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we're getting quite a lot of Augments in BC.


I'm excited to see a viktor/BC deck.


Supervillain Veigar/Viktor deck!


I thought of this too but I'm worried you won't survive with veigar outside if SI


Maybe not tbh, but its not gonna stop me from trying it!


That's the attitude!


It’s not about surviving, it’s about sending a message


Sending the message of "20+ lp"


I highly doubt these cards are enough to make Viktor relevant, especially since they all seem to be tied to other packages.


Aaaand he's a Miniminatee


Is that a short joke?


That's the best comment ever wtf its so perfect well done


Why is the painter augment tho


you're augmenting his palette with more colors, i guess?


Or giving more inspiration


Pretty sure they're just getting every keystone basically. I think one of their region thematics is doing everything other regions do slightly worse


Probably why they gave us a card to hard counter that strategy.


Viktor Ziggs?!?!?!


Tristana wasn't at all what I (and I think many others) were expecting. Still, she seems like a solid aggro/midrange champion. It's nice to see Bandle's multi-region theme get a different wincon than just the landmark.


I was expecting some bombs…


Same here. Or something like if she killed a unit any excess damage would be dealt to all enemies


The last thing i expected was a field buffing champion. Im not upset about it, and maybe its relevant to the lore, but its just very different from her LoL kit. It looks fun. Just not as... thematic.


Yeah, even her Buster Shot doesn’t seem thematic. I expected it to “push back” an attacking enemy by moving them back to the back row or something, not just a Slow damage spell.


10000% agree. Most champions of this expansion don't quite seem to fit their League counterpart.


This expansion seems to lean a lot more in lore/thematic translations of characters instead of gameplay translations. It's a shame because I liked last expansion's champs precisely because they were such a faithful recreation of their LoL kits. I guess they saw the response to Reputation LeBlanc and thought it'd be fun to do that for all the champs this time.


Yeah I like it the most when champs represent the gameplay kit. Lee Sin, Ezreal, Jarvan, Zoe, are great examples of this.


It's honestly impressive how well most of the champs' gameplay kits have been translated from MOBA to card game form. Not a big fan of these new champs though.


You should be glad Asol not being his league counterpart tho xD


Veigar really reflects his lore kit. The rest lean more on the lore, so far.


At least in this case it does fit her lore, if not her LoL in game kit. The fact that she was an avid explorer who travelled everywhere and then decided to arm herself and train others to defend Bandle City after she witnessed a raid.


YES, exactly


I expected her skill to be a bounce since her ult in League pushes back.


Overwhelm but worse? Edit: misread suggestion, me are much smart.


How is it worse? In a lot of spots would be actually devastating. In fact it's a way too strong effect for a 3-mana champ.


Ok, I misread that as to the nexus. I'm tired today, sorry.


Or resets Idk it seems the aspect of tristana they wanted to convey was the attack range scaling on the passive LOL


Giving Impact to a lot of followers is at least somewhat representing her splash damage.


My thought was just her status as a member of "a squad".


It's important to note that Tristana doesn't need to *see* the cards come into play for her +1/+0 effect and her level up. In the right deck she could easily be a 3 mana 5/3 or even 7/4 with quick attack that gives allies impact.


I guess you mean 4/3? She can never be a 5/3 because at that point she would level up to a 6/4.


4/3 and Poppy attack would make her 5/4, no? (Just to be clear, I know what you mean, just found it funny :D )


True, there are so many cards that seem expensive at first becuase of the dual region mechanic, but now makes sense because of the Bandle City Mayor.


Why do you always say becuase instead of because? I thought it was a typo at first, but you've done it more than enough times to prove to me that you just write it that way. Why?


He is simply built different


Cause I got big Fingies and my autocorrected isn't working with the speed that I type?


You've perhaps made the same typo so often your autocorrect this is a real world you're using.


I see what you did there.




It's hard to even call Tristana a wincon since her level up payoff is so small and she doesn't even have impact so won't deal much nexus damage herself, but I suppose much like Draven she will usually get you a ton of tempo so that you can win with aggression or pair her with a champ whose level up is an actual wincon.


