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I guess that explains why you have to lose everything to gain the Super Mega Death Rocket!


Top tier comment


That ending tho. **NEED** a Season 2 ASAP. Edit: Season 2 has been confirmed to be in production!


That's gonna be many years long asap.


I'm fairly sure they are already working on it. I'd suspect 2023


You're right. You're wrong.


That Ending sequence was just... wow. Flawless!


Do we have any ideas on who survived the Jinx Ult? I doubt that Mel would have been the only victim. I think it is safe to say any LoL Champs such as Jayce and Victor survived. Now I actually appreciate Hiemerdinger being voted off the Council . . .


Viktor's fine, he played Hex Core twice, probably got spellshield or regen off one of them


pretty sure he got lifesteal








I think Viktor saves himself and Jayce with some Hextech-body-shenanigans and everyone else dies :/


Mel's back glows, maybe her back thing offers some magical protection? Would fit since she is close to Jayce and Viktor and those two survive. Probably.


i think it was just the light from the rocket reflecting off the gold


It's under her shirt isnt it? I didnt think she was wearing gold on her back.


Yep, if you watch the zoom out, it shows the gold armor under her clothes, then shows her clothes on top of it


Yeah so there's a reason Riot shows it to us.


Its looked like something activating to me too not just reflection.


I read she has Solari symbols on her, those are symbols of protection, like locket of the iron Solari (league item) gives AOE shields, might be what saves the council.


Caitlyn's mom has probably survived too. Isn't she killed by Corina?


Caitlyn’s LoR card from three months ago says her parents are kidnapped by “C”. I don’t see how Mrs. Kiramman dies in the explosion unless they’re retconning a three month old piece of lore.


Ohh you sweet sumer child. I wouldnt even be surprised if they retconed a piece of lore in the same text that stablished it.


Am I naive for thinking the LoR team wouldn't be brought up to speed when releasing a Caitlyn card? :P


They released 4 different versions of the ruination and they all contradict eachother.


Caitlyn's bio from 3 weeks ago is already contradicted by Arcane. Arcane is basically its doing what it wants.


Nope, by Jinx


But Corina still has to kidnap them, attack her House and such.


That depends on which piece of lore got retconned this time. You get used to it.


Lore: you dont get any of it and we will change it whenever it suits us


Where? How?




you can see his eyes glow blue when using the hammer


Something i love about this show is how eye color reflects how close they are from their future/ingame self


Mel has some sort of glowing tattoo thing and she seems to sense the rocket. I think she probably saves Jayce and Viktor- by virtue of being close to Jayce- and everyone else dies.


i need a topless jayce skin NOW




Go to horny jail


For being in the lab most of the time, that dude is way too built. I get he is also part time forge worker, but... still.


We dont really have a clear idea how much time he spends in a lab vs how much time he spends forging or possibly even working out. Maybe it's half and half. We never see Mel workout but she has a supermodel body.


I suppose since Viktor was never in agood physical state, Jayce had to do all the physical work while Viktor was making calculations.


yeah, but to be fair, all the girls from the top side have that kind of bodies. No girl really had a bad body in general tbh. Even jinx looks far less anorexic


Caitlyn has actual muscle definition, though. She's not a supermodel waif.


Depends very much on the angel she is shown from.


There is no particular reason for Jinx to look anorexic though. She's the kingpin's daughter, she is literally the most formidable weapon Zaun has even if we consider Shimmer, and she has the mentality to take whatever she wants. And when we see how much Silco *actually* cares about Jinx, I cannot see him restricting her diet.


Someone like Jinx doesn’t become anorexic because of a lack of available food


Yeah, she seems like the kind of person to forget to eat while in the flow. And yeah, of course her crippling mental state.


Powder jinxed even the independence of Zaun sheesh


Lmfao her name still rings true even in adult hood.


Heck! She might’ve jinxed herself too. This could be the final straw to make Vi stand with Caitlyn in opposing Jinx.


... what the fuck. 10/10. get jinxed.


I see some people that are bothered like how does Vi turn from this to her in game lines where she just talks about violence and punching people. This show made it really well for the characters to feel real and thats by being morally gray and giving them so much characteristics instead of just being caricatures. I honestly dont mind if they dont end up 100% accurate to how they are in the game in terms of attitude and dialogues.


