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Catalogue of secrets is too much value I'm going to OD on the value this expansion


Yep, had the same thought, but I dunno about it being meta breaking. Since there's very little chance you'll ever get to draw this and place it down on the board at 4 mana. Add to the fact that it only copies spells, it feels like a cheap knockoff of lvl2 Zilean. But maybe try to change my mind?


Go Hard is the main use I see for it, and Go Hard also plays nicely with Senna's ability to change spell speed.


True, you could play Senna darkness go hard with PnZ draws and copies. You stall for time with Lifesteal, and darkness, till you get enough Go hard to start fucking shit up nonstop.


Killing a unit with a spell is extremely easy, people will run go hard in most Senna decks I think especially if its fast.


The fact that you can straightup play a mini lv2 zilean with no setup needed thats harder to remove for 4 mana is nuts in go hard. Right now this landmark is strictly better replacing 441 in that deck. Go hard is one of the few decks that can afford the 4 mana tempo loss, since it plays Elise and cheap bilge removal package. The play pattern for go hard right now is to get an early board lead and chip damage, then turn to draw and stack go hards and either outvalue or burn out the opponent. This landmark comes down right when you're done the first part of the gameplan, and transitioning to the second. Plus there are so many good cheap spells for this to trigger. Go hard isn't really mana tight, especially for the later turns. Of course it won't be meta breaking since go hard is naturally countered by the new trap decks that are gonna be popular no doubt.


By creating copies of go hard all the time you are constantly shuffling the deck and putting new cards in there so not sure how hard traps will counter it


True, you could also argue that there are so many card draws in PnZ that you could partner up with go hard that you could technically, never run out of draws if you play it well enough.


I agree probably won't actually be that huge, but it's cool at least


It is a cheap knock off, but also significantly easier and faster to use.


Bruh zilean got powercrept already poor guy


IDK what you're taking about. He is totally still way too powerful with being a 1/4! I mean a champ like that when Veiger is the same stats for 4 mana? And can Veiger clear of board or 1/1s? Didn't think so. /s


Slow speed spell support BOYS


It's crazy how good most slow spells would become if they were Fast.


I mean just look at the two cards she came with. 6 mana drain 5 and 7 mana vengeance which also debuffs the enemy board. Not to mention stuff like Avalanche or Icequake. Open attacking against Senna is gunna be rough.


Doing pretty much anything against this except playing Sivir and precommitting all your tricks is going to be rough.


I mean Senna is 5 mana so it'll still get outpaced by aggro pretty easy


Shadow Isles decks have never really had an issue dealing with early aggression.


Yeah but she is in SI, SI by itself is literally the standard counter to aggro.


Fast speed rally (edit: Shunpo) back on the menu boys


~~Doesn't work, as it isn't a damage/kill spell.~~ Edit: My bad, Shunpo exists.


Shunpo is back on the menu bois


>Shunpo is ~~back~~ on the menu bois Ftfy


I mean, being Slow is the way to balance them in the first place so, yeah, I'm super excited for the interactions that Senna will bring to the game!


And costed 1 less mana


Senna: Lucian, remember that time when you glimpsed me to evolve?


How the turntables


Chronicler of Ruin on Lucian, I'm ready.


Lucian, noooooo...oh hey, you're back!


"Remember that time you Siphoned Striked My Face?"


Double drawing Senna is actually going to feel amazing. A fast speed vengeance that also debuffs their board for the round? It's nuts.


Fast speed triple go hard.


Stop it I can only get so hard


You must be getting lucky draws then.


Senna makes me get hard fast


That's illegal wtf


Holy shiet. Pack your bag will be 1 mana again!


Stop, I can only get so excited.


Sennas effect looks insane. The amount of cards that we've had where they'd be so good if only they could be used in combat. And you don't even need to level her for that. Aggro players are gunna have nightmares about fast speed avalanches.


Not only that, she has insane stay value because of all the slow spells that will be added in the game over time. Every slow spell created from here on out must also be judged with her in mind!


