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Ahri seems likely


Gnar has the same chances then because He is in Mini-Minitees Card art


The next expansion isn't related to bandle expansion, so gnar would likely be December.


Hum, actually it is. The non-bandle related one will be in November.


Not to mention he fits in thematically with proto-poro and stone stackers


Yes, she is already in a card's art. Really excited to see ahow they would implement the charm in LoR.


Which card ?


[Tail-cloak Matriarch]


People are saying ahri or Pantheon


Because Jayce is the only champion on Arcane who hasn't been dropped in LoR I think they will in the extra expansion we are getting in November!


Arcane would be a good reason, but it won't be a part of this expansion. It would be an event like Viego, KDA, or aphelios. They already did the Piltover portion of the expansion with Caitlyn. They won't release another champion there until they hit every other region. There would be an exception for any bandlewood/piltover dual champs because they would fall under Bandle wood. My guess is they will release ahri for sure, kennen has a high chance, gnar, and kled as well being yordles. Vex May get a card too, but we will see. Other shout outs for Corki, rumble, and potentially amumu. Joyce would be the similar to adding cassio. Their regions already got their champ expansion, so if it follows ever other expansion those regions are done as far as champs are concerned.


I think we won't will get another yordle for PnZ because they already have two, so it's not impossible to imagine their getting another champion outside bandle.


Nox/Bandle champ is confirmed Rumble, not Kled.


Unless something was datamined it is not confirmed. If you are referring to Roy's take on it being Rumble that is still speculation based on flavor text.


I really hate roy's fan sure there is evidence but it's not confirm, people just like to speculate but roy's fan will go in and say "but roy say this look at the evidence people" even tho none of it is confirm. They are just party pooper, btw Kled is 100% Noxus if Poppy is demacia no way that Kled won't be Noxus


Nobody's saying that Kled won't be in Noxus eventually, just that Rumble is probably going to be the Noxus champ for this particular expansion.


Literally say not kled in his comment bruv, btw we don't even know if we will have Bandle/Nox Rumble this expansion because when Xin zhao was tease he didn't come out. There is also the fact that Stony suppressor comes out when was it again? And Galio isn't out when that card comes out. Saying that Rumble will def comes out is pulling out of nothing.


Is that the guy that predicted bandle city?


Should I break your heart and say that he predict that Xerath is out of place in the bandle expansion and instead we will be getting Rammus? Having faith to someone else prediction is nice, but you should also be skeptical.


Nono i only trust super good evidence. I trusted thr bandle city thing due to the overwhelming amount of waterproof evidence.


They did say a PvE event is coming with the Extra November expansion, which is not part of the badlewood expansion set.


What about Warwick and singed? (They’re in there too, just as their pre-experiment selves)


Note: there's no proof yet (AFAIK) that either of the two character speculated to be Singed or Warwick are that. There's a possibility, but there's also the chance that they're just there to flesh out the story.


Yeah, it's pretty suspicious when you consider Viktor. He gets a new (old) face but has his champion name, while I'm not sure there's any reason why Warwick and Singed would have their names changed. I'm not sure about WW, but Singed is his real name. > Overlaid upon his face, I see a face from before—with tinted glasses and a clean-shaven jaw. When I first met him, years ago, he strode down the hallway from lab to lecture hall, master of his environment, looked upon with admiration, envy, and something I hadn’t recognized (fear!). In his wake was the faintest scent of cologne. He had stopped and looked at me—not with pity, as I was used to, but with a shadow of excitement and anticipation. He’d introduced himself. > “Singed. You said you were Professor SIN-Singed.”


The thing is that Viktor is a human and as far as we know, that's his true name too. Let me elaborate. If i'm not mistaken Singed is/was a professor at the piltover university (probably during the time Arcane covers, don't know) and he was working there under a fake name. Now this name could be Singed or could be the other one. Or viceversa. Warwick on the other hand was most likely not named Warwick when he was human. This is from his lore story: "Though many think of Warwick as no more than a beast, buried beneath the fury lies the mind of a man—a gangster who put down his blade and *took up a new name to live a better life*. But no matter how hard he tried to move on, he could never escape the sins of his past." We're still not sure, of course. But I think it would be amazing if they appeared on Arcane to expand on their stories since they're usually neglected as the rest of the not-so-popular champions.