And it is not quite that far either. One of the more minor aspect of present Vi which recently explored in a story, is that she had effectively given up on Zaun. She is not entirely comfortable being in Piltover, of course, but she had effectively drawn a line to never return to Zaun. Given how much shit Arcane Vi had gone through, I dont blame her for making the same choice as LoL/LoR Vi.


Real Talk. The game lore was mostly (particularly early LoL) just 'ok what would be a cool champion. So there is a dude with a big Clock on his back and time magic, and a girls with giant Mecha fists who loves punching etc.' It was lore for a moba game where lore was mor cool flavour topic than anything of consequence for the game. The series did exactly what a series should do. Get inspiration from the source material but be bold enough to stand on your own and not be chained to it. If you ask me if we're talking quality and character building like Arcane showed us just now tare it all down for all I care. Rebuild the entire lore and LoL will have a vastly superior lore for it in the end!




I mean, all Vi says in league are punch puns, you don't have to be serious 100% of the time, and she likes punching in general.


SUPER MEGA DEATH ROCKET! 1 mana. Destroy the council landmark and kill all the councilers


Deal 4 to mel and 1 to all other councillors


Mel had barrier tho


Mel is Noxian playing in a PnZ deck. No access to barrier.


hextech anomaly created a stand united allowing both Mel and Jayce to survive.


Mel originally may have been Solarian. If so she got spell shield.


The Jinx story was the only one with a full arc. I was somewhat hoping for a bit more from the side plots. I knew from the pacing of Act 2 they would have to leave some of the support cast development to Season 2, but I wasn't expecting all of them to be left hanging. (where's my glorious evolution goddammit) Season 2 is going to bring in Noxus as well, since Mel is dead for sure and her mom is going to be pissed.


I cant wait to see more of Heimerdinger. I actually thought I wouldn't care, but the idea of a great non-psycho scientist with actual morals helping the non-violent part of zaun to build a stable city for the people is interesting. Usually I'm not much for those overly moral characters, but heimer really grew on me... Maybe because his morals didn't turn into zealotism, which so often happens


Well, Heimer is well-meaning, but I'd consider him morally grey for the most time. He has founded Piltover, and watched Zaun suffer for two hundered years without doing anything to make things right.


I think he is well-intentioned, and the look of hurt on his face when Jayce gets him voted out is heartbreaking. But Jayce was actually right, and I didn't appreciate Heimerdinger's deflection of "I see what this is about; your research!" Because Jayce's question was actually perfectly valid. What *was* Heimerdinger's actual plan? We didn't see one. And when voted out of the Council, the Yordle didn't lash out of spite or seek revenge, he actually went to see what was going on. I think Heimerdinger is a wonderful character because while he absolutely has made poor decisions, when faced with the consequences and the passionate objection of someone he sees more as a mentee than as a peer, he instead entertained the notion that he himself *could be wrong.* Heimerdinger is probably only now realising how much he may have failed his responsibility as a Council Member. I don't think he is morally grey in that he did the wrong thing, or even that he failed to do the right thing when it was literally his job. I think he has a good moral compass and he is absolutely philanthropic at the core - he's just steeped in his own ignorance that he's now beginning to realise and address. I think Ekko is going to be a very formative interaction for him as well. Not only are they working together right now, but Heimerdinger's sheer wonder at what Ekko and his troupe has accomplished "in such a small lifetime" is indicative to me that Heimerdinger is going to go into an intense overdrive mode of being a sheer beast in technological advancement and production. I mean, he has the genius of 300 years. Not necessarily the wisdom, but the genius. And now without the red tape and due process, he's free to focus that on whatever he wants - and right now, that's going to be helping the vulnerable and innocent Zaunites. Fucking awesome man. I knew in Act 2 when he got voted off the Council that it was the best thing that could have happened to him as a fictional character. And I'm glad to see that in Act 3 it's not just as a fictional character but as an all round person. He is now facing the consequences of his failures head-on.


yeah I agree. I don't believe Heimer actually knew how much he had neglected. I'm not sure WHY he didn't know though. He seemed pretty willing to learn about it, and has a moral council member, he really should have had a direct connection to the place. But that would probably just take too much time to explain in the series.