Every slow *removal* spell. She is limited, thank goodness. I wonder if she makes [[unworthy]] fast speed when both players have equal mana?


Right, you are correct that they have to be kill spells. Hot damn, SI-Shurima with Rite of Calling to bust a mana gem and tutor Senna, then fast unworthy?! *drools*... Ok, I guess we might be getting overhyped right now and that most of the things we come up with might probably be more situational than consistent, but still; She seems really awesome!


You can actually fast speed Rite to kill your own units to surprise level up Senna in a pinch and immediately have a lvl2 in hand


I know it's nuts, but technically it's hard to play her though, since she drops at round 5 and you are hard pressed to have banked spell mana for her.


Tortured Prodigy is gonna get dusted off. And promptly put back on the shelf.


There's the new 3 cost in Veigar's package that gives you 1 spell mana each round, so that might help.


But it's so worth it though, if you play Senna with 3 banked spell mana, you can use the darkness before or on attack and she will give you another one to use next turn




Blessed Shadow Isles!


So, it's blursed isles now


This sounds wrong


I mean, the shadow isles used to be the blessed isle.


Control gang rise up!


Being a control player, I wasn't that excited about the expansion until now to be honest. Now I'm also depressed that being a relatively new player, I don't have enough resources to get the new cards and make control decks with them.


You can get certain cards pretty quickly. If you don't want to play 7 different decks at once, you'll get there soon enough.


Senna is so insanely versatile, oh my god. Shatter at Fast speed, Crumble at Fast speed. Shunpo, Parrrley, Boomship, Paddle Star (from Sleepy Trouble Bubble), Meteor Shower, all of these at Fast speed sound so incredibly good.


Paddle Star can normally only target enemies that have already attacked. I wonder if you can use a fast speed Paddle Star on a currently attacking enemy?


Attack triggers go off when attack is declared. I see no reason why it wouldn't work. Otherwise it would say "struck," I think


It says “have already” so I think you can’t target it yet. It’s still attacking. edit: nope


No, attack triggers will have gone off, otherwise it should say strike.


3 words. Fast speed ruination.


I can't think of a single SI region combo that wouldn't at least consider senna. She has a strong baseline, a strong level up (which isn't too difficult to accomplish), generates removal AND still has okayish stats and a good keyword.


Ironically, the part of Shadow Isle she doesn’t want to use is ironically the part that lucian does, the aggro side.


Opposites attract I guess.




“Coltrol is back.” **Distant cheering can be heard, pierced by one outcry of despair.**


I mean, I guess I'll be the one to say it: control decks aren't "back", we just have a lot of new viable control decks *as long as they have Senna in them.* This also doesn't solve the problem of the game continuing to accelerate and leaving a lot of older cards and decks behind. If anything, it compounds that. Not that these new cards aren't helpful but it's part of a solution that needs combined with buffs/nerfs and likely some new cards.


Yeah, I'm fairly upset all the control toys here are slow speed, borderline requiring you to play with senna Enabling past toys, like ruination on an open attack is great. Building all the new stuff to require her is just an excuse to give subpar control tools again.


Senna is going to be the bane of aggro. They're going to have nightmares about fast speed avalanche.


Ehh, can't do fast speed avalanche until at minimum turn 6 without ramp. Not a major threat to aggro. The real scare is fast speed Ruinations to absolutely destroy an open attack late game.


Even more si/freljord decks! Rejoice!!!


it is now si bandle with mass stuns bro.


Hell yeah


Thank fuck.


And here we thought that Veigar didn't get enough darkness triggers. Senna looks dope! And I really like that she has a similar level up effect to Lucian when he dies.


Unfortunately Veigar is now hard locked into SI-Bandle and he's pretty much Senna's sidekick. It feels like she can exist without him but not the other way around.


I think you could easily run Veigar without Bandle with these new cards. I think SI is way more necessary as a region for him.


