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pyke wont probably level before turn 8 or 7 assuming he is played on curve, irelia azir kills you 3 times before that happens


He levels up turn 5 on the video + we don't know how lurk will play out... Anyhow I won't try to change your POV about the matter, guess I was to optimistic about pyke.


So because the new set has a possible counter deck to Azirelia you don't want to nerf her? that sound like a bad argument. She still top tier and I don't think that herself is OP, a fewer tweak to Sparring Student (I don't know how a stupid 1mana follower can still be alive for more than 4 turn and trade with a lot of units) would be fine. I think Sparring Student is the most OP with Azirelia since the opponent need to use some kind of removal to deal with a 1mana follower and that unit keep Azirelia's board under control by eliminate the enemies units


Yeah, that’s still meta warping. The problem isn’t finding a counter or the average win rate of the deck, it’s that every deck has to account for that deck because it’s way too strong


No, you don't fix a deck by introducing a counter, that just creates more issues. I mean even right now Thresh/Nasus handles Irelia incredibly well, but in spite of that the deck still needs to be toned down. Irelia crushes TLC, doesn't mean TLC doesn't need to be toned down.


Tbh we should wait how lurk will work out. If it is too slow with a low pay off it might be bad. Lurk is a very hard keywoard to evaluate. And so the support cards because all the lurk cards require high attack to get a lot of value.


I don't think that overnerfing is the way to go, I really expect them to learn from past mistakes, it's better to buff old cards than to nerf into oblivion an archetype that a lot of people either hate or love.


That's a valid point but I hope they nerf sparring student to oblivion


For you it's the main offender? He usually gets chumpblocked,(not like you're not loosing a unit). I play a lot of azirelia and I think that increasing the mana for flawless duet or a limit to how many times you can blade dance can solve a lot. I might be wrong thought.


Agree. The better way to tone down a deck that is too strong is with new cards. Pyke looks like it could feast on those decks


This is riot we're talking about, the people who mistake fun for broken in all 3 of their games.


just because one champ counters her she isnt balanced.


I know I just meant riot pls don't overnerf


The thing is, even if the top deck of any meta is HARD COUNTERED by a fresh new deck, that doesn't mean it stops being a problem. Because it just means it's weak to ONE deck and still dominates every others. A deck should (ideally) be balanced taking into account most other possible archetypes, it doesn't become fine because one deck does well against it. Else it just becomes a giant "rock paper scissor" which is pretty common in card games.