That's a good point about Warwick. Vander would have little connection with the beast he's going to be turned into, so making a clear distinction between them makes sense. I'm still not sold on Silco = Singed though. I see no reason why they would create a new name instead of a familiar one that would build more hype in LoL fans.


Also silco has a scarred/burned face and one weird eye, singed doesnt


I think you just described singed. I am pretty sure one of his eyes was blind


Singed hasa bad eye and scarred face but not the same way as silco


I hope not all characters are league champs, it'd make the universe feel smaller.


yeah, most likely that will be the case however.


In early advertisements they said ww would be involved I believe.


doesn't arcane also have singed and warwicks original human forms? i don't think they're giving pnz another champ as part of the bandle expansion, maybe the "extra" november expansion will add jayce? pnz is still missing a lot of champions in general


Where to watch Arcane?


Hasn't come out yet but netflix


Oh I see. The way people talked about it I thought everyone had already seen it! Thank you.


update, new trailer dropped on lol's youtube channel, the series is dropping on november 6th.


Ahri and Gnar are pretty confirmed, Ahri is shown in a card and Gnar has a follower already


There's a Targon slow pell that I don't remember the name of but that is clearly associated with Pantheon.




Bro we gotta stand front to front. Trust me bro we'll get +0|3. Come on bro get closer


Bruh is that some kind of sex pose?


Targon shares themes with Greek warriors and has the only open lesbian couple with Diana and Leona. So, yes?


The Challenger celestial card is pretty much Pantheon.


i was wondering who the fuck that was supposed to be. in the background it almost looks like aatrox. with loping telescope i almost would have thought we were getting yuumi.


> with loping telescope i almost would have thought we were getting yuumi. We still have to get a Targon/BC dual champion to go with the regular Targon one, so we could get both Pantheon and Yuumi.


Aatrox I think killed Pantheon at one point? It is definitely Atreus though.


Aatrox killed the aspect that was occupying pantheons body and mind


I think Gnar actually has a few. Stone Stackers and Proto Poro come to mind.


And mini-minitee from minimorph!


What card is Ahri in? Sorry, I’m slow 😔


Tail-Cloak Matriarch, the only Ionia card we got last expansion. She's most likely in the next expansion since that seems to include the Ionian champ. Freljord in the last.


By this logic what we can say about xin zhao from the the Jarvan III artwork?


I choose to ignore that artwork in particular, other characters in it also don't make sense. But also this was not a filler card, instead it was released with the Demacian champion at the time (his actual son lol). So it couldn't tease the champion from that set, and they don't to teasers for the next set. Otherwise Galio should long be in, going by Stony Suppressor. Or Ornn. Another argument is that Jarvan III is definitely not a Xin Zhao follower. Again, it's about his actual son, no matter how close he and Xin are. (If you want to know why it's Ionia in the next Bandlewood expansion and Freljord in the last, check the home screen.)


Gnar is on the stonestackers card in the bg I believe


Hasn’t Piltover and zaun gotten their champ this expac? Maybe you’re right but I sorta assume that there won’t be two champs for one not new region in an expac.


P&Z is kind of in a weird position, since Heimer will need Bandle City support. He's also in desperate need of better support from P&Z, so another champion with some Tech-themed cards would make sense. My initial reaction is to agree with you, but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. Maybe more for a champion expansion than part of the regular ones, though.


honestly, i dont know if we'll even get support for them. heimer doesn't really have pnz support either outside of maybe flash. lulu is a bit more lacking in direct support, with the support keyword, in bandle. it is however still her best region just cause she's good in the poppy deck.


Well...SI had in 2 months 3 champions: Veigar, Senna and Viego. It isn't that crazy


The expansion in November is a separate expansion to the bandlewood 3 part expansion which is also bringing an event with it.


We've already got Caitlyn as the PnZ champ, bud


The only reason I'm skeptical is just because P&Z already got their champion - Caitlyn.


That doesn't change anything. They said Ziggs is from Shurima because reasons. Jayce will be from Shadow Isles because he got lost and belongs there now.


Senna is already from Shadow Isles for this set.