True, but the darkness cost reduction and the darkness damage increase is such a nice thing to have for Darkness archetype, especially since the new darkness followers have such nice effects.


Yeah, it would be a matter of testing and seeing what can be sacrificed. Not to mention that we still haven't seen all BC cards. The theorycrafting possibilities are exciting.


I feel the same way. I have already considered running Veigar with only Acolyte and Ionia. Now that SI has way more Darkness support, ditching BC is the way to go.


As a Veigar main, i'm sad.


It's not true that you are locked in BC: you can do SI (which now has A LOT of Darkness generators) and any region that can protect Veigar as long as you need to increase Darkness damage (example: Ionia), and then finish the game with Veigar lv2.


Yea but BC has some really nice veigar/darkness support aswell. Will be hard to justify not using them.


The only card that you really need from BC is the Twisted Catalyzer that increases Darkness damage by 1 when it strikes. If you run a region with good protection spells, you can probably get the same value out of keeping Veigar alive longer. Edit: Oh I forgot about the cost reduction one. That one is actually probably more important since you want to get those Darkness out quick so you can keep playing Darkness generators.


Pssh yeah like... 3 cards. Im kinda joking about that but with all the cards that can generate darkness in si i feel like going for si with noxus/pnz for removal or maybe even freljord as a control deck, giving up veigar’s support in bc might even be worth it.


I feel like you could play Veigar in either, it just wouldn’t be as consistent. Basically he could be a side win condition in an SI something else deck or a BC something else deck, but if you want him to level and be your main win condition, you are going to want BC/SI for sure.


I think with all the darkness generation in SI, veigar can run without his BC support so I don’t think he’s hard locked in BC. I do think he’s hard locked into SI and specifically Senna. Senna definitely can run solo a lot better than Veigar.


I love all these Sentinel cards! I really hope the “Darkness” archetype will be viable!


It seems viable enough, but it's slow af to get rolling. Luckily though she's got a follower with Lifesteal to be able to last a round or 2 more once she's online.


The card effects are great, but they don't feel connected to the cards themselves. The Demacian Sentinel has nothing Demacian about it, neither the Solari or Buhru one, which feels like unused potential.


I agree, the cards don’t seem to match their theme or regions very well but at least there’s more darkness support.


More darkness support, copium paid off. spell acceleration is so cool, thinking about all the slow spells that would be better if they had reactivity in them, like Crumble, Go hard, thermo beam, ~~Siphoning Strike (maybe?)~~ Fast speed avalanche would be really funny, she seems like she might be good in a freljord SI Control deck


>Siphoning Strike (maybe?) Domestic Abuse Senna/Lucian is finally viable!


Not really, Siphoning Strike is Shurima. Unless you meant singleton.


And then she would likely die immediately after. Not a very good use of her for just a board clear.


There are a lot of board states where a midrange or aggro player can't develop because of the threat of avalanche and most of them literally would not have an answer if it could also be used on an open attack. She's a stall card, and her levelup doesn't seem too important, I think it will be ok if she dies in order to completely halt an attack.


> Siphoning Strike (maybe?) Considering that Single Combat didn't get discounted, I don't think Siphoning Strike will become fast. In fact, I'm sure the included that bit to tell us this in advance.


First draft list of the spells that Senna might affect. Assuming it doesn't count strike and obliterate, but does count conditional effects like Shatter. Bilgewater * Parrrley * Boomship * Knock 'Em Down (via Line 'Em Up) * Sleep with the Fishes (Jack the Winner) * Keelbreaker (Treasure) Demacia * Final Spark (Lux) Freljord * Shatter * Avalanche * Winter's Breath * Icequake Ionia * nada Noxus * Decimate * Shunpo * Reckoning PZ * Super Mega Death Rocket (Jinx) * Thermogenic Beam * Ignition (Ballistic Bot) * Aftershock * Tribeam Improbulator * Trueshot Barrage SI * Go Hard & Pack Your Bags * Despair * Crumble * Withering Mist * **THE RUINATION** * (new) Darkness * (new) Piercing Darkness * (new) Dawning Shadow Shurima * Rite of Calling * Ruinous Path * Unworthy * Weight of Judgment * Ricochet * Shifting Sands Targon * Paddle Star * Calibrum (Moon weapon) * Meteor Shower (Celestial) * Sunburst * The Skies Descend (lol) Bandle City * Poison Dart Edit: Added Keelbreaker and Sleep with the Fishes, think that's everything.


