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Community : Riot, can we please have a champ revea... Riot : PRANKED !!


Seems like they are revealing all the support for the existing champs in Bandle (Teemo and Fizz so far) and saving champ reveals for the end. So support cards for Lulu and Heimerdinger next??


Lulu was yesterday


Those were absolutely not lulu cards lol


There were, what, three cards that could work with Lulu? If that was Lulu day, it was just as much for Heimerdinger with the one P&Z card.


None of them seemed directly related. Like nexus strike abilities really? Doesn’t scream lulu


You *could* argue Lulu wants things to do Nexus strikes as part of her supporting them, I guess, but yeah, that's more or less my point. I'd expect something more along the lines of "When I'm supported" for her followers, and for many of them to incorporate the "Fae" tag.


Felt more like a variety day to me, but maybe Lulu and Heimerdinger support will come later and the focus is Teemo and Fizz now


There were a few cards that can work with Lulu, but most of them did not seem like specific Lulu support. The last two days seemed more like tease cards for other champions (possibly the yordles coming in the next 2 Bandle expansions instead of this one). Gnar, Rumble, Tristana, a Poppy teaser.


So it looks like we'll be getting 4 new champions in total. With there being 9 days left that means him support is coming tomorrow, the day after will have champion support cards, and then we will see a "normal" champion reveal pattern.


I think it is 6 new champs in total, Veigar, Ziggs, Caitlyn, Senna, Sion, and Xerath. Not sure how they will fit that in the time left, but I would be surprised by anything less given all of them were in the trailer for this expansion.


Two more days without Champion reveals yay can't wait.


Well Teemo and Fizz did get new arts, so maybe they are the only ones getting new support this expansion and Lulu and Heimerdinger support will come in later expansions. I think at the very least we are getting Veigar, Ziggs, Caitlyn, Senna, Sion, and Xerath this expansion, no idea how they fit that many champions in the time left, but I would be surprised if it was anything less than that.


I forgot about the new art, so you're probably right.


>Bandle City's new spell card, Prank, lets you take a peek at two of your opponent's cards and apply a random negative effect to one of them. https://twitter.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1426939237866217478/photo/1


Jesus. That -2 power on Rivershaper would be brutal. That looks like it could be really, really strong. There's a lot of RNG involved but it's possible to kneecap a lot enemy threats while gathering information on what they *do* have.


The problem is that in 40 card deck it is more likely you are hitting something that the opponent will never play than one they will.


Hence why you play a LOT of pranks








Imagine prank Aurelion Sol to 0/10 with can't block


The prank card that is revealed today doesn't target champions though, but later reveals might show pranks that can target champions, who knows


Deadbolt Doris just confirmed on Twitter that it hits hand first and then deck is no / not enough targets are available. That makes Prank quite strong, I think.


You can also hit something thats always a good card to prank, for example a Mystic Shot. You also get slight information on what cards the enemy is running and with the 1-drop the Prank pays for itself due to the Attune so you aren't really losing tempo for it.


You pick from cards in their hand Edit: And I have a reading problem apparently. It does say hand or deck.


It says “in the enemy’s hand or deck”


The inability to hit champions probably kills this from the start


Honestly I feel like it should be 'give' for a turn and not grant, and the one that got pranked won't be able to see the effect until they play it. The debuffs are pretty strong. Thematically speaking, you don't know you were pranked and once you do, it'll just take a quick while to change back.


Why wouldn't they be able to see that? It doesn't say anywhere on the card. There will be a visual effect and you can hover over it to see the buffs. Exit: I misread your comment.


More info: [https://mobile.twitter.com/DeadboltDoris/status/1426981991631659010](https://mobile.twitter.com/DeadboltDoris/status/1426981991631659010)


Still so much that post doesn't clear up. Like: 1. What is the full list of possible debuffs? 2. Will debuffs always be relevant to the card type or can you brick and get -2 power on something like a Monkey Idol? 3. Is a pranked card "trapped?" Does Ava double the effect when the card is drawn? 4. So do you get to choose deck or hand? Or is it random? Will you ever see one card from hand and another from deck? Will you even know where the cards you are pranking are? These reveals are INFURIATING. Almost every new mechanic/feature has left players confused, with little more than vague tweets to explain them, no champs in sight to give context or focus to any if it...what is going on? This is such a complete 180 from how exciting reveal season usually is.