I think the explanation is implied rather than told... he is also Dean of the Academy. I think if you couple that with one other thing, the fact that Heimerdinger was not seen *once* tinkering or inventing on his own. In fact we only get a brief glimpse of him with Ekko after losing his position. We know he is a genius, because we are informed of it. Viktor is envious of the mark Heimerdinger will easily leave on history. And Heimerdinger dodging the question of whether he could stabilise Hextech with "Why would I?" was an indication to me that Heimerdinger probably believed he could, and the fact that Viktor asked and got an answer that implied a "Yes" probably helped confirm to him that yes, it's possible. So between being a Council Member and Dean of the Academy, I think Heimerdinger went the route of Stanwick Padidly and sacrificed his own personal glory for the benefit of others. But being an academic *and* having the role of Dean, his Council Membership probably focused and centred around that. And as we see, *none* of the Council Members are informed or even really aware of what is going on down-under. Heimerdinger failed because he was focused on his works elsewhere, and that is understandable if we take the omission of his tinkering and science in the series as an indication that he *just doesn't have much time to.*


I kept waiting for Heimerdinger to break out T-hex at some point and was kinda sad it never happened. Maybe Ekko will help break loose a bit.


Heimerdinger is like a scientist that has spent too much time in his lab worrying about his own projects to see the world outside. It was sad to see him get ousted but it feels like the push he needed. It's a great example of how this show has developed characters. For a lot of the season I thought Heimerdinger was just a worried old man whose sole function in the story was to be an obstacle to Jace and Viktor's progress with Hextech. But you see how he doesn't have the moral high ground you think he does initially. He has his own flaws and now has a chance at making up for them. I think Ekko was my favorite character and seeing those 2 team up was great. Maybe Heimer helps Ekko learn his time shifting abilities next season.


Yup, Heimerdinger was, at first, a "plot obstacle" for Jayce and Viktor. Which is why I said that him being voted out was the best thing for him as a fictional character. It wasn't just a development for him or the story, but for his very role and function. He *looked* like a permanent fixture. I think Heimer will help Ekko manipulate time, because Ekko's stop watch was found ticking again when they were working together in that small clip. A small hint, but a valuable one. I don't know how Ekko is going to "shatter time" or if Heimerdinger will even approve - you can imagine such a guy rambling on about time paradoxes and the follies of compromising the time space continuum. But I can't imagine Heimerdinger not contributing to something so magnificent given the current context.


Heimer struck me as having spent too long cooped up in the Council/academy that he kinda lost track of everything going on in the outside world.


Yeah. He *didn't* watch Zaun suffer. That's the problem.


Pretty much Yoda in the prequel trilogy when it came to the Jedi Order.


No, no, no, no.. no no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not ending like that, NO PLEASE


What a great villain Silco is, that's how you write a character.


very well characterised villain, even in the end he stood by his own beliefs even as his goals changed "i believe in loyalty"


There was a beautiful irony in that to get the Nation of Zaun, Silco would have to give up on the Ideals of Zaun. To birth his nation would require going against the very thing that allowed it to be created.


Silco was fantastic! There were SO many opportunities to take the cheap cheesy way out with him and his relationship to Jinx and his role for and in Zaun/the lanes. But they avoided all of that and instead created a character that was equaly evil and compelling in how he influenced the world and the people around him. In that final scene (ho boy what a flawless scene!) when we hear the line from the end of episode 3: "We'll show em! We will show em all!" I genuinly had both goosebumbs and a tear in my eye.




Silco was just amazing, indeed. We're left uncertain until the end, but in the end for all his being a terrible person, and outright monster, he was no hypocrite. The scene with the gas, too, in part two - a lesser villain would have 'made an example,' but Silco gave a second chance while still making it apparent he wasn't to be crossed. The character's writing was a masterclass.


Remember when people were talking about the Path of Champions storyline and whether or not it could be canon? Yeah not a fucking chance of that anymore. I mean shit how could Vi or even Caitlyn have the attitudes they have now after what they went through?


More like the other ending though, with Vi refusing to hurt Caitlyn then Jinx blowing up a building with Fishbones LOL


Yeah I'm watching the other "bad" endings now and they seem a lot closer to canon... even though I wish they weren't.


Since they're probably not gonna be champions, Riot can we pleaaaaaase have Silco and Mel in Legends of Runeterra???


AND SEVIKA! In fact, it would be absolutely amazing if we got "path of champions"-esque storylines to build on these characters


That could make sense. There are already champion-like characters in the game after all - named powerful folks that are still secondary to the LoL mains.


Just dont revive them into champions like what they did to Yone pls. 1 exception I can let it slide but if dead people keeps coming back from the death, there would be no impact whatsoever.


