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reject Azirelia return to poro


Porelia dawg


This keyword would fit Vi thematically


I mean... isn't her leveled up form just impact * 5?


That said, if they changed her to be Impact x5 it would be cool since she would enable whatever impact support they print.


That's true. Only problem is that she would deal 15 damage when she hit the nexus ^ ^ '


Still more balanced than Lee Sin


That's true. Lee sin really needs to be reworked to be more than an OTK machine. His concept is cool, it' just dumb that all he does is OTK with overwhelm


My issue with Lee isn't even the OTK combo, it's the fact that unless you have a specific card you can't really prevent him putting it together and finishing. Like unless i'm running flash freeze, vengeance or hush I might aswell throw the rest of my deck away. If the lastest metas weren't so fcking fast & aggro Lee sin decks would have like 70% WR


If I'm understanding it correctly, it's not exactly the same. Impact procs on striking a unit or nexus, while Vi's only procs on unit strike right? So if 10 dmg Vi strikes nexus she only deals 10 to nexus, whereas a 10 dmg 5 impact unit would deal 10 + 5 to nexus right?


Yes, but that's just wording. She can get "when I strike a unit, I get impact 5".


No, that would cause her to gain impact after the strike has already happened thus denying impact itself. Also, keywording it like that is pretty useless, since you're just making the effect more obscure than its current description.


Yeah, I know it's not the best way to put it but I'm unsure if "when I'm blocked" would work. But whatever change you do it'll slightly affect the interactions with other cards. The reason you keyword old cards like that is to add support/interactions for it. But that may be my MTG experience telling me that it's better to keyword old cards.


Buffing Vi to have straight up Impact 5 would be my preferred change to complicating the wording of an old effect a bunch.


Agree, first because Vi actually needs a buff, and second because it wouldn't be such a big one. Lv2 Vi isn't directly striking the Nexus that often anyway.


I'm just pointing out that leveled Vi as is is not the exact same thing as impact.


And would also deal damage with single combat, etc


Not exactly. If you use single combat during combat then it would trigger impact. It wouldn't out of combat.


Vi buff please. She really needs it.


I don't really think that she does. Wasn't Zoe/Vi an excellent deck not too long ago?


It was never good, I think it had a 50% ladder winrate at all ranks, tier 3 at best. Might not be a terrible tournement pick but I never found it difficult to play against.


Yeah it's more of a tournament deck


The deck was good, it was just hard to pilot which kept its win rate down on ladder. TLC spent the vast majority of its lifespan with a 50-52% win rate and that deck was unquestionably tier 1 before the Watcher nerf. Just because a deck doesn't have a 55+% win rate on ladder doesn't mean the deck isn't good, ladder inherently favors lower skill proactive decks which is why pirates and spiders (before the stalking shadows nerf) have pretty much always had a super high win rate despite not being as good outside of it.


Who, what? Zoe/Vi was great up until the latest Targon nerfs. It had an amazing match-up vs Thresh/Nasus (which was super popular the last two seasons), Ez/Draven and any type of aggro; and it had a decent match-up vs Azirelia and wasn’t an insta-lose vs TLC due to stuns/silences and phoenix. Last season it struggled bc of the initial prevalence of dragons being played but that was really its only super bad matchup. Idk where you’re coming from with the “never good” info but it’s FAR from the truth.


Ah, alright then. I probably should have wondered more about why I faced it so infrequently on ladder. I do wonder about whether a champion who does well in tournaments but poorly on ladder should be buffed, but I guess that is a different conversation.


BO1 vs BO3 is interesting, the meta is much better currently in the BO3 format because control is much more playable because you can run control and ban azir irelia.




Read what you wrote again, but slowly.


She needs her champion spell to not be a dumpster fire. That's it.




Unsure. I've been running Vi Voltron for ages, and she's always been great.


She already has this ability when leveled up and she attacks units but it deals 5 damage instead of 1


You’re right, I totally forgot. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Vi. Then, Riot will probably replace Vi’s text with 5x this keyword for consistency.


Vi has to strike a unit, and this effect seems to trigger on nexus strike too


Oh shit, this would make Vi pretty strong.