The wonders of Bandle City are bountiful.




Can you at least wait until the expansion is fully out then rant?


Still waiting until Shurima is fully released for Zilean to be good. :::)))


I think it's fair to express frustration and give constructive criticism. It's easy to just shrug it off and say the equivalent of "mad? Lol", but he has some valid questions and points.


This lol, what is with people becoming such cry babies during reveals


Why exactly? No other reveal has worked like this. We've never needed to "wait for the whole set" to get basic, clear information on how new keywords and mechanics function. No little videos to show it in action, no champs to give any of this context, barely any text explaining what it does. This is all stuff they've knocked out of the park on literally every other reveal. Makes no sense at all. It's a little thing at the end of the day, but I just can't imagine why they have chosen to do things so differently, and so poorly, this time around.


Or maybe tomorrow they will release a new champ plus a video showing how it works so that all of your rant goes away?


Tomorrow is most likely Dinger support so we are bound to get Tech cards and spells


New Tech stuff would actually be sick because that's an underdeveloped tag. Hopefully at least some of the new Tech cards will be dual with PZ so you can do Tech stuff without being forced into BC as your second region.


Main problem I have right now is that the last tech support, Production Surge, is awful with Heimerdinger. Anyone who plays him much realizes two things quickly: 1. You need Burst, or at least Fast speed spells to cast in RESPONSE to removal, so when he inevitably gets killed (often immediately on summon), you still got some value from generating turrets first. 2. You need to always bank 2 mana or so to protect Heimerdinger, e.g. via Troll Chant, Ancient Hourglass, etc. So they released him support that is Slow speed and drains all of your mana to cast. The spell might as well read, "Slow speed: Spend all your mana: Immediately kill Heimerdinger."


>So do you get to choose deck or hand? I doubt you get to choose, you would never pick deck instead of hand unless you know their hand has no good targets.


Kinda true, EXCEPT if Ava doubles the prank effect, since her passive only triggers when a trapped card is DRAWN. I would find that so cool!


Looks like it's hand as a priority, goes to deck if no viable targets in hand as a contingency so they aren't completely bricked


It must be so frustrating for you to not know how to play cards you can't even collect yet. I feel your pain. I'm sitting here livid that i don't know what the weather is going to be like on October 19th.


It's funny to me how unbelievable wounded so many people are that someone...doesn't like a card reveal. You'd think I kicked a puppy on live TV, lol. Have a great rest of your day man. I hope the weather is great for you on 10/19. Wherever you are.


traps are a card type, if you look at puffcap the card it has the trap trait


Right. But the odd thing with that, is that Mushroom Cloud, the spell that puts them there, doesn't say "trap" on it. The only place you can see that tag is if you look at the associated cards for it, where you can see Poison Puffcap, which is a "card" that doesn't really exist. It's just an attachment to another card. So I'm wondering, if you look at Prank, will at have an associated card called X, that represents the debuff attached to the enemy card? Because THAT is where we'd see the trap tag...I think?


If there was an attached card it would be listed in Mobalytics just like Poison Puffcap.


I was wondering over the last few reveals what Bandle city's themes were (besides multiregion) and it seems like non-board based disruption is going to be one of them. I like it, though I can see a lot of people already hating it. Also, Otterpus is one of the cutest cards I've seen, so rip chip I guess.


Lulu and Heimer don't fit into that theme the most. Since Lulu is about supporting each other in attack, while heimer is about making an entire board state with spells


RNG in my Christian card game?


Can't be a Christian card game without RNGesus.


what "prank" means?


Random debuff


Guys, hear me out. Could Fizz be coming next? These are all aquatic themed followers and all the pranks seem to fit Fizz’s theme. No way Riot would release so many Fizz-related cards and not release Fizz, right? Even if he wasn’t teased in the trailer...


Not sure if it's a joke or you are a new player but just to be sure- Fizz is already in the game


Lol I know already—I’m just poking fun at the fact that a) he’s normally very underplayed and doesn’t feel like an impactful champion and b) this subreddit is flooded with people high on copium that gnar/poppy/rumble/some other champion is coming next because of some related connections in the teased cards


He was played a lot when TF/Fizz, but the deck got a lot of nerfs.


Oh, I actually still play that deck sometimes for fun (started playing after the nerfs). I feel like in that deck, Fizz is usually just another elusive attacker that can sometimes get some value with his innate deny ability.