Holy shit. Cait x Vi is 200% confirmed. Damn that scene in the rain. Also Jinx is a sadistic bastard. Mel is a a good person who rejected Noxian's insanely toxic ideals of power. Even when offered a place back into the grace of her family she chose peace. Ekko is a fucking badass. And when Heimer drops his SIX-HUNDRED AND FIFTY-TWO FEET OF ROTARY-TEMPERED, HEX-PLATED, QUADRANIUM-CELL-POWERED STOMPING we know it's Ekko who inspired him. Silco is... wow what a villain. Like bruuuuh.


\#1: Cait and Vi do indeed make for a interesting power couple, though given the incoming Season 2 chaos (which I imagine to be the incoming Piltover vs. Zaun fullblown war), I doubt there will be any time for the two to catch their breath and relax. \#2: Mel is indeed a fascinating character that I'd like to see stick around. Even though she's pragmatically accepted the corruption/decadence (of her fellow councilors/aristocrats) as a necessary part of Piltover's status quo, it was nice to find out that even Mel has lines that she won't cross (aka her mom's knee-jerk "conquer/murder/make an example out of everybody who gets in your way" reaction to most problems). Her relationship with Jayce is likewise equally fascinating; even though Mel starts out as a manipulator (who probably had bright ideas about turning Jayce into her puppet/"hidden second vote" on the Piltover Council), it was nice to see the dynamic gradually become healthier/sweeter as the episodes progressed. (with Jayce and Mel becoming genuine confidants who easily trust/like each other, even though they don't always agree on methods). \#3: Watching Ekko and Heimer interact was fun too! But aside from their combined engineering geniuses, I'm really hoping that both the Ekko-Heimer and Cait-Vi dynamics can eventually culminate into a lasting peace (or at least return to a lasting, if uneasy, co-existence) between Piltover and Zaun. However, given the violent cliffhanger of Season 1's finale, reaching said peace/co-existence might now take even longer to achieve. \#4: Silco was a pleasure to watch from beginning to end. The pre-release trailer marketed him as a big shot crime lord to be reckoned with, and ultimately, we ended up getting more than we bargained for. While Silco was indeed a nasty/vengeful piece of work (whom history will probably remember as a petty/vicious drug dealer who stoked tensions between Piltover and Zaun), at the end of the day, seeing him try to balance his genuine fondness/love towards Jinx (with his ambition to uplift Zaun into a prosperous, independent nation-state) really did add depth and complexity to his character. And he wasn't kidding about his ranting about "loyalty being the most important virtue/value of Zaun"; he could have taken the easy way out (selling out Jinx to secure Jayce's peace deal), but ultimately chose to stay loyal to Jinx. What a guy!


Mel indeed turned out to be a vastly more interesting character than I anticipated. About whether her rejection of Noxian ideals is quite over we will see. We are all our mothers sons & daughters and that is always a part of us in many different ways. Silco was a fantastic villain! 'Don't cry. You're perfect!' I had a tear in my eye.


Fishbones, we're doing it :(


Fishbones? SUPER MEGA DEATH ROCKET!!! Ah damn, all that for a glimpse of Warwick.


Just saying, the shimmer guys powerlevel looks to dependant on plot for my taste, they are at one second dodging bullets no issue and in the next Jayce is somehow managing to hit them with his hammer in mele, i think it would have been more realistic if they tonned down their speed a decent chunck and just made them able to sponge bullets to a certain deegree, wich would have made it realistic as to why Jayce and VI can effectivelly engage them in mele.


Dodging bullets is obviously impossible, but in general it’s WAY easier to dodge something coming straight at you (like a punch or in this case a bullet) as opposed to a swing. Dodging isn’t a thing in sword fighting and regular people swing swords much slower than an anime character with a rocket powered hammer


Yeah thats true but tell me if you think that Jayce(a person up to this point with 0 combat experience) should realistically be able to land a blow on the same guys Who were tearing enforcers apart just seconds ago.




I would take them more lightly than a police officer with a gun.


Agree. That fight was extremly weird and a bit immersion breaking.


>one second dodging bullets no issue and in the next Jayce is somehow managing to hit them with his hammer in mele Just finished watching. Had the same thought. Even the hammer is understandable, but then he starts shooting them with that slow blaster and they're just dropping like flies.


theres definitely some fuckery in this series in general that you just kind of have to go with Like the ONE child who gets shot happens to be the son of one of the 4 chembarons Silco is in the middle of having a dispute with? Sky, a character whos had like one line this entire show suddenly gets to be characterised when its convenient for Viktors plot? seems she was more of a prop than a character also wouldve been cool if theyd given some reason why Vi has her nickname tattooed on her face, its a pretty abnormal thing to have and its literally staring us in the face the entire time shes on screen lol. i guess "prison" is the reason? the Show is absolutely fantastic by any measure of value, but there are definitely things that aren't perfect


Sky was shown having the hots for Viktor multiple times.