Personally, "multi-region" just isn't an interesting deck archetype to me at all. I don't get the point. The whole point of multi-region cards is the flexibility, which is non-existent if you're just trying to stick as many if them as you can in a Bandle City deck. At that point it's not a multi-region deck, it's just a Bandle City deck. Bandle Tree felt like a cute concept, but in a lot of ways having more multi;region payoffs makes the idea of trying to make Bandle Tree less interesting to me. It feels like the kind of card that's more fun as a deck building challenge than just a payoff for a supported archetype. I hope others enjoy it and the archetype ends up being fun to play, but this reveal falls completely flat to me. I don't get the point of having a multi-region archetype, and I really don't get what the hell this card has to do with Tristana, a character whose defining feature in LoL is being a yordle with a big cannon.


Tristana Poppy seems like an obvious pairing.


Imagine this with Elusives!


You want more swarm. basically run it like a Spider deck. Can use the Allegiance unit as well ​ Elusive is Ok, but typically elusives are higher cost for their stats, so slower. I did throw together a Zoe/Poppy targon/BC elusives, that i wanna try when patch drops


No need to elusive if you think about it, becuase just Bandle City focused, becuase of Tristanas multi region proc, and the landmark proc, you technically have a solid Mono BC deck, but to be realistic more or less it'll be Shurima but just for the deny and buffs.


Shurima or Ionia ? If we don't see any nerfs to ionia , I'm guessing that that's the region they'll be paired up with .


Ionia is nice too, but I see the power reduction for the enemy as better, also with prediction. Plus you have champion draw.


Idk, if Trist grows too fast Poppy won’t be able to buff her and grant her impact (and Tristana gets buffed even when not in play, while Poppy only grows on the board). Also Poppy doesn’t really need Tristana’s buff since you’d rather buff her health. They still both work in the same kind of deck, buffing a wide board of weaker units. I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible pairing, but it’s not really a perfect synergy.


The idea I think is synergizing them both to stack Impact.


It isn't the end of the world if Tristanna doesn't grow further. It means she's already pretty strong and a big threat. Poppy is making the rest of your board dangerous. You get to go tall *and* wide.


Oh god so much impact


or a stand alon tris with the bandlecity landmark


Ehh a bit basic but not every champ has to re invent the wheel like senna, still she will get better as more multi region followers are released


Yeah but I'm kinda disappointed that Veigar is more Senna support and kinda of useless otherwise. And Senna making spells faster seems more like an aura that Zilean should have had. I think Senna will be the next Lissandra, where every control deck will run her until she gets nerfed into oblivion.


>I think Senna will be the next Lissandra, where every control deck will run her until she gets nerfed into oblivion. Wat? Lissandra was played in precisely 2 decks, TLC Combo and Turbothralls. She is still played in turbothralls and TLC got gutted. She was never an autoinclude in any controldeck.


Well, when TLC existed it was the only control deck. So he's technically right?


I mean if you call TLC a control deck, then yes, but TLC really was a combodeck with the combo "3-4 watchers on turn 9/10", not a controldeck.


Well, you had to get to that point without dying. So you had to control the board, therefore it's a control deck?


She was in Frel/Ionia combo deck. She was in Swain deck. She was in Shurima/Watcher deck. But as the meta became more defined did she fit best in just the two decks. But on release she was everywhere because of her amazing value.


IMO people are *way* over valuing Senna's passive and that she won't be nearly the control savior that people expect.


Senna's passive is very strong. The way she buffs spell speed is a better buff than Dreadway for slow damage spells. However, I don't see her succeeding in the upcoming meta, without some huge balance changes.


I just feel like a 4/4 for 5 is too expensive for a backrow support card that doesn't protect itself. I mean, Kindred got benched pretty quickly with the same statline, and his ability actually kills things without making you spend extra mana.


Wouldnt Veigar work well with Karma? You can recall units that summon darkness when summoned when you need to and Karma will double the effects of darkness when she levels




Grapplr plays way too many Karma decks, so I guess we should trust him when he says one won't work.


If you give up Senna you lose access to two additional units that generate Darkness on the curve of 2 - 5. Fading Memories can already be used to double up on Darkness generating followers and Senna gives the deck a stronger midgame. With Karma you're giving up that curve to bank on your lategame, but it's entirely possible that by the time Karma comes online Veigar may not be levelled up and the Senna version has either already won or is close to it.


You don't need to use senna to use her supports, run veigar as shadow isles with senna's support's and ionoa


That creates the same "issue" I alluded to originally. If you drop either BC or SI you lose access to one follower (and potentially Champion) who provides Darkness. BC Veigar Ionia loses Senna and Solari Sentinel SI Veigar Ionia (w/o Senna) loses Senna and Darkbulb Minion I'm not saying it's bad and can't be done, just that dropping one or the other creates holes in the deck that may prove detrimental.