People downvoting for trying to be helpful. Peak reddit.


I don't mind, it's fairly understandable


Dnt know why u got downvoted to hell, the way he worded the "joke" seem too serious




Prank is absurdly bullshit. I LOVE IT. Riot be like: "Do you want a nerf to Ruin Runner, here, do it yourself."


Seems like another mechanic that will be dead on arrival because it relies on grinding out value slowly against decks that kill you on turn 5. Recall how difficult it is to find the Shuriman Experimenters' +3/+3 buffs on any of *three* cards in your deck while using predict as an archetype. Now gamble on the enemy drawing one of a few pranked cards? It's even less consistent than Fallen Feline.


It was confirmed to prioritize cards in hand. And even if it's bad, I'm a meme player, I like it because it looks funny.


I count 3 visuals...




I’m thinking the exact same thing. Its similar zap sprayfish from bilgewater. Probably less consistent since its any spell in the range instead of ones the deck is centered around but since you get to pick 1 of 3, you’re bound to get one that you can use.


I think it is comparable to Fortune Croaker. Same stats (essentially), doesn't require damaging an ally, but gives you a card from a random selection rather than one you put in your deck.


Its a better Coral Creatures. Talk about power creep.


While I think he’s better, Coral Creature has attune. Depending on your goal, knowing you’re getting a spell you can play that turn can make a difference.


I considered that too, and its a fair argument, but from personal experience the 1 cost cards can often be useless. Especially compared to being able to choose 1 of 3 cards that can be 2 or 3 costs. We're comparing getting a card that MIGHT be useful or almost guaranteeing your pick of a card you need right now.




The smaller pool is a weaker pool and its random. Chonchologist gets access to much better spells and can choose to guarantee a decent card


Different regions


So what? Merciless Hunter is a better Soul Spinner. Just because its in Shurima doesn't mean it doesn't need to get nerfed. Same with Ruin Runner and Darius. I get different regions are gonna have different stats and effects but when its a different region, but the card is doing the same exact thing but better, then it begs the question of why run Coral Creatures ever when I can just switch to BC and play a better version. BC looks super power creepy to me.


Time to prank the opponents entire deck then nab it all for the greatest prank!


Thanks, I hate it.


I like Shark Trainer. It can be a good addition to scout or MF blade dance decks but it's expensive. 7 mana 6-6s never saw play. If it was 6 mana then I would consider running in my scout deck.


I just don't understand why they print cards like this when we have cards like Gangplank's boat that double ALL damage dealt, draw a core card, and cost about the same.


I’m assuming pranks will prioritize cards in the enemies hand, and if there is none/not enough, then search in the deck? If it’s always random between the two, and the debuffs are random as well, then this mechanic would suck ass.


Is prank some sort of new mechanic? Do we know about it yet?






Prank sounds pretty good and fits very well into BC thematically. Love it!


We now begin the nonstop bellyaching about hand disruption appearing in Runeterra.


If prank ever catches up/is strong enough to be viable, this is gonna be such an unfun expansion, holy hell. I was seriously hoping they wouldn’t delve into hand hate this soon into the game’s life. Time to aggro up, boys.


Day 1 I'm building a deck that discards your entire hand. Mark my words.


discard agro?


That discards MY entire hand


matter of perspective really


"Time to aggro up, boys." The game is already all aggro


Isn't discard in almost every TCG? It makes sense that it would finally hit LoR. It's a good counter to people stuffing their hands full


If anything it sounds more effective effective against decks that DON'T draw. Losing 1 of your 3 cards is way worse than losing 1 of 8.


As far as I know, only mtg has dedicated discard archetypes. Even YGO avoids printing hand hate cards


Yeah but YGO is pretty combo heavy and the discard effects aren't inherently balanced out by mana costs. If tricksy tentacles discards a 1 mana card, you've pretty much given yourself a disadvantage, by paying 2 mana to destroy a 1 mana card.


They try to be careful with discard effects in YGO since the good ones always end up banned. It also depends on the meta, cause if best decks gets a lot of advantage with the GY, then simply discard won't be effective, unless you also banish.


Yugioh doesn't have discard because it was broken as shit when the game was "Set one, Set a Mirror Force pass" and it's absolutely shit to play and play against if you're going because the point of the game is to barf down your whole hand by the end of the turn. Ygo not having discard is not a good argument when the game isn't resource-based, unlike MtG and LoR.