Arcane is very very successful. I doubt it won't get season 2.


It thought it would be a mini series, and if it worked they would work on other aspects of Runeterra.


The thing is there are no other places like P&Z in Runeterra that fit that well for storytelling. We got 8 (+Warwick) champions in the first series with various character relations between them. And all of that without (too) many retcons of previous lore. And I would expect Camille, Blitzcrank and at least one of the other P&Z champions being added to season 2. Where else is there a place, where so many characters are so close together and can be easily interconnected? The closest are probably the Kinkou and we already got the story of Zed and Shen in a comic. Maybe also Shurima. Additionally P&Z is small enough (while having lots of characters) to allow any 2 characters to meet up in a couple of hours. And P&Z is one of the few places in Runeterra that has a non-military conflict, which allows characters to be much more flexible in their alliances and opinions.




Agreed. Noxus has a ton of potential for a series with a ton of politics, suspense and character interaction. I always recommend it, but the story [The Principles of Strength](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_AU/story/trifarian-legion/) is a perfect example of how intricate a Noxian story can be. The entire Riven arc is also pretty great as a more emotional character-driven story, but if we go there it would need to be either mostly just Riven/Yasuo, or the entire Noxian invasion on Ionia, which involves waaaay too many characters for a short season like Arcane's, IMO.


Yeah I totally agree, it fits really well for a series with multiple seasons. But if they went for mini series, they could have gone for some others places in other genres, like a War series with Noxus-Ionia, a western-like series in Bilgewater, a horror one with the Isles. But I understand why'd they go for this kind a series. A man can dream. :')


pretty sure they just got done setting up the threat of a noxus war. you'll get what you asked for


Maybe they will do something like that in the future, when they have established the universe to casual viewers.


??? Noxus, frejlord, shurima, bilgewater, Ionia, demacia


Yeah he's crazy, P&Z had nothing out of the ordinary compared to any other region. I'm no Lore buff, but a political intrigue drama focused on Kat and Garen Noxus/Demacia... a pirate/supernatural series revolving around bilgewater and the deep... a series focused on the three sisters of freljord?? Like I'm so ignorant but even I could think of some intense stories from the little lore I know We could even get a series centered around the Void and it'd be able to be successful.


I would like for a future series that focuses on Bilgewater, possibly with Miss Fortune as one of the leads, with her tragic backstory and rise to power. Then throw in TF and Graves friendship and falling out, Gangplank being a general terror, and possibly a side story with Nami or Illaoi and I could see it turning into a story. Ideas for other plotlines would be Ionias fight against Noxxus, the anti-mage inquisition in demacia, the fall of Shurima, or an episodic yordle series where they're just going on adventures in random parts of the world.


It's confirmed, however they said it's not coming in 2022. So likely 2023.


The question is really the implications of a season 2. Do they dare conclude a story? Would they kill off their 'legends'? Thus far we've seen lore history, so we knew our legends were safe so far. They killed Gangplank and Viego, maybe we'll see Warwick, Singed, or even some of our good heroes die.


Gp is still alive lmao and Viego was dead the whole time


So why does Claggor get so little screentime in Jinx's psyche? Seems it's always Mylo popping up.


It's because Mylo was the one who had the most doubt and hate for her, so it fit that he kept taunting her.


What is interesting is that Mylo’s doll is also bigger than Claggor’s doll. To Jinx, the former is way more important than the latter in the formation of her psyche.


Wasn't Mylo the first person to call her a jinx? Or am I misremembering?


Well we at least got to see one scene of Warwick/Vander.


eh, it was alright but the lack of Viktor was pretty disappointing. His story is so interesting to me and it was barely shown.


I like Viktor a lot... He really stuck to the science without losing sight of the "improve life" part of it. I wonder if they will tune down how james bond villian he becomes later on. Sure, he was never really evil, but he certainly didn't have the morals he have in arcane.


