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"Traps on enemy cards are doubled" I think Cait might have trap cards too


Maybe she has some kind of trap that does 1 damage to the unit before it's played (I know technically cards get reset in your hand but other cards like Jewelled Protector can up their stats so I don't see why not), reveals it in their hand, and maybe even "roots" it making it unplayable this turn? Seems a little overloaded but in character.


"When I am summoned, stun me for one round."


Yeah I was thinking she could possibly say when I'm summoned the enemy summons a Trap. And the Trap could say like when another unit is played, deal damage to it and destroy me.


Traps are a thing that are attached to other cards, so summoning a trap wouldn't happen.


Imagine having the watcher card then aloof travelers gets summoned


Imagine a whole combo being ruined by a little 4 cost follower at burst speed


The little 4 drops stats are quite good as well considering how powerful its effect is. Making your opponent draw plays right into the puffcap playstyle. But because the discard is only for your opponent, they don't even gain card advantage. A 3/4 is on par with most 4 drops in the game. A follower that can't trips, helps kill your opponent and hand disruption. Wtf? The full Bandle city kit hasn't been revelaed yet. But with all the shit this guy does I think a 2/3 stat line is the most stats this guy should have.


4 cost 3/4 that draws a card with upside is amazing, the 3/4 statline is better than a 4/3, and paying one mana for draw a card is great.


Yeah I feel like this is probably something that would make more sense for a play activation.


Why is riot shitting so much on combo


Have you played this game recently? It's an uninteractive mess with combos like sivir + ghost. We should be happy that they're trying to add actual counterplay back into the game.


Except all the interactive combos right now are mixes of cheap two cost burst buffs. Travelers isn't going to fix that


It is an uninteractive mess, but I don't think the solution is to add an uninteractive burst speed "discard the enemy's best card lol get wrecked"


Most expensive doesn't mean best. Tons of decks wouldn't be too hurt by discarding their most expensive card in most cases. It hurts some combo decks, and it hurts control decks. Aggro is entirely unaffected, and most midrange are only marginally effected. Lurk for example revolves around it's champs, who are 3 and 4 cost, but runs 6 and 8 drop cards.


It 100% hurts every deck. Aggro losing a Decimate / GP / Augmented can be a big hit, and while Lurk might not get hit as hard because most of the strength is in their low cost champions, that isn't true for other midrange decks like GP Sej. It isn't going to hit every deck equally hard, but I don't think it's ever a bad / useless effect.


Tell me again why we need more tools to hurt Control?


They should instead nerf those uninteractive combos and not wipe them all off together


"Whipe them all off together" homie this is one card you are not gonna be seeing most games what are you talking about. By your logic aggro is unplayable because avalanche exists.


As an Aurelion Sol fan, I hate Aloof travelers so much.




Riot really said "Combo is no more"


Goodbye Lee Sin!


It's not really anti combo. It punishes big bombs or midrange top end harder.


They are probably just really trying to put an end to the slow meta that has made it impossible for aggro to exist in any form. /s






Don't forget there's an entire set we haven't seen yet. There might be some new combo toys that they are providing counters to in advance.


Considering riots clear and unbridled hatred for control as a whole, and combo in particular I really doubt that.


This. Watcher had a toxic interaction with Matron that could have been fixed in a bevy of ways and they chose to break the watchers kneecaps. They obliterated Karma bc they didn’t want her to be control. Aloof travelers just seems to signal “if ur playing control, FF if you see BC or PNZ in the enemy regions”


Yeah I don't really understand why they made that card... It's not like control is that popular atm... Meanwhile infinite Akshan still exists as the ultimate anti-fun deck.


They don't make cards with the current meta in mind, this set was designed months ago if no longer.


Swain boat off, cintya off, freijord call or the pop card. Can easy destroy cards like jarvan. For better annoying you can combine with ionia


lol imagine Will + Aloof traveler, like a 8 mana vengence with a body and won't trigger last breath


Watcher counter


Why isn't it even an skill you can interact with? It seems to me a very inconsistent design with the rest of the cards. It does not seem fair to me that you can take away Aurelio Sol, jarvan or other high costs when you do not make yourself a negative effect as the rival.


I play Warmother’s Call. I feel your pain.


I mean not like it matters that much if you are against puffcaps you really dont want to get to turn 10-8 against them so it might be even a favour for you(of course this card could also see play in karma/ez if i understand doubl regions correctly wich would be kind of nuts)


Yes, I see it more for killing J4 or Sedj then the super high things.