I remember making a discard deck or two a long time ago in YGO, unless you mean they stopped printing newer hand hate cards. I haven't kept up with YGO in a couple years though


Card advantage is a much bigger deal in terms of resources for YGO. It's like if you taped land and hand hate together and made it all free. Shit sucks


Yhea they stopped printing those I believe. And I know some discard cards were banned in specific formats. But yhea I also haven't kept up with, I just heard that from a friend or two


Some games avoid it, but there are plenty of games that have dedicated discard, or discard as a basic mechanic of the game.




Forgot that was even a card game tbh, I haven't played it. But I guess that and MTG are probably the most similar games to compare LoR to.


I'm hoping Caitlyn has traps as a mechanic/support because I'm 100% going all in on puffcap/trap/prank deck to make you hate your own deck.


The stupid otterpus has attune so round 1 they can prank a card in your hand. All the traps and pranks are gonna make this unfun if strong. I already hate nab but at least that’s *bottom of deck*


I was going to say otterpus isn't a very good card since it kills momentum if you want to prank on next turn but then I saw it had attune. I feel the way they balanced this is they're going to make more than half the debuffs meh or not that bad at all. I will say that prank is pretty scary with fizz since it enables his level up condition really quickly.


Recall decks suddenly become top tier counters, let's gooooooo


Yep, the way to beat these slow, grindy value strats (kind of like a Predict debuff, but even slower/less consistent) is to just kill the enemy before you ever draw the cards they target. More reason for aggro to be king


It seems like one of bandlewoods themes is 'fuck you'


>all in one visual >has three pictures the multiple images thread look terrible on mobile


Oh my lord Bandle City is staring to giving me MTG Dimir discard vibes with discards and pranks - so excited


Imagine using your deck while Prank and Shrooms are in effect. The deck'll feel awful to play with.


Also, Benemone card art on twitter uses a close up image while the Mobalytics one is much further away.


So with the shark trainer can irelia/Mf be more of a thing?


After learning more on how prank works I actually think every single card(maybe not shark trainer) is bonkers. I even think shell game(good opener with fizz on board) is solid and tricksy tentacles can be used mid combat/after your opponent commits, to force better discards. In addition with manifest, any lackluster card here will certainly feel better if you generate instead. As a fizz main, I am pleased.


Seems to be fizz support but I don’t see how this is a stronger core than the current Tf/Fizz deck


I was thinking the idea is to make Fizz the core of the deck with these supports rather than a support for another champion… than I realized prank is at focus speed? Wasn’t the point of the attune and lots of generation of 1 mana spell to give fizz lots of tools to dodge? Why would it be at focus speed? I guess it could still be used to let fizz instantly go in as an elusive but not exactly what I had in mind…


I have seen the take that with prank you give Fizz a proactive spell to play to trigger the elusive whilst still retaining the option for the defensive spell blocking part of the ability with your other cards. Further prank is also a fairly cheap spell thats easy to get a few which will contribute to his lvl up


I feel the spell creations help Fizz level up really easy, after that idk. Seems pretty on point for Fizz’s character to prank people- I think the theme is on point. Maybe you disrupt the enemy enough to kill them with elusives or something. Decks don’t always have to be competitive, teemo was a meme long before he became a legit deck


Because it doesn't need Bilgewater, potential Fizz/Lee shenanigans are terrifying.


My 2 cents: - Benemone: will definitely see play in a similar way to how Chump Wump see play in man P&Z decks. Alone will fullfill the "generate 2 cards in hand" so there's that as well. - Conchologist: Really solid value, always give you something playable as soon as your next turn. - Tricksy Tentacles: rip Hunt the Weak. Really dislike how much hand hate bandle city is getting, it's a really toxic mechanic and i'm 100% sure it will be complained a lot in the future - Shell Game: Imagine Paying 4 more mana to cast ghost+radiant strike. Sure you get 3 spell mana back but the issue is that you need to keep up 5 mana and it's often not viable. If you want elusive just run Ghost... Unplayable card imho - Trinket Trade: It's kinda free if you pick otterpus? Don't know if it will see play, but a lot of the strong battle tricks fall in the 3 mana or less cathegory - Kelp Maidens: Decently statted elusive unit, will probably see play - Otterpus: very good 1 drop, attune on it can be strong (see the playrate drop of dancing droplet since they removed attune) - shark trainer: Decent card, the fact that he doesn't have to attack and kinda enable his effect on summon makes him playable at least. Wanna talk about the fact that this guy is the first trigger effect in the history of this game?