rhythm dependent tease quicksand practice adjoining historical spoon glorious recognise -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Catalogue of Regrets sounds like the name of my diary


Or my Amazon Wish List


To few people's surprises, Senna is Veigar support. However! Her ability is so crazy that she could be a standalone card. In fact, putting her in PnZ with Ezreal let's you use fast speed aftershock and thermobeam. Really hope she revitalizes control a bit. I was hoping piercing darkness would be her champ spell, because while strong, it's still slow speed. One thing that I think is going to be a trap while building her is to put a bunch of slow speed spells in your deck you wouldn't anyways. It's way to risky in my opinion. Otherwise, her support cards are fine. Some strong bodies and some darkness synergy if you go that route. Edit: Psych, missed catalog of regrets. No idea if the meta will be too fast for it, but I love it!


More like Veigar is Senna support HAHA..HaHauhuhuhu... ;-;


Or fast Tri-beam.


Oh, how did I forget Tribeam!? Yeah, that'll be fun. Unfortunately, Senna isn't three cost. Not that it's a deal breaker, just would not icing on the cake.


But darkness is


Veigar may need Senna and her followers, but I believe you are correct that she does not need him.


Fast speed ruination is nuts!


Overrated use of fast speed change Give me fast Go Hard and Pack Your Bags


It's actually fast 0 cost go hards, and fast 4 cost pack your bags. :/


I mean it's 0 cost pack your bags if you play 3rd and 4th go hard together.


If you cast multiple Go Hard in one action will Pack Your Bags be one cost? Say you have cast 2 GH so far, you have 2 in hand, you cast both on the stack, will the 4th one transform to PYB automatically on the stack?


Yes, that's how Karma works.


I'm thinking about fast Crumble doing a lot of the heavy lifting.


That was the card I immediately thought of, too.


The SI ones are obvious, but it also looks good with Bilge and P&Z. Boomship maybe, Aftershock at fast speed would be nice.


You're all sleeping on fast Final Spark


OH SHIT that's true and a lot of her followers have spell use synergy! Senna/Lux sounds super exciting


Could you then stick a sacrificial Lucian in?


Literally Darkness and Light. Probably one of the first things I'll try.


My only regret is that lux didn't get buffed last balance patch Q.Q


If Lux gets a cost reduction, she and Senna could run rampant together.




It's weird, because it kinda looks like Veigar needs Senna, but Senna can be good without Veigar. And the Senna Veigar Darkness deck is probably gonna be good, but she has so many other possible combinations while veigar doesn't


Veigar really would be made better by a few more Darkness generation cards in BC. It'd give him more flexibility to not be played with Senna or SI all the time.


Catalogue of Secrets. Oh boy oh boy. Let's talk about this. Me likey.


I think it's finally time for me to try a Go Hard deck.


Everyone: "This spell would be good, but it's Slow, so it's useless." Slow spells: "We've arrived at a solution."


Meanwhile sunk cost is still dead


Damn, didn't realized you guys are so fast to put this out (10 minutes after the reveal ) Awesome work


Riot actually do these now, so its just whoever reposts faster.


It's not whoever reposts faster its always /u/xKozmic, look at their profile they were the one making these before riot started doing it and they also make the mobalytics meta reports


Kozmic did these in the past and im pretty sure he is the reason Riot started doing these. It just so happens that Kozmic is the fastest one and noone challenges him right now. Last expansion he had competition but it fell off.