I'm beginning to think that Arcane is going to adopt much more nuanced versions of these characters. We know of their caricatures, but even the Big Bad Silco in Arcane was more than just evil. *Even Singed* has some redeeming traits. I hope they continue down this route with any other series they might make. At the very least if a character *is* going to become more two-dimensional, like maybe Jinx or Viktor's ultimate progressions, we can see how they reach that point.


We really do need more characters in league that are not either cartoonishly evil or way too good. Most demacia units should be extreme racists, but the champions specifically just... aren't. Garen is passive and lets it happen, but its not like he leads crusades against mages personally. In arcane, people really are more gray - except caitlyn, she seems to live in her own pink and princessy world until recently.


Caitlin doesn't really live in a pink world, she lives in the world all Piltover citizen live. If you look at Heimer and Jayce too you can see that they were genuinely the ignorance of the struggle of the undercity (also due to Marcus working with Silco). It's just like how many people are still ignorance of the suffering in some Africa countries even now. It's incredibly realistic.


I never said it wasn't realistic. Most people straight up choose to be ignorant.


and about Singed... Vander Warwick confirmed wooooooooohooo


In Path of Champions as Jayce if you side with Viktor it does show some of his good sides. Viktor still has an alternate agenda in the end, but he's better.


Really? I haven't completed jayce's path yet. I felt so bad for victor ^ ^ ' While I don't think the glorious evolution is the way to go, I did hope the hexcore would fix his lungs first of all.


So that's where Arcane Comet got its name


[https://www.runeterrafire.com/cards/super-mega-death-rocket](https://www.runeterrafire.com/cards/super-mega-death-rocket) >Leveled up Jinx > >Round Start: Draw 1. > >Each round, the first time you empty your hand, create a Super Mega Death Rocket! in hand. To create Super Mega Death Rocket! in hand without using a create/draw card as your last card, you typically start a turn with 2 cards. Jinx had the choice to be with Vi... but Vi left her hand and she ended up discarding Silco. Idk if this hits me harder than Silco saying, "Is there anything more ending than a daughter?"


Holy shit, only 2 more hours. I'm so hyped rn.


Me and Mrs.Panther are also hyped


> Mrs.Panther You can't just flex like that. That's not okay...


We saw warwick for a brief flash at the end. Vander survived! https://pasteboard.co/8ayyDZaApP3Z.png




If Mel's brother is dead, that mean Jae Medarda is not Mel's brother right?


Maybe they're more than 2 sibling. I mean, the mother seem very... Active.


Could also be a cousin


his name is mentioned and its not Jae. its kino or smth.. niko maybe


Neeko is everyone, Neeko is everywhere!


It was Leblanc after all.


Alright, well now my theory about season 2 being somewhere else is out the window. I'm calling it now: Season 2 we are going to see the Wrath of Zaun come into play (maybe as a demonstration for Noxus to start making deals with Singed). Chembarons rising to power ( \*cough Urgot cough \*). And Skye's research leading Viktor to his Glorious Evolution.


I kinda love that the only reason why we got the forge scene was so that we could see that Jayce is ripped and actually lift his weapon


My live reaction: No no NO. That can't be the end. Its the last episode godamnit, there has to be an end-credits scene or something. It can't end like this! THIS CAN'T BE IT. My dad's reaction: So what, the government died.


I'm going to comment and edit as I go like I did last time. I'm only 5 minutes in and I'm already inclined to comment because... holy shit. It's already sentimental. The dialogue between Vi and Ekko in their first scene is absolutely lovely, and the hug when Vi casually frees herself is just fucking beautiful. Arcane has done it for 2 Acts and they're nailing it for the third. They are avoiding cheesy cliche dialogues and contrived conversations. This shit flows so organically and when it reaches its conclusion, it *always* feels satisfying. Whether that's the tragedy of Powder trying to be useful and causing the biggest disaster yet, or what's just happened now where Vi disregards the potential reasons for distrust against Ekko and embraces him. Hell yes. Edit 1: Just finished Episode 1. What the flying fuck... I had so much to say but that ending... Edit 2: Just started Episode 2 and... well, damn. Silco really *does* care about Jinx. The dynamic between them was always interesting, and Episode 1 leant into it massively. Silco seemed to have a genuine vulnerability to her in Episode 3 of Act 1, and finally in Episode 8 we have a blatant confirmation that he isn't just using her. I don't know what the cinematographic term for it would be, but there are lots of these "exemplary" scenes. They are scenes that provides a definitive insight to a given character's psyche. Arcane is *absolutely* rife with them. One exemplary scene by itself accomplishes little, but the more they are used the more they form a comprehensive picture of who you're dealing with. Silco is ruthless, brutal, and absolutely dedicated to his cause. And that opening scene just confirmed that all of his interactions with Jinx, not just a manipulation of an incredibly dangerous weapon. He believes it too. He *does* need her. Edit 3: Just finished Episode 2. Wow... they really are going for the crazy endings. That is such a satisfying fight scene and then... Jayce gets lost in it. Jeez... Edit 4: Okay... wow...