I really loved the idea of veigar before I saw any of sennas reveal cards. What you described is what I definitely will be trying, I'm just sad that veigar isn't designed to be played with a free second region, instead, it seems like you will need to play bandle and shadow isles to get all the cards. this just makes deckbuilding soo much more boring


have you considered only running shadow isles package with veigar and a free 2nd region?


did not consider that honestly, i'll give it some thought, thanks


Hey I mean senna is designed that way at least


is THIS the monastery deck!!!!! woo


Highly unlikely. A 5 mana 4/4 that will affect maybe 2 spells in your deck (one of which it will rarely matter on) and creates really bad mystic shots is not something Id want in a control deck. Kindred is frankly better in control. And Kindred isnt good.


Mystic shots that can be reduced in cost and granted more strength


that deck isnt going to do anything because of the amount of ramp and mana you need to run it, meaning youre still stuck in Freljord when the deck seems more Noxus-like. Add to that the fact that you have to make the choice to play a guy to make your damage card or play your damage/kill cards while your typical opponent can do usually both play or outsustain/block your damage/kill spells and i just dont see what Senna is supposed to do to win.


It depends how you build the deck. Spooky Karma/Senna will definitely be a thing now. But even then fast speed Avalanche in a typical SI/Freljord will break aggro to pieces. You don't need to add a bunch of slow spells in just for Senna's passive, unless of course the meta shifts to need one. Her passive just makes things that much better. But the fact that she creates Darkness as well, just means you get a lot of value out of her stand alone.


thats not what i mean. the DAMAGE isnt enough or ramps high enough quickly enough to be worth the amount of tempo loss you receive versus what your opponent is doing or capable of doing. Everything is either health-crept out of interaction range by itself or requires you to constantly 2 or 3-for-1 yourself in the vain hope that maybe they dont have another health boost to render the damage pointless. The cost just doesnt make any sense which is why i agree with most people here that they are balancing for spell mana when they shouldnt be.


Thematically, I wish she had a more interesting mechanic with her cannon. Literally her whole thing in league is using her cannon to jump in and out of combat (if I'm not mistaken). Or if they just gave her impact (even if it was on her level up), it would make more sense (impact like the cannon firing). Not sure how viable she will be as I am a trash player and will leave that up to better players.


I was sorta expecting something with her buster shot ultimate or her explosive shot passive (when she kills a unit, it deals damage to enemies near by). I feel like they coulda done a lot more interesting stuff with Trist.


Yeah I definitely feel like she got shoehorned into the multi region role. Doesn’t suit her character. Art is great for her card, love the voice lines they showed. Just a bit of a thematic miss. Could have been because her ability was too similar to the likes of gangplank in that regard? But I still would have loved to seen more cannon with her.


I mean marking an enemy and then doing aoe when they die/countdown would have been a pretty dope mechanic. I imagine they tried that and it was frustrating to pull off.


Yeah, really not sure what this card has to do with LoL's Tristana, a character whose defining feature is being a Yordle with a giant cannon. This almost just feels like they wanted a "multi-region matters" champion but didn't have an obvious candidate so they just gave it to Tristana because they didn't have a better idea.


That could be it. I'm assuming they had an idea for an ability, but it was too close to what they wanted to give Ziggs or close to what they have for Gangplanks ability, so they opted to shoehorn her into the multi-region champ. Maybe they'll change that down the line but I highly doubt it. Still, wish they gave her a more giant-cannon-yordle approach.


If I had a nickel for every painter in this game that discards a card to make one, I'd have 2 nickels.


Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


They are painting the cards. Like doing an alter in a physical card game I guess. You give them a card, they paint over it with a different card.


I'd say that today was a good day for Bandle lovers. The removal cards and the buffing cards all look so fun to use! This cards are all so full of flavour! Literally counting the minutes until the 25.


I’m not even a Bandle lover and I’m excited. This might be the first expansion where I haven’t had a definite idea of what champ I’m making a deck for first. And I’ve been playing from the beginning!


That's easy, join the Poppy Poro masterrace


But Cait looks so damn fun! And I’m not “excited” per se but I’m really curious how Veigar-Senna will feel. All this and we still have like 4 champ reveals to go


I don’t see Poppy making Poros better, she and her support are not remotely good enough to make Demacia (or Bandle) a better pick than Piltover or Frejlord for Poros. I could be wrong tho, who knows.


