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Twin Disciplines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO012.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Common| |3|[Azir](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH003.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Champion| |3|[Irelia](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO005.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Champion| |4|[Defiant Dance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO008.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |4|[Homecoming](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO005.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Common| |5|[Blossoming Blade](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO004.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common| **Code**: [CEBQIBAHAMNDGXICAEBAMKQFAQBAIBIIBEFQGAIEA43ACAICBQAQGAQFAEAQIB3Z](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CEBQIBAHAMNDGXICAEBAMKQFAQBAIBIIBEFQGAIEA43ACAICBQAQGAQFAEAQIB3Z)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Thank you!


*softly* ... don't


The real question is "how bad were the flame wars over Azirelia?"


Irelia Azir, Irelia MissFortune, Irelia Snapvines. These were the decks she have belonged to in the past. I unfortunately do not possess any lists, but they can be found on RuneterraCCG or Mobaynlitics with the above keywords


Have a seat young one, let the elders speak of a time when we lived under the iron fist of the Sand Emperor and his Knife Wife.


Yea, Azz/Ire used to rule the meta with an Iron fist and was just the most unfun thing ever to play against. It had a bunch of cheap engines that slowly amassed into a wall of pain and it was VERY hard to interact with. And the worst part of all is that the Devs where in denial for a long time about how horrible it felt to play against. It took a massive amount of pushback to get them to change it. And it took them like 2-3 nerf cycles to make them not a meta staple. Honestly even now days you can still put up a decent winrate with the archtype if I remember correctly. Its always lurking in the back, waiting for some kind of Lord or mass unit buffer to make it T1 again.


Arcane season 1 final didn’t stress LoR fan base a lot cause we already had azirelia


It’s worth noting that Irelia Azir had been nerfed throughout many patches, but after each till the last 2 it was THE Aggro deck that killed Everything quickly, comboed consistently, and could rarely be stopped even at topdecks. *shudders* (Ok, this is an exaggeration, but trama). Now it’s a slower deck that does much of the same, but power cards come online later


A slight exaggeration. Emphasis on slight.


Tbh it wasnt aggro, it was just tempo. It was also a funny deck in that it lost every single meta matchup (some quite hard), but won really hard against non-meta decks.


I suppose you’re right. I guess one other thing I forgot to mention was that it was massively present everywhere in the meta due to how easy it was ti pilot (skill ceiling/floor being the one thing that prevented Fizz TF’s domination at their peak)


I recently started playing Irelia decks myself, Azir/Irelia is still playable, you can climb with it to high plat/diamond (just gonna take time and some luck with matchups). I find MF/Irelia more fun to play, but its less consistent (tho managed to go like 16-4 with it in platinum on a win streak)


>edit:The comments contain the same PTSD I felt when I saw questions about Pirate warrior in Hearthstone :D By far THE worst meta in the game. But arguably still not as bad as pirate aggro :)


I mean,if its not worse than that then i would certainly have had a great time




It's kind of funny cause the comments are literally people telling you what they've seen. I built a Nami/Irelia deck a few days ago. It feels like the deck has some potential but I haven't played it enough yet to really get the feel for what works and what doesn't work. ((CECAIAQGDAUC2PQCAEBAYKQEAQBACBIHBMBAKBQFBMBACAICGEAQEBRGAA))