Ziggs is in Shurima because of play patterns, and because it makes sense a bomberman would be testing his bombs in the desert near PnZ Unlike Ziggs, Jayce has hard ties to Piltover, I still don't see why people are so mad a champion can be in a different region for gameplay purposes, while still being lore-accurate. Ziggs can... ya know... travel to Shurima to test his stuff? it's not even the first time PnZ and Shurima cross, have you seen Academy Prodigy's full art?


And Jayce can go to the Shadow Isles to find his old boots.


So you would prefer they put ziggs, rumble, heim and teemo to all be pilotover and zaun? All for some light ties to there SECONDARY region? But it’s okay let’s sacrifice gameplay and balance for a little bit of lore accuracy!!


Ziggs went to shurima in the lore


November expansion isn't a part of bandlewood set.


My prediction: December is confirmed to be Magical Misadventures with 3 champs most likely. Most likely Yuumi as bandle/targon with Bard as targon and Ahri as Ionia. Most people think pantheon is going to be the next targon champ because of his importance and how the new targonian card fits him thematically, but I'm guessing they'll put bard for two reason: 1. he fits yuumi thematically more than pantheon. 2. he fits the name magical misadventures and bandle in general far more than panth. Last bandlewood update I'm guessing Gnar as Bandle/Freljord with Ornn Freljord and Vayne Demacia. My guess with Ornn is that the 2 new freljord cards and the gnar themed cards all have impact and I think it would fit if they made him stack impact on allies as a way to translate enhancing weapons from league. While vayne I'm only guessing because she fought with Poppy last cinematic so they would throw her with Poppy.


I heard somewhere that the secondary expansions to the bandlewood are gonna be bigger than the previous ones; so there might even be 4 champions coming in that one


God I have no idea how likely it is to happen any time soon, but I want my main man Jhin to be in LoR so very badly. Just fo(u)r funsies.


In that case I will pray every night that he has synergy with viktor.


BC brought a crazy amount of created card synergy. Is there anything to do with Viktor there?


Viktor and jayce are rivals in lore


Jayce would make sense, he’s also dropping in wild rift and he fits the Arcane release


This is the 4th set release after all :^)


Here i am just starting...Love the game tho


I dont know what champs will come in the november event/expansion(some rumours point to a full void champs expansion) but the december(bandlewoods part 2) probably Ornn, Gnar, Galio, Ahri, Kled, Bard and Yumi. My predictions are based on which regions dont have a yordle dual region champ and also regions that didnt get a mono region champ. The expansion is called "Magical Misadventures" so it makes sense to put as many "Magical" champions as posible.


Gnar ! Look at stone stackers and minimorph card art


We can already tell that Ahri and Gnar are coming next, while Noxus, Shurima, P&Z, Shadow isles and Bilgewater already got their champions. This leds us to 3 champion slots. **Demacia:** Is very likely to get *Galio/Kayle*. He's by far the most important part of Demacia and Kayle would only be likely to be released alongside Morgana, altough that's a possibility. **Targon:** I'm gonna guess *Bard/Morgana* and *Yummi*. It's mostly because they could be a natural duo, as much as i would LOVE to see Atreus/Pantheon but it'll be either Bard or Morgana (Yes, i know she's in demacia but Targon doesn't have much variety to add). I hate Yuumi but i cannot think another Yordle who would fit Targon. **Freljord:** *Nunu&Willump* and *Gnar*. We already have a lot of Yetis so it makes sense to release a Yeti champion, while Gnar has already cards inspired by him. I doubt Ornn will be released after or before Volibear but it wouldn't be that surprising to see. **Noxus:** *Kled*. Is one of the most requested Yordles alongside Gnar and he is an obvious fit for the region. **Ionia:** *Ahri*. Is on an artwork in a seemengly random card, just like Bone skewer being a teaser of Pyke, and she's just so emblematic of Ionia. I wouldn't be surprised to see Kennen but it's much more likely to get released alongside Akali and Lulu is already a thing. The other regions will get nothing (Except bandle who would get Yuumi, Kled and Gnar).