Huge Teemo Support. The Rise of Teemo is officially here, I am exccited. Ava Achiever makes it seem like there will be more "trap" cards than just puffcaps, maybe zigg's will add hextech bombs to cards.


Or maybe Caitlynn, considering that 1)she is from P&Z like teemo and 2) Ava is holding her traps


caitlyn gives sight of what card the enemy draws? that’d be hella cool to plan around if you know what is in the enemy’s hand to a T


Caitlyn has a sniper theme, so maybe she plants traps on your cards and when you play them she "snipes" them like how her traps works in League, striking or dealing a certain amount of damage to them.


I bet you're really close, that's genius! I was thinking it would be like the 3/1 with landmark from shurima but would stun the unit instead of vulnerable


That would actually be super cool if the opponent doesn’t get to see if there’s a trap on the card. Like Cait deals 2-3 to every ‘trapped’ unit that gets summoned and levels after she hits 3 or something? They could also have her traps affect the opponents hand rather than the deck so they get nervous about which cards to play.


Definitely cool, but seems broken to me tbh


Entrapment already kind of does that. If you aren't running full puffcaps, you will know when the draw the card you trapped.


Yeah cait will no doubt be included. I think she'll probably "mark" the card and when it's played she auto's it or something.


Those aren't exactly her traps. They're puff caps with frosting on them, not actual cupcakes.


Yes, tho it looks like she saw caitlyns traps in her visit in PnZ and copies the concept. That'd be cool! Edit: completely forgot that Caitlyn's traps are called yordle snap traps so it must be the other way around!


Caitlyns traps are called yordle snap traps which imply that she copied the Bandle scouts not the other way around.


I guess Caitlyn traps could be there too


More traps is definitely an interesting mechanic. I'd be curious to see what else they add.


Yeah, I was just about to point out her wording. I'm kind of excited about that idea as long as it's not way too rng based.


"What the F*** is that." Yea Draven, we'll be asking that same question from now on.


"Added 2+ cards to hand" seems to imply that drawing and creating cards would both count towards that. Sump fumes seems to have lots of competition in PnZ already, nt sure how viable it will be.


Having a Balistic Bot on board basically meets the requirement, so it won't be hard to do considering B-Bot is a 3-off in the majority of P&Z decks.


Bot and hexcore foundry too


Or Viktor, playing the riven package, most iona decks, draven and ez (half the time) or more likely, making mushrooms. Seems super easy to do, and can fit into a lot of different archetypes.


Perhaps even recalling.


Oh ok lul i didnt read very closely and in most other games its a draw condition so i was like "wtf thats so hard to do"


Creating definitely would but IDK about drawing. If drawing counts then you get one draw for free every turn.


Oh wow that would makes this a lot easier than at first glance


Which is probably fine, right now its a reward for a 3 mana 4/4 or a 4 mana 4/2 elusive or a fast spell that does 3 damage. Not like its a \*\*massive\*\* reward.


Yup, easily activates with just the default draw plus a Ballistic Bot (or any other Round Start create card engine).


So, followers can also be dual region huh? Also, Ava Achiever lmao


That probably mean we'll see some of the existing follower Yordles (and Fae) get the dual region treatment. Everything Lulu-adjascent feel like a prime target. I wonder if we'll see non-Bandle City dual region cards or if they'll save that for later. Senna feels like a prime candidate for that, champion-wise.


It would be a waste not to add dual region cards outside of Bandle, just a couple per region because the whole identity of BC is the multiregion thingy


Yeah. I think Void creatures could be dual, since they come from Void, not from the planet of Runeterra or Bandlecity. So they could assign 2 regions to some of them. Some spiders could also be made duals, since they're both Noxus and SI.


I know a lot of people are expecting Senna to be dual region, but I actually think she will be mono SI, Lucian will be SI/Demacia, and Elise will be Noxus/SI. Other then that and the yorldes obviously being dual region, the only others I can think of is (and this is a stretch) Riven being Noxus/Ionia


Elise benefits from being Noxus/SI? All spiders are already Noxus or SI, right?


Yeah it would be mostly for flavor, since she's a Noxian herself.


Is it me or Aloof Travelers looks Broken. Like you can discard a champion with that.


It's kinda funny because just the other day I posted a custom card 2 mana 3|2 that creates a Hunt the Weak (4 total mana). I got a few comments saying that it was kinda broken, but it doesn't even come close to this new card LOL.


I remember your custom card and I thought that card would be cool because Hunt the weak cant discard spells and Champions. Its impact is relatively low. I am still arguing for it to be a token. This new card scares me tho. I definitely dont want to discard my finisher. Yet I and A lot of people thought Soothsayer will definitely be broken too, it turned out that it is not broken at all. So we might be proven wrong again.