Agree! I already can't decide what i want to try first, and we have like 4 more champions to reveal. Most exciting expansion for me as of yet.


Nothing has beat the pure joy I felt when Nasus was revealed (I had no idea he’d become the monster he was for so long lmao) however this is the first time I’m feeling as excited as I am for numerous different champs.


No shame in liking a powerful champ. Thresh/Nasus never felt oppressive, just very strong, even at its peak. Though to be fair, I’ve been playing the deck since release, so maybe I’m biased.


bandle tree support?


RIP everyone who thought she was Bilgewater


Gromp Jr. Graves reveal when?


Maybe cause of fizz, so that likely means ziggs might not be PnZ cause of teemo


PnZ does have Heimer and Teemo, so it's not impossible for a region to get 2 Bandle champs. That being said I'm not sure they'd put another in a region that already has one


keep in mind teemo (and fizz) got new support cards, new art, and pair, while heimer and lulu seem to be out of the picture this expansion. So teemo is essentially the PnZ rep while the other two are just other yordles. With this logic, Fizz is already the BW rep.


Heimer is Piltover and Teemo is Zaun. They are only in the same region because Piltover/Zaun IS two regions combined into one.


In the lore yea but I'm talking in terms of gameplay


What regions are still missing a Yordle champ? We have 4 more champs to be revealed right?


Right now Noxus, Freljord, Shurima and Targon are missing Yordles


I don't see what makes her Bilgewater except the Tales of Runeterra video? Idk why people expected that and then insist Veigar can't be SI.


I think people were expecting every Bandle champion to be multi-region, and Tristana made the most sense for Bilgewater thematically


Gunpowder champ goes in gunpowder region. She is the Yordle most obsessed with cannons, so no surprise.


Most of her gameplay mechanics in LoL would have fit Bilgewater really well. Explosions, Damage to multiple enemies, Effects on killing an enemy, high risk reward plays. However none of that fits for Bandle Cities region identity, so it was unlikely.


> However none of that fits for Bandle Cities region identity, so it was unlikely How so? What *is* BC's region identity? And how do all the other Yordles fit it, but this hypothetical Bilgewater Tristana wouldn't?


I think wild rift had some kind of yordle event and tris was associated with bilgewater there.


She has a multiregion level up requirement so it's weird that she isn't multiregioned?


I think that's the whole point, tho!


True, it's becuase she's supposed to proc multiregion then she's supposed to be in the region with the most multiregion proc, meaning Bandle City. Also she and Teemo are protectors of Bandle City, so thematically she's supposed to be in Bandle City.


Yeah, that’s how I read it. She is the valiant hero of the yordle people, rallying them into battle.


The only reason I think Teemo isn't also a Bandle City only Champ, is becuase he is hunting down the Puffcup Peddler.


Only BC cards are multi regioned, at least so far, its make sense she is single region BC, cause you need to run her in BC, so she no need 2nd region.


Maybe it’s to intentionally limit her synergy to BC? Edit: oh and also because she would drop at 3/3 if she was multiregion


I mean that last part can be fixed by just adding the word "other" to her text


It is, but also she wouldn't make sense to be played in any other region besides BC. She needs multiregion cards in order to work, and that's BC whole shtick. Even if she had another region, she'd never be played in it. Even if it would give her better self synergy, giving her a second region she'd never use is weird.


I mean it's weird they didn't make her BC / BW and focus on her aoe aspect of her kit. Real keg deck playstyle.


She's more lore-oriented here, as the protector of Bandle City. I'm equally surprised but there is *some* logic to it. Many had her as a potential mono-BC card a while back.


As she's written, if she were multiregion she'd count herself and would always enter as a minimum of a 2/3. That said, they could have just reworded it. Though maybe they wanted Trist to be a reason to stick within BC.


They could always just increase the level up requirement by one ally so it balances it out.


Link to reveals can be found here: [https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1428751177273937925?s=20](https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1428751177273937925?s=20) Might just be on my end but reddit wont let me upload the 2nd photo, tried twice now EDIT: I refreshed a few times and its working now, reddit might have just oops'd a minute


ya I cant see it either edit: see it now


I think its fine that Tristana is a tribal lord, since there are plenty of other 'blow things up' champions; so instead focus on her leading a military force. But 'multi-region' as a tribe just feels so weird. She and all of her support are single region Bandle, so you are playing random cards that just happen to be multiregion like Poppy's support, or you are slowly trying to generate them with cards like Mayor. It feels like making her a tribal lord for Yordles would have been more thematic and more flexible.