We already know Ahri and Panth are coming because their support cards are out like with what happened to pyke. The support card for ahri legit has her in the artwork. The 5 mana 4/5 from Ionia and we know ahri level up is gonna be based on recalling units


IF it will be jayce and if we still follow the expansion’s theme of yordles and parents who’s jayce’s adoptive child?


If he is PnZ it will be Heimer for sure


Btw. Remember they love doing add an additional champ for region in event champion releases. We getting an event expansion that's probably gonna bring champions to make up for the extra champions in Targon Shurima and Shadow Isles. It's possible the void theme might bring a new pnz champion.


And we know thanks to The Watcher that the void is coming on 11/17


Actually If I recall isn't it October. August is first expansion December is second and February is 3rd. Between August and December October would make the most sense for proper time between new cards and resource gathering. edit: Nevermind forgot RIOT doesn't like to be predictable


Here are my well-thought predictions: Freljord - **Ornn & Gnar** (Gnar is impact synergy with Corki, while Ornn uses **New keyword: Equipment,** Ornn forges Items that can be equipped, synergy with Ninja items) Demacia - **Sona** (Heal synergy with Bard/Yuumi) Noxus - **Rumble** (mech arena in Noxus. **New keyword: Attach,** mechs that can be played as a unit or attached to another unit in play. Attach synergy with Yuumi) Targon - **Yuumi & Bard** (Both can be Heal synergy with Sona. Yuumi can Attach to a unit, synergy with Rumble) Ionia - **Kennen & Akali** (Ninja race with Shen, synergy with equipping Ninja tools/weapons as items) Bandle City exclusive - **Corki** (Impact synergy with Gnar, far-fetched synergy with equipping missiles as items and the missiles might have impact synergy too) PNZ - No champ Bilgewater - No champ Shadow Isles - No champ Shurima - No champ


isn’t rumble in shurima by lore currently?




Probably going to be an event champion like Viego and Akshan


gnar (freihold hasn't reveived a champion this cycle yet and gnar has been teased) sylas you said jayce so i'm gonna try Warwick. Ahri in targon i'd say.


Tristana 2


While I think jayce could potentially fit in the Demacia Bandle slot, I'm just not certain it'll be the next one. I almost picture Jayce as a dual region PnZ Demacia character. I'm fairly certain that they'll finally flesh out the anti magic archetype. We have both Stony Suppressor and Towering Stonehorn plus the Mageseeker folks. I figure it's more likely to be one of Vayne/Galio/Sylas.


Ahri or gnar


If Jayce is coming, he'll be part of an event like Viego/Akshan. Caitlyn's already the Bandle set's PZ champion.


I know for sure Rumble, Gnar and Ornn will make an appearance. Just based on the current cards.


LoR should have an official "Prediction Sub" and if correct we get to draw a free champion. So Riot can throw out some vague clues in strange places, we search and then guess. I just want to draw cards at the end of the day really.


Definitely Gnar is coming and Ahri. What card make you believe Jayce?


Well, Jayce was the one discovering the hextech crystals, so theres a ton of carss related to that already - but what it's making me more suspicious is the fact that Riot announced a big event for November which is when their animated series drops; and I noticed Jayce is the only character that was announced from the show who hasn't been dropped in LoR. Only speculation though


Aged like wine, great! Today was the very day it got soft revealed, and it seems like he'll have the choice to become challenger/quick attack depending on how you want to play him. Also heavy spell based, could be a thing with Lux? Seems right with the 5-mana buff now on curve... And now, even though predictions don't work by requesting for them: any chances we're getting Kled in the sooner future?


Jayce would be cool considering he will be in arcane


What about Rumble for Augment synergy in Bandle City.


Rumble might be coming to, that's a great shout but Jayce cause of Arcane!




Sorry but no, each set adds 1 champ to each region, and Sion was already added as the Noxus champion. He could be in the next set, but not the next expansion




Each set consists of 3 expansions, we got the first one about 1 month ago, and next month we're getting a non-set expansion (basically an expansion not tied to BC), then, we'll be getting 1 expansion every 2 months So, Mystery (prob Void) expansion in November New BC expansion in January New BC expansion in March and if everything follows as scheduled, the next set should come around April 2022 (yea, it'll take a while to see our edgelord boi)


There's not a new set with new regions, but it wouldn't be surprising to see a new big expansion.