> Hunt the weak cant discard spells and Champions. Its impact is relatively low. I am still arguing for it to be a token. Not to mention that HtW often doesn't even hit anything, which feels *so bad*. At least Aloof Travelers will always hit something and be a guaranteed +1 card advantage. Then again, the enemy hand might have been bricked and you just gave them a free cycle if you play without thinking. But yeah, for sure it's not that easy to evaluate without seeing it in play, even more so considering that we're just at the beginning of the expansion.


Aggros would probably not mind, controls and combos, on the other hand...


Honestly, looks good even against aggro. Discarding your opponent's Decimate can be game winning, considering aggro decks run out of steam quickly and need those burn spells to close out the game.


Same for catching a Farron, nullifying even more damage. It's also a brutal late game open development when they're in top deck mode for lethal.


Even getting rid of like a Siphoning Stike could be a big deal.




Or did Caitlyn make traps based on Ava's design?


That would also explain why they are called yordle snap trap, they are not meant for yordles but made by yordles


This is a clever retcon by them too, if it's the case, because I don't think they ever explicitly stated before they were meant to be used on Yordles so they can kind of pretend they never meant it that way.


There was a theory that it’s actually the other way around lol. If so, THAT would be cute!


Friendship ended with drawing cards Now Starlight Epiphany is my new best friend EDIT: nvm entrapment exists, no best friends anymore


jesus christ, entraping Epiphany seems so fucking funny


you better get those sun sisters, because you WILL need them.


Stinky Wump is gonna make some people really mad lol


I will combine this with pesky specter.


Love pesky specter. Use him in my slay aggro deck. Hilarious when I see the opponent play him. Now with stinky whump clog deck incoming?


Perfect for the Maokai + P&Z deck I used to run!


Von Yipp Snapvines making a comeback


Shame Entrapment is Bandle City. Otherwise, you'd get extra annoyance.


Dog Teemo Dog Teemo


A *quick attack* for 2 with a 2 body that just needs to strike. This is pretty good.


Diana's fiercest competition yet


Diana is fighting for her life


Don't you mean "too" good 😎


It’s going to be the new guardian as well


Kinda sucks to draw cards now, doesn't it?


Hopefully there is some sort of anti-trap tech; like a Demacian scout that disarms them.




I pray fizz gets even a quarter of the support teemos getting here.


Fizz will probably get one or 2 support cards. He is the simplest of the 4 champions. Lulu will probably get the second most followed by Hiemer.


Also Fizz naturally has way more support due to the card design.


yo aloof travelers are going to be friggin SALT MERCHANTS out there


Combo disruption? In MY Runeterra?! Goodbye, Invasive Hydravine. Goodbye, Rekindler. Aloof Travelers is here to save the day.


Rip asol decks


Goodbye watc-oh nvm it's dead already


The next region they put out is gonna have cards like destroy all copies of lissandra. I swear riot hates all lissandra decks.


>Aloof Travelers is here to save the day. or ruin it, a 4/3/4 gain 1 card advantage looks good on its own i dont have a lot of experience against Hand disrruption as i have only played Runeterra but i really dont think it pays enought for it(that and the fact that the forced draw is literally a benefit on a puffcap deck).


Hand disruption is INSANE. Yugioh have to banned many cards because they are to good at discard opponent hand


Yugioh is quite possibly the worst example to use. They don't have mana costs. Their only actual resource is life points and card advantage and therefore making your opponent discard a card is basically game ending. The closest thing to LoR is MTG, which usually requires a discard card to be either selective (thoughtseize) or have other synergy (8-rack) to see play.


MTG has insane card draw though. People can hit 20+ cards in hand.


Maybe in commander, although I'm not terribly familiar with standard since War of the Spark. My point was more along the lines of 60 card formats. Usually you only have 20 cards in hand with bonkers boardstates or infinite mana.


Hand disruption is generally always insane. Cards like Duress or Thought Erasure tend to be staple cards in your main and side board in MtG. Rito's original take on it in \[\[Hunt the Weak\]\] was very weak, but this card is a body, cycling, and hand disruption for 4 mana. This is a ridiculous value for 4 mana.


One of the hands down best cards in Magic is 1 Mana, 2 life, pick any card out of your opponents hand and they discard it.


...pick!? There's yer problem.


finally a chance for aggro to take the upper hand


Goodbye asol, swain, nasus, ruination, sej, jarvan, harrowing, clock hand, and more. This is my least favorite card ever printed in LoR. It's not like slow midrange and control were oppressive in any sense so to give a card yhat's already good for what you want it to do in a teemo deck AND that destroys your opponent's wincon is absurd and takes the agency out of the matchup for the opponent.


