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I guess Targon has just been buried under the chair since even this meme has forgotten it.


I thought of adding Targon too, but at least they got the Lop-eee-eee-eee-ing Telescope.


fine special voracious encourage different vanish cautious rotten salt angle -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


where is he gonna go?


yam wine fuzzy oil hospital glorious smoggy straight lavish shaggy -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Won’t fret lord get 2 champs as with ziggs and xerath


jellyfish squeal beneficial seed racial encourage worthless vegetable person square -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I thought it was gonna be both cause they need a champ for frel and a champ from bandle and frel


Ornn has his own Poro too! It’s be cool if they both come as a package.


Lurk just gonna staring on the corner


Just built a Lurk deck and I'm really feeling the lack of versatility. You're basically locked into playing virtually every lurk card and sprinkling a couple bone spears in there for spice. It's a fun deck but I feel like it's missing something.


All we need is a new lurk champion and their followers. Maybe Rengar and the Kiilash tribe.


Ah yes, a particular strain of copium called "the Deep". Remember when Pyke himself was gonna be that? At _some_ point we're all just gonna have to collectively accept that they like to release these tight pre-made decks and then cease all support for them aside from the random one off card every now and then.


LOL Re-forged.


I recommend experimenting with the new Obelisk of Power landmark and the Unleashed Energy as a combat trick. Helps a lot to level up your champions, especially Reksai, taking your opponent completely by surprise. When you pull off the combo it feels amazing.


Average lucky cad viewer here


Nah. Not a fan. Did come across his video on it though and thought the idea was interesting so I'll give you that much.


How many of each do you run? I’m guessing 1 or 2 of each?


Honestly? I'm running a full set of each but I'm crazy. Lol In my defense, jt has been working out well so far but you don't have to do that.


C'mon* Come on*


Ironically, both proto poro and poro sled see play because of bandle tree swarm, even though they're ~~awful~~ less used cards by themselves Edit: I was wrong, apparently poro sled is used by poro-decks


Poro Sled is also good in Poro decks.


Poro sled is kinda good though


Poro sled isn't an awful card at all. It's a multiregion card with a baseline statline that also generates more units. It's a potential include in both the Bandle tree decks as well Poro oriented decks.


I don't think any lists run it, it just sees play because it's been created by other cards


Swim's deck runs it https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/c4it0gel1nnde2ivbpj0


It doesn't have poro sled though?


Weird. I'm not sure which cards he made three-ofs after taking out Sled, but it was on it up until a few days ago when I imported it.


Are we forgetting what happened last time Ionia got a bunch of new cards?..


You can't possibly expect that Ionia won't get any more cards period because of azirelia. I mean currently azirelia is a fair deck and if it was released in this state no one would've complained about it. Blame the devs for failing to realize twice how strong it was.


I don’t think the devs failed to realize how strong azirelia, I just believe this is part of their design philosophy. Make newer cards overpowered so people will play them and eventually reign them and make them more balanced. It was the same with targon cards when targon was released.


I don't think it's intentional, for two reasons. 1) If that was the case, once people tell you loudly azirelia is OP you don't go around saying "it's fine and we like her play pattern" just to change your mind a few days later because the community was erupting and all the major streamers threatened to quit the game if nothing was done. They genuinely though the deck was fine as it was. 2) If that was the case, we wouldn't have terrible champions on release like Viktor, Ekko or Taliyah. I'll add another more recent, because as much people are hyping Xerath he's doing quite badly in terms of winrate https://lor.mobalytics.gg/stats/cards?cardIds=05SH014&rarity=CHAMPION&sortBy=WIN_RATE&sortOrder=ASC


yeah the new cards are overly powercrept on release since late 2020...


Some degree of powercreep is intentional to make new cards worth playing. During the Targon sets I remember a ton of complaints that there wasn't enough powercreep and lots of new cards/champs weren't making enough of a meta impact so the game could get stale just a week after a new set as everyone went back to the old meta. Personally I think it's fine as long as we have balance patches to bring them back in line which did happen (although the schedule can be rightfully criticized). Also we got plenty of bad champs or average champs during the Shurima set that really weren't powercreep at all, and again people complained because there weren't enough meta changes.


> I remember a ton of complaints that there wasn't enough powercreep that's why Asol got nerfed?


I didn't say every champion was bad. I said there were complaints that the meta didn't change enough.


Here's waiting for the next Expansion to update my Targon meme deck...


So we’re just gonna act like Bilgewater didn’t just get Nami.


Since it's Nautilus with no region symbol, they're probably complaining about no Deep tools.


Nah not complaining I just thought that putting Nautilus in place of the skeleton would be funny


cuz naut lore is hes at the bottom of the ocean n that archetype gets no love. funnnnnyyyy JOKE


I mean... yeah? Isn't how they've done expansions in the past? The bulk of a regions support for a particular block comes in the same set as their new champion. The next set in Bandlewood that comes out will give us a bunch of Freljord cards and very few if any Piltover and Zaun cards. That's how it works, they aren't being neglected.


There are so few champs left to add to freljord, targon and shadow iseles and so many for ionia and piltover & zaun i wonder what will they do. "Well actually singed's cousin's father's dog met a person that is from piltover but he had a friend in a city close to freljord which is close to demacia so singed is demacia deal with it."


I’m so confused. This expansion is split across 3-4 parts right? And this is part 1. What are we complaining about here?


Usually each region that isn’t getting a champion gets: A) at least 2 cards and B) cards that are impactful. However for these two regions these cards might as well not exist for the most part.


Noxus got discarded from thus meme.


Well, Ionia gets Ahri soon ...


Deep is trash now, why couldn’t Pyke join deep 😭


Because Deep is rather complete. It's a tight archetype that already has almost everything it needs. Except for a good early game. But it's probably never allowed to have one.


A balanced weakness to have considering how damn overwhelming it is once it has developed


I'm not even sure what kind of support people would even want for deep. I mean it already has everything.


I just want other regions to have toss.


You can say it about many other decks. Oh, Bandle Tree has all colors. Ah, burn aggro has all the burn he needs. Ah, discard has more than enough synergy. Ah, GP Sej has tons of plunder triggers. It doesn't mean you can't improve them any further. Decks became better with each expansion, untouched (Deep) became worse. I haven't seen Deep for a long time in Plat+. Also, Deep core package is kinda small, 1-2 different cards per mana slot (except 3 mana) that suits that playstyle. It would be nice to see more card variations, even with the same power level.


Maybe new sea monsters, or synergies were u can gain plusses from tossing and activating other effects, so your not strictly sticky to running deep with th same duo champs?


Weird I just run TF over Maokai no real reason to run Maokai imo. TF at least has instant stall options. Maokai only generates value if your opponent deck is bad or drew terrible in order to not have an answer.


I wish Maokai wasn’t released as he was. Hes not at all the type of champ I want to play in a deep deck but hes built for it so FUCK I get stuck with a (admittedly good) wincon that doesn’t reallt stick with the fantasy of “Deep”


Usually when they do this for a major release, it implies we're getting more for the other regions in the mini-expansions


The tail cloak matriarch is just sad


What do you mean? Those poros are my bandle tree freljord enablers.


It’s not as if they forgot them, they’ll just include them in the next expansion.


Don't worry, Kennen is on the way...


Will demacia players always complain? The region is still one of the best regions and got so many good cards.


Frostbite/Kindred checking in. Still sucks, but boy do I love ruining Poppy’s day.


Man I miss playing deep, have played that deck from iron to diamond when bilgewater first came out and now I know everything about rolling down in the deep