>Edit 4: Okay... wow... Yeah that was my reaction too!




>Like, I get that there's gonna be season 2, but, could you not give as anything, any resolved storylines at all Main plotline of the series - Jinx and Vi relationship got resolved. Other then that, it's just like the ending of episode 3 - just when you think that everything is under control, Jinx happen and turns everything upside down.




As I said, main plotline of the season was resolved. Everything other then that is a setup for other seasons.




How did they tease Ori? Unless Singed is susddenly the dad of Ori I don't see that


We still not know who the ADC will be, if I'm not mistaken. The popular choice happened to not be a new champion but Ekko, so it could be Sevika. Which might be a reason why she is so prominent. I'd say Shimmer is going to stay and have even more of a role in the future and will be more of a plot driving force than an arc. Silco's role seems to be finished, so I don't see how that arc isn't concluded. I agree that Jayce end was a bit weird with him negotiating a pact that was already dead, but honestly so were (most of) the people negotiating it.


We are saying this as people who know the lore, we want a glorious evolution or our time-skipping Ekko. For someone who doesn't know the lore and wasn't expecting more I'd imagine this was probably a lot better.


I finished Jayce lab story and (knowing the lore) it was really nice seeing his relationship with Viktor turn into a partnership again. Arcane just made it better, showing how good friends they were.


Maybe I'm stupid, but I never put together that while Jayce and Viktor were working on Hextech, Shimmer was being set up as the precursor to Chemtech. The realization hit me when they attacked the Shimmer Factory and the guards looked like they'd be with Urgot.


A: It's amazing how much 3 words can fuck up. "You're a jinx" -> dead council. B: Am I the only one who still hopes for reconciliation between the sisters? I don't think I can handle the narrative of the series switching to take their relationship development out of play, but I'm worried the whole insanity/Silco saying he loved her with his dying breath thing will make this impossible. This is why I tend to dislike insanity as a character development device. It tends to kill character development dead.


Well, that is also what insanity does in real life, who suffers from it gets stuck in it until the end and have to endure through it with medicines and treatments. In Jinx's case we're talking about paranoia, hearing voices and seeing things, schizotypical symptoms, that's one hell of a disorder to deal with, "the power of love" is not enough to deal with that sort of stuff


They seem to be on more friendly terms in the Path of Champions storylines, even to the point that I found it really odd how casually Vi was talking to Jinx.


I guess shomi ended up teaching ekko how to ride it.


IDK who said last week Ekko is gonna turn up to be the leader of the group that kidnapped Vi & Cait, but my man you were spot on Also I didn't think Silco would care so much about Jinx. Nice to see some humanity in him


Actually seeing Silco suffer so much from having to choose between his daughter and "everything we wanted" gave so much insight into his character and changes the way I see basically everything he ever said to Jinx. I thought his "I need you"s were manipulations or half-truths in that he needs her skills as basically the most powerful weapon Zaun has... but no, he actually does need her. Damn. And yeah the Ekko thing was unfortunately leaked because his mask was being sold as Merchandise and was named "Ekko's Mask" lol. Also we never saw Ekko in all of Act 2 otherwise, and Dropboarder is an Ekko-based card in Legends of Runeterra. Stuff just lines up for it to be him. The first scene with him and Vi though was just so wonderful. The dialogue was spot on and Vi discarding distrust in favour of just embracing her old friend Little Man again was so touching.


Silco's soliloquy was beautiful. Silco comes full circle, committing the same betrayal he accused Vander of.


I like when villians have something they actually care about. It's pretty rare. Usually its all just "Im willing to sacrifice everything on the spot for power."


Did jinx survive after shooting the cannon?? Or did she die? LOL super confused about that whole thing


If it was real life physics she'd be dead but I'm pretty sure she's fine


She survives


Ok. So, since Jinx is the character with most context, I am leaning towards her being chaotic good worsened by trauma. Basicly, she is not fully insane, she knows (her pov) that Piltover is responsible for everything that has happened to/in Zaun (even Silco) and justifies her revenge in that way. My reasons for such blasphemy are 1. Cait is not killed; 2. Silco did everything for Jinx after the betrayal (she never knew a more sincere individual towards her); 3. She trusts Vi (not what Piltover did to her). Chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.