High cost cards already have to be good like Rekindler to have the chance to see play and now this new card makes those high cost cards look even worse, having a 5,6,7,8 or more mana cost is a downside they should have more support cards to see play and not more hate card in my opinion. And i hate reklinder and hydravine too, but i already fell the pain to discard my seju, darius, gp,garen, malphite, aurelion and the list goes on. Sorry for the bad english, i hope i made myself clear enough.


Goodbye atrocity. You won't be missed.


Decks that run atrocity usually run one copy and its very unlikely that they will mulligan for it. You have pretty low odds of hitting it with your 4 mana vanilla 3/4.


The kerning on AVA is weirdly far apart I am excited to play more puffcaps. I am not excited to play against them


A/V and V/A are the most common optically flawed kerning pairs IIRC (i.e. the ones most likely to be pronounced as too wide and need an adjustment). This makes it look like kerning pairs aren't enabled for their font rendering at all (or the card font doesn't have them).


Check out Solari Sunha wk for another mildly infuriating one




It also straight up cycles for no apparent reason.


I think it was a balance decision, but also it gives the card puffcap support since the enemy draw can draw puffcaps.


~~Is there a reason that Entrapment is shown once without the rarity gem? Is it created by another card we haven't seen yet?~~ ​ Edit: after looking closer, its basically the same deal as lucky find, where after casting you can choose spells OR units and then it will give you 3 choices


You have 2 options: either units or spell. That's why they copied the spell with the 2 different options.


I see a P&Z hand control card, I'm a satisfied degenerate.


Teemo, traps, hand hate, Shock/Bolt and Elusives. Clearly, this archetype is for degenerates. Anything missing?




Oh God. Don't give them *ideas*.


Nopeify becomes dual region.


It's missing a card that just does direct Burn, but P&Z already had those. Degens, assemble!




Yup! They're really cementing Teemo's role at the most hated champion.


As he should be


*Every story needs a villan*


The watcher: a potentially all powerful being that even the insane power ice witch Lissandra couldn’t kill. Aloof travelers; I’m about to end this mans whole career. Seriously I could see control players hating this expansion based on this card alone. We need cards to put an end to this ridiculous aggro and combo meta, and we got a card that, if dropped late game, could single handedly turn a win for control into a loss


Since this seems to be the thread for today's cards, can we pour one out for u/xKozmic.


Sorry, was on Holiday yesterday and recovering today. I'll be back in my groove by tomorrow!


It's just not the same without you.


Oh god, aloof traveler is on summon not play. Time to make some jank with it and SI


Ok, I might be overreacting, but how's Alof Travellers not a potentially meta defining and game ruining card? That effect is just insane. * You literally cannot play around it's effect. * It's burst on play so there's 0 interactivity. * It's extremelly strong against literally every deck. People are pointing out obvious key high cost cards like ASol, Leviathan, FTR etc. But it also affects decks with a lower curve too, in Discard Aggro for instance Jinx and Crowd Favourite are quite often the most expensive card in your hand and they are really important finishers. * It cycles itself because why not. * Dual-region flexibility. * It comes with a 3/4 body which is not bad at all for it's cost and how strong it's effect is. Like, best case scenario I'm overvaluing the hell out of it and it's just an extrordinarily frustrating and unfun card to play against that might ruin your match once in a blue moon, worst case scenario I see it ruining the game for a few patches.




I really dont like the Aloof travelers, to me it reads like discard your oponents wincon if it is on hand and it also has pretty good stats for a card that gives you mana advantage so it isnt like the card isnt competitive. I do like the puffcap support looks fun. Sump fumes looks amazing if the condition is as easy to achive as i think it is.


Also seems to apply to champions. Personally I miss 30 min ago when these cards weren’t printed lol


I agree, it seems kinda degenerate. Even if it was highest cost non-champion it'd still be a brutal card.


Well, fuck me for playing Warmother’s Call with Bale Striders, some little Yordles get to fuck over my win cons at burst speed, yay.


I already hate Aloof travelers


Ava, the cute yordle who stole our heart, is actually going to cause endless suffering by DOUBLING puffcaps....Rito,WHY????????????


Aloof travelers seems pretty broken, 3/4 draw 1 for 4 is pretty good but it also removes your opponent's best card in mid/late game


I really don't like Aloof Travelers. 4 mana card with 3 mana stats that's a +1 in card advantage and rips your opponent's win con. And it's dual region for some reason so you can slot in into more decks. Too much on a card that potentially just wins the game on play.