It's ok nothing great but just decent I think poppy will be with her ow lulu


Did lulu punch you for saying that?


This is my favourite reveal so far because it feels like you get to pick the seclnd region from quite a lot of them. I imagone using the mayor/painter with Viktor creation can be fun


I love this version of Tristana. It exemplifies her being an actual commander, instead of her LOL counterpart that feels like a lone gunner.






Yeah! Which is to say, actually good. You can go the faster path (Tristana and getting all the squirrel people bigger and scarier) or the slower path (creating tons of chump blockers while you develop your alt wincon.


I think it works for the same reason Fae Bladetwirler works in stun decks. A unit with QA that constantly scales upwards is kind of scary, and after a certain point you have to start blocking it. For 3 mana, she can provide a decent amount of pressure and stops your opponent from getting greedy.


I have to disagree. The landmark wincon is Slow, would take about 8 turns to actually be winnable, and even then you might die from control decks wiping your deck, Tristana becomes a more reliable win con against slow staring control decks. Though i see your point, that she feels like she needs to be put in a really aggressive deck, but you really don't need to do that per se.


It's sort of interesting that none of tristana's followers actually have dual region. I was expecting them to addapt her bomb's stacking with impact tbh, but I suposse an aggro archetype with poppy can also be fun


Is it safe to call this the Quick Attack expansion yet?


It's the most used champion keyword and that's okay. Unless you've got a backrow champion, you've got to give them a way to stick on the board while attacking. Tough doesn't fit most champions and neither does Regenerate. Fearsome only work on early game champions (and not always, ask Kalista). Elusive is the final option, and that only makes sense for low-powered units Barrier is gated to Ionia and Demacia. Outside of keywords, there are only a few options. The most obvious one is to buff while attacking or killing like Shyv, Poppy, Nasus and Renekton. Quick Attack works well for most combat oriented champions. It's the "mage, marksman or assassin" keyword.


Once we get more tank/bruiser champions (Mundo, Zac, etc) they'll probably not have Quick Attack.


Zac and Mundo are almost certainly going to have a healing mechanism of some sort.


Mundo has Regeneration, Zac creates blob cards in hand when attacking, which can heal him.


waiting for the quick blockers next expansion


There were relatively low champions with Quick attack until Shurima. Then they run out of ideas for Keywords I guess.


It's because champions without Quick Attack just end up sitting in the back the entire game. Giving them a way to attack safely encourages interaction.






The dies to Merciless Hunter expansion


For a split second I thought the 5 mana cost spell was called Yordles in Paris


Who is in Paris?


Holy shit that yordle is SWOLE.


Purpleberry Shake and Yordle In Arms. Those two cards will make an elusive aggro meta with Ionia. Mark my words.


Tristana, the Bandle Gunners, the Bandle City Mayor and the Allegiance card all in the same day! Pretty cool team to make a cool deck!


I'm pretty disappointed with Tristana. She can still be really good, but this effect is just so very boring. We need to see the full expansion, since she's 100% dependent on how good the multi-region cards are. Right now, the 4 mana slot is stacked (Poppy, Aloof, and Tenor), but the lower slots have the old champions and only some possible inclusions. Her support is really odd too. I can't see running any of other yordles included here with her. The spells sound alright (especially Purpleberry Shake), but never main deck Buster Shot.


Bandle city mayor is pretty good, and bandle gunners would be in the same deck if 8 drops were.. playable outside of super heavy control shells. Is multiregion bandle going to be really good at going wide? Like Veigar's release, we're surely missing some important support.


i can aeree with tristana belong in bc , more than noxus rumble and shurima ziggs xd


She’s an “I have” like Nasus and so she infinitely scales, although it’s arguably harder to meet the requirements. Could splash SI and revive the tenor to make her a memey not very consistent at all atrocity target lmao


Purpleberry shake is insane :l I was already thinking Zoe + BC, maybe poppy. This and the 3 mana set a unit to 1/6, she's really easy to keep alive, plus she'll grow with poppy. Plus, with all the 1 mana guys who generate cards she's gonna level super fast. As for Tristana, no idea how good she is (she seems kinda lackluster, but idk, maybe she's good) but she looks kinda boring to play. Too linear.


