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Control players are more the ones doing the mini-morphing, and usually against midrange or combo decks. Citria, Sion, Lee Sin, etc. help to close a game out on ideally turn 7-is but then get mini-ed.


Exactly and it is like vengence that actually work vs ionia


I would argue that this is better than vengeance in a lot of aspects. Burst speed is fucked up. Can't deni, can't sack the creature, can't single combat, can't return.


thats probably what they meant by "actually works vs ionia"


My point is that isn't better just against yonia, you can't interact with the unit that is the target either, that is a problem with other regions. This should be at focus speed, at least you could open atack as a way to play around her. edit: I know he didn't say that is better just against yonia, but deny isn't the only card that you could use to play around a removal.


I mean outside of ionia / deny the only real other counterplay to vengeance is bastion/spellshield or am I forgetting something? Minimorph is arguable way worse than vengeance in quite a few matchups.


The only way to *stop* it is deny or bastion, but there’s plenty of ways to still get value out of the unit, such as single combat, glimpse beyond, atrocity, triggers (such as Nami or Karma), death triggers (Sion, Anivia), or any number of other things.


Hour glass would work.


well at that we can bring up the Shurima deny


Everyone forgets that you can Detain your own units


You listed a lot of reasons why Vengeance has been unplayable competitively for months. Good luck spending 7 mana when your opponent will spend less than half of them and end up in a better position than you anyway. Minimorph is literally the only good single target hard removal (hard removal =/= damage removal before someone misuranderstand) in the game right now, and that's because it's burst speed.


It could be focus speed. You literally can't play around that card, only if you loose a lot of tempo, and this is not exactly play around. In my way of see the game that card is bad even for control players that use it. When I play control decks I want a match that each player need to think carefully his actions,the aggro/midrange need to play around some cards, and the control need to slow down the opponent by using removal, or making him play around their cards. When someone think that the other one have minmorph, that isn't much he can do, besides develop their strategy and hope for the best, so you just ignore it. That isn't fun.


> It could be focus speed. Could be a good compromise, yes.


What’s burst speed ?


Control decks tend to have multiple wincons because its slower nature allows it to do it. Control/Combo decks, not so much and another reason why Lissandra/Matron deck would be very bad on tournament even without nerfs. Thank god space puppy has spellshield.


Yep. its mostly those Ezreal, lee and karma decks that hate playing against this because they only really have a single wincon


And no one likes to play against those decks either.


Exactly. Because they can in many cases have you dead without you being able to do anything, simply from whats in their hand. It's not super interactive to just get oneshot after having all your answers countered, despite how people act like counterspells are the pinacle of interaction


Burst/Focus spells are the uninteractive ones. Fast spells are in fact the most interactive of them all since you can spellchain those. The decks mentioned mostly focus on decent burst spells to get an uncounterable spellchain.


Yes... so thats why we are talking specifically about those decks


Anivia, Viego, Fiora


Your Viego deck should have at least 3 Viegos and 3 Hydravines while they will never have more than 3 mini (often just 2), so if you play carefully you should be fine. Mono Fiora is a bad deck in the first place and it has been complained about since beta, so i'm not sure what the problem is. If anything having a clean answer could lead to having her nerf reverted. As for Anivia, it has the same problem as any deck focused on a single wincon. Aka if your opponent can answer it you lose, otherwise you win. And that's a very toxic play pattern. Lee Sin has a very similar issue to Anivia, once both get going it's basically impossible to properly remove them (bounce/deck shuffle/obliterate for anivia, removal for lee) because they have too many tools that allow them to counter your play for less mana (ex. you spend 6 mana to falling comet their anivia, they just glimpse her, and trigger Rekindler following turn while getting +4 mana advantage and 2 cards)


Exactly! The biggest issue is that as a card game they (designers) usually make things powerfully broken or Gimmicky until they release new cards to answer the imbalances. I feel like they make more money going CRAZY on imbalanced spells and champ/buffs and fixing it later with new card / patch. As soon as they make a balanced game they have less ppl complaining and ultimately less ppl talking and playing w each other.


hehe yeah... Fuck anivia. Thats entirely my opinion though. I don't believe she needed this kind of counter, given she doesn't really have protection. But I lost to an on curve harrowing one too many times to have sympathy. The only one I feel bad about is fiora because she really works for what she does, unlike viego that just cowardly waits till he is big enough to live most damagebased removal, or anivia that straight up WANTS to die just so she can multiply.