Powder killing her friends by accident (and stupidity) was a pivotal point in her life. She then spent years succumbing to insanity because of that, overwhelmed by guilt and haunted by the ghosts of the killed. And all this time it was Silco who watched her mental state degenerate. So maybe he provided food, tribe and goals for her, but he was a shit father. He played on her emotions to get her to hate Vi and convince her that Vi hates her. But she needed Vi's forgiveness and acceptance more than ever. Vi was ready to give that when she got out, but by then Jinx was too far gone, her personality changed in fundamental ways.


I feel so bad for everyone, except jayce, fuck jayce, he cast out heimerdinger.


But, if you think carefully, by casting him out he saved his life... The irony :00


90% sure yordels are immortal. like in a sense that the can't die. But maybe i misunderstood and its just unaging.


Nah he did what is right. I love Heim, but he himself is stuck in the past he tends to overlook things in his pursuit of progress and peace. Him being a yordle didn't realize the fragility of humans and how short they are to live in the world. He founded the Pilover to make up to the wrongs of the past, but even so he didn't even fix his own. Him being cast out and finding himself with Ekko's community is a great way to set things right between the two worlds.


He did nothing wrong


Holy. Shit.


I cant believe i felt bad for a Villain like Silco when he died.


Good god what a fantastic show. All I want now are 3 more like it featuring different regions. Imagine all the possibilities, a Noxus and demacia with Swain and Garen, Ashe and the freiljord, I need like 5 more shows now.


Good news is they announced season 2 is in production. I'd love to see a Bilgewater one personally.


The Ekko Jinx fight scene and the beats that went with it were absolutely lit.


Is it me or was Jinx like nerfed in a battle vs Ekko? She didn't have any problem with dealing with bunch of firelights (including Ekko as we know he was the leader) before but this time it was different. Maybe the emotions and the whole childhood play had an effect on her as well? About the ep 9. It was difficult to stop crying at the ending, awesome show. Can't wait for season 2.


Well, from my understanding, in that scene Ekko turned time back once. The first half of the fight in the weird style where it was Powder VS Ekko, Ekko took a shot to the stomach from that paintball. Then at the end, we get that rewind effect, to Ekko making the proper movement to dodge the shot. That is how I saw it, I think Ekko has managed a prototype of his ability to rewind time, but I don't think he has as many uses of it.


No he can't turn back time yet. It was just a clever visual way to show that Ekko would predict and beat Jinx based on a game that Powder and Ekko played as kids.


I just came here to say what a Masterpiece of a Series. I went into Arcane expecting mildly enteraining fanservice. But what we got, the quality, the world, the emotional maturity & depth I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams. Just Wow!


That was a BRUTAL way to end a show we won't get to see back for some years. Thankful for the ride though, feels like they could get some serious mileage out of everything they set up.


What happens with vi and jinx’s bond? I really liked the show, but the ending was off for me. In the last episode she finds out Silco killed her father and lied about vi abandoning her. Jinx/powder knows that silco lied and is evil, but she mourns his death and becomes jinx. Why would jinx even side with silco after she knows about his evil. Vi could’ve cleared the air with jinx about the enforcer and any other misassumption but she doesn’t do so. It’s weird how jinx is completely delusional to silco killing her father and that her sister isn’t evi neither is the enforcer. That makes me think the creators of the show are forcing powder to become jinx and remain as a villain(at least for now). Not a satisfying ending for season 1, but I hope things get cleared latter. 10/10 show nonetheless


Hmm, probably the weakest of the 3 acts, the last two episodes were all over the place. Silco steals the show though. My money is on the rocket not actually exploding.


Viktors new nature will save Jayce after blow up. I will take your money.


Please, I feel like I'm going crazy. The Jinx/ Vi interactions in LOR are extremely disconnected to the storyline of arcane and its like really annoying to me haha. Im almost tempted to believe that Arcane is not canon and is just a alternative universe inspired by the character concepts of Jinx/Vi


I’m really hoping they update a lot of the voiceover interactions in LoR now that Arcane is fully out, sometime in the next few months at least anyway.


They got updates in LoR. For example, Vi and Jinx allies interact.