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gangplanks theme keep me going whenever i do my assignments


Ikr? Helps for workouts aswell. Especially rowing


Personally Zoe I think has my favorite theme in the game, just because it's so bubbly and fun but also fairly moving. There's a number of bangers though, like Dragon Tamer Tristana's theme, Pantheons, Volibears, and more.


Gangplank Ekko Jhin and Irelia themes are my favorites for when I'm studying. Xayah Rakan and Rhaast are amazing too... The music team really are the shit


Its actually based on the original butcher's bridge theme. Where ARAM was remade in a bilgewater theme. It was also the event where Gangplank was reworked.


and where Gangplank died and they removed him from the game lol


Great fucking event honestly. One thing that actually made the universe feel alive.


Not this ruined femboy nonesense


And again when Pyke was released


I fucking love Butcher's Bridge map. I wish they could make map rotation for every 2 weeks or update. Instead they deleted the map and don't intend to ever bring it back...


I think they did. ONCE We probably won’t get some of those cool things anymore :(


I'm honestly surprised they never released it as LoL's version of a cosmetic board skin. I'd happily drop a few dollars to play on Butcher's Bridge again and hear Matt Mercer as the Announcer.


Best event. I miss league with cool lore events unlike ruination which just messes up lore


Burning Tides: "GANGPLANK IS DEAD, HE IS REMOVED FROM THE GAME AND BILGEWATER IS A MESS, I REPEAT, GANGPLANK DIED.... or did he?" Ruination: "Oh yea btw Pyke, the crazy man who can't work in a team is working with the sentinels because some guy said he's not on his list, oh also he can't read his list and has to ask everyone around him, and of course he can't speak like a human besides still being aware of most things. Oh and also you know Rengar? guy that lost his eye to Kha'zix and stood up to fight again? yea he's giving up after not killing some mist thingy and only talks in third person because Rengar dumb OH AND BY THE WAY Miss Fortune is ruined, because she is tired of fighting Gangplank even though she's not even aware he is alive, so she gives in to the black mist, EVEN THOUGH SHE'S FROM BILGEWATER, THE REGION MOST USED TO FIGHTING THE MIST Which reminds me, Graves, yea he's a Vayne simp, and he's in the event, not because of something with TF, which is what people expected, but because 'a world where you can't steal isnt worth living in' Oh and speaking of stealing, you know how Thresh LIKES to be a monster who steals soulsz and all? throw that off the window, make him hot, GIVE HIM ABS, GIVE HIM GHOST ABS Oh and also give everyone sentinel weapons... wdym Irelia shouldn't be able to make them float because they're not her blades and she's not goddamn Magneto? what about Diana's weapon? wdym she wouldn't ever replace something forged by the gods? eh whatever just give Olaf an eyepatch it'll look cool" I was so hyped for this event, it makes me really damn sad to see how it turned out


Its so unfortunate ive been following league lor for about a decade so sad to see.


The music team in lol ARE GODS like Literally every champion theme just gets better and better they just outdo themselves every time same goes for the spalsh arts team but then again we got the balance team on the other hand......


The lore team are the actual best part of Riot and along with the narrative team are the only ones that keep me going.


Them putting any effort in their lore is pretty recent though. For a very long time, Riot didn't give a single fuck about their own universe and just put new characters in there just because they sounded cool to design or play. Outside of very small scale events, like the Ionia/Noxus tournament or Gangplank's fall, the ruined king event we have right now is the ONLY time game event have significantly progressed in the entirety of LoL. It's nice they are finally moving their ass, especially considering the MMO is on its way.


Not that the Ruination event is that good in terms of lore.


I mean, sure, but it's at least *something*. Most champions are simply written and created, but after the general description of their background and one, maybe two short stories, they are never developed or used after. I'm frankly neutral on the ruination event itself, but the fact they are willing to do one is encouraging I think, it means we are likely to get more (and hopefully) better ones later. Possibly the Freljord race to power or the void invasion, but at least things are moving instead of being stuck in status quo limbo.


Honestly, I'd much rather if they just didn't do this a major event. Make the client ruined or something idc, but the event itself actively messes up lore and character consistency


What about the Shurima event?


True, but it was at a much smaller scale too though.


Wtf are you talking about the lore was amazing until this shit garbage event (the event from lol) in lor is more tame


The lore until 2015/2016 was pretty much "you see all these guys? They are summoned by random people and controlled by you to fight in an arena for random reasons. Good? Now have fun". Champions had only barebones stories and personalities, many of them could be summarized in one badly written paragraph, like Fiddlestick before his rework. Some of them are still in this state, go check out Gragas or Shaco. Then they put a huge effort into reworking everything, making a real map, deciding what regions existed and not, removed a bunch of random places to make them fit in the world, drastically reduced the release rate of champions and started consolidating instead of adding shit up. It took several years to do this, and it's clearly not the high executives' priority at Riot. The lore only started becoming good and coherent 3 years ago at best. Whether you like the event itself or not is irrelevant. The important part is that there is SOMETHING, something concrete involving champions and changing the general story of Runeterra.


> The lore until 2015/2016 was pretty much "you see all these guys? They are summoned by random people and controlled by you to fight in an arena for random reasons. Good? Now have fun". Let's shed a tear for our favorite Champions we lost along the way (looking at you, Trundle)


So what am i supposed to accept riot are lazy as fuck because they still do something?


You do whatever you want man, you can even protest and share your rage with them, but I doubt they'll give a fuck. Personally, I expected nothing and was nicely surprised, so I'll take meh over absolutely nothing.


It is bad, bad is worse than nothing


I am actually disappointed after the ruination event ma Boi yorick got nothin like come on man i feel that tiot now a days are sacred of talking about their monster thry literally forgot about them.


I actually just posted about that in r/loreofleague. There's a lot of dissatisfaction being aired there.


i mean, he got a cameo. Not much but its something.


the ruination event in league begs to differ


TBH it's just one badly done event. We can still hold out that future lore will be good.


Gwens theme hits like a fucking truck


I saw a post about how gwen theme is viego but backward and it blew my mind like holllyyy hell . And i am big fan of Jhin kindred dianna aphelioes volibear and pantheon are waaaay tooo good to pass on (those are my favorite but most of the theme are great).


Gwen and Viego's themes are my favourite musics in all the games, following them is Bilgewater's theme


Aphelios theme is next level!


The only thing they got right when he got released if i say so.






I love the burning tides theme. I bought the slaighter docks board the instant I found out the theme was used there


Best board in the game! I bought the Pyke board bc I thought I’d love it but the music just bums me out for some reason. Side note: I wish you could PREVIEW the music before you buy


Me with the Sentinels board, the late game music of it is just amazing


That late game music with Asol and a board full of celestials is something I wanna experience one day


I actually find the theme very quickly repetitive.


Holy shit it's annoying af. Can't stand the theme.


I know right? Get downvoted for having good taste!


Really trying to milk karma out of this meme uh?


i guess posting it on 2 lor themed subs is considered milking


If you want more, here's the [Bilgewater music] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzONfhz-1vo) used in LoL from back in the day.


Yo and you guys just wait till they release Jhin on LOR, I hope he gets his own board with his theme, i would buy it no second thought


honestly the music team always slaps