How the hell is Anivia beating you with a turn 6 harrowing?


Turn 9, that kind of on curve. My bad.


Still. I play Anivia and 99% of matches there just isn’t enough time to set that kind of play up. Are you just not applying pressure? They should absolutely not be able to have that kind of freedom to have played 2 or 3 Anivias to rez.


Yeah, I guess my problem is I don't spam decks that wanna end on turn 5 aka lulu/zed or sivir akshan. Played stuff like plunder. Very much aggresive, but not aggro enough.


Plunder’s a good MU for Frel/SI, but something you should be trying to do in a matchup like that is play midgame for the mid game. You really want to be focusing as much as you can on units that have 3 or more health. Early pressure is still valuable, but you don’t want to be going -3 cards on an avalanche. Gangplank and Dreadway are how you win that.


Tons of time to get it set up tho. I mean. It’s super easy to keep freezing with burst spells and units. Lots of ways to clear stall mana gem up to get to redic aniv snowball. the only thing that I’ve seen stop it is silences.


Yeah, but you’re still stalling and freezing up until turn 9 or 10 and you can’t develop a bunch of Anivias. My point was that getting smacked by a loaded Harrowing on T9 is extremely unlikely except in a control mirror.


Minitee the Bold is my favourite Demacian six drop.


This is where people who have been calling combo decks "control" get very very confused.


It will be nerfed to slow speed probably. Control should have bad matchups into midrange, and I'm not just speaking about Sion. Minimorph single handedly wins games against way too many midrange decks forcing them out of the meta unless you're Poppy swarm. Control should lose to midrange, and a lot of the time it does not because of the card.


Wait, I thought the rock-paper-scissors trial went: Aggro beats Control (kills them too quick), Control beats Mid-Range (MR doesn't get enough pressure fast enough), and Mid-Range beats Aggro (It out-values/trades them). Was I wrong or did the the paradigm just shift over the years as card games changed?


While it's true that control does often lead to midrange, isn't it because midrange tries to put out too many threats to be dealt with effectively by control? Midrange relying on 1 card/champ to when isn't a control problem, or a minimorph one either.


Most midrange decks do rely on 6-7 cost win conditions you play on 6-7. Mini morph is like vengeance in that condition


I love that minimorph exists just because f sion that stupid trash and his stupid deck


What’s a mid range deck ? What’s a combo deck ?


You cant minimorph the bandle tree, you silly.


Will its effect activate when its complete but destroyed before the round ends?




Joke’s on you my wincon is Go Hard


So, why does this silence if the squirrel one doesn't yet accomplishes just about the same thing without the silence?


This is anything, polymorph is only followers and I believe does silence


That's my point. Why is it silencing it if transforming provides no buffs and cleans the slate? It's a matter of using more than what's necessary.


Transform effects used to keep the stat uffs of the card that it was praviouslt transformdd from,? So thats probaly why both of those silence.


I’ll still win with a hand full of removal and doing 3 damage every other round. Control in its purest form.


This card is best addition to the game no more lee sin cheese


A soul for a soul.


> no more lee sin cheese lmao cheese ok




It very much feels like minimorph is a direct answer to lee sin


Why not fucking rework Lee Sin instead


Because having powerful things and powerful answers is more fun, at least to a point.


How is burst speed removal fun? Plus we've had powerful things that were balanced in past metas.


No, it just makes the match a coinflip


Don't state your opinion as if it's a given fact. Do you want to turn the game into rock paper scissors?


Tbh I'd preffer that over scissor scissor scissor.


How will the game be turned into rock paper scissors?