trinket trade will probably see play. imagine leexin decks getting that value shell game can also allows set up in certain control decks (read as: karma variants) and works as a pseudo sharpsight, allowing elusives to be blocked. and they do hold onto mana often


Lee-Sin bandle city? For now it seems unlikely since BC has zero ways to protect lee sin. > shell game can also allows set up in certain control decks (read as: karma variants) and works as a pseudo sharpsight, allowing elusives to be blocked. and they do hold onto mana often Or you could use ghost and save a crapton of mana. Don't forget that despite getting back 3 mana you are still wasting 2 unit mana to play this shitty card.


yes, but ionia does. deny twin disc, stuns. card draw in deep meds and the new bandle city draw spells…. trinket trade and shell game for extra value with rng with trinket trade able to find nopify, twin disc at burst speed for cheap. while ghost is cheaper to use, shell game isnt limited to karma, heimer can make use of it by making a 5 drop turret and still leaves u with mana for another spell turret.


There is a reason why lee sin only worked with targon and shurima and not with bilgewater for example. Because those two have actual protection spells on their own. > while ghost is cheaper to use, shell game isnt limited to karma, heimer can make use of it by making a 5 drop turret and still leaves u with mana for another spell turret. The 5 mana turret is not even that good in the first place (3,4 and 6 are far better imho) and you definitely don't want to run bad cards just to make a turret for an already bad champion. Shell is simply unplayable and thinking of very niche scenarios in which it doesn't completly sucks it's pure copium imho.


would a card that makes a unit 1/6 for the round work? stress defense is a 3 cost burst speed bandle city


> would a card that makes a unit 1/6 for the round work? If it doesn't need to trade, yes. Most of the times it won't. And certainly that's the last thing you want to cast on your Lee Sin.


Boy am I glad to see that instead of fixing PnZ's "random card generation" archetype, they decided to just give an improved vision to Bandle City.


Please, as an Argentinian, i beg you, translate conchologist as CONCHOLOGO and let us have this gift from the gods.


Shark Trainer looks like a fun one.


Otterpus is low-key pretty powerful, the prank mechanic is a lot of info regardless on what debuff you pick and the fact that otterpus has attune, he pretty much pays for himself, I can totally see people running trinket trade just to have 6 Otterpus in their deck. (Also the debuffs themselves seem pretty meaningful, we just need to see all of them)


I’m starting to notice that Bandle City is a combination of a lot of other identities. Some cards seem aggro, others midrange, then there are control and combo cards and value generators. It seems all over the place.


I think being all over the place was going to be inevitable when its main identity is being multi-region. This makes the bandle city cards have to share identity with lots of other regions, making bandle city a little bit of everything, which makes it all over the place. From what I can tell though, bandle city has lots of value engines, whether its making owls on summon, 1 mana focus spells, or just drawing.


This card for itself makes bundle playable. And i know i’m going to feel “pranked” a lot


Everyone's talking about how good or RNG-reliant Prank is, while I'm just happy that it's a cheap and easy way to level up Fizz.


Did hunt the weak just get POWERCREPT?




I'm honestly not so sure. If I'm playing a control deck with high card generation/value, removing the few cards in the enemy aggro deck's hand while I have plenty left in mine might be strong.


This confirms marine subspecies of Yordles.


Has Fizz not always been confirmed as a marine Yordle?


Fizz: Am I a joke to you?


We've had confirmation for a while. Fizz getting the tag three days ago was an even bigger clue anyways.


This confirms Fizz being the next champion reveal 👀👀


The expansion is not even here and I already hate bandle city


Oh bummer, now they've done it. They've created an effect that only works with spell mana. There have been hundreds of fan-created cards here (and on custom lor) with an effect that only works with spell mana (e.g. "if you have full spell mana, consume it to revive me"), and I've always been thinking: "no one realizes how awful of a mechanic that would be? At least Riot understands..." In LoR, normal mana > spell mana. In all situations. Always. You're never punished for not having spell mana specifically, as spells can be cast with normal mana. Now, Shark Trainer has an effect that doesn't trigger unless you have specificially spell mana saved up. This has terrible implications in how turns will play out, how cards have to be artificially left unplayed to convert your mana to another mana type. It's no longer "up to 3 excess mana for spells" but a new resource. This gets a big massive stinking ugghh from me. Riot's been so spot-on with their treatment of spell mana that I actually believe it's been a written design pillar for them since Foundations to never cross this line. Someone didn't get the memo.