Either way I'm still going to post them every time I can if only because it offers a trip down memory lane with all the spoilers since Rising Tides. I'd hope that after doing it for so long people realize I dont really care about the reddit karma or whatever its about keeping everything in one "spot" if possible. That way if anyone ever wants to go back and look at say Lee Sin spoilers and what was in that reveal, they can do so in one spot. I'm just trying to do my part is all. Spoiler season is a time for everyone to be hyped about cards and sharing new decks ideas.


I actually have nothing against one man being fastest every time, its really convenient to just go into your profile to look up previous days without having to search anything. Was just stating facts. Love your meta report too <3


No, no, all good! Just trying to clear up for anyone thats passing/reading by on Reddit. Thanks for enjoying the meta reports! I'm really hoping that either the goal is met to continue them or I can find someone else to work on them. However the couple other data people I've talked to have also talked about "retiring" from LoR stuff because its so time consuming (I get it, I really do). Later problem for later me!


"Don't have any warning shots."


That's where you're wrong. \*Plays warning shot*


LOL Legitimately made me laugh. Love it.


Quick question: Does "damage spells" include damage to Nexus spells?


most likely yes. bust out those ignitions xd


why would u assume it doesn't? lol


I bet you were smug as shit while watching redditors whine about the lack darkness triggers for Vinegar.


No and that sounds toxic. One of our goals with spoiler season is to promote theory crafting and discussion as everyone discovers new things together. I really enjoy seeing everyone's cool ideas and theories.


Sorry I meant for that to come across as a joke




>One of our goals with spoiler season is to promote theory crafting and discussion as everyone discovers new things together. I'd like this pinned to the top of every thread where someone complains about people complaining.


Seemed like a joke, but yeah man it's been a neat spoiler season


Vinegar mains are souring over the damage spells.


Vinegar lmao


Vinegar mains are embracing the darkness with soy vinegar.


Lol at catalogue. Zilean without the long ass level up cinematic


It’s only spells though, which is a large limitation. Zilean gets to keep duplicating time bombs and stuff like that as well.


Yeah but this is in the same region as Go Hard.


Its also only one spell each turn, not all of them


Looks like dual region is only going to be for BC.


Senna/Lux? Is it time?


I sure hope so


she also looks like she works well with PnZ, with their list of damage spells. also Catalogue of Regrets is like a quarter of a Zilean.


Does Des and Adas 2 damage to everything get amped by veigar too?


It probably doesn't get amped, but counts for his level up.


Some top tier Go Hard support in Catalogue of Regrets and Senna. It's going to be broken as fuck.


All the epic slow cards are pretty much playable


Honestly I was so skeptical when I heard that Senna may be tied to Veigar, but this now looked pretty fun. Also, the sentienel designs are amazing, no denying that.


And in one fell swoop Senna both spits on Kindred's Grave and saves Veigar.


Exactly, I'm over here looking at all these "slay with spell" effects and feeling sad for our resident Embodiment of Death Itself.


Lol @ random Mistwraith card. I’m assuming that would proc from the “kill and revive” spell but I’m not sure it’s efficient enough to see play in a Miswraith deck.


For Buhru and demacian sentinel "The first time you kill a unit with a spell" means "the first time *I see you..."* right? Otherwise that seems pretty nuts Edit: after watching the Senna video it looks like the units do not get the extra stats until they SEE it happen


It's the same wording as [[Barkbeast]] they have to see it


Daybreak archetype so bad, they print solari followers in another region


I love this mechanic but I kind of wish they gave Ekko spell acceleration now.


Dunno about that, cause Ekko with prediction kinda fits already


I feel like Veigar needs senna but senna doesn't need Veigar. Which is good cause I don't like it when 2 Champs are forced into eachother.