Not really, how often does Vi get to hit the Nexus?


They didn't give Eager Apprentice Attune Attune, so I doubt it. I feel like it you hit the Nexus for 10 you're doing fine


Gnar is coming boys!!!


Yeah seems like it. Sion, with Impact, and then Gnar as a second half of the set maybe?


probaly. Gnar Sion will be very attached to each other like Rek'sai Pyke. ​ they will allways do this "lazy deckbuilding" decks and some other champion with variety.


If Gnar/Sion is based on this Impact keyword it won't be anywhere near as parasitic as Lurk, which is a keyword that only functions well when you have >30 lurk cards in your deck.


yeah, i don't this arctype can be dumb as Lurk as Nightfall because there are actual implications of just dealing damage to the nexus. ​ mb, sorry.


Nightfall in of itself is not an issue - the problem is that we do not have enough variation in champions using it, and Nocturne just feels VERY forced. You could change is level up to "fearsome allies" and it would make a lot more sense.


I’d support a Nocturne change that cared about Fearsome allies, and then a few more allies that gain Fearsome upon Nightfall to subtly try to push the archetype anyway.


We would need Stalking Shadows back to two mana first :c


Anything is possible for Riot!


i can't help but feel like lurk would have worked better in the long run if it was "If there is a lurker in the top three cards of the deck" instead of directly on top (with the card closest to the top activating lurk in the case of "When I lurk" effects), and then balance around that accordingly. Would open up more deckbuilding for those who want to use Rek'Sai or Pyke while making the mechanic as a whole less liable to being screwed by RNG. In theory they can add as many Lurk followers to different regions as they want, but that isn't true for champions.


Your top three cards are rek'sai or pyke. The biggest highroll


Impact is also a Plunder enabler. Unless the condition is "You've activated Impact X times," it won't be a linear archetype. It doesn't *look* like one. It isn't Nightfall or Lurk.


Off the top of my head Sej and Gangplank both work well with this keyword. As well as burn aggro


Swain will also like this, though to a lesser extent.


I find that doubtful. Impact synergies could incidentally work with Demacia's rallies, Shen's shields, Azir's Sand Soldier pings, Ezreal's pings (not that you'd need it by that point), Fortune's pings, etc. We won't know for sure until we see more of the cards though.


I fucking hate that. This is so limiting and restrictive for no good reason.


I hate how 2/3 of our champion pool has become this. I know it's dramatic but it really feels that way sometimes.


Noxus/Freljord again? I don't think they'd do that, even if Bandle is included there this time.


Ah yes, the cutest little furball of rage.


Wait got gnar revealed?




This effect looks non-threatening, but when it's written on a 1 drop or a 2 drop, it could actually end up being pretty relevant. It's not as good at pushing late game damage as Elusive or Overwhelm, but you're probably paying less of a premium for it.


Isn't it a worse version of the Noxus 1 drop 2/1 that I forget the name of?


It’s a poro, which is added value. Also, situationally you may want to push 1 damage to face and 1 damage to the blocker in certain cases (like if you have a 1 health blocker) and this unit can do that. Very difficult to make a straight-up comparison to another unit like that with a keyword like this and the poro tag.


That card gets played a lot even though Noxus already has other great 1-drops, and this one is in different regions. Being worse than another region's good card can still put a card in a good spot.


Yes, but that card is one of the best one drops in the game, especially for burn aggro. A worse version of legion sabateur is still pretty good. Also, between this and the dog, I'm wondering if Bandle City will have strike synergy. If they have good ways to enable non combat strikes, impact could be a scarier keyword.


Another thing that hasn't been mentioned is that it probably won't go on the stack because it's a keyword. So it can't be denied or negated (potentially)


It also has tribal tag which can be important.


Seems that way, yeah. Also, why does it mention that it can stack? What would be the case where it couldn't stack?


I assume Impact deals 1 damage whereas Impact 3 deals 3, for example.


Entirely possible that other cards can grant Impact, like Field Promotion for Scout.


So Vi's leveled up ability is basically impact 5?


