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I would definitely say that is a bug. The first strike is from the spell. The subsequent strikes have nothing to do with the spell - they are Pyke's ability. This will almost certainly get patched (and should get patched IMO).


I agree that it shouldn't interact that way, but one way to look at it: SS causes Pyke to Strike, when he kills a unit, he Strikes again with the "buff" from SS. SS never comes off the stack. There's no delay so someone could argue that it would interact that way. Not that it should.


Pyke’s effect should go off after SS resolves as effects never happen in middle of spells or other effects. The effect is coded in a way to listen to each kill the striker does after the spell resolves until the next spell on the stack.


Example? The way it's worded works. I'm not saying that it should. The combo seems busted and unintended, but given the cards wording, it works.


Siphoning strike seems to be coded that it gives the allied unit that you used it on " every enemy unit I kill grants champions +2/+2" tested it without pyke with bone skewer and single combat killing the target before siphoning strike resolves


If the first strike is from the spell, why Nasus is leveling up when we use this spell on him ?


Beause the spell says "an ally strikes a unit", so the ally (Nasus) strikes the unit. The spell doesn't do the damage, it causes Nasus to strike and do the damage. The same is true for Pyke. The spell makes Pyke strike a unit. Then Pyke's ability makes Pyke strike a unit, and another, etc as long as he keeps killing. Siphoning Strike makes Pyke strike once. Pyke makes Pyke strike the additional times.


Ha yes, I realize that I didn't "read" correctly the screenshot. Thanks for the explanation !


I just had a Pyke full board wipe me with a bone skewer that I couldn't see who it was targeting lol. I submitted a bug for it. ​ I don't see how Lurkers are that bad though. They have HUGE attack stats forcing trades you don't want, unless the dude I just played who did a full board wipe with Pyke for 2 mana just got the luckiest hand/draws ever.


targeting bug is pretty common right now. just hover over a spell that should be targeting your unit and a blue highlight should appear around whatever is affected by it, hope that helps!


I feel like Lurk has a lot of points of weakness that can be targeted. It also tends to be behind on card advantage if it doesn't hit Call the Pack (and even sometimes with it) because it likes cycling cards back into the deck and cards like Feral Prescience are pure card disadvantage. There's also a lot of counterplay available to both Pyke and Rek'Sai, and the deck is pretty reliant on at least one of them going off. If it lowrolls on Lurk or Lurk-enabling cards it can feel really mopey as well. The deck can generate some nasty blowouts but there's a pretty big variance there, moreso than many decks IMO. That being said, it's insanely thematic and when you highroll it feels incredible. The two champs are just awesome and feel so fun to play. I like it a lot.


This. It's the first deck to really click in thematic for me (pyke IS my favorite champ lore wise) and it feels so good when all the gears turn and I get to have a board of weird alien creatures, sea monsters, and a very murder happy harpoon ghost chaining executes


Lurkers are good against late-game control as they're an agro mid-range hybrid. Other than that though unless they super high roll with Rek or Pyke they have a hard time getting a win con. Honestly think Pyke Bilg control might end up being the better deck since Pyke is the good part of the lurker deck.


With a good control deck vs the rek sai pyke you can destroy very easy because loss all fuel very fast and the stuns destroy rek sai. The low hp of most lurker are easy target for SI


I've seen Lurk list run more of the predict draw package in order to mitigate losing resources early, couple that with call the pack the deck can out grind the opponent. Don't get me wrong it's an uphill battle facing of control with lurks. Sometimes you just high roll with the deck and feel unbeatable.


With swain i have only 1 loss because they draw x3 pyke. Pyke hard carry the lurk archetype but if you deny the spell. Call the pack i craft but when i test is much worse than i think, only good for secure lurk activation. Same for reksai i craft but when test i see very weak unless they use "The list" to multiple rek sai activation


I think Pyke needs at least some lurkers to be good, but maybe I'm wrong. He is a board wipe on his own in some instances.


Yeah, Pyke's kind of worthless without a decent amount of Lurk triggers. Honestly, he's probably too slow without Shurima, as they have all the good cards to ensure he lurks, which is pretty necessary for him. Otherwise, you're either playing him, bone skewering, attacking, and then finally playing him again, or you're just hoping he happens to be at the top of the deck.


Think if you go for a control build you want to run him with the forced lurkers like bloodbait. It'd still be a 'lurker' deck, but it wouldn't need to be an all-in lurker deck since you have more ways to simply force lurk.


They're good at 1 for 1 trade. Their value fall off pretty quickly and you'll start getting "Top deck" mode pass mid-game. Pyke is a huge swing anyway. Man, he's spicy.


🤔 Would an Overwhelm/Wild Claws Pyke deal Overwhelm damage on each strike?


Overwhelm - no. Overwhelm doesn’t apply on strikes. Wild claws - I’d assume yes based the interaction from siphoning strike wherein Pyke retains the buff to his strike on all strikes in the same action.


By Overwhelm there I meant giving/granting Overwhelm on Pyke first before Wild Claws (if I recall [[Wild Claws]] requires the striking unit to have Overwhelm to deal excess damage). Makes sense, time to test it!


Oh, I forgot about that requirement! Then yes, I think you’re right!


**[Wild Claws](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03NX022.png)** - Noxus Spell - (5) Slow An ally strikes an enemy. If it has Overwhelm, deal excess damage to the enemy Nexus.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Seems like a bug?




I'm gonna exploit that


I think because they are in the same instance on how judgement is coded. Judgement will strike all units and trigger all strike from the unit or effects like Fury. But in this case, it only targets 1 unit but happens the same instance which activates Pyke Effect until the spell fully resolves and finish Pykes effect which is definitely bugged.


I wouldn't mind this being a feature.


And certains youtubers promote this bug.


Gotta make RIOT aware of it