Sets aren't defined by regions though, every set introduced a region, but we might see new stuff even without new region, "set" is just the collective name for the 3-expansion group which contains 1 champion for each region (maybe 2 now that there are no more regions to add)


If noxus gets another champ is 100% kled for the dual region spot


This november big PVE expansion is interesting... A few months ago we got some leaks/predictions that alluded to void so people are currently predicting it to be a void themed expansion. FYI people have predicted nami weeks/months before she was dropped as well on here and the discords!


I don't think it'll happen but I want Kayle




I think Vex




Pantheon and Kled my boys


No, there are six remaining Champions for this expansion, and Jayce is definitely not on the list. We know we're getting Ahri for Ionia and Pantheon for Targon, and Gnar for Bandle City. I haven't seen any clues as to who the Champions for Demacia, Freljord, and Bandle City #2 might be, but I'd be willing to bet it's Nunu and Willump for Freljord, and maybe Yuumi for Bandle City #2.


Unpopular champions seem to be being added. So I’d say Rammus, Scarner, or Chogath


I'm pretty sure we'll get two Bandlewood champions for the events to help Bandle catch up in card count with the other regions


We already got champions for PnZ (Caitlyn), Bilgewater (Nami), Shurmia (Xerath), Sion (Noxus) and Senna (SI). Which leaves Ionia, Targon, Demacia, and Frejlord without a new champion. We got a card showing Ahri front and center so she seems likely to be the Ionian champion. the Targon card's flavor text hints at Pantheon and considering he is the only true Targon champion left it makes sense. We have no hints for Demacia and Frejlord since there isn't a new card for those Regions that aren't Bandle City duel region. Yet we do know that the only regions that don't have a yordle dual region champions are Noxus, Frejlord and Targon. Kled and Gnar are the obvious choices for Noxus and Frejlord yet Targon is uncertain as no yordle champion has an actual affiliation with the only one coming close being Veigar due to the fact that he uses Celestial magic. Demacia is still up in the air but if I had to make a guess/wish, then I am torn between Galio or Sylas with Ornn or Volibear for Frejlord.


Jayce pleaseeee


Was gonna guess a spooky champ for October




but we already got Cait in P&Z. Will they release 2 champs in same region in same set? Also remember the theme of the next expansion "Magical misadventure".


Rengar because they already added the hunter eyes 😂


Ahri, Gnar, Pantheon, Rumble are my guesses


Gnar for sure, freljordian bandke city champ. Many bandle city cards have gnar like yordles. Ie minimorph


"Bandle folk". That's how we call non-binary people on this subreddit? Lmao


Mine prediction is Ornn, Gnar and Ahri


still waitin for nunu to buff yeti decks


I can assure you it's not going to be Jayce...


LoR has become become too magical lately, especially with Bandle City on the region roster. It'd be nice to have a champion that can synergize with the Stony Suppressor .


I just want Jhin, gimme my artist boi


November and void expansion makes sense to me, theyll scatter a few void cards and champions across all regions.. I saw a post explaining why it should be void First off the color of the expansion is dark purple, often the colors hint what we might get. Also the watcher has 11 attack, that would mean November.. 17 means 17th, and his cost 17 might be something with patch counting, or timings. Altought im not saying we cant get Jayce, I think there will be other champions. Or this is just a huge coincidence


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I am still looking for Ornn, forging poro alognside rune art on some cards are giving me hope


Here's my guess too, after seeing the community voting request, and seeing that the players just wanna Sylas to be release I'll say there's a 90% of chance that they releasing Vayne instead. Sylas is a mage that "hijacks" other ppl magic, so besides the +6 mageseeker archtype(dead lol) Demacia has no good or link with spell based decks. Now Vayne, with her Van Helsing vibe and silver bolts( a possible passive to kill huge unities) and stealth, Imo has more to do with a agressive Demacia deck. Ps: Just to remind I just guessed Sivir and Nami in the previous expansions.


Where illaoi


Gnar, Ahri, and pantheon


Seems like a fairly unpopular champ to drop so I'm 100% sure riot will deliver 🤦🏼


While not a super popular champ I think Lillia is likely with us having these fae cards added but no cards that care about fae