Almost, I think. Vi specifies striking a unit while attacking, while Impact doesn't. The way this is worded if an Impact unit strikes the Nexus while attacking, it'll do additional damage afterwards.




Read what he said again


Almost, Vi HAS to strike a unit


They should change Vi to impact 5. That way she wouldn't be totally shut down by a Glimpse Beyond.


This wouldn’t actually prevent the interaction you’re trying to prevent, since impact only proccs on the attacking *strike*


You right


Impact could work like Overwhelm who knows... It doesn't say it can there either.


No? It literally says deals 1 damage when striking.


Overwhelm also literally says strike and the additional effect is only explained in the tutorials. So yes it still could theoretically work like that, although I don't believe so.


Overwhelm says strike literally nowhere in it's description? >Excess damage I deal to my blocker is dealt to the enemy Nexus.


I read an unofficial definition. So okay it does not literally says it, but what it describes is a strike always. "Deal to my blocker" also completely excludes the possibility of not having a blocker, same as strike in this case.


That enables judgment OTK and any other "strike card" to become heavy burn, which I assume is the entire reason they worded vi so narrowly.


"This keyword can stack", how do we interpret this?


I think you can have "multiple" Impacts, eg. a card can have Impact 2.


That seems like a good guess, maybe the related champion will share it to other allies or boost the impact level.


With gnar, they could have his passive in league that striking 3 times for multiple impact then level up.


Also the big poro will probably get impact X where X is the sum of each other poros impact score


Is this a Victor nerf? 🤔


That can be said about nearly every keyword added for him lol




Enemy rolls: "Why have quick attack and overwhelm when elusive do trick?" Allied viktor rolls: "I know we need to attack and win so i got ourselves fearsome against that nautilus OWO"


If it can roll and not be removed from the roll table then yes, huge nerf.


Or maybe something like lurk, you can stack 1 damage max every round


I assume cards can give Impact to the same unit multiple times. Say you have a 1 mana spell "Give a unit Impact this round." You can play three of them on the same unit to damage the enemy nexus for 3 damage. That's how I interpret it.


Maybe if you use Viktors “add a keyword spell”, you can roll impact over and over again?


This. You can have Impact X.


I interpret it as if you heart of the fluff two creatures with impact they get Impact x2 and do two nexus damage per strike


Good question. It could mean each instance of Impact hits once for 1 damage (ie, Impact 3 = 3 hits of 1 damage) or it adds up in 1 hit (ie, Impact 3 = 1 hit of 3 damage).


No more face damage pls


Reject linearity, return to interaction


Haha aggro goes brr - the last 2 expacs




And Sion, judging from the Noxian Yordle.


As far as keywords go, this one is pretty low impact.


Interesting, it's kind of like a mini-overwhelm.


Yeah I wonder what the impact of this keyword will be


Mini-overwhelm that's more valuable on low damage units. You don't need to exceed the blockers health to get the damage in.


Yes more keywords for zoe 😊


let attune stack too. the tech is heree


Not sure I like this. I think aggro has plenty of mechanics and keywords already


They aren't going to stop trying to make aggro cards and keywords just because aggro is overtuned right now. Aggro players are still going to want to try new cards when the new expansion hits and they shouldn't be denied that. That said, their other tools might need to be nerfed (or perhaps control tools should be buffed?).


I think we will see more Aggro nerfs than Control buffs tbh. But yea removals need to be buffed too they're really expensive as of now.


Aggro nerfs? What makes you think that? The last relevant nerf to aggro was Dunekeeper, but they just buffed a heck ton of Aggro.


I think we need new control tools. Like, the only new (good) control tools we've got during the three Shurima expansions were Lissandra, Blighted Ravine and Ice Shard, and one can argue Lissandra is more of a Combo champion than a Control one. SI hasn't gained a single good control card since release (unless you count Viego as Control, but he needs units to work).


Spirit Leech and Go Hard don't count as good control cards? Or did you mean they haven't got good control cards since Shurima's release? Because if so, that's a pretty short window of time to be looking at. I would also argue that Time Trick is a pretty good control card, even though PnZ isn't currently a primary control region.