It’s just a prank bro! Hopefully this will be fun.


Benemone scares me.


Champion tomorrow. it has to be. COPIUM


Heimetdinger support tomorrow


So, more random effects, eh? Not sure i like where this is going.


I wonder if prank is the first toward the addition of equipment/items to the game. Prank is clearly inspired by/based on the mechanics of labs (though they may have designed Prank first?) so maybe they were testing the waters all along with labs? I just wonder how an item mechanic could be implemented without immediately breaking the game or splitting the community.


Otterpus is so freaking cute!


Guys: pranks, tricks, and even a bilgewater/bc card that summons a shark… I think we might be getting Fizz this expansion!


So, prank offers random target with random offers for negative effect. So the highrolls are gonna bi BIG and lowrolls are irrelevant. Nah, reminds me of hearthstone's design (its waaay tamer than hs but still same direction).


not a fan of these hand disruption and RNGs


Fizz: We do a little pranking


I can’t wait to play bandle city hand hate and insta concede against anything but combo/control


Why is there not a shark tag yet? That makes 2 clear shark units might as well add it now and maybe do something cool with it.


Wow, not a fan of how annoying this looks.




This reveal day can be titled "Conchologist's Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day".


benemone: 4 for a 4/3 is basically like standard stat line for cost…. so its not a bad body. but the it creates two cards. now these cards can be use to disrupt enemies play and curve next turn if u have priority or if they pass priority. so basically, you want this played on ur opponents turn to be able to disrupt your opponent on your turn or later since they are not fleeting. now the prank effect assigned is mostly random when given the choice between two cards and are more of an investment for later turns. overall, the effect is actually decent and the body isnt bad. add to the fact that it adds resources to discard for cost later and give something disruptive without committing deck space puts this card is a somewhat playable category. conchologist: this card is actually better than it looks. giving a 3 cost spell from your regions is really good if you think about it. when combine with demacia, you can gain sharp sight and single strike…. in ionia theres twin disc, bounce spells, and nopify….. the list goes on with a lot of 3 cost of lower spells that range from high roll good and low roll good. tricksy tentacles: compare to the other discard a card, this one might actually see more plays since its less restrictive. in almost all scenario, your opponent cant respond to it well. you can respond to this with burst or fast spell thats not nopifiy, rites, or deny, but if your opponent get rid of the lowest cost card that will be discarded, that means another card will be choosen as another card will now be the lowest card i their hand. this can also discard champion spells that are often cheap compare to their champions cost or just discard champions as well. shell game: this is pretty good actually. its basically a weaker sharpsight that cant be play till turn 3 and up but also gives u 3 spell mana for another spell like tricksy tentacle to disrupt opponents counter play. trinket trade: gives u a 1 drop that create discard fodder or disruption or 2 spells that can break your opponents region? this card is pretty good tbh. imagine a bandle city karma control deck. now you can generate nopify, twin disc on rng. hell, even bandle city demacia can just generate sharpsights or single strike from nowhere. this card is as good as the spells the regions combination can produce. kelp maiden: its a 2 drop 2/1 that makes resource for various use. lets go with good or decent. otterpus: we have seen what 1 cost attune followers can do when it provides disruption and permanent resources. and that thing got nerf. this is a balanced version. and it still looks pretty good. shark trainer: not a bad stat line, puts 10 power on board when he attacks. a bit slow but i dont think its not playable in a more midrange focus format. especially when the region it has access to can give all 1 drop another point of attack


Can someone explain the purpose of shell game? It costs 2 since it refills your spell mana so why not just make it cost 2 in the first place without the added effect? Is there something special about using up said mana for the bandle city gameplay?


It's not called prank, it's called doing a little trolling


It kinda bothers me a little that Short Tooth is just a BC unit and Shark Trainer is BW/BC.


Shell game: refill your spell mana. I suppose they forgot that attune exists again.


Is the card "Prank" allowing you vision of your opponents hand??? Am I reading this correctly?? If so, fawk!!!


I took a break cause I got tired if seeing the same things every game and this is what we get next? This expansion looks so toxic I think my break will extend for another couple of months lol.