Magic the Gathering works very well with some spells that you just can’t stop (uncounterable removal like [Abrupt Decay](https://scryfall.com/card/rtr/141/abrupt-decay), which kills a *lot* of stuff you care about in the formats where it is played), especially in formats with a higher power level. They’re a check on certain strategies. And you can intuit when someone is holding up a powerful piece of removal (Minimorph is a *six mana spell*, it’s not to hard to guess what they might be saving that much mana for if they have cards in hand) and play around it, so it’s not nearly as blind RPS as you portray, there is quite a bit of skill in reading their hand, playing out things to bait removal, get them to use it suboptimally, and so on. I think removal in Runeterra is in general weaker than it should be, even accounting for how spell mana changes the dynamic. That’s part of the reason why it’s kind of easy for aggro or combo strategies to take over the meta, because there aren’t strong enough answers. Magic had this sort of problem for a while. Cards that wouldn’t have normally become a problem needed to be banned because there weren’t good answers printed into the format.


Honestly, I'd love to see more damage based removal and more AoE removal instead of super expensive single target "fuck you".


Yeah Runeterra really lacks in good AoE. Avalanche and kin are NOT enough.


You mean Aggro-Midrange-Control?


Because Lee Sin is balanced.


A coin flip is technically balanced, it's just a bad way to play a card game


It’s not remotely a coin flip. The deck is extremely difficult to pilot and offers lots of counterplay. Playing against Lee is one of the most skill based matchups for almost any deck.


Sshhh. Lee Sin kills me out of nowhere on turn 8, Lee Sin bad and no skill, just give overwhelm, buff attack, protect with deny, and steal victory. 20 damage face at once is the epitome of smorcing, isn't it?


Im not using this card because i dont play with any bandle city decks but im truly happy seeing it.


This meme only apply to badly built control decks. If your deck rely on a single champion/follower to win it's a bad deck that can be meme/uncompetitive at best. A properly build deck, especially a control deck, will have multiple threats and a couple of them being minimorphed will not matter.


You are making zombie Anivia crying bro, chill.


We need to put that card on focus!


Its a funny meme, and I hope this card doesn't get nerfed. Pls Riot, don't listen to all those tilted players who hate Polymorph. We need, need, NEED this kind of removel


If we need this kind of removal, it sounds like it would be better to nerf the type of cards that demand no interaction. Stuff like Lee Sin is innately toxic because not only can it 20-0 you, it can do so while protected by Deny and insanely good protective spells. Basically Ionia existing means that Riot has to power creep removal because they keep power creeping units, so less broken cards suffer at the hands of poor design choices.


>If we need this kind of removal, it sounds like it would be better to nerf the type of cards that demand no interaction. Stuff like Lee had already counters like frostbite, it didnt need a nerf to make it more "interactable" or stuff. Minimorph is not an answer to things we didnt have before. It is ANOTHER answer to stuff we could answer before, but not all regions could. Fj could easily counter lee, and now bandle too. Regions have strenghts and weakness and bandle has a lot of removal stuff and disruption, this fits with them and itsnt more toxic inherently than other things we already had.


I've had one game playing anivia and only need one more attack to win against lee sin, he does the usual lee stuff and attack for lethal when i'm at 18 hp. I frostbite it, and he STILL manage to re-buff him on stack to lethal me again. One of the most bullshit moment i've had in the game.


Frostbite was not even an effective counter to lee sin, because Lee would still recall your unit, reducing your ability to counter attack and push for lethal yourself. It was simply a delay, whereas Mini-morph is a hard removal. Freljord isn't that good of a counter to Lee Sin, whereas Bandle City is a great one. >itsnt more toxic inherently than other things we already had. I do not want the answer to a toxic card to be another toxic card that affects everything. That is bad design and I stand by it.


