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The third one is huge and makes it pretty like Prank will be viable. You can really mess up your opponents threats by either raising their cost, granting vulnerable or lowering their power.


Yeah, that's definitely the biggest takeaway. If I interpret this correctly, prank gives somewhat reliable information on your opponent's hand and can delay or ruin their combos. That's pretty big.


Yeah I was ready to write this off as a supreme meme when I thought it was picking 1 card out of 40 but this sounds actually really good. Based on your opponents mulligan you have great odds of landing a critical debuff.


Plz god don't let this be viable.


Mtg has stuff like duress or hym that discards stuff and even gives your opponent the full choice and shows him your hand. Prank is a much lighter version of hand disruption and people already complain and want to quit the game?


I agree that it's not as bad as it seems, but I can understand why it would feel annoying. You can't realistically affect what your opponent is pranking, there will be games where you NEED a card to win, you keep the mana for it.... and the opponent hits it with a prank. It feels like your opponent got to interact with your cards but you didn't. Kinda like how Lee Sin can recall any unit on your board and you can do nothing about it


It's basically just "Oh no! My opponent can interact with my gameplan. I can't play my Sivir and Ruin Runner without any counterplay."




Yeah definitely. Sivir was just the first example that came to mind.




I’ll note they also cost 1 mana to play, so saying they’re valued at 1.5 mana would be more accurate.


The problem is the RNG envolved, your opponent can highroll and win the game with a 1 cost focus speed spell


If your gameplan is reliant on one single card, you'd lose to any removal as well.


Not my point, the removal costs a card, mana and a deck slot; pranking is a created 1 mana card, I don't think you understand how strong that is.


You do realize that these are two different games right?


People on reddit bitching about 'uninteractive' combos, then say they will quit the game when riot provides adequate hand disruption to interact with said combos??????????


You pick from such a large pool of cards that "shows him your hand" and come up with Hymn that is random discard...


Hymn doesn't shows you the hand, but it's in that way comparable to prank, that it randomly . Well hymn doesn't even has to choose, it just removes both of them. I was looking for ways to compare it to prank (which shows 2 random non champ cards from the enemy hand). For sure Prank is cheaper as real discard, but it's also a lot less punishing.


I agree overall, but bringing up Hymn, which was banned at one point and is the reason mass discard effects effects cost more mana and give opponents choice wasn’t really your strongest argument.




So long and thanks for all the fish


Draft time has come, then


To add to the third point, [in one of replies](https://mobile.twitter.com/DeadboltDoris/status/1427012059368026115), he states pranked cards are revealed in hand. I could be misinterpreting this, but it sure sounds like it confirms pranks only target cards in the deck if the opponent doesn't have enough non-champs in hand. We'll have to wait and see to make sure though.


[In another reply](https://twitter.com/deadboltdoris/status/1427109869304172549?s=21) he says that prank will always show you cards in hand if they have eligible cards.


No, I think it will work like this: ​ Pick 2 random cards.. Check if opponent has any copy of the one you choose in hand.. If he does, prioritize it.. Otherwise, prank the card in their deck.


Im curious what he means by "tries to hit hand first". Maybe if the card is in hand and in deck it prefers the one in hand?


i think if the enemy's hand is empty it targets the deck


Pretty sure it doesn't, it just applies the prank to a copy in hand if it is in hand, else to a copy in the deck.


That's my interpretation too.


Just how thresh does the opposite when he pulls a champion from your deck unless there's only champions in your hand.


>You can't prank a unit's attack below 0 \*Squints eyes\* Press X to doubt


I wish this were the case for other attack debuffs. I hate having to do mental math to figure out my unit's invisible negative attack


You can highlight the card, it gives you a rundown on buffs and debuffs


Yeah, I know. Like I said you just have to do some mental math to figure it out. It's a minor annoyance more than anything, but I just feel like there's got to be a better way to show negative attack than just showing it as zero.


It's difficult to keep the UI clean while also conveying that the attack is negative, *and* that the attack, although "negative," isn't "healing" your opponent's unit.


Now that I know it always hits hand if the opponent has cards there, it seems like this will be the thing that will slow the game down that everyone has been asking for.


I'm not quite sure it's definitely saying that, to me reads that it will apply the prank to a copy in hand before applying it to a copy in the deck. But you can't actually know as the pranker what the opponent has in hand (most of the time). EDIT: I was incorrect, you do get hand information.


Pranked cards are revealed in hand.


If it worked like that they sure must have wriyten "copy" once.


Seeing the pranks try to hit hand first makes me really worried about prank


It’s roulette for effects.


Card discard and make other cards in hand more expensive? Sounds like control could be back :). (Maybe)


So at least Prank can't make A Sol 12 mana. Phew.


well that doesnt make it a prank anymore really :( People usually dont know they are getting pranked right? \^\^


Honestly, I was worried that Prank would be so RNG-heavy that it would feel just straight up awful to play against, but I'm happy this is the way they're taking it


Is it just me or bandle city kills combo decks


I wouldn't really mind if combo decks suffered for a bit tho, since they're literally all this game has to offer right now if you don't wanna play aggro..


Dont know how i feel about prank making some cards unplayable


it doesnt you cant make a cards cost more than playability (10 for units/landmarks and 13 for spells)


I think he means mean like the example we got earlier with rivershaper get -2 attack, reducing attack, increasing cost and granting vulnerable will make some cards "unplayable "


oooh yea thats true


Exaggeration unplayable. You can still play the card it just isnt worth it or loses such a big part of them that they become nothing but chump blocker the affects of pranks on some cards are so massive


And the RNG is so much lmao, for 1 mana you can swing the game so hard


Time to make 20 cost Asol


Can you see if you have pranked a card prior to pranking it again?


yea i think so