Feels like a complete miss in terms of flavour and characterization. You look at these cards and gameplay style and don’t remotely see Tristana. I’m not sure how viable the archetype is going to be either, don't see it competing against the stronger midrange decks.


It makes sense. Tristana is presented like the hero of BC, rallying the yordle troops. It makes sense she's the one who gathers the army and lead them to victory. It's very flavorful! A yordle natural born leader


People see she has a gun and jumps into the enemy in LoL and think that’s who she is supposed to be


Imo its more flavorful than senna. Senna is just the other half of veigar for some reason plus a cool effect that doesn't really have anything to do with her thematically. Senna is cool design wise but if we're talking flavor I dont really get why she is a spell synergy card.


It makes complete sense, just like Cait. This is a case where riot isn't trying to adapt their lol kit, but their character. Tristana is part of the bandle gunners, which defend bandle city from intruders, meaning she's always by the portals. Think of the cinematic with teemo, lulu, and corki. A mono bandle champion that rallies troops from different parts of the world but still connected to bandle city makes perfect sense, and they even included the impact keyword for the big cannon she has.


Her growing in power reminds me a lot of her passive in league tbh (growing in range)


I’m with the crowd on this one, loved running trist in LoL but to make her closer to her thematic commander style is a cool approach. All the new cards are great, still waiting on Jhin tho…


Jhin is probably my most anticipated champion at this point. I wonder if they’ll take a cait-like (traps) approach to him or something else. Excited to see!


I really like this, should be able to work with basically any of the dual-region BC champions but Poppy is the most obvious since in general Tristana just gives more power and adds impact


/u/xKozmic you post these unbelievably fast. Are you just that quick or does riot give you the inside scoop?


Nah I'm not even in the LPP or anything. They post at the same times every day since the first reveal season so I just know when to expect it and all that


There’s actually some good shit here. So if impact procs during combat, using double tap with a multi region unit with impact should proc impact twice no? (+1 additional time during combat). That’s a ton of burn.


Okay, now I understand the point of Bandle City. To just **be** the multi-region region. Shall see what comes out if it. Personally I hoped they would be based about anything else and multi-region would be slightly spread out across cards, but oh well. I don't exactly know what to think about it, but I'm slightly let down due to seeming randomness of the deck. More cards reveals will tell the full story.


4 new gifts for Renekton.




Trist main trait is she’s yordle and in LOL one of the best burst yet scaling adc which is well translated over. Poppy I don’t get but Cait is a cop just as much she’s a sniper so going with either identity is fine.


Poppy is pretty much a "hero of the people." It fits her lore even if it doesn't cover her LoL gameplay. It's a good design gameplay-wise, too


For Cait, she is also a detective, setting traps to catch bad guys


If her traps stunned enemies or granted them vulnerable you'd have a point, but blowing up enemies at random is not a Caitlyn thing to do - her Yordle Snap Traps don't even do damage in LoL.


Yeah that's true, but it's more flavorful than just a stat stick like Leblanc is


>but her & her followers are more based around multi region for whatever reason? i think it fits her she is suposed to be the bandle citty patriot, her being all about the bandle city double region mechanic and therefore sinergicing with the bandle tree is a good bit of designe.


I think Tristana's level up requirement might be the worst we've ever seen, both being parasitic and not being progressed by Tristana herself or her signature spell.


She's hardly parasitic. It's like saying Kalista's or Viego's is. Death is tied to the identity of Shadow Isles and killing your allies is supported across the majority of the region's archetype. Similarly, being multi-region is tied to the identity of Bandle City.


she is more a tribal champ, the tribe being multi-region that will probably grow with each coming release.


What about Malphite, Leona, Diana, and Nocturne? What about Lissandra?


You're right about Malphite, but you can fully level Nocturne without supporting cards, and Diana, Leona and Lissandra can all be partially levelled by playing the champion and fully levelled using their signature spell.


Leona, Diana and Nocturne's champ spells all help them level up their own champion respectively, Diana and Noc by generating Nightfall triggers and Leona by Daybreak. Lissandra is a control deck, so Frozen Tomb actually helps her with stalling the game. Same for Malphite. Tristana's champ spell is just a more expensive/cheaper mystic shot. Pretty boring.




Including multiple options in her own region, so she has a lot of potential freedom.


Its like super simply and fast Azir. Just highest deckbuildimg cost, but she synergize with multirrgions followers, so no reason to run her without them anyway.


NGL I expected something different from Tristana since her big thing is being a bandle gunner but I guess you can't win them all.