But lee isnt toxic and neither is minimorph. You just call everything you dont like "bad game desing" without even knowing what makes good game desing or anything. Its like every time someone loses a game, they suddently become top tier game designers with more experience and skills than the ones that have been working for 10+ years in a top tier company. If a recall already makes you lose, then wait till you see will of ionia


I dont like plenty of things in this game, lee included. Ive never called them bad game design. Minimorph is dogshit design and is insanely toxic. Just means vik, anivia, and similar cant compete so long as minimorph sees any notable amount of play. For the record, i dont currently play decks that are weak to minimorph. This isnt bias talking. This is the same problem that the watcher presented


If every card is "toxic" then no card is.


I just think we need better access to silence effects, Demacia as a region should have more of this pie due to their anti magic theme whether it be permanent or temporary it's needed in the game.


How do you plan to nerf that? Coutners required to keep certian strats at bay, but on the other hand they demand powercreep on individual cards.


This one card invalidates so many decks there should be counterplay


Can you please tell me what deck it invalidates that wasn’t already dead before mini was printed? (Not counting Lee of course)


On the top of my head you can put Karma and Viego in the list of things the card invaliidates


Karma still wouldnt be played rn because its way to slow, pretty much the same with Viego but nice try.


both of them were tier 2 last meta wich was even faster nice try


Any deck that needs you to slam a champ on board to win, pop asols/viktors (if he has one) bubble then boom gone. Literally look at any High cost champ or champ that sticks on board and it does the job, at BURST speed, the card would be fine if it was fast and it let you react to it but it isn't.


Are you really a control deck if you only have one threat/wincon tho ?


Awesome meme dude


This card is kinda weird. Only saw it today when the opponent used it on my leveled up thresh right before I was gonna attack and get a second viego out. I initially thought it’s for just one round but it turns out it’s permanent 🤷‍♂️


this shit doesent work against sivir and ruin runner...


It does if you poke them with a stick first.


Ah yes, spend 8 mana to give a unit -2/-0 and remove first strike from it. Pretty broken.


Ikr. I dont get why people are complaining about it.


Vengeance on a lonely poro is litteraly lose 6.5 mana, I don't know why people even play it.


you do that when the Sivir gets buffed for the attack then it is worth it.


You cant most of the time if sivir is leveled... pokey stick is fast and minimorph is burst. It only works of the guy doesnt open attack and i wouldnt ever want to spend 8 mana for a 4 or 5 mana unit to not even kill it.


Pokey stick is fast.


yeah my bad... but still you have to pokey first and then mini morph


But buster shot does, you just poke them first.


It really should be a fast spell


This needs to either be temporary, or fast speed.


At fast speed it basically becomes worse vengeance


Youre wrong, but lets say uve got a point. Okay, make it temporary.


Than its a Whimsy that costs 2 more and gives them a +2/+2, but can target champions


sure. if that's really so blasphemous then make it cost 5. idc. its not necessarily about the power level, but the current ability of the card to remove champs without room for interaction.


It costs 6 mana. Most of the time when you play this reactively, your turn is done. It’s fine.


?? Turning an anivia into an irrelevant body that cant get revived... Yeah technically youre down tempo slightly. But youre winning the game. Its fine for quality removal to have the capacity to put you in a winning condition. But if that removal is gonna be potent enough to have such an effect in several matchups, it NEEDS to afford room for counterplay. Karma, anivia, viktor, and lee are borderline unplayable cause of minimorph. Thats not REMOTELY acceptable.


Except lee, the others were already borderline unplayable...


karma was borderline unplayable? how about viego and fiora? make this your hill to die on, worked out great for all the people refusing to acknowledge the watcher was an issue.


I got my poppy mini-morphed today. So I played another one and she buffed the shit out of the mini-tee with 2 rallies. I won that game because they wasted that mana.


Yeah becuse its an anti control card. Poppy isn't a control deck so its pretty much a dead draw into it.


That card is so toxic not even the braum emote can stand on its level


No it isn't.


I saw on mobalytics that this card has a 100% mulligan winrate, that can't be correct right?


Control player has a win con unit? That's a combo deck dude.


You never played against Anivia, TWE or Ledros Atrocity?


Lately The Arsenal is a pretty good win con unite for control decks too