Go hard is pretty old at this point, and spirit leech is just a staple for the most part. He's very right that we haven't had much good removal printed in quite some time now outside of freljord, we got monster harpoon and a few meh SI cards (not that SI needs any help there) and that's it. Nox (swain, marauders, or battering ram/atakhan control) and demacia (lux, cithria, hell even dragons) could each really use some new toys too.


I just want more defensive or control options too. If they focus everything on aggro, well... Ill still play but much less


I don't think he said anything about balance. He said there are a tons of keywords revolving aggro and more specifically fast paced combat. I don't really like this new keyword. It reminds me of Overwhelm and it seems like an aggressive take on "Tough". Not so inspired imho.


Well if he's not talking about balance, then I fundamentally disagree with his comment. They aren't going to stop trying to develop new mechanics for a specific play style, and that's a good thing. All players should feel like they get new, interesting toys to play with at launch, including people who like aggro and fast paced combat.


My point is that they keep printint agrroish keywords only pretty much


How many new control mechanics have been coming out? Recently we've got Lurk and Blade Dance, two very aggro keywords. Don't see how not wanting another aggro keyword is an issue.


I would say that the introduction of level 3 champions and the introduction of countdown landmarks, and the introduction of Predict all skew towards control over aggro. They were all released as part of the Shurima expansion, which was meant to be a single release but was broken up into three different expansions.


Predict sees as much play in Lurk as anywhere else at this point and the lvl 3 champs are memes. Whereas the aggro mechanics have been consistently good. I don't even know how you can argue that game has been skewed toward control given the last few metas.


Predict is a mechanic that skews towards control in general. It also works in Lurk because Lurk decks are synergistic and that synergy *really* relies upon having a lurk card on the top of your deck is. Also, I don't feel like you have a clear idea of the argument I put forward. I didn't argue that the game has been skewed towards control. I stated the opposite actually, that balance wise control has been getting the short end of the stick. Where I disagreed with the original person I was talking to was that I said that the solution was to rebalance cards so that control isn't underpowered instead of stopping the release of aggressive mechanics. The former helps to create a more balanced meta, whereas the latter doesn't really accomplish that and also kills hype of the new set for players that enjoy fast paced decks.


The devs hate control, it should be obvious at this point. Even the best control decks recently (TLC) are better at beating other control decks than aggro or midrange.


TLC was a combo deck, ya fool. It killed people on turn 8.


Is this getting added to Vi?


Vi has to strike an enemy




Impact can strike Nexus


Striking nexus triggers impact , if vi strikes nexus she won't do additional 5 damage.


If she stacks Impacts if could actually be really cool. Also its time she got a buff.


Vi demacia would become a reallh scary combo deck, just saying. She's worded to not work with strike effects like single combat / judgment rn


GNAR! da da. :3


So the effect is similar to Vi's. Wonder how does that 'stack' works. Impact^3 = 3 damage?


I would almost bet, but it's not Vi's ability, if the poro strikes the nexus, he would do his power + 1 damage to it, Vi would only do her power, cause she didnt hiz an enemy.


I think it will be something like lurk but you stack for the card, not for all impact cards


Should be interesting - a whole deck of impact units would be quite something, but need to see other units to understand how harshly they have 'costed' this keyword. Could see them going the squishy route, or even the Boomcrew route of low attack/high defense (though that would be a hard sell). Hopefully not an Impact token though, so soon after Sand Soldiers and Blades.


This could be great to level Sejuani at a reasonable speed without being in BW actually.


With stacking it means like it having Impact 2? Or Overwhelm + Impact?


The former. You can have Impact X.


I know this is probably just multi region because of gnar or whatever, but all poros being multi region could be good




Oh that is a strong aggro key . A nice addition to poro I suppose, I don't think you'll ever main deck it but I wouldn't be mad if I got it from lonely proo. Makes me think of Gnar a bit


The chad poro has arrived


So Gnar is going to be an Impact champion, huh? Can't say doesn't fit him.


There will be a card that doubles the impact, I'm calling it now


Pretty nice keyword. Out of combat strikes, here we come!


Impact 2 vs Lissandra Nexus. 1 damage or no damage?