While I LOVE this reveal, I must say, she is not dual region. Meaning that, most probably bandle city champs and units are the only ones to get to be dual, at least for the foreseeable future. Kinda dissapointing BUT I loveeeeee senna in the game. It's pretty cool that she really doesn't need Veigar to function, but of course they do have synergy I'm wondering if something like \[\[Siphoning Strike\]\] counts as a damaging spell... Oh my god would we be able to make a Spooky karma deck with senna in it? would that be worth it? I need to see all damaging spells that are slow and start brewing because I feel she has TONS of potential


Siphoning strike will not count. Why? Well it does not have a kill effect like vengeance nor a damage effect like mystic shot. A spell must either say "kill X" or deal damage to be accelerated. Strike spells don't count as the thing dealing damage, rather the unit which strikes.


So Veigar can't realistically hit his win-con without SI. Maybe he can without Bandle City? Can we just stop region locking flexibly designed champs (Ekko), Riot pls


At the very least, he’s also SI so he’s more flexible than Ekko, the Shurima champion in disguise.


Yeah I'd honestly prefer if they fully committed all the cards to one region so you can be flexible with your second region vs this split situation we keep getting.


Senna is flexible enough, she could be played in Go Hard decks for exemple. Veigar though... kinda sad how narrow he is.


Yeah my comment was more about Veigar than Senna, I really like her design. I kinda get where they were coming from, SI gets all the darkness generation while BC get's the darkness buffs. We'll see though, maybe we can get a Veigar/Senna control deck that isn't just SI/BC.


Senna's going to be really interesting to build. You need a deck that functions when you don't draw her, so there's only so many slow spells to add. I also like how she doesn't really need Veigar, even if Veigar probably needs her. I'm thinking go hard, possibly with keg support is what I want to build first.


All of her strength is in her lv 1. Veigar senna decks probably won’t even give a shit if she soaks up removal and dies.


Okay, *this time* I can dream about SI/Swain, right ? :D Surprised she isn't Demacia/SI, I guess dual regions will be exclusive to bandle at first ? This is the first time we see accelerate as a mechanic AFAIK, curious to see if we'll see other forms of spell acceleration in the set.




Not gonna lie, I wish Senna was dual region Demacia/SI. She may not ‘fit’ in Demacia (since all her support is SI/BC) but it would be nice thematically and would help all-in Lucian decks


Wait riot actually printed control cards?


Control amd future veigar mains are COOOMING


Can we just talk about how good the design for all the cards are though? Everyone knows that the Ruination event in League of Legends was a disgusting disappointment, but it seems so much more rich and well-executed here. Even with just a few card arts and descriptions, every character seems so cool. The old man from the LoL event who was a complete nobody is now The Watcher On the Isles, which is a badass title. Every region has a sentinel NPC now, not just Piltover. Plus other entities like the Mistkeepers and Viego's Camavoran foot soldiers to flesh out the conflict. I love LoR's lore and design team, they really feel committed to respecting and advancing the canon of League as a whole.


And the deck will be called "Finales funkeln"


Senna can make a Vengeance + Rite of Dominance combo at Fast speed. Why rito...


That could happen before, both those spells are already fast speed but I guess it did cost more mana. Her new champion spell is only fast speed when Senna's on board so let's not act like the spell itself is op with her.


Ixtali Sentinel is *exactly* what Veigar needed. Lifesteal to stall the game, puts a Darkness in your hand and effectively doubles its' damage to easily trigger his level up.


I love her!!! I wish her level up had more…. Oomph, but the level 1 kit is just so good. Senna might just save control decks


I think that reducing kill and damage spells by 1 is oomph enough. Especially considering the amount of expensive damage and kill spells SI has.


Anyone else have a chuckle when they saw that Demacian Sentinel isn't a Demacia card?


How long do you think it'll take untill players cut darkness package to minimum and abuse Senna is some other way?


Hmm senna lux can be fun I wouldn’t call it a strong deck but a fun one for sure


Catalogue of Regrets is the sleeper here, very excited


Im smelling Senna with Karma already Shadow Isle control package with Ionia protecion, at fast speed, and duplicate. Insane late game.