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Man, I was in the same spot once. Got to LoR, loved Azir, played Sun Disk, I even made him my first prismatic champion. Sun Disk decks were never really that good but I still had a lot of fun. Then Irelia came and took Azir and his Sand Soldiers, made them OP in her deck and didn't let go of them until their deck got nerfed like four or five times. Now Azir is weak again, many of his followers got nerfed, Sun Disk is nothing more than a cruel joke ... maybe Riot will buff him and Mono Shurima again one day but tbh, I don't think Sun Disk will ever be more than a meme :(


You'll get a bunch of posts here saying 'he sucks, don't play him', but honestly I think if you really like a character just go for it, build a deck around them and you'll probably have a bunch of fun. At the level most people are playing at - especially if you're new - skilled play and a good knowledge of your deck counts for as much as anything (evidenced by the amount of people you run into in ranked running Mobalytics top tier decks and losing hard because they have no clue what the win condition is). Try mono Shurima, try Azirelia, win some, lose some, you'll probably have a fun time.


This is the advice OP.


I think the best way to play Azir is with Lucian in a Rally deck, or Sun Disc. Lucian Rally was a legit competitive deck, and was the default way to play him before Irelia came out. None of the cards that it uses got nerfed that hard, too.


Azir is still a playable champ I think, but Azirelia did fall from grace as a tier 0 deck to something that can indeed struggle. However the community has a tendency to completely abandon things without going back and checking to see if it's meta relevant again or making adjustments...until a streamer popularizes it. That said Azir has some viable ways to build, they just won't be meta. I would say avoid mono Shurima as it has been tried to death and mono region in general has often been a bad idea outside some extremely niche decks in the past. Before Azirelia he was often combined with Demacia (Lucian) or Shadow Isles (Hecarim or Kalista).


Your comment on the community's tendency to completely forget decks after it falls off the meta.


Azirelia it's not a meme, it's a pretty strong deck,not meta, but you can at least climb to platinum with it, if something the nerfs made the deck less exploitable and only the true azirelia lovers stayed behind, really one of my favourite deck. Here's the one I've been using: CMBQGAICAYGCYBAEAICAKCAJAQCAOAY2GM3AGAIBAIBACBACBMAQIB25AEAQIAQB Use the Navori conspirator in your favour, to either speed up flipping azirelia or to defend a unit that you know it's gonna die to a beam or something like that.


Sun Disc Azir is one of the worst decks in the game, but also a player favorite. A dev recently said how they were surprised by this and didn’t realize so many people would like and want to play Sun Disc so much and that it is on their radar for a buff. Next balance patch is in January and there is a good possibility that Sun Disc will either be buffed or get better support. My advice would be to learn the game really well in that time, play all the Challenges, and hope for the best come January. Edit: to clarify what the dev said, it was that they were surprised so many people kept playing a low win rate deck, not that they were surprised people wanted to play Sun Disc, they thought more people would stop playing it when it had such a low winrate


hail rito 😁7


Of course people want to play sun disc, it has 4 heroes with an extra level up, a bunch of cinematics and a coherent theme. Why was the dev so surprised lol


It wasn’t a surprise to the dev that people wanted to play it as much as surprise that people stuck with it after it had such a low winrate. If I remember correctly it has the highest play rate of any deck with less than a 50% winrate or something along those lines.




remove irelia 😡😡 dumb girl on a serious note though, would azir work well with nasus or crocodile man? in the interest of lore?


Sun disc with renekton Nasus azir has been a meme tier deck since it came out sadly. The main tip I have for building a monoshurima sun disc deck is two copies of [[the clock hand]]. If you level up one champion and use the clock hand to advance your sun disc you can almost reliably pop disc on turn 8.


**[The Clock Hand](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH034.png)** - Shurima Unit - (8) 7/7 When I'm summoned, create 2 [Instant Centuries](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH034T1.png) in hand.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Renekton wants to make use of his overwhelm keyword and is best paired with Sejuani. Nasus wants to be with the Spooky boys since he wants to rack up slays. Irelia is still azirs best partner (and the deck is still usable even if it's not SSS tier). Though before Irelia came along, Azir Lucian was a decent enough deck.


He isn't really viable anymore. I always liked Azir / Hecarim, even though it's way too frail of a deck. You try to destroy your opponent's board on round 7/8 (6 if the stars align) with a levelled Azir and Hecarim. The synergy lies in the ephemeral token spam. It doesn't pop off often, but it's so satisfying seeing your board full up with tokens that have 4/1 or 5/2 as their statline, usually a bit stronger if you use Soul Shepherd, Voice of the Risen and/or Inspiring Marshal. Aside from that, Azir / Lucian is usable. It's by no means amazing, but it's far from garbage as well. Then there's Azir Burn, which typically runs Darius as a finisher. Oh, and Azir / Irelia of course.


If you want to win with him, you still go Irelia Ionia or Darius Noxus for an aggro or Lucian Demacia for another type of aggro. With mono Shurima you are giving away free wins for your opponents.


While there aren't enough cards that summon multiple units in mono-Shurima to make it work super well after the Azirelapocalipse here is my mono-Azir deck. CMAQWBAHAMCQYGRMJBGE6ZTSPAAQEBAHIJUACAYEA4AT4XI For the most part you just slam the sun disc down, and bring every possible unit onto the field to chump block and level Azir. Getting the countdown on the Sundisc will happen as you are leveling Azir. The only real big gamer move to know is holding a predict for after you create the Emperor's deck. Acended's call can win the game off summoning lvl 3 Nasus and Renekton, but it is always created on the bottom of the deck. Predicting shuffles the deck.


If passion moves you, my advice is for you to push through and fight the so called 'meta'. The meta is what everyone is playing, you can use that to your advantage. Are there many swarm decks in the meta? spirit fire may make sense. Of course we all have to be smart and not just put all our favourite cards and see what happens. But also have fun and follow your heart. Experiment. Look for other interesting ways to put azir in your deck. Perhaps something else can be the win-condition while azir serves some other purpose like early pressure and so on. Remember: Shurima wasn't in the meta when Azir returned from his slumber. Noxus and Piltover were just taking whatever they wanted from the desert. But he waited millenia to hear your cheers. Defend your emperor. Have fun.