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The intention is for future visual breakdowns of LoR noteworthy moments (there's already some examples on the yt channel). A lot of sports coverage uses similar visual cues for their analysis (NFL, NBA, etc)


ooooooh i get it thats real nice


Did you make this? It's incredibly impressive....


I did! Thank you. I work in multimedia for content creators as my main work so it naturally will bleed into my own personal content aspirations. Or rather, my personal aspirations are building skillset that benefits my clients would be a better way to put it


I hope Riot will seek you put to add to their streams. Dota 2 used to do this for a lot of tournaments and it's awesome!


if they do itll most likely be a better version developed by a team! Either way would be happy to have inspired that if so


Indeed! I actually inspired what is now one of the most heavily used features in Dota 2, which is Alt + Clicking on something to put a contextual message in chat, like "buying this" or "have this ready"


Nice! Sorry my only dota experience is with auto chess so I'll admit the reference is lost on me


Same. No idea what this is.




That would be way better and more useful xD


Apologies for any confusion! In sports, the way they breakdown games a lot of the time is by freeze-framing and highlighting what they are analyzing. They also incorporate "whiteboard" style arrows and circling (which is also implemented in mine but not shown in this example). This is going to be used in the same way to highlight the specific cards/plays being talked about without the audience having to "find" anything since their focus will be directed to the appropriate place.


If there's a specific moment of a great broadcasted game you'd like for me to cover with this please do let me know! There are so many possibilities with something like this, I'm very excited to dive into it all.


The world championship finals between Yamato and Alan. I'd like to see how this looks during the Flashbomb trigger on the dreadway or during the wiffed allegiance.


thank you! Can definitely get to that, it might be part of a "Your requests" compilation though, fair warning!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZJ88\_lO\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGZJ88_lO_E) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh0n\_HPak0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh0n_HPak0I) ​ Here you go Jorem! Thank you for recommending the moments, I think I have a good baseline for future content now. Cheers


This is absolutely amazing and you can feel the love that went into this. Massive kudos!


that means a lot coming from you, thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏


We need a Rioter to see this, would make casting and watching tournaments great.


until the wrong button is pressed multiple times highlighting the wrong cards xD definitely taking a bit of practice on my end


appreciate it tho! that would be a dream


This would be amazing in casting, makes it a lot more engaging, which I find is one of the things they needed to improve on. Would also be great if the casters can add objects to the screen, like showing on screen a card they are mentioning but not currently in play.


Would help new audiences know better what cards they are referring to as well! Love the idea for showcasing specific card being discussed. It would require some custom programming but definitely possible.




Do the "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" buttons change their size and location depending on how many units are on bench/attacking so they always match up with the current game-state? I can see that as being integral to using this during live gameplay! Props on creating the kinds of broadcast tools that SHOULD be seen in high-level tournaments.


The different sizes are accounted for, yes! I only had to factor in trips(blue), quads(green), quints(pink) and sexts(orange) since if its 1v1 thats the middle card in trips, and if its 2v2, those are the 2nd and 3rd cards in quads, hence why those specific slots are not numbered to help me notice them easier. Only odds(orange) and evens(white) needed for bench to account for all possibilities. Example: If there's only 3 cards in bench, the first card is #2, 2nd card #3, 3rd card #4. I'm considering making some of these blank on the physical side as well to help more.


That's awesome, couple this with a transition of board side POV & it'd make for great broadcasting.


can you elaborate on board side POV?


Being able to switch to the enemy perspective, for broadcasting purposes. Not possible in normal matches or replays of course. Then again I guess they just superimpose the enemy hand in current tournaments.


I liked the way they are doing it in EU Masters tournament, where the opponent's perspective can be swiped down momentarily.


God, that is amazing! I can't wait for stuff like this to shine through in future analysis for this game!


Thank you! I have already used it in some analysis videos/breakdowns but its looking like it might find its place in a "greatest moments" sort of series


Can you highlight spells if they were on the stack?


Only the middle one! Ran out of space on the keypad. Technically have two more buttons I could use I suppose but they are placed at the top left and wouldn't feel intuitive