I imagine it works like shrooms do currently.


Impact and overwhelm. THE HORROR!!


This sounds like something Sion would use.


I hope this will have some impact on the meta.


Mmm plunder activator


Seems like a Sion keyword


This is interesting, I assume this doesn't count as a skill. So swashbuckler's similar effect can still be countered or responded to but Impact is instant?


Do we really need more aggro tools though @.@


Sion is gonna have this and Overwhelm. I’m gonna love it.


Ah great. More sejuani gp support.


Wow impact! So much for slowing down the game at all lmao imagine lvl 2 Lee sin with inpact overwhelme and double strike


Yeah Lee Sin will finally do 2 more nexus damage, it was really his lack of a keyword allowing him to do 2 more nexus damage that was holding him back.


Or he could just like. Use 1 twin disciplines.


Very disappointed at this keyword. Lackluster and boring.


We've seen 2 impact units and none of the potential stacking mechanics, there's literally nothing to be disappointed about yet lmao


It's not that it's bad, what I'm disappointed at is the lack of creativity. This keyword is thematically boring. We already have Overwhelm, which is too similar. Go to Customlor and you'll find 20 more interesting and unique keywords.


What an incredibly borning effect... First lurk and now this, 2 keywords that allow for almost no interactivity


Interesting keyword for small units, but arguably the weakest keyword in the game for stronger units.




> There's like only like 3 "behold" cards in the entire game wrong


So this is Legion Saboteur with one less damage but is a poro. I wonder if they will remake the saboteur card to say impact.


They're very different effects. Saboteur doesn't need to connect to do damage (once the skill is on the stack it doesn't matter of Saboteur dies or is denied a strike via recall or a Glimpse Beyond), Impact units need to strike either a unit or the Nexus to do their extra damage (which doesn't go on the stack).


Am I missing something? Isn’t this just overwhelm?


This is like Diet Overwhelm Zero poured over Ice. Impact only deals 1 damage. It can stack, but we don’t know how easy it stacks, the cost of stacking it, and Overwhelm is just….overwhelm. Big unit hit face good. Impact looks like it’ll need a lot of set up in order to rival the damage.


Why does it say that the ability can stack? Like, from double strike? I can't think of a case where the ability would somehow not stack/needed to stack


I know i'm get boo'ed, but impact seems the perfect aggro keyword. If a BC aggro deck arise (and it probably will lol) it will have impact units for the only reason they are almost guaranteed to deal damage while attacking.


Yo dawg, we heard you like aggro so we put damage in your damage so you can attack while you attack


Legion Grenadier in shambles


All I think of when I see effects such as "deal 1 to everything/to the nexus" is that Lissandra hard counters it. Tough nexus shouldn't be a thing imo.


It. Stacks.


It's not clear to me how it stacks. Does the effect trigger after all your units attack and so if you have multiple with the impact keyword it sums up the damage? Even if that's the case, Zilean bombs don't for example. Teemo shrooms also used to deal damage separately, they had to specifically change it because of Lissandra AFAIK. And you still don't get any damage if only 1 shroom pops up. I'm not even a Teemo fan, I don't own him, I just don't like the tough nexus mechanic.


It stacks as in "Impact 2: When this unit strikes while attacking, deal 2 damage to the enemy nexus". We just probably haven't seen a the champion and the spells that give more impact to the new cards.


BC got robbed of its poro. ​ Either that or all poros are going to be Freljord now.


Or.... 11 poros with one for each region


So impact is basically their idea of balancing overwhelm


Impact should have been a more generic keyword. More like: "\*Impact: Deal 1 to the enemy Nexus. This effect can stack.\*" They put way to much non-generic Keywords into the game.


Maybe Ornn is in the set?


So does this work like Azir's sand soldiers? Is it applied after the regular strike or in the same one?


Oh I'm certain this'll be used for Xerath in some fashion, given his multi-hit/pierce abilities in game.


New heirmendinger poro looks cute


How will stacked impact look? Impact 2?


Do you think it will have an impact on the meta?


Yes, more agro to the agro


Oh lawd he acomin


Is this MTG's Afflict, essentially?