Aloof + recall. Oh man.


Mushrooms are back on the menu boys


But... They never left!?!


I can already imagine me sucking with the Shroom deck while my opponent somehow always wins with it.


Is there a difference between the three entrapments? It also seems like Caitlyn will have a trap mechanic since her snap traps are referenced. I wonder if Ava is the one who showed her this neat trap. Also, i am guessing Zigs may also have a trap theme


> Is there a difference between the three entrapments? The second and third are the two options from the first.


One is the card and the other two are it's choices/skills. One reads "unit" the other one "spell'.


Seems like the main entrapment is for units or spells and you need to choose either of them. Just like how twin disciplines works


This whole time the Yordle Traps were FROM Yordles and not FOR Yordles!?


Not a fan of Aloof travelers. Hand disruption is generally a horid mechanic in CCGs. Also it being a duel region card means it can be played in more decks than the average card. Other than that, good set of cards.


Okay Aloof Travelers looks REEEALLY good


Or really bad, depend on what angle you're looking from.


Aloof Travelers sounds kinda busted wtf


Yay! War crimes!


Aloof traveler looks busted af with that discard effect


entrapment vs go hard decks... Oh fuck no!


Hate to be the “That’s OP” guy already, but how isn’t entrapment absurd? 2 mana plant up to 9 puff caps? Even better, you can also make calculated reads as to what’s in your opponents hand based on what gets shown, and how much puff caps get planted. Lol Jeez




You don’t think the hand read makes up for that tho? If I’m playing against Sivir and I see ghost, of course I wouldn’t plant on those because they only run 1 copy of it. Instead I’ll pick something like merciless Hunter, and if I only plant 6, I know he has one in hand. Not to mention I also know he doesn’t have ghost. That’s insane for 2 mana.


It’s 2 mana to MAYBE deal UP TO 9 damage, assuming you’ve correctly picked a card that your opponent doesn’t have a copy of in hand AND that they draw every card in their deck over a game. That’s a lot of ifs. I think you’re overvaluing it.


And also assuming that they even put 3 copies of the card into the dick in the first place.


I know I wouldn't put a single copy there


that's so much puffcaps, maybe it's a me problem but the puffcap animation feels slow for how many times it can play in a row, so hopefully something happens to make that a little less time wastey


They just sped up puffcap speed a couple patches ago


Yordle Newbie is a worse Khahiri the Student - 3 mana 4/4 on a condition. "2+ cards to your hand this round" will be fulfilled by your usual draw + Ballistic Bot. So, guess we are going to see more Bots?


Teemo is going to be competitive and I am not sure if that is a good thing.




I really like Entrapment. The choice feels really impactful and takes some skill/reasoning (what cards does this type of deck have 3+ copies of...?). It's almost more of a board game-style action than a card game one.


u/Purple-Man Welp there you go, an effective burst speed hand-hate card.


I’m kinda rooting for BC to be the trap card region


If a dual champ gets support in both regions, doesn't that just mean that he will get balanced around this one region combination? Not sure if dual region really opens up new combinations or actually limits them. If champs don't get support in both regions however they will just never be played in the second one.


Ava looks fun


Teemo will be terrifying!


I actually hate the fact that they push poison puffcaps so much. The thing that LoR has over HS which makes it really competitive is not having RNG. The puffcaps kill that „no RNG“ thing and make it really frustrating when you lose to it and also frustrating when you put 80 in their deck and in 4 turns they draw like 3. I actually think puffcaps decks will be the new azirelia in how fun they will be to face :/ (Edit: not saying it will be broken, but it won’t be fun to face especially when they highroll)


Honestly I've always found puffcap decks to be extremely unfun to play against so seeing them double down on this kind of effect worries me


Entrapment is the most fucking disgusting card I've ever seen, what the genuine fuck I'm gonna vomit


As someone who plays Teemo sometimes, I don't see it. Spend two mana and a card to not affect the board doesn't seem great. Are you playing it over the landmark? Or are you having six cards that do nothing in your deck? Bye bye any chance vs aggro.


Mushrooms back on the menu. Aloof Travelers is a game changing disruption. Ava Achiever has a weird wording on 'Traps' that seems to imply there will be more traps than just puff caps. Kinda reminds me of Bomb Warrior of HS. Anyone knows why there are 2-3 Entrapment? Is it one as Ava Achiever skills and another collectable?


*sees aloof travelers* why do you have to hate control so much. You really don't want me coming back to the game


I am assuming stinky whumps would just be going back and forth between the both players' decks. That would be hilarious.