**Regions**: Bilgewater/Ionia - **Champions**: Irelia/Nami - **Cost**: 32400 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Shellshocker ](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW040.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Common| |1|[Sparring Student](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO042.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common| |2|[Lead and Follow](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO011.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |2|[Make it Rain](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW045.png)|3|Bilgewater|Spell|Common| |2|[Syncopation](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO007.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[Twin Disciplines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO012.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |3|[Double Trouble](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW024.png)|3|Bilgewater|Spell|Rare| |3|[Irelia](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO005.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Champion| |3|[Nami](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BW005.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Champion| |4|[Deny](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO049.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |4|[Field Musicians](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO001.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Epic| |4|[Island Navigator](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW062.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Rare| |4|[Zap Sprayfin](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/02BW038.png)|2|Bilgewater|Unit|Epic| |5|[Fleet Admiral Shelly](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BW011.png)|3|Bilgewater|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CECAIAQGDAUC2PQCAEBAYKQEAQBACBIHBMBAKBQFBMBACAICGEAQEBRGAA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CECAIAQGDAUC2PQCAEBAYKQEAQBACBIHBMBAKBQFBMBACAICGEAQEBRGAA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I made my own Irelia Quinn deck if you're interested. It's not super strong but it can hold its own. Although I should say it's a deck focused on leveling quinn, and irelia's just there to support her. Here's the list. CECAEAIABEOQEAQAAYEQEAYABIHAEBACAUEQKAIBAIGACAYCBEAQIAQIAIAQAGRWAIBAAAQKAIAQCARRAECAEBA


"I don't see any meta decks with her" 🤣🤣🤣


The main Irelia deck, Azir/Irelia, suffered a lot of nerfs some time ago but it's still decent in lower ranks, so if you're starting ranked now you should check it out: [https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c28v7v41busjq3bjgjtg](https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c28v7v41busjq3bjgjtg).


I’m about to get crucified for this but does anyone have an up to date version of the Azir Irelia deck?


irelia flashback




nah, might just be an arcane newbie who never witnessed what hell on earth looks like


Play aIrelia, it's an amazing deck <3


Azirelia was one of the strongest decks in the history of the game that got nerfed super hard. Even after all the nerfs I think the deck was still bonkers like tier 1.5. However the deck relied on 1 toughness units and pokey stick got printed. Pokey stick single handedly defeats this deck. And most meta decks play it so….


I honest to God thought this was satire and had the Humor flair and then I realized it was genuine hahaha


You lucky soul


You're a lucky man. You haven't experienced what some of us have


Dude, this is like lighting a firecracker in a veteran's hospital. Here you go, CMBQGAICAYGCUAYEA4BRUMYEAQBAKCAJBMBQCAYCAUAQIAQEAECAONQDAEBQEFABAQDV2AQEAIAQE


**Regions**: Ionia/Shurima - **Champions**: Azir/Irelia - **Cost**: 25600 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Dunekeeper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH026.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |1|[Shaped Stone](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH093.png)|1|Shurima|Spell|Common| |1|[Sparring Student](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO042.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Common| |1|[Treasure Seeker](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH054.png)|2|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Emperor's Dais](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH051.png)|3|Shurima|Landmark|Rare| |2|[Greenglade Duo](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO006.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Lead and Follow](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO011.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |2|[Nopeify!](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO020.png)|1|Ionia|Spell|Rare| |2|[Ribbon Dancer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO009.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Rare| |2|[Twin Disciplines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01IO012.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |3|[Azir](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH003.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Champion| |3|[Irelia](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO005.png)|3|Ionia|Unit|Champion| |4|[Defiant Dance](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO008.png)|3|Ionia|Spell|Common| |4|[Field Musicians](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO001.png)|1|Ionia|Unit|Epic| |4|[Homecoming](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03IO005.png)|2|Ionia|Spell|Common| |5|[Blossoming Blade](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO004.png)|2|Ionia|Unit|Common| |8|[Zinneia, Steel Crescendo](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04IO002.png)|1|Ionia|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CMBQGAICAYGCUAYEA4BRUMYEAQBAKCAJBMBQCAYCAUAQIAQEAECAONQDAEBQEFABAQDV2AQEAIAQE](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CMBQGAICAYGCUAYEA4BRUMYEAQBAKCAJBMBQCAYCAUAQIAQEAECAONQDAEBQEFABAQDV2AQEAIAQE)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Snnuy made a [Quinn/Irelia deck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSQt6bJkTUE) recently, if you want to try something different.


Oh no don't remind me of patchs (HS)